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城市空气质量的管理   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
根据“城市空气质量管理,欧盟和中国的实践与经验”国际会专家的发言,整理出有关中国城市空气质量管理的10条建议,城市空气质量管理工作要加强其有生的评估,环保立法 和标准工作要体现先进性,发挥引导作用,城市空气质量管理要有科学研究的支持增强科学性;城市空气质量管理要有区域性的观点,城市质量管理要有前瞻性;城市质量要贯彻可持续发展战略,环保部门负责做好;空气质量管理,积极参与空气的污染治理,深化空气质量  相似文献   

据新华社电世界卫生组织日前发布的最新城市空气质量数据库显示,数据库涵盖的多数城市的室外空气质量超过其设定的健康标准。新数据库覆盖90多个国家的1600个城市,其覆盖范围较2011年版本大幅提高,并首次将众多中小城市空气污染数据纳入其中。  相似文献   

用空气污染指数评价城市空气质量   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
主要介绍空气污染指数的概念,分级浓度限值,空气污染系数的计算方法,如何用空气污染指数评价城市空气质量,空气质量周报的发布,以及利用空气污染指数评价重点城市空气质量时存在的问题。  相似文献   

城市空气质量周报效果用分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了世界上一些发达国家的空气污染预报的做法和采取的措施,阐述了我国开展空气质量预报的计针和方法,指出了周报是预报的基础工作。叙述了我国空气质量周报的污染参数的选取、污染的选取、污染指数的分级其浓度限值和污染指数计算及确定,分析了并总结了开展城市空气质量周报所发挥的效果是提高公众的环保单调意识,加大了治理污染的力度,转变了环境监测的职能,促进了环境监测事业的发展。  相似文献   

介绍了世界上一些发达国家的空气污染预报的做法和采取的措施,阐述了我国开展空气质量预报的方针和方法,指出了周报是预报的基础工作。叙述了我国空气质量周报的污染参数的选取、污染指数的分级及其浓度限值和污染指数计算及确定,分析并总结了开展城市空气质量周报所发挥的效用是提高公众的环保意识,加大了治理污染的力度,转变了环境监测的职能,促进了环境监测事业的发展  相似文献   

无论在任何地点的污染物浓度都是来自不同范围内不同排放源贡献的加和。一个采样点的污染物浓度是以下几种浓度的加和:自然界的背景浓度;地区的背景浓度;采样点周边的城市平均浓度;附近排放源,如街道、点源(工厂、供热厂)等的影响。1 监测网络的设计设计监测系统网络的两种方案:(1)对城市,在人为划定的固定网格的交叉点附近设置采样点。如果交叉点靠近某个排放源,则需要仔细调整采样点的位置。这种方法导致大量的采样点,并为绘制空气污染等浓度曲线提供了可能性。其空间分配率就是网络大小的尺度。(2)采样点有选择地置于最具代表性的地方。…  相似文献   

阿图什市空气质量变化趋势分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分析了阿图什市“八五”至“九五”期间空气质量监测数据不同年度、不同季节及不同污染因子的动态变化趋势.结合当地能源结构、气候特征、城市环境综合发展水平,指出影响阿图什市空气质量的主要因素,为防治和减轻阿图什市的空气污染提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

伊宁市空气质量动态变化趋势分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
分析了伊宁市空气质量长期监测数据不同月份、不同年度、不同污染因子的动态变化趋势,结合当地能源结构、气候特征、城市环境综合发展水平,指出影响伊宁市空气质量的主要因素,为防治或减轻伊宁市的空气污染提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

《伦敦市长空气质量战略》与可持续改善城市空气质量   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
简单介绍伦敦市长空气质量战略的内容,从中借鉴出我国城市空气质量可持续改善的经验与措施:推行清洁汽车行动与清洁能源行动,大力发展城市公共交通。  相似文献   

概述了现今比较流行的"空气流域"新概念,介绍了在此概念基础上的"空气流域管理"新观念,认为它们可以作为我国城市空气质量达标战略的新起点.  相似文献   

城市空气质量综合评价的可拓方法   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
可拓方法是从定性和定量两个角度去处理现实世界中矛盾问题的一种新方法 ,它能较完整地反映事物的综合质量水平。本文介绍了可拓评价方法的基本原理 ,并探讨了该方法在城市空气质量综合评价中的应用 ,结果表明是合理可行的  相似文献   

本文利用灰色系统的关联分析方法对影响城市大气质量的主要因素进行分析,结果发现.燃料的消耗量是影响深圳大气环境质量的主要因素,机动车辆的增长是次主要因素,工业总产值的变化对城市大气质量影响极弱,而城市的发展对大气质量均有影响,对大气中NOx和降尘的影响最明显。  相似文献   

通过对大气二氧化硫采样平行双样相对偏差变化规律的分析,证明了用平行双样控制大气二氧化硫采样样品的质量是可行的,并确定了平行双样相对偏差的控制指标,为大气二氧化硫采样的质量控制提供了可靠的依据  相似文献   

In 1997, the UK government instigated the practice of Local Air Quality Management (LAQM) in the UK. This process is based on local authorities undertaking Review and Assessments of air quality within their areas. The first round of Review and Assessments have now been completed and represents the most extensive and coordinated analysis of air pollution ever undertaken in the UK, and probably in Europe. This paper takes a broad look at the outcomes of this process so far and identifies some of the key areas where lessons have/can be learnt both about patterns of air pollution in the UK and about the framework for investigating these that has been implemented under the LAQM regime. The process has led to a much higher number of local authorities finding problems with air pollution than initially expected. It has also challenged many assumptions about the significance of various pollutants and their sources.  相似文献   

LEONARD ORTOLANO has written a textbook, Environmental Planning and Decision Making, that is ideal for introducing undergraduates to the field of environmental planning. His three chapters on environmental impact assessment (from 16 chapters overall) present a range of impact assessment methods in a helpful decision-making context. Specific techniques for considering biological factors in planning, evaluating the visual qualities of the environment, assessing noise impacts, assessing air quality impacts, and assessing impacts on water resources are also covered in five additional chapters. Professional planners and engineers should find this introduction to the approaches employed by specialists of various kinds helpful. With the permission of the publisher, John Wiley and Sons, we here reprint Chapter 15, “Estimating Air Quality Impacts,” from Ortolano's excellent book. This straightforward presentation of a six-step process for establishing the air quality impacts of proposed development projects is a model of clarity.  相似文献   

Indoor air quality in university environments   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This study evaluates the airborne microflora in research laboratories of the University of Chieti (Italy). A quali-quantitative evaluation of the index microbial air contamination was performed using the settle plate method. The microbial air contamination was evaluated during 6 months in three university buildings (A, B, and C). Nutrient agar plates were exposed, monthly, for 1 h at the morning and the afternoon to evaluate the colony forming units per plate per hour. Together with the quantitative analysis, the most frequent bacterial and fungal colonies isolated were also characterized. Moreover, in each sampling, the number of the occupants in each room was recorded to evaluate a possible relationship with the microbial pollution. The microbial concentration was always within the limit values defined for these environments. Buildings A and C displayed a seasonal fluctuation of airborne microflora with the increase in microbial concentration in the warmer season (April to June) in respect to the colder period (October to December). The most common microorganisms detected in the indoor air of the examined buildings were Gram-positive bacteria, belonged to the genera Staphylococcus, Bacillus, and Actinomyces. Data presented here underline the useful monitoring of the research university laboratories also emphasizing the effectiveness of the settle plate method.  相似文献   

河流水质综合评价方法的统一和改进   总被引:42,自引:3,他引:42  
在分析我国河流水质综合评价方法存在的问题以及河流水质综合评价方法研究现状的基础上 ,以国家对全国水环境质量系统管理需要为目的 ,提出了对河流水质综合评价方法的要求 ,并针对综合污染指数法的缺陷 ,提出了改进的综合水质指数方法  相似文献   

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