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Under Chinese culture it is believed that herbal medicine is always safe and wild food is always healthy. Generally, the rarer a plant, the higher its value. The booming economy in China has promoted tourism development in wilderness areas and wild medicinal and food plants are part of the attraction to tourists. Conflicts between wild plant exploitation and protection have emerged in many parts of China, such as Changbai Mountain. Changbai Mountain supports numerous medicinal and food plants but many have become rare and endangered. This paper numerically evaluates 30 plant species that have relatively high conservation value for each type (medicinal, ornamental and food), and briefly describes the uses of four to five top ranked species per type that need more protection on Changbai Mountain. This paper also addresses some tree species with important timber values on Changbai Mountain. Over 90% of China's medicinal, ornamental and food plant species, as well as valuable timber trees are found in the conifer–broadleaf mixed forest zone across the boundary of Changbai Mountain Nature Reserve. It is a major challenge to protect the native biodiversity of mixed forest on Changbai Mountain and more efforts need to be made to protect rare and endangered plant species with high economic value.  相似文献   

韶关地区大宝山铁多金属矿产资源的开采给环境带来了严重的危害。采选冶产生的废液及固体废弃物堆积的淋滤酸水,携带浸滤出的大量重金属离子排入下游河道,严重影响矿区及酸水流域的生态环境。通过对该铅锌矿区土壤重金属分布、土壤微生物数量与植物重金属积累特征进行采样分析研究,结果表明:铅锌矿区土壤各重金属元素质量分数均高于对照土壤,矿区土壤均受到不同程度的污染;五节芒(Miscanthusfloridulus)植物中的元素质量分数表现为Zn〉Pb〉Cu〉Cd,Zn与土壤元素的相关性最为显著,其次为Pb;与对照土壤相比,矿区土壤微生物总数下降了68.43%-80.32%,各主要生理类群数量均呈下降趋势。矿区土壤生态系统处于不利于有益微生物的繁殖和活动的境地,从而大大削弱了土壤中C、N营养元素循环速率和能量流动。  相似文献   

东北森林土壤动物同功能种团及其生态分布   总被引:38,自引:0,他引:38  
对位于小兴安岭的东北林业大学凉水自然保护区和位于张广才岭的东北林业大学帽儿山实验林场的土壤动物进行了研究。结果表明,该地区土壤动物可划分为腐食性、植食性,捕食性动物三个同功能种团,土壤动物各同功能种团在组成、个体数量、生物量等方面均具有相对稳定性,群落土壤动物同功能种团的数量分布状况能在很大程度上反映群落环境的相似与差异程度;群落中各土壤动物同功能种团的个体数量间无明显的相关性,但腐食性动物与捕食性动物两个同功能种团的生物量之间具有的相关性。图1表2参13  相似文献   

冻融对长白山森林土壤碳氮矿化的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
长白山地区秋末春初常常存在冻融过程,冻融过程影响土壤水分分布而改变土壤理化性质。通过室内模拟实验,研究了冻融过程(-20~15℃)对长白山阔叶红松(Pinus koraiensis)林和白桦(Betula platyphylla)林土壤有机碳和氮矿化过程的影响。结果表明,经过3次冻融循环,冻融处理土壤矿化速率显著高于对照处理,但经过多次冻融循环过程,冻融处理抑制土壤有机碳矿化过程,对照处理土壤有机碳矿化速率高于冻融处理(P=0.019)。在培养结束后,冻融处理的阔叶红松林和白桦林土壤无机氮质量分数,分别是对照处理的1.88倍和1.96倍;冻融次数也是影响土壤有机氮矿化的一个重要因素,35次冻融循环后,阔叶红松林和白桦林土壤中无机氮分别提高了2.10倍和2.81倍。冻融循环促进了土壤有机氮的矿化,有利于土壤中有效氮的累积,为春季植物生长提供足够的氮素,但也潜在增加了土壤中无机氮流失的风险。  相似文献   


The east Jilin Province in China, Jingyu County has been explored as a potential for enriching mineral water. In order to assess the water quality and quantity, it is of crucial importance to investigate the origin of the mineral water and its flow paths. In this study, eighteen mineral springs were sampled in May and September of 2012, May and September of 2013, and May 2014 and the environment, evolvement, and reaction mechanism of mineral water formation were analysed by hydrochemical data analysis, geochemical modelling and multivariate statistical analysis. The results showed that the investigated mineral water was rich in calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium, bicarbonate, chloride, sulphate, fluoride, nitrate, total iron, silicate, and strontium, and mineral water ages ranged from 11.0 to more than 61.0 years. The U-shape contours of the mineral ages indicate a local and discrete recharge. The mineral compositions of the rocks were olivine, potassium feldspar, pyroxene, albite, and anorthite and were under-saturated in the mineral water. The origin of mineral water was from the hydrolysis of basalt minerals under a neutral to slightly alkaline and CO2-rich environment.


基于水文学方法的珠江流域生态流量研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张强  崔瑛  陈永勤 《生态环境》2010,19(8):1828-1837
珠江流域水资源丰富,但由于水体污染等原因,水质性缺水问题较为突出,区域水环境、水生态以及水安全等成为急需解决的重要科学问题。开展生态流量研究对于评价地表水文过程演变对区域水环境与水生态的影响具有重要理论意义,并为区域水资源优化配置和可持续开发利用提供科学依据。基于此,运用各种"水文学"方法(包括最小月平均流量法、改进的7Q10法、NGPRP法、逐月最小生态径流计算法和逐月频率计算法)对珠江流域11个主要水文控制站点的实测月径流量做了全面而系统的研究,分析珠江流域生态径流过程,并通过与Tennant法对比分析,选择逐月最小生态径流计算法和逐月频率计算法分别计算了各水文控制站的最小生态径流量和适宜生态径流量,除个别站点外,其评价结果分别处于Tennant法"中"和"最佳"的等级。对于逐月频率计算法中保证率的选取方法,研究表明各月径流系列均取50%最适合珠江流域。研究同时为仅利用水文资料中的多年逐月径流数据来确定生态需水提供了一种新的研究思路。  相似文献   

In this study, the traditional ecological knowledge (TEK) on non-cultivated plant utilization by the Miao and Buyi people in Guizhou, China, was investigated using semi-structured interviews and the joint plant and use (JPU) was used as an index of TEK. In addition, the regional TEK distribution patterns were depicted. The results showed that low-frequency JPUs accounted for a large proportion of the total TEK on non-cultivated plant utilization, implying a possible TEK loss. The TEK distribution pattern is similar to the 80/20 rule, indicating that most TEK is mastered by key informants who are important for regional TEK protection and inheritance. Different informants have different JPU amounts and diversities with specific relationships, and for the characteristic ethnic TEK, medicinal JPUs generally have a low frequency, while symbolic JPUs have a higher frequency. The results could provide references for regional sustainable development and biocultural diversity management.  相似文献   

玉米-苜蓿间作的生态效应   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
陈玉香  周道玮 《生态环境》2003,12(4):467-468
研究地区位于东北农牧交错带东段。在农牧交错地区,粮食生产与饲草生产同等重要,因此将玉米与苜蓿间作,研究了这种间作的生态效应。发现玉米与苜蓿间作,对土壤理化性质有明显改善,表现在土壤有机质质量分数上升,体积质量下降.土壤全氮、全磷、全钾质量分数升高。因此玉米与苜蓿问作在农牧交错地区具有可行性。  相似文献   

In 2008, a maize underproduction disaster occurred in the Xianyu village after irrigation using the coal mining water from the Xingdong Mine, China. This disaster resulted in about 40 hectare maize underproduction and 20 hectare total loss of the maize yields. In order to study the reason, a total of 25 soil, water and plant samples were taken from the study area. These samples were analysed by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry and ion chromatography. The results indicate that the contents of both water-soluble fluorine and total fluorine are very high and resulting of maize underproduction and total loss of production. The possible pollution sources of fluorine in the study area could be from the coal mine water used for irrigation and glass chemical factory near the study area.  相似文献   

孔昊玥  刘红玲 《环境化学》2021,40(3):706-716
邻苯二甲酸酯类物质(phthalic acid esters,PAEs)环境存在量大,研究表明其能对水生生物造成寿命减少、发育不良、细胞受损等负效应.因此,为保护水生生物,我国地表水中PAEs的生态风险需要科学评估.本文利用了风险商法(risk quotient,RQ)、最大累积率法(maximum cumulativ...  相似文献   

A new stochastic optimal control approach is introduced which quantifies the risk of extinction of a population associated with its optimal exploitation. In addition the maximization of the profit can be performed subject to the constraint that the mentioned risk does not exceed a given limit. As a first example for this general method an exponentially growing population is investigated. The interdependence of the risk and the profit is discussed. This model reveals the possibility of reducing the risk considerably without a substantial decrease of profit.  相似文献   

基于生态环境需水的大凌河生态系统服务功能价值评估   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
周林飞  席芝橙  谭艳芳 《生态环境》2011,20(11):1659-1664
目前对河流生态系统服务功能价值的评估,均没有考虑河流生态环境需水的问题。河流的来水量如果达不到河流生态环境需水量,河流的生态系统服务功能将不能正常发挥。对大凌河生态系统服务功能进行分类,用市场价值法、代替花费法和机会成本法经行计算,并且在计算供水功能价值、贮水功能价值和输沙功能价值时考虑了河流的生态环境需水,其它功能的实现也是在满足河流生态环境需水的基础上。结果表明:直接使用价值为92.64亿元/a,间接使用价值为215.17亿元/a,总价值为307.81亿元/a。通过分析,得出大凌河河流生态系统的核心服务功能是调蓄洪水功能、水产品功能和栖息地功能,应在充分发挥核心功能的同时兼顾其它功能。  相似文献   

通过研究不同海拔(1 750 m,1 900 m,2 000 m)岳桦的光合生理,探讨岳桦叶片对高山环境的适应特征.结果表明:与海拔1 750 m相比,1 900 m和2 000 m处植物叶片具有较低的暗呼吸速率(Rd)、光补偿点(LCP)和CO2补偿点(CCP),较高的最大光合速率(Amax)、光近饱和点(LK)、表观羧化速率(CE)、最大羧化速率(Vcmax)和最大电子传递速率(Jmax).1 900 m处光化学淬灭系数(qP)和作用光存在时PSⅡ实际光化学量子效率(ФpsⅡ)最高,2 000 m处非光化学淬灭系数(NPQ)则最高.随海拔升高,岳桦叶片水分利用效率(WUE)先升高再降低.与1 750 m相比,1 900和2 000 m处植物叶片具有较高的气孔导度(gs)和CO2吸收速率(Pn/Ci斜率).分析表明:1 900 m是岳桦的最适生长区,具有较高的光合能力,且所受胁迫较小.图6表3参26  相似文献   

南方丘陵区土壤潜育化的发生与生态环境建设   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
熊明彪  舒芬  宋光煜  胡恒 《生态环境》2002,11(2):197-201
依据近年来潜育化土壤的研究资料,分别就南方丘陵区土壤潜育化的主要影响因素,潜育化土壤主要类型及诊断指标,生态环境建设等进行了综合讨论。  相似文献   

In recent years, it has been important to objectively evaluate the degree of regional ecological security with regard to resource depletion and to analyse influential factors to assess sustainable development. This paper tries to assess ecological security in Chongqing while investigating the main influencing factors. Calculations of the consumption footprint, production footprint and ecological capacity for Chongqing from 1996 to 2007 based on an ecological footprint approach were carried out. An ecological security index was also calculated from these results and factors influencing security were analysed using factor analysis. Both the consumption and production footprints present an upward trend, contrary to the gradually decreasing trend of ecological capacity. In addition, the ecological security index shows that Chongqing has deteriorated from a level of less risk to that of risk. Factor analysis suggests that the deterioration of ecological security could primarily be ascribed to socio-economic factors and industrialisation. With socio-economic development and industrialisation, appropriate measures must be taken to improve the ecosystem in Chongqing so as to achieve sustainable development. The limitations of the methodology are also discussed and areas that require further research are presented.  相似文献   

生态足迹方法是区域可持续发展研究的一种重要方法,在中部6省大区域框架下,运用生态足迹模型对中部6省1989—2011年的生态足迹进行了测算和对比研究。研究结果表明:中部6省1989—2011年的生态承载力较为平稳,其中江西、河南、湖北和湖南4省的生态承载力略有上升,而山西、安徽两省的生态承载力有下降趋势。中部6省的社会经济活动对生态系统的消耗远大于生态系统本身的承载能力,并且这种差距正在不断增大,导致生态赤字不断增大。考察期间,山西省生态赤字的绝对值最小,平均生态赤字为0.49 hm2 cap-1,湖北省生态赤字最大,平均值为1.15 hm2 cap-1,其次为河南和湖南,生态赤字增长最快的是山西省和河南省,增长倍数分别达到了7.38和4.27倍。中部6省6种生态生产性土地的生态足迹均呈现出上升趋势,平均来看,6类生态生产性土地在中部6省总的生态足迹中所占比重由高到低依次为耕地、化石能源地、草地、建筑用地、水域、林地。耕地生态足迹是生态足迹中最重要的组成部分,在总的生态足迹中所占比重最大,中部6省耕地的生态足迹时间序列数据比较平稳,在考察时间内从1989年的0.4241上涨到2011年的0.5851,上升趋势较平稳,但由于耕地生态足迹所占比重大,尽管增长速度缓慢,但对中部6省生态足迹总的影响较大。建筑用地和林地生态足迹虽然增长幅度较大,但由于基数小,因此建筑生态足迹和林地生态足迹对中部6省生态足迹总的影响较小。草地、水域和化石能源用地生态足迹基数大,增长幅度也大,加上耕地生态足迹,共同决定了中部6省人均生态足迹的逐年上升趋势。  相似文献   

垂直潜流人工湿地净化北方微污染水体试验研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
为研究垂直潜流人工湿地对北方微污染水体中COD、氮和磷的去除效果及去除机理,在室内选用混合土(由炉渣与种植土按比例混合而成)、石英砂和陶粒作为填料,以天津当地常见植物黄花鸢尾为植被构建了垂直潜流人工湿地处理微污染景观湖水和雨季的初期雨水;除冬季冰封期暂停运行外,通过对系统不同季节运行数据的分析,考察了不同季节环境条件下垂直潜流人工湿地对我国北方城市微污染水体的净化效果及影响因素。结果表明:不同季节条件下,该系统对污染物均有着良好的去除效果和抗冲击负荷能力。微污染景观水和雨季初期雨水经垂直潜流人工湿地系统处理后,出水COD、NH4+-N及TP的质量浓度可分别优于GB 3838—2002《地表水环境质量标准》的IV类、III类和II类水质标准(研究阶段进水TP≤0.80 mg·L-1),COD、NH4+-N和TP的阶段平均去除率最高可分别达80%、91%和82%;TN的去除效果受季节变化波动较大,阶段平均去除率在32%~78%,温度较低季节或原水水质较差时有待处理水回流或辅加其他技术手段以提高脱氮效果。垂直潜流人工湿地对北方微污染水体有着较好的净化效果,能够有效地预防地表水体富营养化的发生,有利于城市水环境质量的改善和水资源的循环利用,具有良好的发展应用前景。  相似文献   

The characteristics and sustainable management of water resources on a basin scale require that they should be managed using a holistic approach. In this study, a holistic methodology called the holistic approach in a basin scale (HABS) is proposed to determine the ecological water requirements of a whole basin. There are three principles in HABS. First, ecological water requirements in a basin scale indicate not only the coupling of hydrological and ecological systems, but also the exchange of matter and energy between each ecological type through all kinds of physical geography processes. Second, ecological water requirements can be divided into different types according to their functions, and water requirements of different types are compatible. Third, ecological water requirements are related to a multiple system including water quality, water quantity, and time and space, which interact with each other. The holistic approach in a basin scale was then used in the Yellow River Basin and it suggested that 265.0 × 108 m3 of water, 45% of the total surface water resources, should be allocated to ecological systems, such as rivers, lakes, wetlands and cities, to sustain its function and health. The ecological water requirements of inside river systems and outside river systems were respectively 261.0 × 108 and 3.65 × 108 m3.  相似文献   

苔藓植物资源保护利用中的生态环境效应研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
苔藓植物资源丰富、种类繁多、分布广泛,是一类以孢子繁殖,由水生向陆生过渡的高等植物。苔藓植物的结构相对简单,对环境变化的反应较为敏感,被广泛应用为环境污染的指示植物。苔藓植物生长与所处的环境有关,而它的生长对土壤结皮形成、水土保持、生态小环境改善等方面又发挥着重要的促进作用。综述了苔藓植物的资源分布、苔藓植物对环境污染的响应、苔藓植物的生态效应等方面的研究进展,但是目前的研究领域及其研究角度还存在着各自的不足。随着经济建设快速发展,世界各地大量的矿山开采、水电开发等工程建设对土地、自然环境的破坏日益严重,非农业建设以及农产品需求不断增加造成了农田的生态结构与功能发生着不断变化。针对各地经济社会发展以及城乡建设现状,积极开展工程建设领域以及农田生态系统苔藓植物的生态环境效应研究是今后值得十分重视的研究方向。  相似文献   

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