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A small sample of human bone from Tomb BSII of the Chalcolithic cemetery of RemedelloSotto (Brescia, Northern Italy) was processed with the AMS technique. It gave a date of 4070 ± 70BP (Beta-35224; ETH-6196) corresponding to 2711 (2609) 2512 cal BC yrs (1 sigma). Una datazione radiometrica per la Tomba BSII del cimitero Calcolitico di RemedelloSotto (Brescia). Viene presentata la datazione radiometrica eseguita con il metodo dell'acceleratore sudi un frammento di osso di calcagno del piede destro dello scheletro di inumato della Tomba BSII delsepolcreto di Remedello Sotto. L'analisi ha fornito il risultato di 4070 ± 70 BP (Beta-35224; ETH-6196)corrispondente a 2711 (2609) 2512 cal BC (1 sigma).  相似文献   

The Author considers the problems connected with the late Ⅳ-early Ⅲ millennium bc inNorth Eastern Italy that is the transition between the final aspects of the Square Mouth Pottery Cultureand the Chassey and later Lagozza traditions.Some considerations are also made about the first CopperAge Groups which made their appearance in the Po Valley during the mid Ⅲ millennium bc.  相似文献   

The material discussed here was found during the excavation of a seriesof pits at S.Salvatore.Ostiano(Cremona).This area is adjacent to area 2.the faunal data of which has been discussed elsewhere(Clark 1980).Faunalmaterial was not found in all of the pits in this group,being absent inpits 6 and 7.There was a total of 230 fragments of bone recovered of which 45.6%  相似文献   

Hydronebrius amplicollis n.sp.is described here from a single male specimen from China(Sichuan).This is also the first record of Hydronebrius for China.The species is briefly compared withH.mattheyi Brancucci 1980,which seems to be the closest species in this genus.A list of the knownspecies of Hydronebrius is given.RIASSUNTO-Una nuova specie di Hydronebrius Jakovlev,1897 della Cina(Coleoptera Dytiscidae).Viene descritta Hydronebrius amplicollis n.sp.su un unico esemplare maschio della Cina(Sichuan).La specie rappresenta inoltre il primo dato di Hydronebrius per la Cina.Essa viene comparata brevementecon H.mattheyi Brancucci 1980 alla quale risulterebbe affine.Viene inoltre fornita una lista delle speciefinora conosciute di questo genere.  相似文献   

Nell'arco di 10 anni e stato esaminato il plancton del lago d'ldro,alloscopo di identificarne le caratteristiche e le eventuali variazioni temporali.Sono state prese in considerazione sia la dcnsita che la biomassa nell'intento di inclu-dere questo lago nelle classifiche fatte in base ai livelli trofici.Ⅰ risultati ottenuti con 1o studio del fitoplancton,sia per quanto riguarda le specieche la biomassa,tendono ad escludere che I'Eridio sia un lago eutrofizzato.Ⅱ gruppo piu numeroso dello zooplancton e quello dei Rotiferi,che comunque hannoscarsa importanza per la biomassa che.vicevcrsa,dipende dai Copepodi e soprattutto daiCladoceri:questi ultimi sono favoriti nel loro sviluppo dall'assenza dei Copepodi diaptomidi.Vengono anche date alcune informazioni sul benton.During a period of 10 years we have examined the plancton of the lakeIdro,in the attempt to identify the characteristics and eventual temporary variations.We have taken into consideration the density as well as the biomass in order toinclude this lake into the classifications which are based on the trophie levels.The results obtained by the study of the fitoplancton,regarding the species' varietyas well as the bioraass,tend to exclude the Eridio lake from the eutrophyzed lakes.The most numerous zooplancton group is that of the Rotifera which,however,havelittle importance as to biomass which on the other hand depends on the Copepods andparticularly on the Cladocera:the last mentioned species is favored in its developmentby the absence of the calanoid Copepoda.We have also given some brief information on the benton.  相似文献   

Geomorphology of the Mella di Sarle basin(upper Val Trompia,Brescia-Northern Italy).The Author takes into consideration the more relevant geomorphological phenomena of the Mella diSarle basin.He underlines the reasons which affected these factors with a special regard to the structuraland lithological aspects.Strong differences are also recognised between crests and slopes of the rightand left sides of the basin.  相似文献   

The stratigraphical and palaeopedological significance of the U/Th dates of the calciticcement of the Conglomerate di Sotto Castello(Val Sabbia,Brescia-Northern Italy).This paper discussesthe stratigraphical and palaeopedological significance of some isotopic U/Th dates obtained from thecalcitic cement of the Conglomerate di Sotto Castello.It seems to be originated from the precipitationof the CaCO3 dissolved into the horizons of the overlying Quintilago vetusol.The results are as follows:>350,206 and 143.5 kY.The more ancient of which gives a minimum date for the precipitation ofthe calcitic cement and consequently also for the deposition of the Conglomerate di Sotto Castello aswell as probably for the beginning of the development of the Quintilago vetusol.Therefore the gravelof Sotto Castello should be referred to the Early/Middle Pleistocene,while the beginning of the develop-ment of the Quintilago vetusols is to be referred to the Middle Pleistocene.The two more recent dates,which are not related to different phases of precipitation of the carbonate,show a decrease in the Ucontent due to the geochemical evolution still active in the calcitic cement.  相似文献   

The Autor describes the results of a research on the possible continuation of the Inzino faultdown to the lower Val Trompia.In his opinion its origin is probably not later than the middle Miocene.Italso gave rise to an overcut valley which widened during the Mcssinian.The dcep thickness of the alluvialconglomerates,as verified by the wells recently drilled north of Brescia,is ascribed to a strong subsidenceof the area south of the Nave-Gussago fault during the Pleistocene.  相似文献   

After a critic examination of preceding reference regarding the deserip-tion of postembrional-preimaginal stages of the Brachyninae,the Author describes thefirst Larva of the italian endemism Brachinus italicus Dej.Because of its morphologicalcharacters,he thinks it may be compared to the larva of Brachinus crepitans L.descri-bed by former Authors,from which it would differentiate owing to its bigger size.  相似文献   

The genus Zospeum Bourguignat,1856 in Italy(Gastropoda Pulmonata Basommatophora).Numbering of the known Italian stations.This preliminary work wants to be,above all,a numbering of theItalian stations where Zospeum has been found.The Author reports,besides the classical communications,aremarkable number of new localities which fill up important geographycal empty spaces of the Pre-alpine area,which goes from the Bresciano to the Slovenian border relating to the Jugoslav stations revised by BOLE(1974a).The systematic considerations are more wary(partly confirming again GIUSTI e PEZZOLI,1982 views)because,according to the Author discriminating shell characters of so many pointform populations,extremelyisolated from each other,have not arisen yet.This fragmentation has brought to strong characterizazion of theshell.We also have to wait for the response of the anatomical researches that are foreseen in a further work.  相似文献   

A group of stone artifacts attributed to Middle-Lower Paleolithic,comingfrom Monte Netto.is described in this study.On the ground of their physical slate andtheir condition of discovery,the Author assumes that the tools are coming from theRissian loesses which are most of Quaternary deposits of Monte Netto.  相似文献   

Loess and slope deposits at the edge of the Carvanno Travertine(Val Degagna-Brescia).Sedimentary processes and soil development between the Upper Pleistocene and the Holocene.The Au-thors describe a sequence some 4 metres thick composed of slope and loess deposits which lies at analtitude of 360 metres,20 metres above the Torrente Agna.The series belongs to a polyciclic soil compo-sed of 4 lithostratigrapbic units which,from the bottom to the top,are as follows:—slightly weathered loess(Ⅳ C1);—red clayey soil sediments(Ⅲ B2)resulting from the erosion of a more ancient paleosol of《TerraRossa》type,developed during the Middle Pleistocene at the top of the Carvanno Tarvertine;—undisturbed loess and loess displaced by gelifluction(Ⅱ B21t/Ⅱ B23t);—recent colluvial deposits(A1+B1).The sequence was deposited between the Upper Pleistocene and the Holocene.During the Upper Pleisto-cene the loess deposition,alternated with colluvial and gelifluction phases,was caused by cold-humidclimatic conditions.During the postglacial,the loess was affected by weathering which lead to the deve-lopment of an alfisol.The mieromorphological analysis evidenced several stages in the postglacial soilforming process.First,in unstable geomorphological conditions,complex cutans(scheletans-matransiltans)covered the walls of the soil pores.In a later period,as a result of landscape stability,laminated andbirefringent ferri-argillans were mainly deposited.The deposition of the upper colluvial cover(A1+B1)and the coarse fills of tlie underlying horizons were produced by a degradational phase due to the defore-station of the area in historical times.The undisturbed argillans of the A1+B1 horizons indicate thatthe clay illuviation is still active in the area.  相似文献   

The Authors examine the flint assemblages from two Early Neolithc pits excavated at thecentral Po Valley site of Campo Ceresole,dated between the end of the seventh and the beginning of the sixthmillennium B P.The assemblages,obtained from flint of Alpine origin,are characterized by a strong blade indexand by the presence of a high number of bladelets struck from subconical cores.On a typological basis theretouched instruments include Burins on a side notch,straight Borers,trapezoidal and rhombic Geometricsand Bladelets with a sinuous profile.The Microburin technique is well represented.The study of the microweartraces compares tool form and function.It shows that the majority of the tools had been used on wood or hardmaterials such as bone or antler.The assemblage is also characterized by a high degree of resharpening andreuse.Perhaps most interestingly,the tools bearing《sickle》gloss improve our understanding of the use of plantmaterials during the Early Neolithic.  相似文献   

A Mesolithic assemblage from the Ciliverghe Hill(Brescia-Northern Italy).The flintindustry from Ciliverghe is attributed to a Late Mesolithic Castelnovian complex which flourished inNorthern Italy between the first half of the Ⅵ and the second half of the Ⅴ millennium bc.A similarassemblage had already been recovered from Monte Netto di Poncarale,an isolated hill rising fromthe northern Po Plain.  相似文献   

RIASSUNTO-Vengono localizzate le morene presenti nelle valli di Viso,delle Messi e di Cané,attribuitedall'Autore al Tardiglaciale.Una breve nota preliminare introduce i risultati del rilevamento esposti nellecarte schematiche relative alle singole zone della regione.Late-glacial moraines of the Viso,Messi and Cané valleys(Northern Italy).The morainesof the Viso,Messi and Canè valleys which the Author ascribes to the late-glacial period are located.A brief preliminary note introduces the results of the survey,displayed in the schematic maps relativeto the single areas of the region.  相似文献   

A few sherds recovered in the area investigated by F.Rittatore Vonwiller were collected bylocal amateurs at Castelnuovo di Teolo in the Euganean Hills(Padua-North Eastern Italy).The potsherdsare attributed to the《Impressed and Incised Style》of the Square Mouth Pottery Culture which flourishedin North Eastern Italy at the end of the IV millennium bc.Some Chassey type sherds might indicate tradeactivities between the two different traditions.An italian aspect of this latter Culture,called Lagozza,is knownto have covered all Northern Italy at the beginning of the III millennium bc.  相似文献   

Nell'area studiata sono riconoscibili tre differenti facies della Formazione di Collio (Per-miano inferiore): una vulcanica costituita da lave riolitiche e dacitiche, tufi cristallini e litici, ignimbriti;due sedimentarie che comprendono conglomerati e arenarie l'una, sihiti e argilliti l'altra. L'assetto geolo-gico evidenzia l'esistenza di due zone in subsidenza differenziale, comunicanti per mezzo di scarpatedi faglia. La zona nord-orientale è caratterizzata dalla prevalenza di rocce vulcaniche (《Porfidi quarziferiindistinti》 degli Autori precedenti); quella sud-occidentale è invece colmata dai depositi fluviali provenien-ti dallo smantellamento penecontemporaneo della prima ed è suturata dagli espandimenti lavici del M.Macaone. All'attività vulcanica ed esplosiva fa seguito un periodo geologico più tranquillo: su tutta l'areasi impostano bacini lacustri entro i quali si depositano arenarie fini, siltiti e argilliti.Geology of the region west of the River Chiese between Darzo and Condino (Trento- Northern Italy). Three different facies have been recognized in the area: a volcanic one which includesrhyolithic and lacitic lavas, crystalline and lithic tufts and ignimbrites; two sedimentary ones, the firstof which is formed by conglomerates and sandstones, the second by siltites and mudstones. The geologicalorder shows two areas of different subsidence, which communicate through fault escarpements. In thenorth-eastern one the volcanic rocks (《Porfidi quarziferi indistinti》 of the previous Authors) prevail.The south-western area is filled with fluvial deposits deriving from the dismanthing of the north-easternpart. The top originated from the volcanic spreading of Monte Macaone. The volcanic and explosiveactivities were followed by a period of relative geological stability. All the region was later covered withlake basins containing sandstones, siltstones and mudstones.  相似文献   

We have studied the fossil leaves of a new locality from Colle della Badia near Brescia(Lom-bardy-Northern Italy)and revised four-specimens from the Museo Civico di Scienze Naturali di Brescia.We have recognized 21 taxa of plants which can be listed into families(1 pteridofita,1 conifera,6 dicoti-ledoni,3 monocotiledoni):among them.the two taxa already known in literature(SORDELLI,1882)are pre-sent.Abies cf.pinsapo Boissier,Populus cf.heterophylla L.,P,cf.nigra L..P.cf.tremuloides Michx.e Diospy-ros cf.virginiana L.are here pointed out for the first time for the italian Miocene.Comparison with severaleuropean Tertiary floras show the Miocene age of our assemblage,that should bc dated to the Late Mio-cene(preevaporitic Mcssinian age).Furthermore it is proposed a palaeoenvironmental reconstruction indi-cating a basin closed by the hills of the Prealpi toward North and crossed by rivers,with swamps,bogs andsmall lakes,along which grows a typical stream-and lake-side vegetation.The analysis of the physiognomyallows the reconstruction of a subtropical climate for this Miocene assemblage,with a mean annual tempe-rature about 20℃.  相似文献   

The Autor reports the resnlts of a research carried out between 1980 and 1986 on the Coleop-tera Hydradephaga of the oxbow lakes along the lower course of the river Oglio.15 oxbow lakes,a peat bogand some minor aqnatic environments were studied;55 species were found,among which some of high fau-nistic and zoogeographic significance such as Hygrotus decoratus(Gyll.),Hydroporus dorsalis(F.),Hydropo-rus springeri G.Müller,Agabus undulatus(Schr.),Ilybius subaeneus Er.,Nartus grapei(Gyll.)and Dytiscusmutinensis Peder,2 different biocenoses were identified,one of them typical of oxbow lakes with waterinflow and the other typical of oxbow lakes without water inflow.The fauna of the oxbow lakes along thecourse of the Oglio was compared with the faunas of similar enviromnents of the Po plain,with which itshows a high degree of similarity.From a zoogeographical viewpoint,41 species(74,5% of total)have avery wide distribution;of the remaining 14,10(18,2%)have a european distribution and only 4(7,2%)amediterranean distribution.This is therefore a continental type fauna,similar to the faunas of comparableenvironments in central Europe.  相似文献   

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