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Parental investment by red-winged blackbirds (Agelaius phoeniceus) in response to natural and experi‐mental parasitism by brown-headed cowbirds (Molothrus ater), and in response to freeze-dried, female cowbird mounts presented near redwing nests during the egg-laying period was measured. Two measures of redwing parental investment were used: nest defense effort toward a model predator, and rate of feeding nestlings. There were no significant differences in levels of parental investment among unparasitized nests, naturally parasitized nests, or experimentally parasitized nests. Similarly, parental investment did not differ between redwings that were exposed to the cowbird mount and those that were not exposed to the mount, or among redwings exposed to the cowbird mount at different distances from the nest. This suggests that red-winged blackbirds do not recognize when they have been parasitized, and hence do not associate parasitism with a decrease in their parentage, or that parentage is not an important predictor of parental investment in this species. Received: 24 January 1997 / Accepted after revision: 7 June 1997  相似文献   

For avian brood parasites in which individual females are host-specialists, the arms race between hosts and parasites has favored egg color polymorphism in the parasite, with female lineages laying mimetic eggs that resemble those of the host species they parasitize. Female sex-linked inheritance of egg color fosters evolutionary stability of egg polymorphism if female lineages show both consistent eggshell color and host use. This co-evolutionary relationship is unlikely to occur if individual brood parasites use different hosts or if egg color is not maternally inherited. The shiny cowbird (Molothrus bonariensis) is an extreme generalist brood parasite that shows a very high degree of egg polymorphism. We tested whether egg spotting in this species has female sex-linked inheritance. If genetic factors controlling the expression of egg spotting were present on the female-specific W chromosome, we expected co-segregation between spotting patterns and mtDNA haplotypes, as both W and mtDNA are maternally inherited. In contrast to the known maternal inheritance of spotting patterns in great tits, we found no associations between eggshell spotting and mtDNA haplotypes, which suggests that eggshell spotting is not maternally inherited in this cowbird species.  相似文献   

Begging behavior and food acquisition by brown-headed cowbird nestlings   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Understanding the selective forces that limit the exaggeration of begging signals is a critical issue in understanding the evolution of begging behavior. I studied the begging behavior of nestlings of the brown-headed cowbird (Molothrus ater), a brood parasite. In the nests of indigo buntings (Passerina cyanea), brown-headed cowbird nestlings received approximately twice as much food per hour than their host nestmates. I tested three hypotheses for the mechanism by which cowbirds acquired more food than their bunting nestmates: the size advantage hypothesis, the signal exaggeration hypothesis, and the novel begging behavior hypothesis. I found support for the hypotheses that cowbirds acquire more food as a result of their larger body size, and due to the exaggeration of begging signals that are not dependent on body size. I did not find support for the role of novel begging behaviors in cowbird food acquisition. These results suggest that food acquisition by host chicks in unparasitized nests could be increased by the exaggeration of begging signals. Recent work suggests that such exaggeration may be limited by the risk of nest predation, but further studies are needed. Received: 12 December 1997 / Accepted after revision: 29 December 1997  相似文献   

Parasitic female moorhens (Gallinula chloropus) lay from one to six eggs in the nests of conspecific neighbours. DNA fingerprinting was used to show that parasitic eggs could be correctly identified when they appeared in addition to or outside the host’s laying sequence. Moorhen hosts accept all parasitic eggs laid after the 2nd day of their laying period. To understand why moorhen hosts tolerate parasitic eggs, we tested two hypotheses. (1) The quasi-parasitism hypothesis: females lay their eggs in the evening when the host males are normally in attendance at the nest, so host males may allow parasitic females to lay in their nests in exchange for fertilizing their eggs. However, DNA fingerprinting showed that all the parasitic eggs were sired by the parasites’ mates. Parasitic moorhens frequently continue laying a clutch in their own nest, without a break in the laying sequence after a parasitic laying bout. The eggs laid by brood parasites in their own nests were also sired by their own mates. Therefore this hypothesis was rejected. (2) The kin selection hypothesis: if one or both members of the host pair are close relatives of the parasite, the costs of rearing parasitic chicks will be to some degree offset by inclusive fitness benefits. We examined the genetic relationships between parasites and their hosts using DNA fingerprinting and genealogical data. Natal philopatry by both sexes was relatively common in this population, and the probability that a neighbour of either sex was a first-order relative (parent-offspring) was calculated as 0.18. Although first-order relatives were not preferentially chosen as hosts over individuals that were not first-order relatives, even through random host selection there is almost a one-in-five chance that brood parasites in this population are closely related to their hosts. This may facilitate host tolerance of parasitic eggs. Other hypotheses are also discussed. Received: 3 February 1995/Accepted after revision: 27 August 1995  相似文献   

Unlike other birds, shiny cowbirds (Molothrus bonariensis) must locate host nests where to lay their eggs and then decide whether to parasitise them. They should also synchronise their laying with that of the host to increase the survival of parasite egg and young. Shiny cowbirds can discover nests using host behaviour as a cue, or by searching the habitat without need for the presence of a host. Besides, they can synchronise parasitism with host laying by monitoring nests during building and laying, or directly by assessing the degree of development of embryos through the puncture of host eggs. Alternatively, synchronization can arise by lower nest attentiveness during host laying. We determined the extent of synchronization between laying of shiny cowbirds and chalk-browed mockingbirds (Mimus saturninus) and estimated if parasitism was negatively associated with host nest attentiveness. We also conducted an experiment to test if host activity was necessary to locate nests, and if puncture of host eggs was a cue for deciding parasitism. Shiny cowbirds synchronised parasitism with host laying in 75% of the cases and synchronization was not explained by lower host nest attentiveness during laying. Shiny cowbirds located nests without need for presence of a host, but the decision of parasitising the nest depended on host activity at the nest. The information that shiny cowbirds could obtain through egg punctures was not necessary for deciding parasitism. Our results indicate that shiny cowbirds rely on the precise timing of their eggs and avoid laying in unsuitable nests.  相似文献   

Hosts of avian brood parasites use a variety of defenses based on egg recognition to reduce the costs of parasitism; the most important of which is rejecting the parasitic eggs. Two basic recognition mechanisms are possible: “true recognition”, whereby hosts recognize their own eggs irrespective of their relative frequency in the clutch, and minority recognition (or “recognition by discordancy”), whereby hosts respond to the minority egg type. The mechanism of recognition has been experimentally studied in a handful of species parasitized by interspecific brood parasites, but the mechanism used in defenses against conspecific brood parasitism is unknown. I experimentally determined the mechanism of egg recognition in American coots (Fulica americana), a species with high levels of conspecific brood parasitism, egg recognition, and rejection. I swapped eggs between pairs of nests to alter frequencies of host and “parasite” eggs and then used two criteria for recognition: egg rejection and nonrandom incubation positions in the clutch. Eight of 12 nests (66%) given equal frequencies of host and parasite eggs showed evidence of true recognition. In contrast, only one of eight (12.5%) nests where host eggs were in the minority showed evidence of recognition by discordancy. The nonrandom incubation positions of parasitic eggs indicates that birds sometimes recognize parasitic eggs without rejecting them and provides a means of assessing recognition on a per nest basis in species with large clutches. Adaptive recognition without rejection may also be an important evolutionary stepping stone to the evolution of egg rejection in some taxa.  相似文献   

In species that exhibit extended parental care, females sometimes lay eggs communally in order to redistribute the costs of offspring care. Communal egg-laying often involves redundancy in female effort, such that the number of females contributing to reproduction is more than is needed to provide adequate parental care. As a result, a subset of females will often abandon the communal brood, with the time of departure ranging from immediate abandonment after egg-laying (brood parasitism) to delayed abandonment with prolonged care (cooperative breeding). In this paper I approach the parental care dynamics of female-female broods as a desertion game similar to that of mate desertion in species with bi-parental care. I describe a field study of the insect Publilia concava (Hemiptera: Membracidae), a species that exhibits communal oviposition and a full range of egg guarding. This species exhibits full redundancy in female care, with no difference in survival between singly and doubly guarded broods. I find that double guarding is extremely rare in the population, with most communal broods having only one female guard. While this guard was usually the female that initiated the brood, these same females were more likely to abandon when secondary females arrived and when secondary females exhibited longer guarding durations. Paradoxically, the secondary females usually abandoned the broods they visited, resulting in up to 50% of broods with double abandonment. These unguarded broods suffered a 50% reduction in hatching success, reflecting an important risk for primary females that abandon egg masses to secondary females. Overall, P. concava exhibits desertion dynamics similar to mate desertion in vertebrates and it is likely that the theoretical work in this area will be useful for future work that addresses the allocation of parental care among communal breeders.  相似文献   

Adult great spotted cuckoos, Clamator glandarius, frequently damage one or more eggs of their magpie host, Pica pica, without removing or eating them. The presence of damaged host eggs could signal parasitism thereby increasing the probability that the parasitic egg is ejected. This hypothesis was tested by experimentally introducing a model cuckoo egg with or without damaged host eggs. Magpie responses to experimental parasitism did not differ significantly between treatments implying that damaged host eggs are not used by magpies to assess parasitism. We followed the fate of magpie eggs naturally damaged by the great spotted cuckoo or experimentally damaged by us. Host response was very similar for naturally or experimentally damaged host eggs, but varied significantly according to the type of egg damage, eggs being removed more frequently when pecked than crushed, while cracked eggs were never removed. However, the egg damage that most readily causes egg removal is albumen leakage. Received: 30 November 1998 / Received in revised form: 7 June 1999 / Accepted: 12 June 1999  相似文献   

Eggs of several brood parasites have thicker and stronger shells than expected for their size. The present study evaluated the puncture resistance hypothesis for the occurrence of thick-shelled eggs in common cuckoos Cuculus canorus by investigating costs of cuckoo egg ejection in four Acrocephalus warblers—the great reed warbler A. arundinaceus, reed warbler A. scirpaceus, marsh warbler A. palustris and sedge warbler A. schoenobaenus. The three latter species all suffered ejection costs, while ejection was not costly in the larger great reed warbler. The occurrence of ejection costs was negatively related to host bill size. In the marsh warbler, we compared ejection costs in naturally parasitized nests and two experimental treatments, in which broods were parasitized artificially with great reed warbler and conspecific eggs. Hosts damaged their own eggs significantly more often when ejecting the thick-shelled cuckoo eggs than when ejecting the similarly sized but thinner-shelled great reed warbler eggs, providing some support for the puncture resistance hypothesis. Ejection of conspecific eggs did not involve any costs. Furthermore, contrary to predictions derived from the laying damage hypothesis, there was no evidence that egg damage was associated with cuckoo egg laying. Hosts damaging their own eggs during ejection were more likely to subsequently desert their clutches than those that did not. The frequency of clutches smeared with the contents of the ejected egg were positively related to the hypothesized difficulty of foreign egg puncturing. Potential advantages of thicker shells in common cuckoo eggs are discussed.  相似文献   

It is still unclear why females in many bird species pursue extra-pair copulations. Current hypotheses focus mainly on indirect benefits such as obtaining particular good genes for their offspring or maximizing genetic compatibility between themselves and the father of their offspring. Supporting the latter, a recent study of shorebirds suggests that extra-pair matings may function to avoid the negative effects of genetic similarity between mates. Here, we further investigate genetic parentage in the Kentish plover, Charadrius alexandrinus, a shorebird with a highly variable social mating system. DNA fingerprinting revealed that most pairs were genetically monogamous: 7.9% of the broods (7/89) contained extra-pair young, comprising 3.9% of all chicks (9/229). These cases represented, however, three alternative reproductive behaviors: extra-pair paternity, quasi-parasitism (extra-pair maternity) and intraspecific brood parasitism. This is the first study showing the occurrence of all three behaviors in one shorebird species. We also found that extra-pair fertilizations (extra-pair paternity and quasi-parasitism) were more frequent later in the breeding season. There was no consistent relationship between genetic similarity of mates and laying date; the pattern, as well as the degree of genetic similarity, differed among breeding sites within the study population.Communicated by M. Webster  相似文献   

This study tested experimentally whether clutch size and the cost of care affect filial cannibalism in the sand goby, Pomatoschistus minutus. Evolutionary models of filial cannibalism suggest that egg eating has evolved as a way for the male parent to prolong his breeding season. These models assume that eggs function as an alternative energy source for the constrained parent. I manipulated clutch size by allowing males to mate with either one or two females, representing a small and a large clutch, respectively. The addition of a small male shore crab, a common egg predator, increased the cost of care. I quantified fat reserves as a measure of the condition of guarding males. Males who did not build nests had lower fat reserves than males who built nests, suggesting that males with low energy reserves do not start breeding. Males with small clutches lost their nest to the crab more often than males with large clutches. Neither filial cannibalism nor the amount of eggs eaten were affected by the treatments. Males who consumed eggs had a higher fat percentage than males who did not eat eggs. The result that males with small clutches lost their nests to the crabs supports the idea that eggs are defended only if the benefit from continued care will outweigh the cost and that males therefore are sensitive to the trade-off between present and future reproductive success. Received: 15 May 1997 / Accepted after revision: 15 November 1997  相似文献   

In several ant species, colonies are founded by small groups of queens (pleometrosis), which coexist until the first workers eclose, after which all but one queen is killed. It has been hypothesized that, by producing a larger cohort of workers, cooperating queens may increase colony success during brood raids, a form of competition in which brood and workers from losing nests are absorbed into winning colonies. To test whether this benefit is sufficient to favor pleometrosis, newly mated queens of the fire ant Solenopsis invicta were assembled in groups of one, two, three, or four, reared in the laboratory until the first workers eclosed, then planted in the field in replicated assemblages. The proportion of colonies engaging in brood raids increased with average foundress number per nest and with colony density but was unaffected by variance in foundress number among interacting colonies. Within mixed assemblages of single-queen and multiple-queen colonies, queen number had no effect on the likelihood of engaging in raids or the probability of nest survival through the brood raiding period. However, following nearly 30% of raids, queens moved to new nests and displaced the resident queens. When queen relocation and subsequent mortality were accounted for, it was found that the survival of queens from four-queen groups was substantially higher than that of solitary queens. By contrast, the survival of queens from two-queen colonies was no greater than that of solitary queens. These results show that the competitive advantages of multiple-queen colonies are sufficient to counterbalance the increased mortality of queens within groups only when the number of foundresses is greater than two and when colonies are founded at high density. When colonies lose brood raids, the workers appear to abandon their mothers to join surviving colonies. However, in laboratory experiments, queens attempting to enter foreign nests were significantly more likely to displace the resident queen if their own daughters were present within the invaded nest. Thus, workers may be able to bias the probability that their mother rejoins them and displaces competing queens.  相似文献   

Pollen is the sole source of protein for honey bees, most importantly used to rear young. Honey bees are adept at regulating pollen stores in the colonies based on the needs of the colony. Mechanisms for regulation of pollen foraging in honey bee are complex and remain controversial. In this study, we used a novel approach to test the two competing hypothesis of pollen foraging regulation. We manipulated nurse bee biosynthesis of brood food using a protease inhibitor that interferes with midgut protein digestion, significantly decreasing the amount of protein extractable from hypopharyngeal glands. Experimental colonies were given equal amounts of protease inhibitor-treated and untreated pollen. Colonies receiving protease inhibitor treatment had significantly lower hypopharyngeal gland protein content than controls. There was no significant difference in the ratio of pollen to nonpollen foragers between the treatments. Pollen load weights were also not significantly different between treatments. Our results supported the pollen foraging effort predictions generated from the direct independent effects of pollen on the regulation of pollen foraging and did not support the prediction that nurse bees regulate pollen foraging through amount of hypopharyngeal gland protein biosynthesis.  相似文献   

在田间生态箱中研究了(14)C-甲霜灵在土壤—烟草系统中的迁移与归宿。实验结果表明,甲霜灵在实验土壤中的移动,主要受水分运动影响,在土体中甲霜灵甲醇提取残留的半衰期为2~3周,总残留的半衰则为5周,结合残留占总残留的百分比随时间的延长而递增,到第6周时可达到23.1%。烟草可以通过根系吸收土壤中的甲霜灵,并表现出一定的富集作用,甲醇提取残留浓度从第2周开始下降,半衰期为1~2周,到第6周时为5.35mg/kg。在甲醇提取物中发现一种降解产物。甲霜灵甲醇捉取残留在土壤—烟草中的行为可用两库示踪动力学模型描述。  相似文献   

研究了新型消毒剂溴氯海因(BCDMH)在水环境中的降解规律及其影响因素以及BCDMH对4种不同生态位水生生物(发光菌、小球藻、大型溞和斑马鱼)的急性毒性.结果表明:1)BCDMH的正辛醇/水分配系数(Kow)为3.74(25℃),在水环境中的降解符合一级动力学方程C=C0×e-k·t,其一级反应速率常数k随温度升高而增大,25℃时k值为0.3577,半衰期为1.72d.2)pH6~9时,pH值越低BCDMH降解越快,碱性条件对其降解有显著抑制;自然光照和曝气有利于BCDMH的降解.3)BCDMH对斑马鱼的96hLC50=3.68mg·L-1,属高毒;对大型溞的24hLC50=1.44mg·L-1,属高毒;对小球藻的96hEC50=4.15mg·L-1,属高毒;对发光菌的1hEC50=0.62mg·L-1,属极高毒.  相似文献   

金琎  叶亚新  王敏 《生态环境》2007,16(2):313-316
溶液培养条件下,研究了酸雨胁迫条件下萝卜(Raphanus sativusL.,一点红)保护酶系统的响应及稀土元素镧、铈的防护作用,并就镧、铈的防护作用进行了比较。结果显示:酸雨导致萝卜保护酶系统的SOD、CAT、POD酶活性总体水平发生变化,SOD、POD活性增强,CAT活性减弱。w(La)=30mg·kg-1、w(Ce)=40mg·kg-1的施用降低了SOD、POD活性水平,增强了CAT活性,减弱了由于酸雨胁迫对萝卜幼苗保护酶系统所造成的影响,且镧的总体防护效应优于铈。这表明,适宜种类、适当剂量的稀土可以诱导植物抗逆性,促进其生长,降低酸雨胁迫损伤。  相似文献   

在乌梁素海生态治理中,以3S一体化技术为基础建立环境监测信息系统,对乌梁素海生态治理工程进行实时监测,对空间数据和非空间数据进行管理,并且建立工程技术档案库。在生态恢复与经济效益之间进行合理的规划与深层次的定位,考查各种营养盐输入与输出的关系,综合评价保护与开发的效应,从全面发挥乌梁素海多功能生态系统的作用上进行宏观调控,不断完善和修正生态治理规划中的各项技术指标,使这一生态系统长期进入良性循环状态。  相似文献   

本文研究了华北山前平原褐土中铜、锌对土壤—植物系统的生态效应。结果表明,铜、锌虽是植物生长所必需的营养元素,但超过一定浓度,就会对作物产生毒害,抑制作物生长,降低产量,并在植物体内造成累积,同时还会影响土壤中微生物的活性。综合考虑食品卫生、经济效益、土壤微生物系统的功能等因素,初步确定该土壤中铜的临界浓度为200mg/kg,锌的临界浓度为350mg/kg。  相似文献   

In the ecological network analysis (ENA) of complex flow food webs the assumption is often made that the models characterizing the flows and stocks of ecosystems occur in a steady state where inflows equals outflows. An assessment of the system indices derived from ENA of six balanced and unbalanced system models, respectively, indicate to differences between indices. The aggregation of highly articulated flow models into models with fewer compartments also has drastic effects on the system metrics, particularly on the information indices.  相似文献   

Beta-cypermethrin (beta-CYP) is a widely used pyrethroid pesticide, the extensive application of which may potentially cause damage to non-target organisms. To investigate the effect of beta-CYP on the antioxidant system of aquatic animals, adult zebrafish were exposed to environmentally relevant dosages (0.01, 0.1 and 1.0 μg/L) of beta-CYP. The activities of four antioxidant enzymes in zebrafish liver and brain tissue were tested after 7, 15 and 30 days of exposure. Our results showed that exposure of beta-CYP could induce different levels of increase in hepatic superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT), glutathione reductase (GR) and glutathione peroxidase (GPx) activities at 7 and 15 days post exposure (dpe), but caused apparent inhibition of hepatic SOD, GR and GPx activities at 30 dpe. Unlike in liver tissue, SOD and CAT activities in zebrafish brain did not show any apparent response to beta-CYP during the whole treatment period. In addition, increased brain GPx activities were observed at 7 and 30 dpe.  相似文献   

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