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• SMX addition had negative effect on acetoclastic methanogens in mesophilic AD. • Thermophilic AD was more effective in eliminating resistance genes than mesophilic. • ARGs variations in AD were mainly affected by succession of microbial community. • Methane production was significant associated to ARGs reduction. The role of norfloxacin (NOR) and sulfamethoxazole (SMX) in mesophilic and thermophilic anaerobic digestion (AD) of pig manure, with respect to methane production and variations in the microbial community and resistance genes, including antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs), class I integrase (intI1), and heavy metal resistance genes (MRGs), was investigated. The results indicated that NOR exerted little influence on the microbial community, whereas SMX negatively affected the acetoclastic methanogens. The abundance of two sulfonamide resistance genes (sul1 and sul2), three quinolone resistance genes (qnrS, parC, and aac(6’)-Ib-cr), and intI1 decreased by 2‒3 orders of magnitude at the end of thermophilic AD. In contrast, mesophilic AD was generally ineffective in reducing the abundance of resistance genes. According to the results of redundancy analysis, the abundance of ARGs was affected primarily by microbial community dynamics (68.5%), rather than the selective pressure due to antibiotic addition (13.3%). Horizontal gene transfer (HGT) through intI1 contributed to 26.4% of the ARG variation. The archaeal community also influenced the changes in the resistance genes, and ARG reduction was significantly correlated with enhanced methane production. Thermophilic AD presented a higher methane production potential and greater reduction in resistance gene abundance.  相似文献   

• ARGs were detected in livestock manure, sludge, food waste and fermentation dregs. • The succession of microbial community is an important factor affecting ARGs. • Horizontal transfer mechanism of ARGs during composting should be further studied. Antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs) have been diffusely detected in several kinds of organic solid waste, such as livestock manure, sludge, antibiotic fermentation residues, and food waste, thus attracting great attention. Aerobic composting, which is an effective, harmless treatment method for organic solid waste to promote recycling, has been identified to also aid in ARG reduction. However, the effect of composting in removing ARGs from organic solid waste has recently become controversial. Thus, this article summarizes and reviews the research on ARGs in relation to composting in the past 5 years. ARGs in organic solid waste could spread in different environmental media, including soil and the atmosphere, which could widen environmental risks. However, the conventional composting technology had limited effect on ARGs removal from organic solid waste. Improved composting processes, such as hyperthermophilic temperature composting, could effectively remove ARGs, and the HGT of ARGs and the microbial communities are identified as vital influencing factors. Currently, during the composting process, ARGs were mainly affected by three response pathways, (I) “Microenvironment-ARGs”; (II) “Microenvironment-microorganisms-ARGs”; (III) “Microorganisms-horizontal gene transfer-ARGs”, respectively. Response pathway II had been studied the most which was believed that microbial community was an important factor affecting ARGs. In response pathway III, mainly believed that MGEs played an important role and paid less attention to eARGs. Further research on the role and impact of eARGs in ARGs may be considered in the future. It aims to provide support for further research on environmental risk control of ARGs in organic solid waste.  相似文献   

• Total 174 subtypes of ARGs were detected by metagenomic analysis. • Chloramphenicol resistance genes were the dominant ARGs in water and microplastics. • The abundances of MRGs were much higher than those of ARGs. • Proteobacteria, Bacteroidetes, and Actinobacteria were the dominant phylum. • Microplastics in mariculture system could enrich most of MRGs and some ARGs. Microplastics existing widely in different matrices have been regarded as a reservoir for emerging contaminants. Mariculture systems have been observed to host microplastics and antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs). However, more information on proliferation of ARGs and metal resistance genes (MRGs) in mariculture system at the presence of microplastics is needed. This study used metagenomic analysis to investigate the distribution of ARGs and MRGs in water and microplastics of a typical mariculture pond. Total 18 types including 174 subtypes of ARGs were detected with the total relative abundances of 1.22/1.25 copies per 16S rRNA copy for microplastics/water. Chloramphenicol resistance genes were the dominant ARGs with the abundance of 0.35/0.42 copies per 16S rRNA copy for microplastics/water. Intergron intI1 was dominant gene among 6 detected mobile genetic elements (MGEs) with the abundance of 75.46/68.70 copies per 16S rRNA copy for water/microplastics. Total 9 types including 46 subtypes of MRGs were detected with total abundance of 5.02 × 102/6.39 × 102 copies per 16S rRNA copy for water/ microplastics while genes resistant to copper and iron served as the dominant MRGs. Proteobacteria, Bacteroidetes, and Actinobacteria accounted for 84.2%/89.5% of total microbial community. ARGs with relatively high abundance were significantly positively related to major genera, MGEs, and MRGs. Microplastics in mariculture system could enrich most of MRGs and some ARGs to serve as potential reservoir for these pollutants. The findings of this study will provide important information on resistance gene pollution at presence of microplastics in the mariculture system for further proposing suitable strategy of environmental management.  相似文献   

Extracellular DNA structure damaged by chlorination was characterized. Integrity of extracellular ARG genetic information after chlorination was determined. Typical chlorine doses will likely effectively diminish extracellular DNA and ARGs. Plasmid DNA/ARGs were less readily broken down than genomic DNA. The Bioanalyzer methodology effectively documented damage incurred to DNA. There is a need to improve understanding of the effect of chlorine disinfection on antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs) in order to advance relevant drinking water, wastewater, and reuse treatments. However, few studies have explicitly assessed the physical effects on the DNA. Here we examined the effects of free chlorine (1–20 mg Cl2/L) on extracellular genomic, plasmid DNA and select ARGs. Chlorination was found to decrease the fluorometric signal of extracellular genomic and plasmid DNA (ranging from 0.005 to 0.05 mg/mL) by 70%, relative to a no-chlorine control. Resulting DNA was further subject to a fragment analysis using a Bioanalyzer, indicating that chlorination resulted in fragmentation. Moreover, chlorine also effectively deactivated both chromosomal- and plasmid-borne ARGs, mecA and tetA, respectively. For concentrations >2 mg Cl2//L × 30 min, chlorine efficiently reduced the qPCR signal when the initial concentration of ARGs was 105 copies/mL or less. Notably, genomic DNA and mecA gene signals were more readily reduced by chlorine than the plasmid-borne tetA gene (by ~2 fold). Based on the results of qPCR with short (~200 bps) and long amplicons (~1200 bps), chlorination could destroy the integrity of ARGs, which likely reduces the possibility of natural transformation. Overall, our findings strongly illustrate that chlorination could be an effective method for inactivating extracellular chromosomal- and plasmid-borne DNA and ARGs.  相似文献   

● Abundance of MAGs carrying ARG-VF pairs unchanged in rivers after WWTP upgrade. ● Upgrade of WWTPs significantly reduced diversity of pathogenic genera in rivers. ● Upgrade of WWTPs reduced most VF (ARG) types carried by potential pathogens in rivers. ● Upgrade of WWTPs narrowed the pathogenic host ranges of ARGs and VFs in rivers. Wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) with additional tertiary ultrafiltration membranes and ozonation treatment can improve water quality in receiving rivers. However, the impacts of WWTP upgrade (WWTP-UP) on pathogens carrying antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs) and virulence factors (VFs) in rivers remain poorly understood. In this study, ARGs, VFs, and their pathogenic hosts were investigated in three rivers impacted by large-scale WWTP-UP. A five-year sampling campaign covered the periods before and after WWTP-UP. Results showed that the abundance of total metagenome-assembled genomes (MAGs) containing both ARGs and VFs in receiving rivers did not decrease substantially after WWTP-UP, but the abundance of MAGs belonging to pathogenic genera that contain both ARGs and VFs (abbreviated as PAVs) declined markedly. Genome-resolved metagenomics further revealed that WWTP-UP not only reduced most types of VFs and ARGs in PAVs, but also effectively eliminated efflux pump and nutritional VFs carried by PAVs in receiving rivers. WWTP-UP narrowed the pathogenic host ranges of ARGs and VFs and mitigated the co-occurrence of ARGs and VFs in receiving rivers. These findings underline the importance of WWTP-UP for the alleviation of pathogens containing both ARGs and VFs in receiving rivers.  相似文献   

兽用抗生素在提高畜禽生产性能、防治疾病方面发挥着重要作用,目前全球超过一半以上抗生素用于畜禽养殖,畜禽养殖源耐药病原菌、抗性基因及其传播风险愈益得到人们的重视。我国是畜禽养殖和抗生素使用大国,但兽用抗生素使用、病原菌耐药水平及其抗性基因类型等数据却较为缺乏,不利于今后畜禽养殖源耐药病原菌及其传播风险的控制。因此,本文通过文献调研,对我国和主要发达国家的兽用抗生素使用情况、畜禽养殖源耐药病原菌及其携带的抗性基因、基因移动元件以及向环境传播的途径进行分析、总结,以期为规范合理用药、降低耐药病原菌及其抗性基因传播风险,建立从畜禽养殖场至公共环境全过程的抗性污染控制链条提供借鉴。  相似文献   

• Distribution of ARGs in decentralized sewage facilities were investigated. • Bacitracin-ARGs were most predominant ARGs in rural wastewater. • ARGs were identified in bacterial and viral community. • ARGs of rpoB, drfE, gyrA and parC were both correlated with bacteria and phages. • More attention should be paid to the risk of spreading ARG by phages. The distribution of antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs) has been intensively studied in large-scale wastewater treatment plants and livestock sources. However, small-scale decentralized sewage treatment facilities must also be explored due to their possible direct exposure to residents. In this study, six wastewater treatment facilities in developed rural areas in eastern China were investigated to understand their risks of spreading ARGs. Using metagenomics and network analysis tools, ARGs and bacterial and viral communities were identified in the influent (INF) and effluent (EFF) samples. The dominant ARGs belonged to the bacitracin class, which are different from most of municipal wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs). The dominant hosts of ARGs are Acidovorax in bacterial communities and Prymnesiovirus in viral communities. Furthermore, a positive relationship was found between ARGs and phages. The ARGs significantly correlated with phages were all hosted by specific genera of bacteria, indicating that phages had contributed to the ARG’s proliferation in sewage treatment facilities. Paying significant concern on the possible enhanced risks caused by bacteria, viruses and their related ARGs in decentralized sewage treatment facilities is necessary.  相似文献   

Reviewed the change of ARGs and ARB in full-scale urban drinking water systems. Conventional processes are more promising than BAC process in ARGs removal. Mechanisms of ARGs enrichment and spread in BAC filter and DWDSs are discussed. Raise the need of future research on ARGs and ARB change in building plumbing systems. Antibiotic resistance in aquatic environment has become an important pollution problem worldwide. In recent years, much attention was paid to antibiotic resistance in urban drinking water systems due to its close relationship with the biosafety of drinking water. This review was focused on the mechanisms of antibiotic resistance, as well as the presence, dissemination and removal of antibiotic resistant bacteria (ARB) and antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs) in the urban drinking water system. First, the presence of ARB and ARGs in the drinking water source was discussed. The variation of concentration of ARGs and ARB during coagulation, sedimentation and filtration process were provided subsequently, in which filtration was proved to be a promising technology to remove ARGs. However, biological activated carbon (BAC) process and drinking water distribution systems (DWDSs) could be incubators which promote the antibiotic resistance, due to the enrichment of ARGs and ARB in the biofilms attached to the active carbon and pipe wall. Besides, as for disinfection process, mechanisms of the inactivation of ARB and the promotion of conjugative transfer of ARGs under chlorine, ozone and UV disinfection were described in detail. Here we provide some theoretical support for future researches which aim at antibiotic resistance controlling in drinking water.  相似文献   

• UV/chlorine can effectively remove VBNC pathogens, ARGs and MGEs in reclaimed water. • Microbial community was changed with reduced diversity during UV/chlorine process. • CRBs-carried MGEswere the predominant groups during UV/chlorine process. • No direct co-selection strategy was shared between UV/chlorine and resistome. Urban wastewater contains a wide range of pathogens and antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs), which are a serious concern if reusing treated wastewater. However, few studies have explored the microbial communities in reclaimed water using ultraviolet (UV)/chlorine treatment and assessed the changes of the resistome. This study investigated the occurrence of typical pathogens, ARGs, and bacterial communities in UV/chlorine-treated reclaimed water samples. The numbers of culturable and viable but non-culturable pathogens were effectively reduced to 0 CFU/mL within 1–10 and 10–30 min after UV/chlorine treatment, respectively. Meanwhile, the physicochemical indices of water quality were not affected. UV/chlorine treatment could significantly change the bacterial community structure of reclaimed water, showing a decrease in bacterial abundance and diversity. Chlorine-resistant Acinetobacter and Mycobacterium were the dominant bacterial genera (>50%) after UV/chlorine treatment. Moreover, the number of ARGs and mobile genetic elements (MGEs) decreased with an increase in UV/chlorine exposure. However, eight ARGs and three MGEs were consistently detected in more than three seasons, making these major concerns because of their potential role in the persistence and dissemination of antibiotic resistance. Overall, the results of this study suggest that UV/chlorine treatment can potentially improve the microbiological safety of reclaimed water. And more attention should be paid to the pathogens that are both chlorine-resistant and carry MGEs because of their potential for resistance transmission.  相似文献   

• Sub-inhibitory levels of nC60 promote conjugative transfer of ARGs. • nC60 can induce ROS generation, oxidative stress and SOS response. • nC60 can increase cell membrane permeability and alter gene expression. • Results provide evidence of nC60 promoting antibiotic resistance dissemination. The spread and development of antibiotic resistance globally have led to severe public health problems. It has been shown that some non-antibiotic substances can also promote the diffusion and spread of antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs). Nanofullerene (nC60) is a type of nanomaterial widely used around the world, and some studies have discovered both the biological toxicity and environmental toxicity of nC60. In this study, cellular and molecular biology techniques were employed to investigate the influences of nC60 at sub-minimum inhibitory concentrations (sub-MICs) on the conjugation of ARGs between the E. coli strains. Compared with the control group, nC60 significantly increased the conjugation rates of ARGs by 1.32‒10.82 folds within the concentration range of 7.03‒1800 mg/L. This study further explored the mechanism of this phenomenon, finding that sub-MICs of nC60 could induce the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS), trigger SOS-response and oxidative stress, affect the expression of outer membrane proteins (OMPs) genes, increase membrane permeability, and thus promote the occurrence of conjugation. This research enriches our understanding of the environmental toxicity of nC60, raises our risk awareness toward nC60, and may promote the more rational employment of nC60 materials.  相似文献   

The distributions of ARGs were monitored in a WWTP in Harbin during six months. CASS had the best removal efficacy of ARGs compared to other processes in the WWTP. UV disinfection could effectively control the HGT. AGAC significantly remove ARGs and organics due to its high absorption capacity. Combination of ozone and AGAC significantly improve removal of ARGs and organics. Antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs) pose a serious threat to public health. Wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) are essential for controlling the release of ARGs into the environment. This study investigated ARG distribution at every step in the treatment process of a municipal WWTP located in Harbin for six consecutive months. Changes in ARG distribution involved in two advanced secondary effluent treatment processes, ozonation and granular activated carbon (GAC) adsorption, were analyzed. Biological treatment resulted in the highest ARG removal (0.76–1.94 log reduction), followed by ultraviolet (UV) disinfection (less than 0.5-log reduction). Primary treatment could not significantly remove ARGs. ARG removal efficiency increased with an increase in the ozone dose below 40 mg/L. However, amorphous GAC (AGAC) adsorption with a hydraulic retention time (HRT) of 1 h showed better removal of ARGs, total organic carbon (TOC), total nitrogen (TN), and total phosphorus (TP) than ozonation at a 60 mg/L dose. UV treatment could efficiently reduce the relative ARG abundance, despite presenting the lowest efficiency for the reduction of absolute ARG abundance compared with GAC and ozone treatments. The combination of ozone and AGAC can significantly improve the removal of ARGs, TOC, TN and TP. These results indicate that a treatment including biological processing, ozonation, and AGAC adsorption is a promising strategy for removing ARGs and refractory organic substances from sewage.  相似文献   

气溶胶中抗生素抗性基因研究进展:以养殖场和医院为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
抗生素在医药和养殖业的大量使用导致耐药菌的出现,加速了抗生素抗性基因(antibiotic resistance genes,ARGs)在不同环境介质中的传播扩散,抗生素耐药性已成为目前全球卫生、食品安全和发展的最大威胁之一。气溶胶作为ARGs的潜在储存库缺乏系统的研究数据,而通过空气传播具有较高抗生素抗性水平的细菌可能是引起重要疾病的主要传播途径。本文针对养殖场和医院2个抗生素大量使用的典型场所,对气溶胶中ARGs的污染现状、样品采集与检测技术进行综述,并探讨了这一环境污染的潜在风险,表明开展气溶胶中ARGs研究的必要性,并为以后需开展的工作提出几点建议。  相似文献   

冀秀玲  刘芳  沈群辉  刘扬 《生态环境》2011,20(5):927-933
抗生素滥用及其诱导产生的抗生素抗性基因(antibiotic resistance genes,ARGs)污染已经引起人们的广泛关注。选取上海市某地养殖场作为研究对象,采用高效液相色谱-质谱法和实时荧光定量PCR法,对养殖场污水及附近农田灌溉渠河水中5种四环素及磺胺类抗生素,8种对应的ARGs的含量、特征及相关性进行了研究。研究结果显示,在采集的水样中均含有待检测的5种抗生素,养殖污水中抗生素含量高于农田灌溉河水,各样本中四环素类抗生素含量均略高于磺胺类抗生素,2种四环素抗生素总量为294.0~376.1μg﹒L-1,3种磺胺类抗生素总量为197.7~323.0μg﹒L-1。养殖场污水样本中8种ARGs均有检出,磺胺类抗性基因中sul(A)含量最高,绝对拷贝数为108.4108~1010.3728;四环素类抗性基因中tet(W)含量最高,绝对拷贝数为106.18805~107.8874。农田灌溉渠河水中除tet B(P)外,其它7种ARGs均有检出。样本中ARGs相对表达量总体呈现磺胺类ARGs高于四环素类ARGs的特点。抗生素浓度与ARGs相对表达量的Pearson相关性分析显示,样本中sul(Ⅲ)与磺胺类抗生素浓度存在较明显的正相关性,但其它几种ARGs与抗生素则未见或存在一定负相关性。表明除抗生素外,ARGs在水环境中的丰度可能与ARGs种类及其它环境因子有关。该研究将有助于认识上海地区养殖场废水中抗生素和ARGs污染状况,为进一步开展黄浦江水域抗生素尤其是ARGs的污染研究提供数据基础。  相似文献   

Antibiotic-resistant bacteria and antibiotic resistance genes are in water bodies. UV/chlorination method is better to remove ARGs than UV or chlorination alone. Research on UV/hydrogen peroxide to eliminate ARGs is forthcoming. UV-based photocatalytic processes are effective to degrade ARGs. Antibiotic-resistant bacteria (ARB) and antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs) have been recognized as one of the biggest public health issues of the 21st century. Both ARB and ARGs have been determined in water after treatment with conventional disinfectants. Ultraviolet (UV) technology has been seen growth in application to disinfect the water. However, UV method alone is not adequate to degrade ARGs in water. Researchers are investigating the combination of UV with other oxidants (chlorine, hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), peroxymonosulfate (PMS), and photocatalysts) to harness the high reactivity of produced reactive species (Clž·, ClOž·ž, Clž2·ž, žž·OH, and SOž4ž·€) in such processes with constituents of cell (e.g., deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) and its components) in order to increase the degradation efficiency of ARGs. This paper briefly reviews the current status of different UV-based treatments (UV/chlorination, UV/H2O2, UV/PMS, and UV-photocatalysis) to degrade ARGs and to control horizontal gene transfer (HGT) in water. The review also provides discussion on the mechanism of degradation of ARGs and application of q-PCR and gel electrophoresis to obtain insights of the fate of ARGs during UV-based treatment processes.  相似文献   

刁桂仪  吴大清  袁鹏 《生态环境》2005,14(5):640-644
应用批量吸附实验法研究了华南地区7个红壤剖面对PCP的吸附最ΓPCP与剖面深度的关系,以及与土壤的理化性质、化学组成、矿物组成和形态的关系。双变量积矩相关分析发现吸附量ΓPCP与土壤pHw值、TOC呈非常显著相关,与AAOFe、AAOAI和DCBAI呈显著相关,但偏相关分析和剔除法逐步线性同归分析清楚显示,控制吸附最ΔPCP的4个最为重要因素是土壤pHw值、TOC、非晶态氧化铝(AAOAI)和砂粒矿物相(主要是石英)含量,其次是粘土矿物(主要是高岭石和水云母)、CaCO3和晶态氧化铁矿物(DCBFe)的含量。随着深度增加,土壤对PCP的吸附量ΓPCP明显下降。不同的剖面,吸附量有较明显差别,其与土壤pHw值和TOC等含量变化明显相关。  相似文献   

Urban forest is a very important part of urban ecosystems and provides significant ecosystem services. It benefits urban communities environmentally, aesthetically, recreationally and economically. This article reviews the development status, development patterns and influencing factors of urban forest in China. There are four typical development patterns of urban forest in China: the forest city, garden city, ecological economics and forest greenbelt. Social, climatic, economic and other factors influence urban forest development in China. Social factors include government behaviour, laws and regulations, science and technology, education and culture, public awareness and participation, ecological planning and management. Climatic factors include rainfall, temperature and sunlight. Economic factors include urban economic level and funding for urban forest. In future, government, NGOs and the private sector should be considered more in the planning and management of urban forest. The social, climatic and economic factors should be taken into account when improving urban forest management. Research on urban forest from the academic and the management viewpoint should be strengthened. This can improve the development and management of urban forest in China and in other developing countries.  相似文献   

Carbonyl compounds in indoor air are of great concern for their adverse health effects. Between February and May, 2009, concentrations of 13 carbonyl compounds were measured in an academic building in Beijing, China. Total concentration of the detected carbonyls ranged from 20.7 to 189.1 μg·m-3, and among them acetone and formaldehyde were the most abundant, with mean concentrations of 26.4 and 22.6 μg·m-3, respectively. Average indoor concentrations of other carbonyls were below 10 μg·m-3. Principal component analysis identified a combined effect of common indoor carbonyl sources and ventilation on indoor carbonyl levels. Diurnal variations of the carbonyl compounds were investigated in one office room, and carbonyl concentrations tended to be lower in the daytime than at night, due to enhanced ventilation. Average concentrations of carbonyl compounds in the office room were generally higher in early May than in late February, indicating the influence of temperature. Carbonyl source emission rates from both the room and human occupants were estimated during two lectures, based on one-compartment mass balance model. The influence of human occupants on indoor carbonyl concentrations varies with environmental conditions, and may become significant in the case of a large human occupancy.  相似文献   

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