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Benthic and pelagic fishes were sampled east of Maria Island, Tasmania, at two-monthly intervals from April 1984 to June 1985, from the surface to the bottom (500 m depth), using commercial-sized trawls. Biomass was calculated by the area swept/volume filtered method and divided by estimated catchability coefficients so that catches from the two sampling gears could be combined. Of the 54 families caught, three (Myctophidae, Squalidae, Sternoptychidae) contributed 25% of the 115 species. Most benthic and dispersed species were caught regularly, whereas most pelagic species occurred only occasionally and in low numbers, although a core group was always present. Total fish biomass was high (range=77 to 532 g m-2; x= 390 g m-2), due almost entirely to the myctophid Lampanyctodes hectoris (over 90% of the biomass). Benthic biomass was relatively low and stable, but derived from many species. Pelagic biomass was high, fluctuated widely and was composed of a few species. Biomass was highest in summer: Maurolicus muelleri increased by a factor of 200, Diaphus danae by 50, and L. hectoris, Macruronus novaezelandiae and Lepidorhynchus denticulatus by almost 10. Peaks in biomass may correlate with the interactions of the subtropical convergence and the East Australian Current and the resultant marked seasonal cycle in water temperature, nutrients and primary productivity.With an appendix by T.J. Kenchington, CSIRO Division of Fisheries, Hobart, Tasmania 7001, Australia  相似文献   

The feeding ecology of Maurolicus muelleri, Lampanyctodes hectoris and Diaphus danae was examined from samples collected from continental slope waters of eastern Tasmania between April 1984 and April 1985. A total of 2 232 stomachs was analysed. M. muelleri, L. hectoris and D. danae fed primarily on euphausiids and secondarily on copepods, although larger D. danae (> 60 mm standard length) fed on other lanternfish (chiefly L. hectoris). The diets of M. muelleri and L. hectoris overlapped substantially. Diet overlaps between D. danae and the former species was low, however, due to the large biomass of fish present in D. danae. The prey taxa consumed changed with time of year and predator size. Stomach fullness (feeding intensity) varied seasonally in all three species, but only M. muelleri showed significant diel differences in fullness. The synchronization of the size structure of the predator populations and their feeding intensity, with seasonal variations in preferred prey, is proposed as a mechanism whereby each species maximizes its share of the available food resources.  相似文献   

The reproductive biology of Lampanyctodes hectoris (Günther, 1876), Maurolicus muelleri (Gmelin, 1789) and Diaphus danae Tåning, 1932, from continental-slope waters of eastern Tasmania, was examined between April 1984 and June 1985. L. hectoris spawned in winter and M. muelleri spawned from late winter to early summer. Apart from one ripe male, no reproductive activity was detected in D. danae; this species may be an expatriate in these waters. Fecundity was positively correlated with standard length in L. hectoris, but not in M. muelleri. The ratio of females to males increased with length in all three species. The spermatozoa of L. hectoris and D. danae are atypical of vertebrates and have no tail.  相似文献   

Stomach contents and intestinal parasite faunas of 471 individuals of demersal fishes in 14 species were examined from the Carson Canyon region (Lat. 45°30N; Long. 48°40W) of the upper continental slope of the Grand Banks off Newfoundland, Canada. Individual species tended to feed either on benthic or on pelagic/benthopelagic organisms, but pelagic prey assumed the greatest importance overall. Data from stomach contents were supported by the parasite information. Prevalence of parasites was higher in benthic feeders (53.1%) than in pelagic feeders (28.9%), and relative abundance by major group was: Digenetic Trematoda 5.8% benthic vs 27.8% pelagic, Nematoda 53.1% vs 72.2%, and Acanthocephala 40.9% vs 0%. Of the dominant fishes, there were more species of benthic feeders (5) than pelagic feeders (3), but pelagic feeders were numerically more abundant (pelagic 70.9%, benthic 20.5%). Benthic feeders were on average larger (=270.6g) than pelagic ones (=130.6g), but pelagic feeders represented a larger proportion of the biomass (pelagic 43.3%, benthic 25.9%). The results of this study combined with those from other areas suggest that feeding from the pelagial by demersal fishes at upper continental slope depths is probably the general rule.  相似文献   

Midwater fishes were sampled at night to a depth of 400 m in oceanic waters east of Tasmania, Australia, in May/June of 1992, 1993 and 1994. We examined whether there were differences in the distribution and density of these fishes in relation to the subtropical convergence (STC) separating East Australia Current (EAC) water from subantarctic water (SAW) to the south. A total of 23999 fishes from 107 taxa and 43 families were identified. Four new records were identified from the study area. Myctophids and stomiatoids were the main fish taxa captured. We found no evidence of increased density of the combined fish catch in any particular area. However, differences between areas in the density of individual species were noted, although no species was confined to any one area. Ceratoscopelus warmingi, Lobianchia dofleini and Vinciguerria spp. were most abundant in the EAC, whereas Lampichthys procerus was most abundant in the SAW. Only Diaphus danae was found in significantly higher numbers in the STC. Multivariate analysis revealed that community structure in the EAC was significantly different from that of the SAW but not from the STC. Further, when separated by depth, the shallow EAC group was significantly different in all group comparisons bar that with the shallow STC. Our data indicated that the thin EAC layer above 200 m could be distinguished by its fauna from the SAW. However, we could not detect a separate community in the STC. We conclude, therefore, that the STC is not an area of increased micronekton abundance, nor does it contain a distinct community, during the Australian autumn/winter.  相似文献   

The proximate composition of 33 species of mesopelagic fishes collected from the eastern Gulf of Mexico during May–June 1984, July–November 1985 and January 1986 was determined. Water level increased and ash-free dry weight (% dry weight) and protein level (% wet weight) decreased with increasing species' minimum depth of occurrence (that depth below which 90% of a species' population lives). Lipid level (% wet weight or % ash-free dry weight), did not change with species' minimum depth of occurrence. Skeletal ash level (% wet weight) generally decreased with minimum depth of occurrence, whereas carbohydrate level did not change with depth. The variable water level, low lipid level, and high protein level in eastern Gulf of Mexico fishes resulted in a low energy content. These results are generally characteristic of fishes from warm, stable regions of low productivity, such as the eastern North Pacific Gyre. The constant food supply provided by a stable environment may obviate the need for large lipid reserves, in contrast to colder waters at higher latitudes where food availability is seasonal. In addition, the large energy requirements for diel excursions into high-temperature surface waters by the many vertically migrating fishes of this region may influence lipid deposition. The relatively high protein level found in migrators compared to that in non-migrators or weak migrators indicates that locomotory demands influence the percentage of protein found in Gulf fishes. The lack of a positive correlation between protein level and the food availability of a zoogeographic region, suggested in previous studies, is supported here.  相似文献   

Stomach contents of 729 fishes comprising 16 species were examined from the continental slope and rise off the Middle Atlantic States of the USA. Two main feeding modes among demersal deep-sea fishes were evident: those feeding primarily on pelagic food items, and those feeding on benthic invertebrates. Both pelagic and benthic predators were euryphagous. Most pelagic predators also fed on the epibenthos. These findings support Dayton and Hessler's (1972) suggestion that benthic predators should have a generalized diet which may be responsible for the high diversity found in the deep-sea infauna. The mesopelagic fauna is an important food source for some demersal fishes on the continental slope. Pelagic prey, which are also important to ecologically dominant demersal fishes on the lower slope and continental rise, may be nutritionally supported by suspended particulate organic matter in a nepheloid layer close to the bottom, and they may exist in much higher concentrations than in the bathypelagic zone above.Virginia Institute of Marine Science Contribution No. 835.  相似文献   

The structure of megabenthic decapod crustacean assemblages on the Galician (north-west Spain) continental shelf (100 to 200 depth) and upper slope (200 to 500 m) was analyzed based on surveys carried out in autumn and spring, from 1980 to 1987. Forty species belonging to 19 families were caught. The portunid crab Polybius henslowii, a species with pelagic phases, was the most abundant species, but displayed strong spatial and temporal fluctuations. Other dominant species were the Norway lobster Nephrops norvegicus, the portunid Liocarcinus depurator, the galatheids Munida intermedia and M. sarsi, and the shrimps Solenocera membranacea, Plesionika heterocarpus, Pasiphaea sivado and Dichelopandalus bonnieri. Total abundance and biomass (average values excluding Polybius henslowii = 255 individuals and 2.06 kg/30 min tow) and species richness and diversity, H′ (6.85 species and H′ = 1.45 per tow) displayed a significant positive correlation with depth, and strong interannual fluctuations. The factors determining community organization were depth and, to a lesser extent, spatial structure. There was clear evidence of bathymetric zonation, differentiating between species characteristic of the slope (D. bonnieri and Pasiphaea sivado), shelf-slope edge (Macropipus tuberculatus, Pontophilus spinosus, Munida sarsi, S. membranacea, Processa spp.) and shelf (L. depurator, Macropodia tenuirostris, Paguridae and Chlorotocus crassicornis). The spatial zonation was related to changes in oceanography and sediment along the continental margin. Goneplax rhomboides, N. norvegicus, C. crassicornis and Alpheus glaber are benthic species which generally exhibit burrowing behaviour, and they were found mainly in the southern area where there are fine sediments due to the outwelling from the Rías Baixas. Different benthopelagic shrimps (Pontophilus spinosus, Plesionika heterocarpus,Processa spp. and Pasiphaea sivado) were typical of the zone just north of Fisterra, characterized by a convergence of water masses bringing about an increase in productivity due to upwelling. The benthic anomuran and brachyuran crabs Munida intermedia, M.␣sarsi, L.␣depurator and Macropipus tuberculatus were characteristic of the northwestern zone between Fisterra and Estaca, where the infauna reaches high biomass despite coarser sediments with a lower concentration of organic material than in the southern area. Lastly, both the Paguridae and Macropodia tenuirostris were species typically found in the waters in the northern shelf. Based on interannual changes in assemblage structure, two periods could be distinguished: between 1980 and 1984, when Polybius henslowii, D. bonnieri and Pasiphaea sivado had abundance peaks; and another period from 1985 to 1987 when L. depurator, Munida intermedia, M.␣sarsi and Macropipus tuberculatus increased in abundance. Received: 21 May 1996 / Accepted: 9 August 1996  相似文献   

Diets of the demersal fishes on the shelf off Iwate,northern Japan   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Diets of demersal fishes were determined on the shelf (ca. 130 m deep) off Iwate, Japan. Samples were taken in three different types of habitat, an artificial reef (AR) site, a natural reef (NR) site, and sandymud bottom (SB) site, from May 1987 to September 1991, mostly every two months. A total of 67 prey items were recognized in the stomachs of 45 predator fish species. The most important preys were the pelagic fishes Sardinops melanostictus and Engraulis japonicus, which comprised 37% wet wt of the overall stomach contents. The percentage of pelagic fishes was highest at AR site, where fish density was highest. The dominant ten species could be divided into five feeding types. The pelagic fish feeders Physiculus maximowiczi and Gadus macrocephalus fed mainly on S. melanostictus. The dietary breadth of P. maximowiczi was wide, while that of Gadus macrocephalus was narrow. The pelagic crustacean feeder Theragra chalcogramma mostly consumed Themisto japonica and euphausiids and showed the least dietary overlap with other fishes. Benthic fish feeders were Hemitripterus villosus and Liparis tanakai. The benthic crustacean feeders Alcichthys alcicornis and Hexagrammos otakii consumed benthic crustaceans as well as pelagic and benthic fishes and showed the largest dietary breadth. The benthic invertebrate feeders Gymnocanthus intermedius, Dexistes rikuzenius and Tanakius kitaharai fed mainly on polychaetes and benthic crustaceans. But Gymnocanthus intermedius consumed a significant proportion of pelagic fishes. Ontogenetic dietary shift was recognized for these fishes. Pelagic fishes were consumed more intensively by larger individuals, especially true of A. alcicornis, Theragra chalcogramma and Gadus macrocephalus. Predominancy of the two most adundant species, P. maximowiczi and A. alcicornis, may be supported by their wide dietary breadth and the significant proportion of pelagic fish in their diets. Interspecific dietary overlap was low in most cases suggesting that food resources were well partitioned, although some high overlap was observed among the pelagic fish feeders, A. alcicornis, and Gymnocanthus intermedius, and among the benthic invertebrate feeders. Interspecific competition seemed more likely in the benthic invertebrate feeders than in the pelagic fish feeders partly because of superabundance of the pelagic prey S. melanostictus.  相似文献   

We examine the feeding ecology of characteristic micronekton species inhabiting the mid-slope region (~700 to 1,500 m depths) off southern Tasmania. Five fishes, Diaphus danae, Hygophum hanseni, Lampanyctus australis (Myctophidae), Phosichthys argenteus (Phosichthyidae) and Chauliodus sloani (Chauliodontidae), were sampled by depth-stratified midwater trawling on a diel and seasonal basis. Overall, 74 prey taxa were identified from 2,132 stomachs. Euphausiids (mostly Euphausia spinifera and E. similis) and calanoid copepods (mostly Pleuromamma species) were the main prey of the three myctophids; P. argenteus ate fishes and decapods in addition to the euphausiids, while C. sloani ate only fishes. Copepods were less important in the diets of larger D. danae, L. australis and P. argenteus and were replaced by euphausiids in the myctophids and by fishes in P. argenteus. In autumn, when euphausiid biomass increased six-fold, all three myctophids and P. argenteus fed most intensively and consumed a high proportion of euphausiids. The three myctophids appeared to feed nocturnally. Differences in the timing and duration of feeding corresponded to differences in their spatio-temporal overlap with key prey. Daily rations of H. hanseni (1.93% dry-weight biomass) and L. australis (1.43%), estimated from data on stomach fullness, were typical for temperate myctophids and higher than that of the non-migratory P. argenteus (0.43%). The vertical flux of near-surface plankton production to the mesopelagic food web is based primarily on diel feeding in the upper water column (<500 m) rather than consumption of species that migrate seasonally into the deeper mesopelagic zone. Because species such as P. argenteus and C. sloani feed above the third trophic level, their predators, including the commercially important orange roughy, are feeding between levels four and five.  相似文献   

T. Madurell  J.E. Cartes 《Marine Biology》2006,148(6):1325-1338
Daily and seasonal changes in dietary habits, resource partitioning and daily food consumption of Coelorhynchus coelorhynchus, Hymenocephalus italicus and Nezumia sclerorhynchus, the three dominant macrourids coexisting at mid-slope depths (between 473 and 603 m) in the eastern Ionian Sea, were analysed. The three species showed very diverse diets, based mainly on suprabenthic prey and infauna. Day–night changes in the diet and feeding intensity were more apparent in H. italicus and N. sclerorhynchus, preying mainly on mobile prey (suprabenthos), than for C. coelorhynchus that preyed largely on infauna. Dietary overlap was very low among species. The highest daily ration (DR) obtained for N. sclerorhynchus (in April) coincided with maximum concentration of its preferred prey (i.e. Boreomysis arctica). H. italicus, displaying a more pelagic diet than N. sclerorhynchus, showed higher DR (between 1.47–1.51%wetW and 0.47–0.71%wetW, respectively) probably due to higher metabolic activity because it may swim up in the water column to eat. C. coelorhynchus, having the most benthic diet, showed the highest DR (between 2.92 and 2.53%wetW). This rather unexpected high DR would be attributable to a continuous feeding on more uniformly distributed prey (benthos) and to a high rooting activity on the sediment in search of infauna. The influence of the type of resources exploited in the overall trends obtained in the diet of macrourids is discussed and compared with those of other deep-sea species. As a general conclusion, results suggest that food consumption of bathyal fish are probably influenced by or coupled with the type of resources exploited.  相似文献   

During submersible surveys along the continental slope (summers of 1991 and 1992, 184–847 m) between False Cape, Virginia, and Cape Hatteras, North Carolina, USA, we observed the aegid isopod, Syscenus infelix Harger, attached to the macrourid Nezumia bairdii (Goode and Bean). This is the first report of S. infelix attached to fishes in the western North Atlantic. The association of this blind isopod with its host appears species specific. The large, conspicuous isopod always attached to a fish in the same location, the dorsal midline, immediately behind the first dorsal fin. Attachment appears to be long term, with the isopod forming a characteristic scar consisting of a distinct discolored oval depression with seven small, dark impressions that coalesce as the fish grows. Only one S. infelix was found on each host fish. The isopod occurred on 23.7% of N. bairdii observed from submersible on the middle continental slope off Virginia and North Carolina, compared with 16.6% of 1236 museum specimens of the same species (based on inspection for scars) collected at latitudes 26°–64°N. Prevalence of the fish–isopod association was not correlated with depth or latitude. We also found identical scars on preserved specimens of N. aequalis (2.6% of 660 specimens), N. sclerorhynchus (1.2% of 86 specimens), and N. suilla (14.3% of 7 specimens), mostly from areas outside the range of N. bairdii. No scars were found on museum specimens of N. atlantica (n=27), N. cyrano (n=57), or N. longebarbata (n=7). The low incidence of isopod attachment on these species suggests that N. bairdii is the preferred host. Infestation by the isopod appears to result in erosion of host fish scales and tissue. We propose that S. infelix is an obligate associate of its host fish and should be considered parasitic. Received: 9 June 2000 / Accepted: 21 October 2000  相似文献   

The age, growth and mortality of the lanternfish Lampanyctodes hectoris (Gunther) were investigated by examining the otoliths, length-frequency data, and seasonal abundance of fish collected from continental slope waters of eastern Tasmania between April 1984 and June 1985. Although L. hectoris can live to 3 yr old, it has a high annual mortality (79%) and few live past their first year. Growth, described here by a variation of the Von Bertalanffy model, takes place mainly in the first six months of life and only during late spring and summer. The hypothesis of daily deposition of primary growth increments in myctophids was supported by comparing the back-calculated birth dates of daily-aged individuals of L. hectoris with the spawning season of this species.  相似文献   

This study used morphological, gut content analysis and carbon- and nitrogen-stable isotope analysis to investigate the trophic structure of upper sublittoral (15–30 m deep) and upper bathyal (200–300 m deep) hydrothermal vents and the adjacent non-vent upper bathyal environment off Kueishan Island. The sublittoral vents host no chemosynthetic fauna, but green and red algae, epibiotic biofilm on crustacean surfaces, and zooplankton form the base of the trophic system. Suspension-feeding sea anemones and the generalist omnivorous vent crab Xenograpsus testudinatus occupy higher trophic levels. The upper bathyal hydrothermal vent is a chemoautotrophic-based system. The vent mussel Bathymodiolus taiwanensis forms a chemosynthetic component of this trophic system. Bacterial biofilm, surface plankton, and algae form the other dietary fractions of the upper bathyal fauna. The vent hermit crab Paragiopagurus ventilatus and the vent crab X. testudinatus are generalist omnivores. The vent-endemic tonguefish Symphurus multimaculatus occupies the top level of the trophic system. The adjacent non-vent upper bathyal region contains decapod crustaceans, which function as either predators or scavengers. The assemblages of X. testudinatus from sublittoral and upper bathyal vents exhibited distinct stable isotope values, suggesting that they feed on different food sources. The upper bathyal Xenograpsus assemblages displayed large variations in their stable isotope values and exhibited an ontogenetic shift in their δ13C and δ15N stable isotope signatures. Some individuals of Xenograpsus exhibited δ15N values close to those of non-vent species, suggesting that the highly mobile Xenograpsus may transfer energy between the upper bathyal hydrothermal vents and the adjacent non-vent upper bathyal environment.  相似文献   

Specimens of deep-water mollusks were collected with a bottom dredge in the SE Gulf of California during four cruises (TALUD project) in 2000–2001. A total of 24 species (16 Pelecypoda, 5 Gastropoda, and 3 Scaphopoda) were collected. Analyses of environmental data (depth, epibenthic temperature and oxygen content, sediment texture and organic matter content) associated with each record indicated that the community diversity of these deep-water mollusks was related to oxygen concentration and density was correlated with depth. A canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) indicated that the five environmental variables explained 53.8% of observed variance in the model. In a multiple regression analysis, density (ind l−1) was best correlated with dissolved oxygen concentration (R = −0.25), followed by temperature (R = −0.20), organic matter content (R = −0.15), and depth (R = −0.12). As oxygen best explained variance in the CCA it was selected to perform a single correspondence analysis (CA) using the most abundant and frequent species (two Pelecypoda and three Scapophoda). The analysis shows that pelecypods occur in near anoxic values while scaphopods occur in intermediate oxygen concentrations.  相似文献   

Bottle incubations were conducted in March, July/August and October 1992. to measure the daily rations (R) and objectively characterize the diets of the calanoid copepodsEucalanus elongatus, Undinula vulgaris, Centropages velificatus andTemora stylifera from the west Florida continental shelf. Daily rations,R, were clustered around two, order-of-magnitude different means, 1.3 and 11.2% of body C d–1, representative of quiescent and active feeding modes, respectively. The food concentration at which the transition from quiescent to active mode occurred was influenced by food particle size. In the quiescent mode, diets were dominated by nanoplankton, whereas no food type dominated the diet in the active mode. Selective feeding, defined as a statistically significant difference between the frequency distributions of foods in the diet and environment, occurred in both quiescent and active copepods. However, what appeared to be selective feeding in quiescent copepods could be explained by processes that passively modified the distribution of the diet relative to that of the food supply. Conversely, selective feeding in active copepods apparently resulted from foraging for particles >5 m in diameter in food environments dominated by nanoplankton (<5 m).  相似文献   

Large predatory fishes are disproportionately targeted by reef fisheries, but little is known about their trophic ecology, which inhibits understanding of community dynamics and the potential effects of climate change. In this study, stable isotope analyses were used to infer trophic ecology of a guild of large predatory fishes that are targeted by fisheries on the Great Barrier Reef, Australia. Each of four focal predators (Plectropomus leopardus, Plectropomus maculatus, Lethrinus miniatus and Lutjanus carponotatus) was found to have a distinct isotopic signature in terms of δ13C and δ15N. A two-source mixing model (benthic reef-based versus pelagic) indicated that P. leopardus and L. miniatus derive the majority (72 and 62 %, respectively) of their production from planktonic sources, while P. maculatus and L. carponotatus derive the majority (89 and 74 %, respectively) of their production from benthic reef-based sources. This indicates that planktonic production is important for sustaining key species in reef fisheries and highlights the need for a whole-ecosystem approach to fisheries management. Unexpectedly, there was little isotopic niche overlap between three of four focal predators, suggesting that inter-specific competition for prey may be low or absent. δ15Nitrogen indicated that the closely related P. leopardus and P. maculatus are apex predators (trophic level > 4), while δ13C indicated that each species has a different diet and degree of trophic specialisation. In view of these divergent trophic ecologies, each of the four focal predators (and the associated fisheries) are anticipated to be differentially affected by climate-induced disturbances. Thus, the results presented herein provide a useful starting point for precautionary management of exploited predator populations in a changing climate.  相似文献   

Oxygen consumption was measured as a function of temperature, oxygen partial-pressure (PO2)and species depth of occurrence for twenty-three species of midwater fishes and crustaceans collected from the eastern Gulf of Mexico from June 1981 to July 1985. Q10s (7° to 20°C) of 3.90 and 3.24 were recorded for myctophid and non-myctophid fish groups, respectively, while values of 2.22, 2.19, 2.19 and 2.54 were calculated for sergestid, penaeid, carid and euphausiid crustacean groups, respectively. Q10s were consistent for species within each group. All of the species tested regulated their oxygen consumption to PO2levels normally encountered within the eastern Gulf. Values of critical partial pressure (Pc) ranged from 20 to 40mm Hg and increased slightly with increasing temperature and respiration rate. Declining respiration with increasing minimum depth of occurrence was primarily a function of temperature alone. Changes in size, dry weight and water content contributed only a small fraction to the observed decrease. This finding contrasts with studies from the eastern Pacific Ocean, where temperature is a minor contributor to changes in respiration rate with depth.  相似文献   

Data are presented on the biochemical analysis of protein, lipid, carbohydrate and ash for the ovary, testis, gut and body wall of six species of elasipodid holothurians at a variety of stations in the Porcupine Seabight and Abyssal Plain (northeast Atlantic Ocean). Samples were collected between 1980 and 1982. The species investigated were Benthogone rosea, Laetmogone violacea, Oneirophanta mutabilis, Deima validum, Benthodytes sordida and Psychropotes longicauda. Lipid was the dominant soluble constituent of the ovary and protein was dominant in the testis. Tissue calorific content was determined from the biochemical data and by microbomb calorimetry. The ovaries had higher calorific values than the other body tissues when determined by both methods. Comparison of the two methods suggests that the calorific values for testis, gut and body wall are significantly different, and this may be a function of the calcium-carbonate content of these tissues. Total-body calorific value varied from 24.26 J mg-1 ash-free dry weight (AFDW) (5 799 cal g-1 AFDW) to 25.43 J mg-1 AFDW (6 078 cal g-1 AFDW). Total holothurian-body calorific biomass at depths of 1 010, 2 000 and 4 000 m is 0.49, 3.69, and 0.25 kJ m-2 (118, 882, 59.4 cal m-2), respectively. Holothurians form a significant store of energy in the deep sea.  相似文献   

Relative gut length, Zihler’s index, and relative gut mass were measured in four species of prickleback fishes and the effects of ontogeny, diet, and phylogeny on these gut dimensions were determined. Of the four species, Cebidichthys violaceus and Xiphister mucosus shift to herbivory with growth (>45 mm SL), whereas X. atropurpureus and Anoplarchus purpurescens remain carnivores. A. purpurescens belongs to a carnivorous clade, and the three other species belong to an adjacent, herbivorous clade. Gut dimensions were compared in three feeding categories of the four species: (1) small, wild-caught juveniles representing the carnivorous condition before two species shift to herbivory; (2) larger, wild-caught juveniles representing the natural diet condition of the two carnivores and the two species that have shifted to herbivory; and (3) larger, laboratory-raised juveniles produced by feeding a high-protein artificial diet to small juveniles until they have reached the size of the larger, wild-caught juveniles. Comparisons of gut dimensions in categories (1) versus (2) tested for an ontogenetic effect, in (2) versus (3) for a dietary effect, and within each category for a phylogenetic effect. C. violaceus and X. mucosus increased gut dimensions with increase in body size and did not change ontogenetic trajectory in gut dimensions on the high-protein artificial diet, suggesting that they are genetically programmed to develop relatively large guts associated with herbivory. X. atropurpureus increased its gut dimensions with increase in size similar to its sister taxon, X. mucosus, suggesting a phylogenetic influence, but decreased gut dimensions on the high-protein artificial diet, suggesting phenotypic plasticity. Nevertheless, X. atropurpureus displayed a larger gut than A. purpurescens, further evidence that it evolved in an herbivorous clade. A. purpurescens possessed a relatively small gut that was little affected by ontogeny or diet. Ontogeny and phylogeny more than diet appear to influence gut dimensions in the four species, thus favoring genetic adaptation over phenotypic plasticity as the major force acting on digestive system features in the two prickleback clades.  相似文献   

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