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首先从现代环境保护的内在逻辑入手,指出我国环境法治正处于从外生型向内生型转变,并认同以排污许可为核心的环境许可制度应成为我国环境治理的核心制度。接着对环境许可制度进行基本的理论分析和简单框架梳理,认为环境许可制度是以法治完善和科技发展为支撑的,在此基础上需要进一步的内容细化和体系构建,并强调在风险预防原则下,环境许可不应局限于排污许可制度。然后分析了欧盟与德国在环境许可一体化上的趋势与不同,进而提出我国环境许可制度的趋势。探讨了与环境许可制度紧密相关的环境技术标准制度,认为基于技术的环境标准面临内生性、系统化和动态完善的要求,环境许可制度需要面向环境质量达标体系转型。本文还分析了德国环境治理理念的转型变革与许可制度衔接的经验。最后,小结对我国环境许可制度的启示。  相似文献   

通过实证考察可知,目前我国环境监察执法体制有自身的特点,同时也存在一些缺陷,制约了生态环境执法的有效性。独立环境监察执法体制是应对执法困境的良药,该体制具有特殊的内涵,其既具有理论基础也具有政策依据。在分析域外环境执法的经验基础上,针对我国环境执法体制存在的问题,独立环境监察执法体制与机制的建构应当遵循以下路径。首先,独立环境监察执法体制与机制的建构应当遵循合法、效能与环境执法特殊性相契合的原则。其次,建议通过保障组织机构的独立,扩充环保部门的权力,加强环境执法的财政保障以及确立环境执法的独立责任等措施构建起独立环境监察执法体制。再次,通过规范的程序机制、确立综合协调机制、强化责任追究机制、协调激励和制约机制、优化公众参与机制、探索建立环保警察制度等措施完善环境监察执法机制。最后,独立环境监察执法体制与机制需要法律保障。  相似文献   

国家“十四五”环境经济政策改革路线图   总被引:6,自引:6,他引:0  
"十三五"时期环境经济政策对建立我国生态文明建设长效机制发挥了重要作用,"十四五"时期需要通过进一步深化环境经济政策改革与创新以适应新时代生态文明建设需要。本文研究提出了我国"十四五"时期环境经济政策改革思路、框架与重点,认为我国"十四五"时期环境经济政策改革要深入贯彻习近平生态文明思想,系统考虑政策改革创新面临的新形势和新要求,推进建立"两山"转化和环境质量达标的长效激励机制,突出环境质量持续改善激励、突出经济过程全链条调控,突出政策手段的系统优化与协同增效,突出政策执行能力保障。继续推进生态环境财政制度改革,深化绿色价格税费机制创新,推进建立多元化、市场化生态补偿制度,健全生态环境权益交易机制,完善绿色金融体系,并同步推进完善生态环境价值核算、环境信息公开和信用体系、资源环境名录、政策绩效评估等政策实施配套能力建设,构建全面支撑生态文明建设的环境经济政策体系,推进环境治理体系和治理能力现代化。  相似文献   

胡溪  张伟  李永源  刘洁 《中国环境管理》2018,10(6):75-78,86
环境统计是环境保护的一项重要基础性工作。推动我国经济实现高质量绿色发展,更需要调整和建立新的环境统计指标体系,科学衡量中国经济增长的质量,评判中国经济增长的短板。本文在回顾国内外环境统计发展历程的基础上,针对当前高质量绿色发展形势,分析了环境统计工作中存在的统筹制度缺乏、统计指标不完善、统计数据质量不高、统计体系法律法规不健全等问题。最后从完善环境统计方法体系、建立监测统计数据收集和审核机制、建立和完善环境投资统计体系三方面提出有针对性的对策与建议。本文可为完善我国环境统计制度和政策、提高环境统计科学准确性提供决策支持,为推动我国经济向高质量绿色化发展奠定坚实基础。  相似文献   

为厘清我国环境规划学科发展脉络,明确未来发展方向及重点,本文采用文献计量、机构调研、专家咨询等定量和定性分析方法,从环境规划思想与理论、技术实践、人才培养三个方面剖析了我国环境规划学科的发展特点、存在问题及未来趋势。结果表明,当前我国环境规划学科存在基础理论体系不完善,关键技术研究水平和应用能力有待提升,人才培养体系不完善等问题。基于此,本文提出了该学科未来发展对策:①紧握时代脉搏,拓展环境规划思想与理论研究;②立足问题导向,推动环境规划技术发展;③完善学科专业人才培养体系,促进学科可持续发展。  相似文献   

基于主体的建模方法(ABM)通过自下而上的仿真模拟,考察系统中微观层面异质性主体的状态和行为特征、主体之间的交互、主体与环境的作用,来表征系统宏观现象的涌现,是进行复杂系统模拟和政策评价的重要工具。本文在大量文献调研的基础上,总结了ABM在水文领域、土地资源管理、大气污染防治及环境政策评价等方面的研究进展,归纳了其在主体设计、交互关系与规则、系统环境特征等建模范式方面的共性,论述了该方法对环境系统建模分析的重要意义。  相似文献   

A comparison is presented between environmental regulations and the regulatory institutions of Chile and the USA. There are two important points to the comparison. First, is one system more efficient than the other? Second, does each system result in a comparable level of environmental protection? While an answer to the latter question requires a baseline of data that is currently unavailable, the question of efficiency can be addressed. The Chilean system is found to be more centralized than that of the USA, with more definitive timelines for the permitting process. The US system is more complex and offers more opportunities for public participation in the permitting process. An unequivocal statement as to which is best or most efficient depends on one's perspective regarding the trade off between economic development and environmental quality.  相似文献   

环境空间管控和环境空间规划是我国城市空间规划体系中的短板,我国亟需建立起一套城市环境空间管控体系,来参与城市空间规划体系的建立,进而彻底扭转城市环境污染被动治理的尴尬局面。构建覆盖城市各领域的环境空间管控体系是城市环境总体规划的主要任务。本文梳理了我国环境空间管控发展现状和问题,从城市环境总体规划的角度,在城市层面构建了由环境功能区划、以生态保护红线为核心的严格管控区以及环境承载调控等手段组成的环境空间管控体系,并以贵阳城市环境总体规划为案例,进行了环境空间管控体系的构建。最后提出了实施城市环境总体规划空间管控的政策建议,保障空间管控体系能够落地和发挥作用。  相似文献   

我国的海洋污染日益严重,政府加大海洋环境保护力度势在必行。科学、有效的海洋环境管理对保护环境、提高资源利用效率起着非常重要的作用。但海洋环境并不是一维线性的系统,涉及系统的多维耦合,而海岸带又是与人类活动息息相关的重要部分。本文尝试以青岛市胶州湾海岸带环境管理模式为例,构建包含有"经济-人口-资源-环境-安全-行政(EPRESA)"六个子系统的多维耦合系统模型,并绘制出总流图,然后以此为管理模式的优化提供前提性分析,提出海岸带综合管理模式优化的对策建议。本研究认为,要改善现有的海岸带环境管理体系,应该制定综合性管理政策,建立可持续的融资机制,推进海岸带灾害与风险管理以及引导利益相关者参与管理。  相似文献   

In Sweden, environmental policy is essentially carried out through a system of environmental objectives adopted by Parliament in the late 1990s. This system contains principles, objectives, interim targets, strategies, and follow-up mechanisms, which together provide a solid ground for increased efficiency and improved prioritization in environmental policies. Despite the ambitious approach of the Swedish Parliament, the system of environmental objectives suffers from certain shortcomings. Some of the objectives are imprecise and difficult to evaluate, and there are no rules or principles that may be used to solve goal conflicts and to prioritize between different objectives. As a consequence, the environmental objectives tend to differ in their degrees of operationalizability, and the priority-setting between different objectives is often unclear.*Rskr. denotes a written communication (from the Swedish Parliament to the Swedish Government) of a Parliamentary decision. Note: This version was published online in June 2005 with the cover date of August 2004.  相似文献   

Summary In 1986, the Danish Environmental Protection Agency established a new regulatory system aimed at small-scale polluting activities. Contrary to the dominant regulatory system based on individual standards for each polluting activity, the new regulatory system established uniform and fixed environmental standards for all activities within a trade. The fixed standards concern location, design and daily operation. Thus far, the new regulatory system has been implemented in the trades of fur farms and auto-repair shops.This study shows that fixed environmental standards reduce the total administrative costs, intensify local monitoring and enforcement of the standards, and improve the environmental state. It is proposed that the following criteria should be considered if the regulatory system is to be implemented in other trades. The trade should consist of many units and be characterised by a moderate pace of technological development, it should posses well-defined and well-known environmental problems, and have a cooperative trade association. In Denmark several trades have been identified as obvious objects for future regulation by fixed environmental standards.Bente Kjærgård is a Research Associate in the Department of Environment, Technology and Social Studies at Roskilde University. Correspondence should be addressed to this author. The other authors are Associate Professors in the same Department. Each author possesses a research degree as follows: Per Homann Jespersen in Chemical Engineering, Henning Schroll in Biology, Jesper Holm in Technological Planning, and Bente Kjærgård in Environmental Planning.  相似文献   

《Local Environment》2013,18(4):415-433

The ISO 14001 implementation process among certified firms in China was examined by conducting a questionnaire survey distributed to all certified firms as of December 1998. Results showed that the ISO 14001-based environmental management system (EMS) has a significant effect on firms' daily environmental activities and performance. Recycling, natural resource consumption and released pollutants have been managed in a better way and, in some cases, pollutants have been reduced. The study showed that firms' main targets for adopting the system were to: enhance the firm's public image; enhance employees' environmental awareness; improve the EMS inside the firm; improve the environmental aspects and performance inside the firm; and improve relations with government offices and local citizens. ISO 1400-based EMS implementation showed that it is a promising tool for helping build a better partnership between three main stakeholders, government, local citizens and enterprises. The system has enabled firms to consider the role of the local people in a more effective way. For example, special consideration is given to involving local citizens in health and emergency preparedness during firms' daily environmental activities. Moreover, enhancing environmental awareness among the local citizens and giving more consideration to co-operation with other firms from the same industrial groups are reported by certified firms. Finally, there are strong demands for government support to build more reliable information systems, ISO 14001-related research, more incentives for eco-labelling and tax exemptions.  相似文献   

浅论环境影响评价在油田环境管理中的作用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
新疆地区的环境较为敏感,油气田开发对环境的影响较大,围绕着油气田开发所开展的各项活动必须严格执行环境影响评价。文章介绍油气田开发环境影响特点,环境影响评价工作中存在的问题。加强油田环境管理的措施为:实施战略和区域环境影响评价,在可行性研究报告审查前提出环境保护建议,在设计阶段严格执行环评中提出的环境保护措施,严格执行HSE环境管理体系,建立和完善回顾性环境影响评价制度,制定新疆油田建设项目环境保护管理方面的规定。  相似文献   

我国农村环保工作起步晚、基础差、保障不足,主要表现为政策标准体系尚需完善、农业农村污染治理责任仍未充分落实、适应农村社会经济特点的环境监管机制亟待建立、农业农村污染治理模式欠缺以及农村环境保护技术帮扶和宣传教育任重道远。针对这些问题,结合国内外实践经验,本文提出几点建议:一是要建立全面协调的农村生态环境管理政策体系;二是要夯实各级政府和部门的农村环保责任;三是要构建适应农村特点的环境监管体系;四是要探索便捷有效的农村环境治理模式;五是要完善农村环境教育和帮扶体系。  相似文献   

2018年是环境经济政策建设取得重要进展的一年,《关于全面加强生态环境保护 坚决打好污染防治攻坚战的意见》等中央文件对环境经济政策建设提出了新形势需求,环境财政、环境价格、生态补偿、绿色金融等政策取得了阶段性突破,但是我国的环境经济政策体系仍不够完善,服务于生态文明建设以及环境质量改善的环境经济政策仍然存在结构性短缺,需要积极推进环保投融资、生态补偿等环境经济政策的创新运用,为环境质量改善、生态文明建设提供长效政策机制。  相似文献   

The ISO 14001 implementation process among certified firms in China was examined by conducting a questionnaire survey distributed to all certified firms as of December 1998. Results showed that the ISO 14001-based environmental management system (EMS) has a significant effect on firms' daily environmental activities and performance. Recycling, natural resource consumption and released pollutants have been managed in a better way and, in some cases, pollutants have been reduced. The study showed that firms' main targets for adopting the system were to: enhance the firm's public image; enhance employees' environmental awareness; improve the EMS inside the firm; improve the environmental aspects and performance inside the firm; and improve relations with government offices and local citizens. ISO 1400-based EMS implementation showed that it is a promising tool for helping build a better partnership between three main stakeholders, government, local citizens and enterprises. The system has enabled firms to consider the role of the local people in a more effective way. For example, special consideration is given to involving local citizens in health and emergency preparedness during firms' daily environmental activities. Moreover, enhancing environmental awareness among the local citizens and giving more consideration to co-operation with other firms from the same industrial groups are reported by certified firms. Finally, there are strong demands for government support to build more reliable information systems, ISO 14001-related research, more incentives for eco-labelling and tax exemptions.  相似文献   

中国改革开放的40年也是生态环境保护管理体制不断改革和飞跃的40年。自1972年开展生态环境保护工作起,围绕着解决不同发展阶段突出环境问题的需要,每10年左右实现一次环境管理体制改革"大跨跃",不断改革、创新和发展了具有中国特色的生态环境保护治理体系与模式。坚持在发展中解决环境问题,以改善生态环境质量为核心,逐步构建了符合不同发展阶段特征的生态环境保护管理体系,包括完备的生态环境规划政策体系、完善的生态环境治理体系、完整的生态环境保护法律体系。在新时代中国特色社会主义建设过程中,应瞄准建设美丽中国的战略目标,立足中国、放眼世界,坚持绿色发展,做好顶层设计,构建生态环境管理体系新格局,共建清洁美丽世界。  相似文献   

在全球治理和国际秩序加速变革等大变局背景下,全球气候治理体系和秩序正在经历深刻变化。全球气候问题需要全球气候治理的主体去认知与改造,主体在全球气候治理进程中有着关键性影响。当前全球气候治理主体的内涵和外延在持续变化,最值得关注的变化就是全球气候治理主体走向共同体化,并且正在形成一种规范。全球气候治理主体间在利益、责任与命运关系的演化,对更大范围的、更深程度的主体关系提出了新要求。本文基于近年来全球气候治理实践,分析了全球气候治理主体共同体及其关系的发展情况与趋势,同时分析人类命运共同体如何引导全球气候治理主体共同体及其关系,以更好聚焦国际社会应对气候变化的首要因素,开启全球应对气候变化新征程。  相似文献   

新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情(以下简称"新冠肺炎疫情")是一次具有较大环境风险的复合性危机事件,评估总结应对疫情的环境应急管理政策实践进展,识别我国在面对重大疫情时环境应急管理存在的短板具有重要意义。本文通过对新冠肺炎疫情产生的环境影响以及应急措施的进展分析,总结了重大疫情下环境应急管理的经验与不足,建议要健全针对重大疫情的环境应急响应机制,加强环境应急基础能力建设,加快完善支撑保障体系。  相似文献   

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