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Accumulation of oily sludge is becoming a serious environmental threat, and there has not been much work reported for the removal of hydrocarbon from refinery tank bottom sludge. Effort has been made in this study to investigate the removal of hydrocarbon from refinery sludge by isolated biosurfactant-producing Pseudomonas aeruginosa RS29 strain and explore the biosurfactant for its composition and stability. Laboratory investigation was carried out with this strain to observe its efficacy of removing hydrocarbon from refinery sludge employing whole bacterial culture and culture supernatant to various concentrations of sand–sludge mixture. Removal of hydrocarbon was recorded after 20 days. Analysis of the produced biosurfactant was carried out to get the idea about its stability and composition. The strain could remove up to 85?±?3 and 55?±?4.5 % of hydrocarbon from refinery sludge when whole bacterial culture and culture supernatant were used, respectively. Maximum surface tension reduction (26.3 mN m?1) was achieved with the strain in just 24 h of time. Emulsification index (E24) was recorded as 100 and 80 % with crude oil and n-hexadecane, respectively. The biosurfactant was confirmed as rhamnolipid containing C8 and C10 fatty acid components and having more mono-rhamnolipid congeners than the di-rhamnolipid ones. The biosurfactant was stable up to 121 °C, pH 2–10, and up to a salinity value of 2–10 % w/v. To our knowledge, this is the first report showing the potentiality of a native strain from the northeast region of India for the efficient removal of hydrocarbon from refinery sludge.  相似文献   

针对某炼化企业在石油储运过程中产生的罐底油泥,进行了油泥样分析和不同萃取剂萃取回收油分实验.经分析该罐底油泥含水率约16.1%,总有机物含量约34.8%,其中可萃取石油类物质约占总有机物成分的67.0%.考察不同溶剂的萃取效果,结果表明,石脑油90 ~ 110℃沸程段的馏分油的萃取效果和工艺可操作性优越于其他常用溶剂,其萃取效果排序为石脑油90~ 110℃沸程段的馏分油>120#溶剂油>正庚烷>石油醚(90 ~ 120℃)>石油醚(60 ~ 90℃);用石脑油90 ~ 110℃沸程段的馏分油在优化萃取工艺条件下,经两次萃取可分离出大于96%的可萃取油分,罐底油泥中有机物的萃出率可达64%以上,比120#溶剂油萃取效果高出约3%~5%,实现了罐底油泥更深程度的萃取和资源化利用.  相似文献   

含油污泥中石油降解菌的分离及其降解特性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从渤海油田含油污泥中分离出3株石油烃降解菌,通过16S rRNA基因序列鉴定RS1、RS2和RS3分别为棒状杆菌、短杆菌和假单胞菌。经单因素实验确定,3株细菌对石油的最适降解条件分别为37℃、盐度3%、pH 8;32℃、盐度1%、pH 8;42℃、盐度1%、pH 6。降解实验结果表明,3株细菌30 d内对含油污泥中总石油烃的降解率分别为39.69%、31.13%和53.29%,而混合菌的降解效果明显高于单一菌株,降解率为58.08%;不同菌株对原油中不同组分的降解能力不同,其中,RS1对饱和烃的降解率最高,达20.74%,RS3对芳香烃的降解率最高,达到8.08%;GC-MS分析表明,混合菌对n-C12~n-C34等正构烷烃均有明显降解,且对萘、苊、屈和苯并[b]荧蒽等多环芳烃的降解能力较强。  相似文献   

利用不同组分原油逐级驯化的方法对克拉玛依油田的石油污染土样进行石油烃降解混菌的富集驯化,得到一组对稀油和稠油均具有高效降解能力的混菌M3。与采用单一原油驯化方法相比,混菌M3对稀油和稠油的降解率分别提高了12.5%和22%。该混菌具有较强的产表面活性剂的能力,能够使发酵液的表面张力从69.8 mN·m-1降至27.9 mN·m-1。通过混菌M3的生长条件优化实验得出:在温度30 ℃、pH 7~8、盐度1%、氮源选择尿素的条件下,混菌M3对原油的降解率最高。通过考察混菌M3在污染土壤中对原油的降解效果,发现:在修复期间,土壤脱氢酶呈先升高后降低的趋势;混菌M3可使饱和烃组分增加,并使芳香分、胶质和沥青质组分降低,对重质组分具有较好的降解效果。混菌M3的加入改变了原油性质,促进了土壤中原油的降解,经过56 d修复,土壤中原油降解率达到55.3%。  相似文献   

在化学反应设计中反应动力学是较重要的因素。为得到更合理的污泥热解动力学参数计算方法,利用热重分析仪,在氮气气氛下对罐底含油污泥的热解特性进行研究。根据热重实验数据,分别采用Coats-Redfern法、Kissinger法、FWO法和Popescu法计算污泥热解动力学参数,并获取罐底泥热解制油的主要阶段(第2阶段)的反应活化能E、频率因子A并分析各种方法反应机理。通过对比不同计算方法得到动力学参数及拟合曲线与实验曲线的相关性,确定了最佳罐底含油污泥热解动力学参数计算方法。研究表明,Popescu法得到罐底泥的热解过程符合Jander方程,活化能E为101.43 kJ/mol,与FWO法得到的91.20 kJ/mol相近,且预测曲线与实验曲线有较好的相关性(0.9816),说明Popescu法计算罐底泥热解动力学参数更合适。  相似文献   

Xiang L  Chan LC  Wong JW 《Chemosphere》2000,41(1-2):283-287
The removal of heavy metals (Cr, Cu, Zn, Ni and Pb) from anaerobically digested sludge from the Yuen Long wastewater treatment plant, Hong Kong, has been studied in a batch system using isolated indigenous iron-oxidizing bacteria. The inoculation of indigenous iron-oxidizing bacteria and the addition of FeSO4 accelerated the solubilization of Cr, Cu, Zn, Ni and Pb from the sludge. pH of the sludge decreased with an increase in Fe2+ concentrations and reached a low pH of 2-2.5 for treatments receiving both bacterial inoculation and FeSO4. After 16 days of bioleaching, the following heavy metal removal efficiencies were obtained: Cr 55.3%, Cu 91.5%, Zn 83.3%, Ni 54.4%, and Pb 16.2%. In contrast, only 2.6% of Cr, 42.9% of Cu, 72.1% of Zn, 22.8% of Ni and 0.56% of Pb were extracted from the control without the bacterial inoculation and addition of FeSO4. The residual heavy metal content in the leached sludge was acceptable for unrestricted use for agriculture. The experimental results confirmed the effectiveness of using the isolated iron-oxidizing bacteria for the removal of heavy metals from sewage sludge.  相似文献   

通过富集和驯化培养从石油污染的土样中筛选出一株高效石油烃降解菌Y-16,其对胜利原油7 d降解率达到51.98%。在好氧条件下,对Y-16菌株的最优降解条件进行了探索,结果表明,在pH值8.0,温度30℃,接种量10%,摇床转数160 r/m in和3 000~7 000 mg/L的底物浓度下,Y-16菌株的最高降解率可达到60.34%。通过Y-16菌株对石油烃降解规律的探索,发现Y-16菌株对石油烃的降解符合一级反应动力学模型。  相似文献   



Transconjugant bacteria with combined potential for hydrocarbon utilization and heavy metal resistance were suggested by earlier investigators for bioremediation of soils co-contaminated with hydrocarbons and heavy metals. The purpose of this study was to offer evidence that such microorganisms are already part of the indigenous soil microflora.  相似文献   

从孤岛油田石油污染土壤中分离到一株高效石油降解菌,命名为SKD-1。该菌株菌落表面湿润光滑、边缘整齐、圆形、不透明、乳黄色,能够利用葡萄糖和淀粉作为其生长的碳源和能源,其最适生长环境为碱性(pH8-10),在分别以正十六烷烃和原油为惟一碳源,温度为30℃,摇床(180r/min)培养的条件下,菌株SKD-1的降解率分别为66.1%和36.9%。16SrRNA基因序列分析表明,菌株SKD-1与不动杆菌AcinetobactercalcoaceticusSY-1同源性达99%。结合菌株SKD.1菌落形态、理化性质以及系统发育分析,可以鉴定菌株SKD-1属于不动杆菌属(Acinetobactersp.),序列登录号为AB774229。  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - The phytoremediation potential and enzymatic defense of a medicinal herb Leucas aspera was studied in the crude oil contaminated soil. The...  相似文献   

In Polar regions subject to acid precipitation, the spring flood period is swift and can be divided into three phases. In phase one, dilution and anion substitution by SO4 controls episodic acidification. Phase two is characterized by interaction of snowmelt water with the catchment. A combination of several factors contributes to declines in pH and ANC. In forest and wetland ecosystems, organic acids greatly contribute to the pH depression in the streams. In the coastal tundra and forest-tundra zones, "salt-effect" acidification predominantes. The increase in toxic forms of trace (Ni, Cu) and rare (Fe, Al, Mn) elements during pH depressions may create stress conditions for the fauna of polar fresh waters during a flood period.  相似文献   

寒地黑土中阿特拉津降解菌的筛选及降解特性   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
从长期施用阿特拉津的寒地黑土耕层(0~10 cm)取样。利用富集培养的方法,筛选到2株阿特拉津降解菌,编号Z9和Z42。Z9以阿特拉津为惟一碳氮源生长,Z42以阿特拉津为惟一氮源生长,15 d对阿特拉津的降解率分别为77.7%和65.6%。对其初步鉴定并对降解特性进行研究,结果表明,细菌Z9为微杆菌属(Microbacterium sp.),细菌Z42为节杆菌属(Arthrobacter sp.)。在室内进行降解条件优化实验,得出2株降解菌对100 mg/L阿特拉津的最佳降解条件为:温度30℃,Z9 pH值为7,Z42 pH值为8。  相似文献   

石油污染土壤生物修复菌Z1a-B的分离鉴定与调控效应研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
从山东东营胜利油田附近的石油污染土壤中分离筛选得到一株高效石油降解菌Z1a-B,通过菌落形态及显微镜个体形态观察对其初步鉴定到属,并采用气相色谱/质谱(GC/MS)法分析了Z1a-B的石油降解性能,采用投加石油降解菌、调节土壤N、P含量和优化环境因素等措施,进行了为期60d的石油污染土壤室外自然堆制生物修复实验。结果表明,Z1a-B为链霉菌属白孢类群,其摇瓶培养的石油降解率为66.4%;Z1a-B有着很宽的烷烃降解谱;N、P最佳的添加量组合为KNO32.50g/kg、K2HPO40.35g/kg,即N/P(质量比)为5.57:1.00,此时的石油降解率达63.5%,土壤脱氢酶活性达最高值,为2.99μL/g;石油降解的最佳环境条件为:将石油质量分数为3.3%的100g土样调节pH至8.5后,装入容积为300mL的锥形瓶中灭菌,再接种孢子密度为2.7×108个/mL的菌剂5.5mL,于28℃下进行生物降解,在此条件下的石油降解率可达76.5%;土壤脱氢酶活性的测定结果可以作为检验石油污染土壤生物修复效果的重要指示指标之一;室外自然堆制生物修复实验中,添加菌剂、锯末、秸秆以及N、P后,石油降解率可达69.9%,总体来说,室外自然堆制生物修复是一种投资少、见效快、治理效果较好的石油污染土壤治理方法。  相似文献   

Yassaa N  Cecinato A 《Chemosphere》2005,60(11):1660-1666
The absolute contents and relative distributions of organic aerosols [n-alkanes, n-alkanoic and n-alkenoic acids, n-alkan-2-ones and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH)] were determined in torched gases emitted during the crude oil extraction and in the free atmosphere of the Hassi-Messaoud city (Algeria). Monocarboxylic acids, both saturated and monounsaturated (from 9802 to 20 057 ng m−3), accounted for the major fraction of the total particulate organic matter identified both in torch exhaust and atmospheric particulate. n-Alkanes were also abundant both in the direct emission (from 460 to 632 ng m−3) and city atmosphere (462 ng m−3) and displayed a peculiar fingerprint characterised by the presence of a set of branched congeners around even carbon-numbered homologues and a strong even-to-odd predominance along the whole carbon number range (C16–C34). Whilst n-alkan-2-ones were absent in the city and poor in smokes emitted from the torches (from 31 to 42 ng m−3), PAH were present at low extents in all sites (from 18 to 65 ng m−3). The incomplete thermal combustion of torched crude oil was very likely the main source of these particle-bound organic constituents in the city and its surrounding region.  相似文献   

以腐植酸(HA) 溶液为吸附剂、从受多环芳烃污染的土壤中分离出来的降解菌制成为生物修复剂,以多环芳烃(PAHs)萘、菲、芘、荧蒽、苯并蒽、苯并芘为土壤污染物,对PAHs污染土壤进行修复实验。目的是筛选与分离吸附于HA的PAHs降解菌,研究HA与降解菌的协同效应对PAHs的降解效率的影响。用经过HA吸附的PAHs富集分离培养出1株高效降解菌株, 命名为Tzyx3,鉴定其为解脂耶氏酵母菌(Yarrowia lipolytica)。15 d后,土壤中萘、菲、芘、荧蒽、苯并蒽、苯并芘的降解率分别为90.7%、91.0%、74.7%、86.9%、84.7%和74.7%,表明Tzyx3和HA在PAHs污染土壤中存在协作关系,Tzyx3能够直接利用HA对土壤中的多环芳烃进行降解。  相似文献   

The survival of faecal and total coliform bacteria and Streptococcus faecalis (indicator bacteria) were monitored in experimental plots receiving various amounts of biological or dephosphatation municipal sewage sludge. Biological sludge was applied on coniferous and mixed regenerative forest soils. The results show that except for total coliforms, there was little significant treatment effect on the indicator bacteria numbers in all of the sites. In most cases, there was a significant time effect, indicating that bacterial populations vary over time, according to environmental factors such as temperature, moisture or nutrient level conditions. In total coliform bacteria, populations varied over time but also in function of treatment levels. The present study suggests that even if the standards of Québec (Canada) for sludge application are respected, there may be some risk for bacterial contamination depending on the types of sewage sludge and forest habitat. Although there is only a short-term effect, high slopes can influence the movement of the indicator bacteria and may potentially cause some contamination problems.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Soil contamination with crude oil is a major environmental problem. The aim of this study was to assess whether the earthworm Allolobophora caliginosa...  相似文献   

Soil and marine samples collected from different localities in Kuwait were screened for microorganisms capable of oil degradation. Both fungi and bacteria were isolated. The fungal flora consisted of Aspergillus terreus, A. sulphureus, Mucor globosus, Fusarium sp. and Penicillum citrinum. Mucor globosus was the most active oil degrading fungus isolated. Bacterial isolates included Bacillus spp. Enterobacteriaceae, Pseudomonas spp., Nocardia spp., Streptomyces spp.,and Rhodococcus spp. Among these Rhodococcus strains were the most efficient in oil degradation and, relatively speaking, the most abundant. Bacterial and fungal isolates differed in their ability to degrade crude oil, with Rhodococcus isolates being more active that fungin in n-alkane biodegradation, particularly in the case of R. rhodochrous. In addition to medium chain n-alkanes, fungi utilized one or more of the aromatic hydrocarbons studied, while bacteria failed to do so. R. rhodochorous KUCC 8801 was shown by GLC and post-growth studies to be more efficient in oil degradation than isolates known to be active oil degraders.  相似文献   

In vitro and greenhouse biotests were carried out to study the effects of various concentrations of crude oil on the mycorrhizosphere and the ability of ectomycorrhizal fungi to colonise Norway spruce and poplar seedlings grown on contaminated soil. Ectomycorrhizal fungi grown in pure cultures showed a variety of reactions to crude oil, ranging from growth stimulation to total inhibition of growth, depending on the species of fungi. Germination of poplar and spruce seeds was not significantly affected. The growth of spruce seedlings was not affected by crude oil, whereas that of poplar seedlings was significantly reduced at high concentrations. None of the concentrations had any effect on the degree of ectomycorrhizal and endomycorrhizal colonisation of poplar. With spruce, however, the ectomycorrhizal fungi showed species-specific reactions to increasing concentrations, in accordance with the results of the pure culture test. The length of time between soil contamination and seeding affects both seedling growth and the mycorrhizal infection potential of the soil. The results confirm the importance of mycorrhizal fungi in the bioremediation of soils contaminated by crude oil.  相似文献   

The application of nanotechnology in the agriculture and food sector is relatively recent compared to its usage in drug delivery or pharmaceuticals. Therefore, this paper presents a study of the effect of silver nanoparticles on probiotic bacteria based on the example of Lactobacillus acidophilus LA-5, Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. lactis BB-12 and Streptococcus thermophilus ST-Y31 isolated from fermented milk products. Probiotic bacteria are one of the most crucial groups of bacteria for the food industry, because of their claimed health-promoting properties. Studies have shown that the type and concentration of silver nanoparticle solutions have a significant impact on the tested probiotic bacteria which are profitable for the digestive system. In the presence of all tested silver nanoparticles, St. thermophilus ST-Y31 growth was inhibited significantly by the dilution method as opposed to the disk-diffusion method. Both the disk-diffusion and the dilution methods showed no significant differences between L. acidophilus LA-5 and B. animalis subsp. lactis BB-12. The concentrations 2 μg mL?1 and 0.25 μg mL?1 had the highest antibacterial activity and statistically significant impacts on the tested probiotic strains. To our knowledge, this is the first report on potential antimicrobial effect of nanosilver against the health-promoting probiotic bacteria L. acidophilus LA-5, B. animalis subsp. lactis BB-12 and St. thermophilus ST-Y31 isolated from fermented milk products.  相似文献   

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