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Over the past 20 years, the focus of forest science on air pollution has moved from forest decline to a holistic framework of forest health, and from the effects on forest production to the ecosystem services provided by forest ecosystems. Hence, future research should focus on the interacting factorial impacts and resulting antagonistic and synergistic responses of forest trees and ecosystems. The synergistic effects of air pollution and climatic changes, in particular elevated ozone, altered nitrogen, carbon and water availability, must be key issues for research. Present evidence suggests air pollution will become increasingly harmful to forests under climate change, which requires integration amongst various stressors (abiotic and biotic factors, including competition, parasites and fire), effects on forest services (production, biodiversity protection, soil protection, sustained water balance, socio-economical relevance) and assessment approaches (research, monitoring, modeling) to be fostered.  相似文献   

Plants that were pretreated with 0.15 ppm SO2 for either 2 or 3 d before an intermittent O3 or SO2/O3 exposure exhibited differences in per cent visible foliar injury that often varied significantly from plants that received no SO2 pretreatment. Differences that were observed could not be explained on the basis of leaf diffusive resistance alone. The SO2 pretreatment for 2 d caused a decrease in visible O3 injury in white bean, an increase in visible O3 injury in cucumber and radish, and had no effect on soybean and tomato. The same pretreatment caused an increase in visible injury from the SO2/O3 mixture in white bean, a decrease in visible injury for cucumber and tomato, and had no effect on soybean and radish. However, these same trends did not occur when the SO2 pretreatment was increased to 3 d. Pretreatment with sub-acute levels of SO2 can significantly alter a plant's response to O3 or a mixture of SO2/O3, the change in response being sensitive to the pretreatment SO2 dosage. The nature of the visible injury symptoms from O3 or the pollutant mixture were not altered for any of the plant species regardless of the length of time of the SO2 pretreatment and, generally, the onset of visible injury was not greatly altered.  相似文献   

The effects of air pollution on the genetic structure of Norway spruce, European silver fir and European beech were studied at four polluted sites in Slovakia, Romania and Czech Republic. In order to reduce potential effects of site heterogeneity on the health condition, pair-wise sampling of pollution-tolerant and sensitive trees was applied. Genotypes of sampled trees were determined at 21 isozyme gene loci of spruce, 18 loci of fir and 15 loci of beech. In comparison with Norway spruce, fewer genetic differences were revealed in beech and almost no differentiation between pollution-tolerant and sensitive trees was observed in fir. In adult stands of Norway spruce, sensitive trees exhibited higher genetic multiplicity and diversity. The decline of pollution-sensitive trees may result thus in a gradual genetic depletion of pollution-exposed populations of Norway spruce through the loss of less frequent alleles with potential adaptive significance to altered stressing regimes in the future. Comparison of the subsets of sensitive and tolerant Norway spruce individuals as determined by presence or absence of discolorations ("spruce yellowing") revealed different heterozygosity at 3 out of 11 polymorphic loci.  相似文献   

The spruce bark beetle, Ips typographus (L.) is the most serious pest of mature spruce stands, mainly Norway spruce, Picea abies (L.) Karst. throughout Eurasia. A complex of weather-related events and other environmental stresses are reported to predispose spruce stands to bark beetle attack and subsequent tree mortality; however the possible role of industrial pollution as a predisposing factor to attack by this species is poorly understood. The abundance and dynamics of I. typographus populations was evaluated in 60-80 year old Norway spruce stands occurring on 10 x 50 ha sites in five countries within the Carpathian range that were selected in proximity to established ozone measurement sites. Data were recorded on several parameters including the volume of infested trees, captures of adult beetles in pheromone traps, number of attacks, and the presence and relative abundance of associated bark beetle species. In several cases, stands adjacent to sites with higher ozone values were associated with higher bark beetle populations. The volume of sanitary cuttings, a reflection of tree mortality, and the mean daily capture of beetles in pheromone traps were significantly higher at sites where the O(3) level was higher. However, the mean infestation density on trees was higher in plots associated with lower O(3) levels. Captures of beetles in pheromone traps and infestation densities were higher in the zone above 800 m. However, none of the relationships was conclusive, suggesting that spruce bark beetle dynamics are driven by a complex interaction of biotic and abiotic factors and not by a single parameter such as air pollution.  相似文献   

Analysis of foliar elements is a commonly used method for studying tree nutrition and for monitoring the impacts of air pollutants on forest ecosystems. Interpretations based on the results of foliar element analysis may, however, be different in nutrition vs. monitoring studies. We studied the impacts of severe sulphur and metal (mainly Cu and Ni) pollution on the element concentrations (Al, Ca, Cu, Fe, K, Mg, Mn, Ni, P, Pb, S and Zn) in Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) foliage along an airborne sulphur and metal pollution gradient. Emphasis was put on determining the contribution of air-borne particles that have accumulated on needle surfaces to the total foliage concentrations. A comparison of two soil extraction methods was carried out in order to obtain a reliable estimate of plant-available element concentrations in the soil. Element concentrations in the soil showed only a weak relationship with internal foliar concentrations. There were no clear differences between the total and internal needle S concentrations along the gradient, whereas at the plot closest to the metal smelter complex the total Cu concentrations in the youngest needles were 1.3-fold and Ni concentrations over 1.6-fold higher than the internal needle concentrations. Chloroform-extracted surface wax was found to have Ni and Cu concentrations of as high as 3000 and 600 microg/g of wax, respectively. Our results suggest that bioindicator studies (e.g. monitoring studies) may require different foliar analysis techniques from those used in studies on the nutritional status of trees.  相似文献   

A study has been made of changes in the levels of SO2 in the Sheffield region from 1968 to 1975. There was a marked decrease in the levels since 1970 during both winter and summer seasons. Although a series of mild winters could have contributed to the reduction in SO2 the dominant influence appears to be the substantial increase in the use of sulphur-free fuels (natural gas and purified coke-oven gas) in industry; emissions from a local power station appear to bear no clear relationship to the SO2 trend changes. The lower SO2 levels have allowed the identification of comparatively high levels which may have resulted from the import of pollutants from more distant sources.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Green vegetation improvement is an economical strategy to mitigate dust air pollution. The anticipated performance index (API) is considered a main...  相似文献   

A floristic summary and analysis was performed on a list of the plant species that have been studied for the effects of gaseous and chemical air pollutants on vegetation in order to compare the species with the flora of North America north of Mexico. The scientific names of 2081 vascular plant species were extracted from almost 4000 journal articles stored in two large literature databases on the effects of air pollutants on plants. Three quarters of the plant species studied occur in North America, but this was only 7% of the total North American flora. Sixteen percent and 56% of all North American genera and families have been studied. The most studied genus is Pinus with 70% of the North American species studied, and the most studied family is the grass family, with 12% of the species studied. Although Pinus is ranked 86th in the North American flora, the grass family is ranked third, indicating that representation at the family level is better than at the genus level. All of the top ten families in North America are represented in the top 20 families in the air pollution effects literature, but only one genus (Lupinus) in the top ten genera in North America is represented in the top thirteen genera in the air pollution literature.  相似文献   

Air pollution and forest health: toward new monitoring concepts   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
It is estimated that 49% of forests (17 million km(2)) will be exposed to damaging concentrations of tropospheric O(3) by 2100. Global forest area at risk from S deposition may reach 5.9 million km(2) by 2050, despite SO(2) emission reductions of 48% in North America and 25% in Europe. Although SO(2) levels have decreased, emissions of NO(x) are little changed, or have increased slightly. In some regions, the molar SO(4)/NO(3) ratio in precipitation has switched from 2/1 to near 1/1 during the past two decades. Coincidentally, pattern shifts in precipitation and temperature are evident. A number of reports suggest that forests are being affected by air pollution. Yet, the extent to which such effects occur is uncertain, despite the efforts dedicated to monitoring forests. Routine monitoring programmes provide a huge amount of data. Yet in many cases, these data do not fit the conceptual and statistical requirements for detecting status and trends of forest health, nor for cause-effect research. There is a clear need for a re-thinking of monitoring strategies.  相似文献   

Medina MH  Correa JA  Barata C 《Chemosphere》2007,67(11):2105-2114
Polluting events can change community structure and ecosystem functioning. Selection of genetically inherited tolerance on exposed populations, here referred as micro-evolution due to pollution, has been recognized as one of the causes of these changes. However, there is a gap between studies addressing this process and those assessing effects at higher levels of biological organization. In this review we attempt to address these evolutionary considerations into the ecological risk assessment (ERA) of polluting events and to trigger the discussion about the consequences of this process for the ecosystem response to toxic stress. We provide clear evidence that pollution drives micro-evolutionary processes in several species. When this process occurs, populations inhabiting environments that become polluted may persist. However, due to the existence of ecological costs derived from the loss of genetic variability, negative pleiotropy with fitness traits and/or from physiological alterations, micro-evolution due to pollution may alter different properties of the affected populations. Despite the existence of empirical evidence showing that safety margins currently applied in the ERA process may account for pollution-induced genetic changes in tolerance, information regarding long-term ecological consequences at higher levels of biological organization due to ecological costs is not explicitly considered in these procedures. In relation to this, we present four testable hypotheses considering that micro-evolution due to pollution acts upon the variability of functional response traits of the exposed populations and generates changes on their functional effect traits, therefore, modifying the way species exploit their ecological niches and participate in the overall ecosystem functioning.  相似文献   

The relationships between chemical composition of birch foliage, individual performance and population density of both solitary and gregarious species of Eriocrania leafminers (Lepidoptera: Eriocraniidae) were studied in the vicinity of the Harjavalta copper-nickel smelter, southwestern Finland. The contents of heavy metals (Cu, Ni, Fe and Zn) in birch foliage exponentially decreased with the distance from the factory whereas the content of manganese showed the opposite trend. Performance parameters of Eriocrania miners were correlated neither with the distance from the pollution source nor with the foliar content of heavy metals. However, larval masses of both solitary and gregarious species were highest at the zone of moderate pollution. The levels of total nitrogen and total carbon and the carbon: nitrogen ratio in birch leaves showed no clear patterns in relation to distance from the factory. Feeding efficiency of solitary larvae increased with higher foliar nitrogen content but decreased when the carbon: nitrogen ratio was high. Survival of solitary Eriocrania species was negatively correlated with total leaf carbon content. However, the population density of solitary miners showed a negative correlation with total foliar nitrogen and a positive correlation with the carbon:nitrogen ratio. Performance of the gregarious E. haworthi was not correlated with the chemical composition of birch leaves, whereas population density was highest close to the factory complex and correlated positively with the levels of copper and nickel in birch leaves. Consequently, pollution-induced changes in measured host plant chemicals were unlikely to affect population densities of Eriocrania miners via altered larval performance.  相似文献   

Changes of tree-ring widths of Japanese black pine (Pinus thunbergii Parl.) trees growing in air-polluted and unpolluted areas were analyzed. In the stand close to an industrial complex, a large reduction in the series of tree-ring index (TRI), which were computed by removing endogenous effects from the measured series, appeared from the 1960s to 1970s. This reduction in radial tree growth was not explained by the climatic response model calibrated for a pre-pollution period. TRI changes corresponding with changes in concentrations of sulfur dioxide (SO(2)), and a significant negative correlation between the TRI and SO(2) concentration were found in the polluted area. Reduction in tree-ring growth was not seen in the unpolluted area. These results indicate that the past reduction in the growth of Japanese black pine trees growing in an industrial area was mainly caused by SO(2).  相似文献   

The properties of the atmosphere have changed and will continue to change due to changes in anthropogenic activity. The change in the atmosphere is reflected in the functioning and growth of forests. This is analyzed by considering the changes in the amounts and flow rates of different substances in the entire system of the atmosphere, forest soil and forest trees. Possible effects are either direct or indirect. Three direct effects are treated in more detail, i.e. the effect generated by toxic compounds, increasing CO2 and N deposition. The indirect effects are connected to the acidification of soil, i.e. the amounts of nutrients and toxic compounds in the soil.The study concerns coniferous forests on sandy soils in Finland. Generalization of the results and a forecast to the year 2040 is based on a multiplicative model based on the five components. According to the growth data in conservation stands the growth on sandy soils has increased by 30% during the period 1900–1980. Model analysis for the same period is shown to produce good agreement with the measured growth data. The increase of growth is presumed to be due to the steady increase in CO2 and nitrate deposition. Continuing changes in the environment will affect negative changes in the forest growth by the end of the 20th century. The decrease is presumed to be due to acidification effects in the soil. The ion exchange process in the soil will generate a time lag between acid deposition and its effect. This time lag in the soil in Finland is expected to be 20 ±10 years. Effects of two other time lags are also analyzed.  相似文献   

Ok G  Ji SH  Kim SJ  Kim YK  Park JH  Kim YS  Han YH 《Chemosphere》2002,46(9-10):1351-1357
The atmospheric contamination levels of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDDs) and polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDFs) were evaluated from the analysis of pine needles in South Korea. Pine needles were collected from 30 sampling points at five main cities in South Korea (Busan, Daegu, Gwangju, Changwon and Jeju island). The highest concentrations of PCDDs/DFs (2.19–26.88 pg I-TEQ/g of dry weight) were measured at Busan, where is the city of the highest population density and traffic volume among five cities. The lowest concentration was detected at Jeju with 0.62 pg I-TEQ/g dry weight, suggesting Jeju could be an environmental background area in Korea. The dominant homologues of PCDDs/DFs in pine needles were the lower chlorine-substituted compounds such as tetra CDDs and CDFs, and the distribution ratios of PCDDs/DFs decreased with increase of the number of chlorine substituents. Homologue profiles of pine needle samples were similar to PCDDs/DFs profiles of the vapor phase in the ambient air, and thus the pine needles absorbed the vapor phase of PCDDs/DFs from air. Results suggested that pine needles could be used as an indicator of the atmospheric contamination for PCDDs/DFs in Korea.  相似文献   

In eastern Spain, studies combining the tracking and meso-scale circulations of air pollutants with the evaluation of their effects on plants have been undertaken since 1994. Meso-scale processes are very important from the point of view of how and where forest ecosystems are affected by point sources and regional air pollution in the Mediterranean area. The first results of these field surveys show that in 1994, 1995 and 1996, the distribution pattern of ozone visual injury (chlorotic mottle) in Pinus halepensis correlated with the penetration of pollutants transported by the sea-breeze into coastal valleys of Castellón (eastern Spain). In this tree species, longer needles are associated with higher chlorotic mottle, and ozone injury seems to be among the factors affecting needle retention and crown transparency.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Cadmium (Cd) contamination of farmland soils is a widespread problem around the globe, and rice (Oryza sativa L.) tends to accumulate more Cd and is...  相似文献   

Shrub and herb cover decreased 98% and diversity 76% after particulate elemental sulphur was deposited in a Pinus contorta Loudon var. latifolia Engelm. forest in west-central Alberta, Canada. Decreases were measured over four years and, initially, were greater for the herbs than they were for the shrubs. The decline in the herbs occurred one year before decreases in half the shrub species. The dramatic decline of the vegetation appeared related to the changes in the soil chemistry of the surface organic horizon following the oxidation of elemental sulphur.  相似文献   

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