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上海市要建成现代化港口城市,必须具备发达的港口经济与和谐的港城关系。从实现上海市港城经济联动发展的目的出发,将港城经济系统划分为城市经济子系统和港口经济子系统,选取具有代表性的指标,对2001—2010年间的数据进行灰色关联度分析。结果表明,保险业、信息业对港口经济的联动性较强,城市基础设施、集疏运体系和金融业对港口经济的支撑不足,且港口经济的外贸依存度不高,因此上海市需加快基础设施、金融业和现代物流业的配套建设。  相似文献   

This paper argues that there is much to be gained when we view struggles to cultivate food in the city through the lens of Henri Lefebvre's concept of the right to the city. Lefebvre's idea helps us better perceive the radical political and ecological potential of those struggles. And in the empirical details of the struggles we can see concretely the key action in Lefebvre's concept, an action that is only abstract in his work: urban inhabitants becoming active and producing and managing space for themselves.  相似文献   

Despite a highly visible presence, policy-maker knowledge of the drivers and participants in the informal economy of wild-harvested medicinal plants in Cape Town remains limited. To illuminate the workings of this local cultural business activity, the researchers adopted value chain analysis (VCA) for dissecting harvesting, trading and consumer demand in the trade. The study included qualitative, open-ended interviews with 58 traditional healers and a quantitative consumer study of 235 township households. Cape Town's traditional healers are numerous and potentially more uniquely culturally diverse than elsewhere, serving various community health needs. Healer groups enhance their healing reputation by utilising wild-sourced medicines – much of which is harvested locally. Their services remain culturally important and utilised by at least 50% of all consumer respondents. The VCA revealed a universal healer and consumer requirement for wild medicine stocks which has considerable implications for policy-making, protected area management and traditional medicine-oriented conservation projects.  相似文献   

当前,北京、上海等超大城市已经提出未来要建设全球城市或世界城市,把环境作为城市核心竞争力的主要指标。本文通过研究东京第二次世界大战后环境战略的演变,寻求不同环境战略阶段中,环境目标、管理及政策与经济、人口、能源和城市规划的关系,认为东京环境战略演变历程共分为六个阶段,总结了东京环境战略的成功经验,即科技创新中心是环境领域战略转型中心先天优势、全球环境治理网络枢纽建设促进环境战略转型、能源清洁是东京环境战略转型的关键、重大活动是东京城市环境问题解决的绝佳契机、公众参与为环境战略转型提供了强大的推动力,而城市空间优化与产业转移是东京环境战略转型的核心。  相似文献   

The fishing industry is responsible for generating large amounts of organic waste rich in compounds of commercial interest. This review aimed to present the state of the art about the possibilities of using solid waste to obtain value-added products. Skins, fins, and scales have been used to obtain gelatin and collagen, a promising compound for use as an additive in yogurts and creams, as well as for the synthesis of biodegradable packaging that, if applicable, can reduce the environmental impact caused by petroleum packaging. Other parts, such as the head and the viscera, contain polyunsaturated fatty acids and other fat-soluble vitamins that have been studied for the production of omega-3 capsules for the pharmaceutical industry, but when the extracted oil does not fit the feeding parameters, it can be applied for the production of biodiesel. Furthermore, fishes are a promising source of astaxanthin, a carotenoid with high antioxidant properties. The use of combined techniques such as chemical and enzymatic methods can increase the extraction yield and favor the obtaining of more purified compounds, in addition to promoting the reduction of chemicals that are aggressive to the environment. In general, conscious production in the fishing industry through the valorization of waste generated for use as inputs for other value chains encompasses aspects of the circular economy, which can positively impact several Sustainable Development Goals.  相似文献   

本文通过分析仪征市创建国家生态市在实践过程中所采取的措施、取得的成效、获得的经验和面临的困难,提出相关思路和对策,为该市生态文明建设打下基础。  相似文献   

The solar settlement (Solarsiedlung) in Freiburg, Germany, has been widely hailed as an eco-city or green city neighbourhood and a blueprint for sustainable urban development. However, as there is a noticeable lack of critical analysis of what constitutes Solarsiedlung as an “eco-city”, this paper studies narratives and practices of sustainable urban development. First, we look at Solarsiedlung as a best-practice model – a narrative that was produced and perpetuated by architects, urban planners, investors and academics celebrating this neighbourhood as a technologically leapfrogging, economically sound and socially integrated project. Second, we explore the everyday practices and lived experience of the residents in Solarsiedlung. Bringing together these two perspectives, we contribute to a more comprehensive understanding and critical reading of the interplay between the ecological, economic and social dimensions of sustainable development as seen from different viewpoints. Findings indicate that Solarsiedlung as a best-practice model is embedded in growth-oriented neoliberal strategies that are in conflict with the everyday practices and lived experience of the residents. Our findings put into question the widely assumed transferability of best-practice models in sustainable urban development.  相似文献   

徐州市建设生态园林城市的概况及几点建议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
创建生态园林城市越来越成为一个很响亮的提法,成为一种趋势。然而,在这个过程中势必要出现各种问题。如何处理这些问题呢?对于徐州市来讲,创建生态园林城市有其自身的优势,当然也会遇到不少问题,本文在简单介绍了徐州建设生态园林城市的概况之后,对创建过程中出现的某些问题提出了几点建议,重点就环境治理方面的问题阐述自己的看法。  相似文献   


Contemporary smart cities have largely mirrored the sustainable development agenda by embracing an ecological modernisation approach to urban development. There is a strong focus on stimulating economic activity and environmental protection with little emphasis on social equity and the human experience. The health and well-being agenda has potential to shift the focus of smart cities to centre on social aims. Through the systematic and widespread application of technologies such as wearable health monitors, the creation of open data platforms for health parameters, and the development of virtual communication between patients and health professionals, the smart city can serve as a means to improve the lives of urban residents. In this article, we present a case study of smart health in Kashiwanoha Smart City in Japan. We explore how the pursuit of greater health and well-being has stretched smart city activities beyond technological innovation to directly impact resident lifestyles and become more socially relevant. Smart health strategies examined include a combination of experiments in monitoring and visualisation, education through information provision, and enticement for behavioural change. Findings suggest that smart cities have great potential to be designed and executed to tackle social problems and realise more sustainable, equitable and liveable cities.  相似文献   

以2005-2009年乌鲁木齐市城市硫酸盐化速率数据为依据,研究了乌鲁木齐市城市硫酸盐化速率的浓度水平和变化规律,并用Arc-Gis绘出了乌鲁木齐市硫酸盐化速率的空间分布图,分析探讨了防治措施。  相似文献   

How does transboundary water cooperation begin at the initial stages, and how can third parties help to foster said cooperation? Many nations with transboundary waters do not cooperate or have ceased cooperation. Yet cooperation often prevails, resulting in 688 water‐related treaties signed from 1820 to 2007. We address the following: by which practices can development partners best design and implement cooperative projects at the state level to enhance basin water security in the earliest stages? This article identifies strategies for initiating cooperation and lessons drawn from reviewing select cases. We compiled from the Oregon State University Transboundary Freshwater Dispute Database all transboundary water resources projects over the last decade with multinational participation. We selected 10 case studies that enhance water security that fit the following filtering criteria: (1) Funding exclusively/primarily from outside sources, (2) Including nonofficial stakeholders in project design/implementation, (3) Absence of formal relations around water resources between or among the riparian nations before the project was discussed, (4) Project design possibly enhancing hydropolitical relations. Findings suggest that to enhance water security, project designs should respect participating riparians' autonomies, create basin‐wide networks of scientists, allow for each partner to garner responsibility for project activities, and consult a diverse group of stakeholders.  相似文献   

创建国家环保模范城市是提高城市管理水平,改善城市环境质量,实施城市经济可持续发展的重要举措,本文结合秦皇岛市创建国家环保工作的当前进展,客观分析总结了创建工作存在的差距和面临的任务,对下步工作提出了意见和建议。  相似文献   

衡水市区大气污染经济损失估算   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
衡水市区的大气污染对人体健康、农业、建筑材料造成的经济损失是巨大的。运用修正的人力资本法、生产率变动法、成果参照法等环境经济学方法,计算出衡水市区1996-2000年各年的大气污染经济损失。以2000年为例,衡水市区大气污染经济损失为1.23亿元,相当于研究区域每人损失510元,其中大气污染引起的人体健康经济损失为12079万元,农业经济损失85.4万元,建筑材料经济损失175万元。由于认识、数据搜集、技术上的原因,本研究给出的经济损失数据只是一个半定量的供宏观思考的结论,可看作是实际损失的下限值。  相似文献   

The impact of the management of packaging waste on the environment, economic growth and job creation is analyzed in this paper. This integrated assessment intends to cover a gap in the literature for this type of studies, using the specific case study of the Portuguese packaging waste management system (SIGRE).The net environmental benefits associated with the management of packaging waste, are calculated using the Life Cycle Assessment methodology. The results show that, for the categories studied, the impacts associated to SIGRE's various activities are surpassed by the benefits associated to material and energy recovery, with special focus on recycling. For example, in 2011 SIGRE avoided the emission of 116 kt CO2 equiv. – the equivalent carbon emission of the electricity consumption of 124.000 households in Portugal.The economic impact of SIGRE is evaluated through Input–Output Analysis. It was found that SIGRE's activities also have a significant economic impact. For example, their added value are ranked amongst the upper third of the economic activities with highest multiplier effect at national level: this means that for each Euro of value added generated within SIGRE, 1.25 additional € are added to the rest of the economy (multiplier effect of 2.25).Regarding the social impacts of SIGRE, the number of direct jobs associated with the system is estimated to be more than two thousand and three hundred workers. Out of these, 83% are connected to the management of municipal waste packaging (selective collection and sorting), 15% are connected to the management of non-municipal packaging waste and only 2% are connected to the Sociedade Ponto Verde (SPV, green dot society in English) – the management entity responsible for SIGRE.In general terms, the results obtained provide quantitative support to the EEA (2011) suggestion that moving up the waste hierarchy – from landfilling to recycling – creates jobs and boosts the economy.  相似文献   

A city's spatial footprint is covered by extensive impervious building roofs and paved surfaces, which contribute to greater storm-water runoff, more surface pollutants, and less carbon sequestration, hence, worse ecosystem services. This research conducts an empirical study on the ecological and economic impacts of a citywide adoption of green roofs and permeable pavements in Corvallis, OR. The effects on ecosystem services of using green roofs and pervious pavements for a low impact development are modelled using Integrated Value of Ecosystem Services Trade-offs and compared to those from the City's current conventional development without green roofs and pervious pavements. The differences are analysed for ecological impact by storm-water yield, storm-water purification, and carbon sequestration and economic impact by a cost-benefit comparison. The results indicate that low impact development, especially intensive green roofs on commercial/industrial buildings and permeable pavements for parking lots, plays a significant role, even with a higher initial implementation cost, for long-term urban sustainability.  相似文献   

The agricultural and industrial development of small cities is the primary environmental management strategy employed to make full use of extra labor in the rural areas of China. The ecological and economic consequences of this development strategy will affect over 100 million people and change the organization of the Chinese landscape. In this study, we examined the agricultural development of Shunde, a small city in Guangdong Province, over the period 1978 until 2000. Our analysis of the ecological and economic dynamics of the agricultural system revealed the dominant role of labor in the intensification of agricultural production, even though the use of fuels, fertilizers and machines also increased during this time. The Shunde agricultural system was examined from both biophysical or donor-based and human utility or receiver-based perspectives, using emergy and economic methods, respectively. After 22 years of urbanization, the Shunde agricultural system was still able to fill 96% of the local demand for agricultural products using only 6% of its total yield compared to using 14% of the total yield in 1978. Aquaculture developed quickly during the study period as grain production decreased. In 2000, the production of fish, pork, and vegetables accounted for 92% of the total emergy output of the system; however, the emergy buying power of the money received in exchange was lower than the emergy contained in the products exported. The excess emergy exported is the basis for a high quality diet delivered to city dwellers at a relatively low price. In the 1980s, the productivity of both land and labor increased; but after 1992 the productivity of labor decreased, causing the efficiency of the whole agricultural system to decrease. We recommend that processing plants be established for the main agricultural products of Shunde to decrease the emergy loss in trading and to increase employment. The effect of including monetized ecosystem services in the balance between the emergy delivered to the markets in agricultural products and the emergy buying power of the money received was to decrease the emergy gained by the Shunde agricultural system.  相似文献   

This paper addresses issues of access to land for food production in Toronto by offering fresh perspectives on urban agriculture in the neo-liberal city of the global north. It examines attempts to scale up urban agriculture that emphasise changing the relationships between land access, property and new collaborative relationships among different stakeholders. These initiatives involve renegotiating access to land for growing food between private property owners and landless growers, concomitant shifts in control over valued resources and commercialisation. These shifts are often based on relations of trust within a sharing economy rather than public battles over political decisions to develop urban agriculture lands. Growing food on private lands in the city is political in challenging taken-for-granted ideas and practices of property and urban agriculture. New approaches offer options for training and income, as well as expanding the land base for urban agriculture. Small-scale farming projects are affirmative political manoeuvres. They challenge urban residents to consider land for food production across the categories of public and private property. We document three approaches that challenge current property relations: temporary use of a development site through “soft” squatting; redesignating suburban backyards for farmer training and community-based and private food production; and garden sharing of private home backyards for urban food production and commercial growing. Such initiatives articulate alternative visions of sustainability and food security that rely on principles of collaboration and a sharing economy that challenge prevailing notions of property ownership and food security.  相似文献   

河流水污染和水资源短缺是楚雄市面临的两大水环境问题。本文将楚雄市社会经济发展、水污染控制和水资源开发利用纳入一个系统,在掌握水环境问题现状和变化趋势及其成因的基础上,探讨河流水质目标和排污控制目标,从宏观协调对策和水污染控制措施两个层次上进行水环境对策的设计和多目标优选,并得到最佳水污染控制实施计划。  相似文献   

Rapid urbanisation, lack of proactive planning and improper allocation of resources may result in socio-economic disparity among and within cities, causing social unrest and environmental injustice in the neighbourhoods. This study aims to examine whether the planning standards for housing schemes in Pakistan are able to maintain equitable access to green spaces within the cities. Ten residential sites in Sheikhupura city with different housing unit sizes and densities were selected for the study. The supply of urban green infrastructure in housing scheme has been assessed: (i) by comparing the percentage of green spaces, including community parks and open spaces and street landscape; and (ii) by calculating per dwelling unit and per capita share of green spaces. These indicators have been studied against the housing density and population density of the schemes by applying correlation and linear regression models. The results show that all the housing schemes plans provide for similar amounts of green space as a percentage of total area. The per capita share of green spaces is very low in high-density areas, but interestingly, the street landscape has a higher potential to contribute to the overall landscape in high-density neighbourhoods, compensating for low per capita green space. Housing unit density and population density must be incorporated in planning standards so planners can effectively devise a mix of community parks, street landscape and private green spaces to help maintain per capita green spaces, and hence environmental resource equality in different parts of the city.  相似文献   

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