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Abstract: Designing reserves that preserve the habitat of many coexisting and threatened species often involves use of conservation surrogates, such as umbrella species. Typically, animals with legal protection are used as umbrella species, and these selections are overwhelmingly vertebrates. The tacit assumption that vertebrates automatically serve as conservation umbrellas for invertebrates rarely has been justified. The California Gnatcatcher (   Polioptila californica, Muscicapidae ), is a federally listed and endangered species in the United States and has been used as an umbrella species for the conservation of coastal sage scrub in southern California. Conservation planning efforts for this community follow a general paradigm of using vertebrate-based reserve designs as de facto protection for invertebrate cohabitants. To test the effectiveness of this strategy, I surveyed 50 patches of coastal sage scrub in San Diego County for three species of Lepidoptera: Mormon metalmark ( Apodemia mormo, Riodinidae ), Bernardino blue, (   Euphilotes bernardino, Lycaenidae ), and Electra buckmoth (    Hemileuca electra, Saturniidae ). The presence of the gnatcatcher was a poor indicator of the presence of these insects. Only the largest or most recently separated habitat patches supported all three species of Lepidoptera, but the gnatcatcher was present on nearly every site, regardless of size. Results indicate that vertebrates do not automatically function as umbrella species for invertebrate cohabitants. Reserve designs based on vertebrate umbrella species, which assume invertebrates will be protected, may result in the loss of a large portion of invertebrate diversity.  相似文献   

Abstract: Individual species may be useful as indicators of biodiversity if an association exists between the presence of a species and another component of biodiversity. We evaluated 40 species of birds and small mammals, including 11 species of conservation concern, as potential indicators of species richness and species composition in southern California coastal sage scrub habitats. This habitat, which is the target of large-scale conservation planning, has been greatly reduced by human development and supports many plants and animals of conservation concern. We asked whether there is an association between the presence of a potential indicator species and the species richness and composition of the bird or small-mammal community in which it is found. We used point counts and live-trapping to quantify the distribution of birds and small mammals, respectively, at 155 points in 16 sites located in three counties. Of the few species we found associated with species richness, some were associated with higher species richness and others with lower richness, and species of conservation concern were not more frequently associated with species richness than were common species. Ordination analysis revealed a geographic gradient in coastal sage scrub bird and small-mammal species composition across southern California, and 18 of the species we evaluated were associated with the composition of the bird and small-mammal community in which they were found. Our results suggest that efforts to conserve bird and small-mammal biodiversity in coastal sage scrub should not focus exclusively on rare species or on locations with the highest species richness, but instead should focus on a diverse suite of species that are representative of the range of variation in communities found in coastal sage scrub habitats.  相似文献   

The patchy distribution of rocky intertidal communities in the tropical eastern Pacific (TEP) may impose severe constraints on the genetic connectivity among populations of marine invertebrates associated with this habitat. In this study, we analyzed a portion of the mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) gene in two sympatric species of marine snails, Nerita scabricosta and Nerita funiculata, common inhabitants of the rocky intertidal from the Gulf of California (Sea of Cortez) and outer Pacific coast of the southern Baja California (Baja) peninsula to northern South America, to assess genetic connectivity among populations of each species. One of our aims was to determine whether the morphological, behavioral, and ecological differences observed among populations of both species throughout their range in the TEP corresponded to population genetic differences. In addition, we were interested in elucidating the demographic history of both species. We found no evidence of genetic structure throughout the Gulf of California and outer coast of the Baja peninsula region for either species. Comparisons between Gulf of California/Baja and Panama populations, however, showed significant genetic differentiation for N. scabricosta, but not for N. funiculata. The genetic differences between Mexican and Panamanian populations of N. scabricosta were consistent with previously reported ecological and behavioral differences for this species between these two distant regions. However, previously reported size differences between northern and central/southern Gulf of California individuals of N. scabricosta do not correspond with our findings of genetic connectivity among these populations. Results from neutrality tests (Tajima’s D and Fu’s F S), the mismatch distribution, and Bayesian skyline analyses suggested that both species have experienced dramatic population expansions dating to the Pleistocene.  相似文献   

This paper presents the main results of two studies of contrasting natural and man-induced conditions along the Pacific coast of Baja California (Mexico), based on the assumption that ecological insight can be obtained from man-induced modifications insofar as relevant activities are explicitly addressed as parts of the systems under study. The study is concerned with a fragmented coastal succulent-sage scrub and showed that several patches of different size and age may harbor as many species as non-fragmented areas, and that 83% of the original species assemblage persisted in the fragments, in which the invasion by opportunistic exotic species may not progress beyond certain limits. The study of dune-backed and urban-backed beaches showed a significantly greater abundance of the Snowy Plover (Charadrius alexandrinus) at the dune-backed beach, where a much more active back-shore feeding of adult birds and the only evidences of breeding occurred. Both studies refer to landscape features of regional concern and its results may be used in conservation management. The results on fragmented coastal succulentsage scrub may encourage alternative urban designs that keep patches of the original landscape, thus meeting existing requirements of low density urban development for most of the coastal succulent-sage scrub area. The evidence presented on the negative effects of dune destruction on the abundance, feeding and reproductive performance of a threatened bird species has a bearing on the topic of biodiversity management. It may also contribute to the conservation of the coastal dunes system.  相似文献   

I used DNA fingerprinting to provide the first analysis of the genetic composition of western pond turtle ( Clemmys marmorata ) populations in Washington, Oregon, and California. Populations of the western pond turtle in Washington and northern Oregon are rapidly approaching extinction. Genetic similarity within the largest northern populations, which are located inland, is high. An analysis of population substructure (Fst) revealed significant genetic divergence between inland populations, indicating a lack of dispersal and gene flow between sites. In contrast, northern coastal sites are not genetically distinct, but there are few if any viable populations remaining in this region. Genetic variability within southern California populations is a great deal higher than in northern inland sites. Similarly, a low Fst value indicated a lack of genetic differentiation between southern sites. An inter-regional analysis of population substructure (Fst = 0.24) revealed a significant degree of genetic divergence between geographical regions throughout the range. In addition, an estimate of western pond turtle phylogeny showed a genetic break in the species between northern and southern populations. Both population subdivision and phylogenetic analyses suggest a lack of appreciable gene flow between geographical regions for a considerable period of time. Genetic analyses support traditional subdivision based solely on the morphological variation of Clemmys marmorata into two subspecies: northern Clemmys marmorata marmorata and southern Clemmys marmorata pallida . Recovery of dwindling northern populations must combine demographic and genetic considerations. A first step should be to preserve local gene pools while augmenting population numbers, with the goal of preventing the extinction of this genetically and morphologically distinct subspecies.  相似文献   

Abstract: The long-term success of restored populations may be jeopardized by the collection locality of transplants if they are ill matched to their new environment. The home-site advantage hypothesis predicts that the relative success of introduced populations will decrease as their genetic and environmental distance to the local native population increases. We evaluated this hypothesis for a geographically variable shrub, Lotus scoparius , in southern Californian coastal sage scrub by planting two common-garden experiments with seedlings from 12 source populations. The common-garden sites differed in environment and were each home to different source populations of the two taxonomic varieties, L. s. var. scoparius or L. s . var. brevialatus . We used allozyme data from each source population to calculate genetic distances between populations, and a combination of climatic data and soil traits to calculate environmental distances. At the more mesic, coastal common garden, cumulative fitness of transplants (survival × flower production) was inversely related to genetic distance between source and resident populations. At the more xeric, inland common garden, cumulative fitness (survival × size) decreased significantly with both genetic and environmental distance after one taxonomic variety was excluded from analyses. Geographic distance was only weakly correlated with genetic distance and had little value in predicting cumulative fitness of transplants. Our data support the home-site advantage hypothesis and the idea that mis-matching source populations of these genetically differentiated seed sources may result in lowered success of restored or constructed populations. The genetic and environmental similarities of source populations should be considered when source materials are chosen for transplantation.  相似文献   

We assessed the genetic structure of two subspecies of endangered Clapper Rails ( Rallus longirostris ) in Southern California using DNA fingerprinting to uncover variation in minisatellite DNA. Minisatellite DNA variation in the Salton Sea population of the R. l. yumanensis subspecies was at a level typical of outbred avian species (average proportion of fragments shared, or S, was 0.33). Variation was extremely low (S from 0.63 to 0.77), however, within four coastal, salt-marsh populations of the subspecies R. l. levipes located along a transect extending about 260 km northwest from the Mexican border. Between-population similarity (Sij) was also high for the four levipes populations, although individuals of the small, isolated population at Mugu Lagoon consistently clustered separately in phenograms constructed using neighbor-joining or other algorithms. Individuals of yumanensis always clustered as a sister group to all levipes individuals. The minisatellite data were contrasted with the extremely low mtDNA and RAPD variation we found in both subspecies. We propose that variation in these less-mutable markers was lost in a bottleneck that occurred at least 1000 years ago, thus allowing sufficient time for recovery of variation in the rapidly mutating (μ≈} 0.001/gamete/generation) minisatellites (t = 1/μ, or 1000 generations). A second, more-recent bottleneck, or series of bottlenecks within a metapopulation structure, likely resulted in the depauparate variation seen in levipes today. We suggest that translocations from large to small levipes populations could restore important genetic variation to the small populations and would not compromise genetic boundaries.  相似文献   

Identifying reproductive stocks in commercial species is relevant to fishery management strategies. We obtained muscle samples of California spiny lobster (Panulirus interruptus) from six localities along the west coast of the Baja California Peninsula and analyzed the genetic structure using mtDNA RFLPs. Our results indicated that all localities shared the same major haplotypes and showed a spatial homogeneity in the distribution of haplotype frequencies. An analysis of molecular variance indicated that only 0.84% of the genetic variability was explained by differences among localities and was not significantly different from zero. Weak divergences were found between Bahía Magdalena, the most southerly locality, in relation to other populations. Major oceanographic processes along this coast, combined with a long larval period that supports passive transport among localities, are suggested to explain the results.  相似文献   

Abstract: The cutthroat trout (Salmo clarki) presents a series of unusual and difficult problems in conservation biology. As many as 16 subspecies have been recognized in the recent literature. The genetic distance between subspecies based upon 46 enzyme loci ranges from that usually seen between congeneric species to virtual genetic identity. Subspecies from the western portion of the range of the cutthroat trout are genetically more similar to rainbow trout (Salmo gairdneri) than they are to the other subspecies of cutthroat trout. In addition, much of the genetic variation within the west-slope cutthroat trout (S. c. lewisi) results from alleles found in only one or two local populations, but they often occur at high frequencies in those populations. Thus, preserving the genetic variation in westslope cutthroat trout entails preserving as many local populations as possible.
Captive populations of cutthroat trout present a series of opportunities and genetic problems. A number of management agencies are using captive populations to supplement and reestablish natural populations. Basic genetic principles must be understood and followed in establishing and maintaining captive populations. We describe examples of unsuccessful and successful efforts by management agencies to develop captive populations.
The greatest danger to the conservation of the cutthroat trout is introgressive hybridization among subspecies and with rainbow trout. Several factors make salmonid fishes especially susceptible to problems associated with introgressive hybridization. We conclude that biochemical analysis provides a more reliable and informative means of detecting interbreeding than morphological characters. Interbreeding between westslope and Yellowstone cutthroat trout and nonnative Salmo appears to be common and widespread throughout the natural range of these subspecies.  相似文献   

Abstract: The silvery gibbon (   Hylobates moloch ), endemic to the island of Java, relies on closed-canopy, lowland evergreen forest for its survival. Because Java has lost over 91% of its original forest, silvery gibbons currently occupy small, isolated forest fragments and are threatened with extinction. To contribute to a comprehensive conservation strategy for this species, we analyzed the mtDNA control region of 31 silvery gibbons representing most remaining populations. Our results suggest the presence of at least two genetically differentiated lineages: a "western" lineage, represented by the largest remaining natural population in Gunung Halimun National Park and a "central" lineage, consisting of smaller, more isolated populations in and around the Gunung Masigit/Simpang/Tilu complex, Gunung Gede/Pangrango, and Gunung Slamet. These two lineages, at a minimum, represent different management units that should, except in the most dire circumstances, be managed separately.  相似文献   

A Critique of the Recovery of Greenback Cutthroat Trout   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Abstract: There are no examples of recovery of fish listed under the U.S. Endangered Species Act, but the number of federally threatened greenback cutthroat trout (  Oncorhynchus clarki stomias ) populations is approaching the delisting goal. We evaluated recovery of this subspecies in light of developing theory in conservation biology and with regard to recovery of other salmonids in the inland western United States. Four of the five criteria used to define populations that would count toward delisting appeared to underestimate the risk of extinction of those populations. Typically, recovery goals for numbers of greenback cutthroat trout populations were less stringent than those for other inland salmonids petitioned for listing or listed as threatened under the Endangered Species Act and were comparable to those for a federally endangered species. Before delisting is considered, we propose that historical populations be replicated in additional waters to protect genetic diversity and that existing populations be enlarged to reduce their vulnerability to demographic variation, to increase their access to refugia, and to permit reestablishment of mobile life histories. Existing stocks should also be evaluated to determine whether they represent distinct population segments.  相似文献   

Evidence of inbreeding depression is commonly detected from the fitness traits of animals, yet its effects on population growth rates of endangered species are rarely assessed. We examined whether inbreeding depression was affecting Sierra Nevada bighorn sheep (Ovis canadensis sierrae), a subspecies listed as endangered under the U.S. Endangered Species Act. Our objectives were to characterize genetic variation in this subspecies; test whether inbreeding depression affects bighorn sheep vital rates (adult survival and female fecundity); evaluate whether inbreeding depression may limit subspecies recovery; and examine the potential for genetic management to increase population growth rates. Genetic variation in 4 populations of Sierra Nevada bighorn sheep was among the lowest reported for any wild bighorn sheep population, and our results suggest that inbreeding depression has reduced adult female fecundity. Despite this population sizes and growth rates predicted from matrix-based projection models demonstrated that inbreeding depression would not substantially inhibit the recovery of Sierra Nevada bighorn sheep populations in the next approximately 8 bighorn sheep generations (48 years). Furthermore, simulations of genetic rescue within the subspecies did not suggest that such activities would appreciably increase population sizes or growth rates during the period we modeled (10 bighorn sheep generations, 60 years). Only simulations that augmented the Mono Basin population with genetic variation from other subspecies, which is not currently a management option, predicted significant increases in population size. Although we recommend that recovery activities should minimize future losses of genetic variation, genetic effects within these endangered populations-either negative (inbreeding depression) or positive (within subspecies genetic rescue)-appear unlikely to dramatically compromise or stimulate short-term conservation efforts. The distinction between detecting the effects of inbreeding depression on a component vital rate (e.g., fecundity) and the effects of inbreeding depression on population growth underscores the importance of quantifying inbreeding costs relative to population dynamics to effectively manage endangered populations.  相似文献   

Species reintroductions are increasingly used as means of mitigating biodiversity loss. Besides habitat quality at the site targeted for reintroduction, the choice of source population can be critical for success. The butterfly Melanargia russiae (Esper´s marbled white) was extirpated from Hungary over 100 years ago, and a reintroduction program has recently been approved. We used museum specimens of this butterfly, mitochondrial DNA data (mtDNA), endosymbiont screening, and climatic‐similarity analyses to determine which extant populations should be used for its reintroduction. The species displayed 2 main mtDNA lineages across its range: 1 restricted to Iberia and southern France (Iberian lineage) and another found throughout the rest of its range (Eurasian lineage). These 2 lineages possessed highly divergent wsp alleles of the bacterial endosymbiont Wolbachia. The century‐old Hungarian specimens represented an endemic haplotype belonging to the Eurasian lineage, differing by one mutation from the Balkan and eastern European populations. The Hungarian populations of M. russiae occurred in areas with a colder and drier climate relative to most sites with extant known populations. Our results suggest the populations used for reintroduction to Hungary should belong to the Eurasian lineage, preferably from eastern Ukraine (genetically close and living in areas with the highest climatic similarity). Materials stored in museum collections can provide unique opportunities to document historical genetic diversity and help direct conservation.  相似文献   

Fire disturbance is a primary agent of change in the mediterranean-climate chaparral shrublands of southern California, USA. However, fire frequency has been steadily increasing in coastal regions due to ignitions at the growing wildland-urban interface. Although chaparral is resilient to a range of fire frequencies, successively short intervals between fires can threaten the persistence of some species, and the effects may differ according to plant functional type. California shrublands support high levels of biological diversity, including many endangered and endemic species. Therefore, it is important to understand the long-term effects of altered fire regimes on these communities. A spatially explicit simulation model of landscape disturbance and succession (LANDIS) was used to predict the effects of frequent fire on the distribution of dominant plant functional types in a study area administered by the National Park Service. Shrubs dependent on fire-cued seed germination were most sensitive to frequent fire and lost substantial cover to other functional types, including drought-deciduous subshrubs that typify coastal sage scrub and nonnative annual grasses. Shrubs that resprout were favored by higher fire frequencies and gained in extent under these treatments. Due to this potential for vegetation change, caution is advised against the widespread use of prescribed fire in the region.  相似文献   

Abstract: The intensely regulated Murray‐Darling Basin in southeastern Australia is the nation's most extensive and economically important river system, and it contains fragmented populations of numerous fish species. Among these is the Murray hardyhead (Craterocephalus fluviatilis), a species listed as endangered (International Union for Conservation of Nature Red List) in the mid‐1990s prior to its acute decline with the progression of a severe drought that began in 1997. We compared the genetic structure of Murray hardyhead with 4 congeneric species (Darling hardyhead[C. amniculus], Finke hardyhead[C. centralis], Lake Eyre hardyhead[C. eyresii], and unspecked hardyhead[C. stercusmuscarum]), selected on the basis of their taxonomic or biological similarity to Murray hardyhead, in order to affirm species boundaries and test for instances of introgressive hybridization, which may influence species ecology and conservation prospects. We used allozyme (52 loci) and mtDNA markers (1999 bp of ATPase and cytochrome b) to provide a comparative genetic assessment of 139 Murray hardyhead, which represented all extant and some recently extirpated populations, and 71 congeneric specimens from 12 populations. We confirmed that Murray hardyhead and Darling hardyhead are taxonomically distinct and identified a number of potential conservation units, defined with genetic criteria, in both species. We also found allozyme and mtDNA evidence of historic genetic exchange between these 2 allopatric species, apparently involving one population of each species at the geographic edge of the species’ ranges, not in the most proximate populations sampled. Our results provide information on species boundaries and offer insight into the likely causes of high genetic diversity in certain populations, results which are already being used to guide national recovery planning and local action. Given the prevalence of incorrect taxonomies and introgression in many organismal groups, we believe these data point to the need to commence genetic investigations of any threatened species from an initially broad taxonomic focus.  相似文献   

Patterns of Genetic Diversity in Remaining Giant Panda Populations   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
Abstract: The giant panda ( Ailuropoda melanoleuca ) is among the more familiar symbols of species conservation. The protection of giant panda populations has been aided recently by the establishment of more and better-managed reserves in existing panda habitat located in six mountain ranges in western China. These remaining populations are becoming increasingly isolated from one another, however, leading to the concern that historic patterns of gene flow will be disrupted and that reduced population sizes will lead to diminished genetic variability. We analyzed four categories of molecular genetic markers (mtDNA restriction-fragment-length polymorphisms [RFLP], mtDNA control region sequences, nuclear multilocus DNA fingerprints, and microsatellite size variation) in giant pandas from three mountain populations (Qionglai, Minshan, and Qinling) to assess current levels of genetic diversity and to detect evidence of historic population subdivisions. The three populations had moderate levels of genetic diversity compared with similarly studied carnivores for all four gene measures, with a slight but consistent reduction in variability apparent in the smaller Qinling population. That population also showed significant differentiation consistent with its isolation since historic times. From a strictly genetic perspective, the giant panda species and the three populations look promising insofar as they have retained a large amount of genetic diversity in each population, although evidence of recent population reduction—likely from habitat loss—is apparent. Ecological management to increase habitat, population expansion, and gene flow would seem an effective strategy to stabilize the decline of this endangered species.  相似文献   

Aquaculture offers a major opportunity for the economic development of Baja California Sur (BCS), Mexico. The severely limited freshwater supply and the geographic isolation of the state place limits on other productive activities. Despite the aridity, the natural vegetation of BCS is diverse and structurally complex with a high percentage (20%) of endemic species. In this work we compare the environmental impacts produced by two kinds of aquaculture systems: coastal ponds vs. inland ponds. Construction and operation of coastal ponds does not require destruction of the natural vegetation and, as is true for inland ponds. Coastal ponds are also compatible with conservation of mangroves, sea grasses and sensitive habitats for fish and mollusks. To reduce the negative impacts of aquaculture and to protect the vegetation of Baja California Sur, we recommend the use of coastal ponds for shrimp production.  相似文献   

Guidelines for Subspecific Substitutions in Wildlife Restoration Projects   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Reintroduction of animals is becoming increasingly popular as a means of restoring populations of threatened species. Sometimes depletion of wild populations leaves only captive populations from which reintroduction projects can obtain founders for releases. The World Conservation Union guidelines on reintroductions recommend that the individuals to be reintroduced should be of the same subspecies as those that were extirpated. In some cases, however, a subspecies may have become extinct in the wild and in captivity. A substitute form may then be chosen for possible release. Such substitutions are actually a form of benign introduction. Considerations include assessment of the value of a substitution project and the selection of a suitable substitute. Species substitutions increase biodiversity, conserve related forms, improve public awareness of conservation issues, educate the public, and may be implemented for aesthetic or economic reasons. Selection of a suitable substitute should focus on extant subspecies and consider genetic relatedness, phenotype, ecological compatibility, and conservation value of potential candidates. An example of a substitution project is the reintroduction of the North African Red-necked Ostrich (  Struthio camelus camelus ) into areas once occupied by the now extinct Arabian Ostrich (  Struthio camelus syriacus ). S. c. camelus was chosen as a substitute because of its geographic proximity, phenotypic similarity, and conservation value. The World Conservation Union's reintroduction guidelines should be consulted before a project is begun.  相似文献   

Abstract:  Researchers predict that new infrastructure development will sharply increase the rate and extent of deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon. There are no predictions, however, of which species it will affect. We used a spatially explicit model that predicts the location of deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon by 2020 on the basis of historical patterns of deforestation following infrastructure development. We overlaid the predicted deforested areas onto maps of bird ranges to estimate the amount of habitat loss within species ranges. We also estimated the amount of habitat loss within modified ecoregions, which were used as surrogates for areas of bird endemism. We then used the extent of occurrence criterion of the World Conservation Union to predict the future conservation status of birds in the Brazilian Amazon. At current rates of development, our results show that at least 16 species will qualify as threatened or will lose more than half of their forested habitat. We also identified several subspecies and isolated populations that would also qualify as threatened. Most of the taxa we identified are not currently listed as threatened, and the majority are associated with riverine habitats, which have been largely ignored in bird conservation in Amazonia. These habitats and the species they hold will be increasingly relevant to conservation as river courses are altered and hydroelectric dams are constructed in the Brazilian Amazon.  相似文献   

Environmental factors have long been shown to influence species distributions, with range limits often resulting from environmental stressors exceeding organism tolerances. However, these abiotic factors may differentially affect species with multiple life-history stages. Between September 2004 and January 2006, the roles of temperature and nutrient availability in explaining the southern distributions of two understory kelps, Pterygophora californica and Eisenia arborea (Phaeophyceae, Laminariales), were investigated along the coast of California, USA and the Baja California Peninsula, Mexico, by limiting either: (a) tissue nitrogen uptake and storage by adult sporophytes during periods of elevated temperature, and/or (b) production of embryonic sporophytes by microscopic gametophytes. Results suggest that while adult sporophytes of both species are tolerant of high temperatures and low nutrients, reproduction by their microscopic stages is not. Specifically, while E. arborea produced embryonic sporophytes at both 12 and 18°C, temperatures commonly observed throughout the southern portion of its range, P. californica produced sporophytes at 12 but not at 18°C. As a result, it appears that the southern distribution of P. californica, which ends in northern Baja California, Mexico, may be limited by temperature acting on its microscopic stages. In contrast, the ability of E. arborea’s microscopic and adult stages to tolerate elevated temperatures allows it to persist in the warmer southern waters of Baja California, as well as to the north along the California coast where both species co-occur.  相似文献   

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