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We used DNA microsatellites to investigate temporal and spatial patterns of local genetic differentiation and relatedness in a solitary mammal, the dusky-footed woodrat (Neotoma fuscipes). Patterns of genetic variation were measured relative to spatial clusters, or neighborhoods, of woodrats. We detected significant genetic differentiation among woodrat neighborhoods in two populations spanning multiple habitat types and densities. Estimates of θ ST among neighborhoods ranged 0.034–0.075 and were comparable to levels reported in social mammals. Genetic differentiation at such a local scale is noteworthy because it occurred in the absence of any physical barriers to gene flow, suggesting that the patterns observed are linked to the nonrandom patterns of mating and dispersal that characterize woodrat social structure. Genetic differentiation and relatedness among neighborhoods were even higher when only resident females were analyzed. These results are consistent with a pattern of female philopatry and male-biased dispersal in woodrats. Geographic distance and relatedness were inversely correlated in adult females at intermediate densities, but not at low densities. Nonetheless, matrilineal genetic structure was apparent even at low woodrat densities based on estimates of θ ST among neighborhoods of resident females that were significantly greater than zero and consistently greater than estimates including all individuals. In summary, this study demonstrates a matrilineal genetic structure in dusky-footed woodrats. In addition, our results support the idea that intermediate densities may be better at facilitating the formation of spatial kin clusters than either extreme. An erratum to this article can be found at  相似文献   

The Bateman gradient is increasingly used to measure sexual selection and characterize mating systems. In a landmark paper, Arnold and Duvall (Am Nat 143:317–348, 1994) formulated predictions about the relationships between sex-specific Bateman gradients and the major types of mating system. In promiscuous species, gradients are expected to be strong and similar in both sexes. Current support for this prediction however remains equivocal as reported male gradients are almost constantly steeper than female gradients. Here, we estimated Bateman gradients in a wild population of Eastern chipmunks (Tamias striatus) over two reproductive seasons characterized by extreme levels of promiscuity and unbiased operational sex ratios. We found significant and positive Bateman gradients for both sexes. The gradients were not different among sexes suggesting that the strength of sexual selection was similar for males and females. The opportunity for selection was also particularly strong for a promiscuous species and not different among sexes. Our results thus support the predicted Bateman gradients for a promiscuous mating system.  相似文献   

The genetic organization of colonies of the subterranean termite Reticulitermes flavipes in two subpopulations in Massachusetts was explored using five polymorphic allozymes and double-strand conformation polymorphism (DSCP) analysis of the mitochondrial control region. Empirically obtained estimates of worker relatedness and F-statistics were compared with values generated by computer simulations of breeding schemes to make inferences about colony organization. In one study site (G), worker genotypes indicated the presence of a mixture of colonies headed by monogamous outbred primary reproductives and colonies headed by inbreeding neotenic reproductives, both colony types having limited spatial ranges. A second site (S) was dominated by several large colonies with low relatedness among nestmates. Mixed DSCP haplotypes in three colonies indicated that nestmates had descended from two or three unrelated female reproductives. Computer simulations of breeding schemes suggested that positive colony inbreeding coefficients at site S resulted from either commingling of workers from different nests or different colonies. Such an exchange of workers between nests corresponds to the multiple-site nesting lifetype of many subterranean termites and resembles colony structure in polycalic Formica ants. Our study demonstrates considerable variation in R. flavipes colony structure over a small spatial scale, including colonies headed by monogamous outbred primary reproductives, colonies containing multiple inbred neotenic reproductives and large polydomous colonies containing the progeny of two or more unrelated queens, and suggests that the number of reproductives and nestmate relatedness change with colony age and size.  相似文献   

Sex ratio, sexual dimorphism and mating structure in bethylid wasps   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Sexual dimorphism has been linked to parasitoid mating structure by several authors. In turn mating structure has an important influence on predicted sex ratio optima. Here we test the relationship between sexual dimorphism and sex ratio using data from 19 species of bethylid wasps. Using phylogenetically based comparative methods we confirm the findings of a previous cross-species analysis that sex ratio (proportion of males) is strongly and negatively correlated with clutch size. Using cross-species comparisons we show an additional positive correlation of sex ratio and relative male size, as predicted. The relationship however is not significant when using phylogenetically based methods. The cross-species result is largely due to differences between two bethylid sub-families: the Epyrinae have relatively large males and relatively high sex ratios, whereas the Bethylinae have relatively small males and lower sex ratios. Our study illustrates the benefits and drawbacks of using cross-species versus phylogenetically based comparisons. Received: 13 May 1997 / Accepted after revision: 12 January 1998  相似文献   

We investigated odor changes and their behavioral significance in the solitary, ground-nesting bee Andrena nigroaenea. We used gas chromatography with electroantennographic detection and performed behavioral tests with males in the field using natural odor samples and synthetic compounds. We found that only cuticle extracts of young females elicited copulation attempts in the males. We demonstrated that among the 17 compounds which triggered electroantennographic responses, all-trans-farnesyl hexanoate and all-trans-farnesol were significantly more abundant in unattractive cuticle extracts of A. nigroaenea females. Dufour’s gland extracts of these females also contained greater amounts of both compounds. In bioassays using synthetic farnesyl hexanoate and farnesol we found that these compounds inhibit copulation behavior in the males. Farnesyl hexanoate is probably synthesized in Dufour’s gland and used by females for lining brood cells. We interpret the semiochemical function of farnesyl hexanoate and its precursor farnesol to have evolved secondarily. As an outcome of sexual selection, it facilitates the discrimination by males of receptive females from nesting and thus already mated individuals. The dual function of these compounds represents an elegant parsimony in the chemical communication system of this insect. Received: 19 January 2000 / Revised: 29 May 2000 / Accepted: 24 June 2000  相似文献   

Summary The mating system of the brown hyaena (Hyaena brunnea) in the southern Kalahari is described. Most brown hyaenas live in small mixed sex groups of related individuals. Some subadults of both sexes leave their natal groups, the females presumably to seek a vacated territory, the males to become nomadic. Mating was only observed between nomadic males and group living females. Group living males display little sexual interest in their own or other group's females, but help to feed the cubs.  相似文献   

Summary I studied the mating strategies of razorbills Alca torda, a monogamous colonial seabird, during 1987–1989 in Wales, U.K. The outstanding feature of the study population's mating system was the performance of most copulations in mating arenas outside the colony. Females visited the arenas and sometimes accepted extra-pair copulations (EPCs), and males aggressively competed for EPCs. During the fertilizable period of most females, the arenas resembled leks because they contained no resources except mates, and males contributed only sperm to extra-pair females. Typical of leks, the operational sex ratio was strongly male-biased, and male mating success was highly skewed. To examine the potential for sexual selection to operate in this system, I correlated male EPC success with variables that could be associated with male-male competition and/or female choice. The frequencies of three behaviors (interference of copulation attempts, fights won against other males, and EPC attempts), accounted for 62% of the variance in EPC success and were strongly intercorrelated, with interference explaining most of the variance in a multivariate test. EPC success was not correlated with body size, age, paired status or either of two estimates of the time spent in the arena. The hypothesis that male EPC success was determined by active female choice was tested by examining the relative success (EPCs per attempt) of males. Relative success was not correlated with any of the three behaviors associated with absolute success, or with age, body size or attendance, suggesting that male-male competition, mainly in the form of copulation interference, is the principal correlate of EPC success. These findings in a monogamous species illustrate that EPC is a secondary mating system of razorbills in which sexual selection operates. The existence of this system outside the colony raises the possibility that lekking for EPCs may also occur within the nesting territories of other monogamous, colonial species but is hidden by competition for nests and breeding partners.  相似文献   

We studied the effect of relative parental investment on potential reproductive rates (PRRs) to explain sex differences in selectivity and competition in the dart-poison frog Dendrobates pumilio. We recorded the reproductive behavior of this species in a Costa Rican lowland rainforest for almost 6 months. Females spent more time on parental care than males, and `time out' estimates suggest that PRRs of males are much higher than than those of females, rendering females the limiting sex in the mating process. Males defended territories that provide suitable calling sites, space for courtship and oviposition, and prevent interference by competitors. Male mating success was highly variable, from 0 to 12 matings, and was significantly correlated with calling activity and average perch height, but was independent of body size and weight. Estimates of opportunity for sexual selection and variation in male mating success are given. The mating system is polygamous: males and females mated several times with different mates. Females were more selective than males and may sample males between matings. The discrepancy in PRRs between the sexes due to differences in parental investment and the prolonged breeding season is sufficient to explain the observed mating pattern i.e., selective females, high variance in male mating success, and the considerable opportunity for sexual selection. Received: 9 June 1998 / Received in revised form: 27 March 1999 / Accepted: 3 April 1999  相似文献   

Sexual selection via female choice can afford preferred males comparably higher mating success than those males that lack preferred traits. In addition, many models of sexual selection assume that both male traits and female preferences are heritable. In this study we test whether females of the poeciliid fish, Heterandria formosa, have repeatable pre-copulatory preferences for larger males. We also test whether female pre-copulatory preferences are always reliable indicators of male mating success. When given a choice between a large and a small male, females prefer larger males, and the repeatability of this preference is high. Although there are no overall differences in male mating success between large and small males, large males have a higher mating success when they are the first to mate than when they are the second to mate. Likewise, preferred males also have higher mating success when they are the first to mate than when they mate second. Therefore, the repeatable female preferences observed in this study only predict male mating success when the preferred male mates first. These results illustrate that even significantly repeatable female preferences do not translate into male mating success, which is an assumption of many examinations of the importance of female choice in sexual selection.  相似文献   

M. E. Huber 《Marine Biology》1987,93(4):509-515
Colonies of Pocillopora spp. containing the crab Trapezia digitalis were collected from Hawaii in summer of 1979 and of 1980. Individuals of T. digitalis in Hawaii vary extensively in coloration of the carapace: crabs were separated into phenotypic classes by their degree of carapace reticulation. When presented with two females of different phenotype, males preferentially paired with the female which was similar to them in reticulation. The genetic population structure of T. digitalis was unusual by comparison with other species of Trapezia. Previously reported homozygote excesses at esterase-4, hexokinase-1, phosphoglucoseisomerase, and general protein-2 cannot be explained by the single-locus Wahlund effect, since there was not significant genetic differentiation among phenotypic classes, as measured by Wright's F ST statistic. There was significant variation among classes in allele frequencies at a fifth locus, hexokinase-2. Two pairs of loci were in significant gametic disequilibrium. Gametic disequilibrium was not detected in seven other species of Trapezia. It is suggested that multi-locus genetic analysis and an increased geographic sampling range are needed to determine the genetic population structure of T. digitalis in relation to observed variation in coloration.  相似文献   

Roach KA  Tobler M  Winemiller KO 《Ecology》2011,92(11):2056-2062
Photoautotrophs are generally considered to be the base of food webs, and habitats that lack light, such as caves, frequently rely on surface-derived carbon. Here we show, based on analysis of gut contents and stable isotope ratios of tissues (13C:12C and 15N:14N), that sulfur-oxidizing bacteria are directly consumed and assimilated by the fish Poecilia mexicana in a sulfide-rich cave stream in Tabasco state, Mexico. Our results provide evidence of a vertebrate deriving most of its organic carbon and nitrogen from in situ chemoautotrophic production, and reveals the importance of alternative energy production sources supporting animals in extreme environments.  相似文献   

Fundamental reproductive interests dictate that females generally benefit most from mate selectivity and males from mate quantity. This can create conflict between the sexes and result in sexual coercion: male use of aggression to garner mating success at a cost to females. Potential fitness costs of sexual coercion, however, can be difficult to measure. Here, we demonstrate benefits to males and costs to females of female defense polygyny in wild hamadryas baboons, cercopithecoid primates in which females are coercively transferred among social units by males, restricting both female choice and bonding among female kin. Of all coercive transfers (takeovers) of females with young infants, 67 % were followed by infant mortality, which was significantly more likely to occur after takeovers than at other times. As expected, infant mortality decreased time to subsequent conception but lengthened intervals between surviving infants. Following infant survival, whether a female had experienced a takeover after the previous birth was a significant predictor of subsequent interbirth interval, with interbirth intervals of females remaining with the same male between births being significantly shorter than those of females incurring takeovers between births. Together, these results reveal that takeovers increase the chance of infant mortality while delaying subsequent conception. Male-driven female defense polygyny in this species is thus costly to females in two ways. These results demonstrate that reproductive strategies benefitting males can evolve despite substantial costs to females. These costs may be mitigated over the long term, however, by female counterstrategies and protective behavior by males.  相似文献   

Summary In laboratory choice experiments, receptive female western mosquitofish Gambusia affinis affinis (deprived of contact with males 30 days) preferred the larger of two males. When two males differing in size were placed with a receptive female, the larger was generally able to monopolize access to her, but not when the female was not receptive. In other experiments, a single male was placed with a receptive or non-receptive female. These experiments showed size-correlated differences in male mating behavior. Smaller males were more likely to chase non-receptive females and attempt to inseminate them forcibly, while larger males continued to court females even if they were non-receptive. Even when the female was receptive, there was some evidence of size-correlated differences in levels of courtship and chasing.  相似文献   

Using data from 23 populations of Indian langurs (Presbytis entellus), we show that the proportion of one-male groups is a function of the males’ ability to defend groups of females, as predicted by the monopolisation model of Emlen and Oring (1977). However, we show that in addition to the number of females in the group and their reproductive synchrony, home range size is also a factor, probably because it affects a male’s willingness to search for other groups. These variables in turn are shown to be functions of environmental parameters (rainfall volume and seasonality, and mean ambient temperature) which probably act via the density of resources and refuges in habitats. Received: 3 March 1994 / Accepted after revision: 24 June 1996  相似文献   

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