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Conservation of sea snakes is virtually nonexistent in Asia, and its role in human–snake interactions in terms of catch, trade, and snakebites as an occupational hazard is mostly unexplored. We collected data on sea snake landings from the Gulf of Thailand, a hotspot for sea snake harvest by squid fishers operating out of the ports of Song Doc and Khanh Hoi, Ca Mau Province, Vietnam. The data were collected during documentation of the steps of the trading process and through interviewers with participants in the trade. Squid vessels return to ports once per lunar synodic cycle and fishers sell snakes to merchants who sort, package, and ship the snakes to various destinations in Vietnam and China for human consumption and as a source of traditional remedies. Annually, 82 t, roughly equal to 225,500 individuals, of live sea snakes are brought to ports. To our knowledge, this rate of harvest constitutes one of the largest venomous snake and marine reptile harvest activities in the world today. Lapemis curtus and Hydrophis cyanocinctus constituted about 85% of the snake biomass, and Acalyptophis peronii, Aipysurus eydouxii, Hydrophis atriceps, H. belcheri, H. lamberti, and H. ornatus made up the remainder. Our results establish a quantitative baseline for characteristics of catch, trade, and uses of sea snakes. Other key observations include the timing of the trade to the lunar cycle, a decline of sea snakes harvested over the study period (approximately 30% decline in mass over 4 years), and the treatment of sea snake bites with rhinoceros horn. Emerging markets in Southeast Asia drive the harvest of venomous sea snakes in the Gulf of Thailand and sea snake bites present a potentially lethal occupational hazard. We call for implementation of monitoring programs to further address the conservation implications of this large‐scale marine reptile exploitation. Cosecha de Serpientes Marinas en el Golfo de Tailandia  相似文献   


International food trade plays an important role in food security, but little research has been devoted to studying crop dynamics in importing countries caused by trade. We studied the spatiotemporal patterns of soybean planting area in China (the largest soybean importing country) in response to soybean imports. The results show how the soybean planting area from 1980 to 2012 in China is dominated by two temporal patterns, both of which first increased, then decreased, with an 8-year time lag. The first increasing-decreasing pattern is affected by increasing soybean imports, and the second increasing-decreasing pattern is driven by decreasing domestic soybean profits. The results also show spatially distinct spatial patterns: soybean planting area decreased in southeastern China while it increased in northwestern China. Our analysis of soybean planting area helps China and other food-importing countries understand spatiotemporal responses of domestic agricultural cultivations caused by international food trade and agricultural pollution management.  相似文献   

The effect of predators on the abundance of prey species is a topic of ongoing debate in ecology; the effect of snake predators on their prey has been less debated, as there exists a general consensus that snakes do not negatively influence the abundance of their prey. However, this viewpoint has not been adequately tested. We quantified the effect of brown treesnake (Boiga irregularis) predation on the abundance and size of lizards on Guam by contrasting lizards in two 1-ha treatment plots of secondary forest from which snakes had been removed and excluded vs. two 1-ha control plots in which snakes were monitored but not removed or excluded. We removed resident snakes from the treatment plots with snake traps and hand capture, and snake immigration into these plots was precluded by electrified snake barriers. Lizards were sampled in all plots quarterly for a year following snake elimination in the treatment plots. Following the completion of this experiment, we used total removal sampling to census lizards on a 100-m2 subsample of each plot. Results of systematic lizard population monitoring before and after snake removal suggest that the abundance of the skink, Carlia ailanpalai, increased substantially and the abundance of two species of gekkonids, Lepidodactylus lugubris and Hemidactylus frenatus, also increased on snake-free plots. No treatment effect was observed for the skink Emoia caeruleocauda. Mean snout-vent length of all lizard species only increased following snake removal in the treatment plots. The general increase in prey density and mean size was unexpected in light of the literature consensus that snakes do not control the abundance of their prey species. Our findings show that, at least where alternate predators are lacking, snakes may indeed affect prey populations.  相似文献   

The phenomenon of Batesian mimicry, where a palatable animal gains protection against predation by resembling an unpalatable model, has been a core interest of evolutionary biologists for 150 years. An extensive range of studies has focused on revealing mechanistic aspects of mimicry (shared education and generalization of predators) and the evolutionary dynamics of mimicry systems (co‐operation vs. conflict) and revealed that protective mimicry is widespread and is important for individual fitness. However, according to our knowledge, there are no case studies where mimicry theories have been applied to conservation of mimetic species. Theoretically, mimicry affects, for example, frequency dependency of predator avoidance learning and human induced mortality. We examined the case of the protected, endangered, nonvenomous smooth snake (Coronella austriaca) that mimics the nonprotected venomous adder (Vipera berus), both of which occur in the Åland archipelago, Finland. To quantify the added predation risk on smooth snakes caused by the rarity of vipers, we calculated risk estimates from experimental data. Resemblance of vipers enhances survival of smooth snakes against bird predation because many predators avoid touching venomous vipers. Mimetic resemblance is however disadvantageous against human predators, who kill venomous vipers and accidentally kill endangered, protected smooth snakes. We found that the effective population size of the adders in Åland is very low relative to its smooth snake mimic (28.93 and 41.35, respectively).Because Batesian mimicry is advantageous for the mimic only if model species exist in sufficiently high numbers, it is likely that the conservation program for smooth snakes will fail if adders continue to be destroyed. Understanding the population consequences of mimetic species may be crucial to the success of endangered species conservation. We suggest that when a Batesian mimic requires protection, conservation planners should not ignore the model species (or co‐mimic in Mullerian mimicry rings) even if it is not itself endangered. Implications of mimicry for Conservation of the endangered smooth snake  相似文献   

McCauley DJ  Keesing F  Young TP  Allan BF  Pringle RM 《Ecology》2006,87(10):2657-2663
Many large mammal species are declining in African savannas, yet we understand relatively little about how these declines influence other species. Previous studies have shown that the removal of large herbivorous mammals from large-scale, replicated experimental plots results in a dramatic increase in the density of small mammals, an increase that has been attributed to the relaxation of competition between rodents and large herbivores for food resources. To assess whether the removal of large herbivores also influenced a predator of small mammals, we measured the abundance of the locally common olive hissing snake, Psammophis mossambicus, over a 19-mo period in plots with and without large herbivores. Psammophis mossambicus was significantly more abundant in plots where large herbivores were removed and rodent numbers were high. Based on results from raptor surveys and measurements of vegetative cover, differences in snake density do not appear to be driven by differences in rates of predation on snakes. Instead, snakes appear to be responding numerically to greater abundances of small-mammal prey in areas from which large herbivores have been excluded. This is the first empirical demonstration of the indirect effects of large herbivores on snake abundance and presents an interesting example of how the influence of dominant and keystone species can move through a food web.  相似文献   

Abstract:  Management tools are needed to help regulate the international trade in seahorses (  Hippocampus spp.) under the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES) of Wild Fauna and Flora. Given the limited understanding of seahorse population dynamics and fishing mortality, a single minimum size limit for all seahorse species appears to be a useful initial step toward adaptive management, both biologically and socially. We collected data on maximum height and size at first maturity for 32 seahorse species and cross-validated the data with results from an analysis across marine teleosts. A minimum height restriction of 10 cm would permit, based on calculated data, reproduction in 15 species before they recruited to the fishery. Of the remaining 17 species, 16 were essentially not in international trade, were safeguarded under domestic legislation, or were partly protected by this size limit. Only one species, H. kelloggi , was not well served by the 10-cm minimum size limit. The CITES technical committee on animals has now decided to propose this single size limit to all 167 signatory nations as one option toward sustainable trade. Complementary management measures for seahorses are also required, particularly for populations primarily exploited in bycatch.  相似文献   

Abstract:  Despite the growing concern over reptile population declines, the effects of modern industrial silviculture on reptiles have been understudied, particularly for diminutive and often overlooked species such as small-bodied snakes. We created 4 replicated forest-management landscapes to determine the response of small snakes to forest harvesting in the Coastal Plain of the southeastern United States. We divided the replicated landscapes into 4 treatments that represented a range of disturbed habitats: clearcut with coarse woody debris removed; clearcut with coarse woody debris retained; thinned pine stand; and control (unharvested second-growth planted pines). Canopy cover and ground litter were significantly reduced in clearcuts, intermediate in thinned forests, and highest in unharvested controls. Bare soil, maximum air temperatures, and understory vegetation all increased with increasing habitat disturbance. Concomitantly, we observed significantly reduced relative abundance of all 6 study species (scarletsnake [Cemophora coccinea] , ring-neck snake [Diadophis punctatus] , scarlet kingsnake [Lampropeltis triangulum] , red-bellied snake [Storeria occipitomaculata] , southeastern crowned snake [Tantilla coronata] , and smooth earthsnake [Virginia valeriae] ) in clearcuts compared with unharvested or thinned pine stands. In contrast, the greatest relative snake abundance occurred in thinned forest stands. Our results demonstrate that at least one form of forest harvesting is compatible with maintaining snake populations. Our results also highlight the importance of open-canopy structure and ground litter to small snakes in southeastern forests and the negative consequences of forest clearcutting for small snakes.  相似文献   

Efficient detection of food patches in oceanic areas by pelagic predators is often linked to large-scale physical structures (e.g. fronts, upwellings) that are usually rich and predictable. At smaller scales, however, predictability of resource becomes less clear because of the lability of smaller physical structures such as slicks and drift lines. Here, we explore how light levels and quantity of flotsam affect the occurrence of foraging Yellow-bellied sea snakes (Pelamis platurus) on slicks. Although this pelagic species was formerly hypothesised to surface randomly and drift passively to reach slicks, our results show that foraging snakes are far more abundant on slicks if light levels are high and if slicks display flotsam. The combination of both light and flotsam should enhance the contrast between a potentially favourable slick and the adjacent waters as seen from an underwater viewpoint. Although our results do not unambiguously demonstrate the ability of Pelamis platurus to visually detect surface drift lines, they clearly suggest a role of both light levels and amount of flotsam on surfacing decision. Accordingly, this hypothesis is supported by several complementary traits that are specific to this species. ‘Float-and-wait’ foraging undoubtedly requires efficient detection of, and orientation to, oceanic slicks—processes that are likely less random and passive than formerly believed. Successful pelagic foraging is no doubt important to this species of sea snake that is the world’s most widely distributed snake species.  相似文献   

Kangaroo rats, Dipodomys, occupy desert habitats with little cover and thus are under high predation risk from diverse predators. The behavior used to assess predation risk or to escape capture is unknown. We therefore compared anti-predator behavior of two sympatric species of kangaroo rat of different sizes, D. merriami and D. spectabilis. We first examined whether kangaroo rats use olfaction as a first line of defense against snake predation and tested the rats for their responses to scent extracted from two species of snake that live sympatrically with the kangaroo rats, the Mojave rattlesnake (Crotalus scutulatus) and the gopher snake (Pitophis melanoleucus). We also tested for species differences in anti-predator behavior through 15-min interactions between the kangaroo rats and free-moving gopher snakes. We found that D. spectabilis actively approached the scent of both rattlesnakes and gopher snakes more than controls of vegetable oil and evaporated solvent (Fig. 1). In contrast, D. merriami did not differentiate snake odors from controls in the experimental arena, but they sniffed the sand where a free-moving snake had passed more than D. spectabilis. Both species successfully avoided predation in encounters with live snakes. Although total numbers of approaches and withdrawals were similar (Fig. 2), D. spectabilis spent significantly more time within striking distance of the snake than D. merriami. D. spectabilis approached the head of the snake in 93% of its approaches and often engaged in nose to snout contact with the snake. If the snake struck, D. spectabilis jumped directly backward to avoid a strike and footdrummed at a safe distance. In contrast, D. merriami oriented to the snake more than D. spectabilis, but approached the head in only 41% of the approaches and rarely engaged in nose-to-snout contact. The snakes struck, hissed and decreased predatory approaches with D. spectabilis but not with D. merriami (Fig. 3). These results show that kangaroo rats can behaviorally influence the risk of being preyed on by snakes. The two species differ, however, in how they react to snakes. The larger D. spectabilis confronts snakes while the smaller D. merriami monitors snakes from a safe distance and avoids them.  相似文献   

Sperry JH  Weatherhead PJ 《Ecology》2008,89(10):2770-2776
Drought can have severe ecological effects and global climate-change theory predicts that droughts are likely to increase in frequency and severity. Therefore, it is important that we broaden our understanding of how drought affects not only individual species, but also multitrophic interactions. Here we document vegetation and small-mammal abundance and associated patterns of Texas ratsnake (Elaphe obsoleta) body condition and survival before, during, and after a drought in central Texas, USA. Vegetation (grass and forbs) height and small-mammal capture rates were two times greater in wet years compared to the drought year. The decline of small mammals (the snakes' principal prey) during the drought was associated with a drop in ratsnake body condition, consistent with reduced food intake. During the drought, snake mortality also increased 24%. Although higher snake mortality was attributable to predation and road mortality rather than being a direct result of starvation, an increase in risk-prone behavior by foraging snakes probably increased their exposure to those other mortality factors. Drought conditions lasted only for 21 months, and vegetation, small-mammal abundance, and snake condition had returned to pre-drought levels within a year. Although estimates of snake population size were not available, it is likely that substantially more than a year was required for the population to return to its previous size.  相似文献   

The food and feeding behaviour of Amphiesma stolatum was studied. A total of 117 snakes were examined to analyse the diet composition. Ten live snakes were maintained in enclosure for evaluating the feeding habit, choice of food and rate of assimilation. The anurans constituted the major diet of the food spectrum. In captivity, fishes (fry), amphibians and reptiles were consumed by the snakes. A. stolatum exihibited Elaphe type of hunting behaviour. In most cases the snake struck the prey at its head. The assimilation rate with frog was highest.  相似文献   

Brown GP  Phillips BL  Shine R 《Ecology》2011,92(2):422-431
Predicting which species will be affected by an invasive taxon is critical to developing conservation priorities, but this is a difficult task. A previous study on the impact of invasive cane toads (Bufo marinus) on Australian snakes attempted to predict vulnerability a priori based on the assumptions that any snake species that eats frogs, and is vulnerable to toad toxins, may be at risk from the toad invasion. We used time-series analyses to evaluate the accuracy of that prediction, based on >3600 standardized nocturnal surveys over a 138-month period on 12 species of snakes and lizards on a floodplain in the Australian wet-dry tropics, bracketing the arrival of cane toads at this site. Contrary to prediction, encounter rates with most species were unaffected by toad arrival, and some taxa predicted to be vulnerable to toads increased rather than declined (e.g., death adder Acanthophis praelongus; Children's python Antaresia childreni). Indirect positive effects of toad invasion (perhaps mediated by toad-induced mortality of predatory varanid lizards) and stochastic weather events outweighed effects of toad invasion for most snake species. Our study casts doubt on the ability of a priori desktop studies, or short-term field surveys, to predict or document the ecological impact of invasive species.  相似文献   

Ornamental horticulture has been identified as an important threat to plant biodiversity and is a major pathway for plant invasions worldwide. In this context, the family Cactaceae is particularly challenging because it is considered the fifth most threatened large taxonomic group in the world; several species are among the most widespread and damaging invasive species; and Cactaceae is one of the most popular horticultural plant groups. Based on the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Flora and Fauna and the 11 largest online auction sites selling cacti, we documented the international cactus trade. To provide an in‐depth look at the dynamics of the industry, we surveyed the businesses involved in the cactus trade in South Africa (a hotspot of cactus trade and invasions). We purchased seeds of every available species and used DNA barcoding to identify species to the genus level. Although <20% of this trade involved threatened species and <3% involved known invasive species, many species were identified by a common name. However, only 0.02% of the globally traded cacti were collected from wild populations. Despite a large commercial network, all South African imports (of which 15% and 1.5% were of species listed as threatened and invasive, respectively) came from the same source. With DNA barcoding, we identified 24% of the species to genus level. Based on our results, we believe that if trade restrictions are placed on the small proportion of cacti that are invasive and there is no major increase in harvesting of native populations, then the commercial trade in cactus poses a negligible environmental threat. However, there are currently no effective methods for easily identifying which cacti are traded, and both the illicit harvesting of cacti from the wild and the informal trade in invasive taxa pose on‐going conservation challenges.  相似文献   

Assessing the Potential Impact of Cane Toads on Australian Snakes   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Abstract:   Cane toads ( Bufo marinus ) are large, highly toxic anurans that were introduced into Australia in 1937. Anecdotal reports suggest that the invasion of toads into an area is followed by dramatic declines in the abundance of terrestrial native frog-eating predators, but quantitative studies have been restricted to nonpredator taxa or aquatic predators and have generally reported minimal impacts. Will toads substantially affect Australian snakes? Based on geographic distributions and dietary composition, we identified 49 snake taxa as potentially at risk from toads. The impact of these feral prey also depends on the snakes' ability to survive after ingesting toad toxins. Based on decrements in locomotor (swimming) performance after ingesting toxin, we estimate the LD50 of toad toxins for 10 of the at-risk snake species. Most species exhibited a similar low ability to tolerate toad toxins. Based on head widths relative to sizes of toads, we calculate that 7 of the 10 taxa could easily ingest a fatal dose of toxin in a single meal. The exceptions were two colubrid taxa (keelbacks [  Tropidonophis mairii ] and slatey-grey snakes [  Stegonotus cucullatus ]) with much higher resistance to toad toxins (up to 85-fold) and one elapid (swamp snakes [  Hemiaspis signata ]) with low resistance but a small relative head size and thus low maximum prey size. Overall, our analysis suggests that cane toads threaten populations of approximately 30% of terrestrial Australian snake species.  相似文献   

Summary Ingestively naive hatchling coachwhip snakes(Masticophis flagellum) detected integumentary chemicals from several potential prey species and discriminated them from chemical stimuli from other animals and from distilled water, strongly suggesting a genetic basis for these abilities. The strongest responses were to lizard and snake stimuli, which form a major part of the diet. Variable responses to chemical cues from other taxa are discussed. Responses by coachwhip snakes to prey chemicals appear to be highly specific, as suggested by the stronger reaction to vomodors of sympatric than of allopatric lizard species. The highly developed use of chemical cues by the diurnal, visually oriented coachwhip snake emphasizes the general importance of chemical senses to predation by nonvenomous snakes, regardless of the involvement of vision.  相似文献   

Advancements in the field of reintroduction biology are needed, but understanding of how to effectively conduct translocations, particularly with snakes, is lacking. We conducted a systematic review of snake translocation studies to identify potential tactics for reducing postrelease effects. We included studies on intentional, human-mediated, wild–wild, or captive–wild translocations to any location, regardless of motive or number of snakes translocated. Only studies that presented results for at least 1 of 4 outcomes (movement behavior, site fidelity, survival, or population establishment) were included. We systematically searched 4 databases for published studies and used 5 methods to search the gray literature. Our search and screening criteria yielded 121 data sources, representing 130 translocation cases. We quantified the association between 15 translocation tactics and short-term translocation outcomes by calculating odds ratios and used forest plots to display results. Snake translocations involved 47 species (from mainly 2 families), and most were motivated by research, were monitored for at least 6 months, occurred in North America, and took place from the 1990s onward. The odds of a positive snake translocation outcome were highest with release of captive reared or juvenile snakes, release of social groups together, delayed release, provision of environmental enrichment or social housing before release, or minimization of distance translocated. The odds of a positive outcome were lowest when snakes were released early in their active season. Our results do not demonstrate causation, but outcomes of snake translocation were associated with 8 tactics (4 of which were strongly correlated). In addition to targeted comparative studies, we recommend practitioners consider the possible influence of these tactics when planning snake translocations.  相似文献   

With the increase in international trade, more attention has been given to quantifying the impacts of international trade on energy use and carbon emissions. Input-output analysis is a suitable tool for assessing resources or pollutants embodied in trade and it has become a critical tool for performing such analysis. This study estimated the national and sectoral carbon emissions embodied in Chinese international trade using the latest available China input-output table of 2007. The results showed that a significant exporting behavior of embodied carbon emissions existed in China??s trade. Over 1/3 of the emissions in Chinese domestic production processes were generated for exports in 2007. The net balance of emissions embodied in exports and imports accounted for nearly 30% of China??s domestic emissions, which means that any policy made to increase the exports would result in a significant growth of China??s domestic emissions. Since over half of China??s export trade is processing trade, the re-exported emissions could not be overlooked; otherwise, it would hard to capture the actual emissions generated abroad to obtain China??s domestic consumption. The enlargement of export scale is a primary driven factor to the rapid growth of China??s exported emissions. It is necessary for China to adjust its economic and industrial structure to reduce the dependence of economic growth on the export trade. However, when adjusting industry structures or making policies on carbon emission reduction, it will be more reasonable to consider the relationship between production and consumption, rather than just focus on the emission values of sectors?? direct production, as a large part of carbon emissions emitted by the principal direct polluters were generated to obtain the products which were required by other sectors.  相似文献   

Since the early 2000s routine fish surveys have recorded increasing numbers of snake pipefish, Entelurus aequoreus, in the northeast Atlantic. Fishermen and divers have also commented on this increase and pipefish have started to appear in the diet of seabirds and other marine predators. This paper collates information from these diverse sources and assesses the current status of snake pipefish. We found compelling evidence of a dramatic increase in the abundance of snake pipefish starting around 2003 and continuing up to the present (2006) and a range expansion northwards to Spitzbergen and the Barents Sea. Since 2004 snake pipefish have been increasingly recorded in the diet of many species of seabird breeding in colonies around the coast of the UK, and in Norway, Iceland and the Faeroe Islands. Information on the nutrient value of snake pipefish is currently lacking but their rigid, bony structure makes them difficult for young seabirds to swallow and there are numerous records of chicks choking to death. Thus, in the case of avian predators during the breeding season, it appears unlikely that increased abundance of snake pipefish will provide a useful alternative prey. The reason for the rapid and dramatic increase in numbers of snake pipefish is currently unclear but such events are characteristic of marine ecosystems and will almost certainly have an effect on food web dynamics.  相似文献   

Many prey organisms respond to predator scent by shifting behaviour. These alterations to behaviour are often assumed to increase an animal's chances of evading predators. Responsiveness to predator scents is therefore believed to ultimately increase a prey's chances of surviving encounters with predators. This notion is widely accepted among behavioural ecologists but has rarely been empirically tested. I staged encounters between adult snakes (Demansia psammophis) and pairs of unrestrained adult lizards (Lampropholis guichenoti) that responded strongly to snake predator scent ("responsive") or weakly to snake predator scent ("non-responsive"). Responsive lizards decreased activity and mobility during the staged encounters with snake predators. In turn this shift in behaviour decreased the chances that snakes detected responsive lizards. Since snakes almost always captured lizards that were detected, responding strongly to predator scent decreased a lizard's chances of being captured by predators. This finding is the first experimental demonstration in any terrestrial animal that responsiveness to predator scents can function to increase survival probability.  相似文献   

The literature on trade openness, economic development, and the environment is largely inconclusive about the environmental consequences of trade. This study treats trade and income as endogenous and estimates the overall impact of trade openness on environmental quality using the instrumental variables technique. We find that whether or not trade has a beneficial effect on the environment varies depending on the pollutant and the country. Trade is found to benefit the environment in OECD countries. It has detrimental effects, however, on sulfur dioxide (SO2) and carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions in non-OECD countries, although it does lower biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) emissions in these countries. We also find the impact is large in the long term, after the dynamic adjustment process, although it is small in the short term.  相似文献   

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