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The models used for ecosystems modeling are generally based on differential equations. However, in recent years new computational models based on biological processes, or bioinspired models, have arisen, among which are P systems. These are inspired by the functions of cells and present important advantages with respect to traditional models, such as a high computational efficiency, modularity and their ability to work in parallel. They are simple, individual-based models that use biological parameters that can be obtained experimentally. In this work, we present the framework for a model based on P systems applied to the study of an ecosystem in which three avian scavengers (predators) interact with 10 wild and domestic ungulates (preys). The computation time for 100 repetitions, corresponding to 14 simulation years each, with an initial population composed of 385,422 individuals, was 30 min. Our results suggest that the model presented, based on P systems, correctly simulates the population dynamics in the period of time analyzed. We discuss the usefulness of this tool in simulating complex ecosystems dynamics to aid managers, conservationists and policy-makers in making appropriate decisions for the improvement of management and conservation programs.  相似文献   

The need for scientifically based management of lakes, as key water resources, requires the establishment of quantitative relationships between in-lake processes responsible for water quality (WQ) and the intensity of major management measures (MM, e.g. nutrient loading). In this paper, we estimate the impact of potential changes in nutrient loading on the Lake Kinneret ecosystem. Following validation of the model against a comprehensive dataset, we applied an approach that goes beyond scenario testing by linking the lake ecosystem model DYRESM–CAEDYM with a set of ecosystem variables included in a pre-assessed system of water quality indices. The emergent properties of the ecosystem predicted from the model simulations were also compared with lake data as a form of indirect validation of the model. Model output, in good agreement with lake data, indicated differential effects of nitrogen and phosphorus nutrient loading on concentrations, and major in-lake fluxes, of TN and TP, and dynamics and algal community structure. Both model output and lake data indicated a strong relationship between nitrogen loading and in-lake TN values. This relationship is not apparent for phosphorus and only a weak relationship exists between phosphorus loading and in-lake TP. The modeling results, expressed in terms of water quality, allowed establishment of critical/threshold values for the nutrient loads. Implementation of the ecological modeling supplemented with the quantified set of WQ indices allowed us to take a step towards establishment of the association between permissible ranges for water quality and major management measures, i.e. towards sustainable management.  相似文献   

Environmental Geochemistry and Health - The Island of Ischia, one of the Italian active volcanoes, is a famous tourist resort for spa treatments. Spas are supplied by withdrawals from groundwaters...  相似文献   

Anthropic pressure has caused severe variations of Mediterranean coastal areas currently hosting about 480 million people. The replacement of natural land covers with crops and urban environment coupled with the reduction of sediment supply to the coast, subsidence, Relative Sea Level Rise and the high frequency of storm events, have caused severe shoreline erosion. In this paper, we stress the key role of historical maps, topographic maps and free satellite images to forecast the rates of coastline changes and to recognize the main features of past landscapes as tools for risk reduction. This data was recorded into a Geographical Information System dedicated to coastal management that allows to compare different coastal zones and elaborate maps. The analysis was applied to the case study of Volturno Coastal Plain (VCP), extending from the town of Mondragone to Patria Lake (Campania Region, Southern Italy). Indeed, the intense territorial modification that occurred between the seventies and eighties, coupled with the exposure to coastal erosion, make the VCP a good test area. The spatial analysis algorithms allowed to outline the main features of past landscapes and how they changed from roman times to present while the coastal evolution (erosion, accretion) and possible future coastal trend was assessed with the Digital Shoreline Analysis System (DSAS) software. Starting from the Bourbon domain, the reclamation caused the first great territorial change (e.g. wetlands were transformed into agricultural lands, regimentation of surperficial water) but the negative effects of antrophic pressure, as the intense urbanization of the coastal belt, emerged in the seventies of the last century. The shoreline position was defined for 9 time intervals (from 1817 to 2012) as the ratio of the distance between two shorelines and the relative elapsed time. Moreover, for the 1957–1998 and 1998–2012 time windows, the shoreline trends were calculated with the weighted linear regression method. The first trend pointed out an intensive erosional phase (mean value: 5 m/yr) for a wide sector close to the Volturno River mouth, the eroded sediment nourished the beaches of other coastal sectors. This phase was related to the reduction of River sediment supply mainly due to the construction of the Ponte Annibale dam on the Volturno River. The second (1998–2012) showed an alternation of erosion and accretion sectors due to a sediment starved condition to deltaic zone and to a sequence of 52 sea protection works in the Gaeta Gulf. Furthermore, the regression values of more recent time interval, was assumed as a scenario to draw the probable shoreline position in 2022. The overlay of this shoreline on the Technical Maps of Campania Region at 1:5000 scale highlighted the urban area that could be exposed to damages.  相似文献   

This article presents a system dynamics (SD) method to examine the problem of forest degradation. The model developed takes a system-oriented view of forest management, embracing both social and biophysical factors affecting deforestation. Social factors examined are socio-economic variables or elements that influence behaviour and decision-making choices at the household level. Biophysical factors are four sub-components that are considered major land uses namely, the paddy field component, rattan plantations, coffee plantations and forest stands. The model was applied in a case study located in Pasir District of East Kalimantan, Indonesia. The site covers an area that includes a protected forest and a privately allocated timber license concession. Three village communities are examined in the case study. The SD model developed was applied to the case study focusing on three management policies or scenarios, which are based on access rights to the forest resources within the study area. Specifically, the property arrangements examined in each scenario are: Policy 1 – status quo (i.e. continue present property rights arrangements); Policy 2 – local communities manage the forest exclusively; and Policy 3 – collaborative management involving both local communities and a private company. Results from the model show that the third policy is the most viable option, and also lead to a win–win solution.  相似文献   

A newly developed agent-based framework for modeling, simulation, and evaluation of resource management in self-sustainable human settlements is presented, along with the ability of the framework to prolong the self-sustainability of the observed human settlement system in the simulation environment. In this study the focus is on the analysis of a conducted water management simulation based on observations of an existing eco-village in Croatia, in the context of producing, storing, and consuming water as a resource. The conducted research shows that the developed framework was able to prolong the self-sustainability of localized water production, storage, and consumption dynamics when managing the water allocation with the use of self-sustainability mechanisms, in comparison to water management without using such mechanisms, under the same initial conditions. The work is placed within the context of sustainable development, Internet of Things, as well as Environmental Internet of Things areas of research, analyzing the ambiguous relationship between the terms ‘sustainable development’ and ‘self-sustainability’.  相似文献   

Environmental Geochemistry and Health - In the context of global climate change, understanding the relationships between climate and groundwater is increasingly important. This study in the NW Alps...  相似文献   

The purpose of the paper is to present empirical evidence on how to develop climate-resilient business enterprises under the auspices of an industrial park management. This was facilitated through the collective mapping of climate adaptation strategies corresponding to the identified business risks exacerbated by climate events directly experienced in the shared territory. The cluster approach attempted to overcome the typical challenges of single business enterprises, mostly small and medium-sized enterprises, with respect to their lack of human and financial resources and scientific and technical knowledge to understand climate change risks. The prospects of facilitating knowledge-sharing and information exchange within a cluster of business enterprises give impetus to the replicability and transferability of the approach in other industrial areas and organizational contexts.  相似文献   

The Extended Kalman Filter (EKF) was applied to the analysis of high frequency field measurements of dissolved oxygen (DO), water temperature, salinity, collected by multiparametric sensors in the lagoon of Venice. This paper focuses on the practical aspects of the implementation of the EKF as a data assimilation technique and does not deal with the problems associated with the identification of the model. In this regard, the EKF has proved to be a useful tool for the updating of the estimates of the parameters of a simple DO-chlorophyll model, which can be used for linking the high frequency data to meteorological forcings, such as solar radiation and wind, and to other low frequency measurements of water quality parameters, such as the concentrations of Chlorophyll a and nutrients. The model can subsequently be used as a tool for checking the consistency of all this data, and may also be employed for controlling the quality of the data collected by the multiparametric sensors.  相似文献   

Marinas are usually located in coastal waters, but can also be found in lakes and rivers. Due to the activities that take place in marinas various contaminants are discharged. Specific measures have to be taken in order to keep the marina environment clean and healthy. Experiences from developed countries have shown that the most effective way to reduce pollution in marinas is the implementation of waste management programs. To this end, ‘Best Waste Management Programs’ (BWMPs) have been employed in the USA and other countries. However, in developing countries lack of available financial resources and unawareness of the concept of clean marinas may hinder the activities towards the application of BWMPs. The aim of this study is to address BWMPs in general and explain waste sources and disposal methods for marinas and yachting activities. The Kusadasi Setur marina in Turkey is investigated particularly as an example of a marina in a developing country and management measures taken in this marina are evaluated. The various kinds of waste generated in the marina are described and preventive measures against pollution taken in the marina are reviewed. Finally the importance of management programs towards the mitigation of pollution problems is emphasized.  相似文献   

A long-term monitoring program has been carried out since the early 1990s in the Mondego estuary, on Portugal's west coast, which is presently under heavy human pressure. In this shallow warm-temperate estuary, a significant macroalgal proliferation has been observed, which is a clear sign of nutrient enrichment. As a result of competition with algae, the extension of the seagrass meadows (mainly Zostera noltii) has been reduced. The present paper examined the applicability of a holistic Stochastic Dynamic Methodology (StDM) in predicting the tendencies of trophic key-components (macrophytes, macroalgae, benthic macroinvertebrate and wading birds) as a response to the changes in estuarine environmental conditions. The StDM is a sequential modelling process developed in order to predict the ecological status of changed ecosystems, from which management strategies can be designed. The data used in the dynamic model construction included true gradients of environmental changes and was sampled from January 1993 to September 1995 and from December 1998 to December 2005. The dynamic model developed was preceded by a conventional multivariate statistical procedure performed to discriminate the significant relationships between the selected ecological components. The model validation was based on independent data collected from January 1996 to January 1997 and from February 1999 to April 2000 for all the state variables considered. Overall, the simulation results are encouraging since they seem to demonstrate the StDM reliability in capturing the trophic dynamics of the studied estuary, by predicting the behavioural pattern for the most part of the components selected, with a focus on the Zostera noltii meadows recovery after the implementation of important management measures.  相似文献   

Individuals under stress and those of intrinsically low quality may have insufficient resources to invest in developing equally on both sides. Such individuals may thus display higher levels of fluctuating asymmetry (FA)—small, random departures from perfect bilateral symmetry. These small deviations from symmetry are often less than 1 % of trait size, similar to variation in symmetry generated by measurement error. Studies regarding FA must thoroughly assess measurement error if reliable conclusions regarding FA and fitness parameters are to be drawn. Although many studies regarding facial symmetry in humans have been conducted, few have been carried out on non-human primates. The primary aim of this study was to assess whether facial FA in a non-human primate, the olive baboon (Papio anubis) can be reliably measured from digital photographs. Facial FA was measured in three sets of bilaterally symmetrical landmarks from digital images of 35 olive baboons at Gashaka-Gumti National Park, Nigeria. Measurement error was found to be low indicating a high level of reliability based on comparisons of values from two photos of the same individual (r?=?0.85). Measurement error was found to be related to the size of the face. This suggests that orientation error increases in large faces and could potentially influence FA scores. These findings highlight the need for FA studies to measure and control error caused by orientation and position of subjects if FA is to be of utility to behavioural ecology and conservation (e.g. if FA reflects whether individuals in a population are suffering from environmental or genetic stress).  相似文献   

Indoor radon is an important risk factor for human health. Indeed radon inhalation is considered the second cause of lung cancer after smoking. During the last decades, in many countries huge efforts have been made in order to measuring, mapping and predicting radon levels in dwellings. Various researches have been devoted to identify those areas within the country where high radon concentrations are more likely to be found. Data collected through indoor radon surveys have been analysed adopting various statistical approaches, among which hierarchical Bayesian models and geostatistical tools are worth noting. The essential goal of this paper regards the identification of high radon concentration areas (the so-called radon prone areas) in the Abruzzo Region (Italy). In order to accurately pinpoint zones deserving attention for mitigation purpose, we adopt spatial cluster detection techniques, traditionally employed in epidemiology. As a first step, we assume that indoor radon measurements do not arise from a continuous spatial process; thus the geographic locations of dwellings where the radon measurements have been taken can be viewed as a realization of a spatial point process. Following this perspective, we adopt and compare recent cluster detection techniques: the simulated annealing scan statistic, the case event approach based on distance regression on the selection order and the elliptic spatial scan statistic. The analysis includes data collected during surveys carried out by the Regional Agency for the Environment Protection of Abruzzo (ARTA) in 1,861 random sampled dwellings across 277 municipalities of the Abruzzo region. The radon prone areas detected by the selected approaches are provided along with the summary statistics of the methods. Finally, the methodologies considered in this paper are tested on simulated data in order to evaluate their power and the precision of cluster location detection.  相似文献   

内分泌干扰物 (Endocrine Disrupting Compounds, EDCs)可以通过干扰下丘脑-垂体-性腺(HPG)轴来影响生殖系统。虽然目前已有筛选内分泌干扰物的体外检测方法,但这些方法在用于体内实验时却有着不稳定的准确性。本文记录了以黑头呆鱼(Pimephales promelas)的下丘脑-垂体-性腺轴与肝(HPG-L)的共培养组织作为组织外植体来模拟体内反应的结果。我们对成年鱼的大脑(下丘脑),垂体,性腺和肝进行了单独和共同培养的检测来确定可以在体内重复的情况与组合。只有共培养体表现出去甲雄三烯醇酮对于雌二醇,睾酮和卵黄生成素生成趋势的影响。较低的暴露剂量会抑制激素生成,而较高的暴露剂量则会促进激素生成,形成U型作用曲线。这些数据表明下丘脑-垂体-性腺-肝轴的全部组织的共同培养可以作为体内实验与体外实验的连接,从而预测在完整生物体内内分泌系统的扰乱。本实验中以组织为基础的下丘脑-垂体-性腺-肝系统作为一个灵活的体内系统的解构版本得到了更好的实验控制。通过分离、审查和重组需要的组织,我们能够检测到生物系统功能与对于内分泌干扰物反应中的微小变化。
精选自Theresa K. Johnston, Edward Perkins, Duncan C. Ferguson, Donald M. Cropek. Tissue explant co-culture model of the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal-liver axis of the fathead minnow (Pimephales promelas) as a predictive tool for endocrine disruption. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry: Volume 35, Issue 10, pages 2530–2541, October 2016. DOI: 10.1002/etc.3415

Garhwal Himalaya is an important source of wild fruit species. These wild fruit trees grow abundantly across an altitudinal gradient of Himalaya and the majority of them bear fruits during summer. Fruit varieties are eaten raw by the local inhabitants of the region and whilst they are a rich source of protein, carbohydrate, fat and other elements, compared to cultivated fruits, they have not yet been considered as a source of alternative food products. About 13 potentially exploitable species of wild fruits and one semi-domesticated species having high potential for exploitation were selected for study; six (Aegle marmelos, Berberis asiatica, Hippophae rhamnoides, Myrica nagi, Rubus ellipticus and Prunus armeniaca) were examined in detail for their economic potential. Among the wild fruits, Hippophae rhamnoides was found to be economically efficient, followed by Aegle marmelos, Rubus ellipticus and Myrica nagi, respectively. Prunus armeniaca, a semi-domesticated and less utilized fruit of the higher Himalaya, provides better economic returns on an annual basis. The authors have recently made an attempt to utilize these wild fruits as a source of income, particularly for poor rural inhabitants and unemployed youths of the region by making a variety of edible products such as jam, jelly, juice, squash, sauce, etc. The enterprise was demonstrated to the people to encourage them to adopt it in the form of a small village-level cottage industry. The present paper discusses the distribution, botany, phenology, yield, ethnobotany, and uses of these species, and the cost-benefit analysis of food products prepared from them.  相似文献   

Sperm proteins of the marine sessile mussels of the Mytilus edulis species complex are models to investigate reproductive isolation and speciation. This study aimed at identifying sperm proteins and their corresponding genes. This was aided by the use of monoclonal antibodies that preferentially bind to yet unknown sperm molecules. By identifying their target molecules, this approach identified proteins with relevance to Mytilus sperm function. This procedure identified 16 proteins, for example, enkurin, laminin, porin and heat shock proteins. The potential use of these proteins as genetic markers to study reproductive isolation is exemplified by analysing the enkurin locus. Enkurin evolution is driven by purifying selection, the locus displays high levels of intraspecific variation and species-specific alleles group in distinct phylogenetic clusters. These findings characterize enkurin as informative candidate biomarker for analyses of clinal variation and differential introgression in hybrid zones, for example, to understand determinants of reproductive isolation in Baltic Mytilus populations.  相似文献   

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