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Exposure of the general population to lead in the environment is mainly caused by motor traffic exhaust and by industrial pollution. The aim of the study in Greece was to assess lead exposure in children living in point source impacted areas (Lavrion and Aspropyrgos‐Eleusis) using the biological monitoring parameter “blood lead concentration”;.

In addition, workers of a lead smelter, a battery plant and an oil refinery were investigated in these areas at the same time.

Five hundred and thirty‐four children and 105 workers took part in this investigation.

The highest blood lead levels (mean: 24.16 μg/100ml; range: 10.40–60.49 μg/100 ml) were found in children living in a 500m‐area around the lead smelter at Lavrion. Blood lead decreases corresponded to the increasing distance from the emitter. Nevertheless the values of children living in a 1500 m distance to the smelter are significantly higher than those of children living next to other kinds of industrial lead sources.

The mean values of the children living in the two industrial towns were manifold higher than those of the control group.

The blood lead levels of the investigated workers did not exceed the German BAT‐value (Biologischer Arbeitsstoff‐Toleranzwert) of 70 μg/100ml.  相似文献   

High-level lead exposure can have serious effects on the intellectual and behavioural development of young children. There has been much controversy in the last decade concerning the possible impact of low-level lead exposure upon the neurobehavioural and psychomotor development of children. Five longitudinal studies (Boston, Cincinnati, Cleveland, Port Pirie and Sydney) examining lead effects on child development were initiated in the early 1980s. These studies share multiple design features and include data on blood lead and neurobehavioural measurements from birth, six months, or annual intervals to seven years. All the studies use multivariate analysis to take into account possible confounding covariates with outcome measures.The studies tend to have varying results based on the covariates used and type of subject population. An analysis of the results of the five studies with regard to effects associated with prenatal and postnatal lead exposure and pregnancy outcome has been carried out and reveals inconsistencies in the onset, stability, and nature of neurobehavioural effects correlated with different indices of lead exposure. it is possible that the variation in reported results may be due to the use of different covariates and analyses among studies. A common analysis should be carried out among ail studies to further determine consistency of results. Although individual studies may show some effects, taken as a whole, the current published data from the five studies in this review are inconsistent and do not lend support to the concept that low level lead exposure resulting in blood lead levels below 25 g dL–1 is associated with neurobehavioural deficits in children.  相似文献   

A monitoring scheme for blood lead was based on cord blood samples and maternal blood samples taken in Swansea, South Wales. A fall of around 20% during 1984–85 is described. During this period there was virtually no change in petrol sales in the area and no overall change in air lead levels. Air lead showed large seasonal changes but these were not reflected in blood lead. Water lead levels gave no evidence of changes of any importance during the period of monitoring. These results suggest that petrol lead was at most a minor contributor to blood lead.  相似文献   

This paper presents an evaluation of US EPA's integrated exposureuptake biokinetic model for lead (IEUBK model) using data obtained during emergency removal operations at a former lead-acid battery recycling plant and the surrounding community. Data employed in the study include soil lead and interior dust lead, air lead levels collected at the site perimeter, drinking water lead levels at the community water main and blood lead data collected from an annual blood lead monitoring programme conducted over a four year period during the remediation activities.Geometric mean soil and dust concentrations were found to be a better predictor of blood lead than arithmetic mean data. However, weight based dust lead data were believed to be an inappropriate measure of dust lead levels. Estimates of household dust lead concentrations based upon surface loading data (g m–2) yielded blood lead predictions which were more consistent with data collected in the blood lead monitoring programme  相似文献   

The background levels of lead in Jamaica in soils and sediments, estimated at 37 mg kg–1, are relatively high compared with world averages. Several areas have values in excess of this due to mineralisation and pollution. One such is the residential Hope Flats/Kintyre area in which levels of lead up to 2.5% are found in the soils and up to 8 g kg–1 in the water of the nearby Hope River. The blood lead levels of a sample of children were in the range 5.7–57 g dl–1. The high lead levels suggest a potential health risk, particularly for the children. This can be minimised by programmes which include community education, case management and abatement to reduce the lead exposure.  相似文献   

Two primary lead smelters and one secondary lead smelter have been active in the Socorro, New Mexico (USA) area in the last 110 years: the Billing smelter from 1883 to 1894, the Cuba Road smelter from 1881 to 1900, and Cal West from 1979 to 1984. Samples of plants and surface soil under each plant from all three sites were analysed for lead. The plants consisted of sparse grasses, cacti, creosote bush, snakeweed, mesquite and fourwing saltbush. Lead levels in the plants increased (2-440 g g–1) as the lead in the alkaline soils (25-10000 ng g–1) increased. However, the BAC (biological absorption coefficient), which is the ratio of lead content in the plant to the lead content in the soil, a measure of relative accumulation, decreased by one to two orders of magnitude, except for grasses and snakeweed. At background lead levels, there was little difference between lead in rootsversus foliage. At high lead levels, there was higher lead in roots versus foliage at the Billing and Cuba Road sites. The reverse was noted at Cal West. Because this is a recent operation, the higher lead in foliage may be due to foliar uptake. Plant growth at all sites appeared healthy.  相似文献   

Idrija mine, the second largest mercury mine in the world, was in use since 1490. More than 107 000 tons of Hg were produced in its five centuries of history until 1990 when production was reduced to a few hundred kilos per year. The average recovery rate of mercury has been estimated to 73%; much of the remaining 27% was dissipated into the environment. In spite of present minimal levels of production, and only a few days of smelter operation per year, a real time survey with a mercury Zeeman analyser in a car showed relatively high mercury concentrations in the air. Amounts of 300--4000 ng Hg m-3 have been found around both the major sources of mercury vapour, the smelter and mine ventilation shaft -- while the amounts at the Old Place, at the City Museum, and near the Nikova-Idrijca confluence are of the order of 50 ng m-3. Polluted air will be transported from those sources to a degree which depends on the weather conditions, mainly the direction and intensity of the wind. The high mercury contents in the air are not only due to anthropogenic sources (smelter and the ventilation shaft, dumps and smelter slag used in construction), but may also partly be natural as in the Pront area, where the outcropping bedrock contains native mercury.  相似文献   

The study examined the stage of clean-up of the Port Lavaca bay sites in Texas, which were polluted during the early 1990's by effluent containing mercury (Hg) from a chloralkali plant. In addition to Hg intoxication through environmental contaminations, human exposure through dietary fish and other seafoods occurred. Bacteria converts inorganic Hg to alkyl organic compounds and subsequently the metal crosses the blood brain barrier thus exerting adverse effects on the fetal developing nervous system. In order to conduct a survey of dietary Hg exposure, blood was collected from pregnant women and those of childbearing age at routine clinic visits at each of three centers in South Texas cities (Galveston, Texas City, Port Lavaca/Victoria, TX). A questionnaire sought dietary and lifestyle information including consumption, sources of fish and other seafoods. A significant number of subjects (119 out of 175, 68%) ate fish caught locally. The blood Hg concentrations (µg?L?1) range varied with the location of the study centers: City of Galveston 2.6–62; Texas City 2.8–111.8; and the Port Lavaca areas 3.02–126.7. The concentrations of blood Hg was directly proportional to the number of fish meals consumed for each species considered. Mean blood Hg concentrations for no fish meals per week were: Port Lavaca 4.5 (N?=?3), Galveston 4.3 (N?=?3), Texas City 3.5 (N?=?10). For >3 fish meals per week, the mean blood Hg concentrations were: Port Lavaca, 48.0 (N?=?53), Galveston 29.1 (N?=?35), Texas City, 36.1 (N?=?31). Data show that residues of Hg were still present in 1994 despite the clean-up efforts.  相似文献   

Scandinavia has one secondary lead smelter that recycles lead from approximately 85% of used car batteries in Scandinavia and which has been active since the 1940s. The smelter, situated in Landskrona, has undergone a comprehensive clean up programme during the last decade, during which time production has doubled, while at the same time discharges of dust and lead to the atmosphere have decreased.Top and depth soil samples were taken on a 0.5km×0.5Km grid throughout the city of Landskrona, which covers an area of approximately 15km2. Samples were analysed by ICPAES for a number of elements including Pb, Zn, Cu, Cd, As, Sb and Hg. Road dust samples from selected sites were collected and similarly analysed. Blood samples were taken from 37 volunteer schoolchildren (aged 8–11) from two schools in Landskrona. House dust samples were taken from each child's home. Soil samples were taken from homes which had gardens, public and school play areas. Elevated heavy metal concentrations were found in close proximity to the secondary lead smelter, and this soil enrichment influences the whole of the town, modified to some extent by the prevailing wind. The smelter does not influence the soil lead concentration at distances greater than 3.5km, where the soil reflects the background value for the area.Road dust samples also show decreases in lead concentrations with distance from the smelter. The average level of lead in house dust was considerably lower than that found in Birmingham, UK. Blood lead levels in the child population ranged from 1.5–5.1gdl–1, with a mean of 3.05gdl–1, showing a distinct decrease from those measured in 1978–82. No significant difference in blood lead concentrations with distance of the home from the smelter, nor between attenders at the two schools was revealed in the limited number of children studied.  相似文献   

This study was undertaken to determine the feasibility of processing soil and lead-based paint (LBP) abatement waste through primary and secondary lead smelting facilities. The main objectives were to determine the compatibility of soil and LBP abatement waste with lead smelting circuits; the costs associated with transporting and processing the abatement waste through a smelter; and a review of major environmental laws or regulations which may impact the lead smelting industry's ability to carry out this process. While not all categories of LBP wastes are suited for reclamation through lead smelters, sufficient classes are to make the effort worthwhile. Specifically, lead paint chips, dusts, heatgun sludge, soils and certain blasting abrasives appear metallurgically compatible with the lead smelting circuits. Additionally, there do not appear to be any current regulatory statutes that forbid the process from being carried out, so long as certain permit modifications are obtained. Finally, the estimated smelting costs seem to compare favourably with current treatment and disposal fees at approved landfills. However, despite the promise of these initial findings, a great deal of work remains to be done if the concept of processing lead paint wastes through lead smelters for reclamation is to become a reality.  相似文献   

The EPA lead model predicts mean blood lead levels and risk of elevated blood lead levels in children based on lead uptake from multiple sources. In the latest model versions, environmental data from individual homes within a community can be used to predict the overall blood lead distribution and percent risk of exceeding a specific blood lead level (i.e. 10 g dl–1). Recent criteria used by the EPA to evaluate this information include no more than 5% of houses with a greater than 5% lead risk, and a community weighted-average risk below 5%. Environmental (primarily soil) and blood lead data from a residential community near a smelter were used to illustrate recent uses of the model. Scheduled remediation in the community will remove soil for approximately 60% of the houses (i.e. those with lead levels > 1000 mg kg–1). After remediation, the model results indicate a relatively low community risk (0.5–1.9%), although the percentage of houses with lead risks above 5% ranged from 3 to as high as 13%, depending on the variation in blood lead and assuming the model's 7 g dl–1 increase in blood lead with each 1000 mg kg–1 increase in soil lead level. A comparison of the limited blood lead data with soil lead levels below 1000 mg kg–1, however, indicated no apparent relationship. Given these uncertainties, less invasive actions than additional soil removal (e.g. exposure intervention, monitoring conditions, and follow-up as necessary) may be appropriate under the new EPA guidance for lead in soil.  相似文献   

Several problems of acute lead poisoning in children have been identified over the past three years in Trinidad. In all cases investigated so far, continual exposure to lead from battery recycling or from lead-smelter wastes have been found responsible. In East Trinidad, illicit dumping of lead wastes from such sources has resulted in several sites becoming heavily contaminated. Some of these sites are in environmentally sensitive areas, including rivers and wetlands, and require urgent remedial action. Results of monitoring studies at several of these sites show lead levels as high as 75% by weight. The potential for surface and ground water contamination exists, as evidenced by leaching of lead into surrounding areas.  相似文献   

Trail, Canada has been the site of a large lead/zinc smelting facility since 1916. In mid 1990, the Trail Community Lead Task Force was established and given responsibility for developing a strategy to reduce children's blood lead levels. With funding from the provincial government, the smelting company and the municipal government, the Task Force has carried out blood lead screening, case management, community education, exposure pathways modelling and remediation trials. The decline in children's blood lead levels appeared to accelerate following the implementation of these programmes. The average blood lead in Trail children aged 6–72 months fell 14% from the autumn of 1991 to autumn of 1992, whereas for the previous 16 years, the average annual decline had been about 4%. In subsequent years, blood lead levels have appeared to plateau. Throughout the 5-year history of the Task Force, its members have demonstrated a strong sense of common purpose and have worked co-operatively to reach consensus on most issues.  相似文献   

A partially probabilistic blood lead prediction model has been developed, based on the US Environmental Protection Agency integrated exposure-uptake-biokinetic blood lead model (IEUBK model). This study translated the IEUBK model into a spreadsheet format. The uptake submodel incorporates uncertainty distributions for exposure and bioavailability parameters. The biokinetic submodel is duplicated with a table incorporating partitioning and decay of lead levels in the body. As a case study, the probabilistic model is applied to a lead exposure scenario involving a former smelter site in Sandy, Utah. The probabilistic model produces less biased estimates of means and standard deviations than the deterministic model. Parameter uncertainty is propagated in the model by the use of Monte Carlo simulation. Thus, sensitivity analysis is possible, and driving variables can be determined.  相似文献   

Radon has been determined in soil, groundwater, and air in Mexico, both indoors and outdoors, as part of geophysical studies and to estimate effective doses as a result of radon exposure. Detection of radon has mainly been performed with solid-state nuclear track detectors (SSNTD) and, occasionally, with active detection devices based on silicon detectors or ionization chambers. The liquid scintillation technique, also, has been used for determination of radon in groundwater. The adjusted geometric mean indoor radon concentration (74 Bq m−3) in urban developments, for example Mexico City, is higher than the worldwide median concentration of radon in dwellings. In some regions, particularly hilly regions of Mexico where air pollution is high, radon concentrations are higher than action levels and the effective dose for the general population has increased. Higher soil radon levels have been found in the uranium mining areas in the northern part of the country. Groundwater radon levels are, in general, low. Soil-air radon contributing to indoor atmospheres and air pollution is the main source of increased exposure of the population.  相似文献   

The final clean-up of residential lead abatement projects in federally-supported housing, as well as in other housing in a number of states, must meet surface dust lead clearance levels expressed as g of lead per square foot. These clearance levels were established because hand-to-mouth ingestion of lead-contaminated dust is recognised as a major pathway through which many children are exposed. A dilemma exists because many floors in housing undergoing abatement are carpeted and the established clearance levels are generally not recommended for use on carpets. These clearance levels are also used as 'action levels' to determine whether exposure reduction activities are needed. The US Environmental Protection Agency is currently in the process of issuing standards for hazardous levels of lead in interior dust and bare soil under Title X of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1992, The Residential Lead-Based Paint Hazard Reduction Act of 1992. An effort to develop a potential surface dust lead clearance level for carpets was made using an existing vacuum dust collection method that has previously been shown to be a reliable indicator of childhood lead exposure. This method was designed for use on carpeted and non-carpeted surfaces. Using data from the Cincinnati Soil Lead Abatement Demonstration Project, the suggested floor-dust lead level where an estimated 95% of the population of children would be expected to have blood lead values below the national goal of 10 g dL–1, was more than an order of magnitude lower than the current floor-dust lead clearance level of 1080 g m–2 (100 g ft–2). Further comparisons of blood lead and carpet lead levels in other parts of the country should be performed before a risk-based lead loading clearance level is established.  相似文献   

We determined the amount of bioaccessible lead in samples of contaminated soils and in mining and refining wastes collected in the surroundings of a former smelter in a rural area in south-eastern Brazil. Previous studies showed that some resident children and adults had blood Pb levels above recommended limits, but the contamination route was not established. The incidental ingestion of contaminated soils and dusts is considered to be a major route of lead uptake by humans. Bioavailability of heavy metals like Pb depends on solubility during digestion. We used in vitro tests that simulate human gastrointestinal (GI) media to measure the amount of soluble Pb under such conditions. Pb in soil and solid waste samples ranged from 0.03 to 4.1% and 1.2 to 15%, respectively. On average, 70% of the lead content was soluble in three different simulated gastric solutions (pH 1.5 and 1.7). For the same samples, lead solubility decreased to 2–22% when the pH was raised to pH 7 to approximate conditions found in the small intestine. These results indicate that if soils and dusts of the area are ingested, most of the lead will dissolve in the stomach, and part of it will remain soluble in the duodenum, i.e., would be potentially available for absorption. These findings may explain the high blood Pb levels previously reported.  相似文献   

Evidence on the relevance of lead in petrol to lead in blood has come from two main sources. Cross sectional studies of blood lead levels in population samples and in the air to which they are exposed suggest that petrol makes only a very small contribution. However longitudinal studies in the USA in which changes in lead levels in petrol and changes in blood lead have been studied suggest that petrol makes a substantial contribution to blood lead. The possibility that this discrepancy might be explained by the exposure of subjects to very high levels of lead when travelling in motor vehicles is examined, and rejected.  相似文献   

A long term programme to assess the impact of reduced lead emissions in the UK has been established in central London and rural Suffolk. Blood lead concentrations of 5 and 6 year old children and their mothers both show an urban-rural difference of about 1.5 g/dl, which is related to the urban-rural differences in air and dust lead concentrations between areas.This paper is also being published in Proceedings of the Conference on Lead in the Home Environment and is one of several selected from SEGH sponsored conferences for simultaneous publication in this journal.  相似文献   

Urban children remain disproportionately at risk of having higher blood lead levels than their suburban counterparts. The Westside Cooperative Organization (WESCO), located in Marion County, Indianapolis, Indiana, has a history of children with high blood lead levels as well as high soil lead (Pb) values. This study aims at determining the spatial relationship between soil Pb sources and children’s blood lead levels. Soils have been identified as a source of chronic Pb exposure to children, but the spatial scale of the source–recipient relationship is not well characterized. Neighborhood-wide analysis of soil Pb distribution along with a furnace filter technique for sampling interior Pb accumulation for selected homes (n = 7) in the WESCO community was performed. Blood lead levels for children aged 0–5 years during the period 1999–2008 were collected. The study population’s mean blood lead levels were higher than national averages across all ages, race, and gender. Non-Hispanic blacks and those individuals in the Wishard advantage program had the highest proportion of elevated blood lead levels. The results show that while there is not a direct relationship between soil Pb and children’s blood lead levels at a spatial scale of ~100 m, resuspension of locally sourced soil is occurring based on the interior Pb accumulation. County-wide, the largest predictor of elevated blood lead levels is the location within the urban core. Variation in soil Pb and blood lead levels on the community level is high and not predicted by housing stock age or income. Race is a strong predictor for blood lead levels in the WESCO community.  相似文献   

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