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Rebound effect derived from energy efficiency improvement has been widely invested. However, most of studies focus on the rebound effect of the energy composite level and neither distinguish nor compare different energy types. We compare the differences in energy saving and energy rebound between primary and secondary energy sources, and further decompose the rebound effect into production rebound part and final demand component. To do so, we add a module for rebound into a comparative state China-CGE model. We design and test two simulation scenarios using the model. In Scenario 1, all production sectors’ energy efficiency of using primary energy increases by 5%. In Scenario 2, all production sectors’ energy efficiency of using secondary energy increases by 5%. The results show that Scenario 2 leads to more GDP growth and more energy saving. Our scenarios show rebound effects range between 9.6% and 27.9%, and in general are higher when energy efficiency of using primary energy sources is improved. Our decomposition analysis shows that improving energy efficiency in production sectors would stimulates energy use of final demand. Indeed, the consumption side has significant contribution to rebound in secondary energy use, especially in crude oil and gas. This study reveals that improving efficiency of using secondary energy is better than improving that of primary energy, both in terms of economic impact and energy rebound. And complementary policies that prevent energy services prices from falling too much can be adopted to reduce rebound. Controlling residential energy use could also be effective in reducing rebound, this has particular implication to economies in which residential energy consumption are far from saturation.  相似文献   

能源问题是实现可持续发展的重大战略问题。能效改进所引起的能耗反弹问题已成为能源经济学领域的一个重要议题。针对已有研究基于复合能源维度探讨反弹效应的不足,本文通过构建一个引入反弹效应测算模块的中国静态CGE模型,研究不同类型能源效率改进的节能效果和反弹差异,并将其在生产侧和消费侧进行分解。在分别提高所有生产部门一次能源使用效率和二次能源使用效率两种情景下,我们发现提高二次能源使用效率对经济的促进作用更大,带来的能源节约也更多。就反弹效应而言,两种情景的反弹效应在9.6%-27.9%范围间,但提高一次能源使用效率带来的反弹效应要普遍大于提高二次能源使用效率带来的反弹。这意味着,能效改进的能源类型选择将关系到政策的实施效果。对反弹效应在生产侧和消费侧的分解则显示,生产侧的能效改进会刺激消费侧能耗增加,而且来自消费侧的能耗增加在二次能源品种的反弹效应中扮演了重要角色,尤其是成品油和燃气。综上,我们认为不论从经济表现还是反弹效应来看,提高二次能源使用效率都是比较理想的能源类型选择,这是以往研究未曾注意到的。同时,由于反弹效应的存在确实降低了能效政策的有效性,因此政府在制定能效政策时可通过对冲能效改进带来的能源服务价格下降来减缓能耗反弹。引导和规范居民的用能观念和用能行为也是减缓反弹效应的一个重要途径,这一点对能源需求远未饱和的发展中国家尤其重要。  相似文献   

With the fast development of Qingdao’s economy, the energy consumption is increasing significantly. In this paper, based on the energy statistic data in Qingdao area from 2010 to 2015, energy consumption structure was analyzed, indicating the existence of single energy structure; that is, coal, petroleum, and natural gas are dominant in the area. Thus, some issues between energy supply and demand have been brought. To solve present problem, we put forward to formulate the development strategy of energy, including energy savings, the exploitation of petroleum and natural gas resources, the development and utilization of renewable energy sources, and energy policy. It is worthy of mentioning that, according to the geological investigation, the shale gas may be abundant in Qingdao area and the gas resource amount estimated is huge. This is our first finding, important for developing unconventional energy and adjusting the energy structure in Qingdao in the future. Therefore, we suggest that Qingdao government should take action to develop local new energy resources for satisfying the energy demand.  相似文献   

20世纪90年代以来中国能源消费的时空格局及其影响因素   总被引:32,自引:0,他引:32  
随着中国经济的快速发展.能源消费呈现快速增长趋势.如何以较低的能源消费保障较高的经济增长成为政府和学术界非常关注的问题。对20世纪90年代以来中国能源消费的时空特征的分析表明.宏观经济总量、产业结构、城市化水平、居民消费结构的变化是影响我国能源消费总量增长和能源消费区域差异的主要因素.为保障能源可持续消费与社会经济的可持续发展.必须从宏观上调控上述因素.使其向能源可持续利用方向发展。  相似文献   

Energy service is an effective way to promote energy conservation by market mechanisms, including energy saving services, energy procurement, supply of many varieties of energy, supply of renewable energy technologies, energy-related consulting services, risk management, etc. China is a major energy consumer but energy is in short supply, and the efficiency of energy use is low. China’s energy service industry has expanded rapidly, in terms of both the number of new Energy Service Companies entering the market and amount of capital invested in Energy Performance Contracting projects, but the energy service sector in China is still at an early stage of development. Developed countries began early in developing the energy service sector and their energy service market is mature, and the experience of developed countries shows that energy services play a significant role in advancing energy saving and emission reduction. Under the new situation, China needs combine energy services experience of developed countries, and take following measures to accelerate China’s energy services rapid and healthy development, including the long-term aspects of policy planning, energy-saving core technology, finance and capital investment, public sector reductions, personnel training, and so on.  相似文献   

空间溢出、门槛特征与能源效率的经济增长效应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
能源效率的改进能缓解经济增长过程中日益紧张的能源供需矛盾,然而空间异质性使得传统整体分析难以解释能源效率与经济增长之间的复杂关系。为了考察我国能源效率与经济增长的非线性空间联系,本文以我国1995-2009年省份面板数据,首先通过随机前沿生产函数模型测算我国各地区的能源效率及时空特征。接着,综合采用空间面板回归和门槛面板回归模型对能源效率与经济增长进行空间异质性检验,研究表明:能源效率对经济增长存在明显的空间外溢效应,空间溢出效应合理解释了能源效率与经济增长的空间非均衡分布。同时能源效率对经济增长存在门槛效应,能源效率对经济增长的弹性随着经济发展水平的提高而提高,但随着能源效率的提高而降低。本文政策含义明显:在制定能源的空间布局政策时应当加大对邻省较多、经济发展水平较高且能源效率较低省份的能源支出并努力提升这些省份的能源效率;而对经济发展水平较低且能源效率较高的省份,不宜从改进能源效率的思路来追求过快的经济增长。  相似文献   

能源消费总量控制是保障能源安全,积极应对气候变暖的重要手段;省域内能源消费量的合理分配,是落实国家能源消费总量控制的有效措施。提出能源消费总量分配应以公平为主、考虑区域发展权益的同时兼顾效率的原则,秉承“定基数,分增量”的思想,构建了基于信息熵的多因子混合加权分配模型,对目标年能源消费增量进行分配;选择了10个指标从经济水平、能耗水平、发展现状、产业结构及城市发展定位5个方面描述各地区的节能潜力及控制能耗量的责任,拟对能源消费总量在省内各市区的分配进行探索性研究。并以安徽省为例,对安徽省2015年能源消费总量分配到各市区进行了实证分析。结果显示,2015年安徽省17个市区能耗分配量增长率范围为1193%~5045%,能耗增幅的分配结果整体上受各市区人均GDP和人均能源消费量水平所支配,受单位工业增加值能耗和城市化率所调控  相似文献   

Iran experiences a high level of energy consumption which is threatening not only economically but also politically and environmentally. This study aims to estimate the relationship between the economic growth with the various kinds of energies, non-hydroelectric, renewable, non-renewable, and total energies in Iran during 1967–2012, using an autoregressive distributed lags (ARDL) model. The results show the ineffective relationship between the economic growth and energy consumption in Iran, considering non-hydroelectric energy, renewable energy, non-renewable energy, and total energy, one by one as the energy proxy. It implies the ineffectiveness of both the quantitative and qualitative deflationary policies over the energy sector. In another word, neither decreasing energy consumption nor changing energy portfolio affects the economic growth. Therefore, the policy makers are advised to formulate those policies which reduce the quantity of energy consumption or increase the segment of renewable energies in the portfolio of energy consumption because they do not lead to the considerable negative consequence on the economic growth, while they increase both the environmental quality and energy security.  相似文献   

由于在现有政治晋升体制中,各省在经济增长和节能降耗过程中对竞争地位的追求,导致各省的相对地位在能源消耗决策过程中起到十分重要的作用。本文基于中国省际政府官员考核和晋升机制现实背景,从相对身份效应理论的角度构建了省际能源消耗的理论模型,探讨了相对地位、地位变化对省际能源消耗的影响机制,具体表现为各省能源消耗的当期和上一期相对地位对能源强度具有行为理论上决策作用机制,当期人均GDP增速与上一期人均GDP绝对水平对能源强度具有行为意义上的理论解释机制,省际能源消耗具有的动态自适应机制。在理论分析基础上,进一步实证检验了省际能源消耗的相对身份效应理论,实证结果表明:(1)各省在当期能耗排名上竞争对节能具有积极作用,上一期能耗排名越靠后的省份在当期节能降耗的动机比排名靠前的省份更强烈,从而使得当期能耗下降。此外,在不同的考核时期和不同节能任务要求下,能耗排序对节能的影响存在差异,该影响也因各省所处相对位置高、低而不同。(2)当期经济增长与当期能源消耗呈现出同向变化的互补机制,上期经济增长与当期能源消耗呈现出反向变化的替代机制。(3)上一期能源强度下降会降低当期能源强度,省际能源强度存在着逐渐下降的动态自适应机制。基于此,我国对地方政府节能降耗的政策设计应当实施多节能目标、多奖惩措施的差异化模式,从而实现不同类别省份的有效节能和粗放型经济增长方式的快速转型。  相似文献   

In this article, based on the data of the energy statistics from 1980 to 2004, we analyze the relationship between the primary energy structures, technique, management, and the energy use per unit of GDP based on the path analysis approach and present the degree of the direct, indirect, and the overall influences of the primary energy structures on the energy use per unit of GDP. The results show that the technical change and management level play a decisive role in the energy use per unit of GDP, and the ratio of oil consumption was the major limiting factor to energy use per unit of GDP. We then found the model of the energy use per unit of GDP and the structures of the primary energy consumption, eliminated the multicollinearity in the model with the path analysis result, and finally, analyzed the influence of the primary energy structure on the energy conservation.  相似文献   

近年来,尽管我国政府围绕一些阶段性的能源效率改进指标(例如:降低我国单位国内生产总值的能源消耗)实施了一系列政策措施,并且就此已经取得了显著的成效,但这并未从根本上消除我国当前经济社会发展过程中存在的能源浪费和不合理使用现象,以及从长远来看我国经济社会发展趋向和依赖高能耗经济社会发展路径的隐患。究其原因,关键是对符合我国现实国情的节能内涵欠缺充分的认识,从而难以制定具有前瞻性和全局性的节能发展战略。在此背景下,本文在辨析节能基本概念的基础上,结合对我国当前能源消耗动态增长特征及其形成机理的剖析,进一步归纳出我国节能的本质内涵,指出"动态节能"是我国节能的本质内涵,而我国"动态节能"的根本目的在于减少我国实现现代化(例如城镇化和工业化等)整体过程中的"集总能源消耗"。本文开展的以上定性分析工作加深了对我国节能内涵的认识,为相关决策者制定更加全面的节能政策提供必要的决策参考依据。  相似文献   

选取2007年中国各省市自治区单位GDP能耗、单位工业增加值能耗和相关的经济指标数据,从经济发展、能源工业产值占相应省区GDP的比重等方面分析了2007年中国各省市区能耗现状,结果发现:我国经济较发达的省区单位GDP能耗和单位工业增加值能耗较低,经济较落后的省区这两种能耗指标较高;能源工业产值占相应省区GDP的比重越大,这两种能耗指标值越大。由此建立单位GDP能耗或单位IAV能耗与经济发展水平、能源工业产值占相应省区GDP的比重三者之间的结构模型,同时基于单位GDP能耗和单位IAV能耗,分别将中国各省区分为4种类型,并构建了二维矩阵表,据此对其产生的原因进行了分析,并提出建议。  相似文献   

为了使分布式能量系统(Distributed Energy System,简称DES)在我国更好地发展,本文从我国未来20年的能源发展战略出发,介绍了我国能源发展中依然存在的矛盾和问题,并通过对分布式能量系统组成、特点的研究,认为目前正是分布式能量系统发展的良好机遇:通过对分布式能量系统利用方式的研究,指出了分布式能量系统将在我国未来20年能源发展战略中的地位以及需要解决的相关问题。  相似文献   


Energy efficiency analysis has been recognised as an effective measure for the energy prediction, energy assessment and energy benchmarking in the machining system. However, study on energy efficiency of CNC hobbing machines, especially high-speed, dry-cutting CNC hobbing machines (HSDC-CHM), is still scarce. The energy consumption by HSDC-CHM is generally considered larger, and energy efficiency lower, than wet-cutting CNC hobbing machines (WC-CHM). Therefore, this paper summarises the investigation of energy efficiency of HSDC-CHM and establishes energy efficiency models of CNC hobbing machines. Energy efficiency of HSDC-CHM and WC-CHM are compared and analysed based on energy efficiency models established. Through the theory analysis, results show that, in the production line, although HSDC-CHM possess larger transient energy consumption, its energy efficiency is higher than energy efficiency of WC-CHM. Moreover, it is difficult to obtain quantitative energy efficiency of two types of hobbing machines due to massive relevant hard-to-acquire parameters using energy efficiency models; for this reason, experiments are performed to compare and analyse energy efficiency of HSDC-CHM and WC-CHM. The experiments results indicate that energy efficiency of HSDC-CHM is excellent and far higher than WC-CHM. The study results have a positive significance for the development and application of HSDC-CHM.  相似文献   

The article deals with indicators framework to monitor implementation of the main EU (European Union) directives and other policy documents targeting sustainable energy development. The main EU directives which have impact on sustainable energy development are directives promoting energy efficiency and use of renewable energy sources, directives implementing greenhouse gas mitigation and atmospheric pollution reduction policies and other policy documents and strategies targeting energy sector. Promotion of use of renewable energy sources and energy efficiency improvements are among priorities of EU energy policy because the use of renewable energy sources and energy efficiency improvements has positive impact on energy security and climate change mitigation. The framework of indicators can be developed to establish the main targets set by EU energy and environmental policies allowing to connect indicators via chain of mutual impacts and to define policies and measures necessary to achieve established targets based on assessment of their impact on the targeted indicators representing sustainable energy development aims. The article discusses the application of indicators framework for EU sustainable energy policy analysis and presents the case study of this policy tool application for Baltic States. The article also discusses the use of biomass in Baltic States and future considerations in this field.  相似文献   

This study proposed a decomposition method based on the normalized quadratic shadow unit cost function to explore the determinants of the change in energy intensity in China from 1985 to 2010.The decomposition analysis indicates that (1) the improvement in technical efficiency dramatically reduced the energy intensity,whereas technological change played only a minor role,which could be attributed to a rebound effect;(2) the aggregated allocation effect was small because the change in the allocative distortion between capital and energy significantly enhanced energy intensity but was partly offset by the effect stemming from the change in the allocative distortion between capital and energy;and (3) the substitution of energy for labor increased energy intensity,but the aggregated substitution effect significantly reduced energy intensity because the substitution of capital for energy reduced energy intensity to a great extent.These findings were obtained at the national level and varied at die regional level.  相似文献   

中国可再生能源政策演化、效果评估与未来展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
发展可再生能源已成为中国能源转型及减缓气候变化的关键途径。2006年《可再生能源法》实施至今,中国可再生发展取得举世瞩目成绩。然而可再生能源在中国整个能源结构中的占比仍然偏低,其未来可持续发展仍面临挑战,如可再生能源发展资金缺口持续扩大,可再生能源电力消纳仍然面临一定障碍。在未来新的发展背景下,有必要对中国可再生能源政策进行系统的评估和总结,进一步探讨未来可再生能源政策的优化方案。本文首先对中国2005—2019年可再生能源政策的发展历程及演化路径进行总结梳理,基于不同时期的发展特点及面临的主要矛盾将中国可再生能源政策历程划分为四个阶段;然后在综述相关研究基础上,对中国可再生能源政策的实施效果进行评估,包括政策有效性、政策成本、技术进步等。结果表明,中国过去十年的可再生能源政策对促进可再生能源快速发展是积极有效的,而促进可再生能源发展的政策成本仍然有进一步下降的空间;另外,虽然中国可再生能源发电成本下降显著,然而基于历史经验的技术进步率仍然不足以支撑实现中国2020年平价上网的目标,未来需要进一步推动可再生能源技术的进步和发电成本的下降。结合当前及未来中国可再生能源发展所处阶段的特点及面临挑战,我们提出进一步完善中国可再生能源政策以促进可再生能源持续稳定发展的政策建议,一是完善可再生能源绿色电力证书交易制度,增强可再生能源发展的内生激励并降低政策实施成本;二是建立储能技术市场机制,为减少弃电以及推动可再生能源消纳提供政策支持;三是推进碳金融体系建设,为可再生能源发展提供新的融资来源并降低发电成本。  相似文献   

小城镇能源优化配置研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
构建我国能源安全体系面临诸多困境。小城镇能源保障是其最薄弱的环节之一。但小城镇能源保障及其优化配置问题并没有得到政府、学术界应有的重视。通过与城市的比较分析。得出小城镇能源类型和结构特征,指出能源自然禀赋构成小城镇能源类型和结构的“本底”。社会经济发展水平。产业结构变迁主宰小城镇能源类型和结构变迁。在此基础上,提出了小城镇能源优化配置战略目标和导向。根据这一目标和导向,对小城镇能源优化配置的政策措施进行初步探讨。包括编制小城镇能源资源利用规划;加快可再生能源的应用技术研究;建立小城镇能源资源分配、开发、流通的市场机制;保护小城镇能源资源;优化小城镇产业结构。大力推动循环经济;推广分布式能源供给模式,提高小城镇能源供给安全。  相似文献   

The present study aims to better understand the relationship between energy intensity and its determinants including energy price, technological progress, economic structure, and energy mix using the autoregressive distributed lag(ARDL) bounds approach and vector error correction model technique. Based on China's time series over 1985-2014, the ARDL bounds approach yields empirical evidence that confirms the existence of long run relationship between energy price, technological progress, economic structure, energy mix, and energy intensity. The results show that technological progress is an important driver for the declining energy intensity in short and long run. Energy price has not been demonstrated as an important role in decreasing energy intensity in the short run. The high share of coal use in total energy use may be responsible for China's high energy intensity.However, the relative change in economic sectors plays a minor role in energy intensity reduction during the past years. In the long run, technological progress, energy mix and energy prices Granger cause energy intensity, but not vice versa except for the energy mix.  相似文献   

为避免传统能源效率测算中的偏差,采用非径向的SBM方向距离函数对1996~2010年中国29个省市、自治区(西藏除外)在环境约束下的能源效率进行了测算,在此基础上,对“九五”至“十一五”期间全国及东部、东北、中部、西部各地区的能源效率差异进行了比较分析,并对无效率来源进行了分解。结果表明:尽管样本期间全国整体能源效率水平在不断提升,但仍存在一定的能源利用无效率,能源资源利用水平低、环境污染高排放是其中的主要原因;各地区间、区域间能源效率存在较大差异;对造成能源效率差异的原因进行分析发现除环境因素外,能源投入利用水平低是制约东北老工业基地和中部地区效率提升的主要瓶颈因素,而经济产出水平则制约了西部地区效率水平的提高,这为因地制宜的制定差异化节能减排政策提供了决策支持  相似文献   

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