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The results of field studies that measured the flux anddeposition velocity of SO2 and O3 are reported. Three of the studies were over agricultural crops (pasture, corn, and soybean), and two were over forest (a deciduous forest and a mixed coniferous–deciduous forest). In all cases the deposition velocity for SO2 was higher than that for O3. Diurnal cycles of SO2 deposition velocity were similar in shape, but not magnitude for all surfaces; however those for O3 showed some difference between forest sites where the peak was in the morning, and the agricultural sites where the peak occurred at mid-day. Seasonal cycles of SO2 were affected by deposition to surfaces when leaves were not active, yet surface conductance is significant, but not for O3 where stomatal uptake is the primary pathway for deposition.(On assignment to the National Exposure Research Lab., US EPA) (e-mail:  相似文献   

Air-sea exchange rates for ozone were measured by the eddy correlation technique at a site on the north Norfolk coast in the UK. The average surface resistance to ozone uptake was found to be, rs(O3) = 1,000 ± 100 s m-1. Micrometeorological measurements of trace gas fluxes to ocean surfaces are rare but a review of available measurements suggests that we can constrain sea water surface resistance for ozone to between 1,000 (Regener (1974), and this work) and 1,890 s m-1 (Lenschow et al., 1982), yielding surface deposition velocities between 0.53 and 1.0 mm s-1. These values are more than an order of magnitude greater than can be explained by laboratory determined mass accommodation coefficients for ozone to water. The importance of dry deposition with respect to process air-sea exchange models is highlighted. A trend in surface deposition velocity with wind speed was also observed supporting a surface chemical enhancement mechanism of ozone uptake which in turn is enhanced by near surface mixing processes.  相似文献   

An ozone deposition module is being developed to allow the estimation of stomatal fluxes of ozone into a number of vegetation types. This model is designed to be linked into a regional chemical-transport model for use within the European Monitoring and Evaluation Programme (EMEP), to provide information on possible risks to vegetation across Europe. This paper investigates some characteristics of this deposition module, for sites in very different climate zones. The model results suggest that both stomatal and non-stomatal fluxes are comparable in magnitude.  相似文献   

We have developed a coupled land-surface and drydeposition model for realistic treatment of surface fluxes ofheat, moisture, and chemical dry deposition within acomprehensive air quality modelling system. A new land-surfacemodel (LSM) with explicit treatment of soil moisture andevapotranspiration and an indirect soil moisture nudging schemehas been added to a mesoscale meteorology model. The new drydeposition model uses the same aerodynamic and bulk stomatalresistances computed for evapotranspiration in the LSM. Thisprovides consistent land-surface and boundary layer propertiesacross the meteorological and chemical components of the system. The coupled dry deposition model also has the advantage of beingable to respond to changing soil moisture and vegetationconditions. Modelled surface fluxes of sensible and latent heatas well as ozone dry deposition velocities were compared to twofield experiments: a soybean field in Kentucky during summer 1995and a mixed forest in the Adirondacks of New York in July 1998.(on assignment to the National Exposure Research Laboratory, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency) (author for correspondence, e-mail(on assignment to the National Exposure Research Laboratory, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency)  相似文献   

The performance of a new dry deposition module, developedfor the European-scale mapping and modelling of ozone flux to vegetation, was tested against micrometeorological ozone and water vapour flux measurements. The measurement data are for twoconiferous (Scots pine in Finland, Norway spruce in Denmark) and one deciduous forest (mountain birch in Finland). On average, themodel performs well for the Scots pine forest, if local inputdata are used. The daytime deposition rates are somewhat over-predicted at the Danish site, especially in the afternoon. The mountain birch data indicate that the generic parameterisationof stomatal responses is not very representative of this northernspecies. The module was also tested by using modelled meteorological data that constitute the input for a photochemical transport model.  相似文献   

Estimates of ozone concentration and deposition flux to coniferous and deciduous forest in the Czech Republic on a 1 × 1 km grid during growing season (April–September) of the year 2001 are presented. Ozone deposition flux was derived from ozone concentrations in the atmosphere and from its deposition velocities. To quantify the spatial pattern in surface concentrations at 1 km resolution incorporating topography, empirical methods are used. The procedure maps ozone concentrations from the period of the day when measurements are representative for the forest areas of countryside. The effects of boundary layer stability are quantified using the observed relationship between the diurnal variability of surface ozone concentration and altitude. Ozone deposition velocities were calculated according to a multiple resistance model incorporating aerodynamic resistance (R a ), laminar layer resistance (R b ) and surface resistance (R c ). Surface resistance (R c ) comprises stomatal resistance (R sto ). R sto was calculated with respect to global radiation, surface air temperature and land cover. Modelled total and stomatal ozone fluxes are compared with the maps describing equivalent values of AOT40 (accumulated exposure over threshold of 40 ppb). For forests, the critical level (9,000 ppbh May–July daylight hours) is exceeded over 50% of forested territory. This indicates the potential for effects on large areas of forest. There is significiant correspondence between the exposure index AOT40 and the total ozone flux, but the relation between the total ozone flux and AOT40 exposure index is not clear in all parts of the forest territory.  相似文献   

The covariance between hourly concentration (C) and depositionvelocity (V) for various atmospheric species may act to bias the dry deposition (D) computed from the product of the weeklyaverage C and V. This is a potential problem for the CASTNet filter pack (FP) species, nitric acid (HNO3). Using ozone (O3) behavior as a surrogate for HNO3, correctionfactors (CF) are developed to estimate this bias. Weekly CF for O3 depend on both site and season, and seasonal average weekly CF for O3 at a given site may be as high as 1.25.The seasonal magnitude of this CF is generally largest in summerand is ordered: summer fall spring > winter. The CF is drivento a large extent by the diurnal correlation between C andV (i.e., both are generally higher during the day and lower at night). However, since the diurnal C profile at elevated sites is relatively constant, the resulting correlation between C and V is small, and the CF at montane sites is generally negligiblysmall. The sampling protocol using daytime integrated sampling for a week and nighttime integrated sampling for a week capturesthe diurnal correlation between C and V adequately and may be used to aggregate relatively unbiased weekly D estimates. Day-night CF for O3 are close to unity, and limited results suggest similar behavior for HNO3. Using these limited FP results, the site- and seasonally-specific weekly CF forO3are refined to estimate the corresponding CF for HNO3. Worst-case adjustments for HNO3 as high as 30% are indicated for summer periods at a given site.  相似文献   

Two years of continuous measurements of SO2deposition fluxes to moorland vegetation are reported. The mean flux of 2.8 ng SO2 m-2 s-1 is regulated predominantly by surface resistance (r c) which, even for wet surfaces, was seldom smaller than 100 s m-1. The control of surface resistance is shown to be regulated by the ratio of NH3SO2 concentrations with an excess of NH3 generating the small surface resistances for SO2. A dynamic surface chemistry model is used to simulate the effects of NH3 on SO2 deposition flux and is able to capture responses to short-term changes in ambient concentrations of SO2, NH3 and meteorological conditions. The coupling between surface resistance and NH3/SO2 concentration ratios shows that the deposition velocity for SO2 is regulated by the regional pollution climate. Recent long-term SO2 flux measurements in a transect over Europe demonstrate the close link between NH3/SO2 concentrations and rc (SO2). The deposition velocity for SO2 is predicted to have increased with time since the 1970s and imply a 40% increase in v d at a site at which the annual mean ambient SO2 concentrations declined from 47 to 3 g m-3 between 1973 and 1998.  相似文献   

The atmospheric deposition of reactive nitrogen on turf grassland in Tsukuba, central Japan, was investigated from July 2003 to December 2004. The target components were ammonium, nitrate, and nitrite ions for wet deposition and gaseous ammonia, nitric and nitrous acids, and particulate ammonium, nitrate, and nitrite for dry deposition. Organic nitrogen was also evaluated by subtracting the amount of inorganic nitrogen from total nitrogen. A wet-only sampler and filter holders were used to collect precipitation and the atmospheric components, respectively. An inferential method was applied to calculate the dry deposition velocity of gases and particles, which involved the effects of surface wetness and ammonia volatilization through stomata on the dry deposition velocity. The mean fraction of the monthly wet to total deposition was different among chemical species; 37, 77, and 1% for ammoniacal, nitrate-, and nitrite-nitrogen, respectively. The annual deposition of inorganic nitrogen in 2004 was 47 and 48 mmol m−2 yr−1 for wet and dry deposition, respectively; 51% of atmospheric deposition was contributed by dry deposition. The annual wet deposition in 2004 was 20, 27, and 0.07 mmol m−2 yr−1, and the annual dry deposition in 2004 was 35, 7.4, and 5.4 mmol m−2 yr−1 for ammoniacal, nitrate-, and nitrite-nitrogen, respectively. Ammoniacal nitrogen was the most important reactive nitrogen because of its remarkable contribution to both wet and dry deposition. The median ratio of the organic nitrogen concentration to total nitrogen was 9.8, 17, and 15% for precipitation, gases, and particles, respectively.  相似文献   

将平板陶瓷膜组成膜组件对烟气水分和余热进行回收,考察了烟气的温度、相对湿度、流速和冷却水温度等参数对膜组件水热回收性能的影响。在实验工况下,水通量和水回收效率随着烟气温度、烟气相对湿度的增加和冷却水温度的降低而上升;水通量随着烟气流速的加快而上升,水回收效率随着烟气流速的加快先上升后降低;膜组件的水通量和水回收效率最高分别可达22.0 kg/(m2·h)和36.3%。平板陶瓷膜回收的热量主要来自烟气潜热,烟气潜热换热量与水通量呈正相关变化趋势。在实验工况下,平板陶瓷膜组件的总传热系数最高为412 W/(m2·℃),高于多通道管式陶瓷膜和单通道管式陶瓷膜。  相似文献   

Critical N loads for ombrotrophic bogs, which often contain rare and N-sensitive plants (especially those in lower plant groups: lichens, mosses and liverworts), are based on very few experimental data from measured, low background N deposition areas. Additionally the relative effects of reduced versus oxidised N are largely unknown. This paper describes an automated field exposure system (30 km S. of Edinburgh, Scotland) for treating ombrotrophic bog vegetation with fine droplets of oxidised N (NaNO3) and reduced N (NH4Cl). Whim Moss exists in an area of low ambient N deposition (ca. 8 kg N ha–1 y–1), the sources and quantification of which are described. The wet N treatment system is run continuously, and is controlled/activated by wind speed and rainfall to provide a unique simulation of real world treatment patterns (no rain=no treatment). Simulated precipitation is supplied at ionic concentrations below4mMin rainwater collected on site. Treatments provide a replicated dose response to 16, 32 and 64 kg N ha–1 y–1 adjusted for ambient deposition (8 kg N ha–1 y–1). The 16 and 64 kg N ha–1 y–1 are duplicated with a P+K supplement. Baseline soil chemistry and foliar nutrient status was established for all 44 plots for Calluna vulgaris, Sphagnum capillifolium, Hypnum jutlandicum and Cladonia portentosa.  相似文献   

The deposition of atmospheric N to soils provides sources of available N to the nitrifying and denitrifying microbial community and subsequently influences the rate of NO and N2O emissions from soil. We have investigated the influence of three different sources of enhanced N deposition on NO and N2O emissions 1) elevated NH3 deposition to woodlands downwind of poultry and pig farms, 2) increased wet cloud and occult N deposition to upland forest and moorland and 3) enhanced N deposition to trees as NO 3 and NH 4 + aerosol. Flux measurements of NO and N2O were made using static chambers in the field or intact and repacked soil cores in the laboratory and determination of N2O by gas chromatography and of NO by chemiluminescence analysis. Rates of N deposition to our study sites were derived from modelled estimates of N deposition, NH3 concentrations measured by passive diffusion and inference from measurements of the 210Pb inventory of soils under tree canopies compared with open grassland. NO and N2O emissions and KCl-extractable soil NH 4 + and NO 3 concentrations all increased with increasing N deposition rate. The extent of increase did not appear to be influenced by the chemical form of the N deposited. Systems dominated by dry-deposited NH3 downwind of intensive livestock farms or wet-deposited NH 4 + and NO 3 in the upland regions of Britain resulted in approximately the same linear response. Emissions of NO and N2O from these soils increased with both N deposition and KCl extractable NH 4 + , but the relationship between NH 4 + and N deposition (ln NH 4 + = 0.62 ln Ndeposition + 0.21, r 2 = 0.33, n = 43) was more robust than the relationship between N deposition and soil NO and N2O fluxes.  相似文献   

Regular additions of NH4NO3 (35–140 kg N ha−1 yr−1) and (NH4)2SO4 (140 kg N ha−1 yr−1) to a calcareous grassland in northern England over a period of 12 years have resulted in a decline in the frequency of the indigenous bryophyte species and the establishment of non-indigenous calcifuge species, with implications for the structure and composition of this calcareous bryophyte community. The lowest NH4NO3 additions of 35 kg N ha−1 yr−1 produced significant declines in frequency of Hypnum cupressiforme, Campylium chrysophyllum, and Calliergon cuspidatum. Significant reductions in frequency at higher NH4NO3 application rates were recorded for Pseudoscleropodium purum, Ctenidum molluscum, and Dicranum scoparium. The highest NH4NO3 and (NH4)2SO4 additions provided conditions conducive for the establishment of two typical calcifuges – Polytrichum spp. and Campylopus introflexus, respectively. Substrate-surface pH measurements showed a dose-related reduction in pH with increasing NH4NO3 deposition rates of 1.6 pH units between the control and highest deposition rate, and a further significant fall in pH, of >1 pH unit, between the NH4NO3 and (NH4)2SO4 treatments. These results suggest that indigenous bryophyte composition may be at risk from nitrogen deposition rates of 35 kg N ha−1 yr−1 or less. These effects are of particular concern for rare or endangered species of low frequency.  相似文献   

Numerous assumptions have been made over the past 17 years when calculating critical loads for soils, both for acidity (based upon base cation steady state mass balances (SMB)) and for N (eutrophication, based upon N mass balances), often without all the assumptions being explicitly stated. The tacit assumptions that the author believes to be implicit in the SMB approach are critically reviewed, with particular reference to upland regions where slope processes are highly significant. It is concluded that many of them cannot be justified, especially those that involve ignoring many key processes known to be important to biogeochemical cycling and soil evolution in upland catchments. The evidence presented suggests that critical loads of acidity and of N for soils should be based upon effective pollutant and, for acidity, also effective base cation deposition concentrations, rather than upon pollutant deposition fluxes. This is because of the dominant role of cation exchange equilibria, rather than weathering rate, in regulation of the pH and base status of the more acidification-sensitive soils, and because of the importance of transport down slope of base cations, alkalinity and N species.  相似文献   

In southern Sweden, where exposure to long range distributedheavy metals is about the highest in Scandinavia, depositionsof cadmium (Cd) and lead (Pb) decreased about 20 and 70%,respectively, between mid-1980s and mid-1990s, as estimated bytheir concentrations in moss. Concentrations of Cd and Pb in tissues of the pied flycatcher (Ficedula hypoleuca) and bank vole (Clethrionomys glareolus) were also lower in 1996and 1997 compared to 1981 and 1982. It is concluded that the decreased deposition rate of these elements in southern Sweden had caused decreased exposure, and thus also to decreased potential risk of detrimental effects on insectivorous birds andherbivorous mammals. There was no indication that breeding results of pied flycatcher was influenced by the decreased deposition of toxic metals.  相似文献   

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