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赤潮异湾藻与三角褐指藻的竞争及其化感作用初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章通过对赤潮异湾藻和三角褐指藻间竞争及其化感作用的论述,定性分析了两种微藻单独培养和共培养的最大环境容量(K)和生长速率(r)等生长参数,同时利用逻辑斯谛方程和Lotka-Volterra的竞争模型进一步定量比较了微藻间的竞争力参数(α和β),并采用对比微藻在f/2培养基中和其他微藻滤液中生长情况的方法,初步探讨了赤潮异湾藻和三角褐指藻间竞争产生的原因。结果表明,赤潮异湾藻对三角褐指藻有强烈抑制作用(α=6.38),而三角褐指藻对赤潮异湾藻抑制非常轻微(β=0.23),赤潮异湾藻的竞争能力大大强于三角褐指藻,推测这种竞争作用与这两种微藻间存在的化感作用相关外,还可能与其他因素如接触性信息传递等相关。此研究对调控藻类生物的生长和数量变化、鱼虾蟹等水产养殖水体中藻害的防治以及海洋生态环境的改善都具有相当的理论意义。  相似文献   

厌氧氨氧化菌与其他细菌之间的协同竞争关系   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
随着污水脱氮行业的蓬勃发展,各种新工艺、新理论层出不穷.厌氧氨氧化(Anammox)工艺以其独特的优点脱颖而出,成为最具应用前景的新工艺.厌氧氨氧化菌作为该过程的执行者目前已发现5属17种,本文主要对5属17种的厌氧氨氧化菌进行总结,并对厌氧氨氧化菌种内关系中的群体感应系统进行详细介绍,此外还介绍了厌氧氨氧化菌与硝化菌、反硝化菌以及厌氧甲烷氧化菌之间的协同与竞争关系.最后给出常见竞争因素对厌氧氨氧化种群结构的影响,通过控制竞争因素来实现对厌氧氨氧化种群结构的调节.本文将厌氧氨氧化菌微生物生态学与厌氧氨氧化污水处理工艺相结合,为厌氧氨氧化工艺在污水生物处理中的应用提供理论依据.  相似文献   

EBPR中两类细菌PAOs和GAOs竞争的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
强化生物除磷(EBPR)工艺可以获取高效的除磷效果,已在很多污水处理厂得到广泛应用。但是大型污水处理厂在相当多的条件下,EBPR工艺也会出现周期性除磷效果的波动和不充分。针对这一难题,研究者试图采用许多手段来研究工艺中的主要微生物。文章针对典型的EBPR工艺和碳源、pH值、温度等因素对EBPR工艺中两类细菌聚磷菌(PAOs)和聚糖菌(GAOs)竞争的研究进展进行了论述,并展望了未来的研究方向。  相似文献   

王珂  逄勇  高光 《环境科技》2006,19(2):40-42
以扰动为主要限制因子,研究铜绿微囊藻和栅藻在纯培养和共培养情况下的生长状况,探讨了竞争和种群增长率之间的关系,以判断藻类竞争的结果。结果表明:适宜的扰动有利于微囊藻的增长和聚集,较大强度的扰动则抑制微囊藻的生长。在共培养体系中,铜绿微囊藻有更强的竞争能力和抑制其它生物生长的能力,获得最大生物量和远大于栅藻的增长率。  相似文献   

不同光照条件下浒苔与三种赤潮微藻的竞争   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对苏北浅滩水体浊度高、营养盐含量大、且被大多数学者认为是南黄海绿潮起源的实际情况,本文通过室内培养实验,研究了不同光照条件(0~4500lx)下浒苔与中肋骨条藻、东海原甲藻和新月菱形藻对营养盐的竞争作用;并与苏北浅滩实际水体光照相结合,评估了浒苔与3种微藻在不同深度下的生理状态.浒苔与微藻的竞争,是决定暴发何种藻华的关键因素之一.结果表明,与3种微藻相比,浒苔对光照的适应性更强,最大日均相对增长率为11.91%/d.微藻与浒苔共培养时,生长情况明显劣于单独培养,中肋骨条藻、东海原甲藻和新月菱形藻的生长抑制率分别为30%~46%,3%~44%,25%~41%,并且不同微藻对竞争作用的响应不同.营养盐监测数据表明,对有限营养盐的争夺是浒苔和微藻竞争作用的主要机制,研究结果为苏北浅滩浒苔绿潮的暴发机制提供了依据.  相似文献   

Productivity of maize–pigeonpea cropping systems is dependent on facilitative and competitive interactive effects on resource availability. Controlling these interactions may benefit farmers through increased productivity associated with optimized crop yields. Previous research on maize–pigeonpea culture in Sub-Saharan Africa has focused on yield and soil fertility, but provided inadequate information on the mechanisms of possible interspecific competition. We employed a factorial field experiment to examine yield and nutritional responses of maize and pigeonpea to cropping systems (sole maize, intercropping, and improved fallow), N and P fertilizer additions, and cattle manure additions in Dodoma, Tanzania. The study objectives were to assess competition between crops and to determine how manure or fertilizer inputs may mitigate such interactions to improve yields. Intercropping enhanced maize yield over sole maize only when fertilized, reflecting probable nutrient competition. Improved fallows alone or with fertilizers (1.2–1.6 Mg ha−1) increased maize yields over sole maize (0.6 Mg ha−1). These increases were attributed to pigeonpea facilitation through soil nutrient replenishment, reduced competition associated with sequential cropping arrangements, and added nutrients from fertilization. Combined fertilizer and manure applications also improved maize and pigeonpea yields. Plant nutrient diagnosis indicated primary and secondary P and Ca deficiencies, respectively associated with P-fixation and leaching of cations due to high soil acidity and exchangeable Al. Maize competed strongly in mixture suppressing biomass and grain yields of the unfertilized pigeonpea by 60% and 33%, respectively due to limited soil nutrients and/or moisture. These yield reductions suggest that the intercropped pigeonpea did not recover from competition after maize harvesting that reduced competition. Optimizing yields of both maize and pigeonpea would require the addition of prescribed fertilizer when intercropped, but applications can be reduced by half under the improved fallow system due to alleviating interspecific competition.  相似文献   

2种海水轮虫对UV-B辐射敏感性的比较   总被引:1,自引:4,他引:1  
运用生态毒理学方法研究了褶皱臂尾轮虫(Brachionus plicatilis)和壶状臂尾轮虫(B.urceolaris)对UV-B辐射的敏感性。结果表明:UV-B辐射对轮虫有较大的伤害作用,且当辐射强度达一定阈值会对其产生急性致死作用。UV-B辐射对褶皱臂尾轮虫24、48和96 h的半致死剂量分别为4.393、2.694和1.720 kJ/m2,对壶状臂尾轮虫24、48和96 h的半致死剂量分别为5.856、4.516和1.730 kJ/m2;而UV-B辐射对2种轮虫的急性致死强度阈值均为(50±10)μW/cm2。由此可以看出,在实验所用的UV-B辐射强度剂量范围内,褶皱臂尾轮虫在UV-B辐射处理后的24和48 h对UV-B辐射的敏感性要大于壶状臂尾轮虫,而在处理后的96 h,2种轮虫对UV-B辐射的敏感性则无显著差别。  相似文献   

通过对黄土高原水蚀风蚀交错区4 种相邻植被条带(撂荒地、柠条地、苜蓿地、农地)0~4m土壤剖面含水量和地上生物特征的测定分析,研究不同植被之间的水分竞争关系。结果表明:水平方向上,撂荒地和农地土壤含水量随着靠近柠条地和苜蓿地呈下降趋势,且柠条对临近撂荒地土壤水分影响的水平距离至少有6 m。而深根性植物柠条和苜蓿相邻处测点的土壤含水量在所有测点中最低。此外,通过对地上生物特征分析,临近农地的苜蓿和临近撂荒地的柠条有较高的生物指标,证明这两种深根系植物吸收利用了相邻地块的土壤水分。因此,柠条和苜蓿对土壤水分竞争激烈,不宜搭配种植,而深根-浅根植物搭配扩大了深根系植物根系吸水空间,有利于其生长。  相似文献   

涉及经济模式、生活方式、竞争规则乃至国家权益的“低碳经济”在全球愈演愈烈。中国作为全球最大的发展中国家、碳排放量最大的国家之一,更是全球发展速度最快、经济总量领先的国家,如何有效应对资源、气候与环境带来的挑战和压力,赢得国际竞争主动权,以加速推进全面建设小康社会伟大战略目标的进程,是一个重要而紧迫的时代命题。中央企业是国民经济的核心骨干力量,代表着国家竞争力,是发展低碳经济的重要力量,应在国家可持续发展战略指引下,大力开展建设低碳企业的试点工作,担当起建设资源节约型、环境友好型社会的主力军,为促进经济结构调整和增长方式的转变,为加快提高国家竞争力作出重要贡献。  相似文献   

Based on the determination of several trace elements in coal particulate of different specific gravity, three-variables regression equations relate the contents of trace elements Be, Cd, Co, Pb, Cu, Ni, As and three species of sulfur in coal were well established. For elements Cd, Co, Pb, Cu and Ni, the regression equations were successfully used for prediction of these trace elements in individual part of coal with different specific gravity. Factor analysis was also used to analyze the data sets. The results showed that a three factor model can interpret the data sets reasonably. Trace elements Cd, Co, Pb, Cu, Ni, inorganic sulfide and total sulfur in coal are high correlated with the first factor. Trace elements Be, sulfate and organic sulfide are high correlated with the second factor and trace elements Cr and As are high correlated with the third factor. The factors can be interpreted by the chemical properties of these elements.  相似文献   

ModelingoftherelationshipbetwentraceelementsandthrespeciesofsulfurincoalLuXiaohua,ZengHancaiNationalKeyLaboratoryofCoalCom...  相似文献   

A kind of Fe-polysilicate polymer, poly-silicic-ferric (PSF) coagulant was prepared by co-polymerization (hydroxylation of mixture of Fe^3+ and fresh polysilicic acid (PS)), in which PSF0.5, PSF1 or PSF3 denotes Si/Fe molar ratio of 0.5, 1 or 3, respectively. The effects of Si/Fe ratio and reaction time (co-polymerization time or aging time) on the reaction mode between Si and Fe were studies, and the optimal species of PSF was evaluated by pH change during the preparation of PSF and coagulation tests. The results showed that the characteristics of PSF are largely affected by both reaction time and Si/Fe ratio. PSF is found to be a essential complex of Si, Fe, and many other ions. The reaction mode between Si and Fe differs with various Si/Fe ratios. The pH of PSF0.5, PSF1 or PSF3 tended to be stable when reaction time is 10, 25 or 55 rain, respectively, which is almost consistent with the time reaching the relative stable morphology that is just the optimal species of higher coagulation efficiency. The optimal reaction time reaching optimal species can be evaluated by measuring the pH change during the polymerization process.  相似文献   

介绍了我国模具工业结构现状及敏捷制造的基本思想 ,论述了应用敏捷制造建立模具行业的动态联盟可缩短模具设计和制造周期 ,提高我国模具工业的竞争力。  相似文献   

While several empirical and theoretical studies have clearly shown the negative effects of climate or landscape changes on population and species survival only few of them addressed combined and correlated consequences of these key environmental drivers. This also includes positive landscape changes such as active habitat management and restoration to buffer the negative effects of deteriorating climatic conditions. In this study, we apply a conceptual spatial modelling approach based on functional types to explore the effects of both positive and negative correlations between changes in habitat and climate conditions on the survival of spatially structured populations. We test the effect of different climate and landscape change scenarios on four different functional types that represent a broad spectrum of species characterised by their landscape level carrying capacity, the local population turnover rates at the patch level (K-strategies vs. r-strategies) and dispersal characterstics. As expected, simulation results show that correlated landscape and climatic changes can accelerate (in case of habitat loss or degradation) or slow down (in case of habitat gain or improvement) regional species extinction. However, the strength of the combined changes depends on local turnover at the patch level, the overall landscape capacity of the species, and its specific dispersal characteristics. Under all scenarios of correlated changes in habitat and climate conditions we found the highest sensitivity for functional types representing species with a low landscape capacity but a high population growth rate and a strong density regulation causing a high turnover at the local patch level.The relative importance of habitat loss or habitat degradation, in combination with climate deterioration, differed among the functional types. However, an increase in regional capacity revealed a similar response pattern: For all types, habitat improvement led to higher survival times than habitat gain, i.e. the establishment of new habitat patches. This suggests that improving local habitat quality at a regional scale is a more promising conservation strategy under climate change than implementing new habitat patches. This conceptual modelling study provides a general framework to better understand and support the management of populations prone to complex environmental changes.  相似文献   

早在上世纪70年代。第一次全球石油危机爆发的时候,全世界开始正视这样一个事实:现代工业文明的发展完全依赖于数量有限。并会造成环境污染的化石能源(煤炭、石油等)。那时。在德国、美国等国家。人们开始发展新型可再生能源,首次实现了利用大自然赋予我们的风能、太阳能、潮汐能来发电的梦想。世界各国的政府也纷纷开始为清洁能源的未来进行投资。但是到了上世纪80年代初,石油的价格回落了,人们又回到了旧的能源模式中。  相似文献   

不同粒段降尘重金属赋存与有机碳关联性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为评估不同粒径降尘重金属形态与有机物含量的相关性,测定山西运城市3种不同粒段降尘颗粒中不同形态As、Pb、Cd、Cr、总有机碳(TOC)及水溶性有机碳(WSOC)含量,并对重金属富集因子、生物有效性以及重金属赋存形态与有机碳含量之间的关联性进行了分析.结果表明:降尘中金属总含量呈现As > Cr > Pb > Cd,随粒径增大,富集重金属总量升高,不同粒段重金属形态区别不明显;随着粒径的减少,降尘中WSOC和TOC明显降低;降尘TOC和WSOC含量与某些形态的Pb、Cd、Cr之间具有较好的相关性,与As相关性较差;富集因子(EF)呈现Cd > As > Pb > Cr,其中Pb和Cd具有潜在的健康风险,Cr、As属于较稳定的元素.降尘颗粒来源不同,赋存有机物和重金属行为差异明显,不同粒段降尘颗粒环境风险不同.  相似文献   

古夫河着生藻类优势种体积与水质因子的相关性研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过研究长江三峡库区古夫河着生藻类优势种体积的变化,探索影响其体积的主要水质因子,为河流水质评价提供依据.于2010年12月至2012年2月,对古夫河着生藻类和地表水采样11次,共鉴定着生藻类197种,检测水质指标10项.选取Mcnaughton优势度指数(Y)>0.02的着生藻类(共30种)作为优势种并计算体积;利用主成分分析(PCA)分析优势种藻类在不同月份的体积变化.结果显示,硅藻门对冷暖季的变化较为敏感.将水质因子与优势种藻类体积进行典范对应分析(CCA),结果显示水质因子与藻类体积相关性大小为:溶解氧>氨氮>叶绿素a>酸碱度>硝态氮>总磷>水温>总氮>总有机碳>化学需氧量.Monte Carlo显著性检验结果为溶解氧和氨氮对着生藻类体积的影响最大,其次为叶绿素a、酸碱度和硝态氮.硅藻门藻类体积的变化可以判断古夫河水体中溶解氧、氨氮、叶绿素a、酸碱度、硝态氮的含量与变化.  相似文献   

温度对聚磷菌活性及基质竞争的影响   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
张玲  彭党聪  常蝶 《环境科学》2017,38(6):2429-2434
本研究以30℃高温条件下稳定运行的强化生物除磷(EBPR)反应器的污泥为对象,探讨温度对高温聚磷菌(PAOHT)活性及基质竞争能力的影响.结果表明,在15~30℃温度范围内,PAOHT的活性以及对基质的竞争能力随温度升高不断增强,当温度为30℃时,PAOHT的厌氧释磷(以P/VSS计)、好氧吸磷(以P/VSS计)以及乙酸吸收速率(以HAc/VSS计)分别为239.46、79.90、357.47 mg·(g·h)~(-1),对应的ΔP/ΔHAc为0.628,均高于常温PAO.利用简化的阿伦尼乌斯公式对不同温度下试验污泥的厌氧释磷、好氧吸磷和乙酸吸收速率进行拟合,得出其温度系数分别为1.08、1.07和1.05.  相似文献   

Competition of three bloom-forming marine phytoplankton (diatom Skeletonema costatum, and dinoflagellates Prorocentrum minimum and Alexandrium tamarense) was studied through a series of multispecies cultures with di erent nitrate (NaNO3) and phosphate (NaH2PO4) levels and excess silicate to interpret red tide algae succession. S. costatum outgrew the other two dinoflagellates in nitrate and phosphate replete cultures with 10 mol/L Na2SiO3. Under nitrate limited (8.82 mol/L NaNO3) conditions, the growth of S. costatum was also dominant when phosphate concentrations were from 3.6 to 108 mol/L. Cell density of the two dinoflagellates only increased slightly, to less than 400 and 600 cells/mL, respectively. Cell density of S. costatum decreased with time before day 12, and then increased to 4000 cells/mL (1.5 mg/L dry biomass) at NaNO3 concentrations between 88.2 and 882 mol/L with limited phosphate (0.36 mol/L NaH2PO4) levels. In addition, P. minimum grew well with a maximal cell density of 1690–2100 cells/mL (0.5–0.6 mg/L dry biomass). Although S. costatum initially grew fast, its cell density decreased quickly with time later in the growth phase and the two dinoflagellates were dominant under the nitrate-limited and high nitrate conditions with limited phosphate. These results indicated that the diatom was a poor competitor compared to the two dinoflagellates under limited phosphate; however, it grew well under limited nitrate when growth of the dinoflagellates was near detection limits.  相似文献   

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