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流化床中RDF焚烧时CO、SO2和HCl的生成   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
在非均匀布风流化床中进行了垃圾衍生燃料(RDF)与煤的混烧试验,测量了H2O、CO、CO2、NO、N2O、HCl、SO2等污染物质的排放特性.结果表明与单纯燃烧RDF相比,混烧时的CO生成量大大下降;SO2生成浓度较低,而HCl的生成量比单纯烧煤时明显增加.  相似文献   

新型移动床生物膜反应器水力特性的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
新型移动床生物膜反应器是在普通移动床生物膜反应器中引入导流板,使填料在全池循环移动,消除了普遍移动床生物膜的死角问题,改进了它的结构和运行方式,提高了反应器的效能。通过清水实验对反应器的水力特性进行了研究,确定了反应器构造、填料填充比,考察了曝气充氧性能,研究结果认为该反应器内的水流状态大致符合理想全混合反应器的流态,并具有较好的节能效果。  相似文献   

厌氧-好氧移动床生物膜工艺处理冰淇淋废水的试验研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
研究了厌氧污泥复合床 好氧移动床生物膜反应器串联工艺 ,处理冰淇淋生产废水的工艺性能和影响因素。试验结果表明 ,在进水CODCr 浓度平均为 3 0 0 0mg L ,厌氧反应器容积负荷 7~ 2 0kg m3·d ,好氧反应器容积负荷 1~5kg m3·d ,系统总水力停留时间 13 1~ 2 8h的条件下 ,该串联工艺的CODCr总去除率大于 90 %  相似文献   

重点研究了厌氧-缺氧-预曝气-移动床生物膜(A1-A2-O-MBBR)组合工艺对焦化废水中特征有机污染物——苯酚、对甲酚、苯胺、邻甲酚、吲哚、喹啉和2,4-二甲酚的降解情况.结果发现,进水中苯酚、对甲酚、苯胺、邻甲酚、吲哚、喹啉和2,4-二甲酚的含量分别为48.68、25.53、11.70、8.46、8.02、5.33和1.26mg·mL-1,约占有机物总量的70.0%;经厌氧处理后,喹啉的去除率最高,达91.4%,苯酚和2,4-二甲酚的去除率为30.0%~40.0%,苯胺、邻甲酚、对甲酚和吲哚的去除率为20.0%~30.0%,并且厌氧出水的色度降低约55.0%;缺氧反硝化对有机物的降解或转化有重要作用,苯胺、喹啉和吲哚经缺氧处理后未检测到,苯酚、对甲酚和邻甲酚的去除率分别为93.3%、86.8%和81.7%,但2,4-二甲酚浓度却从0.13mg·mL-1增加到0.21mg·mL-1;而经预曝气处理后,苯酚、邻甲酚、对甲酚和2,4-二甲酚未检测到,MBBR反应器主要进行硝化反应,整个系统出水氨氮小于1.0mg·mL-1.  相似文献   

内循环移动床生物膜反应器的研究与应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对传统移动床生物膜反应器进行改进,开发了内循环移动床生物膜反应器,通过处理模拟生活污水的研究,考察了反应器去除有机物和脱氮的能力。结果表明,在填料投加率为35%、进水COD为200~800mg/L、HRT为6h、有机负荷为0.8~3.2kg/(m.3d)的条件下,系统COD的去除率在89%以上;同时反应器具有良好的同步硝化反硝化脱氮能力,在DO为2.0mg/L、C/N为25、HRT为6h的条件下,NH4-N和TN的平均去除率分别可以达到98%和93%。另外,内循环移动床生物膜反应器与移动床生物膜反应器的对比实验结果表明,前者对COD和氮的去除效果都优于后者。  相似文献   

以氧吸收速率(Rou)为指标,研究了移动床生物膜反应器内两相污泥中自养菌和异养菌的生物活性.分别测定了不同温度和不同负荷下,反应区内悬浮相和附着相污泥的Rou.结果表明:温度为5 ℃时,自养菌的硝化活性为18 ℃时的60%左右;附着相微生物的硝化能力较悬浮相微生物低20%~30%;该反应器具有良好的抗低温和负荷冲击的能力.该反应器内2个反应区中附着相和悬浮相污泥的生物活性为:反应区Ⅱ悬浮相>反应区Ⅰ悬浮相>反应区Ⅱ附着相>反应区Ⅰ附着相.反应区Ⅰ,Ⅱ的反硝化速率分别为0.44和0.63 mg/(g·h),说明后者污泥的反硝化活性好于前者.试验结果还表明,在反应器内NO2--N的积累量非常低.   相似文献   

本研究以沸石为重要原料研制新型沸石悬浮填料,并将其用于启动沸石悬浮填料移动床反应器(ZMBBR),与装填普通陶粒的陶粒悬浮填料移动床(CMBBR)对比考察其亚硝化性能.结果表明:通过游离氨(FA)抑制的方法快速实现两种反应器的稳定亚硝化,两个反应器出水亚硝酸氮积累率均能达到90%以上;沸石对铵离子的吸附解吸作用使ZMB...  相似文献   

为了探明14CO2在环境中的行为,采用核素示踪技术研究了蚕豆-土壤系统对14CO2的吸收和积累动态.结果表明,通过蚕豆叶片光合作用从空气中吸收的14CO2会向蚕豆其他部位组织输送并形成积累趋势,被检测到的14C比活度数值比较大,表明空气中的14CO2易于通过叶片吸收而进入蚕豆各组织器官中;蚕豆各部位组织中14C比活度随时间呈线性增长,增长速率介于20.3~45.1Bq/(g×d),大小次序为:叶>茎>根>豆壳>豆粒.蚕豆对14CO2(14C)具有较强的富集作用,各部位的富集系数随时间呈快速增加, 其中叶片中的富集系数最高(56d时高达31.61),豆壳次之(56d时达25.57).利用蚕豆的这一富集特性可监测大气14CO2污染的情况.  相似文献   

基于车载激光气体分析仪于2020年冬季和2021年春季在杭州道路观测近地面大气CO2和CH4浓度.结果表明:(1)城市不同区域道路近地面大气CO2浓度与城市背景站差值(ΔCO2)的排序为工业区>商业居民混合区>沿江住宅区>自然风景区,而CH4差值(ΔCH4)的排序为沿江住宅区>商业居民混合区>工业区>自然风景区,这说明城市CO2和CH4排放源有差异.(2)城市CO2和CH4排放热点同一位置多次观测浓度均高于周边地区30%以上,且CO2和CH4浓度昼夜差异明显.(3)杭州隧道内CH4:CO2浓度比值为(0.000912±0.00002),表明杭州主城区车辆以汽油车为主.(4)在高度约为20~30m的高架处观测的CO2浓度对于不透...  相似文献   

为探明硝化生物膜系统对低温的适应特性,在不同温度(20、 15和10℃)下长期运行移动床生物膜反应器(MBBR)和生物膜-活性污泥复合工艺(IFAS)并考察温度降低对其硝化性能、生物膜特性及群落结构的影响,以期为生物膜系统在污水处理行业的应用提供理论依据.结果表明,当温度降低至10℃时,MBBR和IFAS的氨氮去除率分别为(90.88±5.73)%和(99.79±0.31)%,表明IFAS比MBBR具有更好的低温适应性.这是由于低温导致胞外聚合物(EPS)含量的增加,进而促使生物膜厚度及干重不断升高,而相同负荷下的MBBR生物膜更容易堵塞,从而影响传质.活性测定结果表明,尽管IFAS中活性污泥的硝化贡献率始终占主导地位,但随着温度降低,生物膜的氨氧化贡献率从30.72%逐渐上升至39.85%,起到了强化硝化的作用.qPCR结果显示,温度的降低使生物膜中硝化细胞拷贝数上升,其与低温下生物膜厚度的增加一定程度上弥补了硝化活性的衰减,从而体现了生物膜对低温较强的适应性.  相似文献   

中国垃圾可燃组分RDF化的探索   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
在国内第一条日产 6tRDF(垃圾衍生燃料 )的生产线上 ,采用垃圾中可燃垃圾组分进行制备RDF的可行性实验研究 ;对工艺的环境影响及运行经济性进行了评价 ;提出了评价RDF成型性的方法 ,并研究了原料含水量、含钙量及干燥方式对RDF成型性的影响 .实验结果表明 :中国垃圾进行RDF工艺是可行的 ,但目前的成本偏高 ,随着生产规模的提高 ,成本会大幅度降低 ,则制备RDF焚烧所产生的环境效益是非常有吸引力的 ;采用热重分析法对RDF燃烧特性进行了初步研究 .结果表明RDF是一种优质燃料 ,热值与无烟煤相当 ,可用来作替代燃料 .  相似文献   

中国氮氧化物排放清单及分布特征   总被引:55,自引:2,他引:55       下载免费PDF全文
根据能源消费历史状况和氮氧化物(NOX)排放因子,估算了近20年来中国NOX的排放变化,并讨论了1995~1998年分省区、分行业、分燃料的NOX排放清单及特征.中国NOX排放总量已由1980年的4.76Mt快速增加到1996年的12.0Mt,之后,NOX排放持续增加的趋势得到遏制,1998年NOX排放总量与1996年峰值相比下降了约0.82Mt.NOX排放在燃料、行业及地域分布上均不平衡的特征没有根本改变:燃煤排放NOX一直占总量的70%以上;绝大部分NOX来自工业、电力和交通部门,约占90%左右,且交通部门NOX排放比例逐年上升,已由1995年的10.4%快速增长到1998年的约13.0%;中东部的河北、辽宁、江苏、山东、河南、广东等省区NOX排放量较大,均超过0.5Mt而宁夏、青海和海南等边远省区NOX排放量很低,小于0.1Mt.  相似文献   

混煤垃圾衍生燃料制备工艺的正交试验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张宪生  厉伟  沈吉敏  解强 《环境科技》2003,16(4):1-3,19
采用活塞钢模,室温下利用徐州市夹河煤和生活垃圾制备出了垃圾衍生燃料。选用L9(3^4)正交表,以落下强度和热稳定性为评价指标,考察了含水率、成型压力、煤配比和灰土含量4个主要因素、3个水平对垃圾衍生燃料制备工艺的影响。研究表明:在成型压力范围内,含水率能显著影响RDF的机械强度;各因素对RDF的热稳定性均无显著影响。试验得到的最优生产工艺参数为:成型压力75KN,含水率10%,灰土含量20%,煤配比20%。  相似文献   

流化床内焦炭对N2O和NO生成和分解的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在小型流化床试验上进行了焦炭的燃烧试验,研究焦炭颗粒和氧化钙对N2O和NO的分解反应,焦炭颗粒对N2O还原分解速率比NO快,氧化钙对N2O分解有较强的催化作用,N2O和NO的分解反应过程可用一级Arrhenius公式来描述,研究不同程度脱去挥发份的炭焦颗粒对N2O和NO形成的影响,脱挥发份的程度越高,焦炭氮形成N2O的量越少,表明挥发份氮形成N2O量高于相应焦炭氮燃烧产生的N2O量,焦炭燃烧过程中  相似文献   

Interest in renewable energy sources has increased in recent years due to environmental concerns about global warming and air pollution,reduced costs and improved efficiency of technologies.Under the European Union(EU)energy directive,biomass is a suitable renewable source.The aim of this study was to experimentally quantify and characterize the emission of particulate matter(PM_(2.5))resulting from the combustion of two biomass fuels(chipped residual biomass from pine and eucalypt),in a pilot-scale bubbling fluidized bed(BFB)combustor under distinct operating conditions.The variables evaluated were the stoichiometry and,in the case of eucalypt,the leaching of the fuel.The CO and PM_(2.5)emission factors were lower when the stoichiometry used in the experiments was higher(0.33±0.1 g CO/kg and 16.8±1.0 mg PM_(2.5)/kg,dry gases).The treatment of the fuel by leaching before its combustion has shown to promote higher PM_(2.5)emissions(55.2±2.5 mg/kg,as burned).Organic and elemental carbon represented 3.1 to 30 wt.% of the particle mass,while carbonate(CO_3~(2-))accounted for between 2.3 and 8.5 wt.%.The particulate mass was mainly composed of inorganic matter(71% to 86% of the PM_(2.5)mass).Compared to residential stoves,BFB combustion generated very high mass fractions of inorganic elements.Chloride was the water soluble ion in higher concentration in the PM_(2.5)emitted by the combustion of eucalypt,while calcium was the dominant water soluble ion in the case of pine.  相似文献   


Chemical-looping combustion (CLC) is a combustion process with inherent separation of carbon dioxide (CO2), which is achieved by oxidizing the fuel with a solid oxygen carrier rather than with air. As fuel and combustion air are never mixed, no gas separation is necessary and, consequently, there is no direct cost or energy penalty for the separation of gases. The most common form of design of chemical-looping combustion systems uses circulating fluidized beds, which is an established and widely spread technology. Experiments were conducted in two different laboratory-scale CLC reactors with continuous fuel feeding and nominal fuel inputs of 300 Wth and 10 kWth, respectively. As an oxygen carrier material, ground steel converter slag from the Linz–Donawitz process was used. This material is the second largest flow in an integrated steel mill and it is available in huge quantities, for which there is currently limited demand. Steel converter slag consists mainly of oxides of calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), iron (Fe), silicon (Si), and manganese (Mn). In the 300 W unit, chemical-looping combustion experiments were conducted with model fuels syngas (50 vol% hydrogen (H2) in carbon monoxide (CO)) and methane (CH4) at varied reactor temperature, fuel input, and oxygen-carrier circulation. Further, the ability of the oxygen-carrier material to release oxygen to the gas phase was investigated. In the 10 kW unit, the fuels used for combustion tests were steam-exploded pellets and wood char. The purpose of these experiments was to study more realistic biomass fuels and to assess the lifetime of the slag when employed as oxygen carrier. In addition, chemical-looping gasification was investigated in the 10 kW unit using both steam-exploded pellets and regular wood pellets as fuels. In the 300 W unit, up to 99.9% of syngas conversion was achieved at 280 kg/MWth and 900 °C, while the highest conversion achieved with methane was 60% at 280 kg/MWth and 950 °C. The material’s ability to release oxygen to the gas phase, i.e., CLOU property, was developed during the initial hours with fuel operation and the activated material released 1–2 vol% of O2 into a flow of argon between 850 and 950 °C. The material’s initial low density decreased somewhat during CLC operation. In the 10 kW, CO2 yields of 75–82% were achieved with all three fuels tested in CLC conditions, while carbon leakage was very low in most cases, i.e., below 1%. With wood char as fuel, at a fuel input of 1.8 kWth, a CO2 yield of 92% could be achieved. The carbon fraction of C2-species was usually below 2.5% and no C3-species were detected. During chemical-looping gasification investigation a raw gas was produced that contained mostly H2. The oxygen carrier lifetime was estimated to be about 110–170 h. However, due to its high availability and potentially low cost, this type of slag could be suitable for large-scale operation. The study also includes a discussion on the potential advantages of this technology over other technologies available for Bio-Energy Carbon Capture and Storage, BECCS. Furthermore, the paper calls for the use of adequate policy instruments to foster the development of this kind of technologies, with great potential for cost reduction but presently without commercial application because of lack of incentives.


Mercury(Hg)ranks number three,after arsenic(As)and lead(Pb),on the Substance Priority List of the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry(ATSDR,2019).M...  相似文献   

Measured carbon dioxide (CO2) flux from peat soils using the closed chamber technique combines root-related (autotrophic + heterotrophic where rhizosphere organisms are involved) and peat-based (heterotrophic) respiration. The latter contributes to peat loss while the former is linked to recent CO2 removal through photosynthesis. The objective of this study was to separate root- from peat-based respiration. The study was conducted on peatland under 6 and 15 year old oil palm (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) plantations in Jambi Province, Indonesia in 2011 to 2012. CO2 emissions were measured in the field from 25 cm diameter and 25 cm tall closed chambers using an infrared gas analyser. Root sampling and CO2 emissions measurements were at distances of 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0, 3.5, 4.0, and 4.5 m from the centre of the base of the palm tree. The emission rate for the six and 15 year old oil palm plantations at ≥3.0 m from the centre of the tree were 38.2?±?9.5 and 34.1?±?15.9 Mg CO2 ha?1 yr?1, respectively. At distances <2.5 m, total respiration linearly decreased with distances from the trees. Heterotrophic respirations were 86 % of the 44.7?±?11.2 and 71 % of 47.8?±?21.3 Mg CO2 ha?1 yr?1 of weighted surface flux, respectively for the 6 and 15 year old plantations. We propose that CO2 flux measurements in oil palm plantations made at a distance of ≥3 m from the tree centre be used to represent the heterotrophic respiration that is relevant for the environmental impact assessment.  相似文献   

中国城市道路机动车CO、HC和NOX排放因子的测定   总被引:25,自引:1,他引:25       下载免费PDF全文
为了测定我国城市道路机动车污染物排放因子,在西安城市交通隧道内设3个空气监测点,对通过隧道的机动车排气形成的污染物浓度、隧道内风速、过往隧道的交通量以及车型进行采样、观测、统计和分类根据测试数据用大气扩散方程求得我国城市道路机动车平均单车 CO、 HC和 NOx排放因子分别为 33.279±12.158、 3.577±1.816和 4.605±1.981 mg/(m·veh).与国外的成果相比,我国城市道路机动车CO、 HC和NOx排放因子分别是发达国家城市道路汽车排放因子的 7~8倍、 8~10倍和 3~4倍.  相似文献   

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