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Summary Kin selection, acting through high levels of relatedness, may be an important promoter in the evolution of nest sharing. Cerceris antipodes is a sphecid wasp that shares nests in contrast to the majority of sphecids where only one female occupies a nest. Nest sharing results from females remaining in their natal nests and females moving to already occupied nests. Average relatedness among nestmates of C. antipodes was calculated from allele frequencies of phosphoglucomutase to determine whether nests were usually shared by close relatives. Relatedness among nestmates was high (0.5 to 0.6) at one aggregation in two consecutive years. Preferential association of relatives away from the natal nest can be inferred from these high values combined with the frequency of nest switching observed. Estimates of relatedness were lower (about 0.3) and associated with large standard errors at 3 other aggregations. Inbreeding and relatedness between neighbouring nests were only significant at the aggregation with the fewest females. This may be a result of the small effective population size. The levels of relatedness observed are consistent with kin selection through relatedness being an important factor in the evolution of nest sharing.  相似文献   

Mechanisms maintaining sex ratios in populations with temperature-dependent sex determination (TSD) remain elusive. Although geographic variation in embryonic sex determination (i.e., pivotal temperature) has been widely investigated in reptiles exhibiting TSD, no previous studies have directly addressed geographic variation in maternal behavior affecting nest thermal conditions. I evaluated patterns of nest-site selection and its effects on thermal and hydric nest conditions for a population of painted turtles ( Chrysemys picta bellii) exhibiting TSD in New Mexico. These results are compared to data collected from a well-studied, conspecific population experiencing relatively cooler climatic conditions in Illinois. Since canopy vegetation cover reduces nest temperatures in Illinois, I expected females in New Mexico to nest under high amounts of canopy vegetation cover. However, females from New Mexico placed nests under significantly less canopy vegetation cover, but closer to standing water, than did females from Illinois. Experimental nests in New Mexico demonstrated that increased canopy vegetation cover and soil moisture reduced nest temperatures. By nesting close to standing water rather than under canopy vegetation cover, females in New Mexico nested in habitats more closely associated with maximizing moisture around nests rather than reducing nest temperatures through shading. Mean July nest temperatures were similar for both populations. Since nest hydric conditions affect hatching success and hatchling size in C. picta, nesting patterns in New Mexico may primarily reflect selection for microhabitats affecting offspring survivorship or size.  相似文献   

Summary An individual's rank in a dominance hierarchy is often based on size or weight, especially in insects. Foundresses of the social wasp, Polistes annularis, vary greatly in size as measured by wing length, dry weight, fat weight, and residue weight after fat has been extracted. Females that emerged from the same nest are much more similar in size to each other than they are to females that emerged from other nests. Within nests however queens are usually larger than their subordinates. Queens that emerged from one nest may be smaller than subordinates that emerged from another nest. We found no evidence of a group of females that are forced into being subordinates because of inadequate feeding as larvae. Females are also probably not attempting to begin new nests with females as different in size as possible from themselves since means and variances of winglength of females on new nests do not differ from those of all females emerging from that natal nest.  相似文献   

Social insects are popular models for studying the evolution of cooperation. Casteless taxa where individuals have the flexibility to either nest alone or cooperate are particularly valuable for understanding the causes and consequences of cooperative behavior. For example, some ‘workers’ from Polistes paper wasp nests disappear from their natal colony soon after pupal emergence and nest independently. However, little is known about dispersal behavior. In this paper, I compare predispersal behavior of wasps who leave their natal colony soon after emergence with behavior of individuals who remain on the natal colony as true workers. I found that P. dominulus females with short nest tenure behave much like gynes (reproductive-destined offspring produced at the end of the season), as wasps with short nest tenure are behaviorally selfish while on the natal colony. They spend a smaller proportion of their time foraging and a larger proportion of their time resting than workers with long nest tenure. In addition, I assessed the factors that may favor early dispersal. Nest environment strongly influenced dispersal; large colonies had a smaller proportion of females with short nest tenure. Queen turnover also increased dispersal behavior perhaps because queen turnover reduces relatedness between a colony’s current and future offspring, thereby reducing the kin-selected benefits of cooperation. Therefore, casteless social insects exhibit a surprising degree of reproductive flexibility. Individuals may use information about their internal state and nest environment to optimize their behavioral strategies.  相似文献   

Summary Laboratory-overwintered paper wasp (Polistes metricus) females preferentially associate on new nests with former nestmates (presumably their sisters) rather than with non-nestmates in the absence of cues associated with their natal nests or nest sites. Females isolated from conspecifics and nests for 74–99 days retain the ability to discriminate nestmates from nonnestmates.  相似文献   

Summary Within-aggregation nest distribution and behavioral interactions between pairs of female Lasioglossum zephyrum were investigated. Within aggregations, nests are contagiously distributed (clumped), and this distribution is not correlated with the particle size of the soil surface. Results of behavioral interactions both in the field and laboratory show that females residing near one another behave as if they are more closely related than females residing at greater distances from one another. The behaviors used are known to be correlated with the degree of relatedness between females. This suggests that females found colonies near their natal nests, producing neighborhoods of related colonies within aggregations of L. zephyrus.  相似文献   

The number of nests containing egg masses a female makes over her lifetime and the pattern of scattering nests vary among species in a genus of nest-weaving spider mites (Stigmaeopsis). We hypothesized that the scattered nests of small nest builders have a previously overlooked indirect effect in that the void nests created after predation take on a new role as hindering devices that effectively decrease predator searching efficiency. First, we demonstrated that the experimental design used in this study is a good reflection of the nest distribution pattern of Stigmaeopsis takahashii (an intermediate-sized nest builder) in the field. Using this species as a model, we tested how different nest-scattering patterns affect the predator to examine how scattering may indirectly provide an anti-predation strategy by increasing a predators searching time. Next, we observed how artificially arranged void nests disturb predatory behavior in both starved and fully fed predator females and showed that void nests have a strong hindering effect on predators. Thus, we concluded that the nesting behavior of this mite species not only has anti-predator effects but must also have a stabilizing effect on predator–prey interaction systems at the population level.  相似文献   

Summary Females of a digger wasp Crabro cribrellifer nested in a 234 nest aggregation covering 2x65 m in area. Variability in 3 edaphic factors (soil temperature, hardness, and per cent moisture) had no significant influence on the non-random spatial distribution of nests within the aggregation. A significant positive correlation between wasp nest density and the mean number of parasitic flies, Metopia campestris, present was shown (Fig. 1). Yet, based on 20 excavated nests, the probability of cell parasitism decreased as nest density increased (Fig. 2). This may give females nesting within a dense aggregation a selective advantage, and supports the selfish herd model developed by Hamilton (1971).  相似文献   

Summary Breeding units (occupants of a nest including at least one reproductive female) within two free-living populations of the prairie vole, Microtus ochrogaster, were monitored by live-trapping at nest during two 28-h periods each week from October 1980 to March 1984. Data are presented for 281 breeding units from all seasons, at high and low population densities and during breeding and nonbreeding periods. Fifty percent of the breeding units were monogamous (single resident reproductive male and female), 27% consisted of a single reproductive female with no resident adult male and 23% included more than one resident adult male and/or female (complex units). Monogamous units were present in the same proportions during breeding and nonbreeding periods. The number of monogamous units was significantly greater at low population densities than at high densities. During winter there were relatively more complex units and fewer single female units than during the rest of the year. Monogamous pairs remained together for an average of 42 days. Seventy-eight percent of these pairs were disbanded by the death of one or both members. There were few overlaps of the home ranges of adjacent breeding units. Significantly more nests were visited by nonresident males than by females, and the intervals between visits by males were significantly shorter than those for visits by females. Males visited single female units significantly more often than units with one or more resident males. Survival of juveniles was generally very low; 38% and 34% of young males and females, respectively, that were trapped survived until 30 days of age. Of young females remaining at the natal nest at low population densities, only 17.6% were reproductively activated; 77.1% of such females became reproductively activated at high densities. All young females that dispersed from the natal nest became reproductive.  相似文献   

In this study we examine male song output as a measure of nest site quality in blackcaps (Sylvia atricapilla). Song rate, breeding success, predation on nests and reaction to playbacks were investigated in individual males. Habitat features determining nest site and song post quality in terms of vegetation cover were compared between successful nests and nests that had suffered predation. We then related song rate of unmated males to habitat factors in territories and nesting sites in order to examine a possible predictor function of blackcap song for habitat quality. Several habitat features are responsible for variation in nesting success. These features also correlate with song rate of unmated males. The study indicates a potential role of song rate in the advertisement of territory quality. Furthermore, the data suggest that females use song rates rather than territory quality in mating decisions. The information females may gain about male quality in relation to territory quality are also discussed.  相似文献   

The ant Hypoponera opacior exhibits alternative reproductive morphs of males and females associated with distinct sexual behaviours. Our long-term study reports strong seasonality in sexual production with a mating season in early and one in late summer. Winged (alate) reproductives emerge in June, swarm during the monsoon season and establish new colonies independently. In contrast, wingless worker-like (ergatoid) reproductives that appear in late August mate within their natal or adjacent nests and either do not disperse or establish new nests close by. These divergent dispersal patterns allowed us to analyse the impact of local factors on investment strategies by comparing sex allocation between and within the two reproductive events. The optimal sex ratio for ergatoid reproductives should be influenced both by competition for matings between brothers (local mate competition) and rivalry among young locally dispersing queens for workers, nest sites or food (local resource competition). The greater importance of local resource competition was demonstrated both by a male-biased sex ratio for wingless sexuals and a stronger increase in the number of males with total sexual production than for the number of queens. Microsatellite analysis revealed that inter-nest variation in relatedness asymmetry cannot explain split sex ratios in the August generation. Instead, nests with related ergatoid males raised a male-biased sex ratio contrary to the expectations under local mate competition. In conclusion, male bias in wingless H. opacior indicates that local mate competition is less strong than local resource competition among ergatoid queens over the help of workers during nest foundation.  相似文献   

In populations of various ant species, many queens reproduce in the same nest (polygyny), and colony boundaries appear to be absent with individuals able to move freely between nests (unicoloniality). Such societies depart strongly from a simple family structure and pose a potential challenge to kin selection theory, because high queen number coupled with unrestricted gene flow among nests should result in levels of relatedness among nestmates close to zero. This study investigated the breeding system and genetic structure of a highly polygynous and largely unicolonial population of the wood ant Formica paralugubris. A microsatellite analysis revealed that nestmate workers, reproductive queens and reproductive males (the queens' mates) are all equally related to each other, with relatedness estimates centring around 0.14. This suggests that most of the queens and males reproducing in the study population had mated within or close to their natal nest, and that the queens did not disperse far after mating. We developed a theoretical model to investigate how the breeding system affects the relatedness structure of polygynous colonies. By combining the model and our empirical data, it was estimated that about 99.8% of the reproducing queens and males originated from within the nest, or from a nearby nest. This high rate of local mating and the rarity of long-distance dispersal maintain significant relatedness among nestmates, and contrast with the common view that unicoloniality is coupled with unrestricted gene flow among nests. Received: 8 February 1999 / Received in revised form: 15 June 1999 / Accepted: 19 June 1999  相似文献   

Nest predation imposes a major cost to reproductive females, who should therefore take measures to avoid encounters with predators. However, when predators are conspecifics, avoidance can be more difficult and may be a consequence of social or aggregative behaviors. In this study, we measured the consequences of conspecific egg cannibalism on hatching success in the maritime earwig (Anisolabis maritima), which occasionally form aggregations. We hypothesized that conspecific egg cannibalism is a byproduct of aggregation, and that cannibalism rates would increase with aggregation density; however, our results do not support this. We combined field data with a lab experiment to test the effectiveness of maternal nest defense in protecting nests from a conspecific. Nests with a guard had higher hatching success and lower rates of cannibalism than unattended nests in the presence of a conspecific. We also measured body and forcep size to see whether the outcome of contests was determined by relative size. Female guards who were larger relative to the invading conspecific maintained their nest and had higher hatching success than females who were relatively smaller, suggesting that the maritime earwig is under directional selection for larger body and/or forcep size.  相似文献   

Summary In the laboratory, gynes (potential queens) of the paper wasp, Polistes fuscatus, exposed to both their natal nest and female nestmates (presumably their sisters) discriminate between female nestmates and unrelated females. However, gynes not exposed to their natal nest or conspecifics and gynes exposed only to female nestmates do not discriminate between female nestmates and unrelated females. Thus, the presence of the nest appears to be a requisite for the development of nestmate discrimination.  相似文献   

The capacity to recognise a conspecific intruder was investigated in Parischnogaster jacobsoni, Liostenogaster flavolineata and L. vechti, three species of primitively social wasps of the subfamily Stenogastrinae. Results of behavioural experiments carried out in the field showed that females of all three species react pacifically if presented with female nestmates, but aggressively reject an intruder from a conspecific colony. As L. flavolineata and L. vechti both build large clusters of nests, often very close to each other, the recognition capacity among females from different nests, but in the same conspecific cluster, was also investigated. Females of both species were more aggressive towards females from a different colony in the same cluster than towards their female nestmates. Additional experiments on L. flavolineata showed that there was no difference in reaction towards females from colonies nearer or further from the tested colony but within the same cluster, nor towards females from a different cluster. The capacity to recognise an alien conspecific nest containing immature brood was investigated in P. jacobsoni. Adult females of this species, invited to land on an alien nest which had experimentally been exchanged for their own, accepted the new nest and partially destroyed the immature brood. The behaviour of the females when they land on an alien nest, however, suggests that they do recognise the nest as foreign. Acceptance of foreign nests coupled with low immature brood destruction is probably due to the high energetic costs of egg-deposition and larval rearing in stenogastrine wasps. These results suggest that nestmate recognition in these wasps is very efficient, even though they belong to the most primitive subfamily of social wasps. Received: 16 April 1996/Accepted after revision: 9 August 1996  相似文献   

Summary Paternity determination by oligonucleotide fingerprinting confirms that maternal rank affects the reproductive success of male Barbary macaques (Macaca sylvanus). High-born males began to reproduce significantly earlier and sired significantly more infants surviving to at least 1 year of age during the first 4 years of their reproductive career than low-born males. This relation was independent of the natal/non-natal status of the males, and was not affected by external conditions such as the level of intrasexual competition or the number of fertilizable females. Since high-ranking females in this population produced significantly more male offspring than low-ranking females, the data on sex ratio adjustment and comparative breeding success of sons and daughters are consistent with the predictions of the Trivers-Willard hypothesis. Offprint requests to: A. Paul  相似文献   

An individually marked population of great reed warblers Acrocephalus arundinaceus was studied between 1984 and 1991 in South Central Sweden. The fates of 279 nests were analysed for the 25 days following clutch initiation. The average frequency of nest loss (43%) did not differ significantly between years or between four periods of the breeding season. After a breeding failure, 70% of the females laid a replacement clutch, most of them together with the same male. On polygnous territories, males assisted the female who first hatched young regardless of her initial mating status (Fig. 2). According to the acutal status of the females attending the nests, for each day nests were classified as being of either monogamous (M), primary (P) or secondary (S) status. From egg-laying to fledging the rate of nest loss decreased among nests of primary status whereas it increased among nests of monogamous and secondary status. During the egg-laying period, the rate of nest loss was 3 times higher among nests of primary than among nests of monogamous and secondary status (Fig. 3). Thus, the high loss level among nests of primary status during the laying period was closely associated with the presence of a female with a less advanced nest on the territory. All nests were situated in reed beds above deep water and most of them at a height at which possible inter-specific nest predators would have caused disturbance to the nest itself. The suspicion that secondary females committed sexually selected infanticide was supported by an experiment with dummy eggs that revealed bill peck markings identical to those obtained from great reed warblers (Fig. 4).  相似文献   

Factors that affect extra-pair mating in birds are likely to vary across the breeding season. Changing densities of active nests may alter the opportunities for extra-pair mating, and parental duties may alter a male’s opportunity to guard his mate from extra-pair mating. The latter affects species with multiple broods, where males care for fledglings from first nests while females initiate second nests. We studied a population of multi-brooded American robins (Turdus migratorius) to assess how seasonal changes in nesting density and changes in mate-guarding opportunity influenced paternity patterns over successive breeding attempts. Extra-pair paternity (EPP) occurred in 71.9% of broods and accounted for 48.1% of young. High nesting densities in the study population may explain the high overall rate of EPP, but seasonal variation in breeding density did not explain patterns of EPP among nests. Contrary to the predictions of the mate-guarding hypothesis, EPP did not increase in the second nests that followed successful first nests, and the percentage of extra-pair young in second nests did not decline as the overlap between successive nests increased. The fact that EPP was actually lower when the interval between clutches was shorter suggests that the sooner the males can assume sole care of first broods and allow their mates to renest (indicative of superior paternal quality), the more paternity they realize in the next nest. These results suggest that mate-guarding opportunity does not influence paternity in this population of American robins and that female robins may allocate paternity based on their assessment of male parental performance at first nests.  相似文献   

In multitudinous breeding colonies, kin interactions could go unnoticed because we are unaware of the kinship among adults we observe. Evidence of cooperation and competition between close adult kin in a blue-footed booby colony was sought by analyzing patterns of natal dispersal and proximity of nests. Male and female recruits nested closer to their own natal sites than to their parents’ current sites. Males (only) dispersed less far when both parents were present than when no parent or one parent was present, but not selectively close to fathers versus mothers when these were divorced. Neither parental presence nor parental proximity affected breeding success of recruits of either sex. Although distances between the nests of simultaneously recruiting broodmates were unrelated to their sex, males dispersed 13.1 m less when a sister was present than when a brother was present. Neither sex was affected in its dispersal distance by the presence or hatching order/dominance of a broodmate. Neither sex was affected in its breeding success by the presence versus absence of a broodmate, although female success increased with proximity of their brothers. Parents and sisters may actively or passively help males establish their first territories near their natal sites and nearby brothers may help females in their first breeding attempts; otherwise, boobies do not influence each other’s natal dispersal and first breeding success. It appears that boobies do not nest selectively close to or far from their parents, offspring, or broodmates. Why there is apparently so little cooperation and altruism between close adult relatives in booby colonies is puzzling.  相似文献   

Male fifteen-spined sticklebacks (Spinachia spinachia) build their nests by wrapping epiphytic algae around macroalgae and securing them with secretional threads. In this study, I show that female fifteen-spined stickleback prefer males which have built their nests above the surrounding vegetation. High-located nests are safer, because they are less likely to attract egg-predators such as shore crabs (Carcinus maenas). Thus, I found that shore crabs more rapidly find eggs in nests built close to the bottom than in nests well above the it. Moreover, male-male competition could be an additional explanation as to why males build nests high up. Thus, my field results suggest that the closer the males were to a neighbour, the higher they built. Larger males were also found to have larger territories but male size did not correlate with the height of the nest above the surrounding vegetation. Females showed no preference for nest size, regardless of the presence of egg-predators. However, they tended to choose nests that had no egg-predators in the vicinity over nests with egg-predators close by. Female choosiness for certain nest characters may provide one explanation for the evolution of male care in this species. Received: 29 December / 1999 Revised: 18 April 2000 / Accepted: 28 May 2000  相似文献   

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