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以广州南方房产大厦深基坑支护结构为例,介绍了深基坑支护的设计指导思想和监测。文中介绍了的方法对类似工程的有一定指导意义。  相似文献   

基于模糊BP神经网络的深基坑支护方案优选   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
介绍了深基坑支护方案优选模型的建立过程及其实例分析。基于深基坑支护方案优选影响因素的模糊性和因素之间的关联性,笔者将模糊优选理论与神经网络理论相结合,在详细分析深基坑支护方案优选影响因素的基础上,建立了4层深基坑支护方案模糊BP优选神经网络模型,提出了模型参数和方案优选反馈计算的方法。应用该方法对北京市某广场大厦的基坑支护方案进行了分析,实例结果表明,采用该方法所进行的深基坑支护方案优选,获得令人满意的效果,是一种值得推广的方法。  相似文献   

深基坑的支护,不仅要保证基坑内能正常安全作业,而且要防止基体及基坑外土体移动,保证基坑附近建筑物、道路、管线的正常运行。深基坑支护结构的型式。为适应不同的地质及环境条件,设计者针对不问的工程实际,往往会根据当地建筑材料、施工条件等设计出不同的结构型式。根据支护结构受力特点,考虑设计计算模式,在此将基坑支护结构主要分为三大类:悬臂式支护结构、重力式挡土墙结构、拱圈式支护结构。一、深基坑支护工程的结构型式(一)悬臂式支护结构悬臂式支护结构是利用基坑底面以下土体提供的土压力来维持支护体系的平衡的一种结构。它类似…  相似文献   

为了降低地下隧道深基坑施工风险,避免基坑仰坡开挖过程中造成坍塌事故,以重庆九号线从岩寺站的隧道掘进机始发洞口深基坑工程为背景,对基坑南侧仰坡的分级分层开挖进行数值模拟,分析在不同支护方式下仰坡开挖产生的围岩变形规律与特征,并结合现场实时监测数据对深基坑开挖过程进行安全性分析。结果表明,深基坑仰坡实测水平位移与数值模拟结果变化规律基本一致,计算模型反映了基坑因开挖而引起的水平变形,数值模拟结果合理。深基坑仰坡水平位移随开挖深度增大而增大,最大值位置从二级坡中点附近逐渐下移到一级坡中点附近;采用喷锚支护的支护方式,相比单纯锚杆支护与未支护下的基坑开挖,支护效果更加显著,最大水平位移有明显减小,表明该深基坑采用的开挖与支护方案是安全有效的。  相似文献   

深基坑双排桩支护是近几年发展起来的一种新型的支护结构,与其它支护结构体系相比较,双排桩支护形式具有良好的侧向刚度,可有效限制支护结构的侧向变形,在工程中已得到广泛的应用。本文分析了双排桩支护结构内力及变形的影响因素,阐述了在深基坑支护中所体现的优良性能,提出了控制基坑变形的方法。并且针对双排桩支护结构在某高铁线基坑工程中的实际应用,说明双排桩的支护设计方法和施工方便、不用设置横向支点、挡土结构受力条件好、保持基坑稳定、施工安全的优点,并取得了良好的经济效应。  相似文献   

为指导砂卵石地层深基坑支护结构的经济化设计和安全施工,以洛阳地铁为例,基于多个安全评价指标,提出深基坑支护结构嵌入深度(嵌入比)的优化方法。考虑到砂卵石地层的特殊性质,深基坑建设需满足一定的变形和安全系数要求,因此分析地表沉降、支护结构稳定性、地层抗隆起安全性和防地下水管涌安全性,并基于限定位移和安全系数对支护嵌入比的选取范围作优化分析。结果表明:洛阳砂卵石地层因地下水位和卵石层揭露深度差异,可以划分为2类,Ⅰ类(中等地下水位和浅揭露砂卵石)和II类(低地下水位和深揭露砂卵石)深基坑的最优嵌入比范围分别为0.28~0.52和0.2~0.44。  相似文献   

预应力锚索和微型桩联合处理深基坑失稳事故   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
土钉支护具有经济快捷等优点,但土钉支护单独使用也有其局限性。通过对某土钉支护深基坑在施工过程中发生支护失稳出现险情的原因进行分析,及时地设计预应力锚索和微型桩予以联合加固,有效地控制了该基坑的变形,保证了地下室施工的安全。  相似文献   

深基坑的设计理念主要以“变形控制”为主,综合前人的研究成果,将深基坑开挖变形研究分为2类:深基坑开挖平面变形研究和三维变形研究。在深基坑开挖平面变形研究的模式下,回顾了地表沉降模式、地表沉降影响范围以及基坑支护变形,并对具有代表性的工程实测数据进行了归纳总结;在深基坑开挖三维变形研究的模式下,对土体本构模型和数值模拟进行了总结分析;介绍了深基坑智能监测发展趋势,对机器学习在深基坑变形预测和稳定性评估方面的不同算法模型的性能进行了分析。通过理论分析、工程实测、数值模拟、智能监测以及机器学习5个方面,对深基坑开挖变形进行了综述。可以看出,深基坑变形研究需要多方法并举、多领域贯通、多学科相互配合,旨在构建智能一体化云监测分析预警平台,保障深基坑工程的施工安全,为今后智慧工地和智能建造的发展提供可靠的支持。  相似文献   

针对东黄山国际小镇工程沟槽深基坑支护具有支护空间狭小、砂卵石地层渗透性强、颗粒松散、边坡整体稳定性差的特点,提出运用微型桩、预应力锚杆、土钉墙组合的复合支护体系,阐述了支护设计及施工技术要点,该体系可承受较大水平作用力,变形小,支护空间节约,材料及设备要求低,安全环保,经济可行,对类似工程具有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

深基坑支护系统稳定性可靠度分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
尝试将系统可靠度理论运用于深基坑稳定性的可靠度分析,提出了基坑系统稳定性的可靠度模型。通过实例计算分析,验证了本方法的可行性。研究对今后基坑支护的设计具有一定的实际意义。  相似文献   

活性污泥法水处理过程是一个复杂的生化反应过程,伴随有物理化学反应、生化反应、相变过程及物质与能量的转化和传递过程.通过对微生物动力学方程的讨论,进而建立动力学模型,比较了Monod方程和Contois方程分别来模拟有机碳在曝气条件下的生化去除过程.模型主要预测底物浓度、溶解氧、微生物增长等引起的系统响应,为污水处理厂的运行提供指导.  相似文献   

燃煤电厂袋式除尘专家系统开发研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
开发了一种袋式除尘系统故障专家诊断方法,用于诊断整个袋式除尘系统的故障现象,通过现场数据采集、操作人员与专家系统的人机对话对故障现象进行分析、推理,并做出相应的解决方案指导操作人员排查故障.燃煤电厂袋式除尘专家系统以知识库、推理机为核心,实现整个袋式除尘系统的设备故障诊断功能和维修故障指导功能,辅以解释机构,人机界面来指导用户如何准确无误地操作运行本系统和袋式除尘控制系统.系统被划分为4个模块:专家系统简介模块,在线故障诊断模块,离线故障诊断模块和专家指导模块.  相似文献   

To create Safe Community is considered a new methodology to promote Harmonious Society in China. Safe Community (SC) is centralized by “injury prevention” which is a concept involved from occupational safety and health in process industry. In this paper, it first examined the definition and elements of SC. Then, it introduced a Safe Community program in Honey Lake of Futian District of Shenzhen in detail to depict the actual procedure to create a desired Safe Community in China. In this application, Occupational Safety and Health Council in Hong Kong played an important role to instruct the design and execution of SC principle and suggest ways to crystallize a culture of safety within a Chinese community. From the SC program in Honey Lake of Futian District of Shenzhen, China has found out a new way to promote injury prevention in a community. Also, using these experiences from this program, more SC could be constructed that is beneficial to the safety and health of Chinese people.  相似文献   

单元板式轨道扣件刚度突变对行车安全性的影响分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为研究单元板式无砟轨道扣件刚度整体及局部突变对行车安全的影响,指导扣件系统的养护维修,利用有限元方法和轮轨耦合系统动力学原理,建立车辆-轨道-路基系统垂向耦合动力学模型。研究扣件系统整体刚度突变和局部刚度突变对列车的振动特性和轮轨垂向作用力的影响规律。结果表明:扣件刚度从20 kN/mm增加到80 kN/mm时,轮对和转向架的振动加速度分别增加40.1%和28.2%,轮轨垂向力增加28.4%,车体变化不大;当局部扣件刚度突变时,车体、轮对、转向架的振动加速度和轮轨垂向力均较基本刚度(50 kN/mm)有所增大。扣件刚度整体突变以及局部突变均会对列车振动特性和轮轨垂向作用力产生不利的影响,建议及时对扣件系统进行养护检修,以保证行车的平稳性和安全性。  相似文献   

安全管理力学分析方法(SMMA)及其应用研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
把自然科学中力的概念引入安全管理中,对其中的各种有形和无形联系进行研究,建立了一种安全管理系统的力学分析方法和实施程序。基于该方法把力学与轨迹交叉理论进行映射关联,建立"球体碰撞"模型。通过对比找出模型中存在的各种力,对模型进行受力分析并建立函数方程式。再据方程式及其参数对模型的各种状态进行分析,把分析结果反馈到安全管理系统中用以指导安全管理工作。最后,把安全管理力学分析法概括为定量分析法和定性分析法,并为研究安全管理提供了理论基础。由于力学具有准确、严谨、逻辑性强的特点,因此,引入力学后可以发挥力学与数学的优势。建立的安全管理力学分析方法是一种新方法,该方法对安全管理系统的定量化研究和实施有一定的促进作用。  相似文献   

基于马尔可夫方法的水下防喷器可靠性研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
水下防喷器是保障海上钻井安全的关键设备,对其可靠性进行定量评价对井控作业有重要的指导意义.为了弥补现有水下防喷器可靠性评价方法的不足,将水下防喷器的工作状态分为四种,包括无故障可用、关井、井控关键失效及关井时失效.利用Markov方法建立了水下防喷器的Markov模型.通过水下防喷器系统的状态转换图找出了各工作状态的转换关系.通过分析墨西哥湾83口深水井水下防喷器的失效数据,定义了影响水下防喷器可靠性的井控关键失效,并对深水钻井水下防喷器防喷功能的可靠性进行了定量计算.将计算结果与不考虑关井期间的井控关键失效相比较发现,防喷器的防喷失效概率增加了65%.因此传统的定量评价方法可能会得出相对乐观的结论,应在实际生产中给予重视.  相似文献   

Mine gas explosions present a serious safety threat in the worldwide mining industry. Since the beginning of mining, many coal miners have been killed due to the explosions. Accordingly, on a regular basis, mine operators should get air samples from the underground atmosphere. At the same time, monitoring and tracking the explosibility of the air sample should be done as a timely matter to avoid any potential explosions. All these works can provide very important information to assist the mine operators to well understand the mine atmospheric status and its trends. In additional, when facing the coal spontaneous combustion, mine fire events, or other chemical reactions related mine accidents, determination of explosibility is a definitely significant work for the safety of miners and mine rescue personnel especially when planning and implementing any mine rescue strategies. For many years, mining engineers and researchers have developed a number of methods for assessing the explosibility of the air–gas-mixture. Their research results provide a baseline for judgments of the mine gas explosibility and in determining the extent of change. In this paper, main popular and typical methods used in mining industry to determine the mine gas explosibility are introduced and reviewed. Case demonstrations for each method are also shown and can be used to instruct readers to understand how to apply them. Finally, a brief discussion about the current methods is presented and some preliminary suggestions are also listed for the further improvements in the future research.  相似文献   

Introduction: Automobile manufacturers are developing increasingly sophisticated driving automation systems. Currently, the highest level of automation available on the market is SAE Level 2, which provides sustained assistance for both lateral and longitudinal vehicle control. The purpose of this study was to evaluate how drivers’ perceptions of what behaviors secondary to driving are safe while a Level 2 system is operating vary by system name. Methods: A nationally representative telephone survey of 2005 drivers was conducted in 2018 with questions about behaviors respondents perceived as safe while a Level 2 driving automation system is in operation. Each respondent was asked about two out of five system names at random for a balanced study design. Results: The name “Autopilot” was associated with the highest likelihood that drivers believed a behavior was safe while in operation, for every behavior measured. There was less variation observed among the other four SAE Level 2 system names when compared with each other. A limited proportion of drivers had experience with advanced driver assistance systems and fewer of these reported driving a vehicle in which Level 2 systems were available. Drivers reported that they would consult a variety of sources for information on how to use a Level 2 system. Conclusions: The names of SAE Level 2 driving automation systems influence drivers’ perceptions of how to use them, and the name “Autopilot” was associated with the strongest effect. While a name alone cannot properly instruct drivers on how to use a system, it is a piece of information and must be considered so that drivers are not misled about the correct usage of these systems. Practical Applications: Manufacturers, suppliers, and organizations regulating or evaluating SAE Level 2 automated driving systems should ensure that systems are named so as not to mislead drivers about their safe use.  相似文献   

IntroductionChild restraint systems (car seats) reduce injury risk for young children involved in motor-vehicle crashes, but parents experience significant difficulty installing child restraints correctly. Installation by certified child passenger safety (CPS) technicians yields more accurate installation, but is impractical for broad distribution. A potential solution is use of interactive virtual presence via smartphone application (app), which permits “hands on” teaching through simultaneous and remote joint exposure to 3-dimensional images.MethodIn two studies, we examined the efficacy of remote communication via interactive virtual presence to help parents install child restraints. Study 1 was conducted at existing car seat checkpoints and Study 2 at preschools/daycare centers. In both cases, existing installations were assessed by certified CPS technicians using an objective coding scheme. Participants then communicated with remotely-located certified CPS technicians via a smartphone app offering interactive virtual presence. Technicians instructed participants to install child restraints and then the installation was inspected by on-site technicians. Both before and after the remote interaction, participants completed questionnaires concerning perception of child restraints and child restraint installation, self-efficacy to install child restraints, and perceived risk of injury to children if they were in a crash.ResultsIn both studies, accuracy of child restraint installations improved following the remote interaction between participants and certified CPS technicians. Together, the two samples achieved a weighted average of 90% correct installations across a multi-point inspection. Both samples reported increased self-efficacy to install child restraints and altered perceptions about the accuracy of the child restraint installations in their vehicles.ConclusionsFindings support use of interactive virtual presence as a strategy to realize accurate installation of child restraints.Practical applicationsInteractive virtual presence between certified CPS technicians and the public via smartphone app has potential to improve proper child restraint installations broadly, including to vulnerable and underserved rural populations.  相似文献   

以顾桥煤矿坚硬顶板综采工作面工程地质条件为背景,运用理论分析、数值模拟和现场实测手段,分析了开采速度对工作面覆岩运动、围岩破坏、应力分布和液压支架承载特性的影响。研究结果表明:1个周期来压内工作面落煤引起的岩梁刚性回转下沉量是一定的,工作面作业循环时间引起的岩梁蠕变下沉量与岩梁刚性回转下沉量呈正比,加快工作面推进速度仅减少围岩体蠕变引起的岩梁下沉部分。工作面开采速度增加,覆岩塑性区发育范围减小,煤壁应力集中位置变浅、应力集中系数变小。工作面快速推进时,液压支架承载多为2次増阻和3次増阻,支架工作阻力较小;缓慢推进时,液压支架承载多为1次急增阻,载荷近似呈线性增长,支架工作阻力较大。  相似文献   

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