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We studied the effect of the abundance of predatory fishes and structural complexity of algal assemblages on the survival of juveniles of the sea urchin Paracentrotus lividus on Mediterranean infralittoral rocky bottoms. Post-settlement juveniles (2–10 mm) were placed on four distinct natural substrates with increasing structural complexity (coralline barren, algal turf, erect fleshy algal assemblages and small crevices) inside and outside the Medes Islands Marine Reserve. Predation on these sea urchins increased at greater abundance of predatory fishes, and decreased with greater structural complexity. The refuge provided by structural complexity, however, decreased with increasing size of sea urchin recruits. Predation on the smallest post-settlers was carried out almost exclusively by small fishes (<20 cm), mainly the labrid Coris julis, while the dominant predator of larger juveniles was the sparid Diplodus sargus. Our results demonstrate the cascading effects caused by the prohibition of fishing in marine reserves, and highlight the potential role of small predatory fishes in the control of sea urchin populations.Communicated by O. Kinne, Oldendorf/Luhe  相似文献   

Alarm responses to the extracts of conspecifics and hetero-specifics were measured for the Caribbean sea urchins Echinometra viridis, E. lucunter, Lytechinus variegatus, L. williamsi, Tripneustes ventricosus, Diadema antillarum, and Eucidaris tribuloides collected along the Caribbean coast (9°3314N; 78°5523W) during October 1984 and July–December 1985. Responses to seawater and extracts of the gnathostomate echinoid Clypeaster sybdepressus were used as controls. The intensity of the response resulting from exposure to sea-urchin extracts was measured by: (1) the percentage of individuals that responded by moving away from the extract and/or towards shelter, and (2) the mean distance moved. Echinometra viridis, E. lucunter, and L. williamsi responded to sea-urchin extracts by moving towards nearby shelter sites. The distance that individuals of each species moved in the first minute following exposure to conspecific extracts was correlated with the distance that species moved from shelter while foraging. L. variegatus and D. antillarum, living in microhabitats not providing protection from predators, responded to extracts of conspecifics and heterospecifics by moving away from the direction of the extract. Eucidaris tribuloides did not exhibit alarm responses to the extracts of con- or hetero-specifics. E. tribuloides secures itself with its stout spines into protected sites within corals. Similarly, L. variegatus living in long, dense seagrass that provided protection from detection by predators, and D. antillarum occupying crevices, showed no alarm responses to extracts of conspecifics. Presumably, in these situations, sea urchins cannot increase their defenses against predation by moving away from an injured neighbor. T. ventricosus showed a weak response to extracts of L. variegatus, but no response to extracts of other species including conspecifics. The reasons for this lack of an alarm response are unclear. For the five species that demonstrated an alarm response to sea-urchin extracts, the intensity of the response varied depending on the type of extract used. L. variegatus, L. williamsi, and D. antillarum responded most strongly to extracts from conspecifics, while Echinometra viridis and E. lucunter responded strongly to extracts from both conspecifics and congeners. The weakest responses were shown to the extracts of T. ventricosus and Eucidaris tribuloides. Habitat overlap, overlap in predators, and phylogenetic relationships did not consistently explain patterns of alarm responses to the extracts of heterospecific sea urchins.  相似文献   

Abalones and sea urchins in an area inhabited by sea otters   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Abalones (Haliotis spp.) and sea urchins (Strongylocentrotus spp.) are part of the subtidal fauna in the kelp bed off Hopkins Marine Station, Pacific Grove, California, USA, a protected marine reserve. Although these animals have been preyed upon by sea otters for over 10 years, their densities are gubstantial (Haliotis spp.: 0.21/m2; Strongylocentrotus spp.: 0.22/m2), and two species, H. rufescens (Swainson) and S. purpuratus (Stimpson), have wide size distributions indicating broad age ranges. Most of the adult abalones and sea urchins occur clustered deep in crevices, either as a direct result of sea-otter predation or because ample drift of algal food reduces foraging activities. Abalones tend to occur in larger crevices than sea urchins, and competition for suitable crevice space may exist among these large, invertebrate, algal-drift feeders.  相似文献   

Changing lobster abundance and the destruction of kelp beds by sea urchins   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In a study area in Nova Scotia, Canada, abundance of the lobster Homarus americanus decreased by nearly 50% in 14 years. The lobster is a major predator of sea urchins, and during the past 6 years the sea urchin Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis has destroyed 70% of the beds of Laminaria spp. in the area. Implications for management are discussed.  相似文献   

Effect of temperature acclimation on the metabolic rate of sea urchins   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Three sea-urchin species were acclimated at 9° and 18°C for 30 days. Following acclimation, oxygen-consumption measurements were made over a broad temperature range (6° to 24°C). The effect of temperature acclimation on the metabolic rate-temperature relationship (R-T curve) was determined for each species. R-T curves of Strongylocentrotus purpuratus generally indicate no compensation (Precht type 4). Some inverse compensation (Precht type 5) is suggested at intermediate test temperatures. R-T curves of Strongylocentrotus franciscanus indicate inverse compensation particularly at intermediate test temperatures. R-T curves of Allocentrotus fragilis generally indicate no compensation. With two species, S. purpuratus and A. fragilis, greater levels of rate-temperature independence were generally reached by cold-acclimated forms at lower test temperatures and by warm-acclimated forms at higher. Rotational (slope) changes in these R-T curves may be more critical than translational (ordinate) changes.Supported in part by a National Science Foundation Institutional Sea Grant to Oregon State University.Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science, Oregon State University, June, 1970.  相似文献   

Dinitrogen fixation associated with bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract of sea urchins appears to be a widespread phenomenon: sea urchins from the tropics (Diadema antillarum, Echinometra lacunter, Tripneustes ventricosus), the temperature zone (Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis) and the arctic (S. droebachiensis) exhibited nitrogenase activity (C2H2 reduction). Pronounced seasonal variation was found in nitrogenase activity of temperate sea urchins feeding on kelp (Laminaria spp.) and eelgrass (Zostera marina). The mean monthly nitrogenase activity was inversely correlated with the nitrogen content of the sea urchin's food, which varied up to fivefold over the course of a year. The highest rate of nitrogenase activity recorded for a temperate sea urchin during the 14 month sampling period was 11.6g N fixed g wet wt-1 d-1, with a yearly mean activity of 1.36 g N fixed g wet wt-1 d-1. Studies with 15N confirmed the C2H2 reduction results and showed incorporation of microbially-fixed nitrogen into S. droebachiensis demonstrating that N2 fixation can be a source of N for the sea urchin. Laboratory experiments indicated that part of the sea urchin's (S. droebachiensis) normal gastrointestinal microflora is responsible for the observed nitrogenase activity.  相似文献   

Allozyme electrophoresis was used to characterize genetic variation within and among natural populations of the red sea urchin Strongylocentrotus franciscanus. In 1995 to 1996, adult urchins were sampled from twelve geographically separated populations, seven from northern California and five from southern California (including Santa Rosa Island). Significant population heterogeneity in allelic frequencies was observed at five of six polymorphic loci. No geographic pattern of differentiation was evident; neighboring populations were often more genetically differentiated than distant populations. Northern and southern populations were not consistently distinguishable at any of the six loci. In order to assess within-population genetic variation and patterns of recruitment, large samples were collected from several northern California populations in 1996 and 1997, and were divided into three size classes, roughly representing large adults (>60 mm), medium-sized individuals (31 to 60 mm, “subadults”) and individuals <2 yr of age (≤30 mm test diam, referred to as “recruits”). Comparisons of allelic counts revealed significant spatial and temporal differentiation among size-stratified population samples. Recruit samples differed significantly from adult samples collected at the same locale, and showed extensive between-year variation. Genetic differentiation among recruit samples was much higher in 1997 than in 1996. Between-year differences within populations were always greater for recruits than for adults. Potential explanations for the differentiation of recruit samples include pre- and post-settlement natural selection and high interfamily variance in reproductive success or “sweepstakes” recruitment. Unless recruit differentiation can be attributed to an improbable combination of strong and spatially diverse selection, such differentiation across northern California populations indicates that the larval pool is not well mixed geographically (even on spatial scales <20 km), despite long planktonic larval duration. Received: 6 July 1999 / Accepted: 25 January 2000  相似文献   

The mass mortality by disease of a localized population of sea urchins, Strongylocencrotus franciscanus, on the seaward side of a kelp forest was followed by the rapid seaward expansion of 4 species of brown algae, Macrocystis pyrifera, Laminaria dentigera, Pterygophora california, and to a lesser extent, Nereocystis leutkeana. One other brown alga, Cystoseira osmundacea, failed to become established in the newly available area. Competition among M. pyrifera, L. dentigera, P. californica, and N. Leutkeana apparently was severe, and within 1 year after the demise of the sea urchins, M. pyrifera formed a dense, nearly monospecific stand. Experimental removal of M. pyrifera demonstrated that the canopy of these plants limited light penetration to levels below that necessary for the growth and survival of other brown and red algae.  相似文献   

Recent ecological studies have shown a strong relation between temperature, echinoids and their grazing effects on macro-algal communities. In this study, we speculate that climate warming may result in an increasingly favourable environment for the reproduction and development of the sea urchin Arbacia lixula. The relationship between increased A. lixula density and the extent of barren grounds in the Mediterranean Sea is also discussed.  相似文献   

The sensitivity to some chemical agents was examined comparatively at sperm, fertilization, cleavage, blastula, gastrula, pluteus and metamorphosis stages of a sand dollar from Japanese waters (Peronella japonica) and a sea urchin from the Pacific coast of Australia (Heliocidaris erythrogramma). These agents included Cu sulphate, ABS and NH3 chloride. Responses observed included departures from control rates of fertilization and developmental reduction at the attainment of first cleavage, gastrula, pluteus or metamorphosis. Developmental anomalies were noted at the fertilization, 2-cell, gastrula, pluteus and metamorphosis stages. Using minimum effective concentrations of the 3 chemicals at various developmental stages of P. japonica, it was found that sensitivity to chemicals varies from fertilization to metamorphosis. It seems that sperm activity is the most sensitive, and that fertilization and gastrulation are more sensitive than first cleavage, blastulation and pluteus formation. H. erythrogramma seems to show nearly the same responses to Cu, but is more sensitive at metamorphosis.Experiments conducted at the Seto Marine Biological Laboratory, Wakayama Prefecture, JapanExperiments conducted at School of Biological Sciences, the University of Sydney, Sydney, N.S.W., AustraliaContributions from the Seto Marine Biological Laboratory, No. 664  相似文献   

Large populations of sea urchins, Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis (Müller), destroyed kelp beds along the Atlantic coast of Nova Scotia in the 1960's and 1970's. The origin of these large sea urchin populations is not understood. We have investigated the potential influence of variable growth and development of the planktonic larvae of sea urchins (in response to temperature and food abundance) on recruitment of benthic juveniles. The adult sea urchins were collected at Sandy Cove, Digby County, Nova Scotia, Canada, in December 1986. Temperature strongly affected larval size and the growth of the echinus rudiment within the range 3° to 9°C, and larvae grew most rapidly at 14°C. Food abundance had a smaller effect on larval growth, and these effects were apparent only at high temperature. Larvae fed the same concentration of two different algal food species grew and developed similarly. Correspondence between spring temperature variation and qualitative variation in sea urchin recruitment, as well as strong temperature effects on larval growth in culture, and the occurrence of a large, positive temperature anomaly in June 1960, all suggest that temperature effects on larval growth and development may have led to intense sea urchin recruitment in 1960 and the appearance of large adult populations 4 to 6 yr later. This result invites further research.  相似文献   

Fabio Bulleri 《Marine Biology》2013,160(9):2493-2501
The role played by the urchins, Paracentrotus lividus and Arbacia lixula, in the formation and persistence of barren areas dominated by encrusting coralline macroalgae is yet to be fully elucidated. This study, carried out in the NW Mediterranean (43° 30′N, 10° 20′E) between February 2005 and April 2006, investigated how the loss or density decrease in one or both urchin species influences the recovery of erect macroalgal stands (dominated by filamentous forms) at the margins of barren areas. At a depth of 4–6 m, three barren patches were assigned to each of the following treatments: (1) control (natural densities of A. lixula and P. lividus); (2) 50 % of the natural density of A. lixula and natural density of P. lividus; (3) total removal of A. lixula and natural density of P. lividus; (4) 50 % of the natural density of P. lividus and natural density of A. lixula; (5) total removal of P. lividus and natural density of A. lixula; (6) 50 % of the natural densities of both A. lixula and P. lividus; (7) total removal of both A. lixula and P. lividus. The effects of the herbivore treatments were evaluated either in the presence or the absence of encrusting corallines. The partial or total removal of A. lixula, P. lividus or both favored the proliferation of filamentous macroalgae at the margins of barren patches. The presence of encrusting corallines reduced the development of these macroalgae. The results of this study suggest that a moderate decrease in the density of just one of the two species can decrease the ability of the herbivore assemblage to control the proliferation of filamentous macroalgae at the margins of barren patches. The extent of barren areas appears, therefore, to be regulated by the outcome of density-dependent interactions between the two species of sea urchins.  相似文献   

The reproductive biology of 5 species of echinothuriid (Phormosoma placenta, Calveriosoma hystrix, Araeosoma fenestrum, Sperosoma grimaldii and Hygrosoma petersii) and 2 species of cidarid (Cidaris cidaris and Poriocidaris purpurata) sea urchins from the deep sea (Rockall Trough) has been examined from samples collected during 1973–1983. In all species the gonads lie within the interambulacrum attached to aboral gonopores and when fully developed occupy most of the test not occupied by the gut or Aristotle's lantern. In all the species, initial oocyte development takes place along the germinal epithelium embedded in nutritive tissue. In all the echinothuriids and in Poriocidaris purpurata, the oocyte grows to ca. 200 to 450 m, at which stage vitellogenesis begins. Oocyte growth continues until a maximum egg size of 1 100 to 1 500 m is attained. In the echinothuriids, two types of nutritive tissue are found. In the carly stages of gametogenesis the oocyte is surrounded by well-structured periodic acid Schiff (PAS)-positive tissue. As the oocyte grows this tissue becomes vacuolated, suggesting that there is a transfer of nutriment to the developing oocyte. In Phormosoma placenta, unspawned oocytes are phagocytosed. There is no evidence of seasonality in any of the echinothuriid species or in Poriocidaris purpurata. Extrapolation with shallow-water echinothuriids suggests that larval development is lecithotrophic, omitting any planktotrophic phase. Of the species examined, only Cidaris cidaris has a reproductive strategy which produces a known larva, although the limited samples did not permit any determination of seasonality in this deep-sea population.  相似文献   

Field observations and manipulative experiments in a nearshore cobble bed (2 to 3 m below mean low water) at Eagle Head, Nova Scotia, Canada, between 1984 and 1986, showed that small juveniles ofStrongylocentrotus droebachiensis (3 to 6 mm diam) sheltering beneath cobbles had a refuge from predators such as rock crabs, small lobsters, and fish. Sea urchins gradually outgrew these refuges and small adults (25 to 30 mm) required larger rocks as shelter from predators, particularly large cancrid crabs. Small juveniles were usually solitary and well dispersed beneath cobbles, whereas small adults tended to aggregate on the undersides and in the interstices of boulders. These aggregations may develop passively as sea urchins accumulate in suitablysized refuges. Chemotaxis experiments indicate that juvenileS. droebachiensis are repelled by waterborne stimuli from conspecifics. In a factorial experiment, effects of the presence of potential predators (rock crabs and lobsters) and/or food (kelp) on the behaviour of large juvenile (10 to 15 mm) and small adult sea urchins were examined in flowing seawater tanks. Both size classes formed exposed feeding aggregations when kelp was provided as food, irrespective of the presence or absence of predators. In the absence of kelp, each size class responded differently to the presence of a predator: juveniles became more cryptic, whereas adults aggregated on the tank sides. Increased movement to the sides of a tank in the presence of a predator may reflect a flight response, since chemotaxis experiments indicated thatS. droebachiensis is repelled by waterborne chemical stimuli from predators. Observational and experimental data suggest that predation at the late juvenile and early adult stages may influence population structure, distribution and abundance ofS. droebachiensis.  相似文献   

The thermal envelope of development to the larval stage of two echinoids from eastern Australia was characterized to determine whether they fill their potential latitudinal ranges as indicated by tolerance limits. The tropical sand dollar, Arachnoides placenta, a species that is not known to have shifted its range, was investigated in Townsville, northern Australia (19°20′S, 146°77′E), during its autumn spawning season (May 2012). The subtropical/temperate sea urchin, Centrostephanus rodgersii, a species that has undergone poleward range expansion, was investigated in Sydney, southern Australia (33°58′S, 151°14′E), during its winter spawning season (August 2012). The thermal tolerance of development was determined in embryos and larvae reared at twelve temperatures. For A. placenta, the ambient water temperature near Townsville and experimental control were 24 °C and treatments ranged from 14 to 37 °C. For C. rodgersii, ambient Sydney water temperature and experimental control were 17 °C, and the treatment range was 9–31 °C. A. placenta had a broader developmental thermal envelope (14 °C range 17–31 °C) than C. rodgersii (9 °C range 13–22 °C). Both species developed successfully at temperatures well below ambient, suggesting that cooler water is not a barrier to poleward migration for either species. Both species presently live near the upper thermal limits for larval development, and future ocean warming could lead to contractions of their northern range limits. This study provides insights into the factors influencing the realized and potential distribution of planktonic life stages and changes to adult distribution in response to global change.  相似文献   

The acid-base status of two sea urchins, Psammechinus miliaris (Gmelin) and Echinus esculentus (L.) during experimental emersion has been investigated. Sea urchins were collected from the Firth of Clyde between August and September 1987. The carbon dioxide capacity of the coelomic fluid of P. miliaris was greater than that of E. esculentus, although both were low and only marginally greater than that of sea water. The pH of the coelonic fluid was also low (7.05 to 7.17) and was influenced mainly by the internal partial pressure of CO2 (PCO 2). Acid-base disturbance in the coelomic fluid of both species during emersion, although minimal, was more pronounced in E. esculentus than in P. miliaris and was due primarily to an increase in the internal PCO 2, although there was an increase in the concentration of L-lactate in the coelomic fluid of E. esculentus. The coelomic fluid of both species was in a state of perfectly compensated respiratory acidosis. An increase in the concentration of divalent ions (Ca2+ and Mg2+) may be related to the dissolution of the test as a source of carbonate buffer.  相似文献   

An adult Psammechinus miliaris, and another specimen 8 mm in diameter were both fed apically by deposition of a protein-powder extracted from a heavily 14C-tagged urchin. The organs of the former were counted and the latter was totally sectioned and autoradiographed. The gut was more labelled than expected after an apical meal. This could be explained by a pumping of some nutritive powder into the gut, the bright marking of the superficial tissues being obviously due to direct uptake. The localized proteolysis produced by a podial disc of P. miliaris on a black gelatin-film may be due to the secretion of special cell-masses just underlying the calcareous plates of the disc. Extracts from mucus, small spines and dorsal podia from the anterior furrow of Echinocardium cordatum produce a conspicuous digestion of Remazol-brilliant blue hidepowder in vitro. Several in vivo tests with artificial substrates suggest the existence of a trypsin-like enzyme and not chymiotrypsin in the mucus. Fresh frozen sections in podia of Asterias rubens treated with A.S. naphthol-propionate showed that special cells, scattered in the connective tissue, gave a dark-red stain. Strains of red granules issued by them found their way to the surface of the disc between the columnar epithelial cells. These chimiotrypsin-positive cells and their products seem identical to those seen by Chaet and Philpot (1964) in A. forbesi. These authors did not suspect their digestive function. The nutrition of Henricia sanguinolenta through the body wall was tested either with radioactive diatoms or 14C-labelled amino acids in sea water selectively offered to one or two arms. Both countings and autoradiographs demonstrated the importance of skin-digestion and absorption, especially in the ambulacra. The absorbed nutrients reach the muscle layer, not only the epiderm as mentioned in Ferguson's (1967) esperiments.  相似文献   

Movement and feeding were studied in a population of red sea urchins, Strongylocentrotus franciscanus (Agassiz, 1863), found within and immediately seaward of a kelp forest offshore from Santa Cruz, California, USA. Mean sea urchin movements varied from 7.5 cm/day inside the kelp forest to over 50 cm/day at 15 and 100 m outside the kelp forest. The percentage of sea urchins feeding decreased from 66% inside the kelp forest to 16 and 15% at 15 and 100 m outside the kelp forest. These data indicate that movement by these sea urchins is a response to a low food supply.  相似文献   

Fishing and habitat degradation have increased the extinction risk of sharks, and conservation strategies recognize that survival of juveniles is critical for the effective management of shark populations. Despite the rapid expansion of marine protected areas (MPAs) globally, the paucity of shark‐monitoring data on large scales (100s–1000s km) means that the effectiveness of MPAs in halting shark declines remains unclear. Using data collected by baited remote underwater video systems (BRUVS) in northwestern Australia, we developed generalized linear models to elucidate the ecological drivers of habitat suitability for juvenile sharks. We assessed occurrence patterns at the order and species levels. We included all juvenile sharks sampled and the 3 most abundant species sampled separately (grey reef [Carcharhinus amblyrhynchos], sandbar [Carcharhinus plumbeus], and whitetip reef sharks [Triaenodon obesus]). We predicted the occurrence of juvenile sharks across 490,515 km2 of coastal waters and quantified the representation of highly suitable habitats within MPAs. Our species‐level models had higher accuracy (? ≥ 0.69) and deviance explained (≥48%) than our order‐level model (? = 0.36 and deviance explained of 10%). Maps of predicted occurrence revealed different species‐specific patterns of highly suitable habitat. These differences likely reflect different physiological or resource requirements between individual species and validate concerns over the utility of conservation targets based on aggregate species groups as opposed to a species‐focused approach. Highly suitable habitats were poorly represented in MPAs with the most restrictions on extractive activities. This spatial mismatch possibly indicates a lack of explicit conservation targets and information on species distribution during the planning process. Non‐extractive BRUVS provided a useful platform for building the suitability models across large scales to assist conservation planning across multiple maritime jurisdictions, and our approach provides a simple for method for testing the effectiveness of MPAs.  相似文献   

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