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The Turia river basin, located in the east of the Iberian Peninsula, drains into the Mediterranean Sea near the city of Valencia (population, 814,208). The predominance of sea-breeze fluxes favours the inland transport of pollutants from the city up the basin where ozone concentrations exceeding the threshold for protection of human health are systematically recorded during the summer months.


This work analyses the variability in ozone levels by examining their spatial and temporal distribution in a Mediterranean river basin downwind from a city within the period 2005?C2008. Orographic determinants and atmospheric fluxes induce strong variations in ozone measurements, even on relatively close locations.


Results show a different behaviour of the monthly means and the daily cycles depending on the season of the year and the measuring environment, with summer/winter ratios ranging from 2.4 in cities to 1.6 inland, and mean values always higher in the interior of the basin. Daily cycles show significant summer/winter differences related to the predominant situations of anticyclonic stability in winter, which limit ventilation, and the predominant breeze circulations in summer. Results also show a ??weekend effect?? at urban and medium-distance stations. At the most inland station, the weekend/weekday behaviour differs according to the season of the year; weekend ozone levels are higher in spring, autumn and winter, and lower in summer, coinciding with the predominance of local wind cycles that favour air mass penetration inland from the coast.  相似文献   

This study examines the spatial distribution of potential recirculation over the East Mediterranean Sea, and the combined effect of synoptic and meso-scale recirculations on plume dispersion in the region. For this purpose, three case studies are performed by the RAMS–HYPACT modeling system, each for a different synoptic scale flow pattern. Both a quantitative measure of the recirculation potential at each grid cell and particle dispersion are calculated. Although the recirculation index is an Eulerian quantity for the wind field and plume dispersion is a manifestation of the Lagrangian behavior of the wind, good correlation is found between the two.Several locations are identified as having high recirculation potential, including southern Cyprus, the coasts of Israel and Lebanon, the eastern slopes of the Judean Mountains and the Haifa Bay in particular. In the latter location, high recirculation potential could be explained by strong interaction between the land–sea surfaces, curvature of the bay and proximity of the Carmel ridge. It is shown that the synoptic and meso-scale recirculations may, under certain conditions, act together and at the same time in determining particle distribution. Under weak synoptic scale flows, particles are recirculated over the entire East Mediterranean Sea basin, returning onshore after a period of 2–3 days to join freshly emitted particles. At the same time, near-shore land–sea breeze effects cause particles to recirculate on smaller time scales of less then one day, sometimes passing as much as three times over the same airshed. A single elevated emission source is shown to have the potential to impair air quality at a coastal strip as long as 100–200 km upon returning onshore.  相似文献   

In this paper, we examine the changes in ambient ozone concentrations simulated by the Community Multiscale Air Quality (CMAQ) model for summer 2002 under three different nitrogen oxides (NOx) emission scenarios. Two emission scenarios represent best estimates of 2002 and 2004 emissions; they allow assessment of the impact of the NOx emissions reductions imposed on the utility sector by the NOx State Implementation Plan (SIP) Call. The third scenario represents a hypothetical rendering of what NOx emissions would have been in 2002 if no emission controls had been imposed on the utility sector. Examination of the modeled median and 95th percentile daily maximum 8-hr average ozone concentrations reveals that median ozone levels estimated for the 2004 emission scenario were less than those modeled for 2002 in the region most affected by the NOx SIP Call. Comparison of the "no-control" with the "2002" scenario revealed that ozone concentrations would have been much higher in much of the eastern United States if the utility sector had not implemented NOx emission controls; exceptions occurred in the immediate vicinity of major point sources where increased NO titration tends to lower ozone levels.  相似文献   

Data on mass-levels of PM10 measured at regional background sites across the Mediterranean Basin, available from Airbase (European Environmental Agency) and from a few aerosol research sites, are compiled. PM10 levels increase from north to south and west to east of the Basin. These variations are roughly coincident with the PM10 African mineral dust load. However, when subtracting the African dust from mean PM10 levels using a consistent methodology, the PM10 background levels are still 5–10 μg m?3 higher in the Eastern Basin (EMB) when compared with those in the Western (WMB), mainly due to the higher anthropogenic and sea spray loads.As regards for the seasonal trends, these are largely driven by the occurrence of African dust events, resulting in a spring-early summer maximum over the EMB, and a clear summer maximum in the WMB, although in this later region the recirculations of aged air masses play an important role. Furthermore, a marked seasonal trend is still evident when subtracting the African dust load. This is characterised by a high summer maximum (driven by low precipitation, high insolation) and a winter minimum (intense synoptic winds).Important inter-annual variations in the dust contribution are detected, more evident in the southern sites. These differences are generally associated with the occurrence of extreme dust events. Generally, the years with higher dust contributions over the EMB correspond with lower contributions over the WMB, and vice versa.The characterization of individual particles, collected in both basins during African dust events, by scanning electron microscopy reveals only slight differences between them. This fact probably reflects the high degree of mixture of mineral dust from different sources before the transport towards the receptor sites.  相似文献   

The Alpine stations Zugspitze, Hohenpeissenberg, Sonnblick, Jungfraujoch and Mt. Krvavec contribute to the Global Atmosphere Watch Programme (GAW) of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO). The aim of GAW is the surveillance of the large-scale chemical composition of the atmosphere. Thus, the detection of air pollutant transport from regional sources is of particular interest. In this paper, the origin of NOx (measured with a photo-converter), CO and O3 at the four Alpine GAW stations is studied by trajectory residence time statistics. Although these methods originated during the early 1980s, no comprehensive study of different atmospheric trace gases measured simultaneously at several background observatories in the Alps was conducted up to present.The main NOx source regions detected by the trajectory statistics are the northwest of Europe and the region covering East Germany, Czech Republic and southeast Poland, whereas the main CO source areas are the central, north eastern and eastern parts of Europe with some gradient from low to high latitudes. Subsiding air masses from west and southwest are relatively poor in NOx and CO.The statistics for ozone show strong seasonal effects. Near ground air masses are poor in ozone in winter but rich in ozone in summer. The main source for high ozone concentration in winter is air masses that subside from higher elevations, often enhanced by foehn effects at Hohenpeissenberg. During summer, the Mediterranean constitutes an important additional source for high ozone concentrations.Especially during winter, large differences between Hohenpeissenberg and the higher elevated stations are found. Hohenpeissenberg is frequently within the inversion, whereas the higher elevated stations are above the inversion.Jungfraujoch is the only station where the statistics detect an influence of air rich in CO and NOx from the Po Basin.  相似文献   

A detrending technique is developed for short-term and yearly variations in order to identify long-term trends in primary and secondary pollutants. In this approach, seasonal and weekly variations are removed by using a mean year; the residual meteorological short-term variation is removed by using a multiple linear regression model. This methodology is employed to detrend ozone (O3), NOx, VOC and CO concentrations in Switzerland. We show that primary pollutants (NOx,VOC and CO) at urban and sub-urban stations show a downward trend over the last decade which correlates well with the reductions in the estimated Swiss emissions. In spite of these large decreases achieved in precursor emissions, summer peak ozone concentrations do not show any statistically significant trend over the last decade. Application of this method to ozone concentrations measured at the Jungfraujoch (3580 m a.s.l.) also shows no trend over the last 10 years. Detrended summer ozone correlates well with European Union gross national product and industrial production growth rates. These results suggest that if substantial reductions in summer peak ozone in Switzerland are desired, emissions reduction strategies must be part of control program involving a much larger region.  相似文献   

We have assessed the contributions of individual physical and chemical atmospheric processes on ozone formation under different weather conditions during a typical summer month (August 2005) using the MM5/CMAQ modelling system. We found that the ozone episodes in the Kanto region are dominated by three major patterns, of which Patterns I and II are regular summertime pressure patterns with a 26% and 16% frequency of occurrence, respectively. A process analysis at two typical sites in the Kanto region – one located in the central region of Tokyo and the other located in the rural areas of Kanto – indicates that ozone formation is mainly controlled by advection, vertical diffusion, dry deposition, and chemical processes. The ground-level ozone concentrations are enhanced mainly by the vertical mixing of ozone-rich air from aloft, whereas the dry deposition and chemical processes mainly deplete ozone. By investigating the effects of each process under different weather conditions, we found that the significant decrease in ozone removal due to the chemical and advection processes under conditions of high stagnation is the most important cause of the enhanced levels of ozone in the central region of Tokyo. The results of this study can contribute to a better understanding of ozone formation in the Kanto region, and they may be valuable for local policy makers for further development planning.  相似文献   

Tropospheric ozone has been identified as the most important regional scale air pollutant across much of eastern United States of America and many areas of Mediterranean climes in southern Europe. Recent field surveys in the northeastern USA and in southeastern Spain have revealed many additional plant species that exhibit symptoms typical of ozone-induced injuries. Objectives of this study were to confirm ozone as the cause of the observed foliar symptoms, determine ozone induced exposure/response relationships, and identify possible bio-indicator species. Thirteen native species of northeastern USA and 27 native species of southeastern Spain were selected for study. Plant species were exposed to ozone within 16 CSTR chambers in a greenhouse during the summer seasons of 2000 and 2001; ozone exposures of 30, 60, 90, and 120 ppb were delivered for 7 h/day, 5 days/week. Results have confirmed that with few exceptions, symptoms observed in the field were induced by exposures to ambient ozone. Species differed significantly in terms of the exposures required for the initiation of visible symptoms and subsequent injury progression.  相似文献   

The impact of biogenic volatile organic compound (BVOC) emissions on European ozone distributions has not yet been evaluated in a comprehensive way. Using the CHIMERE chemistry-transport model the variability of surface ozone levels from April to September for 4 years (1997, 2000, 2001, 2003) resulting from biogenic emissions is investigated. It is shown that BVOC emissions increased on average summer daily ozone maxima over Europe by 2.5 ppbv (5%). The impact is most significant in Portugal (up to 15 ppbv) and in the Mediterranean region (about 5 ppbv), being smaller in the northern part of Europe (1.3 ppbv north of 47.5°N). The average impact is rather similar for the three summers (1997, 2000, 2001), but is much larger during the extraordinarily hot summer of 2003. Here, the biogenic contribution to surface ozone doubles compared to other years at some locations. Interaction with anthropogenic NOx emissions is found to be a key process for ozone production of biogenic precursors. Comparing the impact of the state-of-the-art BVOC emission inventory compiled within the NatAir project and an earlier, widely used BVOC inventory derived from Simpson et al. [1999. Inventorying emissions from nature in Europe. Journal of Geophysical Research 104(D7), 8113–8152] on surface ozone shows that ozone produced from biogenic precursors is less in central and northern Europe but in certain southern areas much higher e.g. Iberian Peninsula and the Mediterranean Sea. The uncertainty in the regionally averaged impact of BVOC on ozone build-up in Europe is estimated to be ±50%.  相似文献   

A four and a half year study of ozone concentrations in the Central Mediterranean was carried out between January 1997 and August 2001 on a background monitoring station located on the island of Gozo midway between Southern Europe and North Africa.Seasonal and diurnal variations of background ozone are documented. They show the existence of seasonal cycles with a primary maximum in spring followed by a secondary, more variable maximum in summer which indicates that photochemically produced ozone is being transported over the Mediterranean to the rural island of Gozo. Although peak ozone concentrations seldom exceeded 100 ppbv during summer, the background ozone-mixing ratios (as monthly averages) are some of the highest values which can be found at low latitude sites throughout the world. An increasing trend in the annual background ozone concentration from 48.2 ppbv in 1997 to 52.2 ppbv in 2000 is observed. During wintertime the average ozone mixing-ratio (as monthly averages) of 44 ppbv in December is approximately twice as high as on the European continent. This may imply that on Malta, due to higher average ozone concentrations between autumn and spring (the main growing season), crop damage of high economic value may occur.  相似文献   

Ground level ozone represents a significant air quality concern in Toronto, Canada, where the national 65 ppb 8-h standard is repeatedly exceeded during the summer. Here we present an analysis of nitrogen dioxide (NO2), ozone (O3), and volatile organic compound (VOC) data from federal and provincial governmental monitoring sites from 2000 to 2007. We show that summertime VOC reactivity and ambient concentrations of NO2 have decreased over this period of time by up to 40% across Toronto and the surrounding region. This has not resulted in significant summertime ozone reductions, and in some urban areas, it appears to be increasing. We discuss the competing effects of decreased ozone titration leading to an increase in O3, and decreased local ozone production, both caused by significant decreases in NOx concentrations. In addition, by using local meteorological data, we show that annual variability in summer ozone correlates strongly with maximum daily temperatures, and we explore the effect of atmospheric transport from the southwest which has a significant influence on early morning levels before local production begins. A mathematical model of instantaneous ozone production is presented which suggests that, given the observed decreases in NOx and VOC reactivity, we would not expect a significant change in local ozone production under photochemically relevant conditions. These results are discussed in the context of Toronto's recent commitment to cutting local smog-causing pollutants by 20% by 2012.  相似文献   

A validated LES model was employed to simulate the street canyons of aspect ratio (AR) 3, 5, and 10. Three, five, and eight vertically aligned primary recirculations were found for the three cases, respectively, which showed decreasing strength with decreasing height. The ground-level wind speeds were found to be very small, making it extremely difficult for the ground-level pollutants to disperse. Local maxima of turbulence intensities were found at the interfaces between the primary recirculations and the shear layer. The pollutant trajectory followed the primary recirculations. High pollutant concentration and variance were found near the buildings where wind flowed upward. Large gradients of pollutant concentration and variance were also observed at the interfaces between the primary recirculations and the shear layer. Detailed analyses of concentration budget showed that the advection terms were responsible for pollutant redistribution within primary recirculations, while the turbulent transport terms were responsible for pollutant penetration between primary recirculations as well as pollutant removal from the street canyon.  相似文献   

The impacts of ambient ozone pollution on crops in the Mediterranean countries have been recorded regularly in the so-called “grey literature” of UN/ECE Workshop Reports for the Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution, and less frequently in the peer-reviewed literature. This short communication reviews such records and shows that ambient ozone episodes have been reported to cause visible injury on 24 agricultural and horticultural crops grown in commercial fields including three of the most important crops in the region (wheat, maize, and grapevine). On one occasion, the damage was so extensive that complete crop loss occurred in commercial glasshouses of Butterhead lettuce in one area of Greece. Experiments with open-top chambers have indicated that ambient ozone caused 17–39% yield loss in crops such as wheat, bean, watermelon and tomato. The applicability of the long-term critical level of ozone described by Fuhrer et al. (Environ. Pollut. 97 (1997) 91) for the Mediterranean areas is also considered.  相似文献   

Tropospheric ozone adversely affects human health and vegetation, and biogenic volatile organic compound (BVOC) emission has potential to influence ozone concentration in summer season. In this research, the standard emissions of isoprene and monoterpene from the vegetation of the Kinki region of Japan, estimated from growth chamber experiments, were converted into hourly emissions for July 2002 using the temperature and light intensity data obtained from results of MM5 meteorological model. To investigate the effect of BVOC emissions on ozone production, two ozone simulations for one-month period of July 2002 were carried out. In one simulation, hourly BVOC emissions were included (BIO), while in the other one, BVOC emissions were not considered (NOBIO). The quantitative analyses of the ozone results clearly indicate that the use of spatio-temporally varying BVOC emission improves the prediction of ozone concentration. The hourly differences of monthly-averaged ozone concentrations between BIO and NOBIO had the maximum value of 6 ppb at 1400 JST. The explicit difference appeared in urban area, though the place where the maximum difference occurred changed with time. Overall, BVOC emissions from the forest vegetation strongly affected the ozone generation in the urban area.  相似文献   

This study focuses on synoptic-scale transport of ozone as it affects Southern Ontario. This process has been analyzed for the summer in 2001, as an example period of a frequent event that usually occurs during summer in this region. The work was carried out using the mesoscale modeling system generation 5 (MM5)/sparse matrix operator kernel emission modeling system (SMOKE)/community multiscale air quality (CMAQ) regional air quality modeling system, together with observational data from monitoring stations located throughout the modeling domain. Other different analyses have been carried out to supply more information apart from that obtained by the modeling system. A back-trajectory cluster methodology was used to evaluate the magnitude of the effects studied and an analysis of wind direction and cloud cover revealed a significant correlation with ozone concentration (R2=0.5–0.6). Synoptic sea-surface level pressure (SLP) patterns were also analyzed to examine other meteorological aspects. The contribution of natural background ozone to the total amount within the region was compared with that from synoptic-scale transport. The influence of emission of pollutants from selected areas on ozone concentrations in Southern Ontario was also analyzed. As relevant results of these analyses, the model predicts that background ozone is the largest contribution to the ground-level ozone concentration during days in which low values were recorded. However, when smog episodes occurred, the model predicts that around 60% of the ozone formed by anthropogenic emissions of pollutants is due to releases from nearby US states.  相似文献   

The Mediterranean basin, because of its semi-enclosed configuration, is one of the areas heavily affected by air pollutants. Despite implications on both human health and radiative budget involving an increasing interest, monitoring databases measuring air pollution directly over this area are yet relatively limited. Owing to this context, concentrations of fine (PM2.5) and coarse (PM2.5–10) particles along with other ancillary data, such as ozone levels and meteorological parameters, were measured during six cruise campaigns covering almost the whole Mediterranean basin. Elemental composition of both PM2.5 and PM2.5–10 was also determined to identify specific tracers for different classes of particles that can be found in the Mediterranean atmosphere. Outcomes resulting from the integration of a preliminary qualitative examination with a more quantitative analysis, based on receptor modelling, suggested that European continental influence, Saharan dust outbreaks, wildfire events, sea spray and fossil fuel combustion were the leading causes of the aerosol-ozone variations within the Mediterranean basin. Shipping emissions, consisting in both local harbours and maritime traffic across the basin, were also tested using the marker ratio of V/Ni. Peak values observed for coarse fraction have shown to be driven by the occurrence of African dust events. Considering the major influence of Continental pollution and wildfire events, the spatial variability resulted in larger fine particle concentrations and higher ozone levels over the Eastern Mediterranean side in comparison to the Western one.  相似文献   

In the South-Eastern French Mediterranean region, high ozone concentrations were measured since many years and specific symptoms like chlorotic mottles were detected on Arolla pines. We presented results for the 2000-2008 period concerning the trend analysis for ambient ozone concentrations and related forest damages, with the Mann and seasonal Kendall tests. Ozone precursor’s emissions from Europe have been reduced over the last 20 years. Decreases in annual averages, median, 25th and 98th percentiles and maxima values were found. The seasonal trend analysis for the high-lying stations showed a decreasing trend for the warm season, when main ozone production is the photochemistry, and an increase for the cold period, caused by a reduced ozone titration. Statistics on Arolla Pine reveal strong correlations between mottling intensity and the high ozone concentrations. Finally, decreases for the ozone concentrations, and associated statistics, AOT40 values and for the mottling intensity on conifers needles were observed.  相似文献   

The main purpose of this study is to evaluate the photochemical pollution over the Metropolitan Area of Porto Alegre (MAPA), Brazil, where high concentrations of ozone have been registered during the past years. Due to the restricted spatial coverage of the monitoring air quality network, a numerical modelling technique was selected and applied to this assessment exercise. Two different chemistry-transport models – CAMx and CALGRID – were applied for a summer period, driven by the MM5 meteorological model. The meteorological model performance was evaluated comparing its results to available monitoring data measured at the Porto Alegre airport. Validation results point out a good model performance. It was not possible to evaluate the chemistry models performance due to the lack of adequate monitoring data. Nevertheless, the model intercomparison between CAMx and CALGRID shows a similar behaviour in what concerns the simulation of nitrogen dioxide, but some discrepancies concerning ozone. Regarding the fulfilment of the Brazilian air quality targets, the simulated ozone concentrations surpass the legislated value in specific periods, mainly outside the urban area of Porto Alegre. The ozone formation is influenced by the emission of pollutants that act as precursors (like the nitrogen oxides emitted at Porto Alegre urban area and coming from a large refinery complex) and by the meteorological conditions.  相似文献   

Twenty-four to forty-eight-hour ozone air quality forecasts are increasingly being used in metropolitan areas to inform the public about potentially harmful air quality conditions. The forecasts are also behind "ozone action day" programs in which the public and private sectors are encouraged or mandated to alter activities that contribute to the formation of ground-level ozone. Presented here is a low-cost application of the Urban Airshed Model (UAM), an Eulerian 3-dimensional photochemical-transport grid model for generating next-day peak ozone concentration forecasts. During the summer of 1997, next-day peak ozone concentrations in Atlanta, GA, were predicted both by a team of eight forecasters and by the Urban Airshed Model in Forecast Mode (UAM-FM). Results are presented that compare the accuracy of the team and the UAM-FM. The results for the summer of 1997 indicate that the UAM-FM may be a better predictor of peak ozone concentrations when concentrations are high (> 0.095 ppmv), and the team may be a better predictor of ozone concentrations when concentrations are low (< or = 0.095 ppmv). The UAM-FM is also discussed in the context of other forecasting tools, primarily linear regression models and a no-skill, persistence-based technique.  相似文献   

The atmospheric oxidation of mercury in the Mediterranean marine boundary layer (MBL) has been studied using the Atmospheric Mercury Chemistry over the Sea (AMCOTS) model. The model results have been compared to measured data obtained during an oceanographic research campaign in 2000, with more success than previous modelling attempts. In light of the often high concentrations of ozone present in the Mediterranean boundary layer, seasonal case studies using typical meteorological conditions and average ozone concentrations have been performed to identify the main oxidants of elemental mercury. The sensitivity of the modelled reactive gaseous mercury (RGM) concentrations to the Hg+O3 rate constant has been assessed using the two most recent rate determinations. The results using the higher of the two literature values gives results inconsistent with measured values of RGM when the reaction between Hg and O3 is assumed to give a gas phase product. This does not necessarily indicate that the rate constant is incorrect but possibly that other rate constants in the model are overestimated or indeed that there may be reduction reactions occurring in the atmosphere which have yet to be identified. Alternatively, when the reaction product of Hg and O3 is assumed to be a solid and therefore not contribute to RGM the modelled and measured results are comparable. The deposition rates calculated by the model when compared with calculated and measured sea surface emission fluxes available in the literature indicate that dry deposition flux of RGM is comparable to the sea surface emission flux. The calculated lifetime of Hg0 in the Mediterranean MBL is between one and two weeks.  相似文献   

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