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Transforming to biochar provides an environmentally friendly approach for crop residue reutilization, which are usually applied as sorbent for heavy metal removal. As typical siliconrich material, the specific sorptive mechanisms of rice straw derived biochar(RSBC) are concerned, especially at the low concentration range which is more environmentally relevant. In the present study, Cd sorption onto RSBCs at the concentration of ≤ 5 mg/L was investigated. The sorptive capacity was positively corr...  相似文献   

A total of 713 research papers about field monitor experiments of heavy metals in farmland and urban soils in China, published from 2000 to 2019, were obtained. A meta-analysis was conducted to evaluate the level of China's heavy metal pollution in soils, mainly focusing on eight heavy metals. It was found that the average concentrations of cadmium (Cd), lead (Pb), zinc (Zn), copper (Cu), mercury (Hg), chromium (Cr), nickel (Ni), and arsenic (As) in China were 0.19, 30.74, 85.86, 25.81, 0.074, 67.37, 27.77 and 8.89 mg/kg, respectively. Compared with the background value (0.097 mg/kg), the Cd content showed a twofold (0.19 mg/kg) rise in farmland soils and a threefold (0.29 mg/kg) rise in urban soils. The decreasing order of the mean Igeo was Cd (1.77) > Pb (0.62) > Zn (0.60) > Cu (0.58) > Hg (0.57) > Cr (0.54) > Ni (0.47) > As (0.28). Nearly 33.54% and 44.65% of sites in farmland and urban soils were polluted with Cd. The average concentrations of eight heavy metals were not sensitive change in recent two decades in farmland and urban soils. The average Pn values for urban (2.52) and farmland (2.15) soils showed that heavy metal pollution in urban soils was more serious than that in farmland, and the middle Yangtze River regions, where industrial activity dominates, were the most polluted. The meta-analysis comprehensively evaluated the current pollution situation of soil heavy metal, and provided important basis for soil management and environment prevention in China.  相似文献   

The characteristics of the Danube river alluvial sediment are of great importance in assessing the risk for transport of pollutants to drinking water sources. Characterization of the sediment column layers has shown that the alluvial sediment, sampled near the city of Novi Sad, is a mesoporous sandy material with certain differences in the properties of individual layers. In order to investigate the sorption mechanisms of four chlorinated phenols (CPs) on the alluvial deposit, static sorption experiments were performed at pH 4, 7 and 10. The results of sorption experiments, confirmed by principal components analysis sugest different mechanisms govern the sorption process at different pH conditions. This can be attributed to the molecular characteristics of CPs, geosorbent properties and to variations in the surface charge of the sorbent at different pH conditions.  相似文献   

Sediment core is the recorder of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) pollutions and the associated sedimentary organic matter (SOM), acting as crucial supports for pollution control and environmental management. Here, the sedimentary records of PAHs and SOM in the past century in Lake Taihu, China, were reconstructed from a 50-cm sediment core. On the one hand, the presence of PAHs ranged from 8.99 to 199.2 ng/g. Vertically, PAHs declined with the depth increased, and the sedimentation history of PAHs was divided into two stages with a discontinuity at 20 cm depth. In composition, PAHs in the sediment core were dominated by three-ring PAHs (44.6% ± 9.1%, mean ± standard deviation), and were followed by four-ring (27.0% ± 3.3%), and five-ring (12.1% ± 4.0%) PAHs. In toxicity assessment, the sedimentary records of benzo[a]pyrene-based toxic equivalency were well described by an exponential model with R-square of 0.95, and the environmental background toxic value was identified as 1.62 ng/g. On the other hand, different components of SOM were successfully identified by n-alkane markers (p < 0.01) and the variations of SOM were well explained (84.6%). A discontinuity of SOM was recognized at 22 cm depth. Association study showed that the sedimentary PAHs were associated with both anthropogenic and biogenic SOM (p < 0.05) with explained variances for most individual PAHs of 60%. It indicated the vertical distributions of PAHs were driven by sedimentary SOM. Therefore, environmental processes such as biogenic factors should attract more attentions as well as PAH emissions to reduce the impacts of PAHs.  相似文献   

Variations of levels, possible source and air mass transmission were investigated for 16 USEPA priority-controlled PAHs in PM2.5 during 2018 Chinese Spring Festival(CSF) in Xiangyang City, central China which is the North-South pollutant airmass transport channel of China. Totally 37 samples were collected. Mass concentrations of 16 PAHs for the Pre–CSF day(Pre–CSFD), during the CSF day(CSFD) and after the CSF day(Af–CSFD) are 33.78 ±17.68 ng/m3, 22.98 ± 6.49 ng/m3  相似文献   

Low-density polyethylene(LDPE) has been widely used as a sorbent for passive sampling of hydrophobic organic contaminants(HOCs) in aquatic environments.However,it has seen only limited application in passive sampling for measurement of freely dissolved concentrations of parent and substituted PAHs(SPAHs),which are known to be toxic,mutagenic and carcinogenic.Here,the 16 priority PAHs and some typical PAHs were selected as target compounds and were simultaneously determined by gas chromatography–...  相似文献   

Long-range atmospheric transport(LRAT) plays a crucial role in the occurrence of persistent organic pollutants(POPs) in remote regions. When studying the LRAT of POPs on the Tibetan Plateau, westerly-controlled regions have received insufficient attention compared with regions influenced by the Indian monsoon or air flow from East Asia. We investigated the residual levels of POPs in soils from the eastern Pamirs and used air backward trajectory analysis to elucidate the influence of potential so...  相似文献   

Transboundary and domestic aerosol transport during 2018–2019 affecting Bangkok air quality has been investigated. Physicochemical characteristics of size-segregated ambient particles down to nano-particles collected during 2017 non-haze and 2018–2019 haze periods were analyzed. The average PM2.5 concentrations at KU and KMUTNB sites in Bangkok, Thailand during the haze periods were about 4 times higher than in non-haze periods. The highest average organic carbon and elemental carbon ...  相似文献   

Biodegradation of lower chlorinated benzenes (tri-, di- and monochlorobenzene) was assessed at a coastal aquifer contaminated with multiple chlorinated aromatic hydrocarbons. Field-derived microcosms, established with groundwater from the source zone and amended with a mixture of lower chlorinated benzenes, evidenced biodegradation of monochlorobenzene (MCB) and 1,4-dichlorobenzene (1,4-DCB) in aerobic microcosms, whereas the addition of lactate in anaerobic microcosms did not enhance anaerobic reductive dechlorination. Aerobic microcosms established with groundwater from the plume consumed several doses of MCB and concomitantly degraded the three isomers of dichlorobenzene with no observable inhibitory effect. In the light of these results, we assessed the applicability of compound stable isotope analysis to monitor a potential aerobic remediation treatment of MCB and 1,4-DCB in this site. The carbon isotopic fractionation factors (ε) obtained from field-derived microcosms were -0.7‰ ± 0.1 ‰ and -1.0‰ ± 0.2 ‰ for MCB and 1,4-DCB, respectively. For 1,4-DCB, the carbon isotope fractionation during aerobic biodegradation was reported for the first time. The weak carbon isotope fractionation values for the aerobic pathway would only allow tracing of in situ degradation in aquifer parts with high extent of biodegradation. However, based on the carbon isotope effects measured in this and previous studies, relatively high carbon isotope shifts (i.e., ∆δ13C > 4.0 ‰) of MCB or 1,4-DCB in contaminated groundwater would suggest that their biodegradation is controlled by anaerobic reductive dechlorination.  相似文献   

Cross-boundary transport of air pollution is a difficult issue in pollution control for the North China Plain. In this study, an industrial district (Shahe City) with a large glass manufacturing sector was investigated to clarify the relative contribution of fine particulate matter (PM2.5) to the city's high levels of pollution. The Nest Air Quality Prediction Model System (NAQPMS), paired with Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF), was adopted and applied with a spatial resolution of 5 km. During the study period, the mean mass concentrations of PM2.5, SO2, and NO2 were observed to be 132.0, 76.1, and 55.5 μg/m3, respectively. The model reproduced the variations in pollutant concentrations in Shahe at an acceptable level. The simulation of online source-tagging revealed that pollutants emitted within a 50-km radius of downtown Shahe contributed 63.4% of the city's total PM2.5 concentration. This contribution increased to 73.9±21.2% when unfavorable meteorological conditions (high relative humidity, weak wind, and low planetary boundary layer height) were present; such conditions are more frequently associated with severe pollution (PM2.5 ≥ 250 μg/m3). The contribution from Shahe was 52.3±21.6%. The source apportionment results showed that industry (47%), transportation (10%), power (17%), and residential (26%) sectors were the most important sources of PM2.5 in Shahe. The glass factories (where chimney stack heights were normally < 70 m) in Shahe contributed 32.1% of the total PM2.5 concentration in Shahe. With an increase in PM2.5 concentration, the emissions from glass factories accumulated vertically and narrowed horizontally. At times when pollution levels were severe, the horizontally influenced area mainly covered Shahe. Furthermore, sensitivity tests indicated that reducing emissions by 20%, 40%, and 60% could lead to a decrease in the mass concentration of PM2.5 of of 12.0%, 23.8%, and 35.5%, respectively.  相似文献   

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