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Acoustic displays with difficult-to-execute sounds are often subject to strong sexual selection because performance levels are related to the sender’s condition or genetic quality. Performance may also vary with age, breeding stage, and motivation related to social context. We focused on within-male variation in four components of trill performance in banded wren (Thryophilus pleurostictus) songs: note consistency, frequency bandwidth, note rate, and vocal deviation. The latter is a composite measure reflecting deviation from the performance limit on simultaneously maximizing both frequency bandwidth and note rate. We compared the changes in these song parameters at three time scales: over the course of years, across the breeding season, and at different times of the day with contrasting agonistic contexts. Vocal deviation decreased and note consistency increased between years, suggesting that experience may improve individual proficiency at singing trills. Consistency also increased across the season, confirming that practice is important for this parameter. Although there was no significant seasonal change in vocal deviation, one of its components, note rate, increased during the season. Neither vocal deviation nor consistency varied with agonistic context. However, note rate increased during playback experiments simulating territorial intrusions compared to dawn chorus singing. The magnitude of a male’s increase in note rate was positively correlated with his aggressive behavior during the playback experiment. Thus consistency, bandwidth, and vocal deviation indicate age, whereas trill rate flexibly indicates the singer’s aggressive motivation. We also found evidence of a within-male trade-off between vocal deviation and consistency.  相似文献   

Summary The paper reports the results of a 2-year study of pairing success of male pied flycatchers in a homogeneous habitat. A handicapping experiment was carried out in which certain wing and tail feathers were removed from randomly selected males. Handicapped males had reduced pairing success, they lost weight, and they sang less frequently than control males. Male pairing success was positively correlated with the darkness of the plumage, body-size, and previous breeding experience. Earlier studies on the same species have failed to detect any relationships between pairing success and male characteristics, possibly because of habitat heterogeneity and variation in nest site quality. The evolutionary basis for female choice of male characteristics is discussed. There are reports that males with attractive traits (e.g. black plumage) provide a high quality of parental care. However, the fact that male pairing success was related to male conspicuousness makes it difficult to discriminate between active and passive female choice.  相似文献   

Sexual selection is often characterized by polygynous breeding systems, size dimorphism, and skewed operational sex ratios. Koalas are sexually dimorphic in multiple domains, yet are absent from the literature on sexual selection and the structure of their mating system is unclear. We provide the first documentation of the strength of sexual selection in koalas by using microsatellite markers to identify sires. We combine the genetic data with morphological data in order to assess the role of body size in regulating reproductive output. During our 4-year study, 37% of males were identified as possible sires. Males were significantly larger than females, with sires heavier than non-sires. Male body mass correlated with annual reproductive output, with Crow’s Index of Opportunity for Selection revealing that variation in male reproductive success was threefold higher than that of females. Since it appears that male koalas rarely engage in physical confrontations over access to females, size dimorphism could be based upon non-agonistic competition and/or female mate choice. We propose that size dimorphism in koalas evolved as a consequence of endurance rivalry promoting vocal sexual advertisements that attract females. We suggest that female choice is a key mediator of male reproductive output.  相似文献   

Imitative song learning in birds often results in the formation of vocal dialects or local song neighborhoods in which males in close proximity share very similar songs. If song sharing confers a selective advantage due to intra-sexual competition or inter-sexual mate choice, song sharing should enhance the singer’s territory tenure or lifetime pairing success. We tested this in a migratory population of the Puget Sound white-crowned sparrow, Zonotrichia leucophrys pugetensis, in which some territory neighbors share whole songs. Song sharing with territory neighbors in the first year on territory did not correlate with territory tenure but correlated positively with social pairing success throughout a male’s lifetime when length of territory tenure was controlled. Thus, song sharing in this migratory population does not appear to confer a benefit in male–male interactions, at least as measured by the length of territory tenure. However, males that share songs do benefit from higher lifetime pairing success. Combined with the data available for other species, it appears that intra- and inter-sexual selection may have stronger effects on song sharing in sedentary and migratory populations, respectively.  相似文献   

Summary The conspicuous male plumage coloration of many avian species is often regarded as the result of sexual selection through female choice. In general terms such plumage characters may evolve in monogamous species if males bearing them pair with high quality females and so reproduce more successfully than males lacking the character. Male great tits have a conspicuous, central black breast stripe which varies in size between individuals. The stripe is also present in the female although it is smaller in size. Male great tits with large stripes paired with females which laid large clutches. Furthermore, in one of three years, females paired with such males commenced breeding earlier in the season than other females. Individual females were significantly more consistent in their clutch size and laying date between years than were nesting boxes. Males with large stripes paired with females which had previously laid a large clutch. Although there was evidence that territory quality may affect female reproductive success by influencing nesting success and nestling quality, there was no significant relationship between the stripe size of a male and the quality of his territory. Therefore, the results suggest that female great tits are choosing the characteristics of the male rather than the quality of his territory. The evidence thus suggests that female choice may be important in the evolution of male secondary sexual characteristics in great tits.  相似文献   

Embryo success was studied in the paternally brooding pipefish Syngnathus typhle. During brooding, which lasts about a month, males provide embryos in their brood pouch with nutrients and oxygen via a placenta-like structure. Egg size depends on female size. In aquaria, males were mated with differently sized females to give the following treatments: M, mixed-egg-size broods of approximately half large and half small eggs; L, single-egg-size broods of large eggs; S, single-egg-size broods of small eggs; and F, field mated males. All males were kept in aquaria for a full brooding period. For each egg-size category, the number of newborn was compared with the number of eggs the male initially fertilized in his brood pouch. Within mixed-egg-size broods, a higher proportion of large eggs survived and large eggs resulted in heavier newborn than small eggs. Indeed, small eggs from a mixed-egg-size brood had significantly lower relative success (proportion of embryos surviving to birth) than those from a brood entirely composed of small eggs. The implication is that embryos compete for resources within the brood pouch, and that competitive success depends on egg size. Given that females produce eggs corresponding in size to their body size, and that females are known to compete indirectly for access to mates (i.e., the sex-roles are reversed), this intrabrood competition could be seen as an extension of female-female competition, but alternative explanations are discussed. Received: 28 April 1995/Accepted after revision: 28 October 1995  相似文献   

Male willow warblers have song repertoires which vary in complexity along several dimensions. We examined whether female choice, as measured by date of pairing, was based on these song characteristics in 4 different years. Pairing date was negatively correlated with song repertoire size in 1 year, and with song versatility in another year, but there was no consistent effect of any song characteristic on pairing throughout the years or in the pooled sample. The variable that best explained how soon a male pairs is male arrival date (only males that had settled territories before the first female arrived were considered in the analysis). This correlation is consistently significant in all years. This is most parsimoniously interpreted as females choosing some habitat characteristic in the same way that males do. A small percentage of males (8.3%) attracted and paired with a second female. The likelihood of becoming polygynous was not explained by any measured song characteristic, but it was related to arrival date: early males were more likely to pair with two females. Males with large repertoires fledged more young in their primary nests, and there was a trend for the offspring of these males to have a greater probability of being recruited into the population. In conclusion, the results show that in most years there is no sexual selection by female preference on song characteristics, although the data on reproductive success is consistent with the idea of repertoire size being an indicator of male quality. Received: 4 June 1999 / Received in revised form: 1 December 1999 / Accepted: 31 December 1999  相似文献   

Parasites can decrease male mating success in host species in various ways, in particular by affecting male competitive ability for access to females. However, male-male competition can take different forms (i.e. interference vs exploitation competition) and which type of competition is most affected by parasites is not always clear. We investigated the influence of two acanthocephalan parasites Pomphorhynchus laevis and Polymorphus minutus on the pairing success of their intermediate host, Gammarus pulex, using field-based studies and complementary laboratory-based studies. We first studied male pairing success in the field using four large samples of paired and unpaired individuals collected at different dates. In three of the samples, the effects of size and parasite infection were significant, whereas for one sample only male size had a significant effect. There was no difference in size distributions between infected and uninfected gammarids. Large males were paired more often than smaller males, and uninfected males were paired more frequently than infected males, the pairing success of P. minutus-infected males being more severely affected than that of P. laevis-infected males. We then experimentally tested the ability to enter into precopula with a receptive female in the presence or absence of competitors. In competitive situations, the pairing success of P. laevis- and P. minutus-infected males was significantly lower than that of uninfected males, with pairing success being more affected in P. laevis-infected than in P. minutus-infected males. In the absence of competition, males infected with P. laevis were significantly less likely to enter into precopula compared with uninfected males and P. minutus-infected males, whereas there was no difference between uninfected and P. minutus-infected males in their inclination to pair with a receptive female. However, for both parasites, latency time to pair formation was significantly shorter for uninfected than for infected males. In a third experiment, we tested for a potential effect of vertical segregation on the pairing success of infected and uninfected males, but found no evidence for it. We conclude that infected males may be less competitive than uninfected males in competition by exploitation between males for females.  相似文献   

Ontogenetic changes in antipredator behavior optimize survival of growing animals. Leopard geckos (Eublepharis macularius) respond to a simulated predator either by postural and vocal threats, sometimes followed by biting, or alternatively by a rapid escape. The former “confrontational” and the latter “avoidance” behavior rarely occurs in a sequence; in fact, they represent mutually exclusive defensive strategies. We examined 552 individuals of a leopard gecko (E. macularius) of various ages, from hatching up to adulthood (31 months). Each experimental animal was exposed to a sequence of five “water-spraying” and ten “stick” (stick poking on base of the tail) stimuli, and the emitted behavior was recorded. We analyzed the effects of age, body size, body condition, adult–juvenile coloration, and sex on observed behavioral traits. The results showed that in the case of water-spraying stimulus, the usage of deterrent vocalization or escape tactic was affected by age and condition. In addition to that, using deterrent vocalization was influenced by the coloration of the animal. Stick stimulus evokes antipredator strategies that correspond with age and coloration (deterrent vocalization) and also with standardized body size (escape). Thus, leopard geckos exhibit clear ontogenetic change of defensive strategies, from threat–vocalization–bite strategy prevailing in juveniles to an escape strategy typical for adults. This behavioral change is accompanied by the ontogenetic switch of coloration from presumably warning contrasting light–dark banded pattern of juveniles to a cryptic spotted coloration of the adults.  相似文献   

We used detailed time-budget observations, mark-resight data, and doubly labeled water estimates of energy expenditure to test whether energy spent on courtship display by male frigatebirds functions as a sexually selected handicap signal. During a 2-day period of time budget observations, males displayed on average 29.5% of the time (range 0–100% for 15 different males), and this value was correlated with an index of season-long display effort. Season-long display effort was strongly predictive of pairing success. Average field metabolic rate (FMR) during the 2-day time budget period was 676.5 kJ/day (range 464.8–1035.0), substantially lower than the mass-specific FMR predicted from studies of other seabirds during incubation or chick-rearing. Despite a low overall FMR, display effort could function as an energetic handicap, either if FMR correlates positively with the amount of courtship performed or if high-quality males display at a high rate because they pay a lower energy cost per unit of display than do low-quality males. We found no relationship between FMR and display rate, despite good power for doing so. We also did not find a significant difference in energy spent divided by courtship time for males that were or were not chosen by females (inferred to be high- and low-quality males, respectively), though the medians differed in the predicted direction (preferred males having lower relative costs than non-preferred males) and the confidence interval on the difference between groups was very wide. Thus, we found evidence that male courtship effort is predictive of pairing success, we rejected one mechanism by which energetic cost of display could function as a handicap, and our test of the alternate energetic handicap mechanism was equivocal.  相似文献   

Although external sexually dimorphic traits are commonly found in males of combtooth blenny species, little is known about the benefit they can convey to male mating success. Indeed, while female preferences for large males have been demonstrated in some species, the possible role played by dimorphic ornaments has been neglected. We now report on the tentacled blenny, Parablennius tentacularis, a species where males are characterized by bulb glands on the anal fin and both sexes exhibit a dark spot on the dorsal fin and orbital tentacles. Males are territorial, make nests in empty bivalve shells, and provide solitary parental care for the eggs. Using morphometric analysis and field collected data on male and female external features, nest characteristics and number of eggs in the nests, we have assessed the development of dimorphic traits in both sexes and male mating success. The results reveal that orbital tentacles of males are more developed and more variable in size than those of females. Larger males exhibit longer orbital tentacles and larger anal glands but do not necessarily occupy larger nests. Male mating success is significantly correlated with the inner nest surface area and with orbital tentacle size but not with body size. These results provide support for a primary role of male ornaments in enhancing blenny male mating success and are discussed in the context of mate choice for direct and indirect benefits.  相似文献   

Summary In the pipefish Syngnathus typhle, a species with exclusive male parental care, males limit female reproductive success because of their limited brood pouch space and long pregnancy. Sexual size dimorphism is absent in these 1-year-old animals but increases with age so that older females are larger than similarly aged males. Because fecundity is related to size in both sexes and increases more rapidly with body size in females than in males, the difference in growth increases female fecundity more, relative to male fecundity, as the fish get older. We therefore predicted that male limitation of female reproductive success is even more severe when all age classes are considered. To measure a female's maximum reproductive rate, she was provided with three males. Small 1-year-old females produced as many eggs, or produced eggs at the same rate, as a male of similar size could care for. Small females filled on average 1.06 males within the time span of one male pregnancy and actually produced on average 10 eggs fewer than needed to fill a similarly sized male. Large 2-year-old females, in contrast, produced on average a surplus of 149 eggs and filled 2.7 similarly sized males within the course of one pregnancy. The difference between females of the two size classes was highly significant. Males prefer to mate with larger females if given a choice. In nature sex ratios are equal, and males limit female reproductive success in the whole population. Therefore, small females are more severely constrained by mate availability than are larger females because males choose to mate with larger females. Offprint requests to: A Berglund  相似文献   

Sperm competition (the competition among the sperm of different males for fertilization of the eggs of a female) has been suggested to be an important component of sexual selection, but no general assessment has been made of this proposition. We used a meta-analytic approach to assess the extensive literature on paternity (the proportion of offspring in a focal nest sired by an attending male) in birds based on allozyme and molecular techniques. The relative variance in male mating success was on average increased by a factor of 4.6 over the variance in apparent male success. Males with more extravagant secondary sexual characters had higher paternity in their own nests than less adorned males. There was a weak effect of male age being positively associated with paternity in own nests. Male body size measured as the length of wing and tarsus was weakly positively associated with paternity in own nests. Male survival prospect was positively associated with paternity in own nests. Polygynous males generally had decreased paternity of their broods compared to monogamous males. Paternity of the resident male decreased with increasing population density and breeding asynchrony. The intensity of paternity guards such as within-pair copulation rate and mate guarding were not significantly related to extra-pair paternity. Sperm competition was thus an important component of sexual selection by increasing the variance in male mating success, and by being associated with the expression of secondary sexual characters, in particular in dense and asynchronously breeding populations of birds. Received: 12 February 1998 / Accepted after revision: 31 May 1998  相似文献   

Summary In the lek-breeding great snipe, male morphology, behaviour, and territory features were recorded for individually marked birds on two adjacent leks. Partial correlation sshowed that male mating success, expressed as the number of female solicitations and copulations, was negatively correlated with the distance of a display territory to the lek center and positively correlated with the number of displays per unit time given by a male. No other variables were directly correlated with male matin success. Thus, central males obtain more matings than peripheral males and successful males display more per unit time than do less successful males, independently of position on the lek. Central males were found to be older than peripheral ones and were present more often on the lek. Furthermore, central males had a larger number of white tail feathers, which are usea as visual signals in the displays, but this may be explained by the fact that these males were older. It is suggested that male great snipe are subject to sexual selection mainly in behavioural and vocal cues and that this may explain the absence of size and plumage dimorphism in this species.  相似文献   

Both males and females of many avian species maintain elaborate plumage traits, and elaborate monomorphic plumage may convey adaptive benefits to one or both sexes as inter- or intraspecific signals. Both sexes of the turquoise-browed motmot (Eumomota superciliosa) are elaborately plumed with long racket-tipped tail. I investigated whether the racketed tail functions as a sexually selected signal in one or both sexes by testing the predictions that males and/or females with the largest tails have: (1) greater pairing success, (2) greater reproductive performance (clutch-initiation date, clutch size, and hatching success), and (3) greater reproductive success. Yearling males with longer denuded rachises (wires) on the central tail feathers had greater pairing success. In addition, adult males with longer wires paired with females who laid larger clutches, had greater hatching success independent of clutch size, and fledged more young. There was no relationship between female tail plumage and pairing success, reproductive performance, or fledgling success. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that male tail plumage functions as a mate choice or status signal, but that the tail of the female does not function in a sexually selected context. I discuss alternative hypotheses for the evolutionary maintenance of the elaborate female tail plumage.  相似文献   

Competition between males is a key component of the agonistic intrasexual interactions that influence resource acquisition, social system dynamics, and ultimately reproductive success. Sexual selection theory predicts that traits that enhance success in intrasexual competition (particularly male–male competition) should be favored. In vertebrates, this often includes body size and aggression, with larger and/or more aggressive males outcompeting smaller or less aggressive conspecifics. The majority of studies consider aggression as a flexible trait which responds to local social or environmental conditions. However, aggression frequently shows considerable within-individual consistency (i.e., individuals have identifiable aggressive behavioral types). Little is known about how such consistency in aggression may influence competition outcomes. We integrated a detailed field study with a laboratory experiment to examine how a male’s aggressive phenotype and his size influence competitive interactions in Egernia whitii, a social lizard species which exhibits strong competition over resources (limited permanent shelter sites and basking sites). Individual aggression and size did not predict competition outcome in the laboratory nor did they predict home range size, overlap, or reproductive success in the field. However, winners of laboratory trial contests maintained consistent aggressive phenotypes while consistency in aggression was lost in losers. We suggest that aggression may be important in other functional contexts, such as parental care, and that alternative traits, such as fighting experience, may be important in determining competition outcome in this species.  相似文献   

Male signaling behaviors are often studied in a single context but may serve multiple functions (e.g., in male–male competition and female mate choice). We examined the issue of dual function male signals in a wolf spider species Schizocosa ocreata (Hentz) that displays the same species-specific signaling behaviors in both male–male and male–female contexts. These signaling behaviors have been described as either aggression or courtship according to the context observed. We tested the possibility of dual functions by comparing the relationship between behaviors and outcome of male–male contests (winner/loser) and male–female mating encounters (mating success). Frequency, rate, and mean duration of signaling behaviors did not vary with outcome of male–male contests, which appears instead to be based upon relative size and body mass. Winners of contests had significantly greater body mass than losers, and greater mass relative to opponents was significantly associated with probability of winning. Overall, signaling rates were much higher in male–female interactions than in male–male contests and were higher for males that successfully mated than for those that did not mate. Mean duration of some male displays was also greater for males that successfully mated. However, male size was not associated with probability of mating. Taken together, results suggest an intersexual selection context for the current function of male signals in these wolf spiders and that increased display vigor is associated with male mating success.  相似文献   

To attract a breeding partner, males may behave differently when they are bachelors compared to when they are paired. Comparisons between groups of paired males versus groups of unpaired males in temperate-breeding animals have revealed such differences in signalling behaviour. Few studies, however, have explored how individual males alter their signalling behaviour with changes in pairing status, and very few investigations have explored paired versus unpaired male behaviour in tropical animals. During a 5-year study in Costa Rica, we analysed changes in the singing behaviour of male rufous-and-white wrens (Thryothorus rufalbus) when they were paired and when they were bachelors. We compared three aspects of male vocal behaviour: gross differences in song output, variation in repertoire use and differences in song structure. Males as bachelors had significantly higher song output and switched song types less frequently. Contrary to our expectation, bachelors sang significantly fewer song types from their repertoire compared to when those same males had a breeding partner. Songs sung by bachelor males were higher in syllabic diversity and had broader-bandwidth terminal syllables than the songs those males sang only when paired. Within song types, the fine structure of songs remained consistent across pairing status. Our results demonstrate that males change their singing behaviour with pairing status, delivering songs at a higher rate but with less variety when they are bachelors. Rufous-and-white wrens are renowned for their vocal duets, and we discuss the pattern of repertoire use in light of their duetting behaviour. These results enhance our understanding of how male behaviour varies with pairing status and the importance of vocal signalling behaviour in socially monogamous tropical animals.  相似文献   

Male seahorses (genus Hippocampus) provide all post-fertilization parental care, yet despite high levels of paternal investment, these species have long been thought to have conventional sex roles, with female mate choice and male–male competition. Recent studies of the pot-bellied seahorse (Hippocampus abdominalis) have shown that sex-role reversal occurs in high-density female-biased populations, indicating that male mating preferences may lead to sexual selection on females in this species. Egg size, egg number, and offspring size all correlate positively with female body size in Hippocampus, and by choosing large mating partners, male seahorses may increase their reproductive success. While male brood size is also positively correlated with body size, small H. abdominalis males can carry exceptionally large broods, suggesting that the fecundity benefits of female preference for large partners may be limited. We investigated the importance of body size in reproductive decisions of H. abdominalis, presenting focal individuals of both sexes with potential mating partners of different sizes. Mating preferences were quantified in terms of time spent courting each potential partner. Male seahorses were highly active throughout the mate-choice trials and showed a clear behavioral preference for large partners, while females showed significantly lower levels of activity and equivocal mating preferences. The strong male preferences for large females demonstrated here suggest that sexual selection may act strongly on female body size in wild populations of H. abdominalis, consistent with predictions on the importance of female body size for reproductive output in this species. An erratum to this article can be found at  相似文献   

Sex allocation theory predicts that if variance in reproductive success differs between the sexes, females who are able to produce high-quality young should bias offspring sex ratio towards the sex with the higher potential reproductive success. We tested the hypothesis that high-quality (i.e., heavy) female eastern kingbirds (Tyrannus tyrannus) that bred early in the breeding season would produce male-biased clutches. A significant opportunity for sexual selection also exists in this socially monogamous but cryptically polygamous species, and we predicted that successful extra-pair (EP) sires would be associated with an excess of male offspring. Although population brood sex ratio did not differ from parity, it increased significantly with female body mass and declined with female breeding date, but was independent of the morphology and display (song) behavior (correlates of reproductive success) of social males and EP sires. Male offspring were significantly heavier than female offspring at fledging. Moreover, the probability that male offspring were resighted in subsequent years declined with breeding date, and was greater in replacement clutches, but lower when clutch size was large. Probability of resighting female offspring varied annually, but was independent of all other variables. Given that variance in reproductive success of male kingbirds is much greater than that of females, and that male offspring are more expensive to produce and have a higher probability of recruitment if fledged early in the season, our results support predictions of sex allocation theory: high-quality (heavy) females breeding when conditions were optimal for male recruitment produced an excess of sons.  相似文献   

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