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植物挥发性气体与人类的健康安全   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
植物挥发性气体产生的原因主要是由于植物与自然的协同进化而产生的。一方面,植物挥发性气体的产生受昆虫、微生物、人类的干扰的影响;另一方面,植物的挥发性气体能对昆虫、微生物起到抑制作用,减少自身受伤害。目前国内外对植物挥发性气体的研究多从植物与昆虫、微生物的关系来进行,并形成了以化感作用研究为核心的化学生态学;而植物挥发性气体对人类的负面影响,特别是对人体健康安全的研究很少。文章结合作者的初步研究结果,综述植物的挥发性物质的产生原因、主要成份和对环境与生物的影响,特别是对人体健康安全的负面效应,为进一步研究植物挥发性气体和评价它们对人体健康安全的效应提供依据。  相似文献   

围填海的海洋环境影响国内外研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
围填海是通过人工修筑堤坝、填埋土石方等工程措施将天然海域空间改变成陆地以拓展社会经济发展空间的人类活动,它是当前我国海岸开发利用的主要形式。大规模围填海在产生巨大的社会经济效益的同时,也给海洋生态环境造成了深远的影响,受到了国内外学者的广泛关注。文章在系统收集了国内外围填海的海洋环境影响研究报道成果的基础上,分别从:①围填海对滨海地形地貌、湿地景观的影响研究;②围填海对近岸海域水动力环境的影响研究;③围填海对滨海湿地退化与生态功能的影响研究;④围填海对近岸海洋生态系统结构与功能的影响;⑤围填海对海洋渔业资源衰退的影响等5个方面深入分析了围填海的海洋环境影响国内外研究进展及其存在的主要问题。并剖析了加强围填海的海洋环境监测与评估,实施围填海的海洋生态环境修复与生态补偿等国际围填海研究新趋势。针对围填海的海洋环境影响国内外研究现状和发展趋势,提出加强对集中连片围填海区域的长期累积效应研究、加强围填海对海洋生态环境结构功能影响过程及机理研究、加强多学科交叉在围填海海洋环境影响方面的综合研究等相关建议。  相似文献   

近5年增强UV-B辐射对植物影响的研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
综合分析了近5年增强UV-B辐射对植物影响的最新研究进展.结果发现近5年来增强UV-B辐射对植物影响的研究明显具有以下趋势:1)增强UV-B辐射对植物个体影响的研究总体上趋于减少;2)对植物信号转导的研究日益增多;3)植物对增强UV-B辐射胁迫的防卫机制和伤害修复研究仍是重点,但更偏重于防卫机制方面的研究;4)更加重视对植物群体及生态系统影响的研究;5)增强UV-B辐射与其它因子(环境背景因子和污染胁迫因子)的复合作用研究成为新的热点和重点.根据近5年的研究进展,推断在今后一段时间内,有关增强UV-B辐射对植物和生态系统影响的研究还会加强,信号转导、分子水平机理以及增强UV-B辐射与其它因子的复合作用研究可能是今后的研究热点.  相似文献   

We introduce ten papers on sustainable resource dynamics. In addition, we provide analytical results on the effect of stochastic damages on optimal economic growth, the effects of habits and loss aversion on the cost-benefit discount rate, and the effect of a carbon budget and carbon capture and storage (CCS) on optimal investment in technical change.  相似文献   

北京市大气中BTEX工作日与非工作日的浓度变化   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
对2006年北京市大气中苯系物(BTEX)在工作日和非工作日的浓度变化进行研究.结果表明,BTEX在非工作日的平均浓度比工作日低4.8%,其中"五一"和"十一"假期BTEX的浓度分别为54%和13.2%.BTEX在非工作日浓度降低的主要原因是因为非工作日机动车使用量的减少.在工作日BTEX浓度峰值与上下班交通高峰有关,而在非工作日浓度从下午到夜间维持在一个较高浓度.BTEX各物质之间的比值在工作日和非工作日差别不大,但是各物质之间在非工作日的相关性比工作日好.苯和甲苯在工作日和非工作日都具有较好的相关性,乙苯和二甲苯之间在非工作日的相关性比工作日高.  相似文献   

To study the effect of habitat fragmentation on population viability, I used extinction rates on islands in archipelagoes and estimated the relative probability of extinction per species on single large islands and sets of smaller islands with the same total area. Data on lizards, birds, and mammals on oceanic islands and mammals on mountaintops and in nature reserves yield similar results. Species are likely to go extinct on all the small islands before they go extinct on the single, large island. In the short term, the analysis indicates that extinction probabilities may be lower on a set of small islands. This is perhaps an artifact due to underestimation of extinction rates on small islands and/or the necessity of pooling species in a focal taxon to obtain estimates of extinction rates (which may obscure area thresholds and underestimate the slope and curvature of extinction rates as a function of area). Ultimately, cumulative extinction probabilities are higher for a set of small islands than for single large islands. Mean and median times to extinction tend to be shorter in the fragmented systems, in some cases much shorter. Thus, to minimize extinction rates in isolated habitat remnants and nature reserve systems, the degree of fragmentation should be minimized  相似文献   

中央分隔带是高速公路中对视觉景观影响最重要的一部分,在对其具体的生念、环境、景观和安全要求进行分析的基础上,提出景观设计的方法。根据笔者在焦新高速公路种植设计中的体验,从植物配置、生态要求等方面对中央分隔带的绿化景观设计进行了总结。  相似文献   

Studies were carried out on the inner and outer coral reefs at Diani Beach on the Kenya coast to assess the distribution, density and behaviour of Echinometra mathaei (de Blainville). Transects 1 m wide were run on the two reefs in April, June and September, 1970. Test measurements on representative samples from the animal populations on both reefs were also taken. Direct observations on specimens of E. mathaci in selected rock pools on the outer reef were made to determine their movement, gregariousness, homing and feeding behaviour. Population density was higher on the inner reef furthest from the sea at low tide than on the outer reef. On the submerged inner coral reef at low tide, E. mathaei occurred mainly exposed on the seaweeds, but, on the exposed outer reef, its main niches were crevices in rock pools and under coral ledges. Sizefrequency distributions revealed that smaller individuals occurred on the inner reef and larger ones on the outer reef. The growth rate of E. mathaei was estimated from the positions of modal values, calculated from size-frequency distributions. No gregarious or homing behaviour was observed and, once settled in a suitable crevice, E. mathaei showed little movement.  相似文献   

城市化与生态环境响应研究综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
城市化是学者们一直比较关注的重点问题,他们从不同视角对城市化及其过程进行了大量而富有创新的研究,并取得了丰硕的成果。伴随着城市化进程的加快,人们对生态环境问题的关注,城市化与生态环境的响应关系是城市地理新的关注点。文章分别就国内外学者对城市化、城市生态环境、城市化与生态环境响应的研究进行了综述,认为国内外学者对城市化、城市生态环境的研究起步早,成果多,近年来研究范围日益拓展,研究程度日益加深,并加强了新技术新方法的应用。国内学者对城市化的研究集中于城市化道路选择问题的探讨、城市化水平测度以及城市化的动力机制三个方面。对城市生态环境的研究多集中于社会—经济—自然复合生态系统及生态城市的研究。对于城市化与生态环境响应关系的研究则多见于生态学家、经济学家及地理学家的成果中,主要集中在单方面的城市化对生态环境的影响研究,而对于生态环境是怎样反过来影响城市化进程的研究则比较少见。另外,学者们的研究以微观单个影响因子的研究居多,从宏观综合角度出发进行的研究较少。这将是今后研究的一个重点问题。  相似文献   

Settlement of juvenile scleractinian corals was investigated from 1987 to 1990 on eutrophic and less eutrophic fringing reefs on the west coast of Barbados, West Indies. The number of coral recruits and number of recruiting coral species on cement blocks decreased with increasing eutrophication of the reefs. This may suggest lower settlement rates on eutrophic reefs, but could also liave resulted from higher post-settlement mortality, since blocks were examined only once after 3 yr of immersion. Coral settlement rates to artificial plates that were checked monthly were also lower on the more eutrophic reefs. This could result from lower local availability of larvae caused by fewer adult corals and/or lower reproductive rates of corals on eutrophic reefs. However, the ratio of coral recruits to adult coral abundance was considerably lower on eutrophic reefs, suggesting that local coral abundance alone can not explain lower settlement rates on eutrophic reefs. The lower rates on eutrophic reefs may result from a lower probability of coral larvae settlin when present, perhaps because of a limited availability of suitable settlement substrate. Colonization of settlement plates by non-coralline organisms was heavier on eutrophic reefs, and unoccupied space was lower, supporting the suggestion that suitable coral settlement substrate may be limiting on eutrophic reefs. Moreover, coralline algae, which facilitate metamorphosis and settlement of coral larvae, were less abundant on settlement plates on eutrophic reefs.  相似文献   

Ever since the Earth Summit was launched at Rio de Janeiro, research has been done on the problems of developing indices for the health of the environment and for its sustainable development. However, this research has concentrated more on national and regional levels than on local levels, more on spatial comparisons than on time series analysis, more on short-term than on long-time analysis, more on qualitative than on quantitative analysis. In contrast, therefore, this paper presents an indicator system procedure for measuring Beijing (the capital of China) environmental sustainability based on the Pressure-State-Response (PSR) philosophy, evaluates the trend of Beijing environmental sustainability index (BESI) quantitatively for 21 years, from 1983 to 2003, and suggests three great opportunities in the near future that are expected to provide some dependable information to policy makers. The results suggest that Beijing is still far from environmental sustainable development. The total trend was better in the 1980s than in the 1990s, and has improved slightly since 2000.  相似文献   

深圳市发展生态旅游业研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
从世界旅游业发展趋势和当地拥有的旅游资源等方面综合考虑,深圳市应把生态旅游作为今后旅游业发展的重点,通过对深圳市一些现有旅游景区的改造和对生态旅游资源的整合,统一规划,形成深圳市大生态旅游新格局,建设以梧桐山等为主的探险生态旅游区;以野生动物园等为主的自然生态旅游区;以福田红树林自然保护区为主的湿地生态旅游区;以石岩湖等为主的休闲生态旅游区;以光明农场为主的农业生态旅游区;以南头古城等为主的人文生态旅游区。  相似文献   

利用化学还原的方法制备银溶胶,通过在吸附了活性艳红的高岭土基体上沉积银,获得了活性艳红在高岭土上的表面增强拉曼光谱,探讨了活性艳红在高岭土上的吸附机理.结果表明,活性艳红和银溶胶均以范德华力和静电引力直接吸附于高岭土上。且银溶胶对活性艳红在高岭土上的拉曼信号有显著的增强效应。  相似文献   

I investigated the ability of predators to influence the patterns of species richness and abundance of non-piscivorous fishes on small, artificial reefs replenished by natural recruitment. Periodic removal of predators effectively reduced the species richness and abundance of predators on removal reefs. The difference between the number of predators on control and removal reefs was greatest immediately following the removal of predators and attenuated between removals. During periods of recruitment, species richness and total abundance of recently-recruited, non-piscivorous fishes were generally greater on predator-removal reefs than on control reefs. Species richness and total abundance of resident non-piscivorous fishes were not affected by the removal of predators in the first year of the experiment. Both abundance and species richness of residents, however, were greater on the removal reefs during the second year of the experiment. The difference in the responses of the two age classes to the removal of predators suggests that predators may affect community patterns of older age classes through time-lagged effects on the survivorship of younger age classes. At the end of the experiment, species richness was positively related to abundance for recruits and residents. The effects of removing piscivorous fishes on the abundance of non-piscivorous fishes were similar for species considered separately. A greater number of species of recruit and resident fishes were more abundant on reefs from which predators had been removed. These data suggest that predators can play an important role in structuring communities of fishes on coral reefs.  相似文献   

Yang LH 《Ecology》2008,89(6):1497-1502
Resource pulses can have both direct bottom-up and indirect top-down effects on their consumers, but comparatively few studies have investigated the top-down effects of naturally occurring resource pulses on plants. This study describes two years of field experiments conducted to determine the indirect effects of 17-year periodical cicadas (Magicicada spp.) on herbivory in American bellflowers (Campanulastrum americanum). In 2004, the area of damaged leaves on cicada-supplemented plants was 78% greater than the area of damaged leaves on control plants. In 2005, cicada-supplemented plants were more likely to experience herbivory by mammalian herbivores than control plants. When large herbivores were excluded, similar patterns of leaf herbivory were observed, but these differences were not statistically significant. These results suggest that the pulsed input of dead periodical cicada bodies increased rates of herbivory on bellflowers, and that this effect was largely mediated by the selective foraging of large mammalian herbivores. More broadly, this study suggests that pulses of limiting resources can have both positive direct effects on plants and negative indirect effects due to selective herbivory, and that the net effects of pulsed resources on plants may depend on the composition and behavior of the surrounding herbivore community.  相似文献   

以滨海新区2008年卫星影像、《滨海新区城市总体规划(2005-2020)》和《滨海新区城市空间发展战略研究(2005-2050)》为基础,在GIS技术下运用景观格局分析、网络结构分析及斑块间的相互作用力分析法研究了滨海新区规划对区域生态网络结构的影响。结果表明:滨海新区2008年生态网络景观破碎化严重且连通性差;《总体规划》侧重于斑块间的廊道连接,但大尺度斑块比例小;《战略研究》侧重于大尺度斑块的构建,但连通性较差;根据景观生态学原理,提出了滨海新区的生态网络结构改进建议。  相似文献   

基于景观格局的辽河三角洲湿地生态安全分析   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
以1990年和2005年遥感影像为基本信息源,在GIS技术支持下,在对辽河三角洲湿地景观格局分析的基础上,采用破碎度、分离度、优势度等景观格局指数和景观类型脆弱度为评价指标研究辽河三角洲湿地景观生态安全。20世纪90年代以来大规模的资源开发,加剧了辽河三角洲湿地景观的破碎化程度,使景观优势度增高,多样性下降。从1990-2005年,研究区主要湿地景观类型水稻田、苇田、滩涂的干扰程度有所增加,生态安全度均有所下降,表明人类对自然湿地生态系统的干扰越来越明显。总体来说,15年来研究区整体景观生态安全度呈现下降趋势。以往湿地生态安全的研究主要集中在环境脆弱性和保护策略方面,研究层次着重在生态系统层面,而从景观格局角度对湿地景观生态安全的研究涉及较少,文章涉及的是景观生态学可持续发展研究的一个新领域,所提出的内容实质上是景观生态安全定量表征的方法探讨。应用景观生态学方法研究生态安全,揭示景观结构与功能关系并进一步分析区域生态环境的变化趋势及其内在因素,不但为辽河三角洲湿地及其生物多样性的保护和资源开发提供了科学依据,而且丰富和发展了我国生态安全研究的理论与方法。  相似文献   

农药对农田蜘蛛生态效应的研究进展   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
农药对农田蜘蛛的生态效应是进行农田害虫综合防治的生态学基础.本文综述了农田蜘蛛接触和吸收农药的主要途径、农药对蜘蛛的生态效应、蜘蛛对农药的抗性以及农药对蜘蛛的致死效应等研究现状.关于农药对农田蜘蛛亚致死效应的研究,特别是分子、生化、生理、行为等方面的异常,国内外报道不多,因此这方面的研究工作有待于进一步加强.参47  相似文献   

Regulator reputation, enforcement, and environmental compliance   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper explores empirically the impact of enforcement efforts on environmental compliance, focusing on the role of regulator reputation spillover effects. We find that, on the margin, the impact of a fine for water pollutant violations is about a two-thirds reduction in the statewide violation rate in the year following a fine. This large result obtains through the regulator's enhanced reputation; the deterrence impact on other plants in a state is almost as strong as the impact on the sanctioned plant. Focusing only on the response of the sanctioned plant, as in previous studies, may therefore seriously underestimate the efficacy of fines and other sanctions. This paper also examines the relative effectiveness of monitoring and enforcement instruments. Non-monetary sanctions contribute no detected impact on compliance, and the marginal fine induces substantially greater compliance than the marginal inspection.  相似文献   

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