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Although filial cannibalism (eating one’s own offspring) occurs in numerous species, including several teleost fishes, its adaptive value is still not well understood. One often-discussed explanation is that individuals enhance their mass and body condition by consuming part of their eggs. However, evidence for this assumption is scarce thus far. In this study, male three-spined sticklebacks (Gasterosteus aculeatus), a species with paternal care, were allowed to care for a batch of eggs or for an empty nest under food-deprived conditions. All brood-caring males cannibalised at least part of their eggs and thus preserved their initial mass and body condition. Furthermore, mass as well as body condition was significant positively correlated with the number of cannibalised eggs. In contrast, empty-nest males that had no possibility to cannibalise eggs significantly lost mass and body condition. This is, to our knowledge, the first experimentally documented evidence that mass as well as body condition were preserved by filial cannibalism.  相似文献   

Prevailing theory predicts that lower levels of intra-clutch variation in host eggs facilitate the detection of brood parasitism. We assessed egg matching using both human vision and UV-VIS spectrophotometry and then followed the nest fate of great reed warblers naturally parasitised by European cuckoos. Rejection was predicted by the following three variables: matching between cuckoo and host eggs on the main chromatic variable defined by principal components analysis of the egg spectra (which has a strong loading in the UV); the number of host eggs in the nest; and human estimates of intra-clutch variation. The first variable is not correlated to human estimates of matching, which do not predict rejection. In line with another recent study, rejection rates were predicted by higher levels of intra-clutch variation in the host eggs, suggesting that higher rather than lower levels of intra-clutch variation can facilitate the discrimination of cuckoo eggs by hosts. We suggest that the importance of intra-clutch variation is context dependent, with intra-clutch variation being important when there is good matching between the host and the cuckoo eggs. Our results also suggest that both spectrometric and human visual assessments of egg matching and intra-clutch variation are prudent: the former provide the best method of estimating reflectance variation, whereas the latter include some assessment of patterns of maculation.  相似文献   

于2017年在四川省宜宾市采集黑冠夜鹭(Nycticorax nycticorax)卵样30枚(包括9枚无胚卵和21枚胚胎卵),分析了样品中有机氯农药(OCPs)的残留状况.结果表明,宜宾夜鹭卵中检出了8种OCPs残留物,总含量为4.76~97.9 ng·g~(-1)(以湿重计).其中,p,p′-滴滴伊(p,p′-DDE)含量最高((20±18) ng·g~(-1)),其次为六氯苯(HCB,(5.3±3.4) ng·g~(-1))和β-六六六(β-HCH,(1.1±0.8) ng·g~(-1));滴滴涕类(∑DDTs)中的稳定代谢物p,p′-DDE和六六六类(∑HCHs)中的稳定同分异构体β-HCH占比均在99%以上.p,p′-滴滴涕(p,p′-DDT)和p,p′-DDE在无胚卵蛋液中的残留水平比在胚胎卵蛋液中更高一些,而反式九氯则相反,其余OCPs无差别,这说明鹭卵在孵化过程中p,p′-DDT可能易于代谢,而稳定的p,p′-DDE更容易向胚胎传递.宜宾夜鹭卵中p,p′-DDE的最高含量为84 ng·g~(-1),远低于鹭科繁殖效应阈值(1000 ng·g~(-1)).总体上,夜鹭卵中OCPs的赋存状况较好地反映出长江上游地区OCPs污染水平较低,对夜鹭繁殖的影响较小.  相似文献   

Coevolution is defined as specialized relationships between species that lead to a reciprocal evolutionary change. A particularly suitable model system for studying coevolution is the interactions between obligate avian brood parasites and their hosts. The common cuckoo (Cuculus canorus, hereafter cuckoo) is a well-known brood parasite, which utilizes a range of smaller passerines as hosts. However, warblers of the genus Hippolais have rarely been reported as being victims of cuckoos, and furthermore, few data exist on the occurrence of antiparasite defenses in these hosts. In this study, we examined possible host–parasite coevolution between cuckoos and eastern olivaceous warblers (Hippolais pallida elaeica, hereafter olivaceous warblers) in three closely situated areas in northwestern Bulgaria. The olivaceous warbler has never been reported to be a regular cuckoo host. However, the present study, carried out in 2001–2003 shows that the olivaceous warbler is regularly and heavily parasitized by the cuckoo in this area. Parasitism rate was high (26.6%, 34/128) and consistent among years, with some variation between areas. The cuckoo egg mimicry was moderately good, and olivaceous warbler rejection rate of such eggs was 50%. Cuckoo eggs laid in olivaceous warbler nests had a whitish to whitish-green ground color, and the majority appeared to be distinctly different from cuckoo eggs found in other host species in the area. The olivaceous warbler proved to be a rather good host for cuckoos as 20.6% (7/34) of cuckoo eggs laid produced fledglings, a breeding success comparable to other suitable hosts in Europe. This is the first in-depth study of brood parasitism in a warbler of the genus Hippolais, and cuckoos parasitizing olivaceous warblers probably represent a previously unknown gens.  相似文献   

Peroxy radicals (RO2), which are formed during the oxidation of volatile organic compounds, play an important role in atmospheric oxidation reactions. Therefore, the measurement of RO2, especially distinct species of RO2 radicals, is important and greatly helps the exploration of atmospheric chemistry mechanisms. Although the speciated detection of RO2 radicals remains challenging, various methods have been developed to study them in detail. These methods can be divided into spectroscopy and mass spectrometry technologies. The spectroscopy methods contain laser-induced fluorescence (LIF), UV-absorption spectroscopy, cavity ring-down spectroscopy (CRDS) and matrix isolation and electron spin resonance (MIESR). The mass spectrometry methods contain chemical ionization atmospheric pressure interface time-of-flight mass spectrometry (CI-APi-TOF), chemical ionization mass spectrometry (CIMS), CI-Orbitrap-MS and the third-generation proton transfer reaction–time-of-flight mass spectrometer (PTR3). This article reviews technologies for the speciated detection of RO2 radicals and the applications of these methods. In addition, a comparison of these techniques and the reaction mechanisms of some key species are discussed. Finally, possible gaps are proposed that could be filled by future research into speciated RO2 radicals.  相似文献   

Degradation of 4-CP in an internal electrolysis system   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The characteristic and mechanism of parachlorophenol (4-CP) degradation in an internal electrolysis system were investigated. The degradation rate of 4-CP was higher in acid solution than that of in neutral or alkaline solution. Addition of activated carbon could make 4-CP easier be degraded by the surface contact catalysis. The dissolved oxygen in solution could take part in the electrode reaction and intensify the degradation of 4-CP. By the analysis of intermediates of degradation of 4-CP, it could be conferred that 4-CP was broken through the bond beside hydroxy firstly, then the bond beside chloride was broken and the chloride was dechlorinated simultaneously. Most intermediate products were glycerine, ethane diacid and acetic acid, while very few 1, 4-butanedial and alcohols were found.  相似文献   

氨化松香基交联聚合树脂对水中诺氟沙星的吸附性能   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
将松香基功能高分子进行胺基化得到氨化松香基交联聚合树脂(aminated rosin-based resin,ARBR),采用扫描电镜(SEM)、红外光谱(FTIR)和比表面分析(BET)对ARBR进行了表征.利用ARBR树脂对水中诺氟沙星(NOR)吸附去除,系统研究了树脂投加量、pH值、接触时间、离子强度和温度等因素对NOR吸附性能的影响.结果表明,pH在2.0~6.0范围内,ABRA对NOR的去除效果随着溶液pH值的增加而升高,在8~10之间则呈现下降趋势;共存离子溶液的存在对ARBR去除NOR的行为总体上表现为促进作用.ARBR对水中诺氟沙星的吸附动力学过程符合准二级动力学模型.Langmuir等温吸附模型可较好地描述ARBR对水中NOR的吸附过程,理论最大吸附量为30.29 mg·g~(-1)(pH 6.0、20℃).吸附热力学分析表明,ARBR对水中诺氟沙星的吸附是自发吸热的过程,属于物理吸附,其吸附机制主要为氢键与静电作用.脱附再生实验发现,0.1 mol·L~(-1)HCl溶液效果明显优于其它脱附液,进一步确证了氢键在吸附中的主导作用;经过5次吸附-脱附循环后,对NOR仍具有稳定的吸附性能,可再生循环使用.对比了不同类型商品化树脂,ARBR具有较好的吸附效果.该研究结果拓展了松香高值化的应用研究领域,对开发松香在环境微污染控制中的应用具有理论指导意义.  相似文献   

太湖内源营养盐负荷状况及其对上覆水水质的影响   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
狄贞珍  张洪  单保庆 《环境科学学报》2015,35(12):3872-3882
以太湖沉积物-上覆水界面为研究对象,于2013年夏季采集46个样点的沉积物柱状样,分析表层沉积物孔隙水中营养盐(正磷酸盐、氨氮、硝氮)的浓度空间分布,估算表层沉积物中磷、氮的扩散通量,明确营养盐在沉积物-水界面的分布规律,以探明内源营养盐负荷对太湖上覆水的污染贡献,并为沉积物-水界面氮磷的转移过程理论补充证据.结果表明:太湖西北部区域的表层沉积物孔隙水中正磷酸盐和硝氮浓度较高,分别达到1.11 mg·L~(-1)和1.25 mg·L~(-1)以上;大部分湖区的氨氮浓度超过2 mg·L~(-1).全湖区范围内,从表层沉积物的上覆水到孔隙水,氨氮含量呈现升高趋势而硝氮含量呈现降低趋势.北部3个湖湾区的沉积物营养盐扩散通量最高,正磷酸盐为2.69~4.60 mg·m~(-2)·d~~(-1),氨氮为17.8~45.7 mg·m-2·d~(-1),而湖岸河口区是沉积物硝氮内源释放显著的区域.沉积物向上覆水释放正磷酸盐和氨氮的年内源污染负荷分别为64.6 t·a~(-1)和1756 t·a~(-1);而上覆水向沉积物汇入硝氮的年负荷为1102 t·a~(-1).氨氮的内源污染负荷与外源污染负荷之比高达18.7%,氨氮、总磷和总氮内源污染为上覆水贡献的浓度分别为0.361、0.013和0.134 mg·L~(-1),表明自由扩散带来的内源负荷会使太湖水中营养盐污染恶化,需引起重视.  相似文献   

以酸性矿山废水生成的铁絮体和秸秆生物炭为原料,采用化学改性和紫外辐射联用技术制备改性生物炭,并通过正交试验确定最佳改性条件,同时利用FTIR、SEM和BET等方法对吸附材料的形貌特征、孔隙结构及其表面化学性质进行表征.结果表明,通过改性使吸附材料比表面积增大,吸附位点增多,在25℃、pH为7时,吸附材料改性后比表面积为295.71 m2·g-1,对Pb(II)的拟合吸附量可达278 mg·g-1.改性材料对Pb(II)的吸附过程符合Langmuir吸附等温线模型和准二级动力学模型,主要为单分子层吸附,受化学吸附控制.  相似文献   

Ultrasonic examination in a thirty-eight year old woman about to undergo midtrimester amniocentesis suggested an intra-abdominal fetal mass confirmed by amniography. The mass was a grossly distended urinary bladder. The patient aborted spontaneously before chromosome analysis demonstrated a 47,XY, + 18 karyotype.  相似文献   

温度为30℃±1℃,厌氧氨氧化污泥为接种污泥,人工配制无机废水为进水,通过改变运行方式,研究内回流对厌氧氨氧化反应器不同运行阶段脱氮效能的影响.结果表明:厌氧氨氧化反应器经过42d启动成功,TN去除负荷为3.26kg/(m3·d),TN去除率达到76.04%;内回流对于厌氧氨氧化UASB反应器的培养初期与培养成熟后的阶段,表现出完全不同的特征:启动初期,增设内回流(回流比为92%)对反应器运行有负面影响,TN去除率由无回流时的30%下降到19%;颗粒污泥形成后,增设内回流(回流比为92%)对反应器脱氮性能有正面作用,TN去除率由无内回流时的76%提高到84%.  相似文献   

内循环三相生物流化床启动特性实验研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
本文分别考察了空气流量、水力停留时间、接种污泥浓度及微量元素等因素对内循环三相生物流化床反应器启动挂膜的影响。实验结果表明 ,0 .384L/ min的空气流量对生物膜的培养有利 ;低于 4小时的水力停留时间有利于启动挂膜 ;较少的接种污泥浓度有利于启动挂膜 ,快速排泥的方法能保证反应器启动成功 ;锌及镍等微量元素对反应器启动挂膜影响不大  相似文献   

文晓刚  刘锐  蔡强  万梅  汤灵容  陈吕军 《环境科学》2012,33(11):4012-4017
开发了一种可用于快速检测挥发性氯代烷烃和氯代烯烃气体的电子鼻系统.该电子鼻系统的核心检测部件为3个金属氧化锡传感器及一个光离子化传感器(PID)所构成的传感器阵列.基于对9类单一成分标准气体和5类混合标准气体的测试分析建立了气体类型识别模型,然后通过加标实验与气相色谱法比较验证了电子鼻系统检测的有效性.结果表明:①电子鼻中各传感器对氯代烯烃和氯代烷烃的响应有差异.PID对氯代烷烃无响应,对氯代烯烃有线性响应(R2>0.997).传感器TGS2602对四氯化碳(CT)、三氯甲烷(TCM)和1,2-二氯乙烷(1,2-DCA)较为灵敏,对前两者的定量性较好,但对1,2-DCA的线性响应很差.传感器TGS2600和TGS2620对二氯甲烷(DCM)和1,2-DCA较为灵敏,且线性响应程度好(R2>0.995).②建立了基于传感器阵列信号的气体类型简单识别模型:选用PID计算氯代烯烃浓度,TGS2602计算CT和TCM浓度,TGS2600或TGS2620计算DCM和1,2-DCA浓度.③TGS2602对标准混合气体的响应强度小于单物质响应强度之和,其它传感器对标准混合气体的响应强度接近于单物质响应强度之和.④电子鼻对污染水样中DCM和四氯乙烯(PCE)混合气体的检测结果与气相色谱分析值呈线性相关,相关系数R2>0.96.  相似文献   

以典型有机磷阻燃剂磷酸三(2-氯丙基)酯(TCPP)为研究对象,应用GH3细胞增殖实验检测TCPP对甲状腺激素的干扰效应;应用重组甲状腺激素受体(TR)基因酵母实验和GH3(TRβ-)细胞增殖实验结合实时定量PCR技术初步探究TCPP甲状腺激素干扰作用机理.结果表明,TCPP在1×10-4mol/L和2×10-4mol/L浓度下对甲状腺激素T3诱导的GH3细胞增殖产生抑制效应;重组TR基因酵母实验和GH3(TRβ-)细胞增殖实验测试结果表明TCPP可能通过TR介导的基因组途径和非基因组途径诱导甲状腺激素干扰效应;实时定量PCR测试结果表明TCPP下调相关基因如:c-fosTRβintegrin-avk-ras的mRNA表达,初步认为TCPP可能通过影响TRβ基因表达和激活αvβ3-ERK-1/2信号通路产生甲状腺激素干扰效应.  相似文献   

基于CFD的内构件强化内循环流化床流场结构分析   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
针对流化床内部流体结构的复杂性和缺乏有效放大设计理论的问题,以漏斗型导流内构件强化的内循环流化床的气液运动为研究对象,利用欧拉-欧拉双流体模型构建了能描述其复杂流动的CFD数学模型,通过宏观流场、气含率分布、液体速度分布解析内构件对气液混合传质的作用原理.数值模拟结果表明:双流体模型能较好地揭示流化床内气液流场结构,流...  相似文献   

以鲫鱼为研究对象,研究了稀土元素(Gd和Y)在鱼体内脏各器官中的富集及其对肝脏过氧化氢酶和超氧化物歧化酶水平的影响。研究结果表明,Y在鱼体各内脏器官中的富集顺序为:肝>胆>肾>卵>脾;Gd在鱼体各内脏器官中的富集顺序为:卵>肝>胆>脾>肾。二者在肝脏中的富集值均较高,在实验浓度范围中,稀士元素(Gd,Y)对鱼体肝中过氧化氢酶和超氧化物歧化酶的活性均有明显的抑制作用。  相似文献   

One hundred and twenty-five fetuses were identified as having an AVSD with normal venous connections, normal arterial connections and normal cardiac situs on fetal echocardiography. Fetal karyotype was known in 111 of these cases. The relative risk of fetal trisomy 21 at mid-trimester was 107 (95% CI 87–127) times the expected number of cases compared with risk from maternal age alone, and that for trisomy 21,18 or 13 was 95 (95% CI 79–109). This data may be useful in counselling pregnant women about risk of fetal karyotypic abnormality after a diagnosis of fetal AVSD. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

不同年龄夜鹭卵中有机氯农药污染的生物指示   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
通过对太湖鼋头渚 2 0 0 0年采集的二龄、三龄和四龄夜鹭卵以及相应年龄组夜鹭的捕食物中有机氯残留的检测 ,发现捕食物中HCH和DDT的平均残留量随年龄增加而增加 .除γ HCH外 ,其它 15种有机氯农药在卵样中均有检出 ,残留水平最高的为p ,p′ DDE ,占有机氯农药残留总量的 85 %以上 .β HCH是六六六类中持留性最强的组分 ,其残留量仅次于p ,p′ DDE .研究发现 ,p ,p DDT和 β HCH检出率为 10 0 % ,而其它类型农药只有很低的检出率 ,这与我国有机氯农药使用的历史情况相吻合 .随着亲鸟年龄增加 ,卵中 β HCH残留量有所提高 ,p ,p′ DDE残留量似有先升后稍降的趋势 .统计结果表明 :各年龄组有机氯残留量差异不明显 ,因此在用夜鹭卵作有机氯污染的生物指示时可以不考虑年龄差异所带来的影响 .  相似文献   

The occurrence and abundance of the microfauna groups were compared with the physico-chemical and operational parameters of the Baoding Lugang Sewage Treatment Plant in China. Attached and crawling ciliates were the dominant groups of ciliates. Crawling ciliates and testate amoebae showed a strong association with effluent BOD5 (biochemical oxygen demand). Therefore, these two groups are likely to be useful bioindicators since their number decreased as the process produced poor quality effluent. Testate amoebae also had significant negative correlations with effluent TN (total nitrogen), NH4 -N, SS (suspended solids) and SVI (sludge volumetric index), which means that this group of ciliates may be indicators of good performance of the activated sludge system. Carnivorous ciliates and flagellates had significant positive correlations with SVI, suggesting that these two groups may be indicators of bad settlement conditions of sludge. As identification of the microfauna species is difficult and time-consuming, we recommend using microfauna functional groups to evaluate the performance of the activated sludge system.  相似文献   

The effects of chemical oxygen demand and nitrogen(COD/N)ratio and dissolved oxygen concentration(DO)on simultaneous nitrification and denitrification(SND)were investigated using an airlift internal circulation membrane bioreactor(AIC-MBR)with synthetic wastewater.The results showed that the COD efficiencies were consistently greater than 90% regardless of changes in the COD/N ratio.At the COD/N ratio of 4.77 and 10.04,the system nitrogen removal efficiency became higher than 70%.However,the nitrogen rem...  相似文献   

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