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研究水库修建对于下泄河道水温的影响,掌控水库、下泄水温以及河道水温的变化规律,对于工程的生态环境修复以及河道生物多样性具有重要意义.采用宽度平均的立面二维水温模型对江家口水库库区水温分布及下泄水温规律进行模拟,采用纵向一维水温模型对不同水平年坝下河道的水温进行数值模拟,重点研究坝下23.6 km处鱼类国家级水产种质资源保护区内水温情势的变化.结果 表明,库区水温出现明显的分层状况,导致下泄水温在河道中表现为显著的“滞冷”“滞热”现象,春夏降幅最高可达3.6℃,秋冬升幅最高可达4.1℃.通过纵向一维水温模型考虑有无支流汇入的影响下,计算了沿程水温的变化,发现由于流水河段支流汇入和太阳辐射等影响下,沿程河道水温得到有效缓解,保护区处的水温已然接近天然水温,并未显著改变保护区原有鱼类所需的水温环境,不会对保护区鱼类的正常生长繁殖产生不利影响.  相似文献   

In the zone of heated water discharge and at the control site of the Beloyarsk Reservoir, the phytoplankton was characterized by dominance of blue-green, green, and pyrrophyte algae, and the zooplankton, by the prevalence of crustaceans over rotifers. The study sites differed in the species and quantitative composition of the dominant complex, but the total abundance and biomass of the phytoplankton in the heated zone and the control site did not differ significantly. In Teplyi Bay, the zooplankton was inhibited, which was manifested in the decrease of its abundance and biomass by four and seven times, respectively, in comparison with the control. Radionuclide concentrations in the plankton of the cooling reservoir in the period between 1986 and 1988 were determined. It was found that radionuclide concentration in the plankton is higher in the zone of heated water discharge than beyond it.  相似文献   

Russian Journal of Ecology - Data of monitoring studies (2014–2016) on the state of hydrobionts in watercourses during the development of a hydrocarbon deposit on the Yamal Peninsula have...  相似文献   

水温是影响灌区农作物灌溉效果的重要因素。为明确特定水库取水口低温水对灌区灌溉的影响程度及多种低温水减缓措施的改善增温效果,以向家坝灌区北总干渠一期工程为研究对象,采用纵向一维水温数学模型,定量分析并研究低温水减缓措施对灌区水温的改善效果。结果表明:与向家坝坝址处的天然水温相比,单库运行时(建坝近期)向家坝灌区部分渠道最大降幅可达2.1℃,梯级电站联合运行后(建坝远期)最大降幅可达3.1℃,建坝远期的低温水效应大于近期运行时的低温水效应。距取水口最近的柏溪斗渠4月灌溉水温降幅可达3.1℃,而较远处的两木斗渠4月份灌溉水温降幅为1.3℃,灌溉水温的降幅随灌渠离取水口距离的增加而减小,向家坝北总干渠前38 km低温水效应较显著, 38 km以外渠道受低温水影响较小。取水口设置叠梁门分层取水措施与灌区设置晒水池增温措施具有相近的增温效果,4月增温效果约为0.4℃~0.9℃。采用已建塘坝、窖池等小水利设施辅助晒水池进行晒水增温对低温水具有显著的改善效果,4月增温幅度约为1.3℃~1.7℃。研究成果可为湖库管理部门制定近期及远期运行方案提供决策依据。  相似文献   

绿水是流域内对植物和生态有积极作用的水量,是通过蒸散发流向大气圈的水汽流.绿水概念的提出有助于强化人类对自然界生态需水的重税.论文分析了大尺度水文循环中绿水流的影响因素,阐述了绿水资源对维持全球生态系统服务功能的积极意义.论文以土地整理过程为研究对象,按照水资源配置的公平性要求,构建符合土地整理特点的蓝绿水资源配置模型.模型综合考虑了蓝绿水生成机理、区域水权配置原则、上下游水量传输规律及区域水量配置方法等关键技术.最后以湖北省武汉市新洲区汪集街孔埠新农村试点土地整理工程为实例,对该区域蓝绿水配置情况进行深入研究.结果表明,土地整理中的土地利用/覆被变化影响区域耕地结构和生态系统服务价值,从而改变区域蓝水和绿水配置权值,实施区域内的人胜村、姚堤村、程山村的蓝绿水配置水量分别增加74 799 m<'3>/a、779 m<'3>/a、21 539 m<'3>/a,而堤围村、吴河村则分别减少了14 372 m<'3>/a、12 745 m<'3>/a.  相似文献   

In 1995, the government of the Republic of South Africa launched the Working for Water (WfW) programme that links environmental and developmental goals through the removal of high water-consuming alien plants with pro-poor rural employment opportunities. Whilst bio-physical evaluations have widely reported on the hydrological, ecological and conservation components of the programme, there exists growing uncertainty over the programme’s role as a poverty reduction mechanism. This paper evaluates three projects in the Luvuvhu catchment, Limpopo Province, against five socio-economic workfare criteria and the underlying biophysical rationale. Results show that asset creation from incremental streamflow is economically efficient and is likely to improve significantly if biodiversity benefits, community harvesting of riparian goods and services, ecological non-use values and seasonal water demand values are incorporated into the analysis. However, socio-economic benefits are more questionable: poverty targeting is weak with wage rates failing to self-select the poor; a minor proportion (0.5%) of catchment households benefit from the highly-valued employment opportunities; high variability in monthly employment causes financial difficulties for labourers; labourers are not ‘empowered’ as is evidenced by the failure of the 2-year exit strategy; and programme efficiency is high in proportional allocation of cash-flow to non-management wage labour. It is concluded that the Working for Programme is a potentially replicable model in other semi-arid contexts in developing countries if based on its core biophysical remit but is a transitory and limited poverty reduction mechanism for improving rural livelihoods.  相似文献   

The Three Gorges Project attracts worldwide attention because of the Three Gorges migrants, and the agriculture of the Three Gorges Reservoir Area is a foundation for the development of the Three Gorges migrants. The Three Gorges Reservoir Area is situated at the mountainous area with bad agricultural development conditions and relatively low levels of development. As a result, the large-scale migration fias special influence on its agricultural development, which has attracted much attention. The paper analyzes influence that the migrants have forced on its agricultural development based on the scientific data, and makes some explorations on the models that are suitable for the development of mountainous agriculture in the Three Gorges Reservoir Area.  相似文献   

三峡库区的水环境安全不仅关系到库区周边省市用水安全,更与长江流域的生态安全以及整个中国的可持续发展密切相关.基于压力-状态-响应(PSR)模型,综合考虑风险源危险性、风险受体敏感性以及区域环境风险可接受水平等因素构建水环境污染风险分级评价指标体系与量化方法,运用冷热点格局分析等空间统计方法,以行政区为单元综合评价三峡库区潜在水环境污染风险分布状况.结果表明:(1)云阳县风险源数量最多,万州区风险受体数量最多,但重庆主城区及周边地区高风险污染源和高敏感受体分布最为密集,且区域环境风险可接受水平最低.(2)研究区县区级风险源危险性和风险受体敏感性指标统计结果均呈集聚分布格局,热点区域集中在库区上游重庆主城区及周边地区,且该区域风险可接受水平表现为冷点区域,而在其它区域基本呈现为均衡的分布格局,未形成明显的热点或冷点区域.(3)库区水污染高风险江段包括九龙坡区、渝北区、沙坪坝区、渝中区和南岸区等5个县区,中风险江段包括长寿区、北培区、江北区、大渡口区、涪陵区、石柱县和巴东县等7个县区,低风险江段主要分布在库区上游的江津区和库区腹地及下游区域.最后,针对不同区域潜在水污染风险分布特征,从产业优化布局、预警与应急能力建设以及企业污废水处理技术升级等方面提出风险管控的相关建议.  相似文献   


The Three Gorges Project attracts worldwide attention because of the Three Gorges migrants, and the agriculture of the Three Gorges Reservoir Area is a foundation for the development of the Three Gorges migrants. The Three Gorges Reservoir Area is situated at the mountainous area with bad agricultural development conditions and relatively low levels of development. As a result, the large-scale migration has special influence on its agricultural development, which has attracted much attention. The paper analyzes influence that the migrants have forced on its agricultural development based on the scientific data, and makes some explorations on the models that are suitable for the development of mountainous agriculture in the Three Gorges Reservoir Area  相似文献   

农业灌溉水价对农户用水量影响的经济分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文目标是定量评估农业灌溉水价对农户用水量的影响。以往研究只考虑灌溉水价对于农户某种节水行为的影响,本文充分考虑在不同的价格水平阶段,农户会在多种节水行为中进行选择,引起用水需求弹性变化,并改变用水量,从而更全面更真实地反应价格水平与农户用水量之间的关系。在农村水价市场健全以及农户理性经济人假设前提下,本文通过建立局部均衡模型进行费用效益分析,研究农户节水行为随着价格水平而发生的变化,并在此基础上构建水价与节水量的关系。本文还结合实证研究的方法,以黑龙江省境内某农场为研究对象,开展实证分析。研究表明,在案例地区,当灌溉水价达到0.04元/m3的时候,水价具备了发挥作用的条件;水价在0.04-0.065元/m3之间的时候,农户开始减少灌溉用水,节水量为135-203 m3/hm2;水价在0.065-0.08元/m3之间的时候,农户开始采用当地的浅湿灌溉的节水技术,节水量为1 400 m3/hm2;水价在0.08-0.1元/m3之间的时候,农户开始采用地下水,节水量为1 400-6 309 m3/hm2;当水价高于0.1元/m3时,农户有水改旱的倾向,节水量为6 390-14 000 m3/hm2。本文所建立的分析方法和框架,不仅适用于案例地区,也为其他灌区的水价和用水量关系研究以及政策制定提供借鉴。  相似文献   

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