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ABSTRACT: West Bitter Creek floodwater retarding structure site 3 in South Central Oklahoma was instrumented and records obtained and analyzed to obtain information concerning an impoundment water budget that is useful to landowners and designers of these impoundments. On-site loss of water from the impoundment was only 17 percent of the inflow during three years when the annual precipitation averaged 26 inches and the annual inflow averaged 1.4 inches. Runoff from an eroded area with no farm ponds was about 70 percent greater per unit area than from a portion of the watershed where 71 percent of the drainage area was controlled by farm ponds. A previous study indicated, however, that the ponds were reducing runoff only 13 percent. Loss of top soil increases runoff considerably. Only 24 percent of the total runoff into the impoundment was base flow. The flow rate into the impoundment was less than 0.05 cfs 70 percent of the time, and the inflow rate exceeded 10 cfs only 1 percent of the time. SCS runoff curve numbers varied between 57 and 96 for the impoundment watershed with an inverse relation between precipitation amount and curve number apprently caused by partial area runoff from impervious and semi-impervious areas. A comparison of measured event runoff versus event runoff computed by the SCS curve numbers gave an r2 of only 0.44. However, the total computed surface runoff for eight years of record was less than 1 percent below the measured runoff which indicated the curve number method was a good tool for predicting long term runoff for the watershed.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Maryland officials have identified stormwater utilities as a potential method of financing programs to control nutrients in urban stormwater runoff that are proposed in Maryland's Chesapeake Bay Nutrient Reduction Plan. This paper reviews a number of issues related to the equity, efficiency and acceptability of user charge schemes. Overall, charges are found to be preferable to property taxes from both equity and efficiency perspectives. In addition, evidence suggests that elected officials will support creation of utilities. Obstacles to the implementation of utilities are identified.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Grazing can have a profound impact on infiltration and thus runoff and erosion. The objectives of this study were to quantify the effects of select grazing systems on rainfall and snowmelt induced runoff and sediment yield from sloped areas of the foothills fescue grasslands of Alberta, Canada. The effects of two grazing intensities (heavy and very heavy) for two durations (short duration and continuous throughout the growing season) were compared to an ungrazed control between June 1988 and April 1991. Runoff was measured using 1-rn2 runoff frames and collection bucket systems. Sediment yields were then determined on samples from the collected runoff. Snowmelt was the dominant source of runoff. Snowmelt runoff was higher from the heavily grazed areas than from the very heavily grazed areas, due to the higher standing vegetation which accumulated snow in the former areas. Sediment yields as a result of snowmelt were generally low in all areas. Only a few summer storms caused runoff. Runoff volumes and sediment yields from summer rainstorms were low, due to low rainfall and to generally dry antecedent soil moisture conditions. The greatest risk of summer runoff, and thus sediment yield, appears to occur in August.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: A computer model was developed in order to establish a yield predictive relationship and to estimate the water requirements for supplemental irrigation of horticultural crops in the humid region. Alternative distribution systems were developed and designed using the results from the computer model and Wood's (1980) pipe network algorithm. The capital, operational, and maintenance costs of the distribution and recommended on-farm irrigation systems were determined and used to evaluate the economic feasibility of the alternative designs. Results show that the concentration of irrigated area along the distribution system, the length of the distribution system, and cropping system all have an important effect on the economic feasibility of supplemental irrigation in Wayne County, Kentucky.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: A synthetic triangular hyetograph for a large data base of Texas rainfall and runoff is needed. A hyetograph represents the temporal distribution of rainfall intensity at a point or over a watershed during a storm. Synthetic hyetographs are estimates of the expected time distribution for a design storm and principally are used in small watershed hydraulic structure design. A data base of more than 1,600 observed cumulative hyetographs that produced runoff from 91 small watersheds (generally less than about 50 km2) was used to provide statistical parameters for a simple triangular shaped hyetograph model. The model provides an estimate of the average hyetograph in dimensionless form for storm durations of 0 to 24 hours and 24 to 72 hours. As a result of this study, the authors concluded that the expected dimensionless cumulative hyetographs of 0 to 12 hour and 12 to 24 hour durations were sufficiently similar to be combined with minimal information loss. The analysis also suggests that dimensionless cumulative hyetographs are independent of the frequency level or return period of total storm depth and thus are readily used for many design applications. The two triangular hyetographs presented are intended to enhance small watershed design practice in applicable parts of Texas.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Irrigated agriculture is one of the most important water-use sectors in terms of total water diversion and consumptive use. For at least the last 25 years, improving irrigation efficiency has been a widely advocated and accepted goal. This paper uses a sample of 16 Bureau of Reclamation irrigation projects to examine the pattern of average irrigation efficiency and change in efficiency over time. In general, the highest average efficiencies are found in the arid Southwest while the lowest are found in the semi-arid to sub-humid Great Plains region. Over the 22-year period of analysis, there has been no observable trend toward improvement in efficiency at any of the projects.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: In areas where water is scarce, drip irrigation provides the most efficient way to conserve irrigation water, but its cost of £1000 an acre is prohibitive for most small farmers in developing countries. The cost was reduced by 90 percent by (1) making dripper lines moveable, so that each line reaches ten rows instead of one; (2) replacing 25-cent emitters with simple 0.70 mm holes punched by a heated needle; and (3) using £3.00 off-the-shelf 20 liter containers with cloth filters in place of expensive filter systems. This reduced the cost of a half-acre system to £50. The low cost system was field tested in the hill areas of Nepal, and in mulberry cultivation in Andhra Pradesh, India. Uniformity of flow from emitters was 73–84 percent. Small farmers reported that the low cost trickle irrigation system cut labor requirements in half, and doubled the area irrigated by the same amount of water. The low cost drip system is likely to be widely adopted by small farmers in semi-arid and hilly regions.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: A model is developed for real-time operation of an irrigation reservoir with the objective of maximizing the value of multiple crop yields during a growing season. The model employs monthly additive and product forms of crop yield functions for dry matter and grain crops, respectively. The resulting nonlinear optimization model uses a log transform to reduce nonlinearities in the model. An application of the proposed model is compared to a common operating rule used in simulation models. The proposed model results were better in terms of net benefits from crop yields. The model uses GAMS (General Algebraic Modeling System) language. It requires an IBM-compatible microcomputer and is suitable for use by a reservoir manager.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Best management practices for irrigated agriculture are not restricted to the control of sediments in the return flow. Salts and nutrient loading and oxygen depletion are also of environmental concern. Since knowledge of waste loading returned from agricultural irrigation is limited, specific characterization of irrigatin and runoff water quality should precede corrective measures. In 1974, 1975 and 1976, four study sites with in a 50,000-acre irrigated area were monitored to characterize the quantity and quality of irrigation water and surface return flow. Simple correlatins among constituents showed strong relationships among BOD, TP, PO4,-P, and No3-N. Least significant difference tests among seasonal means of change-in-load per irrigation showed that only TDS and PO4-P were significant.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Estimations of runoff volumes from urban areas can be made by the equation Q = a A σ(Pe– b), where Q is the runoff volume, a is the part of the total area A Contributing to runoff, Pe is the rainfall amount for a single event, and b is the initial rainfall losses. For the evaluation of a and b, rainfall/runoff measurements were made in five areas of sizes between 0.035 km2 and 1.450 km2. By linear regression analysis of rainfall volumes versus runoff volumes, the initial rainfall losses were found to vary from 0.38 mm to 0.70 mm for the different areas. The parts of the areas contributing to runoff were found to be proportional to the impermeable parts of the mas. The equation is applicable in urban areas with well defined paved surfaces and roofs and with a negligible amount of runoff from permeable areas.  相似文献   

A comparative study was undertaken to evaluate peak runoff flow rates using (1) a continuous series of actual rainfall events and (2) design storms. The ILLUDAS computer model was used to simulate runoff over a catchment within the city of Montreal, Canada. A ten-year period, five-minute increment rainfall data base was used to derive peak flow frequency curves. Two types of design storms were analyzed: one derived from intensity duration frequency curves (Chicago type), the other from averaging actual rainfall patterns (Huff type). Antecedent soil moisture conditions were considered in the analyses. It was found that the probability distribution of runoff peak flow was sensitive to the choice of design storm pattern and to the antecedent soil moisture condition. A symmetrical, Chicago-type design storm with antecedent dry soil moisture produced a flow frequency curve similar to the one obtained from a series of historical rainfall events.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: As an alternative to the conventional single-peak design storms commonly used in hydrologic practice, a large number of Southeastern Pennsylvania storm events were selected from hourly U.S. National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) records, and their temporal distributions were analyzed. From these recorded events, design storms of a typical distribution were developed for storm durations between 6 and 18 hours. All of these generated design storms have two or more peaks. The conventional single peak as well as the “typical” multi-peak storms were then applied to a simulated watershed. It was found that the multi-peak storms consistently produced more dispersed hydrographs with lower runoff peaks than the conventional single peak storms.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. .Eighteen rural lakes in Lubbock County were sampled on a routine basis following runoff-producing rainfall for a period of approximately eighteen months to determine whether or not runoff from intensively farmed agricultural areas contained significant concentrations of nitrates, phosphates, herbicides, or insecticides. An additional fifteen lakes lying within a triangle bounded by the cities of Plainview, Canyon, and Hereford, Texas, were sampled one time during the summer of 1969 to provide additional data regarding the nature and extent of the potential problem in an area with a different soil type and a slightly different cropping pattern. Based on results of detailed analyses of approximately two hundred samples of water collected from the lakes and an equal number of sediment samples collected from the same lakes at the same time, it appears that the concentrations of all chemical pollutants in runoff from agricultural lands in the High Plains are well below the allowable concentrations for drinking water.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Lake Evergreen was investigated during the time of filling and thereafter for the change of water chemistry at the mud-water interface. The results show that aging or maturing occurs at the nascent stage of the impoundment history. There are many factors affecting concentration of chemical constituents at the interface. There are hydrologic changes such as wind and wave action, or water circulation which can influence all chemical parameters. There is also biological activity, which may involve changes in concentrations of silica, phosphate, alkalinity, pH, ammonium, Kjeldahl nitrogen, etc. An associated effect is the reduction of oxidation-reduction potential which in turn affects the concentration of manganese, etc. All these changes occur primarily in autumn. In late spring to summer, there are changes of nitrite and nitrate accompanied by changes in dissolved oxygen. A water chemistry model at the interface is illustrated.  相似文献   

Rainfall and runoff in the Tucson, Arizona, urban area can be used to augment residential and municipal water supplies. Residential rainfall-harvesting systems include a catchment surface, collection and concentration components, separation and treatment units, storage capacity and distribution capability. A system to control runoff can divert water from urban washes for use in parks or other landscaped areas or can be used to enhance recharge to groundwater reservoirs. A reduction in flood hazards or peaks is a concurrent benefit of controlling and diverting runoff.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: A two-parameter farm pond storage index, FPSI, was Used to adjust computed surface. runoff using the partial area runoff contribution resulting from runoff captured by farm ponds. The validity of the index method was tested by fitting a continuous accounting version of the Soil Conservation Service curve number procedure to surface runoff data from each of three watersheds, first with and then without the FPSI routine. Evapotranspiration computed with the Jensen-Haise method and rainfall were input to the model. A linear relationship was assumed between the storage index and the portion of the controlled drainage area that was contributing to runoff. Adjusting the computed runoff with the FPSI reduced the coefficient of variation of monthly measured versus computed surface runoff for each of the three watersheds. The correlation coefficients for the same comparisons were increased. The annual predicted surface runoff Was improved for 12 of the 17 station years of data tested. The farm pond storage index could be used with any surface runoff model to improve the prediction of runoff from watersheds with drainage areas greater than 1 square mile and with about 20 percent or more of the drainage area controlled by farm ponds.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The proliferation of watershed databases in raster Geographic Information System (GIS) format and the availability of radar-estimated rainfall data foster rapid developments in raster-based surface runoff simulations. The two-dimensional physically-based rainfall-runoff model CASC2D simulates spatially-varied surface runoff while fully utilizing raster GIS and radar-rainfall data. The model uses the Green and Ampt infiltration method, and the diffusive wave formulation for overland and channel flow routing enables overbank flow storage and routing. CASC2D offers unique color capabilities to display the spatio-temporal variability of rainfall, cumulative infiltrated depth, and surface water depth as thunderstorms unfold. The model has been calibrated and independently verified to provide accurate simulations of catchment response to moving rainstorms on watersheds with spatially-varied infiltration. The model can accurately simulate surface runoff from flashfloods caused by intense thunderstorms moving across partial areas of a watershed.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Proper selection of curve number values will improve the capability of the SCS-Curve Number procedure in predicting runoff. Both CREAMS and GLEAMS models use the Smith and Williams (1980) approach of converting CNII (curve number value for average antecedent moisture conditions) into CNI (curve number value for dry antecedent moisture conditions) in calculating the soil retention parameter (S). CREAMS and GLEAMS have been found to under predict runoff because of the internal conversion of CNII to CNI. This study shows modifications of the GLEAMS model using CMI without converting it to CM and it also shows the seasonal curve number approaches with and without converting CNII to CNI. Results indicate that using CNII without internal conversion to CNI provides better runoff and erosion predictions than the original version of GLEAMS and versions with seasonal curve numbers when tested with four years of field data in the Coastal Plain physiographic region of Maryland.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Mean monthly runoff from ungaged drainage basins that have significant snowpacks each year can be estimated quite well by assuming that the time duration between snowfall and snowmelt is the predominant factor in temporal runoff distribution. That time span is related to basin temperatures which are, in turn, functions of basin elevation and latitude. Regional hydrologic analyses of gaged basin data create regression equations for estimating runoff distribution by month. These equations then can be applied to ungaged basins. Basin latitude and mean elevation are two independent variables that can be used in estimating monthly runoff distributions.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Detailed studies of the surface hydrology of reclaimed surface-mined watersheds for both rainfall and snowmelt events are non-existent for central Alberta yet this information is crucial for design of runoff conveyance and storage structures. A study was initiated in 1992 with principal objectives of quantifying surface runoff for both summer rainfall and spring snowmelt events and identifying the dominant flow processes occurring in two reclaimed watersheds. Snowmelt accounted for 86 and 100% of annual watershed runoff in 1993 and 1994, respectively. The highest instantaneous peak flow was recorded during a summer rainfall event with a return period of greater than 50 years. Infiltration-excess overland flow was identified as the dominant flow process occurring within the Sandy Subsoil Watershed, whereas saturation overland flow was the principal runoff process occurring within the West Watershed.  相似文献   

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