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本方法的特点是 :种植时先在田里挖出种植贝母的床体 ,整平后放置 2cm~ 4cm的肥料层 ,上面覆盖一层塑料网 ,并盖一层薄土。贝母种植在土层上 ,并覆盖一层土层 ,上面覆盖塑料网 ,网上覆盖一层厚土层 ,土层高出地面成弧形。采收时先去掉上层土 ,并拉起贝母上面的塑料网去土 ,再拉起贝母下面的塑料网 ,完成贝母种收。本方法改变了贝母的种采方式 ,不损伤贝母 ,便于贝母的采收 ,还能增加种植户的经济收入。 (CN 1 2 5371 4A)贝母的种植采收方法  相似文献   

为了考察Fe3+对紫球藻的生长及对可溶性蛋白和β-胡萝卜素合成的影响,分别在不同浓度的Fe3+下培养紫球藻.实验测定了紫球藻细胞的生长曲线,采用超声波破碎法破碎紫球藻细胞提取可溶性蛋白,考马斯亮蓝法测定可溶性蛋白含量,丙酮溶解提取β-胡萝卜素,分光光度计测定吸光值求β-胡萝卜素含量.实验结果表明,5×10-5mol/L的Fe3+对紫球藻的生长及可溶性蛋白的积累有较大作用,5×10-4mol/L的Fe3+对β-胡萝卜素的积累有较大作用.  相似文献   

紫鹊界梯田是我国重要农业文化遗产之一,具有丰富的传统农业文化,如何有效地传承农业文化是目前急需解决的关键问题。从紫鹊界农业文化的类型与特征出发,分析了紫鹊界农业文化与旅游发展中的产业融合、制度约束和社区发展等关键问题,提出了以梯田景观为载体,以农业文化为核心、以文化创意为手段、以产业融合为路径,提升紫鹊界梯田农业文化资源价值的现实途径。  相似文献   

紫甘薯酒发酵工艺条件研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
探讨了紫甘薯酒的主要发酵工艺,采用正交试验法对紫甘薯酒的发酵条件进行了研究。结果表明,发酵液pH和酵母接种量是影响主发酵的主要因素,温度为次要因素;在最优发酵参数发酵液pH 3.8、酵母接种量3%、发酵温度18℃的条件下,可得到澄清透亮、口感较好的紫甘薯酒。  相似文献   

无极紫外灯及其在环境污染治理中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
夏兰艳  顾丁红  董文博  侯惠奇 《四川环境》2007,26(4):107-112,118
无极紫外灯作为一种新型紫外光源,可以克服传统紫外光源的局限性,具有发光物质选择范围广、发光强度高、寿命长等显著优势。本文介绍了介质阻挡放电和微波放电两种不同放电形式的无极紫外灯,综述了国内外无极紫外灯在环境污染治理方面的研究现状,并提出了今后的研究发展方向。  相似文献   

通过使用不同溶剂,研究了紫丹参中脂溶性成分的提取方法,并通过紫外光谱对其进行了表征。结果表明:以95%乙醇和丙酮混和溶剂(1:1,V/V)为提取溶剂,加热回流提取2.5h,是从紫丹参中提取脂溶性成分的最佳技术工艺。  相似文献   

紫鹊界梯田有着悠久的垦殖历史,是苗、瑶、侗、汉等民族共同创造的稻作梯田景观,成为我国重要的农业文化遗产之一。以特色饮食、传统习俗和其他典型的非物质文化遗产为切入点,分析了紫鹊界梯田传统文化的地理特征。通过分析相应的发展演变、物质载体、文化信仰和与生产活动的关联性等特征,总结了各个文化因子之间的相互关系,绘制了相应的关系图谱。结果表明,湿润的气候、良好的自然保水条件、较突出的人地矛盾、稻作生产与山地渔猎相结合的生产方式是共同驱动紫鹊界梯田景观发展演化的主要因素。研究结论对深入挖掘和保护紫鹊界梯田景观的传统文化特色具有重要的参考意义。  相似文献   

一、作物的暗呼吸和二氧化硫在二氧化硫对作物的光合作用和呼吸所造成的影响中,对光合作用的影响显著,这方面的研究也很多,但是对光呼吸或暗呼吸而带来的影响,几乎没有研究。水稻幼株的暗呼吸和二氧化硫浓度之关系见图1。随着SO_2浓度的增加,对水稻幼株的危害几乎呈直线加剧。SO_2为4 ppm时,暗呼吸暂时加强,但随着时间的延长,危害作用明  相似文献   

川贝母是百合科的多年生草本药用植物,经多年试种,人工栽培已获成功。其栽培技术要点如下。一、有性繁殖 1.采种:在8月下旬(处暑前后)至9月上旬(白露前后),采摘海拔3,000m以上的野生贝母的种果。采种时严格掌握种果  相似文献   

王淑梅 《新疆环境保护》1997,19(1):51-53,65
阐述了生物多样性的涵义,指出在资源利用过程中由于经济发展、人口剧增,环境恶化造成生物资源濒危或消失的严重现状,强调了保护生物多样性的必要性;着重以新疆地区经济型生物果树和中药材为例,具体通过苹果、梨、甘草和贝母的现状及其保护利用说明生态环境变化对经济型生物资源的影响及其保护的意义。  相似文献   

自然资源估价及其在国民经济发展中的作用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
自然资源无价、资源产品低价导致资源需求过度膨胀,资源浪费严重,环境污染加剧.自然资源产权市场化、多元化是解决这一问题的关键,也是我国经济发展的必然趋势.自然资源估价是资源市场化、多元化的价值依据.自然资源估价不同于资源产品定价,既要考虑资源的价值又要考虑资源的稀缺性、丰饶度、地理位置等因素.自然资源估价关系到资源的合理开发利用和环境保护问题,对我国的社会主义现代化进程和人民生活水平的提高将构成重大影响.  相似文献   

The rapid expansion of the dimension stone and black granite industry in Zimbabwe in the 1990s, a result of increasing domestic and international demand for black granite, has ushered in new challenges and opportunities for producers and beneficiaries alike. This article investigates the social, environmental and economic challenges emanating from the export boom, the economic opportunities presented by the expanding market and the potential role the robust industry could play in regional economic development and poverty alleviation. The article evaluates the long-term sustainability of the dimension stone industry and recommends the reinvestment of revenues into diversification of the regional economic base, upgrading of local infrastructure, further processing of rough stone before export and encouragement of micro-businesses to enhance sustainability. The author argues for modification of economic incentives to incorporate environmental and social objectives in order to enhance sustainability. The need for a holistic approach to policies affecting the exploitation, processing and marketing of granite resources and their products is recognized. More research on the operations of the industry is called for.  相似文献   

对比发达国家与发展中国家生活垃圾减量化处理处置经验,本文运用制度分析、统计分析等手段探究我国即将经历的生活垃圾减量化处理处置阶段转换问题。研究发现:①以政府公共投资和无害化处理处置为主要特征的生活垃圾处理处置I阶段解决垃圾围城的方式行将结束,减量化程度逐渐提高和社会资本的进入是II阶段的主要表现形式。②从我国生活垃圾处理处置的发展脉络看,促使I阶段向II阶段转化的主导因素包括城市化速度的加快、国家供给侧结构性改革促使源头减量和公共财政投入向市场投入转化等。③考虑到我国各地生活垃圾处理处置和经济发展实际,应改变现有生活垃圾处理处置管理体系,确立企业的源头减量主体地位;提高生活垃圾分类回收比例,改善中端减量化效率;以无废城市建设为契机,推进生活垃圾全域减量;重塑经济与发展的联系,借助市场化力量推进资源与经济增长联系从数量关系向强价格关系转化。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. The Texas Water Development Board, the principal water resource planning agency of the State, has been conducting extensive estuarine data collection activities and associated research to determine the required quantity and quality of fresh water inflows necessary to maintain various environmental conditions in Texas estuaries to preserve the estuarine ecosystems. These activities are a consequence of a statutory directive to the Board to make provisions in its State Water Plan for the effects of upstream water resource development on the associated estuaries. This paper reports on the results of the first phase of an extensive estuarine research project. The objectives of the research project are to (1) define the interrelationships between estuarine ecosystems and fresh water and nutrient inflows, and (2) develop and test quantitative simulation techniques which describe these relationships. In order to accomplish the first objective, physical and chemical water quality data and biological data on the estuarine ecosystems are being collected, compiled and analyzed. The second objective is being satisfied by the development of hydrodynamic and ecologic simulation models of the estuarine environment.  相似文献   

海洋石油开发中含油污水处理与溢油防治技术   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5  
海洋石油工业清洁生产的关键是防止油污染,而油污染的主要来源是日常排放的含油污水中的油及事故性溢油。首先概述了海上含油污水的处理方法及其原理,并结合实际论述了主要采用的处理工艺,并分析了各工艺技术的处理效果和存在的问题。文章还叙述了海上溢油事故及防止溢油事故发生所应采取的多方位预防措施;建立管理体系,加强管理,通过培训来提高全员操作管理水平,建立溢油处置应急计划和组织系统。在溢油控制方面建立海上溢油漂移模拟程序,对溢油进行实时监控,并对采用的溢油处理装置及方法进行了评述  相似文献   

底泥的氮、磷释放及其微生物影响的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张恒军  吴群河 《环境技术》2003,41(Z1):20-23
氮和磷在自然界的循环已经引起了人们的关注,一方面因为氮和磷是生态系统中必不可少的营养元素,另一方面过剩的氮和磷会导致水域的富营养化 ,从而使生态平衡遭受破坏.本文综述了水体沉积物中氮和磷受微生物作用进行释放的影响,以及国内外的研究历史和现状.总结了氮磷微生物代谢的特点,并阐述了与传统认识相区别的最新发现和思想.本文试图从理论上说明微生物的氮磷释放机理,通过生物化学和分子动力的角度解释了细菌对氮磷的吸收和释放,即质子动势理论和Pho调控理论.目前,这一领域研究的热点是为了特殊的使用用途对于高效微生物的分离鉴别和组合培养,和对氮磷代谢的影响因素.  相似文献   

社会生活噪声具有量大、面广、分散、影响不持续、监管难度大等特点,本文以现代化环境治理视角和社会治理视角深入剖析了我国当前社会生活噪声污染防治存在的问题,结合社会生活噪声污染防治的特殊属性及其防治的有效实践,分析2021年新修订的《中华人民共和国噪声污染防治法》中防治措施的内在联系,提出构建创新型社会生活噪声污染防治体系。该体系要求在政府主导的环境治理领域充分发挥社会各界的力量,强化社会共治,新增公众自治,将环境治理同社会治理有机结合,既强调公众参与到政府主导的环境治理工作中,又强调社会各主体多元共治和自我管理,是社会生活噪声领域公众参与的升级版。最后,本文建议以宁静区域创建为切入点,通过有关监管部门联合发布宁静区域创建指导意见;地方政府落地实施,完善管理和技术指标体系;加大宣传教育,提高德治和自治水平,以点带面逐步拓展宁静区域范围,实现创新型社会生活噪声污染防治体系的实质有效性。  相似文献   

Since the beginning of the 1960s, mass tourism has been the most important menace to the environmental stability of fragile and vulnerable Mediterranean microinsular systems. The socioeconomic changes introduced by tourism have produced important variations in the use of resources, including land. The result usually has been an increase in the level of artificiality of the territory, particularly in coastal areas. The intensity and frequency of change in the use of resources and the induced changes in the level of artificiality may be used as an estimation of environmental stability. The northern area of Formentera, Balearic islands, Spain, being the most environmentally important area of the island and simultaneously the most threatened by mass tourism development, has been chosen as a study case. Forty types of vegetation and land use have been estimated and mapped in the area. The stability level of each land use type has been estimated, before and after the development of tourism, and the main environmental processes have been identified. An attempt is made to predict some future trends and their variations.  相似文献   

We present results of mercury (Hg) in surface waters and soils and an analysis of satellite imagery from the Tapajós River basin, Brazilian Amazon, and the Reserva Garimpeira do Tapajós, the legal gold mining district of the basin. Hg bound to suspended sediment was roughly 600 and 200 times the concentration of dissolved Hg per litre of water, in impacted and pristine areas, respectively. Suspended sediments thus represent the major pathway of river-borne Hg. Median concentrations of Hg in suspended load from both impacted and pristine waters were 134 ppb, and 80% of samples were below 300ppb-in the range of naturally occurring surficial materials in the tropics. Regionally, riverine Hg fluxes were proportional to the concentration of total suspended solids. This shows that the dominant source of Hg is the sediment itself rather than anthropogenic mercury discharge from the small-scale mines. To independently test this conclusion, a mass balance was performed. A conservative calculation of the annual export of mercury (Hg) from the Creporí River (a minimum) was 1.6 tonnes for the year 1998-it could be significantly larger. This amount of Hg is difficult to account for by anthropogenic discharge alone, confirming that enhanced physical erosion caused by sluicing and dredging operations is the dominant source of Hg. We therefore conclude that gold mining operations are primarily responsible for elevated Hg concentrations. The dominant source of contamination is not, however, the loss of Hg in the gold amalgamation process. Rather, the disturbance and mobilization of large quantities of Hg-rich sediment and floodplain soil into the water column during mining operations is the source of contamination. These findings shift the focus of remediation and prevention efforts away from Hg control toward soil and sediment erosion control. The minimization or elimination of Hg losses in the mining process remains important for the health of local peoples and environments, but keeping basin soils and sediments in place would be a much more effective means of minimizing Hg fluxes to the region's rivers. To gain a spatial and historical perspective on the source and extent of emissions, satellite imagery was used. We were able to reconstruct historical mining activity, locate impacted areas, and estimate historical Hg fluxes with the imagery. To do so, the spectral characteristics of satellite images were calibrated to the concentration of suspended sediment in the rivers, which, in turn, is proportional to the Hg concentration. This analysis shows that mining-induced sediment plumes have been a dominant source of sediment to the Tapajós River system for decades. As well, the intensity and location of these emissions has varied through time. For example, sediment discharge from the Creporí River was greater in 1985 than in 1998; and the tributaries on the west bank of the Tapajós were actively being mined in 1985 but had been abandoned in 1998. This type of information should greatly assist in understanding original and ongoing sources of emissions, and in managing prevention and remediation efforts.  相似文献   

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