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An integer programming method was devised to locate detection monitoring wells in layered aquifers. The method is applicable to aquifers with non-uniform groundwater flow, and it does not require that a compliance boundary be linear or perpendicular to the direction(s) of groundwater flow. In each layer, monitoring sites are defined along curvilinear transects that parallel equipotential lines. The model can be formulated to allocate wells to the transect with the highest detection efficiency, or to establish multiple lines of defense against contaminant migrating to a compliance boundary. Detection efficiencies of alternative monitoring transects are calculated from parameters obtained via numerical modeling of contaminant transport. These parameters include the narrowest plume that could traverse a monitoring transect, and the zone width of potential contaminant migration at the transect. Problem formulations are compact, and computational requirements are low relative to alternative approaches for designing detection monitoring networks in aquifers. An application to a glacial outwash aquifer demonstrates the utility of the method.  相似文献   

Large-scale storage of carbon dioxide in saline aquifers may cause considerable pressure perturbation and brine migration in deep rock formations, which may have a significant influence on the regional groundwater system. With the help of parallel computing techniques, we conducted a comprehensive, large-scale numerical simulation of CO2 geologic storage that predicts not only CO2 migration, but also its impact on regional groundwater flow. As a case study, a hypothetical industrial-scale CO2 injection in Tokyo Bay, which is surrounded by the most heavily industrialized area in Japan, was considered, and the impact of CO2 injection on near-surface aquifers was investigated, assuming relatively high seal-layer permeability (higher than 10 microdarcy). A regional hydrogeological model with an area of about 60 km × 70 km around Tokyo Bay was discretized into about 10 million gridblocks. To solve the high-resolution model efficiently, we used a parallelized multiphase flow simulator TOUGH2-MP/ECO2N on a world-class high performance supercomputer in Japan, the Earth Simulator. In this simulation, CO2 was injected into a storage aquifer at about 1 km depth under Tokyo Bay from 10 wells, at a total rate of 10 million tons/year for 100 years. Through the model, we can examine regional groundwater pressure buildup and groundwater migration to the land surface. The results suggest that even if containment of CO2 plume is ensured, pressure buildup on the order of a few bars can occur in the shallow confined aquifers over extensive regions, including urban inlands.  相似文献   

Large-scale injections of CO2 into subsurface saline aquifers have been proposed to remediate climate change related to buildup of green house gases in the atmosphere. The pressure buildup caused by such injections may impact a volume of the basin significantly larger than the CO2 plume itself. In areas with hydrological settings similar to the Gulf Coast Basin, the perturbation of the flow-field in deep parts of the basin could result in brines or brackish water being pushed up-dip into unconfined sections of the same formations or into the capture zone of fresh-water wells. The premise of the current study is that the details of multiple-phase flow processes necessary to model the near field evolution of the CO2 plume are not necessary to describe the impact of the pressure anomaly on up-dip aquifers. This paper quantitatively explores conditions under which shallow groundwater would be impacted by up-dip displacement of brines, utilizing an existing carefully calibrated flow model. Modeling an injection of water, arguably equivalent to 50 million tons of CO2/year for 50 years resulted in an average water-table rise of 1 m, with minor increase in stream baseflow and larger increase in ground water evapotranspiration, but no significant change in salinity.  相似文献   

The Allende–Piedras Negras (APN) aquifer is located between the states of Texas (United States [U.S.]) and Coahuila (Mexico). The Rio Grande crosses the aquifer, acting as a natural and political divide between the countries. However, it remains unclear whether the APN aquifer can be considered a truly transboundary aquifer flow system, which would potentially require joint management by two different administrative jurisdictions. The main purpose of this study was to evaluate the transboundary nature of this aquifer. This was achieved by developing a detailed hydrogeological model to analyze the direction of volumetric fluxes within the APN aquifer using Visual MODFLOW. The model simulated a spatially averaged cumulative drawdown of 0.76 m for the entire aquifer over an 18‐year modeling period (2000–2017). The flow convergence zone, previously located below the Rio Grande, has shifted to the U.S. side in most locations, driven by higher pumping rates of the wells located near the river. This shift of the convergence zone from one country to the other means that groundwater recharge from one side flows underneath the river to the other side. This qualifies the APN aquifer as a “transboundary groundwater flow system.” The procedure followed in this study may be applied to other aquifers that straddle the U.S.–Mexico border and may motivate future modeling studies on other poorly studied transboundary aquifers around the world and thereby enable bi‐national aquifer management.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: A procedure using a simple, empirically‐based model that makes efficient use of available information has been developed for designing a ground water monitoring well network. A moving plume is described by siting wells in a sequential manner, relying upon two‐dimensional concentration data obtained from previously installed wells to determine the locations of future wells. Data sets from two well known, densely monitored natural gradient tracer studies were used to test the procedure. Plumes defined by all information in the original networks were compared to those defined by reduced networks designed by the new procedure. The new procedure tracked the plumes using only a portion of that information. The new procedure could have reduced the number of wells in the original tests by about 50 percent without appreciable loss of plume information as measured by plume location and extent and by tracer mass.  相似文献   

As withdrawals from deep compartmentalized aquifers increasingly exceed recharge throughout the western United States, conjunctive water use management alternatives have become an applied research priority. This study highlights both details and limitations of the role of irrigation canal seepage as groundwater recharge, revealing the regional limitations of canal seepage as a dependable source of recharge in overdrawn aquifers. A suite of geochemical indicators were used together with a numerical model to evaluate current and future management scenarios focused on recharge derived from seepage from a region‐wide irrigation canal system. Twenty‐five years of static groundwater level data were used to relate spatial trends determined using geochemistry and groundwater modeling with “on‐the‐ground” management practices, which vary based on acreage, crop, and irrigation scheduling. Increasing groundwater age determined using isotope analysis, and declines in potentiometric heads, each correlate with increasing distance from the canal reaches. Predictive modeling indicates that if pumping is gradually reduced, as has been suggested by management agencies, that recharge from canal seepage will be negligible by 2035 due to regional groundwater through‐flow and the pattern of potentiometric head recovery. Unfortunately, historic hydrographs suggest that under current groundwater development conditions most wells are not sustainable, irrespective of proximity to the canal.  相似文献   

Johnson, R.L., B.R. Clark, M.K. Landon, L.J. Kauffman, and S.M. Eberts, 2011. Modeling the Potential Impact of Seasonal and Inactive Multi‐Aquifer Wells on Contaminant Movement to Public Water‐Supply Wells. Journal of the American Water Resources Association (JAWRA) 47(3):588‐596. DOI: 10.1111/j.1752‐1688.2011.00526.x Abstract: Wells screened across multiple aquifers can provide pathways for the movement of surprisingly large volumes of groundwater to confined aquifers used for public water supply (PWS). Using a simple numerical model, we examine the impact of several pumping scenarios on leakage from an unconfined aquifer to a confined aquifer and conclude that a single inactive multi‐aquifer well can contribute nearly 10% of total PWS well flow over a wide range of pumping rates. This leakage can occur even when the multi‐aquifer well is more than a kilometer from the PWS well. The contribution from multi‐aquifer wells may be greater under conditions where seasonal pumping (e.g., irrigation) creates large, widespread downward hydraulic gradients between aquifers. Under those conditions, water can continue to leak down a multi‐aquifer well from an unconfined aquifer to a confined aquifer even when those multi‐aquifer wells are actively pumped. An important implication is that, if an unconfined aquifer is contaminated, multi‐aquifer wells can increase the vulnerability of a confined‐aquifer PWS well.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Reliable and consistent estimation of the components of the hydraulic conductivity tensor provides information needed to make proper decisions regarding clean up and restoration of contaminated aquifers. In this study, the nonlinear least-squares estimation technique was applied to drawdown versus time data from three or more observation wells to determine a theoretical ellipse of equal drawdown. The angle of rotation of this ellipse with respect to the working coordinate axes was determined by a procedure based on contouring the drawdowns at a given time. This ellipse, in turn, was used to estimate the directions and magnitudes of the horizontal components of the hydraulic conductivity tensor. The technique is applicable to confined, as well as leaky, aquifers. Sources of error in this technique include nonhomogeneity of the aquifer and partial penetration of the pumping and observation wells into the aquifer. The procedure presented may be used as an additional tool to verify computations of hydraulic conductivity anisotropy based on other techniques.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Areas of low topographic relief have low water-table gradients and make the direction of movement of contaminants from land fills in the ground water difficult to predict from regional gradients alone. The landfill, nearby free-flowing ditches or canals, variations in hydraulic conductivity, and the influence of nearby pumping wells can all affect the direction of flow. In low-gradient areas the concepts of “upgradient” and “downgradient” are less useful in planning the location of monitoring wells than in areas of higher relief. Low-relief areas also may be affected by the discharge of mineralized water from deeper aquifers, naturally or through irrigation, which can mask geochemical surveys intended to detect landfill leachate. Examples of effects of low topographic relief are noted in southeast Florida where water-table gradients are 7×10?-4 to 5×10?-4 feet per foot. Water-table mounding beneath the landfill and the drainage effects of nearby ditches and well have created multiple leachate plumes in Stuart where one plume migrated in a direction opposite to the apparent regional gradient. In Coral Springs analysis suggests a bifurcating plume migrating along two narrow zones. In Fort Pierce it was difficult to detect leachate because of mineralized irrigation water and fertilizer runoff from an adjacent citrus grove.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Injection of water and subsequent withdrawal were carried out in three existing water wells (SU-10, C-105, and SU-135A) in Kuwait. The objective of the study was to assess the technical feasibility of artificial recharge in the carbonate Dammam Formation and the clastic Kuwait Group aquifers. In the absence of any pretreatment of injection water and measures for maintenance of line pressure, clogging from suspended solids and air entrapment occurred in all three experiments. It was, however, possible to inject for one month in Wells SU-10 and C-105 where injection took place in the Dammam aquifer. In Well SU-135A, where the Kuwait Group aquifer was the target for injection, clogging became so severe that the injection experiment had to be abandoned. The injection/withdrawal data were analyzed with the help of a multi-aquifer flow model and a transport model. The models took into account the effects of crossflow within the boreholes on the distribution of intake and discharge rates for different aquifers, and hence, on the recovery efficiency. The experiments suggested that the artificial recharge of the Dammam and the Kuwait Group aquifers was technically feasible. The problem of clogging was, however, more severe for the Kuwait Group.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Necessary input parameters for studying mixing zone characteristics of thermal plumes are horizontal surface and subsurface water velocities. Using time lapse aerial photography and analytical photogrammetric techniques, movements of drogues in an effluent plume were traced. From these traces accurate velocity vectors were obtained. Photographic coordinates of drogue images were measured using a glass scale. From the photo coordinates and the results of a ground control survey, an analytical solution was made for positions of drogues in the water at known intervals of time. Drogue positions were mapped for selected exposures thereby providing a visual display of velocity vectors in the study area. A rigorous error analysis was performed to determine the validity of the computed results.  相似文献   

Based on the reality of (a) soil heterogeneity in the vadose zone, (b) enhanced desorption from soil and solubility in water of water insoluble contaminants in the presence of surfactants, and (c) wetting/drying cycles of groundwater recharge (a major cause of fractures formation), a coherent “short-cut” conceptual approach is advanced to account for enhanced groundwater contamination. This is an attempt to close the gap between theory, lab simulations and conventional modelling-based predictions, and observed higher concentrations and more rapid arrival times of contaminants reaching groundwater. Recent data concerning chloride ion and non-ionic surfactants concentrations in aquifers and groundwater wells, combined with previous results concerning the concentrations of tritium, chlorides, metals, organic hydrocarbons and surfactants in the unsaturated and saturated zones of Israel's aquifers, are accounted for in terms of the “short-cut” approach. The contradiction between predictions of groundwater contamination made with conventional, deterministic, homogeneous models and the actual observed behavior of contaminants in soils and aquifers is thus explaind. The “short cut” approach should not be perceived as a better type of model to guide modelling. Rather, it is a proposal for a conceptual change from the realistically invalid, but commonly accepted, conventional “buffer-protective soil/long-term groundwater contamination” to the “short cut” conceptual model to explain the enhanced groundwater contamination actually observed. Although the validity of the proposed approach is strongly supported by the data here presented for the case of Israel (serving as an illustrative case study), selected results and conclusions drawn from studies conducted worldwide suggest its general applicability and usefulness. A major conclusion evolved from the “short-cut” conceptual model is that contemporary groundwater management policies, based on the current perception of groundwater contamination processes and their modelling, may result in an irreversible detrimental effect on the environmental situation in the long run. In any case, prevention, rather than correction/remediation, is strongly recommended as the strategy of choice for rational long-term management of groundwater resources.  相似文献   

Abstract: The population of Collier and Lee Counties in southwestern Florida has increased 11‐fold from 1960 to 2004 with a concomitant increase in freshwater demand. Water levels and salinity within the water table aquifer over the past two to three decades have generally been stable, with more monitoring wells showing statistically significant temporal increases in water level than decreases. Residential development has had a neutral impact on the water table aquifer because the total annual evapotranspiration of residential communities is comparable to that of native vegetation and less than that of most agricultural land uses. Public water supply systems and private wells also result in net recharge to the water table aquifer with water produced from deeper aquifers. Confined freshwater aquifers have overall trends of decreasing water levels. However, with the exception of the mid‐Hawthorn aquifer, water levels in most areas recover to near background levels each summer wet season. Freshwater resources in humid subtropical areas, such as southwestern Florida, are relatively robust because of the great aquifer recharge potential from the excess of rainfall over ET during the wet season. Proper management can result in sustainable water resources.  相似文献   

A groundwater hydraulic management model is used to identify the optimal strategy for allocating limited fresh-water supplies and containing wastes in a hypothetical aquifer affected by brine contamination from surface disposal ponds. The present cost of pumping from a network of potential supply and interception wells is minimized over a five-year planning period, subject to a set of hydraulic, institutional, and legal constraints. Hydraulic constraints are formulated using linear systems theory to describe drawdown and velocity variables as linear functions of supply and interception well discharge decision variables. Successful validation of the optimal management strategy suggests that the model formulation can feasibly be applied to define management options for locally contaminated aquifer systems which are used to fulfill fresh-water demands.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Data from 54 well in central and eastern Kansas developed in unconsolidated deposits of Quaternary age indicate that nitrate concentrations are inversely related to the depth of the well screen opening below the water level in the well casing because this relationship was found to exist in an area of Nebraska and in a large area of Kansas, the relationship is generally valid over a wide geo- graphical area. In addition, the data indicate that the incidence of nitrate concentrations exceeding 45 milligrams per liter and nitrate concentrations, in general, are significantly lower in water from wells with screens deeper than 25 feet below the water table in unconfined aquifers or where screens are placed in deep confined aquifers. No concentrations of nitrate greater than 45 milligrams per liter were in obseved wells where screens were deeper than 60 feet below the casing water level. These findings suggest that general placement of well screens as far below the water table as possible in unconfined unconsolidated aquifers in Kansas. and possibly other areas of the Midwest, may be an effective measure in preventing undesirable nitrate concentrations in ground water supplies. particularly in areas where nitrate is a problem.  相似文献   

The estimates for geological CO2 storage capacity worldwide vary, but it is generally believed that the capacity in saline aquifers will be sufficient for the amounts of CO2 that will need to be stored. The effort required to select and qualify a geological storage site for safe storage will, however, be significant and storage capacity may be a limited resource regionally. Both from a economic and resource management perspective it is therefore important that potential storage sites are exploited to their full potential.In static capacity estimates, where the maximum stored amount of CO2 is given as a fraction of the formation pore volume, typically arrive at efficiency factors in the range of a few per cents. Recent work has shown that when the dynamic behaviour of the injected CO2 is taken into account, the efficiency factor will be reduced because of the increase in pore pressure in the region around the injection well(s). The increase in pore pressure will propagate much further than the CO2. The EU directive on geological CO2 storage specifically addresses the restriction that will apply when different storage sites are interacting due to pressure communication. Consequently, the pore pressure increase at the boundary of the storage license area will be an important limiting factor for the amount of CO2 that can be injected.One obvious method to control the pore pressure is to produce water from the aquifer at some distance from the CO2 injection wells. This paper discusses results from simulations of CO2 injection in two aquifers on the Norwegian Continental Shelf; the Johansen aquifer and the southern part of the Utsira aquifer. These aquifers are candidates for injection of CO2 shipped out via pipeline from the Norwegian West Coast. The injected amounts of CO2 over a period of 50 years are 0.518 Gtonne for the Johansen aquifer and 1.04 Gtonne for the Utsira aquifer.Several design options for the injection operations are investigated: Injection of CO2 without water production; injection into several wells to distribute the injected fluids and reduce the local pressure increase around each injection well; and injection with simultaneous production of water from one or more wells. The boundaries of the aquifer formations are assumed closed in all simulations. The possible consequences of other types of boundary conditions (semi-closed or open) are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: During the fall of 2000, the occurrence was examined of 16 herbicides and 13 herbicide degradates in samples from 55 wells in shallow aquifers underlying grain producing regions of Illinois. Herbicide compounds with concentrations above 0.05 μg/L were detected in 56 percent of the samples. No concentrations exceeded regulatory drinking water standards. The six most frequently detected compounds were degradates. Water age was an important factor in determining vulnerability of ground water to transport of herbicide compounds. Unconsolidated aquifers, which were indicated to generally contain younger ground water than bedrock aquifers, had a higher occurrence of herbicides (73 percent of samples) than bedrock aquifers (22 percent). Temporal analysis to determine if changes in concentrations of selected herbicides and degradates could be observed over a near decadal period indicated a decrease in detection frequency (25 to 18 percent) between samplings in 1991 and 2000. Over this period, significant differences in concentrations were observed for atrazine (decrease) and total acetochlor (increase). The increase in acetochlor compound concentrations corresponds to an increase in acetochlor use during the study period, while the decrease in atrazine concentrations corresponds to relatively consistent use of atrazine. Changes in frequency of herbicide detection and concentration do not appear related to changes in land use near sampled wells.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Overpumped artesian wells are defined and explained. Unified well equations which can be used for artesian, gravity and overpumped artesian wells are derived under both the steady and transient conditions of flow. The location of the boundary between artesian and gravity steady and transient flow systems in artesian aquifers, due to multiple wells among which overpumped artesian wells may exist, is explained.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Variables that describe well construction, hydrogeology, and land use were evaluated for use as possible indicators of the susceptibility of ground water in bedrock aquifers in the Newark Basin, New Jersey, to contamination by nitrate from the land surface. Statistical analyses were performed on data for 132 wells located throughout the Newark Basin. Concentrations of nitrate (as nitrogen) did not exceed the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency maximum contaminant level of 10 milligrams per liter (mg/L) in any of the water samples (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 1991). Variables that describe hydrogeology and well construction were found not to be statistically significant in relation to concentrations of nitrate. This finding can be attributed to the complex nature of flow in bedrock aquifers and mixing of water from shallow and deep water-bearing zones that occurs within these wells, which are constructed with long open intervals. Distributions of nitrate concentrations were significantly different among land-use groups on the basis of land use within both a 400 and an 800-m radius zone of the well. The median concentrations of nitrate (as N) in water from wells in predominantly urban-residential (2.5 mg/L) and agricultural areas (1.8 mg/L) were greater than the median concentration of nitrate in water from wells in predominantly undeveloped areas (0.5 mg/L).  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Water quality in the Brazos River of Texas is seriously degraded by natural salt pollution. Two thousand tons/day of total dissolved solids emanate from brine springs and seeps in the Upper Brazos River drainage. Approximately 45 percent of the total salt load comes from a relatively small flow in the Dove Creek area. The companion paper demonstrates that a system of wells pumping brine at a constant rate of about 2 cfs from the near surface aquifer should eliminate the brine springs in this area. In this paper, injection into deep brine aquifers is shown to be a feasible brine disposal alternative. Four brine aquifers were determined from the literature to be possible injection zones. Accurate net aquifer thickness maps were generated in a 23 by 14 mile area centered on the Dove Creek area for three of the aquifers from an interpretation of 41 well logs. Constant injection for a project life of 100 years was simulated using the SWIFT/486 software. Modeling suggests that one well would be sufficient to inject the entire disposal volume into either the Strawn or Ellenburger Formation.  相似文献   

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