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Biomagnification of organochlorines along a Barents Sea food chain   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
To trace the biomagnification of organochlorines in marine food chains near Svalbard, which may lead to the high organochlorine concentrations in top predators from the area, we compared concentrations and patterns of organochlorines in selected taxa. The pelagic crustaceans, Calanus spp. (copepods), Thysanoessa spp. (euphausiids), Parathemisto libellula (amphipod), and the fish species, Boreogadus saida (polar cod) and Gadus morhua (cod) were selected to represent the lower trophic levels in the food web. Four seabird species were chosen at the higher trophic levels, Uria lomvia (Brünnich's guillemot), Cepphus grylle (black guillemot), Rissa tridactyla (black-legged kittiwake) and Larus hyperboreus (glaucous gull). We found low concentrations of the organochlorines sigma hexachlorocyclohexanes (sigma HCHs), hexachlorobenzene (HCB), sigma Chlordanes, sigma DDTs and sigma polychlorinated biphenyls (sigma PCBs) in crustaceans (11-50 ng g-1 lipid wt.) and fish (15-222 ng g-1 lipid wt.). In seabirds, the organochlorine concentrations biomagnified one to three orders of magnitude dependent on species and compound class. Glaucous gulls had the highest concentrations of all organochlorines. The organochlorine levels in all taxa except glaucous gull were comparable to those recorded in similar species in the Canadian Arctic. The organochlorine pattern changed from crustaceans and fish to seabirds. Moving up the food chain, the relative contribution of sigma HCHs, HCB and sigma Chlordanes decreased, and the relative contribution of sigma DDTs, sigma PCBs, persistent compounds and metabolites increased. The results reflected trophic transfer of organochlorines along the food chain as well as different elimination potentials due to direct diffusion in crustaceans and fish, and higher contaminant metabolic activity in seabirds.  相似文献   

Organochlorine pesticides, PCBs, total mercury and selenium were measured in eggs of thick-billed murres, northern fulmars and black-legged kittiwakes collected from Prince Leopold Island in the Canadian High Arctic between 1975 and 2003. The primary organochlorines found were SigmaPCB, p,p'-DDE, oxychlordane, and hexachlorobenzene (HCB). Most of organochlorines analyzed showed either significant declines or no significant change between 1975 and 2003 in all three species. However, significant increases were observed for SigmaHCH in the kittiwakes and fulmars, and beta-HCH in the murres and fulmars. Mercury increased significantly in eggs of murres and fulmars, whereas mercury in the kittiwakes did not change significantly over the study period. Statistical analyses included stable-nitrogen isotope ratios (delta(15)N) to control for any variation in trophic level over time. Although the contaminant concentrations reported in this study are below published threshold values, mercury and beta-HCH concentrations continue to increase suggesting that continued monitoring is warranted.  相似文献   

Levels of DDE, HEOD, PCBs and mercury were measured in Gannet eggs from several colonies around Britain during 1971-1987. At two colonies (Ailsa Craig and Bass Rock) sampled throughout this period, organochlorine levels declined between the early 1970s and 1983, and then increased again. The trends at other colonies, sampled over shorter periods, were generally consistent with those at Ailsa Craig and Bass Rock. Trends in mercury levels were more variable, and increases were observed at four colonies and declines at two. Some shell-thinning occurred in association with DDE contamination. However, levels of this chemical were too low to affect breeding success in the years concerned. The same was probably true of the other chemicals.  相似文献   

Contamination levels of persistent organochlorines (OCs) such as polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDDs), dibenzofurans (PCDFs), biphenyls (PCBs), dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane and its metabolites (DDTs), hexachlorocyclohexane isomers (HCHs), hexachlorobenzene (HCB), and chlordane compounds (CHLs) was examined in human breast milk collected during 2001-2004 from Fukuoka prefecture in Japan. The concentrations of OCs such as dioxins and related compounds, DDTs, CHLs and HCB in human breast milk from primiparae were comparable to or slightly higher than the data obtained during 1998, indicating that the levels of these contaminants in Japanese human breast milk have not decreased since 1998 and Japanese are continuously exposed to these chemicals, presumably via fish intake. In addition, OC levels in human breast milk from primiparae were significantly higher than those from multiparae, implying elimination of OCs via lactation. Furthermore, significant positive correlations were observed between levels of OCs in human breast milk and the age of primiparae. These results indicate that the mothers with higher age may transfer higher amounts of OCs to the first infant than to the infants born afterwards through breast-feeding, and hence the first born children might be at higher risk by OCs.  相似文献   

Concentrations of organochlorine contaminants including polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane and its metabolites (DDTs), hexachlorocyclohexane isomers (HCHs), chlordane compounds (CHLs), hexachlorobenzene (HCB) were determined in the resident and migratory birds, which were collected from India, Japan, Philippines, Russia (Lake Baikal) and Vietnam. Accumulation patterns of organochlorine concentrations in resident birds suggested that the predominant contaminants of each country were as follows: Japan--PCBs Philippines--PCBs and CHLs, India--HCHs and DDTs, Vietnam--DDTs, and Lake Baikal--PCBs and DDTs. The migratory birds from Philippines and Vietnam retained mostly the highest concentrations of DDTs among the organochlorines analyzed, indicating the presence of stopover and breeding grounds of those birds in China and Russia. On the other hand, migratory birds from India and Lake Baikal showed different patterns of organochlorine residues, reflecting that each species has inherent migratory routes and thus has exposure to different contaminants. Species which have breeding grounds around the Red Sea and Persian Gulf showed high levels of PCBs, indicating the presence of areas heavily polluted by PCBs in the Middle East.  相似文献   

Specific accumulation of mercury and selenium in seabirds   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Total mercury (T-Hg), methyl mercury (MeHg) and selenium (Se) concentrations were determined to elucidate the relationship between Hg and Se levels in the liver of 10 seabird species. Highest concentrations of T-Hg (mean 267 microg/g dry wt), MeHg (mean 25.5 microg/g dry wt) and Se (mean 113 microg/g dry wt) were in the liver of black-footed albatross (Diomedea nigripes). An equivalent molar ratio of 1:1 between T-Hg and Se was found in the liver of individuals which contain over 100 microg Hg/g. However, such a relationship was unclear in other individuals which had relatively low Hg levels. This suggests that Se plays a role in Hg detoxification for those individuals with high Hg. In seabird tissues, Hg and Se levels should be a most important factor determining the relationship between Hg and Se, and fluctuation of Hg burden through molting and the species-specific demethylation capacity would also influence their relationships.  相似文献   

Current status of contamination by persistent organochlorines (OCs) such as polychlorinated biphenyles (PCBs), dichlorodiphenyl trichloroethane and its metabolites (DDTs), isomers of hexachlorocyclohexane (HCHs), hexachlorobenzene (HCB) and chlordane compounds (CHLs) were examined in 61 individuals belonging to eight albatross species collected from the North Pacific and the Southern Ocean. Generally high OC concentrations were found in albatrosses from the North Pacific than those from the Southern Oceans. Black-footed albatrosses had noticeably high PCBs and DDTs concentrations with mean values of 92 and 33 micrograms/g wet weight in subcutaneous fat, respectively. Among the other OCs, concentration of CHLs was higher than that of HCB in North Pacific albatrosses. HCHs accumulation was the lowest among all the OCs analyzed. Species-specific differences were observed for HCB, CHLs and DDTs in some species in the Southern Ocean. No significant difference of gender and age-related accumulation was observed in total OCs. However, PCB concentrations were higher in mature birds than those from immature ones in the Southern Ocean. Species-specific accumulation patterns of OCs in albatrosses were closely related with their feeding, migration, age and geographical ranges.  相似文献   

Concentrations of persistent organochlorines (OCs) such as polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxin (PCDDs), dibenzofurans (PCDFs), biphenyls, dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane and their metabolites (DDTs), hexachlorocyclohexane isomers, hexachlorobenzene, and chlordane compounds were determined in genital organs of pet dogs and cats and pet foods from Japan. Levels of OCs in dogs were relatively lower than those in cats, while residue levels in their diets were almost similar, implying that accumulation and elimination mechanisms of these contaminants are different between dogs and cats. When bioconcentration factors (BCFs) were estimated from concentrations of OCs in dogs, cats, and their diets, BCFs of all the OCs except PCDD/DFs exceeded 1.0 in cats. On the other hand, in all the dogs, BCFs of DDTs were below 1.0, suggesting that dogs do not bioconcentrate DDTs. Furthermore, BCFs of all the OCs except PCDD/DFs in dogs were notably lower than those in cats, suggesting that dogs have higher metabolic and elimination capacity for these contaminants than cats. When residue levels of OCs in livers, adipose tissue, and genital organs of two pet dogs were examined, hepatic sequestration of PCDD/DFs and oxychlordane was observed.  相似文献   

Unhatched eggs were collected in 1988 and 1990 from nests of the Eurasian Dipper Cinclus cinclus and the Grey Wagtail Motacilla cinerea in Wales, eastern Scotland and south-western Ireland. Mercury concentrations in Dipper eggs (geometric means 0.45-0.91 ppm (microg g(-1)) dry mass) were significantly lower in eastern Scotland than in either south-western Ireland or Wales, where the incidence of detectable residues increased markedly between 1988 (2% of eggs) and 1990 (69%). By contrast, DDE (geometric means 0.63-3.54 ppm in lipid), TDE (<0.01-1.80 ppm), DDT (<0.01-0.65 ppm), total PCBs (3.99-10.47 ppm), HEOD (0.39-0.61 ppm) and HCB (0.02-0.13 ppm) were all significantly higher in Scottish eggs than others. Around 33-46% of the total PCB burden in Dipper and Grey Wagtail eggs could be accounted for by six congeners (IUPAC numbers 118, 180, 101, 153, 138 and 170). Amongst these attributable PCBs, Dipper eggs from eastern Scotland were dominated by congener 153 (2,2',4,4',5,5'-hexachlorobiphenyl), whilst Welsh and Irish eggs were dominated by congener 118 (2,3',4,4',5-pentachlorobiphenyl). With the latter exception, all the individual congeners were found at significantly higher concentrations in Scottish eggs than others. Grey Wagtail eggs were dominated by congeners 118 and 101 (2,2,4,5,5'-pentachlorobiphenyl). In general, these congeners are common, widespread, and dominant components in the eggs of other wild birds for which data are available. Consistent with the low to medium levels of contaminants found in Dipper eggs, there was only slight evidence of any toxic effects. These included moderate shell thinning in relation to increasing DDE, and some evidence that contaminants had contributed to egg failure.  相似文献   

Between 1978 and 1983, eggs from 15 species of Antarctic and Subantarctic seabirds were collected and analysed for organochlorine pesticides, PCBs, and mercury residues. The lowest levels of these chemicals were detected in the eggs of Adélie Penguins from Prydz Bay. Antarctica. On a wet weight basis, the mean concentrations in eggs of these penguins were 0.01 μg/g HCB, 0.005 μg/g DDE, less than 0.1 μg/g PCBs (1260) and 0.02 μg/g mercury. Such values indicate that the environmental levels of these contaminants in the biotypes of these species are extremely low, and present no significant threat.

The highest levels of contaminants were found in the eggs of species which breed in Antarctica and migrate to regions well north of the Antarctic Convergence in the non-breeding season. On a wet weight basis, Northern Giant-Petrel eggs contained 0.11 μg/g HCB, 0.95 μg/g DDE and 1.8 μg/g PCB (1260), and 1.8 μg/g mercury. There are indications that DDE levels are increasing for both Southern and Northern Giant-Petrels, and it is possible that reports of a decreasing number of breeding pairs of these species at several colonies are due to one or more of these contaminants reaching toxic levels.

Analysis of penguin tissues show that preen gland lipid is suitable for monitoring the body burden of organochlorine insecticides and PCBs in seabirds.

Variation in DDE and mercury residue levels for some of these species suggest that the biotypes in which they live are quite different, and that the Antarctic Convergence may have a major influence in protecting the Antarctic ecosystem from these pollutants.  相似文献   

Waterbirds are particularly subject to accumulation of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) that have been shown to constitute a major hazard for this group of birds. Liver and fat tissue from ten species belonging to the orders Ciconiformes (Ardeidae, Ciconiidae, Phoenicopteridae) and Pelicaniformes (Pelecanidae, Phalacrocoracidae) were used as bioindicators in order to assess environmental pollution by POPs (HCHs, DDTs, cyclodienes, PCBs) in Greek wetlands. To our knowledge, this is the first study on POPs in livers of water birds in Greece and Eastern Mediterranean area. The DDTs consisted mainly of p,p'-DDE with percentages over 60% in the great majority of the samples. The highest summation SigmaDDT concentrations were measured in the liver and subcutaneous fat of Phoenicopterus rubber and in Ardea purpurea liver (15565, 24706 and 10406 ng g(-1) wet weight, respectively). Low concentrations of cyclodienes (Cycls) and HCHs were detected occasionally and the contamination pattern of OCPs in most species of waterbirds followed the order summation SigmaDDTs> summation SigmaCycls> summation SigmaHCHs. Individual values of total PCBs reached the levels of 4468 and 3252 ng g(-1) wet weight, for Nycticorax nycticorax and Egretta garzetta samples respectively. Some of the recorded differences in organochlorine concentrations could be due to different causes of death, with a subsequent effect on body lipid levels. Organochlorine pesticides and PCBs residues were lower than those commonly associated with mortality and reduced reproductive success in most species. However, low level exposure to these contaminants may constitute one of the many stressors that in combination could adversely affect bird populations.  相似文献   

Concentrations of total mercury and organic (methyl) mercury were measured in the liver tissue of adults of 12 seabird species collected at colonies on Gough Island, South Atlantic Ocean. Total mercury levels showed both great intra- and interspecies variation, ranging from a mean of 1343.0 microg g(-1) dry weight in wandering albatrosses to a mean of 0.8 microg g(-1) dry weight in broad-billed prions. Organic mercury levels were less variable both between, but especially within, species. Organic mercury levels, expressed as a percentage of total mercury levels, ranged from a mean of 2.6% in wandering albatrosses up to a mean of 92.6% in littee shearwaters. Within each species, individuals with the highest total mercury levels tended to have the lowest percentage organic mercury, this trend being statistically significant in several species. Two species exhibited a significant positive correlation between organic mercury levels, in absolute terms, and total mercury levels. When all 12 species were considered, a highly significant negative correlation between mean percentage organic mercury and mean total mercury was found (rs = -0.888, P < 0.001). These results provide evidence to suggest that some seabirds may be capable of demethylating organic mercury in a species-dependent and that eliminatory pathways for the excretion of dietary mercury may influence the mode of response of a particular species.  相似文献   

Mercury concentrations, together with nitrogen and carbon stable isotope signatures, were determined in body feather samples from northern fulmars Fulmarus glacialis and great skuas Catharacta skua, and in different flight feathers from great skuas. There were no significant relationships between trophic status, as defined using isotope analysis, and mercury concentration in the same feather type, in either species. Mercury concentrations in body feather samples were markedly different between fulmars and skuas, reflecting differences in diet, but there was no corresponding difference in trophic status as measured through nitrogen stable isotope signatures. We conclude that mercury concentrations and stable isotope values in feathers are uncoupled, mercury concentrations apparently reflecting the body pool of accumulated mercury at the time of feather growth whilst stable isotope values reflect the diet at the time of feather growth. There were significant positive correlations between the different flight feathers of great skuas for all three parameters measured. These were strongest between primary 10 and secondary 8, suggesting that these two feathers are replaced at the same time in the moult sequence in great skuas. Stable isotope analysis of different feathers may provide a means of investigating moult patterns in birds.  相似文献   

The relationships between mercury levels in eggs, tissues, and feathers of male and female herring gulls caught at their nests at a colony on the German Wadden Sea Coast were investigated, and an assessment of mercury intake and excretion of these birds was made. Samples of the liver, ovary, pectoral muscle, and body feathers, as well as the primary feather (in some cases), and eggs were taken from 37 adult herring gulls. Analysis of total mercury in all samples showed that body-feather and tissue levels were independent of sex. There was, however, a significant difference between levels of mercury in the primary feathers of male and female birds. Egg levels were not correlated to pectoral muscle, ovary, or feather levels although they were positively correlated with mercury levels in the liver. Liver levels were in turn correlated with mercury levels in the ovary. The ratio of mean feather to mean egg concentration ranged from 3.7 to 5.5 according to which feather was used. It was estimated that herring gulls from the Wadden coast ingested between 825 and 1337 microg of mercury in the year prior to analysis. It was also estimated that female birds may excrete over 20% more mercury via their eggs than could be excreted by male birds.  相似文献   

Eggs of three seabird species, double-crested cormorant (Phalacrocorax auritus). Leach's storm-petrel (Oceanodroma leucorhoa), and Atlantic puffin (Fratercula arctica) were collected at four-year intervals from 1968 to 1984, from colonies in eastern Canada and analyzed for organochlorines. This monitoring study was established to provide data on contamination of the marine environment and possible implications for seabird health. Long-term trend data are presented for PCBs, DDE, dieldrin, HCB, oxychlordane, heptachlor epoxide, HCH and mirex. DDE and PCBs declined significantly in all species from the Bay of Fundy. DDE declined significantly in puffins and petrels while PCBs declined only in petrels from the Atlantic coast of Newfoundland. Generally DDE declined more than PCBs. Dieldrin, oxychlordane, HCH and mirex levels decreased at some locations but were stable at others. Hexachlorobenzene and heptachlor epoxide levels remained steady or increased significantly, depending on the species and location. Organochlorine levels in cormorants from the St. Lawrence River estuary showed no significant trends.  相似文献   

Regional variation in PCBs and organochlorine (OC) pesticide concentrations was examined using the blubber of 155 minke whales (Balaenoptera acutorostrata) sampled in seven regions in the North Atlantic and European Arctic, including western and southeastern Greenland, the Norwegian Sea, the North Sea and the Barents Sea. The levels and relative proportions of OCs were also used to examine the boundaries for North Atlantic minke whale stocks previously defined by the International Whaling Commission (IWC). Concentrations of major OC groups (sigmaPCB, 89.1-22 800 ng/g lipid; sigmaDDT, 65.3-6280 ng/g lipid; sigmaCHL, 33.3-2110 ng/g lipid) generally increased from west to east, while HCH concentrations (sigmaHCH, < 1-497 ng/g lipid) showed the opposite trend. Statistical comparison between six regions using sex-adjusted least squared mean concentrations showed that minke whales from the Barents Sea had significantly higher concentrations of EPCBs than those from the Vestfjorden/Lofoten, the North Sea, and west Svalbard, as well as significantly higher sigmaDDT concentrations compared to west Greenland animals. The differences in concentrations suggest that west and southeast Greenland minkes may represent one group of whales, which are distinct from both the Jan Mayen minkes and those from other IWC defined stocks in northern European waters. Principal components analysis using proportions of 71 PCB congeners and 20 OC pesticides (of total OCs) did not reveal any major differences among groups although minkes from the North Sea were distinguished from those from Greenland waters by higher loadings of more highly chlorinated PCBs and recalcitrant OC pesticides. The general similarity in mean levels of sigmaPCBs, sigmaDDT and sigmaCHL, as well as mean principal components analysis scores, among minkes sampled at Jan Mayen, Svalbard, Vestfjorden/Lofoten, the North Sea and the Barents Sea suggests that the whales are quite mobile and may feed in multiple areas within the northeastern Atlantic.  相似文献   

Mercury concentrations in three flatfish species - flounder (Platichtys flesus), plaice (Pleuronectes platessa), and Baltic turbot (Scophthalmus maximus), netted in the southern Baltic Sea were assessed and compared to concentrations of this metal in sediments, sea water, and flatfish food - bivalve Macoma balthica, isopod Saduria entomon, and sprat (Sprattus sprattus). Collected simultaneously with flatfish in 2009 and 2010. Different concentrations of mercury depending on species, tissue or organ, sex, individual length, kind of food, and region were determined. The muscle tissues of turbot had the highest concentrations of the metal. The bioaccumulation (BF) and biomagnification (BMF) factors has been counted showing that the muscle tissues of turbot have maximum affinity for mercury, and thus best reflected the metal contamination of the Baltic Sea environment. The data suggest that the common Baltic turbot (S. maximus) is an important model species, suitable and cost-effective to biomonitor environmental mercury pollution for ecological research.  相似文献   

The main objective of this study was to investigate possible temporal trends of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) and mercury in eggs of herring gulls (Larus argentatus), black-legged kittiwakes (Rissa tridactyla), common guillemots (Uria aalge) and Atlantic puffins (Fratercula arctica) in Northern Norway. Eggs were collected in 1983, 1993 and 2003. Egg concentrations of POPs (PCB congeners IUPAC numbers: CB-28, 74, 66, 101, 99, 110, 149, 118, 153, 105, 141, 138, 187, 128, 156, 157, 180, 170, 194, 206, HCB, alpha-HCH, beta-HCH, gamma-HCH, oxychlordane, trans-chlordane, cis-chlordane, trans-nonachlor, cis-nonachlor, p,p'-DDE, o,p'-DDD, p,p'-DDD, o,p'-DDT and p,p'-DDT) and mercury were quantified. Generally, POP levels decreased between 1983 and 2003 in all species. No significant temporal trend in mercury levels was found between 1983 and 2003.  相似文献   

Mothers' milk from Chennai (formerly Madras), India and three other places Perungudi, the municipal dumping site of south Chennai area (situated at the suburb of Chennai), Chidambaram, a predominantly agricultural town situated 250 km south of Chennai and Parangipettai, a fishing village 15 km north of Chidambaram, all situated at or near the southeastern Bay of Bengal coast of India were found to contain measurable concentrations of HCHs, DDTs, PCBs, CHLs and HCB. A notable finding in this study is that Chennai mothers have higher levels of HCHs in their milk and hence may transfer considerably higher amounts of the chemical than the mothers from all the other three places of the present study indicating a higher health risk to Chennai's children. It was also found that the levels of the two organochlorine pesticides (HCHs and DDTs) increased in Chennai mothers' milk in the last decade. Food items collected from Chennai markets did not show any remarkably higher levels of any of the chemicals measured in this study. Levels of the two classical organochlorines (DDTs and HCHs) have declined in many of the food items when compared with our data collected two decades before in the same locations, showing the effectiveness of the recent ban on both these chemicals in the country. The sources, possible health risks and the ways to curtail the effects of HCHs, especially at Chennai, should be investigated further.  相似文献   

Raateoja M  Seppälä J  Kuosa H  Myrberg K 《Ambio》2005,34(3):188-191
Drawing reliable conclusions on changes in the trophic state of various subareas of the Baltic Sea is problematic, in large part because the monitoring of productivity parameters exhibiting high natural variability is based on sparse sampling. This emphasizes the importance of long-term data sets. Here we present a 30-year chlorophyll alpha data set from the western Gulf of Finland. The trophic state of the study area showed an increasing trend in the 1970s and 1980s manifested mainly as strengthened vernal blooms. This trend did not continue in the 1990s, and the seasonal phytoplankton biomass maxima since then has begun to show some bias toward the late summer. The changes in seasonal maxima of phytoplankton blooms probably reflect i) decreased availability of N suppressing the magnitude of the vernal bloom, which increases the P reserves for the summer, and ii) enhanced internal P loading, which further increases the summer P reserves.  相似文献   

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