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A new method for multi-objective optimization of air quality monitoring systems based on satellite remote sensing of the troposphere is described in this work. The technique uses atmospheric turbidity as surrogate for air pollution loading. Through inverse chemical modeling and ancillary information the respective patterns of primary gaseous and particle pollutants are inferred. The optimization algorithm uses the resulting maps of ambient air pollution as input. It focuses on the gain of information with regard to human exposure to high pollution, potential impact on cultural heritage, compliance to ambient air quality standards, monitoring key point and area source emissions, as well as on the associated cost. Application of the method in Brescia, Italy showed its significant potential for improving the cost-effectiveness of air quality monitoring networks at the urban and regional scales.  相似文献   

The European legislation on ambient air quality introduces the concepts of spatial representativeness of a monitoring station and spatial extent of an exceedance zone. Spatial representativeness is an essential macro-scale siting criterion which should be evaluated before the setting-up and during the life of a monitoring point. As for the exceedance area, it has to be defined each time an environmental objective is exceeded in an assessment zone. No specific approach is prescribed to delimit such areas. A probabilistic methodology is presented, based on a preliminary kriging estimation of atmospheric concentrations at each point of the domain. It is applied to NO2 pollution on the urban scale. In the proposed approach, a point belongs to the area of representativeness of a station if its concentration differs from the station measurement by less than a given threshold. To take the estimation uncertainty into account, the standard deviation of the kriging error is used in a probabilistic framework. The choice of the criteria used to deal with overlapping areas is first tested on NO2 annual mean concentration maps of France, built by combining surface monitoring observations and outputs from the CHIMERE chemistry transport model. At the local scale, data from passive sampling surveys and high -resolution auxiliary variables are used to provide a more precise estimation of the background pollution in different French cities. The traffic-related pollution can also be accounted for in the map by additional predictors such as distance to the road, and traffic-related NOx emissions. Similarly, the proposed approach is implemented to identify the points, at a given statistical risk, where the NO2 concentration is above the annual limit value.  相似文献   

Airborne particulates have a major influence on the quality of indoor environments, which in turn affects human health. Both allergens and proteases are major etiological factors in allergic disease. Thus, the monitoring of environmental protease particulates is very important for the management of allergic disease. Protease-monitoring systems have been introduced in industry, but have not been applied to domestic settings, probably because of the high cost and many complex steps involved in these systems. In this study, we developed an indoor protease-monitoring system which can easily detect protease particulates without need for pre-treatment of dust samples or complex measuring instruments such as fluorescent plate reader. As a protease substrate, gelatin thin film (GTF) was adopted to evaluate small amounts of house dust particulates. The principle of this assay is based on the hydrolysis of GTF. Protease molecules spread from a particulate to GTF can hydrolyze the gelatin, thereby producing a spot on the GTF. This hydrolyzed spot visualized by staining was much larger than the particulate size, making visible to naked eye. The GTF method facilitated the observation of a subtle increase in protease particulates fallen on the GTF after the turnover of a used bed-quilt. The newly developed GTF method seems to be a suitable tool for protease monitoring at home.  相似文献   

A statistical measure of information content is used as a means for assessing the effectiveness of a particular monitoring network configuration. This measure is directly related to the precision with which the network can estimate the level of air quality in the region. Each potential site in the network can contribute to an increase in the overall precision of the estimate. The amount of increase is determined by the degree of dependence, displayed by observed pollutant concentrations, between potential sites.A statistical procedure is used to combine the observed pollution dynamics and the measurement network in order to assess network effectiveness. An iterative application of this procedure leads to the design of the most effective network subject to a specified budget constraint.  相似文献   

The implementation and maintenance of an air pollution monitoring program can be expensive and time consuming, especially when the aim is for long-term monitoring over a significant area. Consequently, it is essential that sites are optimized to provide the best representative cover while minimizing costs. In the past, there has been a tendency to locate sampling stations at pollution hot-spots. While this is acceptable for determining a maximum potential exposure or identifying the extent of a risk, there are limitations to this approach when assessing the potential impact of any future abatement strategies or determining the level of exposure outside the vicinity. This paper presents an approach in which representative air quality assessments can be undertaken for an urban area using the minimum number of measurement sites. A novel methodology is described that involves site selection to capture the maximum variance in measured pollutants, while minimizing spatiotemporal autocorrelation between the selected sites. A case study is presented for Yazd, Iran. Overall, the results show that the proposed methodology can be effective and enable the long-term monitoring of air pollution to be undertaken on a cost-effective basis in urban areas. In addition, there is the potential for the methodology to be utilized for other forms of pollution (e.g., water, soil, and noise).  相似文献   

质量保证体系是网格实测法环境空气质量监测优化布点研究工作的重要组成 ,该体系可确保实测数据准确可靠和研究成果质量 ,具有可操作性并已在实践中应用 ,取得满意效果  相似文献   

Air quality forecasting is an important issue in environmental research, due to the effects that air pollutants have on population health. To deal with this topic, in this work an integrated modelling system has been developed to forecast daily maximum eight hours ozone concentrations and daily mean PM10 concentrations, up to two days in advance, over an urban area. The presented approach involves two steps. In the first step, artificial neural networks are identified and applied to get point-wise forecasting. In the second step, the forecasts obtained at the monitoring station locations are spatially interpolated all over the domain using the cokriging technique, which allows to improve the spatial interpolation in the absence of densely sampled data. The integrated modelling system has been then applied to a case study over Northern Italy, performing a validation over space and time for the year 2004 and analyzing if the limit values for the protection of human health set by the European Commission are respected. The presented approach represents a fast and reliable way to provide decision makers and the general public with air quality forecasting, and to support prevention and precautionary measures.  相似文献   

Proper identification of environment's air quality based on limited observations is an essential task to meet the goals of environmental management. Various classification methods have been used to estimate the change of air quality status and health. However, discrepancies frequently arise from the lack of clear distinction between each air quality, the uncertainty in the quality criteria employed and the vagueness or fuzziness embedded in the decision-making output values. Owing to inherent imprecision, difficulties always exist in some conventional methodologies when describing integrated air quality conditions with respect to various pollutants. Therefore, this paper presents two fuzzy multiplication synthetic techniques to establish classification of air quality. The fuzzy multiplication technique empowers the max-min operations in "or" and "and" in executing the fuzzy arithmetic operations. Based on a set of air pollutants data carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide, ozone, and particulate matter (PM(10)) collected from a network of 51 stations in Klang Valley, East Malaysia, Sabah, and Sarawak were utilized in this evaluation. The two fuzzy multiplication techniques consistently classified Malaysia's air quality as "good." The findings indicated that the techniques may have successfully harmonized inherent discrepancies and interpret complex conditions. It was demonstrated that fuzzy synthetic multiplication techniques are quite appropriate techniques for air quality management.  相似文献   

This paper presents an integrated exposure monitoring system, based on an expansion of existing air quality monitoring systems using dispersion modelling. The system allows: (1) identifying geographical areas whose inhabitants are most exposed to ambient pollution; (2) identifying how many people in an area are exposed to concentrations of pollution exceeding air quality guidelines; (3) describing the exposure of population subgroups (e.g. children); (4) planning pollution abatement measures and quantifying their effects; (5) establishing risk assessment and management programs, and (6) investigating the short- and long-term effects of both pollutants and pollution sources on public health. The effect of pollution is rarely very large and in order to discover it, exposure estimation must provide data that reflects both spatial and temporal variations. Estimates of pollution exposure are obtained using an integrated approach that combines results of measurements from monitoring programs with dispersion calculations. These values can serve as estimates for individual short-term or long-term exposure. The grouped data allows the expression of ambient pollution concentrations as the spatial distribution of estimates such as the mean or 98th percentile of such compounds as SO2, O3, NO2, PM10 and PM2.5. This integrated approach has been combined into a single software package, AirQUIS.  相似文献   

介绍地表水水质自动监测站提水系统的设计方案 ,分析各方案的优缺点 ,探讨各方案的适应性及选择最佳方案 ,以期对自动站的建设提供参考。  相似文献   

Mining plays an important role in Brazilian exports. On the other hand, large urban centers like São Paulo, with approximately 21 million inhabitants, also demand an increasing domestic consumption of natural resources, such as construction aggregate. There are many quarries located in the surroundings of urban centers in Brazil, competing with the growth of urbanized areas. Such proximity leads to a series of conflicts involving quarries and surrounding communities, where the increase in noise levels is highlighted. Operations in quarries, in general, are intermittent. Noisier equipment, such as drilling rigs and primary crushers, operates only a few hours during the day, while other operations, such as screening and secondary and tertiary crushing, are more constant. This paper presents a study carried out in a quarry located near São Paulo, where in addition to conventional short term noise measurements at surrounding receptors, one noise monitoring station was installed, allowing to identify the noisiest moments during the quarry operating time. Through data transmitted by wireless technology, it was possible to follow the noise variations emitted from mining activities in real time and observe the noisiest events that were recorded for events that exceeded the established standards. A mobile application associated to this monitoring station facilitated the quarry’s manager and employees to access immediately the monitoring information. Therefore, by using this system, it was possible to evaluate the effectiveness of noise reduction measures already taken and indicate what steps still need to be held.  相似文献   

目前 ,我国重点城市都在开展环境空气质量日报或预报工作 ,开展这一工作的基本条件之一是必须建立环境空气质量自动监测系统。由于我国目前的研制水平有限 ,空气质量自动监测系统基本上是靠引进国外技术及设备来完成的。而引进设备往往与我国的具体实际结合不够 ,尤其是在系统结构、数据采集、远程控制与诊断方面同我们的实际要求相去甚远。为此本文将围绕国内环境监测共同关注的环境空气质量自动监测系统及其设计的问题展开讨论 ,内容包括目前国内自动监测系统的现状 ;国外发展情况及趋势 ;自动监测系统结构与要求  相似文献   

在全省城市环境空气质量监测网优化并运行六年的基础上 ,采用历史数据计算法对河南省环境空气质量监测网进行了优化。通过优化方法和监测项目的探索 ,确定了省控站数目 ,特别是提出了系统、完整的优化指标 ,优化结果是令人满意的。  相似文献   

An objective methodology is presented for determining the number and disposition of ambient air quality stations in a monitoring network for the primary purpose of compliance with air quality standards. The methodolgy utilizes a data base with real or simulated data from an air quality dispersion model for application with a two-step process for ascertaining the optimal monitoring network. In the first step, the air quality patterns in the data base are collapsed into a single composite pattern through a figure-of-merit (FOM) concept. The most desirable locations are ranked and identified using the resultant FOM fields. In the second step the network configuration is determined on the basis of the concept of spheres of influence (SOI) developed from cutoff values of spatial correlation coefficients between potential monitoring sites and adjacent locations. The minimum number of required stations is then determined by deletion of lower-ranked stations whose SOIs overlap. The criteria can be set to provide coverage of less than some fixed, user-provided percentage of the coverage of tha SOIs of the higher ranked stations and for some desired level of minimum detection capability of concentration fluctuations.The methodology is applied in a companion paper (McElroy et al., 1986) to the Las Vegas, Nevada, metropolitan area for the pollutant carbon monoxide.Although the research described in this article has been funded wholly or in part by the United States Environmental Protection Agency through Contract No. 68-03-2446 to Systems Applications, Inc., it has not been subjected to Agency review and therefore does not necessarily reflect the views of the Agency and no official endorsement should be inferred.  相似文献   

An assessment of air quality in the vicinity of a selected school has been carried out by monitoring the concentrations of primary pollutants. The results has shown that during the school hours, the measured pollutants emitted from the cars next to the selected school, such as CO and NO(2), are always under the allowable limits for Kuwaiti air quality standards. On the other hand, the concentrations of non methane hydrocarbon pollutant (nm-HC), some of which are considered to be cancergenic, are found to be above the Kuwaiti standard most of the times. A traffic counter is used to record the number of cars in the main road next to the school in 15 min intervals for 10 days during the monitoring period for air quality. Statistical analysis is performed to develop a relation for prediction of the necessary reduction in traffic, based on CO concentrations, during morning and afternoon periods on working days. A computer dispersion model (CALINE4) is also used to assess the CO concentrations based on recorded flow of traffic and emission inventory with the prevailing meteorological conditions existed at the specified time. After the validation of model, different scenarios have been evaluated to provide an acceptable solution to resolve the traffic congestion problem near the schools in the early morning hours with substantial reduction in pollution levels. The optimal solution for CO concentration reduction by managing smooth traffic flow is to reduce the traffic intensity by half in early morning and afternoon rush hours. The results of the predicted CO concentration in the vicinity of the school for the model and the statistical analysis has shown reduction of 30% and 42% respectively, for approximately 50% decrease in the car use. On the other hand the predicted CO concentration for the model and the statistics reached 24% and 33% respectively when 50% of students opted for buses instead of using private cars.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to indicate the significance of air quality monitoring and to determine the air quality fields for the assessment of air pollution health effects, with special attention to risk population. Radial basis function network was used for air quality index mapping. Between 1991 and 2005, on the territory of Nis, several epidemiological studies were performed on risk groups (pre-school children, school children, pregnant women and persons older than 65). The total number of subjects was 5837. The exposed group comprised individuals living in the areas with unhealthy AQI, while the control group comprised individuals living in city areas with good or moderate AQI. It was determined that even relatively low levels of air pollution had impact on respiratory system and the occurrence of anaemia, allergy and skin symptoms.  相似文献   

Development of fuzzy air quality index using soft computing approach   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Proper assessment of air quality status in an atmosphere based on limited observations is an essential task for meeting the goals of environmental management. A number of classification methods are available for estimating the changing status of air quality. However, a discrepancy frequently arises from the quality criteria of air employed and vagueness or fuzziness embedded in the decision making output values. Owing to inherent imprecision, difficulties always exist in some conventional methodologies like air quality index when describing integrated air quality conditions with respect to various pollutants parameters and time of exposure. In recent years, the fuzzy logic-based methods have demonstrated to be appropriated to address uncertainty and subjectivity in environmental issues. In the present study, a methodology based on fuzzy inference systems (FIS) to assess air quality is proposed. This paper presents a comparative study to assess status of air quality using fuzzy logic technique and that of conventional technique. The findings clearly indicate that the FIS may successfully harmonize inherent discrepancies and interpret complex conditions.  相似文献   

Water quality was monitored in the Loxahatchee National Wildlife Refuge based on the Consent Decree (CDN), the Enhanced Refuge (ERN), the four-part Test impacted (FPTIN), and the four-part test unimpacted (FPTUN) networks. Alkalinity, dissolved organic carbon, total organic carbon, dissolved oxygen, total dissolved solids, total suspended solids, turbidity, pH, specific conductivity, calcium, chloride, silicon, sulfate, and total phosphorus (TP) were measured from 2005 through 2009. When the ERN was used, the 10 μg TP L?1 Consent Decree limit would have been exceeded and would have ranged from a low of 2 months in 2009 to a high of 9 months in 2005. Based on the CDN, the limit exceeded only for 1 month in each year from 2006 through 2008. Based on the FPTIN, the 10 μg TP L?1 limit would have been exceeded and would have ranged from a low of 1 month in 2007 to a high of 7 months in 2005 and 2008. Based on the CDN, the limit only exceeded for 1 month in each year from 2006 through 2008. Since TP is rapidly removed from canal water intruded into the Refuge marsh, one cannot expect a water quality sampling station located 2 km from the source to reliably detect violations. This may be the primary reason why there have been very few months when TP concentration has exceeded the limit since 1992 or part four of the four-part test annual 15 μg?L?1 limit since 2006.  相似文献   

Over the past decade, an increased tendency to consume meals at dining facilities outside the home has been highlighted; moreover, meals supplied in food businesses have been involved in many foodborne disease outbreaks. Therefore, microbial air contamination in food processing facilities could be a concern and an increase of microbial loads could represent a risk factor, especially for the potential contamination of foods due to undesirable spoiling and pathogenic bacteria. In this paper, the results of an 11-year microbiological monitoring of air quality in a university canteen are reported. The study, which started in the year 2000, was performed within a hazard analysis and critical control point (HACCP) plan implementation of a canteen that produces about 1,000 meals a day in order to verify the effectiveness of corrective actions on the indoor air quality. The primary food preparation room, the kitchen, and three cold rooms underwent air sampling by using a calibrated impaction sampler. Our investigation detected a general and progressive improvement in the air quality of the canteen since the beginning of the study, thus suggesting the appropriateness of the corrective action undertaken during the HACCP implementation program.  相似文献   

The Brindisi area is characterized by the presence of industries with high environmental impact, located along its eastern border. Epidemiological studies have revealed several critical situations: two short-term (2003-2005) epidemiological studies have shown that PM(10) and NO(2) are adversely associated with daily hospital admissions: one of the two pointed to the associations with wind blowing from the southern, eastern and western sectors. This study aims to expand the time span of available air quality data in order to provide a more complete and extensive epidemiological study. Multi-year series (from 1992 to 2007) of SO(2), NO(2), and TSP concentration data are presented and analyzed. Data show a significant downward trend of SO(2) from 1992 to 2007, while for the TSP series, the downward trend is limited to the period 1992-1994. Marked seasonal trends are evident for all three pollutants, especially for NO(2) and TSP. The NO(2) series shows higher levels in winter. Inversely, the TSP series shows its maximum values during the summer months, associated with a moderate correlation with temperature and a poor correlation with other pollutants. Analysis of the series for wind sectors revealed the influence of the industrial site and of the harbor. The concentration series exhibit high concentration values and stronger correlations between them and with meteorology for wind blowing from the eastern sectors. Overall analysis supports the hypothesis of a different origin for TSP during the year and for different wind regimes and therefore possible size and chemical differences in TSP, which should be further investigated due to their health implications.  相似文献   

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