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正环境管理课开设于1986年,是环境规划与管理专业的核心课程,2004年7月被评为河北省级精品课,2009年10月通过河北省级精品课程复评。该课程以"理论够用"为原则,以"就业为指导,能力为本位,技能为核心",以国家环保及企事业单位的环境监督管理任务为导向,以技能应用型人才培养为目标,培养学生从事生态及资源环境规划、环境影响评价、企业污染治理设施的操作和运行管理、危险废物环境管理、企业污染事故与纠纷的处理等环境监督管理知识和专项环境管理的职业能力。  相似文献   

浅谈GIS在城市环境总体规划中的应用与探索   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
环保大数据结合地理信息系统是实现城市环境总体规划空间化、促使环境管理转型的重要举措。城市环境总体规划是我国环境规划制度中的一项尝试,实现环境管理由末端治理转向前端控制的基础性、空间性、综合性、战略性规划。本文在分析GIS在环境规划领域的技术优势基础上,提出城市环境总体规划中生态保护红线划定、环境(生态)功能区划、要素空间管控、环境风险防控、产业布局调控五大技术需求。总结GIS在城市环境总体规划中的五大技术应用:空间基础数据处理与评价模型应用、标准化制图与空间信息表达、信息系统管理平台建设、专业软件数据转换、衔接"多规合一"平台等。最后,提出GIS支持下的环境功能区划和生态保护红线评估等功能模块开发、城环总规信息系统上的环境影响评价模块开发以及环境详细规划控制图则编制方法等探索方向。  相似文献   

环境影响评价制度是第二次全国环保会议定下的环境管理八项制度之一。我国环境保护法中明确指出;“在新建、改建和扩建工程时,必须提出对环境影响的报告书。”实践证明,环评工作在我国环境管理、区域环境规划、城市综合整治,尤其是在严格控制新污染、加强治理老污染等方面起到了很好的作用。为适应经济发展形势的需要,县级环境监测站已陆续承担相应工程的环境影响评价工作。环评工作是一项寓环境管理和监测于一体的技术性较强的工作,也是贯彻好其它环境管理制度的基础工作,通过一些项目的环评,  相似文献   

河北省畜禽养殖业纳入环境管控范围比例较低,且传统的养殖业排放量占比较高。结合国家和河北省有关畜禽养殖污染防治政策、法规和规划,从空间布局、常规环境管理、污染防治设施及资金方向、总量减排四个方面分析了河北省畜禽污染防治存在的主要问题,并提出了加快完成禁养区划定、优化空间布局,扩大环境管理范围、加大环境管理力度,加大资金保障、提高设施配备率,开展畜禽养殖污染防治技术示范和推广、切实保障减排等具体防治措施。  相似文献   

中共中央在《关于经济体制改革的决定》中明确提出:城市政府要进行环境的综合整治。这是为环境保护工作,在经济体制改革的新的历史时期确立的指导方针。为了贯彻这一方针,各城市都要有一个符合“三同步”、“三统一”原则而又切实可行的环境规划。由于我国环境规划工作起步较晚,各城市在环境规划的编制形式、内容和要求方面,在环境规划的编制原则和方法方面,还没有一个统一、明确的认识。鉴于上述情况,编制城市环境规划工作亟待改进,以加强其系统化、规范化、科学化,加强其可行性、适用性。编制环境规划,应以生态理论作指导,着眼于区域环境的综合整治。当前,主要是编制好城市的环境规划,并以防治污染,改善环  相似文献   

吉化公司在过去的几年里,发展经济的同时注重环境保护工作,先后建成了一系列“三废”处理设施和综合利用装置178套,总投资为2.87亿元。这些处理设施投用后,使吉化公司的“三废”污染得到了有效的控制,同时,也为企业的经济发展创造了良好的环境条件。一、制定企业总体发展规划,搞好环境综合防治  相似文献   

自八十年代以来,通过立法、制订政策和相应的环境管理实践,香港已形成一些具有地方特色的环境法制度。而且,随着立法、政策和环境管理实践的发展,这些环境法制度不断健全和完善。一、环境规划和评价制度现时的香港政府高度重视环境规划和评价制度。香港政府认为防止出现新的环境问题同控制和消除现有的环境问题一样重要。通过科学的规划来预防污  相似文献   

“三同时”制度是我国环境保护的一项基本法律制度、环保设施竣工验收是“三同时”管理的最后阶段,它对于落实环保设计要求,监督环保设施的建设和运行.防止产生新的污染具有关键作用。但在竣工验收具体管理措施双方法上,存在一定问题,不能适应实际要求,在一定程度上影响了执法效果、笔者认为应在以下方面作出改进和补充规定。一、试生产阶段的环境管理《建设项目环境保护管理办法觎定:’‘建设项目在正式投产或使用前.必须说明环境保护设施运行的情况,治理的政果,达到的标准,经验收合格并发给环境保护设施验收合格证后,方可正式…  相似文献   

污染集中控制是相对于污染分散治理而言的‘是指在特定区域、特定污染状况条件下,对某些同类型污染运用政策的、管理的。工程技术的手段,采取综合的、适度规模的控制措施,以达到污染控制效果及经济效益最佳。实行集中控制措施必须在一个经济合理的范围内,对同类污染采取有针对性的、行之有效的集中控制手段和措施:集中控制手段是多元的,既有管理手段,又有工程技术手段;集中控制的目的是实现规模效益,达到环境、经济效益的统一。一、污染集中控制的背景从工艺生产技术发展趋势上看,控制工业污染必然走向大型化、社会化的道路。分散…  相似文献   

乡镇环境规划是一项综合性很强的工作.是一项系统工程.需要解决方法学问题。笔者联系当前乡镇环境规划工作实际,提出在乡镇环境规划工作中几个值得注意的问题,以供参考。一、紧紧依靠政府牵头组织制定和落实规划环境规划是人类为使环境与社会经济协调发展而对自身活动和环境所做的时间和空间的合理安排。目的是调控、规范人类的经济、社会活动,减少污染,防止资源破坏,从而保护人类赖以生存、社会经济得以可持续发展的基础──生态环境。毫无疑问.环境保护部门作为政府在环境保护方面的职能部门是这项工作的中坚和主力,但是,由于环…  相似文献   

宝浪油由地处新疆焉耆盆地博斯腾湖湖畔,这是一个生态环境较为脆弱且极为敏感的地区,如何保护博斯腾湖水质不受石油勘探作业的污染是一个非常重要的问题。自1994年以来,宝浪油田始终把环境保护工作作为头等大事来抓,在确保焉耆盆地水资源不受污染的前提下进行石油勘探开发,建立了环境管理层层网络,制定了一系列管理制度,并始终如一地坚持执行,踏踏实实地做好保护环境的工作,使我们在6年来的石油勘探开发工作能够顺利进行,并确保了该地区的环境未受到任何污染。  相似文献   

Providing reliable and affordable wastewater treatment in rural areas is a challenge in many parts of the world, particularly in developing countries. The problems and limitations of the centralized approaches for wastewater treatment are progressively surfacing. Centralized wastewater collection and treatment systems are costly to build and operate, especially in areas with low population densities and dispersed households. Developing countries lack both the funding to construct centralized facilities and the technical expertise to manage and operate them. Alternatively, the decentralized approach for wastewater treatment which employs a combination of onsite and/or cluster systems is gaining more attention. Such an approach allows for flexibility in management, and simple as well as complex technologies are available. The decentralized system is not only a long-term solution for small communities but is more reliable and cost effective. This paper presents a review of the various decentralized approaches to wastewater treatment and management. A discussion as to their applicability in developing countries, primarily in rural areas, and challenges faced is emphasized all through the paper. While there are many impediments and challenges towards wastewater management in developing countries, these can be overcome by suitable planning and policy implementation. Understanding the receiving environment is crucial for technology selection and should be accomplished by conducting a comprehensive site evaluation process. Centralized management of the decentralized wastewater treatment systems is essential to ensure they are inspected and maintained regularly. Management strategies should be site specific accounting for social, cultural, environmental and economic conditions in the target area.  相似文献   

This paper describes an online water quality monitoring and management system that was developed by combining a chemical oxygen demand sensor with an artificial neural network technology and a virtual instrument technique. The system was used to model the hydrological environment of the Liming River basin in Daqing City, China, in an effort to maintain the water quality in this basin at a level compatible with the status of Daqing City as a scenic resort. Operation of the system during the past 2 years has shown that an optimal allocation of water (including water released from an environmental reservoir to mitigate pollution events) could be achieved for the basin using the information gathered by the system; using mathematic models established for this system, the quantity of water released from the reservoir is adequate to improve the overall water environment. The results demonstrate that the system provides an effective approach to water quality control for environmental protection.  相似文献   

Accelerated expansion of wastewater services to small communities in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) is essential in order to address serious concerns over water scarcity and pollution in addition to meeting the demand for convenience and protecting public health. Centralized and conventional wastewater systems are currently the preferred choice of planners and decision-makers in MENA. Water and funding are not available to provide these centralized conventional services to small communities. This paper presents an integrated approach to sustainable wastewater management for small communities in MENA under the severe water resources crisis. The approach calls for a paradigm shift from centralized conventional wastewater systems to decentralized wastewater systems. Management of wastewater in MENA should start at home. Wastewater generation should be reduced through a combination of domestic water conservation measures. On-site systems must be improved and monitored to control pollution and to recover water for non-potable water uses. Should the circumstances not allow the use of on-site systems, wastewater should be transported and managed through a community system applying the principles of decentralized wastewater management and using the settled sewers for wastewater transportation where appropriate. This approach will facilitate the accelerated and sustainable extension of environmentally responsible wastewater services to MENA's small communities. It offers great potential for cost reduction, accommodates the necessary domestic water conservation efforts, reduces freshwater inputs in wastewater transportation thus eliminating unnecessary demand on freshwater, reduces associated environmental risks and increases wastewater reuse opportunities.  相似文献   

This paper reviews progress on urban storm water management and pollution control, with emphasis on non- and low-structurally intensive techniques along with the total system approach encompassing control-treatment. Many of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's demonstration-evaluation projects are presented to exemplify: Land Management Techniques, i.e., land use planning, best use of natural drainage, dual use of retention and drainage facilities required for flood control designed concurrently or retrofitted for pollution control, porous pavement, surface sanitation, and chemical use control; Collection Systems Control, i.e., catchbasin cleaning, flow regulators (including swirl and helical devices), and the new concepts of elimination or reduction of unauthorized cross-connections, in-channel/conduit storage and/or other forms of storage for bleed-back to existing treatment plants; Storage including in-receiving water storage; Treatment, i.e., physical/chemical, disinfection, and a treatment-control planning and design guidebook; Sludge and Solids Residue from Treatment; and Integrated Systems, i.e., storage/treatment, dual-use wet-weather flow/dry-weather flow facilities, and reuse of stormwater for nonpotable purposes. Recommendations for the future in the areas of: control based on receiving water impacts, toxics characterization and their control, sewer system cross-connections, integrated stormwater management, and institutional/sociological/economic conflicts are also presented.  相似文献   

为实现2000年污染源达标排放和污染物总量控制目标,大庆油田制定了“工业污染源达标计划”、“污染物排放总量控制计划”;提出了2000年超标企业排污总量削减方案;对化工助剂总厂和腈纶工程的化工污水、三次采油工程新增化工含氰污水的治理提出了具体措施  相似文献   

随着石油库数量的不断增加和公众环境保护意识的增强,石油库环境污染问题越来越引人关注。正确认识和合理预防、控制油库污染对于实现企业经济、社会以及环境效益的协调发展起着非常重要的作用。文章简要分析了石油库的常规环境污染途径、方式及火灾爆炸事故造成的环境风险,分别从规划、设计和运行三个阶段论述了常规环境污染控制以及事故状态下的风险防控,并提出此项工作应贯穿于规划、设计和运行的全过程中。  相似文献   

放射性同位素示踪法测吸水剖面工艺在油田已应用很久了。吉林油田应用低毒性同位素(113) ̄In测吸水剖面工艺,较好地解决了安全与环境污染问题。叙述了(113) ̄In的产生原理,在吉林油田的试验应用以及使用(113) ̄In测吸水剖面对环境的影响等。对从事油田测井的工程技术人员有一定的借鉴、指导作用。  相似文献   

以大庆油田为例,通过在区域环境安全信息管理与建筑物环境安全信息管理系统中采用环境地理信息系统(EGIS),构建大庆油田环境地理信息系统(DOFESIMS),并阐述了其技术结构、数学模型、功能及功能扩展,为区域环境安全信息管理的规划与实现提供科学依据。在实现对油田环境有效管理的基础上,对大庆油田污染物排放进行了预测与分析,并将结果进行空间可视化展示,以此证明环境地理信息系统可有效解决区域环境安全的信息管理。  相似文献   

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