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随着消费水平的不断提高,包装废弃物特别是塑料包装废弃物进一步增长,"白色污染"问题日趋加重.论述了"白色污染"产生的原因、生活垃圾中废塑料的含量以及对"可降解塑料"作用的认识,指出建立有效的垃圾收集系统才是解决"白色污染"问题的根本途径.  相似文献   

The main aim of this study was to evaluate the costs and environmental impacts induced by a fixed model of MSW kerbside separate collection system for communities up to 10,000 inhabitants, in order to evaluate the convenience for the smaller municipalities to unite and form more economically and environmentally sound systems. This topic is important not only due to the large number of small municipalities (e.g. in Italy 72% of the municipalities has less than 5000 inhabitants) but also to the fact that separate collection systems are typically designed to take into account only the technical and economic aspects, which is a practice but not acceptable in the light of the sustainable development paradigm. In economic terms, between 1000 and 4000 inhabitants, the annual per capita cost for vehicles and personnel decreased, with a maximum at approximately 180€/inhabitants/year; while, from 5000 up to 10,000 inhabitants, the annual per capita cost was practically constant and equal to about 80€/inhabitants/year. For the municipalities of less than 5000 inhabitants, from an economic point of view the aggregation is always advantageous. The environmental impacts were calculated by means of the Life Cycle Assessment tool SimaPro 7.1, while the economic-environmental convenience was evaluated by combining in a simple multicriteria analysis, the annual total per capita cost (€/inhabitants/year) and the annual total per capita environmental impact (kEco-indicator point/inhabitants/year), giving the same importance to each criteria. The analysis was performed by means of the Paired Comparison Technique using the Simple Additive Weighting method. The economic and environmental convenience of the aggregation diminishes with the size of the municipalities: for less than 4000 inhabitants, the aggregation was almost always advantageous (91.7%); while, for more than or equal to 5000 inhabitants, the aggregation was convenient only in 33.3% of the cases. On the whole, out of 45 cases examined, for the municipalities from 1000 to 9000 inhabitants, the aggregation was both economically and environmentally convenient in 60.0% of the cases.  相似文献   

Waste collection is one of the life cycle phases that influence the environmental sustainability of waste management. Pneumatic waste collection systems represent a new way of arranging waste collection in densely populated urban areas. However, limited information is available on the environmental impacts of this system. In this study, we compare the environmental sustainability of conventional door-to-door waste collection with its hypothetical pneumatic alternative. Furthermore, we analyse whether the size of the hypothetical pneumatic system, or the number of waste fractions included, have an impact on the results. Environmental loads are calculated for a hypothetical pneumatic waste collection system modelled on an existing dense urban area in Helsinki, Finland, and the results are compared to those of the prevailing, container-based, door-to-door waste collection system. The evaluation method used is the life-cycle inventory (LCI). In this study, we report the atmospheric emissions of greenhouse gases (GHG), SO(2) and NO(x). The results indicate that replacing the prevailing system with stationary pneumatic waste collection in an existing urban infrastructure would increase total air emissions. Locally, in the waste collection area, emissions would nonetheless diminish, as collection traffic decreases. While the electricity consumption of the hypothetical pneumatic system and the origin of electricity have a significant bearing on the results, emissions due to manufacturing the system's components prove decisive.  相似文献   

This study presents the conception, modeling, and implementation of a decision support system applied to the operational planning of solid waste collection systems, called SCOLDSS. The main functionality of the system is the generation of alternatives to the decision processes concerning: (a) the allocation of separate collection vehicles, as well as the determination of their routes and (b) the determination of the daily amount of solid waste to be sent to each sorting unit, in order to avoid waste of labor force and to reduce the amount of waste sent to the landfills. To develop the computer system, a combination of quantitative techniques was used, such as: simulation of discrete events and algorithms/heuristics for vehicle allocation and routing. The system was developed using the Borland Delphi environment and the commercial software Arena to carry out the simulations. We also present a computational study with real-life data from the solid waste collection in Porto Alegre, Brazil, in which we show that the results provided by the computational system outperform the operation planning currently adopted.  相似文献   

Recycling and reusing recyclables is an important way to solve the municipal solid waste (MSW) problem. As the collection of solid waste takes up the largest percentage of MSW management budgets, improving the collection of recyclables is important. Since the decline of government-run waste buying depots in the late 1980s, the collection of recyclables from households and waste deposit sites in China is done by buyers with small informal bases and waste pickers, who are usually unskilled rural people who have come to the cities. Because of this, the current system is seen to have social problems. So, the recyclable collection system has both social as well as economic significance. China is in the process of rapid industrialization and urbanization, and a new mode of community collection system is emerging. It operates by market mechanisms, with waste collection companies that are supported by the municipal government, establishing recycle service sites, and employing workers to buy recyclables door-to-door. This paper is a case study of the new system in the Haidian District, Beijing. It summarizes the system, compares it to experiences in other countries and discusses whether the new approach contributes to resources recycling in China.  相似文献   

北京市以建设资源节约型、环境友好型社会为指导,以建设"人文北京、科技北京、绿色北京"为目标,大力推进再生资源回收体系建设。介绍了北京市再生资源回收体系建设工作取得的初步成效及采取的措施,阐述了资源回收利用的新模式和新思路,以及推动北京市再生资源回收利用的下一步工作。  相似文献   

The concurrent effects of a fast national growth rate, of a large and dense residential area and a pressing demand for urban environmental protection create a challenging framework for waste management in Pudong New Area, Shanghai. The complexity of context and procedures is indeed a primary concern of local municipal authorities due to problems related to the collection, transportation and processing of residential solid waste. In order to design and implement a suitable urban solid waste system, the first task is to forecast the quantity and variance of solid waste as it relates to residential population, consumer index, season, etc. The system here discussed addresses exactly these issues, by means of an intelligent, sensorized container. The container has been prepared and tested in the Pudong New Area, Shanghai.  相似文献   

Effective selective collection (SC) has been increasing in many countries of the European Union. As a consequence the composition of residual municipal solid waste (RMSW) is changing not only because of economic development, but also due to the collection system. The input of RMSW treatment plants is thus not homogeneous. This paper analyses two case studies involving a total of five SC scenarios and their impact on the generation of solid recovered fuel (SRF) with/without bio-drying, post-treatment and packaging take back programs (TBPs). These case studies are based on two types of SC: kerbside and drop-off. The latest regulation on SRF classification is taken into account: energy content, Cl and Hg concentrations are assessed and discussed. The role of the respirometric index (RI) is also analyzed. Results show that when SC is highly efficient RMSW can be classified directly as SRF, but only if the introduction of RI does not set stringent respirometric targets. The role of packaging TBPs is important as the residual waste remaining after the packaging has been processed, can be valorized increasing the lower heating value (LHV) of the residual RMSW and minimizing the streams that should be landfilled. The source separation of food waste has a significant impact on the suitability of bio-drying: when the SC of food waste is very efficient, its percentage in the RMSW may be too low for effective bio-drying.  相似文献   

Handling of health-care wastes is among the most important environmental problems in Turkey as it is in the whole world. Approximately 25–30 tons of health-care wastes, in addition to the domestic and recyclable wastes, are generated from hospitals, clinics and other small health-care institutions daily on the European and the Asian sides of İstanbul [Kocasoy, G., Topkaya, B., Zeren, B.A., Kılıç, M., et al., 2004. Integrated Health-care Waste Management in İstanbul, Final Report of the LIFE00 TCY/TR/054 Project, Turkish National Committee on Solid Wastes, İstanbul, Turkey; Zeren, B.A., 2004. The Health-care Waste Management of the Hospitals in the European Side of İstanbul, M.S. Thesis, Boğaziçi University, İstanbul, Turkey; Kılıç, M., 2004. Determination of the Health-care Waste Handling and Final Disposal of the Infected Waste of Hospital-Medical Centers in the Anatolian Side of İstanbul. M.S. Thesis, Boğaziçi University, İstanbul, Turkey]. Unfortunately, these wastes are not handled, collected or temporarily stored at the institutions properly according to the published Turkish Medical Waste Control Regulation [Ministry of Environment and Forestry, 2005. Medical Waste Control Regulation. Official Gazette No. 25883, Ankara, Turkey]. Besides the inappropriate handling at the institutions, there is no systematic program for the transportation of the health-care wastes to the final disposal sites. The transportation of these wastes is realized by the vehicles of the municipalities in an uncontrolled, very primitive way. As a consequence, these improperly managed health-care wastes cause many risks to the public health and people who handle them.This study has been conducted to develop a health-care waste collection and transportation system for the city of İstanbul, Turkey. Within the scope of the study, the collection of health-care wastes from the temporary storage rooms of the health-care institutions, transportation of these wastes to the final disposal areas and the cost-benefit analyses of the existing and the proposed optimum transportation routes are investigated and the most feasible routes from the point of view of efficiency and economy have been determined.In order to solve the scheduling and route optimization problem, special software programs called MapInfo and Roadnet were used. For the program, the geocodes of hospital locations, data about the amount of the health-care wastes generated, the loading and unloading process times, and the capacity of the collecting vehicles were taken into account. The new systems developed aim at the daily collection of the health-care wastes from the institutions and their transportation directly to the final disposal area/facility by using the shortest and the most efficient routes to resolve the routing and scheduling problem and to reduce the cost arising from the transportation.  相似文献   

Urban waste management is becoming an increasingly complex task, absorbing a huge amount of resources, and having a major environmental impact. The design of a waste management system consists in various activities, and one of these is related to the location of waste collection sites. In this paper, we propose an integer programming model that helps decision makers in choosing the sites where to locate the unsorted waste collection bins in a residential town, as well as the capacities of the bins to be located at each collection site. This model helps in assessing tactical decisions through constraints that force each collection area to be capacitated enough to fit the expected waste to be directed to that area, while taking into account Quality of Service constraints from the citizens' point of view. Moreover, we propose an effective constructive heuristic approach whose aim is to provide a good solution quality in an extremely reduced computational time. Computational results on data related to the city of Nardò, in the south of Italy, show that both exact and heuristic approaches provide consistently better solutions than that currently implemented, resulting in a lower number of activated collection sites, and a lower number of bins to be used.  相似文献   

We consider the problem of collecting waste from sensor equipped underground containers. These sensors enable the use of a dynamic collection policy. The problem, which is known as a reverse inventory routing problem, involves decisions regarding routing and container selection. In more dense networks, the latter becomes more important. To cope with uncertainty in deposit volumes and with fluctuations due to daily and seasonal effects, we need an anticipatory policy that balances the workload over time. We propose a relatively simple heuristic consisting of several tunable parameters depending on the day of the week. We tune the parameters of this policy using optimal learning techniques combined with simulation. We illustrate our approach using a real life problem instance of a waste collection company, located in The Netherlands, and perform experiments on several other instances. For our case study, we show that costs savings up to 40% are possible by optimizing the parameters.  相似文献   

During the 1970's collection of household waste in the City of Copenhagen was modernized by the introduction of plastic bins and 300- to 800-l containers. In some areas an increase in crew-size from two to three men per collection vehicle took place in the same period.Particularly, the increase in crew-size gave rise to disputes with the trade union and led to the execution of a comprehensive time study programme. As a result of the time studies a system of standard times was obtained, which, by simple formulae, enables the calculation of the nominal time necessary for any collection route. Collection of household waste in Copenhagen is done from the yard and the formulae take into account the distance from the kerb as well as stairs and other possible obstacles. The primary aim of the time studies has been to design a wage system that ensures a proportionality between wage and working hours. In addition to this, the time studies have formed a basis for comparisons between the total economy of collection schemes based on different types and sizes of receptacles and different frequencies of collection. Further, the time studies have yielded data for calculating the economic effect of increasing the crew-size from two to three men.  相似文献   

In the present paper, the Ant Colony System (ACS) algorithm is used for the identification of optimal routes in the case of municipal solid waste (MSW) collection. The proposed MSW management system is based on a geo-referenced spatial database supported by a geographic information system (GIS). The GIS takes into account all the required parameters for solid waste collection. These parameters include static and dynamic data, such as the positions of waste bins, the road network and the related traffic, as well as the population density in the area under study. In addition, waste collection schedules, truck capacities and their characteristics are also taken into consideration. Spatio-temporal statistical analysis is used to estimate inter-relations between dynamic factors, like network traffic changes in residential and commercial areas. The user, in the proposed system, is able to define or modify all of the required dynamic factors for the creation of alternative initial scenarios. The objective of the system is to identify the most cost-effective scenario for waste collection, to estimate its running cost and to simulate its application. Finally, the results of the ACS algorithm are compared with the empirical method currently used by the Municipality of Athens.  相似文献   

The present study describes a novel application for use in the monitoring of municipal solid waste, based on distributed sensor technology and geographical information systems. Original field testing and evaluation of the application were carried out in Pudong, Shanghai (PR China).The local waste management system in Pudong features particular requirements related to the rapidly increasing rate of waste production. In view of the fact that collected waste is currently deployed to landfills or to incineration plants within the context investigated, the key aspects to be taken into account in waste collection procedures include monitoring of the overall amount of waste produced, quantitative measurement of the waste present at each collection point and identification of classes of material present in the collected waste. The case study described herein focuses particularly on the above mentioned aspects, proposing the implementation of a network of sensorized waste containers linked to a data management system.Containers used were equipped with a set of sensors mounted onto standard waste bins. The design, implementation and validation procedures applied are subsequently described. The main aim to be achieved by data collection and evaluation was to provide for feasibility analysis of the final device. Data pertaining to the content of waste containers, sampled and processed by means of devices validated on two purpose-designed prototypes, were therefore uploaded to a central monitoring server using GPRS connection. The data monitoring and management modules are integrated into an existing application used by local municipal authorities.A field test campaign was performed in the Pudong area. The system was evaluated in terms of real data flow from the network nodes (containers) as well as in terms of optimization functions, such as collection vehicle routing and scheduling. The most important outcomes obtained were related to calculations of waste weight and volume. The latter data were subsequently used as parameters for the routing optimization of collection trucks and material density evaluation.  相似文献   

This research centered on finding and perfecting methods of collection and disposal of refuse in Ibadan North Local Government Areas. The methodology used included questionnaire administration, personal interviews, field reconnaissance, and biochemical tests of water samples, all aimed at providing useful data for the design of effective methods of collecting and disposing refuse. The local government area was divided into three classes based on resident income: a high-income area (Bodija Avenue, etc.), a medium-income area (Sanngo, Oluyole, etc.), and a low-income area (Beere, Adeoyo, etc.). The research outcomes revealed that the waste generation rate for the local government ranged from 0.2 to 0.33kg/cap/day and waste density ranged from 172.41 to 217.61kg/m(3). Water analyses showed that the chloride, manganese, lead, and cadmium levels in water from low-income areas were above the WHO standard. The refuse generated in high and medium-income areas was collected and transported to the disposal site properly while only 54.5% of wastes were handled properly in low-income areas. Also, in order to make low-income areas free from wastes daily, an additional 15 metal skips and 9 refuse vehicles would be needed.  相似文献   

Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management - Healthcare waste management has become a major issue of concern for solid waste managers due the treatment of healthcare waste being generated and...  相似文献   

The state of recycling in Taiwan has seen significant achievements due to various recycling policies implemented by environmental agencies in recent years. These policies include the "Keep Trash Off the Ground" (KTOG) measure, the "Four-in-One Recycling Plan", the per-bag trash collection fee and mandatory garbage sorting. An important question worthy of study is which of these policies has had a more pervasive and critical impact on the outcome of recycling. For example, there is evidence that the KTOG measure made it more convenient for people to begin recycling. This study therefore first analyzed the monthly data over the past decade on the amounts of recyclables in Taiwan's three major cities. By examining time series plots and employing an analysis of the time series intervention model, we can better understand the extent of the effects of the KTOG measure on these cities' amounts of recyclables. The same effects were also analyzed for the mandatory garbage sorting policy and the per-bag trash collection fee. Results show that the KTOG measure, essentially a change in refuse collection practice, presented consistent and significant effects on these cities' amounts of recyclables. It is suggested that the key to improving participation in a recycling program in waste management is for techniques to be tailored to actual settings in a way that facilitates citizen cooperation.  相似文献   

In this article, the systems for the collection and intermediate processing of used beverage cans (UBCs) are compared and analyzed, focusing on the time taken and the cost of processing, the energy consumption, and the emissions of CO2, SO x , and NO x , during the process. We found that cases where the UBCs were crushed in the discharging process gave better results, and how the UBCs were collected was the most important factor. It was more desirable to treat UBCs in one place than in two places. When the transportation distance was longer, the pressed form of UBCs was more convenient. When the transportation distance was short, the original form, the crushed form, and the shredded form of UBCs were all suitable. That is, the contribution of the transportation process to the evaluation was large when the transport distance was long, and the contribution of the treatment process was large when the transport distance was short.  相似文献   

European waste legislation has been encouraging for years the incorporation of selective collection systems for the biowaste fraction. European countries are therefore incorporating it into their current municipal solid waste management (MSWM) systems. However, this incorporation involves changes in the current waste management habits of households. In this paper, the attitude of the public towards the incorporation of selective collection of biowaste into an existing MSWM system in a Spanish municipality is analysed. A semi-structured telephone interview was used to obtain information regarding aspects such as: level of participation in current waste collection systems, willingness to participate in selective collection of biowaste, reasons and barriers that affect participation, willingness to pay for the incorporation of the selective collection of biowaste and the socioeconomic characteristics of citizens who are willing to participate and pay for selective collection of biowaste. The results showed that approximately 81% of the respondents were willing to participate in selective collection of biowaste. This percentage would increase until 89% if the Town Council provided specific waste bins and bags, since the main barrier to participate in the new selective collection system is the need to use specific waste bin and bags for the separation of biowaste. A logit response model was applied to estimate the average willingness to pay, obtaining an estimated mean of 7.5% on top of the current waste management annual tax. The relationship of willingness to participate and willingness to pay for the implementation of this new selective collection with the socioeconomic variables (age, gender, size of the household, work, education and income) was analysed. Chi-square independence tests and binary logistic regression was used for willingness to participate, not being obtained any significant relationship. Chi-square independence tests, ordinal logistic regression and ordinary linear regression was applied for willingness to pay, obtaining statistically significant relationship for most of the socioeconomic variables.  相似文献   

Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management - Excessive waste generation and ineffective waste management systems in developing cities have become a major challenge in achieving urban...  相似文献   

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