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ABSTRACT: Forty‐six independent stream reaches in southeastern Pennsylvania were surveyed to assess the relationships between geomorphic and habitat variables and watershed total impervious area (TIA) and to test the ability of the impervious cover model (ICM) to predict the impervious category based on stream reach variables. Ten variables were analyzed using simple and multivariate statistical techniques including scatter‐plots, Spearman's Rank correlations, principal components analysis (PCA), and discriminant analysis (DA). Graphical analysis suggested differences in the response to TIA between the stream reaches with less than 13 percent TIA and those with greater than 24 percent TIA. Spearman's Rank correlations showed significant relationships for large woody debris and sinuosity when analyzing the entire dataset and for depth diversity and the standard deviation of maximum pool depths when analyzing stream reaches with greater than 24 percent TIA. Classification into the ICM using DA was 49 percent accurate; however, the stream reaches did support the ICM in other ways. These results indicate that stream reach response to urbanization may not be consistent across geographical regions and that local conditions (specifically riparian buffer vegetation) may significantly affect channel response; and the ICM, used in the appropriate context, can aid in the management of stream reaches and watersheds.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Dendrochronology analyses of point bar complexes were used to quantify the effects of riparian forests on local lateral migration of bends in seven streams in the glacial till plains of north central Missouri. Stream bends were paired with similar bank height, midchannel radius of curvature, soil composition, and watershed size. In each pair, one concave bank was forested and one was unforested. Stream bends with unforested concave banks had an average local migration rate three times greater than stream bends that had forested concave banks.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Bank erosion along a river channel determines the pattern of channel migration. Lateral channel migration in large alluvial rivers creates new floodplain land that is essential for riparian vegetation to get established. Migration also erodes existing riparian, agricultural, and urban lands, sometimes damaging human infrastructure (e.g., scouring bridge foundations and endangering pumping facilities) in the process. Understanding what controls the rate of bank erosion and associated point bar deposition is necessary to manage large alluvial rivers effectively. In this study, bank erosion was proportionally related to the magnitude of stream power. Linear regressions were used to correlate the cumulative stream power, above a lower flow threshold, with rates of bank erosion at 13 sites on the middle Sacramento River in California. Two forms of data were used: aerial photography and field data. Each analysis showed that bank erosion and cumulative effective stream power were significantly correlated and that a lower flow threshold improves the statistical relationship in this system. These correlations demonstrate that land managers and others can relate rates of bank erosion to the daily flow rates of a river. Such relationships can provide information concerning ecological restoration of floodplains related to channel migration rates as well as planning that requires knowledge of the relationship between flow rates and bank erosion rates.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: A circulation and salinity model was used to predict the effects of wind, fresh water inflow, and the construction of a navigation channel on Vermilion Bay, Louisiana. The model numerically solved continuity and motion equations and provided a time history and spatial distribution of tidal depths, flows, velocities, and salinity in two lateral dimensions. The model predicted that high south winds or high fresh water inflow would reduce average bay salinities, as would the construction of a channel through Vermilion Bay. The results suggested the main reason for this behavior is the presence of two bay outlets to the Gulf of Mexico.  相似文献   

Abstract: Five commonly used methods for measuring embeddedness the — degree to which fine particles surround coarse substrate on the surface of the streambed — are assessed and used to evaluate the sedimentation pattern resulting from impoundment on tributaries of the Connecticut River. Results show that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) method best reflects the sediment regime on these rivers. On the Ompompanoosuc River, regulated by a run-of-the-river/flood control dam, embeddedness increases significantly directly downstream of the dam. On the unregulated White River, no downstream trends in embeddedness are observed. The USEPA results on the Ompompanoosuc River reflect the movement of a local decrease in embeddedness, interpreted as a moving region of scour, with a calculated transport rate of approximately 5 to 25 m/day. Observed transport rates are similar to previously measured sediment transport rates and consistent with results from a multifraction sediment transport model. Application of the USEPA method to an additional regulated tributary demonstrates the effects of dam management on embeddedness. Flow regulation with high sediment trapping efficiency results in a decrease in embeddedness downstream of the dam. Results provide insight into the utility of available methods for evaluating the effects of management practice on streambed composition.  相似文献   

This paper synthesizes information on the spatial and temporal dynamics of wood in small streams in the Pacific Northwest region of North America. The literature on this topic is somewhat confused due to a lack of an accepted definition of what constitutes “small” streams and what is the relative size of woody debris contained within the channel. This paper presents a matrix that defines woody debris relative to channel size and then discusses the components of a wood budget. Headwater streams are in close proximity to wood sources and, in steeplands, are often tightly constrained by steep hillslopes. Special consideration is given to ecosystem characteristics and to management practices that affect the wood dynamics in this context. Knowledge gaps and uncertainties that can be used to guide future research are identified. Very little is currently known about the role of mass wasting in wood recruitment and storage relative to other processes, such as bank erosion and mortality, in larger streams. Further, very little work has addressed the relative importance of different wood depletion processes, especially those associated with wood transport. The effect of other ecosystem variables on wood dynamics locally across a watershed (from valley bottom to mountaintop) and regionally across the landscape (from maritime to continental climates) is not addressed. Finally, the scientific community has only begun to deal with the effects of management practices on wood quantity, structure, and movement in small streams.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The environment surrounding urban streams imposes constraints upon stream enhancement projects. Constraints include bridges, culverts, highways, sewer and water lines, lack of easements, and other floodplain structures. The consequences of failure of these infrastructure constraints can be significant and should be considered in the design process. Fault tree analysis provides a systematic technique for analyzing the interactions of events that could lead to infrastructure failure. A case study of a stream in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, shows that fault tree analysis can effectively model the interactions between the stream system and the infrastructure constraints and predict the most likely modes of failure. In addition, the relative success of alternative designs and failure mitigation techniques can be assessed using this analysis tool, lending insight into the urban stream enhancement design process. The method could also provide justification in the design permitting process and input for risk assessment.  相似文献   

Abstract: Recent water sector reforms and increased scarcity and vulnerability of water resources, combined with declining public funding available for large scale infrastructure investment in the sector, have led to a greater awareness by the Government of Vietnam for the need to analyze water resource allocation and use in an integrated fashion, at the basin scale, and from a perspective of economic efficiency. In this study we focus on the development, application, and selected policy analyses using an integrated economic hydrologic river basin model for the Dong Nai River Basin in southern Vietnam. The model framework depicts the sectoral structure and location of water users (agriculture, industry, hydropower, domestic, and the environment) and the institutions for water allocation in the basin. Water benefit functions are developed for the major water uses subject to physical limitations and to constraints of system control and policy. Based on this modeling framework, we will analyze policies that can affect water allocation and use at the basin level, including both basin-specific and general macroeconomic policies.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Weekly precipitation and stream water samples were collected from small watersheds in Denali National Park, Alaska, the Fraser Experimental Forest, Colorado, Isle Royale National Park, Michigan, and the Calumet watershed on the south shore of Lake Superior, Michigan. The objective was to determine if stream water chemistry at the mouth and upstream stations reflected precipitation chemistry across a range of atmospheric inputs of H+, NH4+, NO3??, and SO42?. Volume-weighted precipitation H+, NH4+, NO3??, and SO42? concentrations varied 4 to 8 fold with concentrations highest at Calumet and lowest in Denali. Stream water chemistry varied among sites, but did not reflect precipitation chemistry. The Denali watershed, Rock Creek, had the lowest precipitation NO3?? and SO42? concentrations, but the highest stream water NO3?and SO42? concentrations. Among sites, the ratio of mean monthly upstream NO3?? concentration to precipitation NO3?- concentration declined (p < 0.001, R2= 0.47) as precipitation NO3?? concentration increased. The ratio of mean monthly upstream to precipitation SO42? concentration showed no significant relationship to change in precipitation SO42? concentration. Watersheds showed strong retention of inorganic N (> 90 percent inputs) across inputs ranging from 0.12 to > 6 kg N ha?1 y?1. Factors possibly accounting for the weak or non-existent signal between stream water and precipitation ion concentrations include rapid modification of meltwater and precipitation chemistry by soil processes, and the presence of unfrozen soils which permits winter mineralization and nitrification to occur.  相似文献   

Abstract: Agricultural runoff, such as dissolved mineral salts and selenium, creates pronounced downstream impacts to agricultural producers and to wildlife. The ability to manage these problems efficiently depends critically on the institutional pricing structure of irrigation water delivery agencies. An important characteristic of irrigation water delivery is whether irrigators pay per unit of water received or make one payment regardless of the quantity of water received. In this study we compare the effectiveness of agricultural runoff reduction policies in two regions that employ these different water pricing structures. We find that reduction policy is more effective and can be achieved at a lower cost when water is priced on a per unit basis and that growers have greater incentive to act on their own to reduce runoff problems. Operating under a per unit pricing system encourages water conservation and runoff reduction, which creates public benefits that are not achieved under the single-payment, fixed allotment method of irrigation water delivery.  相似文献   

Abstract: A primary water quality problem caused by non-point source pollution (NPSP) is eutrophication, from excess nutrients in receiving water bodies. The control of nutrients arising from NPSP is difficult because the source areas can be hard to identify and typical treatment methods are infeasible due to the distributed nature of the pollutants. It may be possible to reduce nutrient related water quality problems through the restoration of highly disturbed watersheds with best management practices (BMPs). While restoration attempts may provide significant returns, they can be costly to implement and often are met with resistance in agricultural communities. Extending model results beyond the range of calibration to model future conditions such as for restoration scenarios requires the use of physically-based models that include the important processes that generate streamflow and material transport, uptake, loss, transformation, and recycling of nutrients and other material. The research and development objectives of the US. Army Engineer Research and Development Center (ERDC) in Vicksburg, Mississippi, are to develop a watershed assessment and management model to simulate transport, uptake, loss, transformation, and recycling of nutrients such as nitrogen and phosphorus and associated material such as sediment and organic matter. In this study we will discuss current efforts at the ERDC's Environmental Laboratory to develop a state-of-the-art watershed water quality model.  相似文献   

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