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<正>随着我国工业经济的快速发展,职业病的危害已从传统的造船业、化工业、采矿业、机械制造业向木材加工、石料加工、皮革制鞋、箱包加工等行业蔓延。由于目前我国职业病防治技术和能力落后、有毒有害工种和工序转移、预防性工作审核不严、部分企业对职业病防治工作不够重视、劳动者对自身职业健康保护意识薄弱等原因,我国渐渐形成了职业危害作业场所多、涉及面广、职业病患者多的现状。保护劳动者职业健康,事关国家和企业的健  相似文献   

自改革开放以来,随着社会主义市场经济体制的建立,乡镇企业、私营企业和外资企业的发展,企业用工制度的变化,一些新材料、新技术、新工艺的推广和应用,我省职业病防治工作面临许多新情况、新问题,面临着严峻的挑战。从职业病报告数据和监督抽查的情况看,我省职业病危害涉及煤炭、电力、交通、冶金、建材、机械、化工、鞋革、陶瓷、石雕、蓄电池、玩具、工艺品等20多个行业。职业病危害的现状呈现几个特点:一是职业病危害呈现由境外向我省境内,由经济发达地区向欠发达地区,由城市向乡镇转移,由大中型企业向中小型企业和家庭作坊转移。二是疾…  相似文献   

当今世界劳动安全卫生问题存在四个趋向: 1.工业发达国家工伤死亡人数呈明显减少趋势,而发展中国家则持上升趋势。 2.工业发达国家工伤事故正在发生两个转移:由第二产业向第三产业转移,由大企业向中小企业转移。 3.新技术革命对劳动保护带来新问题,使职业危害由“显形”向“潜形”转化,职业病将更加突出。 4.劳动力人口的老龄化带来了新的安全与卫生问题。当今世界劳动安全卫生问题的四个趋向@王智新  相似文献   

经统计职业危害因素申报系统、职业病网络直报系统等相关数据,发现四川省职业危害涉及面广,接触危害因素人数众多,职业健康投入不足,职业病发病人数多并主要为尘肺病。省安全监管局在职业健康监管方面开展了多项切实有效的工作,然而在职业病防治中仍存在诸多现实问题。针对这一情况,提出了强化职业健康防治意识,增强工作自觉性和主动性;完善法律法规体系,形成良好法治环境;完善制度、机制,落实企业主体责任;突出重点,深入开展职业危害治理等提高职业病危害防治效果。  相似文献   

中国安全生产科学研究院职业危害研究所主要从事职业危害研究和职业病危害评价工作,具有职业危害评价甲级资质:卫职技字(2005)第A-003。本研究所研究力量雄厚,拥有多名博士、硕士研究人员。  相似文献   

中国安全生产科学研究院职业危害研究所主要从事职业危害研究和职业病危害评价工作,具有职业危害评价甲级资质:卫职技字(2005)第A-003。本研究所研究力量雄厚,拥有多名博士、硕士研究人员。  相似文献   

面对高速发展、日新月异的工业世界,职业健康工作面临的重要环节就是对工作场所职业病危害因素的识别和认识。对职业健康监管工作者来说,无论是从事建设项目职业病危害预评价和控制效果评价,还是从事工作场所职业病危害因素定期评价等工作都离不开职业病危害因素识别。  相似文献   

徐州市职业安全卫生工作探讨   总被引:1,自引:5,他引:1  
本文概略描述了徐州市职业安全卫生各组成部门的工作情况。指出职业病危害存在患者待遇不落实、职业危害项目转移、职业健康检查滞后、工作场所职业危害因素检测、评价制度不健全的状况。调查发现,职业卫生工作存在5个方面的问题:现有职业卫生法律法规不够完善;对职业危害防治工作的支持力度不够;部门之间的协作机制有待加强;执法监督力量不足;企业法制意识淡漠。最后,提出解决问题的应对办法。  相似文献   

中国安全生产科学研究院职业危害研究所主要从事职业危害研究和职业病危害评价工作.具有职业危害评价甲级资质:卫职技字(2005)第A-003。本研究所研究力量雄厚,拥有多名博士、硕士研究人员。  相似文献   

陈永青 《安全》2003,24(5):42-42,45
3 职业卫生评价的相关法律、法规规定 针对建设项目职业病危害评价,《中华人民共和国职业病防治法》规定:新建、扩建、改建建设项目和技术改造、技术引进项目可能产生职业病危害的,建设单位在可行性论证阶段应当向卫生行政部门提交职业病危害预评价报告。未提交预评价报  相似文献   

During recent years the work environment has undergone significant changes regarding working time, years of employment, work organization, type of employment contracts and working conditions. In this paper, consequences of these changes on occupational and public health and safety are examined. These include the disruption of human biological rhythms, the increase of workers fatigue due to changes in patterns of working hours and years of employment, job insecurity and occupational stress, which have a serious impact on workers’ health and may result in an increase in occupational accidents. Unsafe work practices related to workload and time pressure, the impact of work changes on public safety and the deterioration of workers’ living conditions with respect to income, social-family life, health and insurance benefits, are also described. In this context, difficulties that occur due to the changing work environment in conducting effective occupational risk assessments and implementing OSH measures are discussed (for example, frequent changes between tasks and workplaces, underreporting of occupational accidents and diseases, lack of methodological tools, etc.). A fundamental criterion used while studying consequences on health and safety and the relative preventive measures is that health and safety must be approached as ‘the promotion and maintenance at the highest degree of the physical, mental and social well-being of workers’ and not only as retention of their work ability. Limits in combining “flexibility” at work and overall protection of occupational and public safety and health in a competitive market are put forward for discussion.  相似文献   

噪声是纺织业的主要职业危害之一。纺织企业生产车间的噪声不仅会影响到纺织生产的效率、工人的工作能力及安全,还会对纺织工人的健康造成危害,甚至导致职业病。以南方某纺织企业为研究对象,对其生产车间的噪声进行了调查测量,并采用职业病作业危害、职业接触风险评估二种评价方法,对该企业各生产工序的噪声职业危害进行风险评价,得出评价结论,从声源、声传播途径、个体防护及管理制度四个方面提出了降噪措施,以便更好地加强防治,预防减少噪声职业危害。  相似文献   

Delphi法职业危害风险评估模型及案例研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为科学合理地进行建设项目职业病危害风险分类,基于系统工程及风险评估的基本原理,采用Delphi法分析和确定了影响职业病危害风险程度的因素,通过构建风险评估指标体系,建立了职业病危害影响因子赋值法(OHFA)定量化风险评估模型。根据对作业场所的危害源、本质及附加防护设施水平、人员接触机会、职业病防治管理等因子的综合分析,预测分析了研究对象的职业病危害的风险程度,为职业病危害风险辨识、风险评估、防治管理及防护设施设计等提供参考。并以某石化行业硫磺回收项目为实例进行应用与验证,得出了该项目的总体职业病危害风险度值为12,风险等级为Ⅰ级,各职业病危害因素的风险度由高到底排序为硫化氢、一氧化碳、二氧化硫、硫磺、高温,其风险分类的关键决定因素为硫化氢。实践表明该方法与专家评估结果及工程实际吻合较好,应用于职业病危害风险评估中可给出定量化的风险分类结果。  相似文献   

论述了安全评价模式建立的意义,提出了安全评价模式的概念,建立了安全评价的基本模式.建立的安全评价的基本模式主要由危险源辨识、评价和控制3部分组成.在辨识危险源之后,应分别从设备、单元危险性、作业条件危险性、职业卫生、工艺危险性5个方面入手对危险源进行定性定量评价,以便于选择合适的评价方法.职业安全卫生检测检验也是进行安全评价的重要组成部分,不同的评价对象,其职业安全卫生检测检验的内容也不同.在完成上述工作的基础上,根据评价和分析结果提出安全对策措施.指出了当前我国安全和卫生管理体制所存在的弊端,分析了把职业安全和职业卫生结合在一起由一个政府部门进行监督管理的重要性,从而便于实现安全卫生管理工作的标准化、规范化.  相似文献   

Objectives. The aim of this work was to develop, validate and test a new questionnaire to assess the biological risk in workers with intentional or unintentional exposure to biological agents. Methods. A questionnaire including 34 questions was developed to study the perception of workers against occupational biohazard. Content Validity Index (CVI) and Content Validity Ratio (CVR) were calculated for the analysis of content validity. A pilot study was carried out with 60 workers from 17 companies performing analysis of Cronbach's α to assess the internal consistency or reliability. Results. A total of 518 workers from 51 Spanish companies in which there is exposure to biological agents participated in the study yielding a response rate of 90%. The final questionnaire obtained a Cronbach's α > 0.759 with a stable test–retest result. The questionnaire validation demonstrates that it could be used to evaluate the biological risks and help the prevention of occupational accidents and diseases. Discussion. This study has validated the need to evaluate worker's perception against occupational risks, as well as the application of prevention methods and protective equipment. It is a first step towards developing an occupational biohazards assessment method including all the requirements set by the European Health and Safety Strategy 2013–2020.  相似文献   

为了探讨工作场所职业工效管理的基本策略和方法,在概述职业工效相关因素类别、相互关联及评价方法等基础上,提出基于职业病危害防治要求、风险管理理念和管理体系建设模式的职业工效不良因素干预管理的初步策略及实施要点。研究结果表明:工作场所职业工效相关因素包括个体特征、工艺设备及其布局、工作系统设计、作业环境、作业管理和社会心理因素等,不同因素间存在直接或间接的相互影响,并最终影响到微观层面劳动者职业活动的工效特点及宏观层面工作场所整体的职业工效特征;实施有效的职业工效管理,在于科学辨识、评估不良职业工效因素的基础上,进一步在职业病危害预防控制的不同阶段采取合理可行的管理方法进行干预,并持续改进。  相似文献   

Work organization, technology and working population characteristics change rapidly in many countries, although not always in the same direction. In many industrialized countries new trends are a growing services sector, an aging working population, and an increased work pressure.The participation rate of women is growing in the Netherlands, in contrast with the rate of handicapped workers. In the working population, work-related musculoskeletal diseases and psychic problems like mental break-down and burn-out prevail. Sickness absence and disability are important issues. Risk assessment and health and safety information are new duties of the employer.Nowadays Occupational Health and Safety Services are more multidisciplinary organized and have to prove their quality and utility. Therefore, occupational health and safety professionals have to learn skills like risk assessment, health and safety promotion, consultation, rehabilitation, and interdisciplinary cooperation.Experiential learning connects the practical experience of the participants with reflection and new insights during the course.  相似文献   

One of the most remarkable changes in the labour markets of industrialised countries has been the increase of fixed-term employment. Naturally, the ways in which this development impacts on the quality of working life has awoken increasing scientific discussion. The aim of this paper is to examine these connections from the perspective of occupational injury. The majority of research literature in this field has shown that fixed-term workers have a risk of occupational injury that is several times higher than permanent workers.The analysis presented here is based on three large independent statistical data sets. In the Work and Health Study 10.9% of fixed-term and 10.0% of permanent workers experienced occupational injury during the previous 12 months. In The Victim Survey of Finland 5.4% of fixed-term and 6.5% of permanent workers were injured at work. In The Quality of Working Life Survey 3% of fixed-term and 5% of permanent workers were involved in occupational injury. These three data sets showed unanimously that fixed-term workers did not have a higher occupational injury rate than permanent workers. The most important explanatory factor was that in Finland fixed-term contracts are concentrated in public services such as education and health care with a predominance of female workers. Still, the connection remained after adjusting the basic background variables of age, socio-economic status and industry.  相似文献   

纳米技术产业的快速发展促使纳米材料需求量不断增长,纳米材料的规模化生产及使用,增加了暴露于超细颗粒物的职业人群数量,且工种复杂多样,尤其在自动化程度低、工人职业卫生防护意识薄弱的作业场所,对接触者有潜在的职业暴露风险.从现场暴露评估策略、检测方法、接触限值以及风险评估手段,综述针对超细颗粒物这一新型职业危害因素的研究进...  相似文献   

This study addressed some conceptual issues central to understanding human reactions to dangerous settings and empirically explored the meaning of physically dangerous work in three different occupational groups (street patrol officers, n=96; investigators, n=21; and clerical and support service workers, n=60) practicing in the same organizational setting (city police department). Objective hazards, estimated with occupational risk statistics, explained 56 per cent of the variation in experienced physical danger which, in turn, significantly heightened emotional exhaustion, dissatisfaction with pay, and disaffection from the employing organization, in the street patrol officer group only, perceived physical danger significantly correlated with task variety, task significance and feedback. The data are interpreted to mean that for street patrol officers, experienced physical danger adds a modicum of enrichment and significance to the work itself. One theme of the analysis is that potentially stigmatic features of the work can be transformed into socially meaningful illusions that enhance the personal dignity of the performer (cf. Hughes, 1958). However, the dominant theme is that physically dangerous work produces fear and related affective distress. Further research on this topic is recommended because of the affective and behavioral consequences of perceived physical danger and also because definitions and meanings of dangerous work are socially, politically and morally important.  相似文献   

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