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Surface data of meteorological parameters (wind speed, wind direction, and mixing height) and air pollutant concentrations (O3, NO, and NO2) were collected for a 92-day period associated with typhoon formation in 2005. The influence of typhoons on O3 concentration were defined by azimuth and distance from Taiwan, and Types A, B, and C correspond to typhoons less than 1,500 km from Taiwan and located between azimuths 45° and 135°, 135° and 225°, and 225° and 45°, respectively. Type D corresponds to typhoons more than 1,500 km from Taiwan. Titration reactions were conducted at three temporal phases: 2000–0700, 0800–1100, and 1200–1400 LST (Local Standard Time). The air pollution model (TAPM) was used to simulate wind fields and trajectories of air masses. It was determined that typhoon position affected O3 concentration, temporal and spatial patterns of O3 titration and vertical meteorological characteristics, which were not all at the statistically significant level.  相似文献   

In this study, variations of ambient ozone level are thoroughly analysed according to the monitored data in a mixed residential, commercial and industrial city, Tehran, based on considering the meteorological factors. Ozone as a pollutant shows typical annual, weekly and diurnal cycles. This analysis has shown that the ozone level concentrations were below the WHO guidelines in Tehran during 2000–2003. The relation between ozone level at two different stations (Aghdasieh and Fatemi) is found (r?=?0.51). The ozone level response to meteorological parameters is investigated. The results suggest that the ozone level is affected (positively or negatively) by meteorological conditions, e.g. relative humidity, solar radiation, air temperature, wind speed and wind direction.  相似文献   

Review on the annual PM10 concentrations over a 10-year period shows that Macau is subjected to severe fine particulate pollution. Investigations of its variation in monthly and daily time scales with the local meteorological records reveal further details. It is found that a distinct feature of the Asian monsoon climates, the changes of wind direction, mainly controls the general trend of PM10 concentration in a year. The monsoon driven winter north-easterly winds bring upon Macau dry and particle enriched air masses leading to a higher concentration in that period while the summer south-westerly winds transport humid and cleaner air to the region leading to a lower PM10 value. This distinct seasonal feature is further enhanced by the lower rainfall volume and frequency as well as mixing height in winter and their higher counterparts in summer. It is also found that the development of tropical cyclones near Macau could also impose episode like PM10 concentration spikes due to the pre-typhoon induced stagnant air motion followed by the swing of wind direction to the northerly.  相似文献   

The analysis of data of the ground-level ozone concentration and accumulated ozone exposure over a threshold of 40 ppb (AOT40) in the rural areas of Lithuania is presented. Trends in the annual ozone mean, 95{th} and 25{th} percentiles were determined as statistically not significant at Preila and Rugsteliskes sites during the 1994hbox{–}2004 period. Trends in the ozone concentration and its percentiles in the air masses arriving to Preila station in “polluted” and “unpolluted” sectors have been examined. Statistically significant changes in the ozone annual mean and 25th percentile were found in air masses in both “polluted” and “unpolluted” sectors in the 1988hbox{–}2002 period. The trend analysis in the ozone monthly mean and percentiles for each month of the year revealed the main changes in the ozone level in both sectors during January-May. Insignificant downward trends in monthly 95th percentile in “unpolluted” sector and upward trends in “polluted” sector were found during summer months. Values of AOT40 for the protection of forests as well as crops and semi-natural vegetation were determined during the 1994–2004 period. The estimated AOT40 values for the protection of forests were lower than the critical level at Lithuanian rural sites but AOT40 values for the protection of crops and semi-natural vegetation were found to be higher than the critical level at both sites.  相似文献   

This study established a cause–effect relationship between ground-level ozone and latent variables employing partial least-squares analysis at an urban roadside site in four distinct seasons. Two multivariate analytic methods, factor analysis, and cluster analysis were adopted to cite and identify suitable latent variables from 14 observed variables (i.e., meteorological factors, wind and primary air pollutants) in 2008–2010. Analytical results showed that the first six components explained 80.3 % of the variance, and eigenvalues of the first four components were greater than 1. The effectiveness of this model was empirically confirmed with three indicators. Except for surface pressure, factor loadings of observed variables were 0.303–0.910 and reached statistical significance at the 5 % level. Composite reliabilities for latent variables were 0.672–0.812 and average variances were 0.404–0.547, except for latent variable “primary” in spring; thus, discriminant validity and convergent validity were marginally accepted. The developed model is suitable for the assessment of urban roadside surface ozone, considering interactions among meteorological factors, wind factors, and primary air pollutants in each season.  相似文献   

Ozone is a highly unpredictable pollutant which severely affects living conditions in urban and surrounding areas in the Mediterranean basin. This secondary pollutant periodically reaches extremely high concentrations, damaging human health. Multiple linear regression has been widely used in previous works due to the fact that it is a simple and versatile method for forecasting ozone concentrations. However, these models usually prove their validity using fulfillment of statistical constraints, ignoring other intrinsic characteristics existing in the time series, such as the temporal scaling behavior and the data distribution over different time scales. In previous works, it has been demonstrated that observed ozone time series are of a multifractal nature, meaning that the data distribution can be described by using the multifractal spectrum. This work focuses on the capacity of a forecasting model to reproduce the scaling features existing in an observed time series when several chemical and meteorological explanatory variables are introduced following the stepwise procedure. A comparison between the observed spectrum and the simulated ones for each step is used to check which explanatory variables better reproduce the multifractal nature in real ozone time series. It has been confirmed that a model with few explanatory variables allows reproducing the multifractal nature in the simulated time series with an acceptable accuracy without compromising the values of the coefficient of determination and root-mean-squared error, which were used as performance indicators.  相似文献   

Summertime photochemical air pollution episodes within the United Kingdom have been proposed via modelling studies to be strongly influenced by regional scale inflow of air from the continental European boundary layer. We present a vertically resolved case study using measurements made from the NERC/Met Office BAe 146 research aircraft on 18th August 2005 over the South East of England and the North Sea during a weak anticyclone centred over Northern Europe. The vertical distribution of ozone, CO, NO(x), peroxyacetyl nitrate (PAN) and a wide range of both nonmethane hydrocarbons (NMHC) and oxygenated volatile organic compounds (OVOCs) were determined between 500 ft (approximately 152 m) and 7000 ft (approximately 2134 m) over the East Anglia coastline and 50 km inland. In excess of 80 ppbV ozone was observed within inflowing boundary layer air over the North Sea coast in a broad N-S sloping feature around 60 km wide. The inflowing feature of European origin was also observed further inland within the boundary layer albeit with lower, more variable, ozone mixing ratios. The increased variability in ozone over land was a product of titration by fresh surface emissions of NO via rapid upward transport in thermals, a hypothesis supported by the observed vertical wind speed component. Fast boundary layer mixing over land was further illustrated by a uniform distribution in reactive alkenes. A comparison between aircraft and surface O(3) UK AUN (Automatic Urban Network) measurements showed good agreement with the inland site, Sibton, but marked differences with the coastal monitoring site at Weybourne, potentially due to gradients established by ocean deposition in stably stratified marine air.  相似文献   

This study presents the chemical composition of dry deposition by using dry deposition plate and water surfaces sampler during daytime and nighttime sampling periods at a near highway traffic sampling site. In addition, the characterization for mass and water soluble species of total suspended particulate (TSP), PM2.5 and PM10 were also studied at this sampling site during August 22 to October 31 of 2006 around central Taiwan. The samples collected were analyzed by using Ion Chromatography (DIONEX 100) for the ionic species analysis. Results of the particulate dry deposition fluxes are higher in the water surfaces sampler than that of the dry deposition plate. In other words, the results also indicated that water surface can absorb more ambient dry deposition inorganic pollutants than that of dry deposition plate in this study. The results obtained in this study indicated that the ionic species of Cl(-), NO3(-) and SO4(2-) occupied about average 60-70% downward flux out of total ionic species for either dry deposition plate or water surfaces sampler during August to October of 2006 at this near highway traffic sampling site.  相似文献   

Air pollution is one of the most important environmental problems in Balikesir, situated in the western part of Turkey, during the winter periods. The unfavorable climate as well as the city’s topography, and inappropriate fuel usage cause serious air pollution problems. The air pollutant concentrations in the city have a close relationship with meteorological parameters. In the present study, the relationship between daily average total suspended particulate (TSP) and sulphur dioxide (SO2) concentrations measured between 1999–2005 winter seasons were correlated with meteorological factors, such as wind speed, temperature, relative humidity and pressure. This statistical analysis was achieved using the stepwise multiple linear regression method. According to the results obtained through the analysis, higher TSP and SO2 concentrations are strongly related to colder temperatures, lower wind speed, higher atmospheric pressure and higher relative humidity. The statistical models of SO2 and TSP gave correlation coefficient values (R 2) of 0.735 and 0.656, respectively.  相似文献   

The local-scale relationship between ambient ozone (O3) and its precursors was examined around a coking plant in northern China. The upwind, plant boundary, and downwind locations were selected for investigation during the summer and autumn seasons in 2012. It was found that propene, toluene, and benzene were the top three non-methane hydrocarbon (NMHC) species for O3 formation at plant boundary, while propene, toluene, and m/p-xylene were the top three NMHC species at downwind location. Isoprene was the dominant species for O3 formation at upwind location. It was also found that an O3 depressing process occurred at plant boundary as a result of high NO emissions. Both local photochemistry and transport led to O3 accumulation at the downwind locations. The variation of NMHC concentration during O3 polluted and non-polluted episodes was investigated, and it indicated that NMHC concentration was higher during non-polluted episodes than polluted episodes. The impacts of precursors on O3 formation under different meteorological conditions were also examined.  相似文献   

An international exercise to directly assess consistency of standards for ground-level ozone in East Asia was conducted as part of the East Asian Regional Experiment 2005 (EAREX 2005) in the framework of the Atmospheric Brown Clouds (ABC) project. Ten organizations collaboratively participated in the intercomparison. Four groups representing Japan, Korea, Hong Kong, and Taiwan made comparisons at the Gosan super observatory, Jeju Island, Korea, in March 2005, with ozone instruments calibrated to their national standards, and four Japanese groups made off-site comparisons with laboratory-level standards. All comparisons generally indicated good agreement with the standard reference photometer (SRP) 35, built by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (USA) and maintained by the National Institute for Environmental Studies (Japan). The assessment was expanded to measurement networks contributing to the World Meteorological Organization's Global Atmospheric Watch (WMO/GAW) program as part of off-site comparisons, and excellent agreement was achieved. These efforts contribute to propagating traceability of the national metrology standards among the atmospheric science community, to ensuring comparability of the existing ozone measurements, and to establishing an integrated network of air quality monitoring in Asia.  相似文献   

To evaluate the effects of crude oil water accommodated fraction (WAF) on marine phytoplankton community, natural phytoplankton collected seasonally from the Yueqing bay were exposed to eight groups of crude oil WAF for 15 days under laboratory conditions. Chlorophyll a and cell density were measured, and species of phytoplankton were identified every 24 h to reflect the change of phytoplankton community. The results showed that (1) High concentrations (??2.28 mg l???1) of oil pollution would greatly restrain phytoplankton growth (p?< 0.001), decrease chlorophyll a content and cell density, whereas low concentrations (??1.21 mg l???1) did not restrain its growth but rather promoted the phytoplankton growth. (2) The biodiversity, evenness, and species number of phytoplankton were all significantly influenced by crude oil WAF in all seasons (p?<?0.001). (3) The dominant species changes were different under different pollutant concentrations in different seasons. Different species had different tolerances to the oil pollution, thus leading to abnormal succession.  相似文献   

青岛市大气铅与其它污染物及气象因素的相关性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对青岛市大气中铅进行了调查 ,在监测时间里大气铅的小时浓度值范围为 0 .0 1~ 1 .67μg/ m3,日均值在 0 .0 6~0 .33μg/ m3之间。同期监测了总悬浮颗粒物、二氧化硫、氮氧化物和一氧化碳等污染物 ,并讨论其相关性 ,同时结合气象因素简单分析其对铅浓度的影响  相似文献   

The catastrophic earthquake, 7.3 on the Richter scale, occurred on September 21, 1999 in Central Taiwan. Much of standing vegetation on slopes was eliminated and massive, scattered landslides were induced at the Jou-Jou Mountain area of the Wu-Chi basin in Nantou County. We evaluated three methods for assessing landslide hazard and vegetation recovery conditions. (1) Self-organizing map (SOM) neural network coupled with fuzzy technique was used to quickly extract the landslide. (2) The NDVI-based vegetation recovery index derived from multi-temporal SPOT satellite images was used to evaluate vegetation recovery rate in the denudation sites. (3) The spatial distribution index (SDI) based on land-cover topographic location was employed to analyze vegetation recovery patterns, including the invading, surviving and mixed patterns at the Jou-Jou Mountain area. On September 27, 1999, there were 849.20 ha of landslide area extracted using the self-organizing map and fuzzy technique combined model. After six years of natural vegetation succession, the landslide has gradually restored, and vegetation recovery rate reached up to 86%. On-site observation shows that many native pioneer plants have invaded onto the denudation sites even if disturbed by several typhoons. Two native surviving plants, Arundo formosana Hack and Pinus taiwanensis Hayata, play a vital role in natural vegetation succession in this area, especially for the sites on ridgeline and steep slopes.  相似文献   

This study selected a petrochemical industrial complex in Beijing, China, to understand the characteristics of surface ozone (O3) in this industrial area through the on-site measurement campaign during the July–August of 2010 and 2011, and to reveal the response of local O3 to its precursors’ emissions through the NCAR-Master Mechanism model (NCAR-MM) simulation. Measurement results showed that the O3 concentration in this industrial area was significantly higher, with the mean daily average of 124.6 μg/m3 and mean daily maximum of 236.8 μg/m3, which are, respectively, 90.9 and 50.6 % higher than those in Beijing urban area. Moreover, the diurnal O3 peak generally started up early in 11:00–12:00 and usually remained for 5–6 h, greatly different with the normal diurnal pattern of urban O3. Then, we used NCAR-MM to simulate the average diurnal variation of photochemical O3 in sunny days of August 2010 in both industrial and urban areas. A good agreement in O3 diurnal variation pattern and in O3 relative level was obtained for both areas. For example of O3 daily maximum, the calculated value in the industrial area was about 51 % higher than in the urban area, while measured value in the industrial area was approximately 60 % higher than in the urban area. Finally, the sensitivity analysis of photochemical O3 to its precursors was conducted based on a set of VOCs/NOx emissions cases. Simulation results implied that in the industrial area, the response of O3 to VOCs was negative and to NOx was positive under the current conditions, with the sensitivity coefficients of ?0.16~?0.43 and +0.04~+0.06, respectively. By contrast, the urban area was within the VOCs-limitation regime, where ozone enhancement in response to increasing VOCs emissions and to decreasing NOx emission. So, we think that the VOCs emissions control for this petrochemical industrial complex will increase the potential risk of local ozone pollution aggravation, but will be helpful to inhibit the ozone formation in Beijing urban area through reducing the VOCs transport from the industrial area to the urban area.  相似文献   

Alternaria and Cladosporium, known as the most allergenic spores were first collected by means of Durham gravimetric sampler from Eskisehir atmosphere from January 1, 2000 to December 31, 2001. The daily, monthly and annual variations in spores/cm(2) of Cladosporium and Alternaria were recorded. During this period, a total of 10.231 spores belonging to Cladosporium and Alternaria genera were recorded. Of these spores, 5,103 were identified in 2000 and 5,128 in 2001. While 63.09% of the total spores were those of Cladosporium, 36.91% were of Alternaria. Relationships between airborne fungal spore presence and meteorological conditions were statistically investigated. A Shapiro-Wilk test revealed that the airborne Cladosporium and Alternaria spores differed from a normal distribution. Thus, a Friedmann test was performed followed by a Pearson Correlation Analysis. The effects of rainfall, temperature and wind speed on Cladosporium and Alternaria numbers were non-significant according to the sites and months (p > 0.05), but the effects of relative humidity on Cladosporium and Alternaria numbers were significant (p < 0.01). Spore concentrations reached to their highest levels in May 2001.  相似文献   

A biennial integrated survey, based on the use of vascular plants for the bioindication of the effects of tropospheric ozone, was performed in the area of Pisa (Tuscany, Central Italy). It also investigated the distribution of selected trace elements in plants and the data were compared with those obtained from the use of passive samplers, automatic analysers of ozone and lichen biodiversity. Photochemically produced ozone proved to be present during the warm season, with maximum hourly means surpassing 100 ppb: the use of supersensitive tobacco Bel-W3 confirmed the value of detailed, cost-effective, monitoring surveys. Trials with clover clones demonstrate that sensitive plants undergo severe biomass reduction in the current ozone regime. The mean NC-S (clover clone sensitive to ozone):NC-R (resistant) biomass ratio ranged from 0.7 (in 1999) to 0.5 (in 2000). The economic impact of these reductions deserves attention. The data obtained using passive ozone samplers exceeded those obtained using an automatic analyser. The mapping of epiphytic lichen biodiversity was not related to the geographical ozone distribution as can be seen from the tobacco's response. Lettuce plants grown under standardized conditions were used positively as bioaccumulators of trace elements: Pb was abundantly recovered, but a large portion of this element was removed by washing.  相似文献   

This work presents the vertical distributions of ozone and meteorological parameters observed with tethered ozonesondes and meteorological radiosondes in the lower atmosphere during an ozone episode on March 25–27, 2003, in Kaohsiung City in southern Taiwan. Kaohsiung is a coastal industrial city with inland mountain ranges to the east. Extremely complicated ozone structures were identified that spanned day and night during the experimental period. During afternoons, the lower atmosphere was divided into two stratified air layers with substantially different ozone concentrations. On the episode day (March 26), average ozone concentration in the near-ground layer was 85 ppb and the aloft layer was 140 ppb. A very high ozone peak of 199 ppb measured aloft likely resulted from an elevated large point source. Several no-ozone air layers, distributed throughout 400–750 m, were observed to transport onshore during the nigh. As well, elevated ozone layers peaking at 60–90 ppb and 90–160 ppb were detected below and above the no-ozone air layers, respectively. These complicated ozone structures were likely formed through titration of plumes from large point sources and the circulations of sea breezes or combined sea-breeze/mountain flows in the study area.  相似文献   

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