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Studies of the influence of parasites on host fitness generally conclude that parasites have a strong negative effect on their hosts. In this study, we have investigated experimentally the role of Polymorphus minutus, an acanthocephalan parasite, on the salinity tolerance of the freshwater amphipod Gammarus roeseli, one of its intermediate hosts. Unexpectedly, P. minutus-infected gammarids were more tolerant to salinity stress than uninfected ones. The mean lethal salt concentrations for 50% mortality of hosts tested were 17.3 (infected) and 9.7 g/L (uninfected). The parasitic load (one or two parasites per host) did not affect the result. The size of hosts had no significant influence on the salinity tolerance of either infected or uninfected gammarids. The mobility of all types of gammarid decreased when the salinity exceeded 9.0 g/L, but there was no significant difference between infected and uninfected gammarids. We discuss the higher salinity tolerance of infected amphipods in relation to O2 consumption and osmoregulation. Finally, we demonstrate that the salinity tolerance is enhanced in the parasitized amphipod but without a significant change in behavior or an osmoregulatory adjustment.  相似文献   

Sperm competition theory predicts that males should tailor their investment in ejaculates according to the number of rival males competing to fertilize a female’s eggs. Research spanning several taxa supports this prediction by showing that males are often sensitive to the level of sperm competition and adjust their investment in sperm numbers accordingly. More recent work has revealed that males may also tailor the quality of sperm according to the number of males competing for fertilization. Here I test for both effects in guppies (Poecilia reticulata) in an experiment that simultaneously evaluates the risk and intensity models of sperm competition. The experiment determined whether male guppies adjust the number (stripped ejaculate size) and quality (sperm velocity and viability) of sperm that are primed over a 3-day period according to experimental changes in the perceived level of sperm competition. A total of 136 focal males were initially stripped of all retrievable sperm and assayed for these sperm traits before being allocated at random to one of four treatments simulating different levels of sperm competition risk and intensity. During the 3-day treatment phase, focal males had visual and olfactory access to a sexually receptive (initially virgin) female maintained with different numbers of stimulus males to simulate variation in the risk and intensity of sperm competition. Following this, males were assayed again for the sperm traits. Contrary to predictions, there was no significant change in any of the measured variables among treatments, although qualitatively the patterns for sperm velocity and viability did conform to expectation. The lack of any trend for the number of sperm primed was unequivocal and future work examining the effects of sperm competition on sperm production should focus on whether males differentially allocate sperm numbers among matings that differ in the level of sperm competition.  相似文献   

通过前期盆栽模拟试验发现,汞污染土壤种植香根草木屑和腐殖土或者添加木屑和腐殖土后再种植香根草都能极大抑制汞通过地表径流迁移,但是尚没有开展野外试验进行验证。因此为了进一步验证其效果,本研究在贵州万山汞矿区大水溪村汞污染农田建立了地表径流小区,现场研究了种植香根草及添加木屑和腐殖土后种植香根草对土壤汞固定的影响,研究结果显示:(1)在所有处理小区的地表径流中,颗粒态汞占总汞的96%以上,是汞迁移的最主要途径;(2)在汞污染土壤中种植香根草或者土壤中分别添加木屑或者腐殖土后再种植香根草,都能显著降低地表径流中颗粒态汞含量(46%~67%),进而减少土壤汞通过地表径流向周围环境迁移,且香根草与木屑或腐殖土结合效果更佳;(3)不同处理均降低了地表径流中可溶态汞(13%~31%)的含量。本研究能为汞矿区汞污染土壤修复提供一定理论支持和技术指导。  相似文献   

In northern China, recent degradation of semi-arid grasslands caused by overgrazing is serious. At Green Grassland Village, west of Daqing City in Heilongjiang Province, three grasslands with different degrees of degradation were surveyed. In the survey, a new method of vegetation analysis based on the beta-binomial distribution, was adopted to describe the frequency of occurrence and spatial heterogeneity for each plant species.Chenopodium centrorubrum, Cleistogenes squarrosa and a Carex species were commonly found in the three grasslands. Non-degraded grassland with light grazing was dominated by Arundinella hirta, Filifolium sibiricium, Lespedeza hedysaroides, Potentilla verticillaris, Stipa baicalensis and Thymus serpyllum. These species belong to the erect-type or do not develop large clones under light grazing. These species can be used as indicators of a well-managed grassland in this area. On the other hand, the degraded grassland with heavy grazing was dominated by Artemisia spp. and Euphorbia humifusa var. pilosa. Artemisia spp., E. humifusa var. pilosa, Eragrostis pilosa and Setaria viridis belong to the creeping-type or develop rather large stocks or stolons under heavy utilization. These species increased the spatial heterogeneity in the degraded grassland with heavy grazing.Under degraded conditions, species diversity decreased and spatial heterogeneity of the communities tended to increase.  相似文献   

Mechanical defence in seeds to avoid predation by a granivorous ant   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Harvester ants have traditionally been considered as seed predators that negatively affect plants. In some cases, however, they can also act as positive seed dispersers. During field observations, we noted that a portion of Psoralea bituminosa seeds that were collected and carried to the nest by the granivorous harvester ant Messor barbarus were discarded intact in refuse piles outside the nest. We analyzed and compared the physical characteristics of size, mass and toughness in P. bituminosa seeds from two different origins: intact seeds found in the ant's refuse piles and seeds collected directly from the plants. Seeds from refuse piles were similar in width but lighter and tougher than seeds from the plant. Our results point to a mechanical defence based on seed toughness to avoid predation by M. barbarus and suggest that an elevated proportion (~69%) of the seeds produced by P. bituminosa could be too tough to be consumed by this ant. These transported but uneaten seeds could benefit by being moved far from the mother plant and this could act as a selective evolutionary pressure towards tough seeds.  相似文献   

饮用水源中检测到的抗生素抗性基因(antibiotic resistance genes,ARGs)对饮用水质安全和人体健康产生的潜在威胁受到广泛关注.在掌握了华东地区某饮用水源地13种磺胺类抗生素的污染特征基础上,进一步采用定性PCR和荧光定量PCR解析该饮用水源水和底泥中磺胺类ARGs(sul1、sul2)以及抗性基因可转移元件Ⅰ型整合酶基因(int I1)的分布特征.结果表明,3种基因在该饮用水源水和底泥中均100%检出,sul1基因是该饮用水源地中检出含量最高的磺胺类ARGs,在水源水中含量范围为1.5×104~6.4×105copies·mL~(-1),底泥中则高达1.6×108copies·g~(-1),较sul2、int I1基因分别高0.6~2.2、0.5~1.9个数量级.sul1、sul2和int I1基因在该水源地入水口和出水口处的绝对含量无显著差别,而在底泥中sul1、sul2和int I1基因的绝对含量则是出水口高于入水口.sul1在夏季水源地出水口的检出含量最高,为6.4×105copies·mL~(-1);int I1基因在冬季的检出含量高于其他季节.sul1基因与13种磺胺类抗生素具有相关性(r=0.69,P0.05),其中与磺胺甲唑的含量显著相关(r=0.79,P0.01);int I1与sul1、sul2的相对含量之间也存在正相关关系(r为0.80和0.73,P0.05),这表明int I1在磺胺类ARGs的水平转移过程中起到了重要作用.本研究为典型饮用水源地中ARGs的污染现状提供基础数据,也为管控饮用水环境的抗性基因污染和制定管理决策提供依据.  相似文献   

通过分离有藻满江红中的鱼腥藻,获得无藻满江红和鱼腥藻.采用水培试验的方法分别研究了无藻满江红、有藻满江红和鱼腥藻对水中铀的去除行为,并采用红外光谱技术分析了它们富集铀前后化学基团的变化.结果表明,对于初始浓度分别为2.5和5.0 mg·L-1的铀溶液,在有藻满江红的作用下,分别经过27和36 d生物富集后浓度能降低至GB 23727-2009规定的0.05 mg·L-1排放标准以下,而在无藻满江红和鱼腥藻的作用下,铀浓度无法达到排放标准.相对于无藻满江红,鱼腥藻提高了有藻满江红对水中铀的富集量、富集系数及对铀的抗胁迫能力,从而提高了有藻满江红对水中铀的去除效率.红外分析表明,在富集铀后,与无藻满江红相比,有藻满江红体内出现了芳环和醇类或苷类化合物,而这些新的物质是鱼腥藻在富集铀的过程中产生的,其可能促进了有藻满江红对铀的富集.  相似文献   

Carotenoids may provide numerous health benefits and are also responsible for the integumentary coloration of many bird species. Despite their importance, many aspects of their metabolism are still poorly known, and even basic issues such as the anatomical sites of conversion remain controversial. Recent studies suggest that the transformation of carotenoid pigments takes place directly in the follicles during feather growth, even though the liver has been previously recognised as a storing organ for these pigments with a certain potential for conversion. In this context, we analysed the carotenoid profile of plasma, liver, skin and feathers of male Common Crossbills (Loxia curvirostra). Interestingly, the derivative feather pigment 3-hydroxy-echinenone was detected in the liver and in the bloodstream (i.e. the necessary vehicle to transport metabolites to colourful peripheral tissues). Our results demonstrate for the first time with empirical data that the liver may act as the main site for the synthesis of integumentary carotenoids. This finding contradicts previous assumptions and raises the question of possible inter-specific differences in the site of carotenoid conversion in birds.  相似文献   

Many anadromous fish species, when migrating from the sea to spawn in fresh waters, can potentially be a valuable prey for larger predatory fish, thereby efficiently linking these two ecosystems. Here, we assess the contribution of anadromous fish to the diet of European catfish (Silurus glanis) in a large river system (Garonne, southwestern France) using stable isotope analysis and allis shad (Alosa alosa) as an example of anadromous fish. Allis shad caught in the Garonne had a very distinct marine δ13C value, over 8‰ higher after lipid extraction compared to the mean δ13C value of all other potential freshwater prey fish. The δ13C values of European catfish varied considerably between these two extremes and some individuals were clearly specializing on freshwater prey, whereas others specialized on anadromous fish. The mean contribution of anadromous fish to the entire European catfish population was estimated to be between 53% and 65%, depending on the fractionation factor used for δ13C.  相似文献   

大量微囊藻浮力调节及其垂向迁移是形成蓝藻水华的重要机制之一.为研究微囊藻的垂直分布特征及影响因素,以洱海北部湖心为监测点位,采用野外采样室内分析的方法,于2016年9—12月对微囊藻生物量、伪空胞体积、粒径等指标进行了测定.结果表明:9—11月微囊藻生物量逐月增长并于11月达到峰值(1.77 mg/L),在12月出现下降(月均值为0.34 mg/L);9月、11月微囊藻伪空胞体积(18.0~22.6 μm3/cell)较高,10月、12月较低(10.2~17.3 μm3/cell);9—11月微囊藻的垂向迁移速率(5.4~14.5 m/d)、漂浮百分率(57%~96%)及群体粒径(91~305 μm)逐渐增大,12月明显减小.微囊藻生物量、伪空胞体积及群体粒径的垂直分布规律均表现为表层最高,中层次之,底层最低.9—11月,微囊藻在洱海中出现垂直分层现象,伪空胞提供的浮力作用和藻群体粒径作用大于风力扰动作用,促使微囊藻在水柱中主动迁移并聚集在水面;而在12月,风力扰动对微囊藻垂直分布的影响远超过浮力及粒径的作用,微囊藻在水柱中趋于均匀分布.研究显示,藻华高风险期微囊藻在洱海呈弱分层分布,且浮力及群体粒径是影响其垂直分布的主要因子.   相似文献   

改性生物吸附剂具有更好的重金属离子去除能力,成为近年来研究热点.本研究通过向菌株拉乌尔菌Raoultella sp.X13生长培养基中添加特定盐获得改性吸附剂,并研究了其镉离子(Cd2+)吸附特性.研究结果表明,相比原始菌体X13,经KCl、K2SO4、KH2PO4、(NH4)2SO4和NH4Cl改进的生长培养基制备的...  相似文献   

为减少城市林荫道中交通污染对道路行人的危害,并为行道树选择和养护管理提供技术参数和理论依据,研究了不同树种、不同绿荫覆盖率下的林荫道中ρ(NOx)和ρ(SO2)垂直空间分布及其四季变化特征,找出城市林荫道结构与环境效应相关关系.研究表明:①香樟(Cinnamomum camphora)和悬铃木(Platanus acerifolia)林荫道中ρ(NOx)范围为0.08~0.18 mg/m3,空气质量为轻微污染;ρ(SO2)范围为0.02~0.04 mg/m3,空气质量为优.②悬铃木行道树对NOx的消减效果较香樟好,香樟对SO2的消减效果较悬铃木好.香樟林荫道的绿荫覆盖率> 90%时对NOx的消减效果最好,在50%~70%时对SO2的消减效果最好;悬铃木林荫道的绿荫覆盖率在50%~70%时对NOx的消减效果最好,在>70%~90%时对SO2的消减效果最好.③香樟和悬铃木林荫道在春、夏两季空气质量优于秋、冬两季.④香樟林荫道中ρ(NOx)随高度增加有增大趋势,而悬铃木林荫道中ρ(NOx)随高度增加有减小趋势;在绿荫覆盖率>70%的香樟林荫道中ρ(SO2)随高度增加有增大趋势,而在悬铃木和香樟绿荫覆盖率 < 70%的林荫道中ρ(SO2)在4 m处较小.⑤行道树的树高、枝下高、冠幅、叶面积指数和郁闭度是影响城市林荫道环境效应发挥的重要结构参数.研究显示,林荫道的空间结构对气态污染物NOx和SO2的空间分布有明显影响,合理选择树种和修剪模式均有利于提升城市空气环境质量.   相似文献   

中国中东部地区的空气污染主要集中在京津冀、长三角、珠三角、东北地区及汾渭平原等区域,各区域的污染排放特征各异.本文应用基于CMAQ(The Community Multiscale Air Quality)模式的自适应"nudging"源反演方法,反演中国中东部地区2016年12月—2017年1月逐日NOx污染源,分析上述主要污染区的污染物排放强度空间分布特征,并与2016年MEIC(The Multi-resolution emission inventory for China)排放源进行比较,检验反演源的可靠性.结果表明,2016年冬季各个区域反演源NOx排放强度空间分布特征与2016年MEIC排放源基本一致.京津冀地区高强度排放区域形成沿山前区域东北-西南走向的NOx高强度排放带;长三角地区NOx高强度排放区域位于常州、苏州、上海和湖州等城市构成的城市群;珠三角地区NOx高强度排放区域位于以广州为中心的大范围城市群且排放强度呈现向四周逐渐降低的放射状分布;东北地区NOx高强度排放区域空间分布特征呈现以城市为中心且稀疏分布;汾渭平原排放区域呈现以城市为中心且向峡谷中间集中分布,排放区域轮廓与汾渭平原狭长的新月状相符.  相似文献   

Among the order of primates, torpor has been described only for the small Malagasy cheirogaleids Microcebus and Cheirogaleus. The nocturnal, gray mouse lemur, Microcebus murinus (approx. 60 g), is capable of entering into and spontaneously arousing from apparently daily torpor during the dry season in response to reduced temperatures and low food and water sources. Mark–recapture studies indicated that this primate species might also hibernate for several weeks, although physiological evidence is lacking. In the present study, we investigated patterns of body temperature in two free-ranging M. murinus during the austral winter using temperature-sensitive data loggers implanted subdermally. One lemur hibernated and remained inactive for 4 weeks. During this time, body temperature followed the ambient temperature passively with a minimum body temperature of 11.5°C, interrupted by irregular arousals to normothermic levels. Under the same conditions, the second individual displayed only short bouts of torpor in the early morning hours but maintained stable normothermic body temperatures throughout its nocturnal activity. Reduction of body temperature was less pronounced in the mouse lemur that utilized short bouts of torpor with a minimum value of 27°C. Despite the small sample size, our findings provide the first physiological confirmation that free-ranging individuals of M. murinus from the humid evergreen littoral rain forest have the option to utilize short torpor bouts or hibernation under the same conditions as two alternative energy-conserving physiological solutions to environmental constraints.  相似文献   

The presence of salt-excreting glands in extinct marine sauropsids has been long suspected based on skull morphology. Previously, we described for the first time the natural casts of salt-excreting glands in the head of the Jurassic metriorhynchid crocodyliform Geosaurus araucanensis from the Tithonian of the Vaca Muerta Formation in the Neuquén Basin (Argentina). In the present study, salt-excreting glands are identified in three new individuals (adult, a sub-adult and a juvenile) referable to the same species. New material provides significant information on the salt glands form and function and permit integration of evolutionary scenarios proposed on a physiological basis in extant taxa with evidence from the fossil record. G. araucanensis represents an advanced stage of the basic physiological model to marine adaptations in reptiles. G. araucanensis salt glands were hypertrophied. On this basis, it can be hypothesized that these glands had a high excretory capability. This stage implies that G. araucanensis (like extant pelagic reptiles, e.g. cheloniids) could have maintained constant plasma osmolality even when seawater or osmoconforming prey were ingested. A gradual model of marine adaptation in crocodyliforms based on physiology (freshwater to coastal/estuarine to estuarine /marine to pelagic life) is congruent with the phylogeny of crocodyliforms based on skeletal morphology. The fossil record suggests that the stage of marine pelagic adaptation was achieved by the Early Middle Jurassic. Salt gland size in the juvenile suggests that juveniles were, like adults, pelagic.  相似文献   

The capacity to distinguish colony members from strangers is a key component in social life. In social insects, this extends to the brood and involves discrimination of queen eggs. Chemical substances communicate colony affiliation for both adults and brood; thus, in theory, all colony members should be able to recognize fellow nestmates. In this study, we investigate the ability of Dinoponera quadriceps workers to discriminate nestmate and non-nestmate eggs based on cuticular hydrocarbon composition. We analyzed whether cuticular hydrocarbons present on the eggs provide cues of discrimination. The results show that egg recognition in D. quadriceps is related to both age and the functional role of workers. Brood care workers were able to distinguish nestmate from non-nestmate eggs, while callow and forager workers were unable to do so. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

(E)-6,10-dimethyl-5,9-undecadien-2-ol (geranyl acetol), termed here fuscol, was identified as a male-produced pheromone emitted by Tetropium fuscum (F.) and Tetropium cinnamopterum Kirby. In field experiments, traps baited with synthetic fuscol alone were not significantly attractive, but the combination of fuscol plus host volatiles (a synthetic blend of monoterpenes plus ethanol) attracted significantly more male and female T. fuscum and female T. cinnamopterum than did host volatiles alone. This is the first homoterpenoid alcohol to be described in the Cerambycidae, and the first pheromone reported from the sub-family Spondylidinae.  相似文献   

以小麦(Triticum acstivnm)为供试植物,草甸棕壤为供试土壤,采用室内培养箱盆栽方法,研究了荧蒽、苯并(a)芘单一及复合污染胁迫与小麦叶片中3种植物内源激素赤霉素(gibberellic acid, GA3)、细胞分裂素类的玉米素及玉米素核苷总量(zeatin and zeatin riboside, Z&ZR)、脱落酸(abscisic acid, ABA)的污染诱导剂量-效应关系.结果表明,荧蒽单一及与苯并(a)芘复合污染胁迫对小麦体内ABA的合成有明显的诱导作用,并且荧蒽单一污染的诱导作用较强,当荧蒽浓度为16 mg·kg-1时,ABA含量比对照增加了198%.荧蒽、苯并(a)芘复合污染对GA3的合成表现为明显的诱导抑制效应,而GA3对单一污染胁迫响应趋势不明显.荧蒽、苯并(a)芘单一及复合污染胁迫对Z&ZR的合成均产生明显的诱导抑制效应.本研究表明,3种内源激素对土壤低剂量多环芳烃污染指示具有重要作用,其对荧蒽、苯并(a)芘单一及复合污染响应的敏感性顺序为:Z&ZR>ABA>GA3.  相似文献   

Nitric oxide(NO) is one of the most important air pollutants in atmosphere mainly emitted from combustion source. A biotrickling filter was designed and operated to remove NO from an air stream using bacteria extracted from the sewage sludge of a municipal sewage treatment plant. To obtain the best operation conditions for the biotrickling filter, orthogonal experiments(L9(34)) were designed. Inlet oxygen concentration was found to be the most significant factor of the biotrickling filter and has a significant negative effect on the system. The optimal conditions of the biotrickling filter occurred at a temperature of 40℃, a pH of 8.0 and a chemical oxygen demand of 165 mg/L in the recycled water with no oxygen in the system. The bacteria sample was detected by DNA sequencing technology and showed 93%–98% similarity to Pseudomonas mendocina. Moreover, a full gene sequencing results indicated the bacterium was a brand new strain and named as P. mendocina DLHK. This strain can transfer nitrate to organic nitrogen. The result suggested the assimilation nitrogen process in this system. Through the isotope experimental analysis, two intermediate products(15NO and 15N2O) were found. The results indicated the denitrification function and capability of the biotrickling filter in removing NO.  相似文献   

Resource availability, competition, and predation commonly drive body size evolution. We assess the impact of high food availability and the consequent increased intraspecific competition, as expressed by tail injuries and cannibalism, on body size in Skyros wall lizards (Podarcis gaigeae). Lizard populations on islets surrounding Skyros (Aegean Sea) all have fewer predators and competitors than on Skyros but differ in the numbers of nesting seabirds. We predicted the following: (1) the presence of breeding seabirds (providing nutrients) will increase lizard population densities; (2) dense lizard populations will experience stronger intraspecific competition; and (3) such aggression, will be associated with larger average body size. We found a positive correlation between seabird and lizard densities. Cannibalism and tail injuries were considerably higher in dense populations. Increases in cannibalism and tail loss were associated with large body sizes. Adult cannibalism on juveniles may select for rapid growth, fuelled by high food abundance, setting thus the stage for the evolution of gigantism.  相似文献   

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