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The kinetics, reaction pathways and product distribution of oxidation of tetrachloroethylene (PCE) by potassium permanganate (KMnO4) were studied in phosphate-buffered solutions under constant pH, isothermal, completely mixed and zero headspace conditions. Experimental results indicate that the reaction is first-order with respect to both PCE and KMnO4 and has an activation energy of 9.3+/-0.9 kcal/mol. The second-order rate constant at 20 degrees C is 0.035+/-0.004 M(-1) s(-1), and is independent of pH and ionic strength (I) over a range of pH 3-10 and I approximately 0-0.2 M, respectively. The PCE-KMnO4 reaction may proceed through further oxidation and/or hydrolysis reaction pathways, greatly influenced by the acidity of the solution, to yield CO2(g), oxalic acid, formic acid and glycolic acid. Under acidic conditions (e.g., pH 3), the further oxidation pathway will dominate and PCE tends to be directly mineralized into CO2 and chloride. Under neutral (e.g., pH 7) and alkaline conditions (e.g., pH 10), the hydroxylation pathway dominates the reaction and PCE is primarily transformed into oxalic acid prior to complete PCE mineralization. Moreover, all chlorine atoms in PCE are rapidly liberated during the reaction and the rate of chloride production is very close to the rate of PCE degradation.  相似文献   

A laboratory study was conducted to examine cosolvent-enhanced in-situ chemical oxidation (ISCO) of perchloroethylene (PCE) using potassium permanganate (KMnO4). The conceptual basis for this new technique is to enhance permanganate oxidation of dense non-aqueous phase liquids (DNAPLs) with the addition of a cosolvent, thereby increasing DNAPL solubility while avoiding mobilization. Among 17 cosolvent candidates screened, tertiary butyl alcohol (TBA) and acetone were the most stable in the presence of KMnO4, both of which increased PCE aqueous solubility significantly, and therefore are suitable to be used as cosolvent in this study. Batch experiments indicated that the second-order rate constant for PCE oxidation by potassium permanganate was 0.043+/-0.002 M(-1) s(-1) in the purely aqueous (no cosolvent) solution. In the presence of 20% cosolvent (volume fraction=fc=0.2), the rate constant decreased to 0.036+/-0.003 M(-1) s(-1) with TBA and to 0.031+/-0.002 M(-1) s(-1) with acetone. However, in the presence of free-phase PCE, chloride ion concentration from PCE oxidation in acetone/water solutions (fc=0.2) was about twice that in aqueous solutions, indicating that the increase in PCE solubility more than compensated for the decrease in reaction rate constant, such that the oxidation efficiency of PCE was increased with cosolvent. A complete chlorine mass balance was observed in the aqueous system, whereas approximately 70% was obtained in TBA/water or acetone/water (fc=0.2). In soil columns containing residual DNAPL and subjected to isocratic flushing with step-wise increases in f(c) cosolvent, TBA at fc=0.2 resulted in PCE mobilization, whereas acetone at fc相似文献   

In order to develop more robust insight into the natural attenuation of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), the chlorine isotopic composition of residual 2,3,4,5-tetrachlorobiphenyl (2,3,4,5-CB) was monitored as it underwent microbial reductive dechlorination to 2,3,5-trichlorobiphenyl (2,3,5-CB) in laboratory cultures. Reverse-phase high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) was employed to isolate the former compound from the experimental matrix for delta37Cl measurement. No detectable isotopic fractionation was observed over the 90 day incubation with sterile control, standard, and inoculated samples all exhibiting delta37Cl values with a range of approximately 0.5 per thousand. These results show that this type of biological activity can be discriminated from other transformations by the absence of a measurable isotope effect during microbial reductive dechlorination. The utility of HPLC isolation for compound-specific delta37Cl analyses of environmentally relevant species is also demonstrated.  相似文献   

A series of laboratory scale batch slurry experiments were conducted in order to establish a data set for oxidant demand by sandy and clayey subsurface materials as well as to identify the reaction kinetic rates of permanganate (MnO(4)(-)) consumption and PCE oxidation as a function of the MnO(4)(-) concentration. The laboratory experiments were carried out with 31 sandy and clayey subsurface sediments from 12 Danish sites. The results show that the consumption of MnO(4)(-) by reaction with the sediment, termed the natural oxidant demand (NOD), is the primary reaction with regards to quantification of MnO(4)(-) consumption. Dissolved PCE in concentrations up to 100 mg/l in the sediments investigated is not a significant factor in the total MnO(4)(-) consumption. Consumption of MnO(4)(-) increases with an increasing initial MnO(4)(-) concentration. The sediment type is also important as NOD is (generally) higher in clayey than in sandy sediments for a given MnO(4)(-) concentration. For the different sediment types the typical NOD values are 0.5-2 g MnO(4)(-)/kg dry weight (dw) for glacial meltwater sand, 1-8 g MnO(4)(-)/kg dw for sandy till and 5-20 g MnO(4)(-)/kg dw for clayey till. The long term consumption of MnO(4)(-) and oxidation of PCE can not be described with a single rate constant, as the total MnO(4)(-) reduction is comprised of several different reactions with individual rates. During the initial hours of reaction, first order kinetics can be applied, where the short term first order rate constants for consumption of MnO(4)(-) and oxidation of PCE are 0.05-0.5 h(-1) and 0.5-4.5 h(-1), respectively. The sediment does not act as an instantaneous sink for MnO(4)(-). The consumption of MnO(4)(-) by reaction with the reactive species in the sediment is the result of several parallel reactions, during which the reaction between the contaminant and MnO(4)(-) also takes place. Hence, application of low MnO(4)(-) concentrations can cause partly oxidation of PCE, as the oxidant demand of the sediment does not need to be met fully before PCE is oxidised.  相似文献   

In situ chemical oxidation (ISCO) is an emerging technology for the destruction of some chlorinated solvents present in subsurface environments. A laboratory investigation using a physical model was designed to assess the effectiveness of using permanganate as an oxidant to reduce the mass of a perchloroethylene (PCE) pool. The physical model was filled with silica sand overlying a silica flour base, simulating a two-dimensional saturated sand zone overlying a capillary barrier. PCE was introduced into the model so that it rested on top of the silica flour base, forming a dense nonaqueous phase liquid pool. The experimental methodology involved flushing the model with a permanganate solution for 146 days. During this period, measurements of chloride were used to assess the extent of pool oxidation. Before and after the oxidant flush, the quasi-steady state dissolution from the PCE pool was evaluated. Additionally, tracer studies were completed to assess changes in the flow field due to the oxidation process. At the termination of the experiment nine soil cores extracted from the model were used to detect the presence of MnO2 deposits and to quantify the mass of PCE remaining in the system. Excavation of the remaining material in the model revealed that the MnO2 distribution throughout the model was consistent with that observed in the cores. The oxidant flush was concluded before all of the pure phase PCE had been completely oxidized; however, approximately 45% of the PCE mass was removed, resulting in a fourfold decrease in the quasi-steady state aqueous phase mass loading of PCE from the pool. Measurements of chloride during the oxidant flush and of PCE in the soil cores suggested that the oxidation reaction occurred primarily at the upgradient edge of the PCE pool. MnO2 deposits within the model aquifer decreased the velocity of water directly above the pool, and the overall mass transfer from the remaining PCE pool. The results of this experimental study indicate that ISCO using permanganate is capable of removing substantial mass from a DNAPL pool; however, the performance of ISCO as a pool removal technology will be limited by the formation and precipitation of hydrous MnO2 that occurs during the oxidation process.  相似文献   

In situ chemical oxidation (ISCO) schemes using MnO4- have been effective in destroying chlorinated organic solvents dissolved in ground water. Laboratory experiments and field pilot tests reveal that the precipitation of Mn oxide, one of the reaction products, causes a reduction of permeability, which can lead to flow bypassing and inefficiency of the scheme. Without a solution to this problem of plugging, it is difficult to remove DNAPL from the subsurface completely. In a companion paper, we showed with batch experiments that Mn oxide can be dissolved rapidly with certain organic acids. This study utilizes 2-D flow-tank experiments to examine the possibility of nearly complete DNAPL removal by ISCO with MnO4-, when organic acids are used to remove Mn oxide. The experiments were conducted in a small 2-D glass flow tank containing a lenticular silica-sand medium. Blue-dyed trichloroethylene (TCE) provided residual, the perched and pooled DNAPL. KMnO4 at 200 mg/l was flushed through the DNAPL horizontally. Once plugging reduced permeability and prevented further delivery of the oxidant, citric or oxalic acids were pumped into the flow tank to dissolve the Mn oxide precipitates. Organic ligands removed the Mn oxide precipitates relatively quickly, and permitted another cycle of MnO4- flooding. Cycles of MnO4-/acid flooding continued until all of the visible DNAPL was removed. The experiments were monitored with chemical analysis and visualization. A mass-balance calculation indicated that by the end of the experiments, all the DNAPL was removed. The results show also how heterogeneity adds complexity to initial redistribution of DNAPL, and to the efficiency of the chemical flooding.  相似文献   

Enhanced microbial degradation of toxaphene by natural microorganisms occurred in soil and sediment amended with organic matter kept under anaerobic (flooded) conditions. Laboratory experiments yielded a dissipation half-life of approximately 3 and 1 week for soil and sediment, respectively, containing 10 ppm of technical toxaphene and a 1% alfalfa meal amendment. Dissipation was accompanied by an increase in early eluting gas chromatographic peaks and a decrease in later eluting peaks, indicating that dechlorination had occurred. Enhanced anaerobic dissipation also took place in soil containing 500 ppm of toxaphene, although at a lesser rate than at 10 ppm, and when cotton gin waste was used as amendment in place of alfalfa meal. Sediment in a toxaphene-contaminated pesticide waste disposal ditch was amended with 10% steer manure and flooded to ascertain field utility of the technique for on-site decontamination. Toxaphene residues were reduced from 63 to 23 ppm in 120 days, and some degradation activity still occurred up to 8 months after this single treatment.  相似文献   

研究了氧化剂KMnO4氧化水中二甲基三硫醚的效能,探讨了KMnO4投加量、二甲基三硫醚的初始浓度、pH值、腐植酸浓度以及同类臭味物质甲硫醚对氧化反应的影响,并对反应动力学进行了分析。结果表明:不同剂量的高锰酸钾对二甲基三硫醚有较强的氧化能力,基本完全氧化需要一定时间(达2 h)。随着高锰酸钾投量的增加,去除率和反应速率也随之增加,但高锰酸钾投加量不宜过多,建议最佳投加量为2 mg·L-1。实验发现:二甲基三硫醚初始浓度、实际水体pH值以及腐殖酸浓度对氧化反应的影响不明显;但水中同类臭味物质甲硫醚对氧化反应有抑制作用,使反应进程变慢。高锰酸钾氧化二甲基三硫醚的反应符合二级反应动力学模型,二级反应的动力学常数为k=0.006 59 L·(min·mg)-1,理论曲线与实际反应曲线存在一定的差距,但整个反应过程中2条曲线反应的去除率的差距不大,因此理论曲线能较好的指导实践。  相似文献   

The variability of stable carbon isotope fractionation upon reductive dechlorination of tetra- and trichloroethene by several microbial strains was investigated to examine the uncertainties related to the in situ application of compound specific isotope analysis (CSIA) of chlorinated ethenes. Carbon isotope fractionation was investigated with a set of microorganisms representative for the currently known diversity of dehalorespirers: Dehalococcoides ethenogenes strain 195, Desulfitobacterium sp. strain Viet1, Desulfuromonas michiganensis and Geobacter lovleyi sp. strain SZ and compared to the previous reports using Sulfurospirillum spp. and Desulfitobacterium sp. strain PCE-S. Carbon isotope fractionation of tetrachloroethene (PCE) and trichlorethene (TCE) was highly variable ranging from the absence of significant fractionation to carbon isotope fractionation (epsilonC) of 16.7 and 3.5-18.9 for PCE and TCE, respectively. Fractionation of both compounds by D. ethenogenes strain 195 (PCE: epsilonC=6.0; TCE: epsilonC=13.7) was similar to the literature data for mixed cultures containing Dehalococcoides spp. D. michiganensis (PCE: no significant fractionation; TCE: epsilonC=3.5) and G. lovleyi sp. strain SZ (PCE no significant fractionation; TCE: epsilonC=8.5) generated the lowest fractionation of all studied strains. Desulfitobacterium sp. strain Viet1 (PCE: epsilonC=16.7) gave the highest enrichment factor for PCE.  相似文献   

为探究高锰酸钾氧化修复技术应用过程中Mn元素迁移转化规律及其潜在的环境风险,通过室内模拟实验,采用某焦化厂PAHs污染土壤作为研究材料,探究了高锰酸钾修复技术中不同药剂投加量对PAHs去除、高锰酸钾消耗量、土壤中Mn质量分数、Mn赋存形态分布及有效态Mn质量分数等的影响。结果表明,高锰酸钾氧化处理可有效去除土壤中PAHs;当高锰酸钾投加量为0.20 mmol·g−1、反应时间为1 d时,PAHs去除率最高,可达89.61%。氧化处理过程中,高锰酸钾消耗量和土壤Mn质量分数均与高锰酸钾的投加量有关,随投加量增加而升高。其中,土壤Mn的质量分数与高锰酸钾消耗量呈显著正相关关系。高锰酸钾氧化处理后土壤中Mn主要以铁锰氧化物结合态存在,所占比例为77.04%~92.17%。土壤经0.05 mmol·g−1高锰酸钾氧化处理后,土壤有效态Mn的质量分数比对照组增加了0.94倍;而在高锰酸钾投加量为0.10~0.40 mmol·g−1的处理条件下,土壤有效态Mn的质量分数下降了77.65%~99.09%。药剂投加量是影响高锰酸钾氧化修复PAHs污染土壤过程中Mn环境行为的关键因子。本研究结果可为高锰酸钾氧化修复技术应用工艺优化提供参考。  相似文献   

Brahushi F  Dörfler U  Schroll R  Munch JC 《Chemosphere》2004,55(11):1477-1484
The reductive dechlorination and behaviour of 14C-hexachlorobenzene (HCB) was investigated in an arable soil. The activity of the native anaerobic microbial communities could be induced by saturating the soil with water. Under these conditions high rates of dechlorination were observed. After 20 weeks of incubation only 1% of the applied 14C-HCB could be detected in the fraction of extractable residues. Additional organic substances, like wheat straw and lucerne straw, however considerably delayed and reduced the dechlorination process in the soil. The decline of HCB was not only caused by dechlorination but also by the formation of non-extractable residues, whereby their amounts varied with time depending on the experimental conditions. Several dechlorination products were detected, indicating the following main HCB transformation pathway: HCB → PCB → 1,2,3,5-TeCB → 1,3,5-TCB → 1,3-DCB, with 1,3,5-TCB as main intermediate dechlorination product. The other TeCB-, TCB- and DCB-isomers were also detected in low amounts, showing the presence of more than one dechlorination pathway. Since the methane production rates were lowest when the dechlorination rates were highest, it can be assumed that methanogenic bacteria were not involved in the dechlorination process of HCB. The established 14C-mass balances show, that with increasing dechlorination and incubation times, the 14C-recoveries decreased.  相似文献   

Previous studies on in situ chemical oxidation of trichloroethylene (TCE) with potassium permanganate indicated that the solid reaction product, Mn oxide, could reduce the permeability of the porous medium and impact the success of dense non-aqueous phase liquid (DNAPL) removal. In order to address the issue of permeability reduction caused by precipitation, this study investigated the mineralogy of Mn oxides and the possibilities of removing the solid precipitates by dissolution. The solid reaction product from the oxidation of TCE by permanganate is semi-amorphous potassium-rich birnessite, which has a layered mineral structure with an interlayer spacing of 7.3 A. The chemical formula is K(0.854)Mn(1.786)O(4).1.55H(2)O. It has a relatively small specific surface area at 23.6+/-0.82 m(2)/g. Its point of zero charge (pzc) was measured as 3.7+/-0.4. This birnessite is a relatively active species and could participate in various reactions with existing organic and inorganic matter. The dissolution kinetics of Mn oxide was evaluated in batch experiments using solutions of citric acid, oxalic acid, and ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA). Initial dissolution rates were determined to be 0.126 mM/m(2)/h for citric acid, 1.35 mM/m(2)/h for oxalic acid, and 5.176 mM/m(2)/h for EDTA. These rates compare with 0.0025 mM/m(2)/h for nitric acid at pH=2. Organic acids dissolve Mn oxide quickly. Reaction rates increase with acid concentration, as tested with citric acid. The dissolution mechanism likely involves proton and ligand-promoted dissolution and reductive dissolution. Citric and oxalic acid can induce ligand-promoted dissolution, while EDTA can induce ligand-promoted and reductive dissolutions. At low pH, proton-promoted dissolution seems to occur with all the acids tested, but this process is not dominant. Reductive dissolution appears to be the most effective process in dissolving the solid, followed by ligand-promoted dissolution. These experiments indicate the significant potential in using these organic acids to remove precipitates formed during the oxidation reaction.  相似文献   

In-situ oxidation of dense nonaqueous-phase liquids (DNAPLs) by strong oxidants such as potassium permanganate (KMnO4) has been proposed as a possible DNAPL remediation strategy. In this study, we investigated the effects of in-situ trichloroethene (TCE) oxidation by KMnO4 on porous medium hydraulic properties. In particular, we wanted to determine the overall effects of concurrent solid phase (MnO2) precipitation, gas (CO2) evolution and TCE dissolution resulting from the oxidation reaction on the porous medium's aqueous-phase relative permeability, krw. Three TCE removal experiments were conducted in a 95-cm long, 5.1-cm i.d. glass column, which was homogeneously packed with well-characterized 30/40-mesh silica sand. TCE was emplaced in the sand-pack in residual, entrapped form through a sequence of water/TCE imbibition and drainage steps. The column was then flushed under constant aqueous flux conditions for up to 104 h with either deionized water (reference experiment), deionized water containing 5 mM KMnO4 or deionized water containing 5 mM KMnO4 and 300 mM Na2HPO4. Aqueous-phase relative permeabilities were computed from measured flow rates and measurements of aqueous-phase pressure head, h obtained using pressure transducers connected to tensiometers distributed along the column length. A dual-energy gamma radiation system was used to monitor changes in fluid saturation that occurred during each experiment. In addition, column effluent samples were collected for chemical analyses. Dissolution of TCE during deionized water flushing led to an increase in krw by approximately 22% and a local reduction in h. On the other hand, vigorous CO2 gas production and precipitation of MnO2 was visually observed during flushing with deionized water that contained 5 mM KMnO4. As a consequence, krw declined by approximately 96% and h increased locally by more than 1000 cm H2O during the first 24 h of the experiment, causing sand-pack ruptures and pump failure. Conversely, less CO2 gas production and MnO2 precipitation was visually observed during flushing with deionized water that contained 5 mM KMnO4 and 300 mM Na2HPO4. Consequently, only small increases in h (< 15 cm H2O) were observed in this experiment due to a reduction in krw of approximately 53%. While we must attribute changes in h due to variations in krw to our specific experimental design (constant aqueous flux, one-dimensional flow experiments), these experiments nevertheless confirm that successful application of in situ chemical oxidation of TCE requires consideration of detrimental processes such as MnO2 precipitation and CO2 gas formation. In addition, our results indicate that utilization of a buffered oxidant solution may improve the effectiveness of in-situ oxidation of TCE by KMnO4 in otherwise weakly buffered porous media.  相似文献   

Ho CH  Liu SM 《Chemosphere》2011,82(1):48-55
The effect of concentration of coplanar PCB on the dechlorinating microbial community and dechlorination were investigated in anoxic estuarine sediment collected from Er-Jen River and enriched with 10 and 50 mg L−1 of 3,4,4′,5-tetrachlorobiphenyl, 3,3′,4,4′,5-pentachlorobiphenyl, and 3,3′,4,4′,5,5′-hexachlorobipheny. Dechlorination rates were similar in the cultures enriched with 10 and 50 mg L−1 of 3,4,4′,5-tetrachlorobiphenyl, whereas significantly higher dechlorination rates were observed in cultures enriched with 10 mg L−1 of 3,3′,4,4′,5-pentachlorobiphenyl. No dechlorination was observed in sediment slurries enriched with 3,3′,4,4′,5,5′-hexachlorobipheny. Para dechlorination occurred prior to meta dechlorination during reductive dechlorination of 3,4,4′,5-tetrachlorobiphenyl and 3,3′,4,4′,5-pentachlorobiphenyl. GC-MS and denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) were used to detect dechlorination products and dechlorinating microorganisms in the enriched sediment cultures during the process of degradation. Two Chloroflexi phylotypes observed in DGGE were responsible for para and meta dechlorination respectively. Phylotype Cp-1 has 98% similarity to uncultured bacterium N5-12. Phylotype Cm-1 has 99% similarity to uncultured dechlorinating bacterium m1 or SF1 belonging to the ο-17/DF-1 group of PCB-dechlorinating bacteria.  相似文献   

In order to determine whether natural attenuation of chlorinated ethenes by microbial activity occurs in aquitards, sediments at a site contaminated with tetrachloroethene were vertically studied by drilling. The distribution of microbes (Dehalococcoides group and anaerobic hydrogen producers) and the ability of the sediments to sustain microbial dechlorination were determined in an aquitard as well as in an aquifer. Close-spaced sampling revealed the existence of large populations of Dehalococcoides and H(2)-producing bacteria, especially in the organic-rich clayey aquitard rather than in the aquifer. The vinyl chloride reductase gene was also detected in the clay layer. Furthermore, incubation experiments indicated that the clay sediment could sustain transformations of tetrachloroethene at least to vinyl chloride. In contrast, no significant transformation was observed in the aquifer sand. Our results indicate that dechlorination of tetrachloroethene by bacteria can take place in an organic-rich clayey aquitard, and that organic-rich clay may also be important in the natural attenuation in an adjacent aquifer, possibly supplying a carbon source or an electron donor.  相似文献   

On the degradability of tetrachloroethene in biologically treated wastes.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Investigation on the degradability of tetrachloroethene was performed using fresh and mechanically-biologically pretreated household waste. The corresponding metabolites were determined and the experimental conditions were characterized by the concentrations of methane, organic acids, sulfate and nitrate as well as by pH and redox potential. Furthermore, sorption studies on the substances in different wastes were carried out. With pretreated waste the degradation efficiency was much higher than with fresh waste. On the other hand, the fresh waste showed higher sorption capacity for the chlorinated compounds.  相似文献   

三氯乙烯(TCE)是污染土壤和地下水中检出率较高的氯代有机物。以TCE为研究对象,考察了地下水无机成分和腐殖酸对高锰酸钾氧化TCE的影响,研究了不同离子强度下的MnO2颗粒行为,并测定了泥浆系统中TCE的氧化效果,结果表明:当TCE初始浓度为20 mg/L、高锰酸钾与TCE的摩尔比为2∶1,离子浓度+、Cl-、HCO3-对TCE的去除率影响甚微,但离子强度对MnO2的沉淀生成影响显著;0.1 mol/L的K+对TCE的去除有一定程度的抑制;0.1 mmol/L的Fe2+和腐殖酸对TCE的氧化有显著负面影响。泥浆系统实验进一步验证了有机质对高锰酸钾氧化TCE的影响很大。  相似文献   

Hood ED  Thomson NR  Grossi D  Farquhar GJ 《Chemosphere》2000,40(12):1383-1388
Flushing soils contaminated with trichloroethylene (TCE) and perchloroethylene (PCE) with a permanganate (MnO4) solution has been shown to reduce the solvent content of the soil. Experiments were performed to quantify the rate at which KMnO4 oxidizes aqueous solutions of PCE over a range of concentrations. In a series of homogeneous reactors, aqueous phase PCE concentrations were monitored over time in nine experimental trials with excess oxidant concentrations ranging from 5 to 30 g/l. Analysis of the data was performed to quantify the oxidation reaction order with respect to PCE and KMnO4 and the reaction rate constant. The reaction between PCE and KMnO4 was determined to be first-order with respect to both PCE and KMnO4 with an overall specific reaction rate coefficient of 2.45±0.65 M−1 min−1.  相似文献   

高锰酸钾降解地下水中PCE的研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
田璐  杨琦  尚海涛 《环境工程学报》2009,3(8):1355-1359
以氯代有机污染物中常见的PCE为目标污染物,以自制高锰酸钾溶液为氧化剂,采用批实验方法,探讨了高锰酸钾降解PCE的反应动力学、影响因素以及反应机理。反应结果表明,高锰酸钾降解PCE的反应符合一级动力学方程,反应活化能E为57.119 kJ/mol,在30℃条件下,反应速率常数为0.0076 min-1,半衰期为91.20 min。在pH在3~10,离子强度在0~0.1030 mol/L之间变化时,反应速率不受明显影响。  相似文献   

A popular method for the treatment of aquifers contaminated with chlorinated solvents is chemical oxidation based on the injection of potassium permanganate (KMnO4). Both the high density (1025 gL− 1) and reactivity of the treatment solution influence the fate of permanganate (MnO4) in the subsurface and affect the degree of contaminant treatment. The MIN3P multicomponent reactive transport code was enhanced to simulate permanganate-based remediation, to evaluate the pathways of MnO4 utilization, and to assess the role of density contrasts for the delivery of the treatment solution. The modified code (MIN3P-D) provides a direct coupling between density-dependent fluid flow, solute transport, contaminant treatment, and geochemical reactions. The model is used to simulate a field trial of TCE oxidation in a sandy aquifer that is underlain by an aquitard. Three-dimensional simulations are conducted for a coupled reactive system comprised of ten aqueous components, two mineral phases, TCE (dissolved, adsorbed, and NAPL), reactive organic matter, and including ion exchange reactions. Model parameters are constrained by literature data and a detailed data set from the field site under investigation. The general spatial and transient evolution in observed concentrations of the oxidant, dissolved TCE, and reaction products are adequately reproduced by the simulations. The model elucidates the important role of density-induced flow and transport on the distribution of the treatment solution into NAPL containing regions located at the aquifer–aquitard interface. Model results further suggest that reactions that do not directly affect the stability of MnO4 have a negligible effect on solution density and MnO4 delivery.  相似文献   

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