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水库实施的防洪预报调度方式是解决我国防洪和兴利之间矛盾的一条有效途径,其对水库上下游的防洪风险率的大小是决定其能否实施的关键.目前对此缺少一种定量计算方法.本文在分析防洪预报调度方式风险指标的前提下,根据水库洪水径流深与产流预报误差的分布规律,采用数值分析方法计算水库实施防洪预报调度方式时,相对于常规调度方式,产流预报误差对水库下游防洪风险率,并以实例论述了具体分析思路和计算过程.  相似文献   

李毅中 《安全与健康》2005,(6S):F002-F002
安全生产事关国家和人民利益,事关社会安定和谐,事关以人为要本、执政为民。安全生产是企业管理水平的综合反映,安全监管是政府发行经济管理、社会管理职能的重要任务,是构建社会主义和谐 社会的重要内容。多年来,党中央、国务院高度重视安全生产工作,重视保护人民的生命财产安全。  相似文献   

基于眼动技术的道路交通安全应用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从眼动的基本概念入手,总结眼动技术的发展、数据记录方法以及眼动仪发展特点,从人-车-路(环境)三方面分析了眼动技术在道路交通安全中的应用.  相似文献   

尾矿坝防洪安全及开裂可能性的评价方法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
尾矿库的安全稳定在矿山的安全生产和环境保护中具有十分重要的意义。尾矿库安全评价应该研究坝及其附属构筑物的安全状况,评价尾矿库的安全等级。本文立足于尾矿库工程和水利水电工程的实践经验,研究了尾矿坝防洪安全的计算方法,提出了尾矿坝开裂可能性的数学模型和评价方法,模型中将摩尔-库伦强度准则扩展到受拉段,定义了拉压变形的过渡方式,扩展后的强度准则可以描述尾矿坝的压剪、拉剪及拉伸等多种破坏模式。通过计算算例验证了防洪安全计算方法、尾矿坝开裂可能性的数学模型和评价方法能够有效运用于尾矿库的安全评价。  相似文献   

安全标识作为一种安全管理手段已得到普遍应用,但在煤炭企业实际应用中并未完全发挥其应有作用。为了研究煤矿禁止类安全标识放置的有效性,首先,通过构建眼动试验平台进行试验,选取煤矿井下皮带运输、井口等图片作为模拟场景;其次,将场景中安全标识区域作为兴趣区域,采集不同被试的注视点个数、首次进入时间等数据;最后,运用SPSS 20.0软件和统计方法分析试验采集的数据。结果表明,安全标识有效的设置位置为编号(2)(上中)和编号(5)(正中)。  相似文献   

张大伟  李雷 《安全》2011,32(3):44-47
1991年3月我国制定了《水库大坝安全管理条例》(以下简称条例),至今已经20年。在过去的20年经济社会发生了重大变化,法律环境已经改变,条例难以满足当前水库管理的实际需求,迫切需要修订。1条例产生的历史背景和作用我国的大坝安全管理可以分为三个发展阶段,1949~1978年,1978~2000年和2000年至今。  相似文献   

有着近百年历史、全球最大的专业生产安全设备的制造商——MSA自上世纪80年代末进入中国,并在无锡设立了第一家合资公司。经过近二十年的发展,目前MSA中国公司已经拥有国际一流的  相似文献   

各流域机构,各省、自治区、直辖市水利(水务)厅(局),各计划单列市水利(水务)局,新疆生产建设兵团水利局:水库安全事关人民群众生命财产安全和社会稳定,一直深受党和政府的高度重视。为切实落实大坝安全管理责任,确保水库安全运行,充分发挥水库效益,现就加强水库安全管理工作提出如下要求:  相似文献   

政府和企业对尾矿库安全管理的重点   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
当前,我国非煤矿山生产及尾矿库具有以下特点:  相似文献   

危险化学品生产与储存场所的危险化学品库容风险是反映危险化学品生产与储存场所安全与否的重要指标,为增加评估危险化学品库容量时的客观性、准确性,在统筹其3类主要事故模型的基础上,建立了危险化学品生产与储存场所的危险化学品库容风险当量评估模型。该模型以传统风险理论为载体,不仅对单一危险源的伤害风险进行计算,且对各种危险化学品的不同库容事故损失、发生概率、伤害风险做统一关联分析,以使危险化学品库存地的风险实现合理叠加。再根据相同区域风险值和当量的叠加,结合区域坐标、人员密度、风险界限,通过MATLAB仿真模拟,确定危险化学品生产与储存场所整体风险区域图,进而标出危险致命区域,计算库容临界量。  相似文献   

根据多年生产实践的经验,阐述了安全管理要坚持“六化”,即宣传教育经常化,执行制度严格化,安全责任全员化,岗位责任明确化,检查整改实在化,资料管理规范化。  相似文献   

This study aims to improve the fundamental understanding on the performance of bottom plates in above ground storage tanks (ASTs) during flood events. To this end, fragility models that estimate the probability of material yielding and rupture in the bottom plates were derived. A significant number of ASTs are located in coastal areas and are susceptible to hurricane hazards. Consequently, ASTs have suffered severe damage during past hurricanes resulting in spills with catastrophic environmental and social impacts. Therefore, several failure modes such as flotation, buckling, and sliding have been studied in past research. However, the literature lacks studies that consider the failure of bottom plate due to uplift pressure generated during floods and there are no design guidelines to address this issue. To address this gap, fragility functions that provide the probability of failure as a function of tank geometry, material properties, design parameters, and hazard conditions were developed herein. For this purpose, Latin Hypercube Sampling was performed to span the space of these parameters uniformly. For each parameter combination, maximum stresses in bottom plates were determined using analytical formulations for simply supported and clamped boundary conditions and were compared against two different failure thresholds. The results were used to develop a closed form fragility model using step wise logistic regression. Fragility functions were applied to four case study tanks. Sensitivity analysis were performed to understand the impacts of different probability density functions for various variables on the bottom plates’ fragility. The results provided several insights such as ASTs with larger diameter were vulnerable to bottom plate failure. Comparison with other failure modes revealed that the probability of bottom plate failure was higher than flotation failure for anchored ASTs with clamped boundary condition.  相似文献   

Current brief aims to introduce the concept of safety in European industrial sectors, particularly in mechanics and machinery industry. It also highlights the importance to ensure an even level of machinery safety along the European Union, setting up the appropriate frame and procedures to keep it under control. An overview over market surveillance activities for machinery (regulations, main actors and their roles) first at Community level, and secondly an approach to one of the Member States is also introduced.  相似文献   

梯级水库中的上游水库遭遇不利的突发事件而发生溃坝,会给下游水库及防护区带来严重的洪灾损失.以岗南、黄壁庄梯级水库为例,拟定岗南水库遭遇地震的突发事件,确定了水库溃坝工况,建立溃坝洪水计算模型,对岗南水库在不同预泄时长后溃坝的洪水过程进行模拟,黄壁庄水库针对上游入库溃坝洪水采用按调度规则调洪和以最大泄洪能力泄流两种溃坝应急调度方式进行模拟分析.结果表明:有预泄的溃坝调度可以在一定程度上缓解岗南水库溃坝洪水对下游造成的洪灾损失,且预泄时间越长缓解程度越明显;黄壁庄水库的两种调度方式都能保证水库自身安全,但从出库洪水对下游防护区的洪灾损失大小角度考虑,按调度规则调洪优于以最大泄洪能力泄流的方式.  相似文献   

我国尾矿库安全现状及事故防治措施   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
尾矿库是一个具有高势能的人造泥石流重大危险,其灾害所带来的损失是相当严重的。近年来,我国尾矿库事故时有发生,给人民生命财产造成了极大威胁,总体安全形势不容乐观。通过对我国尾矿库事故案例的总结和研究,分析我国尾矿库安全现状,为防止尾矿库事故的发生提出相应对策措施。  相似文献   

在物流基地规划建设中,危险货物储区外部安全防护距离的设定是很重要的一个组成部分。针对危险货物储区化学爆炸与毒气泄漏事故影响范围大、后果严重等特点,先应用鱼刺图事故分析原理分析危险货物储区危险因素,再建立化学爆炸与毒气泄漏危害距离计算模型,最后以冲击波伤害与毒气中毒有效剂量标准为依据,根据已建模型计算化学爆炸与主、次导风向毒气泄漏伤害距离。结果表明在设定安全防护距离时,结合化学爆炸、毒气泄漏危害距离模型,能得到合理的危险货物储区周边安全防护距离,具有实际应用价值。  相似文献   

Liquid organic peroxides, such as tert-butyl peroxybenzoate (TBPB), have been widely employed in the petrifaction industry as a polymerization formation agent. This study investigated the thermokinetic parameters of TBPB by isothermal kinetic algorithms and non-isothermal kinetic equations, using thermal activity monitor III (TAM III) and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), respectively. Simulations of 0.5 L, 25 kg, 55 gallon, and 400 kg reactors in liquid thermal explosion models were performed and compared to the results in the literature. A green thermal analysis was developed for a reactor containing TBPB to prevent pollution and reduce the energy consumption by thermal decomposition. It is based on the thermal hazard properties, such as the heat of decomposition (ΔHd), activation energy (Ea), self-accelerating decomposition temperature (SADT), control temperature (CT), emergency temperature (ET), and critical temperature (TCR). From the experimental results, the optimal conditions to avoid violent runaway reactions during the storage and transportation of TBPB were determined.  相似文献   

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