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Environmental Modeling & Assessment - The design of optimal water policies between farmers, municipalities, and groundwater-dependent ecosystems is analyzed in a hydro-economic model with...  相似文献   

为查明某地农田灌溉水井水质污染致使作物生长受损事件的污染来源,对研究区10眼水井进行了水质检测分析,并采用多元统计方法判断污染来源。结果表明:研究区水样中全盐量普遍超过农田灌溉水质标准,总硬度、硫酸盐、氨氮和氰化物等也存在不同程度的超标;水样中全盐量、氨氮与氰化物的含量之间存在显著正相关,具有共同的来源,且与河流A补给关系密切;地下水中盐分过高是造成作物受损的主要原因;地下水中全盐量、氨氮及氰化物等主要污染物来源于上游的焦化企业。基于多元统计方法的地下水污染来源分析结果可为当地地下水污染防治及管控提供环境管理依据。  相似文献   

Agrichemical runoff from farmland may adversely impact coastal water quality. Two models, the Agricultural Policy/Environmental eXtender (APEX) and the Riparian Ecosystem Management Model (REMM), were used to evaluate the movement of the herbicide atrazine to the Jobos Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve from adjacent fields. The reserve is located on Puerto Rico’s southeast coast. Edge-of-field atrazine outputs simulated with the APEX were routed through a grass-forest buffer using the REMM. Atrazine DT50 (half-life) values measured in both field and buffer soils indicated that accelerated degradation conditions had developed in the field soil due to repeated atrazine application. APEX simulations examined both the measured field and buffer soil atrazine DT50 and the model’s default value. The use of the measured field soil atrazine degradation rate in the APEX resulted in 33 % lower atrazine transport from the field. REMM simulations indicated that the buffer system had the potential to reduce dissolved atrazine transport in surface runoff by 77 % during non-tropical storm events by increasing infiltration, slowing transport, and increasing time for pesticide degradation. During a large runoff event due to a tropical storm that occurred close to the time of an atrazine application, the REMM simulated only a 37 % reduction in atrazine transport. The results indicate that large storm events soon after herbicide application likely dominate herbicide transport to coastal waters in the region. These results agree with water quality measurements in the reserve. This study demonstrated the sensitivity of these models to variations in DT50 values in evaluating atrazine fate and transport in the region and emphasizes that the use of measured DT50 values can improve model accuracy.  相似文献   

A model for simulation of solute transport in a dynamic stream–aquifer system is developed by integrating four existing sub-models. Interface packages are created to link the sub-models. The developed model is successfully used to simulate chloride transport in the stream–aquifer system of the Arkansas River and the Equus Beds Aquifer in Kansas and demonstrates that chloride concentration in the aquifer decreases in the vicinity of the simulated channel over time.  相似文献   

This paper presents the development, calibration and verification of a looped river network model. After introducing the governing equations, the established numerical model is calibrated employing measurements conducted on the Danube River and its two main tributaries in Serbia, the Sava and Tisa rivers. The calibration is done by altering the Strickler’s coefficient using three different approaches, assigning a constant value of the coefficient in a cross section, setting the coefficient as a function of discharge and, finally, connecting the Strickler’s coefficient to local depth. The verification is conducted by comparing the computed results, for all three of the considered methods, with measurements for the time interval from January 1st to December 31st of the year 2006. Careful examination of the obtained results helped to select the most suitable calibration method for future reference. The selected approach gave better agreement of computed and measured values, has a clear physical explanation and enables faster and easier calibration.  相似文献   

In this study, heavy metal contents of groundwater from the Mersin aquifer were determined with photometric methods and used to determine the main factors controlling the pollution of groundwater in the area. Using MapInfo GIS software, spatial analysis and integration were carried out for mapping drinking water quality in the basin. From the photometric heavy metal analysis, it is inferred that the excess concentration of Fe, Ni, Mn, Mo and Cu at some locations is the cause of undesirable quality for drinking purposes. Similarly, the EC thematic map shows that considerable areas in the basin are having high salinity hazards. The reason for excess concentration of various heavy metals is the industrial activities and petroleum pipelines and salinity levels show the sea water intrusion.  相似文献   

Karst aquifers are characterized by spatial heterogeneity due to the presence of highly permeable channels and conduits in low-permeable fractured rocks (matrix block). Recent studies have reported a close relationship between surface and subsurface water in karstic regions due to the water flow through a complicated network of paths formed by fracture intersections. Subsurface flow in karstified aquifers ranges between conduit flow, in large passages with relatively high flow velocities, and diffuse flow, in the matrix block where Darcy’s law is still valid. In this paper, we present the simulation of a complex karstified aquifer system in Crete, Greece, where the presence of main faults drastically affects the regional flow. A discrete fracture approach in conjunction with an equivalent porous medium approach was adopted to simulate the mixed flow in the area of interest. The simulation results have shown that the length and the orientation of the dominant faults, primarily during the rainy season, affect the flow field.  相似文献   

于2020—2021年对某市20个监测井80份地下水样本进行了调查。采用因子分析和聚类分析法以地下水中阳离子浓度为研究对象进行溯源分析。结果表明,地下水中阳离子浓度会受到不同程度、不同类别的人类活动影响,其阳离子的来源呈现多样化的特点,其中铅、铜、铝、锰为农业面源来源,铵、钠、总硬度是工业来源,另外,砷、铁及锌等为自然来源,而在自然来源中出现的砷、铁阳离子的富集现象,很明显是受到了城镇化及工业化的影响。锌与氢离子可能是地下水中pH值受到人类活动的影响,或者是地表水的侧向补给带来的影响。  相似文献   

由于压力和温度的变化,使得校正态下标定的流量与采样态实际流量不符,会给采样体积计算带来偏差。通过转子流量计流量计算公式和理想气体状态方程推导出了采样态体积与校正态体积之间的换算公式,并结合实例进行了计算,分析了采用和不采用公式计算两者之间的误差。  相似文献   

权重的确定在地下水水质评价中具有重要作用。利用CRITIC方法对地下水指标进行权重修正,探究该方法对地下水质量评价的适用性。笔者选取代表性指标后,按照一般化学指标、毒理学指标2个层次构建地下水污染评价综合指标体系,建立基于AHP-CRITIC综合权重的改进物元可拓模型对研究区地下水开展质量评价。将开发的评价方法应用于工业园区地下水质量评价发现,该方法能够反映地下水质量状况。结果表明:该评价方法在地下水质量评价过程中,能够兼顾不同指标重要程度差异和水质等级的模糊性,研究区5#点位和10#点位有毒有害重金属超标,应进一步查明原因,提出地下水污染阻断措施。  相似文献   

Groundwater flow and contaminant transport modelling is carried out to predict the concentrations of radionuclides in groundwater beneath the tailings pond. This is used as a tool for radiological impact assessment studies. The geo-hydrological parameters involved in the modelling exhibit inherent uncertainty associated with their values. This uncertainty may get propagated to the model output, i.e. the dose to the public. The propagation of the uncertainty in the input parameters to the output is modelled using suitable methods of probabilistic analysis. Response surface method coupled with first-order reliability method is used to develop a methodology for estimating the probability that the dose rate value through drinking water pathway at a location around the tailings pond exceeds the WHO guidelines for drinking water, termed as the probability of exceedance of acceptable levels. This method also gives the estimate of sensitivity of the probability of exceedance to the different input parameters. It is observed that the probability of failure decreases as the distance from tailings pond centre is increased and beyond a distance of around 0.5 km from tailings pond centre, the probability reduces to zero. The work also brings out the importance of quantifying the uncertainty in case of actual field problems where there is wide variation in the values of the various parameters within the domain under study.  相似文献   

从法律层面,法规、规章层面,地方性法规层面,技术标准和规范层面,中长期规划性文件层面等方面分析中国地下水环境保护体系的现状,针对地下水立法滞后,存在法律空白,处罚力度不足,管理部门责任不明等问题,提出,应完善地下水环境保护监管体制,健全地下水环境监测和评价制度,建立地下水资源市场调节机制。  相似文献   

采用超声波细胞破碎仪处理地表水样品,可使群体藻细胞分散开,用浮游植物流式细胞仪实现水样的快速测定,最适测定时间为180 s,藻细胞密度测定限值为5.0×106L-1,当样品中藻细胞密度低于该限值时,可适当浓缩样品。以铜绿微囊藻特征指标判断,当该方法测得铜绿微囊藻密度在5.0×106L-1以下时,可判定样品中不含有铜绿微囊藻。  相似文献   

巢湖水华遥感监测与年度统计分析研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
介绍了巢湖蓝藻水华的日常遥感监测方法与流程,开展了基于日常监测的年度统计分析,为水华环境管理提供了科学依据。首先分析了蓝藻水华与正常水体的光谱差异,利用蓝藻水华在近红外波段的"陡坡效应",基于NDVI方法开展水华日常遥感监测。基于日常监测开展水华年度统计分析,获得水华最早发生日期、最晚发生日期、最大发生面积等,并以水华发生频率、水华起始日期和水华持续时间来分析巢湖一年内高发区、发展趋势及持续时间等时空分布规律。研究表明,2010年巢湖水华的高发区域在巢湖西北部水域,水华持续天数最长的区域是巢湖西北和中部部分区域,水华先在西部沿岸聚集,随时间推移向东部和中部扩散,巢湖西南、中部和东南沿岸是最后新增的水华区域。  相似文献   

校准曲线的线性范围为测定下限与测定上限之间的浓度范围,测定上限应尽可能扩大,但要保证校准曲线呈线性,同时,最高点分析后不会对分析系统造成污染物残留。通常应根据分析方法原理、仪器的特点和样品基质情况来确定校准方式。对于线性校准曲线,除了相关系数外,还要根据不同情况,对校准曲线进行检验。校准曲线的合格判定,除考虑相关系数外,还需要用校准曲线重新计算校准点,对于线性校准,所有校准点计算结果拟合值与实际值的相对误差应在±30%以内,对于非线性二阶校准曲线,应进行最大值与最小值检验。  相似文献   

固体废物排放统计对象应覆盖固体废物从原材料到最终处置的整个生命周期的各个环节(机构),即矿业--加工制造业--产品流通领域--用户--固体废物收运体系--固体废物中间处理厂--固体废物最终处置场.统计指标体系包括固体废物排放统计指标和排放管理指标;统计指标区分为指标、主要参数和辅助参数,既便于理解也便于管理.根据固体废物排放量和已知的固体废物资源化技术,对固体废物重新分类、统计并分类填埋,以便将来实现再利用.固体废物排放控制统计的对象主要是规模以上的污染源,实施统计的污染源的规模应当是全国统一的.  相似文献   

利用实测光谱数据及水体叶绿素浓度数据建立了基于MODIS数据的叶绿素反演模型,并利用MODIS L1B数据对研究区的叶绿素浓度进行了反演。通过分析烟台近海水体叶绿素浓度分布得出,烟台近海水体叶绿素浓度由沿岸向海延伸,叶绿素的浓度逐渐增加;通过不同月份的叶绿素浓度分布状况发现,夏季水体叶绿素浓度含量最高,冬季最低。  相似文献   

WR F模式是新一代中尺度预报模式和同化系统,通过 WR F 模式构建田湾核电站区域气象预报系统,可为江苏省建设先进的核应急决策支持系统提供坚实的理论基础和技术支持。介绍了田湾核电站区域 WR F 模式风场预报系统的构建和对比试验情况,通过数值模拟风场与实测结果的对比检验,WR F模式精细化的三维风场预测具有非常高的准确性。  相似文献   

通过在广东韶关凡口铅锌矿向外辐射8 km2范围内布设25个采样点,监测土壤中Pb、Zn、As、Cu、Cr和Hg的质量比,构建土地利用回归(LUR)模型模拟该6种元素质量比的空间分布。结果表明:不同土壤元素质量比受地理要素影响差异较大,Pb和As的空间分布受道路影响较大,其高值区沿道路呈带状分布;Zn和Cu受自然因素与土地利用的综合影响,高值分布相对零散;Cr的空间分布主要受地形降水等自然因子的影响。研究区整体元素质量比偏低,西部地区元素质量比低于东部地区,南部地区低于北部地区。  相似文献   

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