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曹宇  张鹏水 《绿色视野》2012,(10):65-66
烟雨江南,水墨徽州。于黑白建筑和月塘波影中,在风声雨声读书声之外,那烟雨中氤氲的脉脉古香总有种清心怡神的味道。这不是檀香,而是墨香。当我在古歙斗山街的小巷中徜徉,透过漏窗看见学龄小童研磨描红的那副景象,就仿佛看见了幼时外公辅导下捉管临池的自己。徽墨,就这样泅出了一幅山水,沉淀下一座徽州。  相似文献   

胡迟 《绿色视野》2011,(1):57-58
我从来没有看过目连戏,只知道它曾在徽州盛行。徽州人不论是喜事还是丧事,都要演一场目连戏来表示纪念。  相似文献   

正徽州是理学的崛起之地,徽州人深受理学的影响和滋润,古民居建筑的每一个布局架构都强烈突显出"理"的说教意味,有着深厚的社会伦理功能。徽民居围墙一般很高。男人大都在外经商,此墙便起着防盗、对女性禁锢的作用。但单纯的高,则给人阴沉压抑的感觉,故而在围墙上又常用黟青石双面镂空雕刻着两扇窗,图案往往是喜鹊登梅,喻寒尽春来的喜讯,既是在家妻子儿女的向往,又是对在外家人的祝福;两家  相似文献   

纸的珍贵,是在那次参观宣纸文化园时才领悟到的。之前,虽然一直念叨"节约一张纸,就是拯救一片森林"这样的话,心底下却觉得这是环保主义者的夸张,但作为绿学社的一员,我又希望这样的夸张能引起必要的关注。那次参观了宣纸制作流水线,我才惊诧于一张纸的诞生竟需要  相似文献   

作为徽州当年很繁华的水运码头,万安是很有些年代和味道的镇子。古老的徽商驿道依然石板青青,比肩接踵的商铺至今保持着前店后坊的格局,仄仄的石阶直通下方绵绵如锦缎的横江。浣衣妇的捶打声传来,清脆中又透着点时光的恍惚。  相似文献   

黄永翀 《绿色视野》2011,(10):62-63
小猴子穿衣戴帽,人模人样地骑着自行车满场子转,甚至还来几个花活,真逗人;平时看似笨重的大狗熊,可要是在桌子上滚起滑板来,连机灵的大姑娘小媳妇们都自愧不如;小狗们钻起一个个火圈来,真让人看着感到有点悬乎,要是看狮子老虎高空钻火圈,心里确实捏一把汗;美女与蟒蛇共舞,看得人们嘴巴张多大,心惊肉跳的……看马戏表演尽管常常是有惊无险,可每次观看时我都是投入得不得了,估计样子叫别人看来感到好笑:脖子伸多长,眼珠子要不是眼眶子挡着都怕要蹦出来。  相似文献   

雷虎 《绿色视野》2014,(12):63-66
提到我们的传统手工艺时,我们总是一边心怀敬意,一边扼腕痛惜。用来装饰的剪纸、用来娱乐的皮影、用来生活的漆器,它们在华丽千年后,最终成为一个老去的背影。我们看待传统工艺的消逝时,就如同看到物种的消亡,把矛头直指以经济为中心的现代社会。然而,有多少人从传统工艺自身找过原因?  相似文献   

雷虎 《绿色视野》2012,(11):64-66
每天早晨,路过早点铺,总会端一蒸笼新鲜出炉的小笼包。一笼小笼包下肚,充沛的正能量就开始在体内翻江倒海。但是不知从何时起,早点铺里,越来越多竹蒸笼被不绣钢取而代之。  相似文献   

正冯小刚导演的大片《一九四二》上映时,片头的4个苍劲有力的大字,厚重中不失俊秀,古朴中不乏灵动,实在是为影片增色不少。这4个字是由扬州古籍刻印社两位雕版大师陈义时和芮名扬合作完成的。除去片头,在《一九四二》中还出现了800多个扬州雕版字,分别用  相似文献   

<正>接触石壶艺术家葛志文之前,我按以前接触过的传统艺术家在脑海中给他画像:家境贫寒却个人清高、身体羸弱却是精神小强;长袍、眼镜、老北京布鞋……当和葛志文见面,我无法相信自己的眼睛:着西装、梳大背头、开名车、住别墅,完全一副高富帅的形象。  相似文献   

骆昌芹 《绿色视野》2011,(10):58-60
初到瑞士首都伯尔尼,谁也不会想到它的名字竟然与一只动物有关,而伯尔尼这座城市并不失其首都的形象,这里设有万国邮政联盟、国际电讯联盟、国际铁路联盟和国际版权联盟等多处高大的建筑,彰显了首都的气质。  相似文献   

金萍 《绿色视野》2012,(5):63-64
是第二次去鼓楼附近的烟袋斜街了。 5年前的初冬,在细雪霏霏中,曾经与它相遇。 从景山公园出来,一个人,走在北京冷冷的街头,转老胡同。走至什刹海边,腰疼得实在难以挪步,只好找了辆人力三轮上了,  相似文献   

Environmental management of the stone cutting industry   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Environmental Management of the stone cutting industry in Hebron is required to reduce the industry's adverse impact on the downstream agricultural land and the adverse impact on the drinking water aquifers. This situation requires the implementation of an industrial wastewater management strategic approach and technology, within the available technical and financial resources. Ten pilot projects at different locations were built at Hebron to reduce or eliminate the incompatible discharge of the liquid and solid waste to the environment and improve the stone cutting industry's effluent quality. A review of existing practices and jar test experiments were used to optimize the water recycling and treatment facilities. The factors reviewed included influent pumping rates and cycles, selection of the optimal coagulant type and addition methods, control of the sludge recycling process, control over flow rates, control locations of influent and effluent, and sludge depth. Based on the optimized doses and Turbidity results, it was determined that the use of Fokland polymer with an optimal dose of 1.5mg/L could achieve the target turbidity levels. The completion of the pilot projects resulted in the elimination of stone cutting waste discharges and an improvement in the recycled effluent quality of 44-99%. This in turn reduced the long term operating costs for each participating firm. A full-scale project that includes all the stone cutting firms in Hebron industrial area is required.  相似文献   

雷虎 《绿色视野》2009,(6):53-55
当“五一”变成了小长假,我就把徒步远行的打算换成了单车近游:从绩溪县经宁国市骑到宣城市,徒经古徽州文化的精髓之地。虽说山迢迢路遥遥,却可以单车为媒,公路为线,一边山水,一边人文。  相似文献   

Artisanal mining is about reaping the riches of the earth to make a living. Artisanal mining is the informal, and more primitive type of small-scale mining. It is usually characterized by individuals or groups who very inefficiently exploit superficial mineral deposits, often illegally and with simple equipment. Artisanal mining is also about women who take employment which involves dangerous working conditions and seldom leads to economic security. Artisanal mining is, furthermore, about women venturing into new and challenging territories and subsequently changing their role. This article on women and artisanal mining is a vignette that underscores all the obstacles to women's fulfilment. These critical and cross-sectoral obstacles are, to cite a few, economic exclusion, discrimination in terms of access to land and natural resources, the increasing feminization of poverty and the lack of recognition of women's valuable work. Two-pronged action is recommended: to give women themselves hope and recognition for their isolated efforts, and that their endeavours are acknowledged breakthroughs; and to reshape the environment, which is oppressing these women, to create a new one.  相似文献   

某日看电视节目,一个农民兄弟在接受采访时自豪地说:你们城市有什么好?就你们吃的那些菜,都是高农药高化肥的。在我们这儿,自己吃的和拿到市场卖的,不是一块地。我们吃的是绿色的,你们在城里吃的是污染的。  相似文献   

Olive tree cultivation is spreading worldwide as a consequence of beneficial effects of olive oil consumption. Olive oil production process and table olive industries are the major sources of olive stones. Currently, this by-product is used in direct combustion to produce energy as electricity or heat. However, there are other possibilities for taking full advantage of a renewable source of interesting compounds. In this work the techno-economic and environmental assessment of two biorefinery schemes and its comparison with the direct combustion (base case) of this residue are presented. The first biorefinery scheme describes the integrated production of xylitol, furfural, ethanol and poly-3-hydroxybutyrate (PHB). The second biorefinery scheme considers the production of xylitol, furfural, ethanol and PHB integrated to a cogeneration system for producing bioenergy from the solid residues resulting from the mentioned processes. The results showed that in the first biorefinery scheme, the net profit margin is approximately 53%, while the second present a net profit margin of 6%.  相似文献   

Artificial aggregate made from waste stone sludge and waste silt   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this research, waste stone sludge obtained from slab stone processing and waste silt from aggregate washing plants were recycled to manufacture artificial aggregate. Fine-powdered stone sludge was mixed with waste silt of larger particle size; vibratory compaction was applied for good water permeability, resulting in a smaller amount of solidifying agent being used. For the densified packing used in this study, the mix proportion of waste stone sludge to waste silt was 35:50, which produced artificial aggregate of more compact structure with water absorption rate below 0.1%. In addition, applying vibratory compaction of 33.3 Hz to the artificial aggregate and curing for 28 days doubled the compressive strength to above 29.4 MPa. Hence, recycling of waste stone sludge and waste silt for the production of artificial aggregate not only offers a feasible substitute for sand and stone, but also an ecological alternative to waste management of sludge and silt.  相似文献   

2010年《地球生命力报告》和《中国生态足迹报告2010》近期先后公布,有专家据此提醒,人类生态耗竭已超五成,如果继续以超出地球资源极限的方式生活,到2030年,人类"将需要两个地球来满足需求"。  相似文献   

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