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Recent research has indicated that the atmosphere is an important pathway by which pollutants enter terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. We report here concentrations of PCBs and octachlorostyrene (OCS) in precipitation, soils and plants in Essex County, Ontario. The average PCB concentration in urban precipitation (23 ng litre(-1)) was lower than that previously reported for urban areas in the Great Lakes basin. Differences between sites and with varying wind directions were not significant. OCS concentrations in precipitation averaged 1.6 ng litre(-1). Concentrations of PCBs in soils were 2-3 orders of magnitude greater than in precipitation. Concentrations of these pollutants in city soils and plant roots were consistently higher than those from suburban and rural sites. Ratios of urban to suburban concentrations in soils and precipitation were approximately 5:1 for PCBs. However, concentrations of OCS were similar in urban and suburban samples of precipitation, soils and plant tissues. These comparisons suggest an urban source for PCBs, but not OCS. Concentrations of all contaminants in plant leaves, unlike those in precipitation, roots and soils, were relatively similar in urban and suburban areas. That similarity suggests that direct foliar uptake is not an important pathway for pollutant uptake in plants.  相似文献   

The amount of non-extractable residues (NER) of organic xenobiotics in the soil can considerably exceed the amount of extractable residues which are accessible to normal residue analysis. The NER therefore present a burden to the soil, the toxicological and ecotoxicological potential of which is largely unknown. For the characterization of bound residues and their binding type, special solubilization methods such as supercritical fluid extraction are applied and experiments with radiolabeled model polymers are performed. Mineralization experiments with [14C] labeled xenobiotics in natural soil show that a total degradation is still also possible in the environment when in a bound form. Ecotoxicological effects of non-extractable residues may be recorded when their concentration is high, when the parent compound exhibits a high ecotoxicity and the applied detection method is sufficiently sensitive.  相似文献   

The present study was conducted to evaluate the levels of residual DDT in Lebanese soils. A total of 113 surface soil samples were collected for analysis from three major agricultural regions in the country: Mount Lebanon, Beqa'a valley and the coastal plain. The values of residual DDT in soils ranged between 0 and 1190 ng g(-1). The majority of the analyzed soil samples were free or contained very low concentrations of DDE. Only two surface soil samples, which were collected from urban areas with high human activities, contained relatively high concentrations of residual DDT. The levels of residual DDT in all of the analyzed soil samples were within the permissible limits for agricultural soils.  相似文献   

All the eggs, collected in Italy in 1982 and 1983, of two species of passerine birds, three gulls, four terns and the night heron, contained DDE and, with lower frequencies, other organochlorine contaminants. Organochlorines were more concentrated in the species of higher trophic level. DDE contamination showed a decreasing trend from 1978 to 1985 in one passerine, two terns and in the heron. After 1980-1982, the level of contamination was below the critical threshold beyond which reproduction is affected, eggshell thickness was only slightly or not reduced; therefore, the current impact of organochlorines on these birds is probably negligible. Detrimental effects may have occurred during the 1970s, when some of the eggs were contaminated beyond the critical threshold.  相似文献   

Bound pesticide residues in soils: a review   总被引:34,自引:0,他引:34  
This article is a review of the current state of knowledge regarding the formation and biological/environmental significance of bound pesticide residues in soils. We begin by defining various terms used in our discussions and identifying the types/classes of pesticides which may be added to soil and interact with it. We then consider various soil properties and aspects of land management which will influence the nature and degree of the soil-pesticide association and discuss the possible physical and chemical binding mechanisms. We then move on to consider the role of microorganisms and other forms of soil biota in bound residue formation and the bioavailability of soil-borne pesticide residues. The review ends with a consideration of the significance of bound pesticide residues.  相似文献   

This paper reports the release behavior of two triazines (atrazine and simazine) in stabilised soils from a pesticide-contaminated site in South Australia. The soils were contaminated with a range of pesticides, especially with triazine herbicides. With multiple extractions of each soil sample with deionised water (eight in total), 15% of atrazine and 4% of simazine residues were recovered, resulting in very high concentrations of the two herbicides in leachate. The presence of small fractions of surfactants was found to further enhance the release of the residues. Methanol content up to 10% did not substantially influence the concentration of simazine and atrazine released. The study demonstrated that while the stabilisation of contaminated soil with particulate activated carbon (5%) and cement mix (15%) was effective in locking the residues of some pesticides, it failed to immobilise triazine herbicides residues completely. Given the higher water solubility of these herbicides than other compounds more effective strategies to immobilise their residues is needed.  相似文献   


Two soils, Puyallup fine sandy loam from Puyallup, WA, and Ellzey fine sand from Hastings, FL, each with a prior history of carbofiiran exposure but with different pedological and climatological characteristics, were found to exhibit enhanced degradation toward carbofiiran in surface and subsurface soil layers. The treated Puyallup and Ellzey soils exhibited higher mineralization rates for both the carbonyl and the aromatic ring of carbofiiran when compared to untreated soils. Disappearance rates of [14C‐URL (uniformly ring labeled)] carbofiiran in the treated Ellzey soil was faster than in untreated soil, and also faster in surface soil than in subsurface soil. Initial degradation patterns in the treated Ellzey soil were also different from those in the untreated soil. The treated Ellzey soil degraded carbofuran mainly through biological hydrolysis, while untreated soil degraded carbofuran through both oxidative and hydrolytic processes.  相似文献   

Soil and sediment samples from James Ross Island were analyzed for their PCB, OCP and PAH contents. Soil concentrations ranged between 0.51 and 1.82 ng g(-1) for seven indicator PCB congeners, between 0.49 and 1.34 ng g(-1) for HCH congeners, between 0.51 and 3.68 ng g(-1) for the sum of p,p'-DDT, DDE, and DDD, and between 34.9 and 171 ng g(-1) for the sum of 16 EPA PAHs. Sediment levels from 0.32 to 0.83 ng g(-1) were found for PCBs, from 0.14 to 0.76 ng g(-1) for HCHs, from 0.19 to 1.15 ng g(-1) for DDTs, and from 1.4 to 205 ng g(-1) for PAHs. A prevalence of low-mass PAHs, less chlorinated PCBs, and more volatile chemicals indicates that the long-range atmospheric transport from populated areas of Africa, South America, and Australia is the most probable contamination source for the solid matrices in James Ross Island.  相似文献   

Jing YD  He ZL  Yang XE 《Chemosphere》2007,69(10):1662-1669
The effects of pH, organic acids, and competitive cations on Hg(2+) desorption were studied. Three representative soils for rice production in China, locally referred to as a yellowish red soil (YRS), purplish clayey soil (PCS), and silty loam soil (SLS) and classified as Gleyi-Stagnic Anthrosols in FAO/UNESCO nomenclature, were, respectively, collected from Jiaxin County, Deqing County, and Xiasha District of Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province. Most of the added Hg(2+) was adsorbed at low initial concentrations (<2 mg l(-1)). Desorption of the adsorbed Hg(2+) in 0.01M KCl (simulating soil solution) was minimal, but was significantly enhanced by the change of pH, and the presence of organic acids or competitive cations. The desorption of Hg(2+) in the soils decreased with pH from 3.0 to 5.0, leveled off at pH 5.0-8.0, but increased with pH from 7.0 to 9.0. The presence of organic ligands enhanced Hg(2+) desorption in the soils except for YRS, in which the addition of tartaric, malic, or oxalic acid reduced Hg(2+) desorption at low concentrations (<10(-4)M), but Hg(2+) desorption generally increased with organic acid concentration. Citric acid was most effective in increasing Hg(2+) desorption, followed by tartaric acid and malic acid; and oxalic acid was the least effective. Desorption of adsorbed Hg(2+) increased with increasing concentrations of added Cu(2+) or Zn(2+). Applied Cu(2+) increased Hg(2+) desorption more than Zn(2+) at the same loading rate. CAPSULE: The effects of organic acids and competitive cations on Hg desorption in soil-water system are related to their concentrations, basic chemical properties, and soil properties.  相似文献   

Soil samples from paddy fields, uplands, and urban areas (gardens and roadsides) collected from Vietnam, Thailand, and Taiwan were analysed to determine the residual levels of persistent organochlorine compounds such as DDTs, HCHs, and PCBs. DDT concentration in soil samples from Vietnam were found to be highest, with a mean value of 110 ng g(-1), and were followed by those in Taiwanese soils with a mean value of 20 ng g(-1). HCH concentrations were highest in soil samples from Vietnam (a mean value of 4.8 ng g(-1)) and were followed by those from Taiwan (a mean value of 1.4 ng g(-1)). Concentrations of PCBs were found to be highest in Taiwanese soil samples, with a mean of 95 ng g(-1). Interestingly, relatively high concentrations of PCBs in rural cultivated-soil samples from Vietnam were recorded with a mean value of 25 ng g(-1), probably suggesting PCB release from different kinds of weapons used during the Second Indochina war. The lowest concentrations of DDTs, HCHs, and PCBs were obtained in soil samples from Thailand, with mean values of 8.3 ng g(-1), 0.4 ng g(-1), and 2.7 ng g(-1), respectively.  相似文献   

The blood serum of cacao farmers and their domestic water sources were analyzed for insecticide residues in selected cacao growing communities of Southwestern Nigeria. The farmers were grouped into five exposure periods based on their years of involvement in insecticide application, viz, <5 years, 5-9 years, 10-14 years, 15-19 years and >20 years. The residue analyses revealed that 42 out of the 76 farmers had residues of diazinon, endosulfan, propoxur and lindane in their blood; and 47.6% out of these farmers belonged in the >20 years exposure duration period. About 34% of the farmers had diazinon with a mean concentration of 0.067 mg kg(-1), 29% endosulfan (mean=0.033 mg kg(-1)), 23% propoxur (mean=0.095 mg kg(-1)), and 17% lindane (mean=0.080 mg kg(-1)) in their blood. The residues of lindane, endosulfan and propoxur in all the exposure duration categories were found to be far below the no observable adverse effect level (NOAEL) while diazinon residues detected in the blood serum of the farmers in all the exposure duration categories exceeded the NOAEL of 0.02 mg kg(-1) for the insecticide. The study also revealed that the sources of drinking water had been contaminated with dazinon and propoxur in some of the farmers' localities; and the concentrations of the insecticides exceeded the acceptable daily intake (ADI). It is concluded that cacao farmers in Southwestern Nigeria may have been occupationally exposed due to insecticide application for mirid control in their cacao plantations; and the exposure at times is of such magnitude as to be hazardous to the farmers and their respective communities.  相似文献   

土壤有机质对铊在土壤中吸附-解吸行为的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
研究了土壤有机质对Tl+在红壤和黄土2种土壤中的吸附-解吸行为的影响。结果表明,去除土壤有机质后红壤和黄土对Tl+的吸附量均明显下降,下降幅度最高分别达到24.7%和28.2%,黄土的下降幅度大于红壤;黄土对Tl+吸附率最高下降幅度约为20%,也高于红壤的15%。土壤有机质对Tl+吸附的贡献率平均值分别是黄土39.2%、红壤32.8%。2种土壤对Tl+的解吸量在去除有机质之后都明显增大,在初始Tl+浓度较高的情况下,增大幅度明显;并且Tl+的初始浓度越高,土壤在去有机质前后的解吸率相差就越大,在Tl+最大处理浓度为20 mg/L时,红壤和黄土的解吸率增加分别达到60.8%和65.5%。  相似文献   

The effect of NaF addition on pH, organic matter and the solubilities of fifteen elements was investigated on twenty-eight surface soil samples. Four concentrations of NaF were added: 0, 10(-2.7), 10(-1.7) and 10(-1.0)m F in solution. Addition of NaF increased the pH and the solubility of organic matter for all soils. The magnitude of these increases was higher for acid than for alkaline soils. Aluminum, Fe and Ca showed the greatest increases in solubility while Mg, K, Mn and P showed intermediate increases. The elements Cd, Cr, Ni, Cu, Zn, B, Mo and Ba showed only slight increases in solubility. Another experiment was conducted to test whether the effects of NaF on pH, organic matter and the solubilities of various elements were due to F or Na. Four levels of NaCl similar to those for NaF were added to three acid and two alkaline soils. The results confirmed the effects of F on soil pH, organic matter and the solubilities of all elements investigated except those of K, Ca and Mg. Addition of Na as NaF resulted in release of K, Ca and Mg from the exchange sites on solid surfaces into solution.  相似文献   


Residue disappearance and leaching of 14C‐allyl‐alcohol from different soils were studied in laboratory experiments. Additionally, the uptake of residues by lettuce and carrots was investigated in the greenhouse. In laboratory experiments, residue disappearance and leaching from soils was correlated negatively to the organic matter content. In greenhouse experiments with a sandy loam soil at an application rate normally used in practice, an average of 12.5 % of the applied radioactivity was recovered after an eight day interval between application and sowing. Furthermore, an average of 8 % (sum in soil and plants) of the applied radioactivity was recovered after lettuce or carrot growing. Uptake of residues was higher by carrots than by lettuce, and higher by lettuce roots than by lettuce tops. No bioaccumulation was observed. The residues in soils and plants were, to a high percentage, unextractable and, to a smaller extent, fully water‐soluble products. Unchanged allylalcohol could not be detected by the analytical methods used.  相似文献   

An alternative, low cost method for analyzing mercury in soil, sediment and gold mining residues was developed, optimized and applied to 30 real samples. It is semiquantitative, performed using an acid extraction pretreatment step, followed by mercury reduction and collection in a detecting paper containing cuprous iodide. A complex is formed with characteristic color whose intensity is proportional to mercury concentration in the original sample. The results are reported as range of concentration and the minimum detectable is 100 ng/g. Method quality assurance was performed by comparing results obtained using the alternative method and the Cold Vapor Atomic Absorption Spectrometry techniques. The average results from duplicate analysis by CVAAS were 100% coincident with alternative method results. The method is applicable for screening tests and can be used in regions where a preliminary diagnosis is necessary, at programs of environmental surveillance or by scientists interested in investigating mercury geochemistry.  相似文献   

Topsoil samples from 56 sites around the Guanting Reservoir, China, were measured for HCH and DDT concentrations. The total soil HCH content (including alpha-, beta-, gamma-, and delta-isomers) in these soil samples ranged from 0 to 7.33 ng x g(-1), with a mean of 0.69 ng x g(-1). These levels were considerably lower than those of the total DDT soil contents (including pp'-DDE, pp'-DDD, op'-DDT, and pp'-DDT), which ranged from 0 to 76.01 ng x g(-1), with a mean of 9.46 ng x g(-1). DDT was also found to be the major pollutant in the soil samples, accounting for approximately 93% of the total organochlorine pesticide (OCP) contents. Several environmental factors including land use, soil texture, soil taxonomy, and microbial biomass were considered to be responsible for the OCP levels observed. The data provide some insight into the effects of environmental conditions such as soil formation, agricultural cultivation, nutrient enrichment, and other anthropogenic activities on the degradation of OCPs in soils. Although the OCP residues currently are below the maximum limits set for use on agricultural land in China, and only rarely would such levels pose significant ecological concern, OCPs are highly persistent in soil and bioaccumulative. The data provided in this study are considered crucial for reservoir remediation, especially since the Guanting Reservoir will serve as one of the main drinking water sources for Beijing in the foreseeable future.  相似文献   

We determined the concentrations of 35 PCNs, 12 PCBs, and 20 PAHs in 49 urban topsoils under different land use (house garden, roadside grassland, alluvial grassland, park areas, industrial sites, agricultural sites) and in nine rural topsoils. The sums of concentrations of 35 PCNs (sigma35 PCNs) were <0.1-15.4 microg kg(-1) in urban soils and <0.1 to 0.82 microg kg(-1) in rural soils. The PCN, PCB, and PAH concentrations were highest at industrial sites and in house gardens. While rural soils receive PCNs, PCBs, and PAHs by common atmospheric deposition, there are site-specific sources of PCNs, PCBs, and PAHs for urban soils such as deposition of contaminated technogenic materials. The PCN, PCB, and PAH concentrations decreased from the central urban to the rural area. In the same order the contribution of lower chlorinated PCNs and PCBs increased because they are more volatile and subject to increased atmospheric transport. The PCNs 52+60, and 73 were more abundant in soil samples than in Halowax mixtures, indicating that combustion contributed to the PCN contamination of the soils.  相似文献   

The desorption characteristics of lead in two variable charge soils (one developed from Arenaceous rock (RAR) and the other derived from Quaternary red earths (REQ)) were studied, and the effects of pH value, organic acid, and competitive ions were examined. Desorption of Pb(2+) decreased from nearly 100.0 to 20.0% within pH 1.0-4.0 in both soils, and then the decrease diminished at pH > 4.0. Organic ligands at relatively low concentrations (< or =10(-3) mol L(-1)) slightly inhibited Pb(2+) desorption, but enhanced Pb(2+) desorption at higher concentrations. In this study, citric acid or acetic acid at higher concentrations (>10(-3) mol L(-1)) had the greatest improvement of Pb(2+) desorption, followed by malic acid; and the smallest was oxalic acid. Desorption of the adsorbed Pb(2+) increased greatly with increasing concentrations of added Cu(2+) or Zn(2+). Applied Cu(2+) increased Pb(2+) desorption more than Zn(2+) at the same loading.  相似文献   

本文首先简要介绍了光化学反应的基本原理。然后 ,重点介绍了研究表层土壤中有机污染物光化学行为的实验方法 ,影响光化学行为的因素及影响机理 ,光化学反应与吸附、迁移等的互相作用。最后阐述了这方面存在的问题 ,并且提出了一些建议  相似文献   

Plant uptake of non-ionic organic chemicals from soils   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
Methodologies utilizing simple properties of chemicals - half-life (T1/2), log octanol-water partition coefficient (log Kow) and Henery's Law constant (Hc) - are developed to screen organic chemicals for potential plant uptake.  相似文献   

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