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Spatial distribution and compositional characteristics of PAHs, DDTs and PCBs in surface sediments from Bohai Sea were investigated. Proportion of LMW PAHs at Jinzhou Bay was significant, due probably to the petrogenic sources from neighboring oil wells and plants, while HMW PAHs were dominant in the other sea areas, inferred pyrogenic origins mainly from coal or petroleum combustion. The average ERL quotient for the PAH species in Qinhuangdao and Liaodong Bay indicated relatively stronger potential ecological risk. The concentration ratios of DDT to metabolites (DDD + DDE) exceeded 1.0 in the coastal areas of Qinhuangdao, Liaodong Bay and Bohai Bay, demonstrated some recent inputs of DDT nearby, and DDD as the major degradation product. The concentrations of PCBs were generally low, however, the contents of DDTs were greater than the ERL guidelines in the coastal areas of Qinhuangdao, Liaodong Bay and Bohai Bay, and suggested the potential ecological risk.  相似文献   

To collect a complete dataset regarding the occurrence of organic substances in groundwater, this study presents the examination of 66 organic contaminants in the groundwater of overseas departments, including pesticides, pharmaceutical compounds, hormones and some industrial substances. The selective and sensitive analytical methods are described. These techniques begin with solid-phase extraction (SPE) followed by analysis using liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) and gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC-ToF-MS). The paper summarises the analytical results from 40 sampling points collected during two campaigns in Guadeloupe, Martinique, Reunion, Mayotte and Guiana, representing 80 samples. Of the 66 target substances, 36 were determined at least once. Among the most frequently detected are bisphenol A (frequency, 96 %; max., 7,400 ng/L), caffeine (frequency, 91 %; max., 1,240 ng/L), pentachlorophenol (frequency, 55 %; max., 418 ng/L), and carbamazepine (frequency, 56 %; max., 22 ng/L). The results do not put in evidence that the origin of the sample or climatic characteristics of these regions influence the dilution and release of micropollutants.  相似文献   

The distribution of some chlorinated hydrocarbons(p,p′-DDT, p,p′-DDE,α-HCH,γ-HCH,HCB) in spruce (Picea abies) needles was investigated. A comparision of concentrations in the wax with that of the remaining needle and time-resolved washing of the needle-surface shows the distribution behaviour of these substances.  相似文献   

Over the past 15 years passive sampling devices have been developed that accumulate organic micropollutants and allow detection at ambient sub ng/l concentrations. Most passive accumulation devices (PADs) are designed for 1-4 weeks field deployment, where uptake is governed by linear first order kinetics providing a time weighted average of the exposure concentration. Semipermeable membrane devices (SPMDs) are the most comprehensively studied PADs, but other samplers may also be considered for aquatic monitoring purposes. The applicability of the PADs is reviewed with respect to commonly monitored aqueous matrices and compounds, the detection limits, and for use in quantitative monitoring related to requirements embedded in the EU Water Framework Directive, the US and EU Water Quality Criteria, and the Danish monitoring aquatic programme. The PADs may monitor >75% of the organic micropollutants of the programmes. Research is warranted regarding the uptake in PADs in low flow environments and for the development of samplers for polar organic compounds.  相似文献   

The effect of dissolved organic carbon as present in landfill leachate, on the sorption of organic micropollutants in aquifer materials was studied by laboratory batch and column experiments involving 15 non-polar organic chemicals, 5 landfill leachates and 4 aquifer materials of low organic carbon content. The experiments showed that hydrophobic organic micropollutants do partition into dissolved organic carbon found in landfill leachate potentially increasing their mobility. However, landfill leachate interacted with aquifer materials apparently increases the sorbent affinity for the hydrophobic micropollutants. The combination of these two mechanisms affected the observed distribution coefficients within a factor of two, in some cases increasing and in other cases decreasing the sorption of the chemicals. No means for prediction of the effect is currently available, but from a practical point of view, the effect of landfill leachate on retardation of organic micropollutants in aquifer material seems limited.  相似文献   

The influence of contaminated particles on the bioconcentration of hydrophobic chemicals by fish is dependent on the hydrophobicity of the chemicals. This has been shown for polychlorinated benzenes and biphenyls (ranging over three orders of magnitude in octan-1-ol/water partition coefficient) which are sorbed on very low organic carbon content particles. For chemicals with low to moderate hydrophobicity, the amount of the chemical which is sorbed, relative to the amount which is dissolved, determines the influence that contaminated particles have on the uptake of the chemicals by fish. In this present experiment, for lower chlorinated benzenes and biphenyls, the amount dissolved in water are high compared with the amounts which are present in the sorbed state, and the influence of contaminated particles on their uptake by fish is negligible. For more hydrophobic chemicals, which have lower aqueous solubilities, such as penta and hexachlorobenzene, and tri and tetrachlorobiphenyls, contaminated particles can have a much greater influence on the uptake by fish. If the number of contaminated particles is sufficiently high, the low aqueous solubilities, in combination with relatively high rates of desorption or dissolution, enable the particles to act as a source of the hydrophobic chemicals. For extremely hydrophobic chemicals, the rates of dissolution or desorption determine the rates of uptake of the chemical by the fish. Hence, during relatively short periods of exposure, there is no influence of contaminated particles on the bioaccumulation.  相似文献   

Dobor J  Varga M  Záray G 《Chemosphere》2012,87(2):105-110
The sorption process of selected non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (ibuprofen, naproxen, ketoprofen, diclofenac) on biofilm covered river sediments were investigated in laboratory. In the course of the experiments, the effect of pH of aqueous phase, the effect of TOC (total organic carbon) content of biofilm on the sorption processes were studied. The determination of concentration of drugs was performed by gas chromatography mass spectrometry (GC-MS) both in liquid and solid phases. The pseudo-first-order rate constant of the sorption was found to be 83 min(-1). The effect of pH on the sorption of diclofenac was significantly lower than the obtained values in case of the other three drugs. The calculated K(d) (sorption coefficient) values increased in the sequence of ibuprofen, naproxen, ketoprofen and diclofenac and varied between 0.1-0.4; 0.2-0.7; 0.2-1.2; 0.2-1.4 kg L(-1) respectively, depending on the characteristics of the sediments. The value of K(d)×f(oc) showed a straight line as function of f(oc) (fraction of organic carbon) therefore, instead of the widely distributed normalization process (K(d)/f(oc)), an empirical equation (K(d)=A/f(oc)+B) was suggested for estimation of the K(d) values in case of different TOC content sediments.  相似文献   



PCDD/Fs, PCBs, and PAHs, ubiquitous environmental pollutants which are part of the POPs, are mainly produced by anthropogenic activities as well as by natural processes. Occurrences of these pollutants in different sites in Trieste are presented. PCDD/Fs distribution and their possible emission sources are discussed.


Air samples were collected in different sites near the industrial area, in the city center, and in a background area, using a high-volume sampler equipped with a quartz fiber filter and a PUF. Each sampling lasted a week.


The concentrations of the organochlorinated pollutants are consistent with literature data (??PCDD/Fs and ??dl-PCBs were 5?C38?fg TEQ/Nm3 and 4?C31?fg TEQ/Nm3, respectively), and an apparent seasonal trend was found with slightly higher concentrations in the winter and lower levels in both summer campaigns. Moreover, the isomer profile of each sampling campaign was compared to the fingerprint of a sintering plant, a cement plant, and an incinerator, the main industrial activities in Trieste.


The organic micropollutants were detected in levels consistent with literature data. The results show that the pollutants are uniformally distributed in the atmosphere of Trieste. PCDD/F fingerprints in each site remained almost identical during summer and winter, confirming the yearly prevalence of the emissions from the nearby sintering plant.  相似文献   

The rejection of emerging trace organics by a variety of commercial reverse osmosis (RO), nanofiltration (NF), and ultra-low-pressure RO (ULPRO) membranes was investigated using TFC-HR, NF-90, NF-200, TFC-SR2, and XLE spiral membrane elements (Koch Membrane Systems, Wilmington, Massachusetts) to simulate operational conditions for drinking-water treatment and wastewater reclamation. In general, the presence of effluent organic matter (EfOM) improved the rejection of ionic organics by tight NF and RO membranes, as compared to a type-II water matrix (adjusted by ionic strength and hardness), likely as a result of a decreased negatively charged membrane surface. Rejection of ionic pharmaceutical residues and pesticides exceeded 95% by NF-90, XLE, and TFC-HR membranes and was above 89% for the NF-200 membrane. Hydrophobic nonionic compounds, such as bromoform and chloroform, exhibited a high initial rejection, as a result of both hydrophobic-hydrophobic solute-membrane interactions and steric exclusion, but rejection decreased significantly after 10 hours of operation because of partitioning of solutes through the membranes. This resulted in a partial removal of disinfection byproducts by the RO membrane TFC-HR. In a type-II water matrix, the effect of increasing feed water recoveries on rejection of hydrophilic ionic and nonionic compounds was compound-dependent and not consistent for different membranes. The presence of EfOM, however, could neutralize the effect of hydrodynamic operating condition on rejection performance. The ULPRO and tight NF membranes were operated at lower feed pressure, as compared to the TFC-HR, and provided a product water quality similar to a conventional RO membrane, regarding trace organics of interest.  相似文献   

Galassi S  Guzzella L  Croce V 《Chemosphere》2004,54(11):1619-1624
Complex mixtures of toxic substances occurring in surface waters are difficult to characterise by chemical analyses because each compound occurs at a very low concentration and requires a specific analytical method to be identified. Ecotoxicological tests on water extracts can be used as a screening tool to evaluate quickly and simply the overall quality of a water body with regard to micropollutant contamination. In this work, a pre-concentration procedure based on solid-phase extraction (SPE), suitable for both biological testing and analytical determination, is proposed. The extraction procedure is an improved version of a methodology used to evaluate the toxicity of organic micropollutants occurring in surface waters. It offers the advantage of using disposable commercial cartridges, which are easier to manage than the columns prepared with macromolecular resins. Water extracts from two representative Italian rivers, characterised by a different gradient of potential contamination and prepared according to the new concentration techniques, are used. The acute toxicity of the water extracts is tested on Daphnia magna and the bioluminescence inhibition in Vibrio fischeri. Criteria based on the concentration factor (CF) are proposed for assessing the hazard to aquatic life due to the exposure to toxic substances in surface waters. The aim of hazard ranking is to focus analytical efforts towards those samples that show the highest toxic potential.  相似文献   

The Assessment and Remediation of Contaminated Sediments (ARCS) Program within the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's Great Lakes National Program Office (GLNPO) contained a component for demonstrating and evaluating sediment remediation technologies. Toward this end, bench-scale tests of solvent extraction, thermal desorption, and wet air oxidation technologies were conducted. Contaminated sediments were tested from the Grand Calumet River, Indiana; Buffalo River, New York; Saginaw River, Michigan; and Ashtabula River, Ohio. The primary contaminants of concern in these sediments were polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). The solvent extraction tests were conducted with sediments from the Grand Calumet, Buffalo, and Saginaw rivers. The thermal desorption studies were conducted with sediments from the Grand Calumet, Buffalo, and Ashtabula rivers. The wet air oxidation testing was performed with the Grand Calumet River sediment. Raw sediment contaminant concentrations ranged from 0.32-21.9 mg/kg dry mass for PCBs and 2.70-266 mg/kg dry mass for PAHs. PCB removal or destruction efficiencies ranged from approximately 6-99%. PAH removal or destruction efficiencies ranged from 65-99%. Mass balance closures ranged from 40-99% for solids; 59-139% for water; 29-3500% for oil; 16-129% for PCBs; and 69-3170% for PAHs.  相似文献   

Desorption of PCBs from sediment can significantly affect the ultimate fate and effects of PCBs in aquatic systems. Using a gas purging technique to strip soluble and sorbed polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) from solutions and sediment suspensions, Henry's law constants, approach to equilibrium, and desorption rate constants for four PCB congeners were measured. Henry's law constants were on the order of 10−4 m3 atm mole−1. Desorption rate constants measured for a predominantly kaolinitic, low-organic carbon sediment were on the order of 0.03–0.1 days−1. In contrast, desorption rate constants measured for a sediment composed of montmorillonite with a 3% organic carbon content were on the order of 0.009–0.04 days−1. Desorption data suggest that equilibration times for PCBs with low chlorine content are on the order of six weeks, and months to years for PCBs with a significantly higher chlorine content.  相似文献   

Volatile organic compounds in selected micro-environments   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A program of sampling for volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in ambient air was undertaken in selected locations and micro-environments in Perth, Western Australia to characterise concentrations of target VOCs and to determine the relative strength of the contributing sources to ambient air in different micro-environments in a major Australian city. Twenty-seven locations were sampled and, of the forty-one target compounds, 26 VOCs were detected in the samples collected. The highest concentrations were recorded for benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, xylenes (BTEX), chloroform and styrene. The maximum 12-h toluene and benzene concentrations observed were from a basement carpark and were 24.7 parts per billion (ppb) and 5.6 ppb, respectively. The maximum xylenes concentration was 29.4 ppb and occurred in a nightclub where styrene was also detected. A factor analysis of the data was undertaken. Two key factors emerge that appear to be associated with petroleum and motor vehicles and environmental tobacco smoke. A third significant occurrence was a high concentration of chloroform that was observed at a sports centre complex with a swimming pool text and was uncorrelated with other compounds in the data set. This study indicates that locations associated with motor vehicles and petrol fuel, tobacco and wood smoke and chlorinated water represent the major risks for personal exposure to VOCs in Perth.  相似文献   

An exposure risk assessment of workers in a refinery production unit was undertaken. Gasoline and its main components were investigated through environmental and biological monitoring. Measured variables were environmental benzene, toluene, pentane and hexane; benzene and toluene in blood and urine; tt-MA (metabolite of benzene) in urine. Multivariate statistical analysis of the data showed that worker's exposure to the above substances fell within the limits specified by organisations such as ACGIH. Also, biological values complied with reference values (RV) for non-occupationally-exposed population. Different values of biological variables were determined by separating smokers from non-smokers: smokers had hematic and urinary benzene values significantly higher than non-smokers. During a 3-yr sampling, it was possible to identify a significant decrease of benzene in the workplace air and of hematic benzene for non-smokers. The most exposed department, one in which tank-lorries were loaded, needs further investigation and extended monitoring.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - The development of ultraviolet light-emitting diodes (UV-LED) opens new possibilities for water treatment and photoreactor design. TiO2...  相似文献   

Polychlorinated organic compounds in Yangtse River sediments   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Xu S  Jiang X  Dong Y  Sun C  Feng J  Wang L  Martens D  Gawlik BM 《Chemosphere》2000,41(12):1897-1903
Polychlorinated organic compounds (PCOCs) were analyzed in Yangtse River sediments. The results show that the concentrations of PCOCs in Yangtse River sediments followed the order of DDTs > HCB > HCHs > PCBs. High PCOCs concentrations were detected in sediments from station Y02a and Y02b, which are located in the main input of the Yangtse River (Nanjing section). Results also show that the PCOCs values were highly correlated with organic carbon content and heavy metal contamination.  相似文献   

The use of a reference compound to quantify the sorption of nonpolar organic chemicals is proposed. This is because organic carbon normalized sorption coefficients (KOC) do appear to be dependent on the type of sediment, and are thus not generally applicable to characterize the sorption properties of chemicals. Therefore, in this paper the hypothesis that nonpolar chemicals sorb in a constant ratio, independent of the sediment, has been investigated. Evidence for this hypothesis is shown with data from the literature. This enables one to compare sorption properties of nonpolar compounds on different sediments, if the differences between the sediments are normalized with a reference chemical rather than with the organic carbon content. Sediments with an organic carbon content of less than 0.1% seem to be unsuitable, because the compounds do not sorb mainly on the organic carbon, but also on other parts of the sediment. Sorption coefficients of compounds with aqueous solubilities in the μg per liter range or octan-1-ol water partition coefficients of more than 105 are strongly influenced by the experimental techniques used. For these compounds the sorption coefficients measured by different techniques are less comparable. To enable comparison of sorption coefficients of hydrophobic chemicals, the use of a chlorobenzene as a reference compound in sorption experiments is suggested.  相似文献   

Moss and lichen samples from eleven remote sites from all parts of Norway were analysed for persistent chlorinated hydrocarbons. The highest and lowest concentration levels were found in the most southwesterly and northerly locations, respectively. Moss and lichen samples from one site were also analysed for other organic micropollutants. They were found to contain alkanes, mostly of biogenic origin, PAH and phthalates.  相似文献   

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