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A new approach was needed to preserve the biodiversity of the Djoudj Park within a context marked by many constraints: drought, regulation of its hydrologic system, and anthropogenic pressure. The local management plan developed in this paper aims at the responsible management and fair distribution of the available water resources in the Djoudj Park to provide a balanced response to conservation issues and the growing needs of the local communities. The opposition between an administration determined to exercise its power and the confidence of local people weary of being stripped of their rights and cultural assets required the setting up of a consensual management plan. This plan would provide a means to determine the timing and the number of sluice gates to operate, based on an efficient command of the needs for water for each activity in the park and its surroundings. This tool will allow the park authority to take full cognizance of the needs and opinions of all interest groups but also their limits while keeping the essential functions of this wetland. It is also suggested that institutional and administrative reform be carried out to associate local populations in the definition and implementation of criteria for an integrated management of the Djoudj resources.  相似文献   

Some Aspects of Water Resources Planning and Management in Smaller Islands   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper reviews some of the issues and problems peculiar to water resources development and management in island countries. It indicates difficulties encountered and prospective solutions; reference is made to the technical support being provided in this respect by the United Nations Department of Technical Co-operation for Development.
Cet article passe en revue certains des problèmes concernant la mise en valeur et la gestion des ressources en eau dans les pays insulaires. Il fait état des difficultés rencontrées ainsi que des solutions envisagées. Il mentionne également l'aide technique fournie dans ce domaine par le Département de la coopération technique pour le développement des Nations Unies.
Este artículo examina algunos temas y problemas que son peculiares al desarrollo de recursos de agua y su administración en los países islas. Se señalan las dificultades encontradas y soluciones potenciales; a este respecto se mencionan la asistencia técnica que provee el Departamento de Cooperación Técnica para el Desarrollo de las Naciones Unidas.  相似文献   

Eutrophication is a serious water quality problem in estuaries receiving increasing anthropogenic nutrient loads. Managers undertaking nutrient-reduction strategies aimed at controlling estuarine eutrophication are faced with the challenge that upstream freshwater segments often are phosphorus (P)-limited, whereas more saline downstream segments are nitrogen (N)-limited. Management also must consider climatic (hydrologic) variability, which affects nutrient delivery and processing. The interactive effects of selective nutrient input reductions and climatic perturbations were examined in the Neuse River Estuary (NRE), North Carolina, a shallow estuary with more than a 30-year history of accelerated nutrient loading and water quality decline. The NRE also has experienced a recent increase in Atlantic hurricanes and record flooding, which has affected hydrology and nutrient loadings. The authors examined the water quality consequences of selective nutrient (P but not N) reductions in the 1980s, followed by N reductions in the 1990s and an increase in hurricane frequency since the mid-1990s. Selective P reductions decreased upstream phytoplankton blooms, but increased downstream phytoplankton biomass. Storms modified these trends. In particular, upstream annual N and P concentrations have decreased during the elevated hurricane period. Increased flushing and scouring from storms and flooding appear to have enhanced nutrient retention capabilities of the NRE watershed. From a management perspective, one cannot rely on largely unpredictable changes in storm frequency and intensity to negate anthropogenic nutrient enrichment and eutrophication. To control eutrophication along the hydrologically variable freshwater–marine continuum, N and P reductions should be applied adaptively to reflect point-source–dominated drought and non–point-source–dominated flood conditions.  相似文献   

The Mersey Basin Campaign was established in 1985 in the North West of England to address continuing problems of water quality and associated landward dereliction of the River Mersey and its tributaries. The Campaign's premise that water quality should be improved both for its own sake and as a stimulus to regeneration has proved to be well founded and has subsequently been extended to embrace community action to help nurture watercourse improvement and care. The Campaign can now be seen as a model for engaging co-ordinated environmental action through a partnership approach. This paper explores the nature of the Mersey Basin Campaign as an example of the new structures which are being developed in order to help deliver the new environmentalpolicy agenda. It is argued that the Campaign stands as a model for what will become an increasing need to develop focused environmental planning and management at the sub-regional and regional scales.  相似文献   

Traditionally, responsibility for land planning in the United States lies with local governments. However, a growing number of states over the past several decades have attempted to exert more influence on how local governments plan for development. This paper uses empirical data from natural hazard elements of 139 community plans in five states to assess whether such state mandates actually result in better local plans. We find that a state mandate not only achieves plans from communities that otherwise would not make a plan, but in addition those plans are of higher quality than plans made voluntarily in communities not under a mandate to plan. W e find that a state mandate substitutes for the absence of any positive political forces for planning and overcomes local political, economic and physical obstacles to planning. Further, the form of the mandate and the state level implementation effort makes a difference, so that some states' mandates achieve local plans of higher quality than those created in other mandating states. Because the data on which these conclusions are based are limited to natural hazards elements of general plans, we feel most confident about their generalization to all elements of local plans.  相似文献   

Concepts of sustainable development have stimulated innovation in the delivery of environmental management. In particular, new partnership approaches have been developed in recognition of the need to adopt more holistic perspectives and facilitate multi-sectoral and cross-sectoral working. River catchments are complex systems and have been one particular focus of experimentation in environmental management mechanisms. This paper provides a brief overview of river management experience in the UK, charting changing approaches in terms of scope and organisation since the 1970s. This sets the context for a more detailed examination of the Mersey Basin Campaign and, in particular, its River Valley Initiatives. The paper concludes with an evaluation of the merits of this approach in relation to sustainable river management.  相似文献   

/ The role of the public in resource management has undergone aprofound transformation over the past two decades. Public input has evolvedfrom the enthusiasm for the widespread emergence public participation in theearly 1970s, through the realization of the relative effectiveness and costsof lobbying activities in the 1980s, to the emergence of environmentaldispute resolution (EDR) as a promising new alternative for the 1990s.Throughout this changing dynamic, there has been little attention tofundamental conception. This paper addresses this lack of conceptualization.A model of convergence is proposed to explain this transformation and as thebasis for an improved understanding of effective interest representationstrategies. The defining characteristics of lobbying, public participation,and environmental dispute resolution in resources management are outlinedrelative to the publics they involve, interest activity, organization,influence on policy, participatory features, and empowerment. Knowledge ofthese aspects will further aid in the identification and implementation ofeffective strategies to interest representation on a context-specific basis.KEY WORDS: Interest representation; Public participation; Disputeresolution; Lobbying; Resource management  相似文献   

Strategic environmental assessment (SEA) is gaining widespread recognition as a tool for integrating environmental considerations in policy, plan, and program development and decision-making. Notwithstanding the potential of SEA to improve higher-order decision processes, there has been very little attention given to integrating SEA with industry planning practices. As a result, the benefits of SEA have yet to be fully realized among industrial proponents. That said, SEA practice is ongoing, albeit informally and often under a different label, and is proving to be a valuable tool for industry planning and decision-making. Based on a case study of the Pasquai-Porcupine forest management plan in Saskatchewan, Canada, this paper illustrates how an integrated approach to SEA can contribute to industry environmental decision-making and can enhance the quality and deliverability of industry plans.  相似文献   

宁波为典型的丰水型缺水城市,调蓄开发地下水库,是丰水型缺水城市或干旱地区减少地表和地下径流弃水,提高水资源利用率,缓和水资源供需矛盾的重要管理方案.  相似文献   

Abstract:  This paper evaluates alternative approaches to management of interstate water resources in the United States (U.S.), including interstate compacts, interstate associations, federal‐state partnerships, and federal‐interstate compacts. These governance structures provide alternatives to traditional federalism or U.S. Supreme Court litigation for addressing problems that transcend political boundaries and functional responsibilities. Interstate compacts can provide a forum for ongoing collaboration and are popular mechanisms for allocating water rights among the states. Federal‐interstate compacts, such as the Delaware River Basin Compact and federal‐state partnerships, such as the National Estuary Program, are also effective and complementary approaches to managing water resources. However, all of these approaches can only make modest improvements in managing water resources given the complicated and fragmented nature of our federalist system of government.  相似文献   

本文提出了目前城市总体规划与专项环境规划之间存在的问题--重总体规划、轻环境规划;先总体规划、后环境规划.并从基于生态安全格局的总体规划、切实落实规划环评制度、环境规划技术创新等方面,提出解决了这一问题的方法和途径.  相似文献   

税收筹划在企业财务管理中的运用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着经济的快速发展,提高经济效益成为企业生存和发展过程中至关重要的一项任务,而税金的普遍征收势必影响企业的利润形成,最终使投资者收益减少。如何使企业在合法的前提下,通过有效的安排减轻税收负担,就成了企业决策者和财务人员关注的问题。  相似文献   

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