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我们居住的地球是个可爱的大家庭,有美丽的蓝天白云,辽阔的山河湖海,有青翠的花草树木……创造了灿烂的科学文化,而在科技飞跃发展的同时,自然却受到了污染,环境遭到了破坏,大地在叹息,地球在哭泣,我们可爱的家在危难中!  相似文献   

群贤齐聚大会堂,高朋满座听报告。齐心协力谋发展,又是五年春光好。2007年10月15日,中国共产党第十七次全国代表大会隆重召开,全国振奋、世界瞩目。十七大报告从5个方面、15处论述了环境保护,并将建设生态文明作为全面建设小康社会奋斗目标新要求之一,这在历届党的政治报告中是第一次,充分表明我们党把环境保护工作融入了科学发展的全局,放到了十分重要的战略位置,是我们党关于环境保护理论认识一次新的飞跃,充分体现了环境保护工作进入了党和国家发展大局,进入了经济社会建设主战场,进入了重要战略机遇期,环境保护的责任加重了。  相似文献   

山东省济宁市是一个淡水资源缺乏的内陆城市,并且处于南水北调沿线,快速发展的工业经济需要越来越多的淡水,以循环利用为核心,把生产过程中产生的废水回收再利用,不仅降低了成本,产生经济效益,而且节约了资源、保护了环境。现在,山东省天安矿业有限公司星村煤矿等企业,就是通过这样的做法,取得了经济效益和社会效益的双赢。  相似文献   

赵丰 《绿叶》2014,(1):69-78
远古,鸟破天荒地叫了。这个世界最早的声音不是恐龙,也不是猿猴,而是鸟。鸟唤醒了大自然的寂静。最初,山川、河流、森林、海洋都哑巴似的无声无息。某日清晨,一只鸟突发臆想,张开喉咙“啊”了声,于是声音诞生了。  相似文献   

本文介绍了中山市三角镇高平电镀工业园区采用的蹴制系统和在线监测系统,通过相关的检测和计量系统计算每个企业各类废水的排放量及浓度,以便进行分类收费。该系统运行稳定,故障率低,易于操作和维护,降低了操作人员的劳动强度,提高了工作效率,保证了废水处理后的达标排放。  相似文献   

30年前掀起的改革大潮,不单改变了整个国家的命运,就很多人来说,人生轨迹也从此出现了拐点——我本人就是从那时起,与环保结下了不解之缘。1976年7月28日,唐山发生了大地震,县组织部门考虑到我在唐山有多名亲属震亡,终于同意了我调回唐山市里的请求——把工作安排在唐山地区一个叫环境保护办公室的单位。  相似文献   

尽管已经进入了新学期,但过去总有一段故事令人难以忘怀。一年来,我在张冠秀老师的带领下,参加了好多环保活动,充实了我的初一生活,至今记忆犹新,最难忘的是那届“环保艺术节”。  相似文献   

基于流媒体技术的远程教育平台的设计与实现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
流媒体技术采用流式传输的方式在Internet/Intranet播放的媒体格式,其数据流随时传送随时播放,缩短了启动延时,降低了对系统缓存容量的需求,极大地减少了用户的等待时间,因此广泛应用于网络教育、网络电台、视频点播、收费播放等方面。文中主要介绍了流媒体技术的特点、原理,进一步阐述了用于在局域网和Internet中传送流式多媒体内容的开发工具windows media,给出了一种利用Windows media流媒体技术构建远程教育系统的具体方案,很好的解决了音频,视频信息的传送问题和数据间的同步问题。  相似文献   

张东亮 《绿色视野》2011,(11):35-37
小贝壳里惊现商机 今年39岁的王丹凤生长在福建厦门一个小渔村,祖辈都靠打鱼为生,到了她父亲这一代,才有了一个十几亩的小型水上养殖场。扇贝吃的是海里的微生物,只需要人辛苦一点勤加照看即可,养殖成本很低。就这样,王丹凤带着老父的企盼,利用原有的水域和设备,用3万元购买了第一批扇贝小苗,大刀阔斧地开始了她的养殖生涯。  相似文献   

任冠潮 《环境教育》2013,(1):115-116
窗外,阳光明媚,而小威的心情却是阴云密布。因为,他发现自己双臂上开始生长羽毛,而且还在向四周不断生长。小威实在忍受不了,他开始寻医问药……他先去了一家大医院,在做了血液透析之后,医生对他说:“你得了一种很奇怪的病,你的基因变异了,你正在向鸟退化。我们无能为力!”  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: In North America the four successive winters from 1974-1975 through 1977–1978 were very different from each other in terms of atmospheric circulation and resulting surface weather conditions. The first year of the sequence there was a near normal circulation pattern. The following years were characterized by the gradual amplification of an upper atmosphere ridge over the West Coast coupled with an eastward displacement of a long-wave trough east of the Rocky Mountains. These changes in circulation brought below normal temperatures to the Midwest, below normal precipition and increasing snowfall which reached record levels in February 1978. These atmospheric changes brought about changes in the flow of the Kankakee River-Total runoff in the winter half-year dropped as precipitation and temperatures dropped; there was a marked retarding of winter runoff and the yield of the watershed increased.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: A three-year study has been conducted on a 4.6 mile stretch of the Saddle River near Lodi, New Jersey. The primary objectives of this investigation were (1) to provide baseline information on the concentration and distribution of heavy metals in bottom sediments of the Saddle River; (2) to qualitatively evaluate which parameters affect this distribution; and (3) to determine the effect of urbanization on the concentration and distribution of these materials. Significant enrichments of several heavy metals were observed in bottom sediments of the lower Saddle River near Lodi, New Jersey, as compared to the upper Saddle River. Attempts to correlate metal concentrations in bottom sediments with chemical-oxygen demand were not successful in demonstrating a relationship between these two factors. Metal concentrations were found to be strongly dependent upon particle size. In general, metal concentrations in bottom sediments increased with decreasing partical diameter. However, metals enrichment was observed to be considerably greater in the larger sediment fractions studied (>420μ) than the smaller sediment fractions as one proceeded downstream through the urban area. Since the larger sediment fractions are least effected by scour and transport they may best reflect the effect of urbanization on the distribution of heavy metals over an extended period of time at a given location.  相似文献   

The current study investigated the effect of the physical environment of the waiting room on perceptions of the quality of care of the physician. One hundred forty-seven college students and 58 senior citizens viewed 35 slides of physicians' waiting rooms. Using a visual analog scale, participants rated the perceived quality of care and the environment of each waiting room. The primary hypothesis was that perceived quality of care would be greater for waiting rooms that were nicely furnished, well-lighted, contained artwork, and were warm in appearance versus waiting rooms that had outdated furnishings, were dark, contained no artwork or poor quality reproductions, and were cold in appearance. Factor analyses of the care and environment ratings produced factors consistent with the hypothesis. Additionally, waiting rooms judged to be those of female physicians were rated higher on both perceived quality of care and comfort in the environment.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The Great Flood of 1993 inundated more than 355,000 ha of illinois cropland, creating great concern for the possible contamination of farmland by herbicides. The objective of this study was to assess the herbicide contamination of floodwaters and farmland due to the great flood of 1993. Floodwater samples were collected between August 5 and December 20, 1993, at the Horseshoe Lake State Game Reserve in Alexander County, Illinois, USA. Water and suspended sediment were tested separately for the more commonly used herbicides in Illinois and the midwestern USA: alachior, atrazine, and cyanazine. These herbicides were detected in the floodwater samples, but concentrations were all below the health advisory concentration of 3 μg/L established for drinking water by the United States Environmental Protection Agency. No herbicides were detected in the suspended sediment. After the recession of the flood, soil samples from flooded and non-flooded corn fields were collected for comparison. Soil samples taken from two out of three sampling locations had a 0.4 to 0.8 μg/kg increase in atrazine at the flooded verses the non-flooded sites. Concentrations were 500 to 1,000 times lower than the recommended 1 mg/kg rate at which this herbicides typically applied to soil.  相似文献   

涉及电动振动台选型的结构与技术的评价和分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
胡小弟  朱伟繁 《环境技术》2002,20(5):1-4,17
通过振动台系统组成部分(振动台体,磁场电源和功率放大器)涉及的结构与技术的分析,对振动台系统技术指标的先进性,结构设计的合理性及振动台用于振动试验的准确性和安全性的评价提供依据,可供选择振动台系统参考。  相似文献   

: Chemical quality characteristics of the Illinois waterway covering a stretch of 270 river miles were monitored at approximately 10 mile intervals, during the period June to September of 1978 and 1979. A statistical method was used to define the interstation relationships for the chemical parameters. These mathematical models were used to predict the effects of Lake Michigan diversion. The mineral content of the mixed flow resulting from increased diversions are not likely to be altered drastically.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT This paper examines the social impact of reservoir construction on a rural community group located in the urban fringe of a major metropolitan area in central Ohio. The study data were collected at three intervals over a ten-year period (1970, 1974, 1980). Evaluation of resident opinions in the affected community revealed significant attitude differences over time for four of the five variables measured. The findings revealed that the study group desired more social stability but had accommodated the changes experienced to date. Responses to the attitude scales showed that the people in the study group were well integrated and were closely identified with each other at all three test periods. Attitudes toward the lake project were significantly more positive over time, and in 1980 the collective community group held a basically neutral attitude about the lake. The development agency was also perceived more positively over time.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Historical trends in annual discharge characteristics were evaluated for 11 gauging stations located throughout Iowa. Discharge records from nine eight‐digit hydrologic unit code (HUC‐8) watersheds were examined for the period 1940 to 2000, whereas data for two larger river systems (Cedar and Des Moines Rivers) were examined for a longer period of record (1903 to 2000). In nearly all watersheds evaluated, annual base flow, annual minimum flow, and the annual base flow percentage significantly increased over time. Some rivers also exhibited increasing trends in total annual discharge, whereas only the Maquoketa River had significantly decreased annual maximum flows. Regression of stream discharge versus precipitation indicated that more precipitation is being routed into streams as base flow than as storm flow in the second half of the 20th Century. Reasons for the observed stream flow trends are hypothesized to include improved conservation practices, greater artificial drainage, increasing row crop production, and channel incision. Each of these reasons is consistent with the observed trends, and all are likely responsible to some degree in most watersheds.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Despite radical differences in water laws, water management agencies, approaches to water planning, and financial resources, Mexico and the United States forged a common program to manage water and related land on the Rio Grande. Actions of Rio Grande Commissions related to stream gaging, boundary definition, and multiple-purpose construction projects are among the more successful international water-management efforts in the world. Cost-sharing arrangements promoted rapid completing of international works. However, joint action accomplished only part of expectations. International developments were competitive rather than complementary until basin water appropriation was virtually complete. Moreover, Commissions were not empowered to consider long-range competitive water needs, or regional water requirements, throughout the basin. International groundwater use coordination does not exist. International structures produce less than anticipated benefits. Hydroelectric generators are financial liabilities, irrigated acreage exceeds dependable streamflow, and soil salinization is experienced. Unanticipated environmental changes occurred in every major program. The Rio Grande experience points to the need for society to specify goals to which the use of water should contribute and to specify priorities for water use among different sectors of river basins and various segments of society.  相似文献   

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