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ABSTRACT: Australia's extremely limited water resources highlight the need for policy guidelines for management. During the 1970s, there was the gradual evolution of a national water resources policy, facilitated by a nationally agreed statement of objectives and culminating in a federal policy statement presented in 1979. However, the Australian constitution gives major responsibility for water resources to the states. Further, the federal policy statement seems to assume that each state has a water resources policy and that it accords with the nationally agreed objectives. This is not the case, and the practical management of Australia's water resources falls short of the principles set out in the policy document. The River Murray, the nation's major water resource, provides ample evidence of this fact. With very limited water resources, Australia urgently needs to reduce the disparity between principle and practice in their management.  相似文献   

A Conceptual Framework for Analysis of Water Resources Management in Asia   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Effective and efficient water resources management to meet the increasing demands for food, energy, and domestic and industrial water is an imperative for Asian countries. As a basis for analyzing Asian water resources management problems, a three-element conceptual framework is presented: (1) water resources management as a system, composed of a set of facilities, operating rules, and incentives applied to water resources through an institutional arrangement; (2) water resources management as a process involving several stages beginning with planning and continuing with design, construction, operation and maintenance; and (3) water resources management as a set of linked activities and tasks required to produce the desired outputs. Using this framework to assess performance it is possible to analyze the linkages among water resources problems, water resources management, and water resources organizations and administrative arrangements. Examples are presented of such linkages as applied to problems of erosion and sedimentation, flooding, salinity, water demand-supply imbalances, and water pollution. Brief analytical summaries of eight critical water resources management problems in Asia are presented, along with an illustration of the complexity of water resources organization and administration, using Thailand as the example.  相似文献   

In southern Africa institutional capacity in the water sector is severely limited by diminishing regular budget and external assistance allocations. The result has been an overall decline in operational water resource management. This is ironic given the international community's current concern with 'integrated' or 'comprehensive' water resources management. Often, so-called integrated attempts at river basin planning and development have been conceived within the framework of a river basin authority or regional master plans. Such large-scale attempts have not necessarily been compatible either with the national capacity in water resources management or the existing institutional and legislative frameworks. In many cases the actual integration of a basin's physical resources and social, economic and environmental demands is poorly executed. To examine a way forward in resolving what is clearly an unsustainable state of affairs, a diagnostic study of the Kafue Basin, Zambia, was carried out in order to identify a set of water resource management options for a basin currently under stress. A physical framework for the Kafue Basin was established and principal subcatchments and hydro-geological subsystems identified. Current water resource issues in the basin are discussed and a multiobjective approach is proposed to allow intersectoral competition for the basin's limited water resources to be reconciled.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Florida water resources are among the most abundant in the United States, with Florida receiving the second‐highest mean annual rainfall of all states. However, water supply issues have troubled the state due to the highly variable spatial and temporal distributions of water supply and demand, and they are aggravated by the population's preference for settling in coastal regions where freshwater resources are scarce. Historically, the competing issues of water resource development and natural systems protection have placed water management agencies and local governments at odds. In 1997, the Florida Legislature enacted several major changes to Florida water law in an attempt to improve water resource planning and protection. This paper briefly reviews the history of water management in Florida with an emphasis on decisions culminating in the 1997 legislation, which requires the development of minimum flows and levels. Also examined is the impact of the 1997 law on water management. Efforts made to comply with legislative mandates are summarized; these include, to date, establishment of minimum flows and levels on 209 water bodies and budgeting in excess of $1.4 billion for water resource development projects.  相似文献   

黄河流域是我国重要的生态功能区,是实现国家粮食安全的重点区域。本文梳理了近期黄河流域的相关研究,从粮食安全视角下分析了黄河流域现阶段在流域水效率、流域水管理机制、流域水生态文明三方面的问题,并提出了关于黄河流域大保护与高质量发展的两方面建议。一是创新流域水管理机制,服务国家粮食安全。积极改进水资源管理方式,加大节水宣传教育力度,加强黄河流域水土流失综合治理,合理调控水价,完善黄河流域水权市场建设。二是践行"两山"理论,提升流域水生态文明。建设"四大体系"和"七大区域",推进生态廊道建设;转变经济发展方式;提前布局水生态文明建设。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Water and energy are inextricably bound. Energy is consumed and sometimes produced by every form of water resources system. Opportunities for future development and production of energy resources abound as well as those for significant reductions in energy consumption through wise water development and management. Technological, political, social, economic and environmental factors interrelate in the energy-water mix. The role of the water resources planner will have to be expanded to include assessment of water-energy impacts in addition to traditional planning considerations. An energy conservation account may well have to be added to the dimensions of national economic development and environmental quality in water resources planning. Ways must be found to reduce amounts and rates of water used and energy consumed through new manufacturing processes, improved irrigation practices, better management, new or altered social-political-economic arrangements and other procedures. To do this will require setting priorities and making difficult management decisions. The water fraternity can play a major role in alleviating the energy crisis we now face.  相似文献   

Framework for Measuring Sustainable Development in Catchment Systems   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
Integrated catchment management represents an approach to managing the resources of a catchment by integrating environmental, economic, and social issues. It is aimed at deriving sustainable benefits for future generations, while protecting natural resources, particularly water, and minimizing possible adverse social, economic, and environmental consequences. Indicators of sustainable development, which summarize information for use in decision-making, are invaluable when trying to assess the diverse, interacting components of catchment processes and resource management actions. The Driving-Forces–Pressure–State–Impact–Response (DPSIR) indicator framework is useful for identifying and developing indicators of sustainable development for catchment management. Driving forces have been identified as the natural conditions occurring in a catchment and the level of development and economic activity. Pressures include the natural and anthropogenic supply of water, water demand, and water pollution. State indicators can be split into those of quantity and those of quality. Impacts include those that affect the ecosystems directly and those that impact the use value of the resource. It core indicators are identified within each of the categories given in the framework, most major catchment-based management issues can be evaluated. This framework is applied to identify key issues in catchment management in South Africa, and develop a set of indicators for evaluating catchments throughout the country.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Over the last few years, several studies sponsored by both government and interested national engineering associations have evaluated the relative merits of pressure sewer systems. Surprisingly little data has been forthcoming, however, with regard to the effects of pressure sewers on both the economics of land development and the country's water resources. The intention of our paper is to detail the salutary effects of pressure sewers on water supply resources, the indirect effect on other resources by decreasing the contribution of sanitary sewage to their pollution, and to illustrate where, in some locations of the country, pressure sewers would benefit the economics of land development. As engineers from a large industrial firm that has built hardware that will allow the concepts stated above to become realities, we will present data to enforce our convictions. Some effects on municipal treatment plants, and emplacement costs of the system are described. Since the main thrust of our paper is to treat the effect of pressure sanitary sewers on the water resources of the country, specific peripheral data is not presented at length. The pressure sewer effects on lowering water usage in homes and the decrease in groundwater contamination by replacing septic tanks with pressure sewers in selected locations is presented. Advanced technology concepts such as energy assisted sewer systems should be considered as a favorable economic manner in which to preserve selected water resources. During the 1965 drought that affected the Northeastern section of the U.S., a federal government document reported that there was really no shortage of water, but that present water resources lacked management. Pressure sewers may be a water resources management tool and an effective one if not promulgated as a cure-all for the water pollution problems facing this nation.  相似文献   

While it is now widely accepted that the harnessing of water resources can make a major contribution to economic progress in various parts of the world, there is also increasing concern about the adverse environmental effects that such development may produce. Reviewing experiences in several countries, however, it seems that it may be possible to reconcile the management of water resources and the maintenance of environmental integrity. The paper assesses the likelihood of a reconciliation taking place in the light of a number of trends in contemporary water management. While many of these trends are in the direction of harmonious development, the pace of accommodation has typically been slow and erratic. The authors offer some suggestions as to how this might be overcome through modifications in legislation, policies, procedures and administrative structures.  相似文献   

This paper seeks to identify some promising policy options which could be part of a strategic and holistic effort to address India's future water challenges. Significant increases in agricultural water productivity would be a major factor in reducing the need for developing new water sources. Crop diversification, appropriately targeted to account for the present agricultural systems and available water resources, will increase productivity. Furthermore, much more emphasis needs to be placed on effective management of the groundwater resources through renewed efforts to enhance artificial recharge and conservation. Also, efforts should be revived to improve the existing surface irrigation systems. In particular, systems could be reconfigured to provide a more reliable water supply and allow effective community level management, where appropriate. Finally, while some of the increasing demands from domestic and industrial users will be met by the development of groundwater and reallocation of water from the agricultural sector, this will not be sufficient. Given that such conditions are emerging in states with high economic growth and relatively water scarce basins, this will require the further development of water resources. In some cases, these conditions along with the demand for reliable water for high value crops, will be part of the justification for inter‐basin transfers.  相似文献   

建设节水型社会,保障城市水资源可持续利用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着我国社会经济的快速发展,城市水资源供需矛盾日益尖锐。与此同时,由于人们节水意识不强、水资源浪费严重以及城市供水价格不合理、水资源管理体制不完善等因素的存在,致使水环境恶化趋势日益严重。针对城市水资源现状与存在的问题,应加强对城市水资源有效管理和保护的措施:强化水资源统一管理,改革水资源管理体制;优化环境,保护水资源;利用价格机制应对水资源浪费问题衍4用科技手段,大力推进节水技术的发展;积极提高中国水环境发展的公众参与意识。  相似文献   

According to their enabling legislation and under the various policies that direct their preservation, resources management planning is required in managing National Park Service Areas. In the Pacific Northwest Region of the National Park Service, a resources management planning procedure has been implemented to provide definitive resource management for each park. A multidisciplinary team of scientists and park personnel was assembled in the park and, under a team captain, followed a methodology evaluating not only the impacts of all proposed planning and development activities but also those of all present or proposed resources management programs. Each proposed action or ongoing activity was compared ecologically with ecosystem components. The park's legislative mandates and management objectives were simultaneously compared. Inadequacies in a park's biologic and physical resources data bases were overcome through the multidisciplinary team effort. Because each team member had expert knowledge of a specific ecosystem component, a thorough evaluation of the impact could be made. Adverse impacts of proposed planning or ongoing resources management activities could be eliminated and acceptable alternatives presented in the Resources Management Plan.This process has led to preparation of a Resources Management Plan that points out deficiencies in the biologic and physical data base and programs research projects to provide this information for future planning activities. The plan also provides a budgeting program for present or proposed resources management activity needs for preserving and maintaining the park ecosystems.  相似文献   

This paper suggests a number of benefits in identifying urban and regional planners as a public in public participation programs of water resources planning studies. A perspective on public participation is presented. Recent trends and developing concepts are identified: emphasis on the need to coordinate urban and regional planning activities with water resources planning, increasing system complexity, the goals and objectives orientation of planning, planning for multi-objectives, the evaluation of a broader range of alternatives, and the consideration of water alternatives as only one set of measures to further society's aspirations. One way to assist in capitalizing on these trends is to seek out participation of those in other planning efforts who are involved in planning but on a different level. Because of their intimate knowledge of an areas history, growth and development, political climate, local perceptions of needs and desires, and major problems and issues they are able to contribute a great deal of insight in making the water resources planning effort more responsive at the local level. The paper describes one of the first major efforts at working-level public-planner contact which was carried out as part of the Susquehanna River Basin Study. A regional survey team comprised of an engineer and an economist from a federal agency and a state water resources planner met informally with planners, city managers, and local planning commissions to discuss issues related to water resources and the growth and development of local areas. This effort while only part of the overall public participation program yielded a number of benefits and if expanded and refined would be a very useful experience in other studies.  相似文献   

The water resources of most small island developing states (SIDS) are often very limited and require special consideration to ensure that they are developed and managed in a sustainable manner. Many small islands, typically located in the humid tropics, have no surface water resources and rely on limited groundwater resources in the form of thin freshwater lenses. The exposed location of small islands makes them particularly vulnerable to natural disasters such as cyclones, floods and droughts. Pollution from population centres and from agricultural and other activities is an increasing problem. This article provides an overview of the water resources of small islands, and the main problems and issues related to water resources. Some suggested solutions, based on practical experiences, are offered for water resource assessment and monitoring programmes, and water resource development. Water resource policy, planning and management issues are also addressed, and suggested approaches for resolving some of the major water resource problems presented.  相似文献   

Water is strongly linked with the overall development framework of the Brahmaputra basin. However, the absence of integrated management of Brahmaputra water resources and lack of coordination among the riparian states constitutes an ongoing threat to future development plans within the basin. Brahmaputra's abundant hydropower potential can help give riparian countries a safer energy future that is the key driving force behind the prospect of potential cooperation. This paper analyses the current status of Brahmaputra water resources and identifies the perspectives of riparian countries regarding the development of the Brahmaputra basin. It also identifies the opportunities for cooperation and regional development through integrated water development and management of the Brahmaputra basin. It is essential to develop an integrated water resources management approach involving all riparians to foster regional development and overcome the prospect of severe water conflict along the Brahmaputra basin.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: A brief review of environmental assessment methods is presented as an introduction to a study of environmental management problems in a coastal area of southern Louisiana. The assessment method used in the study is called suitability analysis and involves the use of matrices. The matrix approach is simply a convenient method for organizing all factors representing environmental concerns in a region. The matrices proved to be very useful in defining the present state of an environmental regime and in maintaining an inventory of regional features and potential impacts. The method is described in detail and illustrated by evaluating the potential impacts of a major pipeline construction job in the area. Of major concern is the potential impact on the water resources of the region. Disruption to the natural drainage could be detremental, and affect the suitability of available water for a given use. Limitations of the method are discussed and potential areas for improvement and research are noted. Coupled with an economic assessment, the suitability analysis method should prove beneficial for selecting development sites for industries, residential areas, and other construction activities.  相似文献   

China's water scarcity   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
China has been facing increasingly severe water scarcity, especially in the northern part of the country. China's water scarcity is characterized by insufficient local water resources as well as reduced water quality due to increasing pollution, both of which have caused serious impacts on society and the environment. Three factors contribute to China's water scarcity: uneven spatial distribution of water resources; rapid economic development and urbanization with a large and growing population; and poor water resource management. While it is nearly impossible to adjust the first two factors, improving water resource management represents a cost-effective option that can alleviate China's vulnerability to the issue. Improving water resource management is a long-term task requiring a holistic approach with constant effort. Water right institutions, market-based approaches, and capacity building should be the government's top priority to address the water scarcity issue.  相似文献   

Beijing's local water resources have been overexploited and the ecological and environmental pressures exceed the carrying capacity of this densely populated megacity. This article examines the current status of Beijing's water resources with respect to its industrial, residential, and eco‐environmental water usage and the challenges it may face in the near future. The article describes the context of water uses, the steps taken by Beijing to alleviate the water shortage problems, and challenges to Beijing's abilities to meet its urgent and future water needs. A multipronged strategy is proposed that aims at both the present problems and the anticipated future challenges. In particular, engineering and institutional approaches for Beijing's successful transition from overexploitation to sustainable utilization of water resources are explained. Actions include reasonable water utilization, water conservation, reclaimed wastewater, and importing water from neighboring areas. We conclude that Beijing must take additional steps in water resource management to ensure its sustainable development that involves continued urbanization sprawls and population growth. Future water resource management strategies should focus on strengthening water demand management through water conservation, efficient interbasin water transfers, use of nontraditional water resources, strategically reserving water supply, and promoting rehabilitation of the eco‐environments.  相似文献   

产品贸易及水权交易使得水资源问题"跨流域化",不再单纯是流域内部管理问题。本文从流域比较视角出发,在区分蓝、绿、灰三种水足迹的基础上,应用水足迹模型,测算了两流域典型地区的水足迹,进行流域水资源问题对比分析,并分析了经济发展模式对流域水资源可持续性的影响。结果发现,杭州市经济用水中灰色水足迹占总量的90%,而张掖市经济用水中绿色水足迹占总量的60.8%,说明钱塘江流域水资源问题在于质,而黑河流域水资源问题在于量;经济发展模式中的产业结构、水资源开发效率、工业化路径等影响流域水资源可持续利用,同时基于GDP导向的流域间的水资源逆向配置,更加剧了流域水资源矛盾。最后根据流域对比结果提出治理措施,从而形成流域间协作的良性循环。  相似文献   

王建信  李义久  倪亚明 《四川环境》2003,22(3):42-44,56
介绍了可持续水资源管理的概念,阐述了实施可持续水资源管理的必要性。介绍了废水资源化的概念、意义及其发展历史与现状,论述了废水资源化是可持续水资源管理的必然要求。认为废水资源化管理必须充分考虑到其自身的特点。比较了废水资源化管理与普通的水资源管理的异同。  相似文献   

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