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ABSTRACT: There are unpublished reports of rapid and large rises in the water table which are out of proportion to the infiltrated volumes of water. The phenomenon seems to result from the conversion of a tension saturated zone to phreatic water by one of several mechanisms. The effect could be triggered when the tension saturated zone intersects: the ground surface, a saturated soil horizon, or a coarse zone. The phenomenon could prove to be a common link in explaining several seemingly diverse phenomena which characterize non-Hortonian runoff in a humid environment. Under certain conditions storm peaks are dominated by flow from small, restricted, “variable source” areas that contributed runoff when saturated from below by rising water tables; for other streams, ground water input forms the major part of the flood peak. The explanation for these observations could lie in an understanding of the rapid water table rise phenomenon. Such a mechanism. if widespread, would provide the means for producing saturation at or near the surface shortly after rainfall commences. The phenomenon should be documented and closely analyzed from a number of perspectives to define its true role in the hydrology of humid environments.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Illinois data from 168 months (1986–1999) were investigated to determine the responses of surface‐water and ground‐water resources to precipitation. Such responses were generally within the month of occurrence or one to two months later, with recovery being reached another one to three months into the future, depending on season of the year. Although the drought of 1988 immediately impacted surface‐water and ground‐water resources, the time of recovery was substantially longer compared to those of individual dry months, generally continuing for several months. The extremely wet summer of 1993 resulted in elevated responses in water resources almost immediately, but in this instance continued through the following fall and winter, into the spring of 1994.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Few water budgets exist for specific types of wetlands such as peatlands, even though such information provides the basis from which to investigate linkages between wetlands and upland ecosystems. In this study, we first determined the water budget and then estimated nutrient loading from an upland farm field into a 1.5 ha, kettle-block peatland. The wetland contains highly anisotropic peat and has no distinct, active layer of groundwater flow. We estimated the depth of the active layer using Fick's law of diffusion and quantified groundwater flow using a chemical mass balance model. Evapotranspiration was determined using MORECS, a semi-physical model based on the Penman-Monteith approach. Precipitation and surface outflow were measured using physical means. Groundwater provided the major inflow, 84 percent (44,418 m3) in 1993 and 88 percent (68,311 m3) in 1994. Surface outflow represented 54 percent (28,763 m3) of total outflows in 1993 and 48 percent (37,078 m3) in 1994. A comparison of several published water budgets for wetlands and lakes showed that error estimates for hydrologic components in this study are well within the range of error estimates calculated in other studies. Groundwater inflow estimates and nutrient concentrations of three springs were used to estimate agricultural nutrient loading to the site. During the study period, nutrient loading into the peatland via groundwater discharge averaged 24.74 kg K ha-1, 1.83 kg total inorganic P had, and 21.81 kg NO3-N ha-1.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Environmental factors were investigated across a shrub-herbaceous ecotone (sharp zone of change) on a sloping site underlain by shallow groundwater on the arid floor of Owens Valley, California. Dominant plant species were salt rabbitbrush (Chrysothamnus nauseosus ssp. consimilis [E. Greene] Hall and Clements) and saltgrass (Distichlis spicata var. stricta EL.] E. Greene); typical of many similar habitats across the Great Basin. Historic air photographs were analyzed, and soil properties, water table levels and shrub and herbaceous cover were measured at discrete sample points. To investigate soil and vegetation spatial properties, sample points were apportioned on both sides of the ecotone. Land management practices and fire were ruled out as causal factors for the ecotone which remained stable through a 45-year period of air photo record. Soil textural, chemical and hydraulic properties were similar across the ecotone and were uniform throughout the site. Only depth to the water table changed significantly in a gradient perpendicular to the ecotone. The shrub-herbaceous ecotone was located where the water table depth fluctuated periodically between 0.8 and 1.2 m; deeper water tables than this range favors shrub cover while shallower depths favors meadow vegetation. When extrapolated to hydrologic management such as groundwater pumping, such a shallow depth and a narrow range of amplitude could restrict options for water development if maintenance of meadow vegetation is a goal.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Climate variations can play an important, if not always crucial, role in successful conjunctive management of ground water and surface water resources. This will require accurate accounting of the links between variations in climate, recharge, and withdrawal from the resource systems, accurate projection or predictions of the climate variations, and accurate simulation of the responses of the resource systems. To assess linkages and predictability of climate influences on conjunctive management, global climate model (GCM) simulated precipitation rates were used to estimate inflows and outflows from a regional ground water model (RGWM) of the coastal aquifers of the Santa Clara‐Calleguas Basin at Ventura, California, for 1950 to 1993. Interannual to interdecadal time scales of the El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) and Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO) climate variations are imparted to simulated precipitation variations in the Southern California area and are realistically imparted to the simulated ground water level variations through the climate‐driven recharge (and discharge) variations. For example, the simulated average ground water level response at a key observation well in the basin to ENSO variations of tropical Pacific sea surface temperatures is 1.2 m/°C, compared to 0.9 m/°C in observations. This close agreement shows that the GCM‐RGWM combination can translate global scale climate variations into realistic local ground water responses. Probability distributions of simulated ground water level excursions above a local water level threshold for potential seawater intrusion compare well to the corresponding distributions from observations and historical RGWM simulations, demonstrating the combination's potential usefulness for water management and planning. Thus the GCM‐RGWM combination could be used for planning purposes and — when the GCM forecast skills are adequate — for near term predictions.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Contamination of ground water supplies with volatile organic compounds is a new and significant problem. Municipalities and their community water systems are often the first to discover ground water contamination because of the monitoring programs they are required to carry out. When contamination exceeds standards, some action is required. The responses of Wisconsin municipalities to volatile organic compounds that exceed standards in their ground water sources is described. Actions to protect human health are prompt, but the survey results indicate plumes of contaminated ground water are usually not treated. They may continue to migrate and contaminate other private and public wells.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Phytoplankton were studied in lakes augmented with water from the Floridan aquifer and in control lakes. Augmented lakes exhibited enhanced phytoplankton diversity which was believed to be related to chemical changes in the lakes brought about as a result of ground water addition. In particular, elevated concentrations of inorganic carbon appeared to influence phytoplankton populations.  相似文献   

Two intermittent streams on oak-hickory watersheds in southern Illinois were gaged with a V-notched weir and sampled with an automatic water sampler. For three years data were collected on flow volume and water quality. Flow volumes show large variations between years and watersheds. Samples were analyzed for Na+, K+, Ca++, Mg++, P, and NO-3. Water quality was consistently high, although there were significant differences between watersheds. A baseline for water quality has been established for comparison after one of the watersheds is clearcut at a later date.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The National Park Service and the National Biological Service initiated research in Denali National Park and Preserve, a 2.4 million-hectare park in southcentral Alaska, to develop ecological monitoring protocols for national parks in the Arctic/Subarctic biogeographic area. We are focusing pilot studies on design questions, on scaling issues and regionalization, ecosystem structure and function, indicator selection and evaluation, and monitoring technologies. Rock Creek, a headwater stream near Denali headquarters, is the ecological scale for initial testing of a watershed ecosystem approach. Our conceptual model embraces principles of the hydrological cycle, hypotheses of global climate change, and biological interactions of organisms occupying intermediate, but poorly studied, positions in Alaskan food webs. The field approach includes hydrological and depositional considerations and a suite of integrated measures linking key aquatic and terrestrial biota, environmental variables, or defined ecological processes, in order to establish ecological conditions and detect, track, and understand mechanisms of environmental change. Our sampling activities include corresponding measures of physical, chemical, and biological attributes in four Rock Creek habitats believed characteristic of the greater system diversity of Denali. This paper gives examples of data sets, program integration and scaling, and research needs.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The population in the Jemez y Sangre Water Planning Region of New Mexico has reached the point at which the demand for water exceeds available supplies, particularly when precipitation is below average, as has frequently occurred in recent years. The desire to develop a sustainable water supply that relies on renewable supplies in wet years and preserves the water in storage for times of drought motivated a diverse set of stakeholders in the region to participate in regional water planning. The planning effort culminated in development of the Jemez y Sangre Regional Water Plan, which was adopted by municipal and county governments in the region. The plan assesses and compares water supply and demand in the region and recommends alternatives for protecting and restoring the existing water supply and addressing the pending gap between supply and demand anticipated by the year 2060. To convey to decision makers the alternatives available to solve the future water shortage, option charts were developed to portray the amount of water that could be obtained or conserved through their implementation. The option charts show that the projected gap between supply and demand cannot be met through one alternative only, but will require a combination of alternatives.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: This paper reports on the current assessment of climate impacts on water resources, including aquatic ecosystems, agricultural demands, and water management, in the U.S. Great Plains. Climate change in the region may have profound effects on agricultural users, aquatic ecosystems, and urban and industrial users alike. In the central Great Plains Region, the potential impacts of climate changes include changes in winter snowfall and snow-melt, growing season rainfall amounts and intensities, minimum winter temperature, and summer time average temperature. Specifically, results from general circulation models indicate that both annual average temperatures and total annual precipitation will increase over the region. However, the seasonal patterns are not uniform. The combined effect of these changes in weather patterns and average seasonal climate will affect numerous sectors critical to the economic, social and ecological welfare of this region. Research is needed to better address the current competition among the water needs of agriculture, urban and industrial uses, and natural ecosystems, and then to look at potential changes. These diverse demands on water needs in this region compound the difficulty in managing water use and projecting the impact of climate changes among the various critical sectors in this region.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Effective rainfall is virtually equal to throughfall under most forest canopies. Average throughfall (as measured in trough gauges for a series of rainfall events) increased systematically with distance from tree stems in a young pine plantation. Empirical data suggest that the increase is proportional to the fourth root of distance, but any physical meaning of the relationship is obscure.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The ability of regulators, resource managers, and consultants to assess accurately wetland hydrology is crucial when identifying and delineating wetlands. In this study, simple linear regression and long‐term (ten year) New Jersey Pinelands stream gaging and pitch pine lowland water‐level data sets were used to estimate long‐term hydroperiods at lowland test sites with short‐term (two year) records. Separate regression equations were developed for each test site using reference site data and stream gaging data, and two sets of equations for selected test sites were produced using two different short‐term periods of record. Test sites had long‐term records ranging from four to ten years, allowing validation of the regression models. Measured and predicted test site growing season water levels were similar regardless of which short‐term period of record was used. The results based on the stream gaging site data were similar, although the difference between measured and estimated growing season water levels was greater when this approach was used. Excellent agreement was found between measured and estimated frequencies of near‐surface saturation at test sites for each growing season month, and these relationships improved when cumulative, seasonal frequencies were considered. The reference wetland approach used in this study may have its greatest value in regions with both high development pressures and problem wetlands and may provide an effective way of resolving costly wetland delineation disputes.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Diquat herbicide and rhodamine WT dye were applied in a lake to three 1.6 ha plots either with a polymer, which reportedly aids in sinking and confinement of aquatic herbicides, or without a polymer. Diquat and dye concentrations were measured at three different depths in the water column within the plots during the first three hours after application to determine vertical distribution of diquat and dye, and in composite samples at fixed distances from the plot up to 168 hours after application to determine movement out of the treated plots. Diquat and dye were homogeneous in the water column when no polymer was used, but were concentrated near the surface when polymer was used. This distribution may have resulted from temperature stratification. Polymer did not affect movement of diquat or dye out of the plots. The half-lives of diquat within the plots were 25 (SE=6.2) hr, 39 (SE=4.3) hr, and 25 (SE=2.0) hr. Forty-six percent of samples collected at the edges of the plots did not contain detectable diquat residues and only 66 percent of those samples with detectable diquat contained greater than the potable water tolerance (10 ppb). Diquat was not found in any samples 168 hours after application 61 m or farther from the edge of the plots. Dye and diquat concentrations were weakly correlated within and outside the plots. Dye half-lives were consistently higher than diquat, which suggests that the herbicide was removed from the water by plants and sediments more rapidly than dye.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Turfgrass systems are one of the most intensively managed land uses in the United States. Establishment and maintenance of high quality turfgrass usually implies substantial inputs of water, nutrients, and pesticides. The focus of this work was to quantify the concentration and loading of a typically maintained municipal turfgrass environment on surface water. Water quantity and quality data were collected from a golf course in Austin, Texas, and analyzed for a 13‐month period from March 20, 1998, to April 30, 1999. Twenty‐two precipitation events totaling 722 mm, produced an estimated 98 mm of runoff. Nutrient analysis of surface runoff exiting the course exhibited a statistically significant (p < 0.05) increase in median nitrate plus nitrite nitrogen (NO3+NO2‐N) concentration compared to runoff entering the course, a statistically significant decrease in ammonia nitrogen (NH4‐N), but no difference in orthophosphate (PO4‐P). During the 13‐month period, storm runoff contributed an estimated 2.3 kg/ha of NO3+NO2‐N and 0.33 kg/ha of PO4‐P to the stream. Storm flow accounted for the attenuation of 0.12 kg/ha of NH4‐N. Baseflow nutrient analysis showed a statistically significant increase in median NO3+NO2‐N, a significant reduction in NH4‐N, and no change in PO4‐P. Estimated NO3+NO2‐N mass in the baseflow was calculated as 4.7 kg/ha. PO4‐P losses were estimated at 0.06 kg/ha, while 0.8 kg/ha of NH4‐N were attenuated in baseflow over the study period. Even though nutrient concentrations exiting the system rarely exceeded nutrient screening levels, this turfgrass environment did contribute increased NO3+NO2‐N and PO4‐P loads to the stream. This emphasizes the need for parallel studies where management intensity, soil, and climate differ from this study and for golf course managers to utilize an integrated management program to protect water quality while maintaining healthy turfgrass systems.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: A synthetic triangular hyetograph for a large data base of Texas rainfall and runoff is needed. A hyetograph represents the temporal distribution of rainfall intensity at a point or over a watershed during a storm. Synthetic hyetographs are estimates of the expected time distribution for a design storm and principally are used in small watershed hydraulic structure design. A data base of more than 1,600 observed cumulative hyetographs that produced runoff from 91 small watersheds (generally less than about 50 km2) was used to provide statistical parameters for a simple triangular shaped hyetograph model. The model provides an estimate of the average hyetograph in dimensionless form for storm durations of 0 to 24 hours and 24 to 72 hours. As a result of this study, the authors concluded that the expected dimensionless cumulative hyetographs of 0 to 12 hour and 12 to 24 hour durations were sufficiently similar to be combined with minimal information loss. The analysis also suggests that dimensionless cumulative hyetographs are independent of the frequency level or return period of total storm depth and thus are readily used for many design applications. The two triangular hyetographs presented are intended to enhance small watershed design practice in applicable parts of Texas.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes L.) has shown to be effective in the treatment of municipal wastewater in a pilot study begun in January 1989 by the Pima County Wastewater Management Department and researchers associated with The University of Arizona's Office of Arid Lands Studies in the Sonoran Desert near Tucson. The influent pumped into the pilot facility's six raceways (ponds) typically has been treated secondary effluent diverted from a conventional treatment facility, although primary effluent from the same facility also has been treated. The Secondary Influent Treatment System has met the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality (ADEQ) tertiary standard for BOD5 and TSS of 10 mg/l for every month of its operation since March 1990; the Primary Influent Treatment System met the ADEQ secondary standard for BOD5 and TSS of 30 mg/1 for most of the 10 months it was in operation.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: For numerical modeling of ground water movement in a real aquifer system, the aquifer is usually divided into hydrogeologically defined zones, each with its own parameter values. The responses of the system, such as head or drawdown, are often available only in some of the zones. The estimated parameters of all the zones are based on the measured response in these limited zones. However, the estimates for some of the zones may be very uncertain, and these zones are therefore not justified by the data. In this paper, an approach is presented to understand which zone may produce uncertain parameter values and should be lumped with its neighbor. This approach is demonstrated using a regional numerical model for pumping test analysis in the Nottinghamshire aquifer, UK. A step-by-step process is used in identifying the aquifer zones and estimating their parameters based on the principle of using the smallest possible numbers of zones and parameters for adequate representation of the drawdown response. After the parameters of each zone are estimated, the sensitivity features of these parameters are examined. The results show that the parameters in one zone can be estimated properly by the drawdown in another zone only when there is significant sensitivity. For transmissivity, sensitivity between zones occurs when there is significant flow between them. For storativity, sufficient sensitivity can occur without large flows between the zones, provided that one zone causes significant drawdown in the other. This idea can be extended to the flow model for a large aquifer system. If the aquifer is divided in such a way that aquifer responses are not sensitive to the parameters in some of the zones, the parameters in those zones cannot be estimated properly and should be lumped into their neighboring zones. In this way, a simple but more reasonable model can be built.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Valley Creek watershed is a small stream system that feeds the Schuylkill River near Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The watershed is highly urbanized, including over 17 percent impervious surface cover (ISC) by area. Imperviousness in a watershed has been linked to fish community structure and integrity. Generally, above 10 to 12 percent ISC there is marked decline in fish assemblages with fish being absent above 25 percent ISC. This study quantifies the importance of ground water in maintaining fish species diversity in subbasins with over 30 percent ISC. Valley Creek contains an atypical fish assemblage in that the majority of the fish are warm‐water species, and the stream supports naturally reproducing brown trout, which were introduced and stocked from the early 1900s to 1985. Fish communities were quantified at 13 stations throughout the watershed, and Simpson's species diversity index was calculated. One hundred and nine springs were located, and their flow rates measured. A cross covariance analysis between Simpson's species diversity index and spring flow rates upstream of fish stations was performed to quantify the spatial correlation between these two variables. The correlation was found to be highest at lag distances up to about 400 m and drop off significantly beyond lag distances of about 800 m.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Thirteen years of annual habitat and fish sampling were used to evaluate the response of a small warm water stream in eastern Wisconsin to agricultural best management practices (BMPs). Stream physical habitat and fish communities were sampled in multiple reference and treatment stations before, during, and after upland and riparian BMP implementation in the Otter Creek subwatershed of the Sheboygan River watershed. Habitat and fish community measures varied substantially among years, and varied more at stations that had low habitat diversity, reinforcing the notion that the detection of stream responses to BMP implementation requires long term sampling. Best management practices increased substrate size; reduced sediment depth, embeddedness, and bank erosion; and improved overall habitat quality at stations where a natural vegetative buffer existed or streambank fencing was installed as a riparian BMP. There were lesser improvements at locations where only upland BMPs were implemented. Despite the habitat changes, we could not detect significant improvements in fish communities. It is speculated that the species needed to improve the fish community, mainly pollution intolerant species, suckers (Castomidae), and darters (Percidae), had been largely eliminated from the Sheboygan River watershed by broadscale agricultural nonpoint source pollution and could not colonize Otter Creek, even though habitat conditions may have been suitable.  相似文献   

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