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The rapid development of wireless technologies leads to increased human exposure to electromagnetic fields from new devices. Most of these technologies communicate in short to medium range. Communication devices, such as mobile phones (GSM, UMTS, LTE) and wireless computer networks (WLAN, HSDPA, WIMAX) usually work at distances up to some 10 km. Other techniques like Bluetooth, RFID, and wireless USB work at distances up to a few meters. RFID systems can use several frequency bands from low frequencies up to microwaves. The other technologies are mainly using microwave frequencies. Most of these technologies have a rather low-output power, typically <1 W average power, except for fixed transmitters like base stations. This means that the exposure from distant sources is low. If the devices are kept close to the body, the local exposure can be in the range of the levels in the ICNIRP recommendation; this is the case, for example, for mobile phones and WLAN transmitters in laptops. For distant sources, there exist several measurement techniques such as spectrum analysers, measurement receivers, and broadband meters. For sources used close to the body, the local SAR levels have to be determined. For this purpose, instruments measuring the local electric field inside body phantoms have been developed. An alternative to measurements is numerical simulations. If one has knowledge of the signal characteristics of the different technologies then it is possible to find a suitable measurement technique to assess the human exposure.  相似文献   

The health care staff operating magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scanners are exposed to static magnetic field of significant spatial heterogenity and high level of flux density—usually existing permanently during the shift. The personnel can also be exposed to pulses of magnetic field of high rate of rise/fall, so-called gradient fields, which exist only during examination of patients. The level of workers’ exposure depends both on the type of the magnet and on the ergonomical characteristic of design of the particular MRI scanner. This paper presents the current state of the art on occupational exposure to static magnetic field health effects, gaps in scientific data, MRI workers’ exposure characteristics, research needs, and suggestions for the exposure assessment protocol for future investigations.  相似文献   

This paper discusses mutual interactions phenomena especially in the case of Transverse ElectroMagnetic (TEM) cell applications as an exposure system in technical and biomedical studies. In many publications is described problem of influence of an object upon the electromagnetic field (EMF) distribution inside a exposure system while inverse effect—influence of exposure system on tested object is overlooked. The problem plays primary role if a correlation between investigations carried out in an enclosure (e.g. TEM cell) and that in the free space is looked for.  相似文献   

The 21st century medicine is characterized with increasing variety of diagnostic and therapeutic devices that implement magnetic and electromagnetic fields most of which utilize time varying signals. In many cases, however, these devices are used without proper knowledge of the physical parameters of the applied signals. In an attempt to facilitate the use of magnetotherapeutic devices, the basic principles of physical and biophysical dosimetry in clinical settings are discussed in this article.  相似文献   

Osteoarthritis (OA) is the most common joint disorder, associated with loss of articular cartilage, osteophyte formation, subchodral bone change, synovitis and characterized by chronic and often disabling pain and stiffness of one or more joints. The pathogenesis of the disease is complex and still debated, even if recent studies have shown that reactive oxygen species may participate in the initiation and progression of OA. Moreover, it is known that pulsed electromagnetic fields are useful in the OA treatment, owing to their analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties. This work evaluated lipid peroxidation, glutathione, and ascorbic acid levels in patients with OA of spine, before and after the application of a new electromagnetic system, the TAMMEF (Therapeutic Application of a Musically Modulated Electromagnetic Field) system. In TAMMEF system, the extremely low frequencies electromagnetic field is piloted by a musical signal and its parameters (frequency, intensity, waveform) are modified in time, randomly varying within the respective ranges: so all possible codes can occur during a single application. Twenty patients affected by OA of spine and 20 healthy subjects were enrolled in this study. Plasma levels of ascorbic acid (AA), glutathione (GSH) and malondialdehyde (MDA) (as index of lipid peroxidation) were determined in patients and controls, before the beginning of treatment (first day of therapy) and at the end of cycle. All patients underwent a cycle of 10 daily sessions of 30 min each. Our study showed a significant increase of MDA level and a significant decrease of both AA and GSH levels in patients with OA compared to control group. These findings support the role of oxidative stress in the pathogenesis of OA. After TAMMEF treatment in the OA group, analysis revealed a significant decrease in plasma MDA and AA levels (P < 0.05 and P < 0.01, respectively), no significant difference in GSH levels. Reduction in MDA level could be due to the decreased generation of reactive oxygen species and/or to the increased detoxification activity mediated by GSH. No significant difference in GSH levels, evidenced in OA patients after TAMMEF treatment, could be due to effect sparing of AA on GSH. Furthermore, a beneficial symptomatic effect was observed in all patients.  相似文献   

Occupational exposure to radiofrequency (RF) and static magnetic fields at magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) suites is of continuing concern to personnel who routinely work in this environment. Questions regarding the levels of occupational RF and static field exposure have increased with the increasing demand for anesthetics to be administered in this environment. The present study was thus designed towards addressing the above-mentioned problem by gaining information regarding exposure levels of clinical personnel at MRI units in South Africa. Three 1.5 MRI units in Bloemfontein, South Africa were utilized to evaluate the exposure of clinical personnel to the electromagnetic fields present in the MRI environment over a period of time and during different clinical MRI procedures. Three rounds of measurements of RF fields in the MRI environment were done. All the three measurement rounds were focused on the low frequencies, 5 Hz–32 kHz, as well as on the high frequencies, 300 kHz–40 GHz. First round measurements were done to establish the background of the RF fields in and around the magnet room during an MRI examination. Second round RF field measurements were done at a specific location, 1 m away from the bore on the right-hand side of the bed, in the MRI room. The third round measurements were of the same format as the second round, but the specific location was against the magnet bore. Two pieces of Narda Safety Test Solution instruments, the EFA-300 and EMR-300, were used to measure the electromagnetic and magnetic exposure fields generated from the MRI scanners. Results of the measurements indicate that the electromagnetic fields measured during different clinical procedures do not exceed the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (2000) guidelines in these units. Results from round two and three showed that the RF and gradient exposure 1 m and up against the bore entrance does not exceed these guidelines (rms average over 6 min). Ongoing new developments in MRI scanning create the need for continuously monitoring exposure of patients and workers to the EMF fields in the MRI environment.  相似文献   

The present study investigated the influence of electromagnetic fields (EMF), similar to that emitted by mobile phones, on brain activity. Ten women and ten men, matched for age and educational level, performed a short memory task (Wechsler test), with simultaneous Electroencephalogram (EEG) recordings at 15 scalp electrodes, both without (baseline) and with exposure to an 1,800 MHz signal. The EEG energy was found concentrated at the four basic EEG bands [α (8–13 Hz), β (14–30 Hz), δ (0–4 Hz), and θ (5–7 Hz)]. The analysis revealed that in the presence of EMF, the energy of the β band was significantly greater for females than for males at the majority of the electrodes. Since beta oscillation is associated with the shift of attention during the perception, these findings may indicate that the particular EMF (1,800 MHz signal) exerts an influence on this brain activity, which appears to be gender-related.  相似文献   

A hypothesis is proposed how Low Frequency Electromagnetic Field (LF EMF) exposure can stimulate an immune response, based on recent insights in immunology. We hypothesize that the Immunent EMF treatment induces mild stress to cells, which then produce cytokines that function as alarms or so called danger signals for the immune system. In this way EMF treatment takes the place of multiplying pathogens, and the damage these cause, in the triggering of an immune response. In a first series of experiments in␣vitro common carp head kidney-derived phagocytes were used to determine ROS production as a measure for immune activation. Exposure to LF EMF signals (200–5,000 Hz) at 5 μT or 1.5 mT led to 42 or 33% increase in immune activity, respectively, compared to negative control values. EMF could also additionally stimulate chemically pre-stimulated samples up to 18% (5 μT) or 22% (1.5 mT). Significance of increase in ROS production in the total series was: p < 0.0001. In a second series of experiments in␣vitro commercial goldfish were used. Groups of fish were housed under equal conditions in at least four control tanks and 8–16 EMF-exposed tanks. Exposure was done with a predominantly vertical field at field strengths (rms) between 0.15 and 50 μT. Without treatment mortality was about 50% after 18 days, while the treatment at 5 μT reduced it to 20% on average. At field strengths 0.15, 0.5, 1.5, 5, 15 and 50 μT an equally strong effect was found. Reducing the field strength to 0.05, 0.06, 0.01 and 0.003 μT showed a gradually decreasing effect, which only at 0.003 μT is no longer statistically significant. Finally, in␣vitro experiments were done with 560 commercial broiler chickens exposed to infection pressure from coccidiosis. EMF exposure at 6.5 μT reduced intestinal lesions by 40% and improved feed conversion by 8%.  相似文献   

The utility and the safety of the extremely low frequencies (ELF) electromagnetic fields in the treatment of numerous diseases have been demonstrated. Moreover, the effects of these fields seem to depend on their respective codes (frequency, intensity, waveform). We want to value the effects and the safety of the therapeutic application of a musically modulated electromagnetic field (TAMMEF) system, which field is piloted by a musical signal and its parameters (frequency, intensity, waveform) are modified in time, randomly varying within the respective ranges, so that all possible codes can occur during a single application. Sixty subjects, affected by shoulder periarthritis were enrolled in the study and randomly divided into three groups of 20 patients each: the first exposed to TAMMEF, the second exposed to ELF, the third exposed to a simulated field. All subjects underwent a cycle of 15 daily sessions of 30 min each and a clinical examination upon enrolment, after 7 days of therapy, at the end of the cycle and at a follow-up 30 days later. All the patients of TAMMEF group and ELF group completed the therapy without the appearance of side effects: they presented a significant improvement of the subjective pain and the functional limitation, which remained stable at the follow-up examination. In those exposed to a simulated field group, there was no improvement of the pain symptoms or articular functionality. This study suggests that the TAMMEF system is efficacious and safe in the control of pain symptoms and in the reduction of functional limitation in patients with shoulder periarthritis. Moreover, the effects of the TAMMEF system cover those produced by the ELF field.  相似文献   

Over the last years, a wide debate has developed on the possible health effects of exposure to electromagnetic fields. In-depth research activity was therefore developed by the international scientific community aimed at evaluating the risk associated with exposure to this type of radiation. At the same time, various international institutions began to issue recommendations on exposure limits valid for workers and for the population in the frequency range up to 300 GHz. Most of the recently revised safety standards worldwide are set in terms of internal rates of electromagnetic energy deposition (Specific Absorption Rate) at radiofrequency and microwave frequencies, and of induced electric fields or current densities at lower frequencies up to 10 MHz. At the international level, the most authoritative guidelines have been developed by the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP); another internationally well recognized standard is that developed by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) in the USA, adopting the same basic approach of ICNIRP, although with some differences in numerical values. This article is mainly focused on the analysis of different approaches for the protection against electromagnetic fields, and on the rationale of most relevant standards.  相似文献   

Numerous studies have demonstrated the utility of extremely low frequencies (ELF) electromagnetic fields in the treatment of pain. Moreover, the effects of these fields seems to depend on their respective codes. In our study we want to value the effects and the safety of the TAMMEF (Therapeutic Application of a Musically Modulated Electromagnetic Field) system, which field is piloted by a musical signal and its parameters are modified in time, randomly varying within the respective ranges, so that all possible codes can occur during a single application. Ninety subjects, affected by chronic low back pain, were enrolled in the study and randomly divided into three groups of 30 patients each: A exposed to TAMMEF, B exposed to ELF, C exposed to a simulated field. All subjects underwent a cycle of 15 daily sessions of 30 minutes each and a clinical examination upon enrolment, after 7 days of therapy, at the end of the cycle and at a follow-up 30 days later. All the patients of groups A and B completed the therapy without the appearance of side effects: they presented a significant improvement of the subjective pain and the functional limitation, which remained stable at the follow-up examination. In group C, there was no improvement of the pain symptoms or articular functionality. This study suggests that the TAMMEF system is efficacious and safe in the treatment of patients with chronic low back pain.  相似文献   

The environment in which biology exists has dramatically changed during the last decades. Life was formed during billions of years, exposed to, and shaped by the original physical forces such as gravitation, cosmic irradiation and the terrestrial magnetism. The existing organisms are created to function in harmony with these forces. However, in the late 19th century mankind introduced the use of electricity and during the very last decades, microwaves of the modern communication society spread around the world. Today one third of the world’s population is owner of the microwave-producing mobile phones. The question is: to what extent are living organisms affected by these ubiquitous radio frequency fields? Since 1988 our group has studied the effects upon the mammalian blood-brain barrier (BBB) by non-thermal radio frequency electromagnetic fields (RF-EMF). These have been revealed to cause significantly increased leakage of albumin through the BBB of exposed rats as compared to non-exposed animals—in a total series of about two thousand animals. One remarkable observation is the fact that the lowest energy levels give rise to the most pronounced albumin leakage. If mobile communication, even at extremely low energy levels, causes the users’ own albumin to leak out through the BBB, also other unwanted and toxic molecules in the blood, may leak into the brain tissue and concentrate in and damage the neurons and glial cells of the brain. In later studies we have shown that a 2-h exposure to GSM 915 MHz at non-thermal levels, gives rise to significant neuronal damage, seen 28 and 50 days after the exposure. In our continued research, the non-thermal effects (histology, memory functions) of long-term exposure for 13 months are studied as well as the effects of short term GSM 1,800 MHz upon gene expression. Most of our findings support that living organisms are affected by the non-thermal radio frequency fields. Studies from other laboratories in some cases find effects, while in other cases effects are not seen. Our conclusion is that all researchers involved in this field have the obligation to intensify this research in order to reduce, or avoid, the possible negative effects of the man made microwaves!  相似文献   

Recently, researches on pump as turbine (PAT) have been one of the hot issues in fluid machineries. Of these hydraulic turbines, multi-stage PATs are widely used in industrial fields. However, most attentions have been paid on performance of the single-stage PATs and the turbines themselves. In this paper, a potential multi-stage PAT system with load pump was investigated numerically and experimentally. The match relations between PAT and load pump were explored by theory, and an analytical method to predict performance of PAT system was proposed in addition. Computational fluid dynamics method (CFD) was adopted to study the performance characteristics of PAT under a constant rotation or certain head. The operational rules of multi-stage PAT system were analyzed in both constant and variable speed that confirmed the prediction of system performance. The results could give guidance to choose a proper load pump and promote efficiency of PAT system.  相似文献   

由于城镇化进程的需要,越来越多的高层建筑出现在城市里,承担了我们的工作、居家、休闲娱乐的功能。随着公众环境意识逐步增强,高层建筑的电磁环境现状已成为公众关注的焦点。本文针对成都市区的高层建筑的电磁环境现状进行了调查分析。  相似文献   

张志勇 《环境技术》2006,24(5):11-14,30
本文着重对汽车行业主要的氙灯曝露试验标准的技术特点进行了综述,并分析了该行业氙灯曝露试验的技术发展趋势.  相似文献   

试论我国的环境影响评价制度   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在对《环境影响评价法》的突破、创新和不足进行分析的基础上,探讨了环境影响评价制度的发展趋势。  相似文献   

The classical Streeter–Phelps models for Dissolved oxygen (DO) sag do not account for a significantly settleable portion (about 10% in treated to about 60% in the untreated wastewater discharged) of the total biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) inputs into rivers through wastewater outfalls, and therefore, they can not be used to predict the DO sag to any accuracy and rationality. The author’s rationally composited model for an accurate prediction of stream BOD, accounting for near linear removal of settleable BOD as well as simultaneous exponential decay of the non-settleable BOD, is used to predict the DO sag resulting from a multi-wastewater-outfall system, wherein the settling fields of some of the outfalls interfere and overlap. An illustrative case example has been presented to demonstrate use of the models evolved under varying locations of the multi-wastewater-outfalls. A universal and integrated PC based computer program can also be evolved for the computation of the overall resultant DO sag to confirm the manually computed DO sag.  相似文献   

四川省中稻→冬水田近2000万亩,集中分布于盆地丘陵区,资源丰富。为发挥它的增产潜力,将中稻改为“双杂”间作稻,增产极显著。其中威优49间汕优63,双行间作,早稻科距8cm、窄行15cm、宽行49cm 中嵌插2行晚稻的小区,亩产728.0~776.9kg,比同田毗邻的汕优63中稻增产31.4%~45.0%,增加纯收入56.46元,为丘陵区中稻→冬水田的合理利用开辟了一条很好的途径。  相似文献   

论我国绿色会计理论体系的构建   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
运用系统论的思想和方法,对我国绿色会计理论体系的基本框架进行了构建,提出绿色会计理论体系作为系统是由若干个要素或子系统组成的有机整体.这些子系统之间既具有一定的联系,又都有其特定的功能作用,都要受到一定的社会、经济和生态资源等外部环境因素的影响.绿色会计理论体系的组成要素包括绿色会计的理论基础、职能、目标、对象、假设、原则、确认、计量和报表等内容.在此理论的基础上,提出了一些具体实施的可行性建议.  相似文献   

本文介绍了国内外实施环境标志制度的现状,阐述了在国我推行环境标志制度的意义与作用,并对我国实施环境标志制度面临的主要法律问题,及保 措施进行了研究和探讨,最后提出了一些建议。  相似文献   

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